page tn oromiftowh lfnam ihiiember hth i9g7 it arts tfc clmves if yno waut to ikiiiiiik l n kind of n uhltruli thais the kind ru liunili yul like iwt io ami punk vimr lullii in u gnu and start nil ll iniik lout hlku ioull flnd iiluwluini what youve lin imhliid cauiui thems nothing thill 111 uow ll li knnuk ut joilrwlr uhm mi knock our luimli for il tunt thu i imn li it h vim a uhurah in notdiiitiu hi thosi nrruld lest someone ilw w m i when everioiit lutrki ami ihiiiimii shirks ou unit nuw ntir hurt li from the dead alidif joll aurk lur i in liinlnol praiwi ourhirotlicr mil hi l uu mini true jonr church will i in n wlmi wunt it to ui kor its lu vir lln iliun li invuii umehoiise erin krln township mem to rm ui a irorfpernu condition up to deoem- iwr lfftli tin re was paid in toxee sk2ftl 00 or almnl 74 per mat of the total tukm illtle lllu llenale nbviiu daught er at mm thomas nevlhs underwent n wnnotm oporatlou at the qnelpb iuimrol llonpltal on thursday but at inul report h wu making eailn- fiuitory lirogmwl toward recovery wo lire pleased to not that mast i r alexaudnr tarwell hon of r and mm win tarywell 7tb line who ban ihmmi confined to the guelpb general llotpiuil for some tihui the result of u nwlor uneldcnt was able to return iiiiuih on tuesday mr itanuotn overland suffered a tumble accident loit friday while working in molellana busk third inn wont cnledoti wbou he wan i nuglit by a falling tree both leg living inuitiired helow tbo kueee and one knee luidlv crushed he wu re- innvid to till- lord dufforitl hospital omiirivillo nnr it in feared cum leg will imve in lie amputated advo- mri hie lollouing in tin m houl n nr lur the fall li rm lor llinuliunn si hiiul r b no w kiiiui unc 8r iv riin daunlit luii tmen 46 jr iv millie jiirvwull bum mulow 70 lorenn mllcliill 70 krfd rroolu 17 willia niwton iii avirase of clann ill ft ir iiiit br illolivi- tjnn 71 iorm dowdy 70 oladyil lnrlow 70 kluii- uavin 88 idltb tjrrm 52 uoyrt given 4j average of claim u2 0 tier tcnl j 111 uoniih hill 70 hrfp johniou 67 bobb lain oj average or class 67 pr eent form ii lily tanwull 77 harry btnethunt 72 enrl scott ui evil tyric3 averase of clatii 69 per rent form 1 margery johnson marear- et brown dorothy oliiaven harry deverenx wilfred johnitot primer ueorge tnrawell iegg smethumt helen fivnux inuk noble x loseellour teaeher cmaham ranter i take ike air au ouiquu aightwwinff tour has hen ammscu for tbo canoilian tar nun kolnjj to england tu jana ary with tho canadian nationnl kail waya faminra matkotinr party in addition to noring loiulon an tho averase man neex it obuiinins n wormfl yo vinw from the under rroand and a normal viow from the top of a biih the vitutont will sm london aa tho birds km it from the abtn of one of tho roost up to datf airliners of the imperial airwnjn umitd- thronsb tb loiiruny n this pioneer bntisb air transportation company an many of the canadian farmers aa deaire will be taken a no minate joy ride oyer london and down the thames should u nulll ratnt number wgnify their intention of taking to the air two or even three of the burnt silver wins pas senger planes do lnxe will be brought into serriee to uruiso over london to gether those air hnorn are the last word in aeroplane eonhtrucition carry ib pasaengeru and are equipped with buffet and easy r hairs witl untawanl in attendance the flight will u mude from cro don aerodrome toda known oh britains premier airport wburu pan senger aeroplanes take off daily for paric amsterdam and other point ou the continent hero the visiton will be conducted through the hang are by competent gulden who will ex plain to tbom the various types of uaabine nsed in modern air travel the silver winn tjpeof man ine in which the canadian farmer will travel is powered with three napier lion eninnen ealh of whfuh developas 450 11 with thnn hunh enginen forced lundlngnare pruttiual ly eliminated for uhquld one stop two are powerful nough to maintain n safe omitting upeed thu silvor wing has u eruimng npecd of 00 miles per hour