rage tnr ohootows bhiui droember itltli m7 yi tk t to ihc electors ol esquesing in view of the discussion going on in mom sections of esquesing regarding the statute labor system 1 believe the fol lowing facie mhould be brought to the attention of the ratepayer 1 iviimisihihimiv niiil titrant iii 11kh will uuutuilt lit skimwi ur tiii il tu 1 1 s nulla mi tin- township aww incut ii l hi imuiu miuiii is iiluilished llio township will gel im grunt allium i- mod expendlturea bat will luillliiw liiiiinlrlliuli ii imtlluiiur the grant for other iowuhiiw in mi hi i 1 1 i tuv uud the gasoline j ilii iwiiln mi uiiiit tin htaluu labur 8jh liiu liif mir iii li if w in r l tliinwi will of rood in mi llllprmid mil nililli oiullliuli hi u rfoldt of 111 mtutllu latwr sihuun 1 lli inni vt iiiiii ruuda of u uniform type while under sutut lilnir i in township had tlfi patbniaa urmiuh wiui iiih mi kiwi mil ut dllliiiiil types or raul wli tbi rtiiilt t i am satisfied that a return to stat labor is not in the beet interests of our townthip t l leslie reeve births mmnbws ahd deaths are mow etaurged for at the foltowir ralee bbths 50el raurrlacm ocs sulrr oe bwner oriism 10c pw line eotim far poetry i 0 i vote carton lor deputy reeve to the electors ol esqnesing respectfully solicit your support for the fol lowing reason 1 kuuiiin w desperately in need of experienced top- resentauvea at the count counnil 2 ksqueaing muht refuse to nueurne anj portion of tw falgara debenture debts ii i iaii give joii tlie benefit at 13 ytan in council l i am thoroughly fumiliar with the important matters u be dealt wrtli by the county conniil in mim 5 i urged ksuuehiiigk nppeul ngninst the county an- nemnumt in 1020 and helped light ur cote to a tuooeesful hnuh our rodui tion in count j tnxea is 28000 in two eare b i boliovo the taxes lor ww i an be lowered and will work with that objent in view 7 i inn for olllcn nt superintendence of townahip rold work whether under the prewnt sjrlem or under statute labor 0 your vote and influence are respectfully solicited for george cleave as councillor of the townthip of esquesing for the year 1828 your vote and influence are respectfully solicited for george currie as councillor of the township of esqtjesing for the year 1028 your vote and influence are respectfully solicited for alex joe as councillor of the township of esquesing for the y 1028 in memoriam aumbtronqln ever lorlntf memory of our deer f ether thorn amurlron who departed tola ufa dr 2u thy will bo done menu hard to lay when those wo loved hare paaaed away soma day perhaps well updaraund when we meet acaln la a betur land the ellent grief ihata in the heart rfo human lire can trace rr many an acblnft heart la hid behind a tailing fan badly mlased by the family crawford- in loving mernry of our dearllttleraliddalhter jean rjira- bath crawronl who naaaed away dee bib 1020 like a little flower ahe faded prom qrandma urandpaand auntlea cftawpoidln levin memory of our dearly beloved daughter jean who died sjlh dee lum god baa taken home our darlliur anduleeed our bud amontf ilia nowera taken buk the babe he lent in to a belter hone than oure no one knowa the allettt bearucbea oejy thoae who have loat ean ull of the rief that la borne in alienee for the ohe we loved ao wall sadly mimed by llaninta daddv and family crawfordln lovlrur memory of ijr dear niece joan crawford who died dee 27th hud the month of december la here to ua the aadeat of the year a bitter theucht aahoek aevere two yeara have paaaed our hearu till aore aa time rolla on we mlaa her more ever reuembered by aunty nellie and untie ted crawford in lovtnc memory of our dear niece joan who paaaed away dee e7th i82g nat dead to thoae who love her not loat but on before she llvee with ui la memory mill and will forever more ever remembered by aunty maria untie herb and coualn township nominations reeve letete letarae by atv tllrouahs wewlt aurl csrtm tt tor mte scs tyltevetkia kummur cmku mtth live is ifeentm the death ocourred at hia home in btewarttown oo toeadoy dec 20tli of a wellknown eitiun jamea allen comer formeilr of milton ueoeoa- ed bod been ailing for over four yean and waa in hii 72nd year mr cor ner wu bom in kent co ont bat when quite young went to caledonia where he lived unlit about forty yean ago whan he moved to halton coun ty ha leava to mourn hia loea hia widow margaret a corner two danghtere and one ion by n former marriage mre w j klndree hamil ton mra j g darby monition and milton of toronto two anna by hia aaaond marriage atutin of inglewood and jamea at home two aiateri and one brother mra a mitchell and mra o cangdon hamilton and j p corner new york the funeral win held from hit late reaidenoe on thnnday deo 23rd and wu largely attended interment waa made in greenwood oemetery georgetown the