Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 25, 1928, p. 4

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tlir qgonoittowh hkrald january ih ibh llm all in ihm statm or mind if you think yiur lieatoti yon ares if you think yut dan not yoli donli if you think youd likt to win but you cant it almost it olnoh you wont if yoa thluk youll lose youve lost fotf out iu the world youll llltd buooee begins with a fellows will its all iu the slau of uiiiid kull many a raoo la loel eref even a no la run and many a coward falls ere even hla works liegun think big and your deeds will grow thlnte small and you fall uliiml think that you oan uud jou will kta all in tlut htab o mind if you think you arc outitluswd you are youve got ul tlllnl lilub to rise youve got tii is sum ot ourlf before vou can war win u pnw lifes battlo doeut always go to the strongest or tautest uiun mot sooner or lalor till inuli who win la the fellow who thlnus hi t mi rataty cmtetlt ims oa hteiaii falart the btar anuouuced last friday tlie i avid international orator eal contest for 1b2h similar to thou whieb wero held but year with ansa outstanding success the contest ih open to pupil of eeobdary aobooli who on fobruary lit will be lean than 19 yuan of age secondary aohools ore debned as high school and collegiate iiuti tutes and other recognired education al institutions below university glade student of primary aobooli a not eligible id ontario the ooutenu will be eondaoted under the auspioe of the star whieb again is fortunate in having the oooperatloa of the ontario secondary school teachers federation of which w keaat ia president and 8 h henry secretary it u hoped alto to have the co operation nf the western ontario secondary schools association the bur ha aaked dr janes l hughe again bi act a chairman of an ad- vloory committee similar contest are being bold in other eonntrie under the auiplcee of newspapers aaaoeialad with the star in thl educational enterprise the oonteat will culminate in another worlda championship this autumn main johnson la national chairman for canada in canada the anbject this year is canadas future in ontario the eontatia in individual schools may be held on other subjects it desired but for tha district provincial and cana dian champlonshipst the official nbjeot is obligatory and it in recom ewfnda1 that it he used even in the earlier atagea of the contest to tha winner of the canadian championship will be given as waa tha eta last year a free trip to kurope thl is regarded as a tra velling scholarship and a valuable development in the winners educa tion in ontario the star will give many appropriate and valuable prises like last year details of which will be announced later although the provincial and cana dian finals will in all probability be held about the same time as hut year in may the district champion ohipe will be held a goad deal earlier individual schools and contestants therefore am urged to begin prepare lions at once tha orations are to be original and mutt not take more than ten tninnteain delivery the may he given in english or french school intending to lompete should send notification at once either to a h henry secretary of the ontario secondary school teachers federation 220 evelyn avenue toronto or to the oratory editor toronto daily star ih king street west toronto while wreaking an old house in kayotut mn workmen found se rd in the chimney new clippings und aw ount ltook dated from ibod lo 1840 itolwrt lluthtr kjlyuarold grave digger or inmumi kng ride to work iwery day on a blayole 40 years old known an the chauffeur who al wayu stnlltii harry evan of ilea- ihurch kng inherited j60000 from ills employer a neurologist declare that ex feswlv piano practice may eatlae nervous diaorders particularly lunonb those who have to listen to it resident lllnileiiburg of oeruuuiy ilimlaiv that be ha never felt nervous if being rnarrlml lie tells the wlh lie richly deserves his iron cross a pastors refusal to permit the words peace perfect peace on a tombstone was overruled after u trial before a ahumb court at nor wlcb kng im a good husband pleaded lamps murphy of chicago arrested for owelty to his wife i scrub urn floor wash dishes make be beds and mind tlie children suing for divorce earnest clark aged m of london said be had been ii victim or nagging for 30 years wlwn mis margoimt lottln of sunderland kng wo arrested for thcrt tio2 pairs of silk stockings were found in her home keleased from prison after aerv ing tin months sir gerald maxwell of london said lie had enjoyed his experlouoe edward phillips or deri wales was buried iu the second toffin he had made for himself the but being used lor his wife miss eleanor kearney a chorus girl or chicago who bad imbibed too much landed in a cell for kick ing off a policemans cap mtt wwes apaoha indian formerly prauic ed what would now be called a trial o companionate marriage tha first cablegram between the united state and england waa ez changed by president