and mtiklh the trip doilj from loudon to pans m two hours and a half in the poht three uud a huu ear ihe imperial airwas have tarned 110000 passengers without nn iork of life the means by whn h the safety of poancngors in onaunnl and the elaborate methods of ini pent ion which have mode poshitile this line record will all iw ex plain id to the vuiting farmertf they will mii moehanils inspecting every detail of the giant engine u part or the regu lor routine the tompu t wireless net htandard etjuipnibnt on poiougor pianos which permit thu pilot to ikeep in toustnnt communication with iho aerodromei and with nilifr piloth of the air tin pilot instrument board a mans of dial and giuge whinb tell him ins notation npeod iieight and the tondltion of inu un gines thei will alnohte the ingenl oos gyrosi opin i nnltivmn e hi hieli tho ueroploiu is uuioiuutualu usr ed us it suarx throutfh the air on the landing ground hue it they will be ahown the elaborate weather ohart and maph on uhioh art indicated hoar by hour thu ntnio of the atmo sphere along the regular air routeb in addition the mjnterien of some ol the giant bnacon light mun ol which have but ruiwnuj ituin perreut ed and which permits pilutu tu land at night or in mihtj weather will hr divnlged the pilots inechuuirh and inspeo tort who look ufter the aeroplane aro lioensed by the air ministry the pllota themselves have brilliant records and long hying experience they are given their heensea only af ter they havo pausud a rigid medical hying and tt hnioal test whioh ih carried oat ofllcially by the air min ittry they are reexamined at least onoe every six months it is with huob men that the cana dian national railways farmers party will have the privilege of see ing london and it euvirons from the air milton lii wk end a motor oar owned by prank tunic of netuou towmblp wuh ib atroyiid by ore near ml memo goo ireer waa driving hie ear when il nmldenly bunt out into flame ilin clothes caught fire bat be man iignd to extinguish the blue with a hi uvy overcoat mr kraon shniii of trafalgar mndc n peculiar discovery last week when be found seoreted under a ou vers on what is locally termed the luxob concession eleven beautiful lrossed chiokens 8ome of them ihoncd siirni of having been dressed in a hurry mr bbain at onee noti lied ciller kerr or oakvule tbeee were part of the forty o mote fowl purported to have been stolen by ju denison from bheppard bros appleby the following omcere were elected anil installed for the ensuing year in koya black preoeptory wor preceptor m jobs deputy preoeptor i a wilson ghaplai b o gra ham recording registrar j d uackenile financial registrar v k bradley treasurer cliarie brooks lecturers n j ohapman and i p coulson censors b j graham e t lindsay standard- liearcre j b lindsay and jamee mcdowell pursnivant d bink ley committee w j lindsay 1 klhott 1 mackenrie george hilljor g chishalm dr r k vndenon si p and ii newell vudltora 8 d binkley and tames mcdowell reformer aelon during the past week mr and mrs david williamson guslph st jilebrated their diamond wedding anniversary surrounded by the mem lieru of the family to the third gener al ion david williamson and linic wilds were mfrried in acton on decemlier jo 18a7 by rev thomas jefferiim the methodist minister then mationed hore their long married llfo ban been spent in acton and vicinity over thirty yean of the lime being given to farming on the town line a mile west of town by induitry and frugality they secured un ample competence and for twenty yean have lived retired in their com fortable home here mr and mrs williamson have always enjoyed the onbdence and esteem of the com munity they have always bun active members and regular atten dants of the united churob por nearly bfty yean mr wuuamaon has heon one of the trustees of the church mr williamson is now in inn k4th year and haa lately been i onllnod rather closely to the house owing to rheumatism in the limbe and a fall lie sustained a month ago while returning home from the poet