eerviom being conducted by rev mr caldwell of limebooae the pallbearen were j smith j board j sundilh j milla j campbell anil t shephard william p moenory altera short illneu william pal mar moenerj beloved huabond of elu bobaon paaaed away at hit home lot 4 ainibline krin on fri day dec 23rd in hl 40th year the funeral wot bald on toeadoy af ternoon and after a aorvioe in ballina- fad united church interment took place in fobview cemetery alton your vote and influence are respectfully solicited for jas l standish as councillor of the township of esquesing for the year 1928 ncwcww on tuurnlay deoamber vilnd the hrat of the paaaanger motor uora of the canadian notional electric kail- way polled into georgetown station atortlingaod attractive in the new color adopted by the c n e b a special abode of yellow ia the body of the oar aet off with a narrow blue ttripe and a lighter hade of yellow for the roof thia finuh ia duco us- quer applied by meant of a aproy gun material drya to rapidly considerable time ia imt down in the point thop tlie eolor change hat been mode in keeping with the polioy of improve- menu of the electric line for the beatnt of ita potront and for aafety brat the eleetrio railway operates over private right of way at high treed and ia aooompushtog oontider- able in itt aafety srot program oa the color eelaoted hot atriking nulullty at all aaoaona of the year in contrail to the right of way prevailing color it ia timely to note at the nlote of the year aohleiemenu in the ira provement in the aervioe prior to the eleetrio line coming under cana dian national management there were only three or four can a day now there it a reliable eervice every two honra with au hourly service during the rammer season on week end and holldaya to toronto batit faction hat alto been e pruned by georgetown oltiiant to the arrange ment whereby cnr steam line tie keta may be honored on the electric line under oertain conditions during thoae houn when there it no wsrviee on the itatm use the boperintaadept of the line n 8 camming vat interviewed at georgetown station when the first or the newly painted oars polled through and the herald in commenting on the lmprovementa brought forth oo eulogyjfrom mr gumming oo behalf or the employee he told every man an thit railway hat contributed in tome measure to the improvementa of the servioe for the benefit of the publlo they nerve and the manage ment in tarn appreciated the spirit in which the service is being reeelv ed hy the public card of thanks to friends and noiehbora we hereby convey our alnetre thanks for their many undeletes tad sympathy also noweia on ibe eeeotioa of the death of oar beloved husband and father mra comer aad family card of thanh i hereby eeavtymy aiaetre taenia to theouereejrmraberen aaorgeloarn fire brkada aeighboreaod all others whs aaamed la utlawlaluaet the ore at aay heme on thuraday eeeauaf last a hiii tlieri wot out of the largwt gath eringn in tlie lllntory or kaqueaillg towlmhip ut the iiominution meeting iu the township hall at btewart town on friday uftemoon loat that the ratepayers ure getting more in- lereuleil in mumelpilll affaim uud rightly no wan evldeuoed by the preuiiitto of liuiuerouu repreeeliuilivert from all parti of the township during tlie hour tor receiving no- uiinatitiiih tlie lollowing names were subuiltuwl to ilerk 11 o itrowil who ttlinomiml them to tlie gathering for rfevk tliouuu l leslie iiounnateil by a tl tlarldgeaudw w krownridg touae- or tlie townibip he sold that v tlia f hint ptlt um n i3njl al this over ho0o yunu of gruvel juul lieen oat on tbla year olid more rosula were in ahnpe for gravel next year he wai not in favor of going hark to the ild hutou labor ayatam ami thought it bekl to follow tlie advice 6f govom inent engitieam the roade were gnuleil wide for aafety and the coun oil mhould provide nafe roads for the aafety of the public more dragging of roads would keep them ill much better ahaie if eleited for unother term be would do bla heat for the ratapayera of the township councillor utundiah said he wae getting older but oanie to council last year to find out about the new great economical system or spending township funds referring to the work of the road coinminaioner he didnt know when lie was or what he wot doing uud council uaiiuot dla- uhargt the huperintendeiit without tlie uolnun of the departmiiit he believed that the nearer you keep the huhlniwi of the towimhip to the people tin lietier and cheaper you get the work done referring to the tlie county rate wot a god neud thia year at it unute a surplus he wan hot in favor ol 0o0 gravelling and thought tuxe should be raited where roads are gravelled lie referred to the maintenance of rooda the in create in taxeti hail only alarted and would eaiitiiiue to grow there in