buchanan and queen victoria on august ib 1818 onehalf of new yorks 72 daily newspapers are published in is language other thartkngiisb it is believed that the whale live longer than any other creature it life ranging from 300 to 600 year la pa in bolivia is the highest capital uity in the world being situ aiad at an altitude or about 12000 fast above sea level the bee and the silk worm are the onl two inseout which have been domesticated it 1 said that s0 institutes or in dustry cbemlsto nd teobnolog are now aupported b the soviet government of itunuia tha present omperor and cmprohs are the first japanese sovereigns to dies llkp people nf kurope anil america- locomotives in knglaud are nam ed for famous personage instead nl being numbered after dreaming lie was noli luis morula of barcelona spain won 130000 in a lottery frank groenlloh of herlin paid a fine of 9100 for calling a woman he did no know sweetheart mrs conitanoe hanley of lou don was driven insane by the fear of the number 13 andrew thornton of leeds kng told tha judge in court that he had eajoyad prion life beonuse it had no miponiibllities henry fraeborougli or llulwell kng in hit will left a penny each to a son and a daughter tbui lady struck me with knuckle dusters tutihed j 0 flllvray a collector of chicago against mrs kala hennon and the lady paid a too 00 fine first of new fleet at saint john cimpuilutf hr miiitla u trip acrdau tha atubtle tha baavarburn ttw f ant eaohttf for tha canadian pacific railway luat dockad at saint john mb to rlva tha official wtlcoma of aavaral oftletau of thst company among whom war w it maelnnw vica-pra- idant in char of traffic and w a walnwrleht aaslsunt to tha chair man canadian pacific fltaamjhlp fmlted also tha harbour oftlelau of that port a thorough impaction waa made of tha vausl and apprada- tion or hor qualltlm waa axproaaad ath imvarhurn it th tint of five fttit cargo vami4 which will ba known an the ftfaver claae dla- plarlnr 10 000 torm and having a length of o r a00 feet thote uhlps ar rapstilo of malting the ocean pi m in irdlnnry anther condl- i hmtwtiturn tlona at an average ipead of tlftven knot tha baavarburn howavar atttlned a epeed of t6 knota on bar trial trip thea cargo thlpa will provlda a weakly departure from canada very friday arriving in london nine and a half daye later montreal la to be their canadian port during tha summer and saint john in the winter the hnara ar conalderod tha uncut and highest claaa of cargo ahlpp nfloat today another ptenmer of tha ttaaaeuger atyle tha oucbenn of bedford will ba launched at tha clydebank eblpyarda january 24 altogether tbara in to ba five duchaea llnate attached to tha can adian padfle staanuhlpe to data the ducheaa of atholl haa been launched tha ducneea of bedford will be launched ihortly while in 1920 tha third and fourth to ba delivered will ba duehaea of rich mond and ducheaa of cornwall with one mora ahlp to come birthday or ftnnivenary greeting by telephone wban a urtbday r anlr- aary eonai aricl aad yoa want to eongratulala a dif caat relative or friend what that you eonlil bay would mean ao- mueh to tba raefat- ant as u ebearfal aouad of your vole vr tba tale phona with tha firat worda of your aaetisff by long ihatabea meuoriaa of day tpem lo- fathar flaah hafor tha ausd and tba iwitwaritf glow with thaaa aharad mealuctioaa of tha put one of tha graa4aat mm inge leeg dlauaca eafa la the owortflbity car lanwaiaff and atrnthriftg tha tiaa of frundrjijp and aifaeuaa ba- twaan thaaa who an apttf ted by diataset tty it vaevy 9el tupkms u leev dttat simhml w h willaon oaadrtmkw auaal usbbm1 eabbalama mmtmuth o amoewbueer hersdimwbhai pbea olfhl or day mw er 5 coal beat d l w scianlon coal in all tizea alao smithing and siean coal mrs j wgtldn hoval btation phone ias this is the time to clean up your blow account we are bpeolauste in colleo tlona let us turn your bad debts into hard cash we are doing this for other why not foryou kellv aiken fesatstaat ttsllss oxalll qstlss owa taaaa thc gypsy rover a 3acl musical comedy in the town hall georgetown thursday and friday january 26lh and 27th 1928 1kkclfh cnli its lardwtol pitt al biu al waftmtarif sttre h ere an dth ere g i ii hcjuc m 1 i ry tholca hardwood baacb i maaja 400 par etule cordi cheica hardwomi alaba w7s pr alagla cord mlaadrala cx00 par aiaaia cordi auiad wood h jo par alalia cord tble u all wood aad at tbeaa prlcea t satiifartloe uaraa- fonl boa 400 pfean 135 good aouod dry la wood taylaa aad j viindli 4 oaorgatowa wood as00 lead hardwood kmlar laau leu card moo a lead atlaad wood kloolkur guetuc haalar aad lansaa cboakas0o a load hast auad iisju asreerdaay lahfth hiuvr pksa wr3 n il wood halls uoo saurl rord dallrand hardwood rail utso aardswed 400 slal cerd ii aailib ehsa u r ij geanrelowr if did y eve stop to think that the merchant who fail to apeak up lota a lot of golden sale slip past his store this lost business goes either to his competitor down the street or by the mail order route to the big