olhco mm williamson is 77 and 11 still quite active and in the enjoy ment of good health the congratu lations of the community will be extended to this worthy couple upon their attainment to their diamond wedding day free press have yon eyes eissiisei by br st walker atc phase am- 1 glsisss founts 86 up the best lenses and frames supplied steamship ticket agency rev ctuuuuaua pnteiaeomjusrcl anchor doixtucuonwslt star and baltic aamarloa unaa book now par chrtetrnaa sajhnga walter t evus gcarfhawa sauahe vfoodt tuila woo inglcord duvrd hardwood rails fl30 hardwood 00 ingla cord j h smiib phona m r ix llekwwalow tt vary ihoica turdwoode baaeb aad xtmpie 4 00 par slaala oordi caelea hardwood almhe m7s parjilaata cofd nlksvlrau ixoo par alaiau oatdi auaad wood 1s0 par slacle cort title it alt mod sound dry wood aad at llww prlcaa u good buvlaat satlafaetim guann aad j liaa7orrh boa 43 pkoa 1u 4 oaonratawa wpqrt 94 00 laid hardwood twliar ituu a slofla ctwd ggioo a laid asiaatj wood kiiupiaa ouslise huiar aad laraaoa cljuvliooatoad haa4a puad ii u0 pw cora say laaajtm uurrars pfcoaa mrl oaoffgalowa ll quebec the birthplace of winter sports in north america why bbould winter that asvero and blustaring saaaon yet ba tba paranoial braader of a lioarty and tinchna ehaarf to avoid mklnr yon auouicr you ahoutd bo told that thla rtxorous aaaaon flvai nmnklnd tba chanca each yaar to rtiiirrt a strong- fnlih in itaolf the nortb wind may ulnw and w may have snow but that is no reason for daspondency it is in fnct a upremo cnuta for rcjoteini in a young atrannth that do not ubrlnk from wintry wfenthar it lu only flu log thai tho true center of thla rurrinit fallh hhould bt qurbac which for more than 300 mntori has hen lauahlns off the chilly ihrflu of wlmlr and ice nnd nnouu iconic before th pllsrlm i a bora at foot on llinouth ttork tlie prchnnn1lnn colon lata hml set tled quelutr v here thoy ntnrtrii the o nit am of winter apart rnrnl- ivo durlof llio months when bllit- ard and u froien st lawrence would dlrolnlnh trnve tin sno- nhoo una the tobotamn of tba in dlnn then enlerad sporting life ne did tho ski of the norwegian in later yoars on tho whole the character of winter iporta bai chanced very llttlo during ibege cpnturlch a new winter game is indian goir introduced by j o slrnthtleo aporta director at tbo chouteau rrontenac la this game the jilujor uios bow arrowa and tarctu inalead of clubs balls an j holm but the outstanding fea ture of quebeca winter saaaon cornea in the weak from cbriatmaa to now wars in this rrod of contluuod play and infectious good spirit the snowcovemt plalna of abraham uattlaflelds park and tba chateau froatenac toboggan slide are the main carnival gronnda thousands of visitors from tba united states oncavo in tba snorts and in the old norman observance of christmas and tba dawn of the now yoar during the last weak la february comas the annual in ternational doahled derb thla race of 120 miles coverad in dally 40mlle stnges attracts famous dorr- muabara like tbo veteran 8appil t and the young at uodnrd who won laat yaara raea these two driv ers bava become nortb americas symbols of wiry aga and aupplo youth canadian national hotel and terminal at halifax 11 1 intra ton of the new hotel and nation being erected at halifax ns by the cans tunnm tonal rauvaya- tbiala takaa f ram tlw architects drawinn and indicate that the group when computed will form a fitting atlantic gateway to tba domlaton the terminal will be connected with thedeep water pier at which tnnsatlanttcpafamgerawillamveaadcupatt thla pier poacessestha moat modern facilitlea for dealing with pasikennn of all dsaaea ajtd speciaiprovkfato haa been mads for the reception and comfort of new aettlers thw latter will be able to proceed from ship to tram under abaltar and la comfort four new liners for canadianpacific fjestorimi the 1mb at lawrence jtaalliag aehedtile of the canadian pseue gteamshlns b the incorpora- tlea el two el the four new 20000 tan doekaes class untra now tutdar enatrucuos forthecompiny tn country the develop ar nwnw w t xsiizxia ritijibfaar wlu ul the old country meal el the st lai yiii and the swrenee route j coatinant haa presnsted tea canadian paeifle to siisiinilt their present transatlan tis nsningif fleet to thla extent vfcs tret of these four bore linen tsa daefis ef aton was sttehmjj tie eeremosy wu attended by s large gathering ol canadian pailne astsfiptaudlag offldala sar oraes in receiving a silver medal el s eteertna wheel and book- ohf as s eeuvenlr of the occasion etatsi that aha knew something of tks jew vu tdch the hue order reaitse caasaua padre had been received on the clyde the can adian patlbc eke aald had enured the atlutleeitvlceoiuy in 1923 and had already inent 1100000000 in british ahlnbufidlai yards no per son aha added could visit canada and not be impressed with the tremendous aetivhlee of the can adian pacific and what that com- kny haa meant in building op the minion with the launching of thla vessel ship registering a total ol 72000 tons have been launched for the canadian paelae during the months of october and november tnla is regarded as a record tor a private company the four new linen will be each of 20000 tons greaj mf liter in addition to thla passen ger liner the total tonnage lor the two month la made up by ave ax- presa cargo ataamen of the t rlaii and the princess elaine new 2000ton esaatal ateamer or the parine coast servlr of the com pany the vessels of the duchees class whli h will include the duchesses of atholl bedford bleh- mond and beaufort will represent four of the finest passenger ships ahoat they will be the fargast to navigate the st lawrence as far as uonlnal on regular rune the fineral measuremanu belnli length d feet bnadth7sfem withstood draft of 27 feet the duchess of atholl as well as her sister ships will be luxuriously appointed throughout oek walnut mahog any white and red birch teak sycamore and ataesaur ebony ars some ol tbe flns woods being used la the interior finishings the aalse will be cabin class unenandwbj ha a accommodation for about ms the of bedford sletar shin of the duchess of atholl is rheduled to be launched in jeasary ami the remaining two in the enrg of mt the new vessels winllam a speed of 17 tt to if h kass as h ere an m brftlah calnmblas foraxt rargiw ind patrolaatm rapert a mahietlon in foreat fires eeata of wraetlcally m per caol cowparw with 1m0 tka lout im this year was abmt 2i4- noo an air llu between lullf and now vorb elty fof frelghtv anretut and taall being miuldarred b mallfak buatiaeu interests accord ing ta a report htade t tbe united mtates depahasant it caaaaserce by coaaul krlf w uagatjmn tbe i anadlan pacific eapresa corn pany has extended tta aendea into tbe view gold fuld of nortb- weaurti quebec reaching eouyn over the recently completed eatetv dlan of the nlplaslng central rail way this teriiltu provides a new and short ratru into tba rapidly develaplng wining ara turkey raising la a cowing in dustry in alberta as a number of aueeetees at various fairs would in dicate areeant wove in this eon- neetlan is tba formation of tbe al berta brara turkey breeders av seelstlen which la new active in cremotluir and aatendlaat tba turkey reeding induitry akordlftg to dr j b waedott- all ailflant chief inapecter of tbe ontario provincial department of education the operation of the canadian pacific school ear l northern ontario has proved a seer successful ventura than tba depart ment had vr vpeetel he stated that tbe progrsss of tba pttbue dar ing the veer of operation baa bean remarkable the western canada grain peel eotttawplate eedlng tttjomkm during the easalng year la earten- tlens ta faeluuea in eottntty ejum- ters and tmnlnsja in weatawn can ada according te gaerga h afclvev oeneral salaa atanagar ef tba pool en a vlalt ta tayauto raeanuy the building prtsgraatkoe iwehadaa 100 e iso country alavatar la alberta 180 la uskateawaii and 40 in mani toba at meant tbeee aw 1m in alberta too in saikatcwewsa and 14 la ataalteba cuaa