city stores people are often surprised to find that the goods they bought unsight unseen from a catalogue can be seen and examined in the local store tell your buying public what you have adver tising in the herald will invite the whole community to your store and people shop where they are invited to shop nwnmmbessp saint jnhn almost too nw llan lull rolnnlt wr ddwl to thr wt- llrnnl ftf nw dmimark in th fourth of th bait yar and th population of th colony i now koo colonists are bnweorlaat and a fur ther incroa in activity i ospociwl in inai morrl acknwan acknowlmlavd an on of um uadlrujr authorities on flmhlnf and hoatlna on this contln nt urcm nrouctlou and a clowr si ason for mit northern talk grey trout and dor in ontario ami ri ducllon of nurowr allowed to h rausht in a day below the flrure or four peelams how permitted otherwise depletion will cello heavy loa in diminished toorbt traffic prencacaaadun folk aonae are becoming mot and more popular a was shown by lb recent recital at the jacob sleeper hall boetoa id- dreeaed by j murray gibbon and illustrated by teha by charles mar- chand wellknown singer of french canadian sonc beaton university student and many member of the canadian clab and of boston llusl eal societies atleaded th recital ottawa a shipment of sis bacon lyp purebred wine from canadian farms to new geeland ha vacantly been mad tore of th hogs war canadian type barltaalre from rlugetown ontario and war prise winners at th royal tfalr th other thr wsr tantworthsfrom ontario and quebec breeders this is the first year that hog hav been imported into new zealand from north america since mil other shipment are expected u follow shortly the annual dograclnc classic the eastern international dogslsd derby will again be run la quebec city february 2022 ait under tha auspices of th winter sport as soclstlon of that dty it will cover 120 miles in th three day aad al ready some of th best known wash ers in th united aut and can ada are entered for th rse which carries a aath srla of 1000 and ustody for a year of a handaom gold cup cslgsry aier than wxifloo worth of eattl from th farm ef th province of albert war ei- jorted to th united states between uly 1st snd november m 1m7 ac cording to th resort of th ameri can consul at calgary th ship- menu include som 1s080 head comprising lockers feeders and butcher eattl th american mar kits at th present use are vary inviting to stockman ia western psnada and shipment hav shown greater activity during th past sbt month than in any similar period sine 1922 oansdlsn pacific enprees railway and stsmhlps and fiaally an ab- planr wsr employed to carry two bono or res from thwrawton oat to psrls franc as a gift at christ ms thsy war sent by tlcel 1 b mirlssn of toronto to prlnosss tjsrolyn d fsuclgnyluclnf and to countess odon d lubsrsae and only th heavy mosrfall that swept great britain at that tlnw prevented thsr from being plcd on thts ladus bi cskrsst tahlm on cbrlstmi morn ing a it was they arrived two days ister a frwb ar theagh thsy had jnst bsen plucked i a ik stand anthracite scranton coal in illsw antonaaioauy boraenad and coal wood salao tramp for oamaalls and thrabinf pnrnnsn hmumw and ftnrnl goal la fast learry avrytbin to b foand in any optodata ooal and wood yard john mcuonald pb0nb 11 govgtovva stmiisbipttciet agency wr oaniarhan puil4e otuunsl aaudisr ihswlejaobwititc attar ud bsaltle ammarleav book now with walter t evans j sanford stowaurltowrn plwblmgtfjismilaiiig cimaiiavi vmtamy fltea smrll a a a georgetown flour feed mills silver moon pastry flour fade ay hw matd leal hinlai ca 24 lb bag 88c 400 bas only at this reduced price we deliver w c bessey georgetown redr0se is good tea the orange pekoe it mmethirify extra a qrjedal tea in clean bright ahanlnwri esftimfe dominion stores a nlerle325c fjaei shrimps 23c real values for the weekend atavmtat csar prune sfi 223e 1ea1ua7e kxtka special value choice smoked canadian ptenlc hanaa sfa7lba fa each ab lb coffaa 43 crlaeo ft hertealag 1usun la la r chef sauce 27c i fsumv neva xu lobster 43c ormstarck 2 25c ctwbluao1pleliad4 lb white beans 19c cu8lardit25c ueeyrmferej mortar uis jhy 25c quality teaa dsl bulk man domino lritnmu sli- f ivp aeii7ae handy ammatij i si bu a s aume chfbm ulllamwilall ctsrke tawat aaup xio cwahiwa oatma oiivm ne iwuu halna baked beatta auii ate medium 116 chriauva aesarled buetilae bratulde brand baaiaatlis 1ae pineal creamery 011111517 4jmr sweateeww a4c caka flaur jsiii quaker gae rttllad me 7sm dlmoita aprlcata zy aunt jamlma pancake flour 19 n a a a a a a rttrrtrrrr ft halton garaglt bday and night service general repair to all claaa of caia h bafleriea charged and alored n m doyle merieiavs b f colboniiie camdian pacttic rty aal simahiaa latfctb tiskata issued to any plaoa in dominion for rates and sailinga apply ui 13aierclb0ajsm iii hydro electric system sisv orders taken for ranges and appliances of all kinds office town hall

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