en 400 miles af branch line eonetroeuea in saskatchewan and alberta have been virtually eats meted up te december 1st by tba canadian pacific railway accord ing to a report from haaduartarse on tu hllae of this eenatrtw- tlen grain from the current years harvest is being taken out and wblle work is closed dawn at this data on wast af them there rre etdl soam on which bridga and either eaastruction work is being proeeeded with about 300 carlesds ef cbrlatmas trees will be delivered ta tbe trade treat the province of quebec from the end 6 november onward ae- jerdlng ta indications of traffic ra- eawed atjcansdlan paeifle railway imdauarters this will mean about woow trees of a value of aljont 91ko0qo te the farmers of this pro vince the terage alee ef the tract far tbe mew york and bea ton markets is about 0 feet tbe are mostly white spruce aad bei sam of the m tree variety jvhlrh l nf nmllflr owtb aad ttc commercial value aotomailoally tfcraartjad and ha aaalliaaj i w9tsfdaiu anwhuagm sorron in u coil wood bauev imon for ossasatie oi thrsetlng pnrpesss nuhi an4 oaaast coal infsetfesrry ararythina to bs toond in any nptsdau goal sad wood yard john mcdonald phonbll ge4wfmmira w h wulson tjautartaliar ams f asststsh ossigksw a er horeedniwsheae phese alghl or day m er m j s4nf0rd slmwmxttowt mlhtlbiuaiudai laiaan chewtaar qa nwaeurlt sbna collections wa handle eellseuess only 9ft yean experience spiers for itsuf aaennsg efbeubeyasd re- kelly aiken rauunts yqsfgenie ssi owesi gonad rsf fuandard bank ef canada coal bast d l w soantoa coal in all ejiea alao3afilaiasaiidstaaii coal ri ilvalsiau mssal suuoo phone tssas d q d d q q i d q zbytftz pom in i stor f a ifappg nrut hear we wlah to esland to all our ureal apfwccutlon of your ctmitlnucd batronage dunhg 1027 and our endeavour wdll be u kiv you batur larrvue tlurlnit i0si our beat uriah to all fui cllfnu newl oranges 3jc 49c 59c and 9c dox ruaouktlu ruytu no i kt- siii mnvetseal 2luluualru w 29c datea 9celu i 9 flawil sohu clara prunes mudliui sl 2- 19c csmnlxlls tomato soup 2 23c 6sv 3 ycc yr-l- tjii iil swewuuuirt caata chests 39c 99c oat bteltaay avemlfaats rraltcsk39 rbklfakulbtj newyear almorvde t 93 a utiulllut kicli viait 1tvbm s4kb least wlih ihult ruk llmmfcl uliipuliil in ui 1h4ivmiu4 boa aftumlitw ruu loc almond nv walnute ji usimu it naw wuw ffhc braul u frr snluul n cna j- tasaae 0 ss tilled oau russt qaauir 525c criedl oku tie syne at4wfceat ssaao piss j3 pseesei tueui mspls swssa carat maal 525c ralaa- lhrel aaayi seelme is mas blaaulta nt bsshlel pure ctovsv hottaykt 7i q q d d d q f q 0 3 d sjsrsjijsrsjssjijsjsrsrsir m a a m as a a a h a i iiiiiiit t 1 1 i t t iii 1 clarks bakery grocery- best quauty bread and pastry the cbokesl groceries you will ind our prices the lowest when you consider the quality of goods we provide o out customers iat aa bars your mast order mark clark rfcaaew si aa a a i fiiizizi wards garage gcorflclowii phone 221 it where yaaaharseaal gfrvtee aai flrtlclaia iwrfc tiai all lands of auto repairing done promptly by fustclass mechanics we ruarantee satisfaction to all cusiosmm and our prices are moderate gas oils etc ch as ward s mali 8t aafmiie sahlera mtawlai ft r sammssssssfssmaa house for rent boaae to sent u raonu fnrnaoe oonvenisnoes on stain street georgetown immediate poeeenalon j a aberdeen estate bseeuw bs5s5s -srsrsr- isiiiiisiiiiiiiiiiiniiir itrrrfrrirrfrirrrrrrr j specials canned bine berries per tin s3 canned peara per tin 17 canned pineapple per tin lfr boners per pits p0 snap a bars lox soap 3 ban castile soap 8 ban lavaline s pkgs 23 38 20 m 2 fresh supply ol good candles and bars a on han forsters teramai oaalt oeoreratowa niaaa ae 51h3ieilltiik mm uiiiitwi as 3fj 8u toooccwi0ogoccg30otcxaemsxcoa9 icollege view garage get youi tepaira done at a fair cost cams leis give i you a piice on your neat obj laksmlsetssusfakeastoasa osa otis oeeasee ate atasua sad oar aatteetee aeshsrass i a brunton faecte vtew phono 336 bssaetoan i0oeoc0ocogossosc3oscm advertise it pays