all appenroiioo of an eleclinu and poeelhly some one hero who can moke a siniaiu of tlie present system the weed inspector is the only official who hau tarried oat hit work with out any koinplainu the township lost 811ui liecause the road com- miutioner wouldnt puis u iob if there it an eleotiou and you believe in the present syttem dont vote for me i believe the nearer to the people you get the work the better you wlu get it done if you vote for me and i am elected 1 shall continue to do work in my way the beet i ean councillor currie oaid be believed tlie ratepayer were interested in township affairs by the number pre sent the taxea were up because a lot of money had been expended dar ing tlie pott year new road moch- inea coat over 91300 over 6000 wot tpent on bridges and the work ou the paper mill hill cost 000 it number of ratepayera agree to pay half coat of gravelling a oertain por tion of rood be believed it good bull- nett to take them up bat the rood should not be neglected in front of the mana property who does not pay he had been in council one year and done hit best if there wot an eleo tion and his work hod been aatit- factory he would appreciate the votee of the ratepayers ond if returned would continue to serve them to the beat or hia ability evreeve appelbe when colled said be hod nothing to toy at present exreeve joe oaid he hod nothing to lay against any member of conn- oil but thought tlie items in connect ion with the roods should be publish ed kx- reeve w j l hampshire said he waa not present with the in tention of being a candidate but to hear explanatlont regarding work of council of 1627 after hearing otate- menta or reeve depntyreeve and councillors he believed they bod done their bestt future councila mutt be careful at a higher tax rate to many would become oppreealve councillors mutt hove the ooarage to toy no ir they granted all the re- qnetta or rotepayera tlie townthip would be bankrupt in a few years ratepayers should remember that a very large percentage of the expendi ture by tlie township ia uncontroll able and when councila eaoeed their revenue it beoomea a ourden on the people he wot not a candidate and thought there wot probably not much call for aa election m j carton in addressing the electors said that saeb a large and intelligent audience inlicated that the rotepayera were intereated ia municipal affaire he did not in tend to dwell on the different work done hy the council but centre hit remarks principally on the finoneea he had taken hia figures from the treasurer books and after going over them found that notwithstand ing the tax levy wat 29 higher than loot year there wat a deficit of over 92200 which would have been lar ger hod it not been for an error in the a testament he hod eerved 11 yeara in council work having been ill at time of election loot year be wot un able to call on the ratepoyera bat in rtjeponte to preotare brought to bear upon him he hod decided to give the electors another chance and would be a candidate thit year for deputy w 1 appelbe by w t clnsholui uuil h g mcglbhen alex joe by rolit iiivih uud w h chisbolni w j i iliuupilurv by i ii priif and 1 l moore for ueputvreevk win gowdy h alex joe and w u hhortill m j carton h g ii thompson mid e horrop for councillor george cleave by p g mogibbou end thomas mollride w a wilton by w ii autbont and v w llrownridge tiwg appelbe by h ii mcglbboli and alex joe george cume hy t ii price and j a elliott jas l fcuandiib by 1 m ruddell and w ii hhortill wnxcole by robt joyce anil j w uetse- alex joe by john crawshuw and peter moltaac at the olaeo or the nominations colg o hrown township clerk wos elected to the uhnir and called on the following who addressed the electors reeve leslie reviewed the work of the county counoil regarding the ex penditure on roadt and other mattert generally the law suit with trafal gar over debenturei wat not yet sett led ond be had voted against trafal gars request for the county to at- eume payment of certain debentures for work done in that townthip aa it meant an annua levy on the town ship or etqueting of 900 per year for 17 yean- two boundary bndgea had been built the new roadway ond fill at spring creek hill and stewart- town hill were almott completed the land damages amounting to about 600 he olio explained the expen diture or the county rate monies regarding the townthip the mem bers of council worked hormonlontly and endeavored to promote the best interests of the rotepayera there hod been a big demand daring the pott year for better roadt ond con siderable time and money had been expended on them 30 loll had been gravelled at o oott of about 9300 a lot it did not pay to put fine gra vel where there wat much heavy traftlo hot crushed ttone ahoud be nted although it coat more he re viewed the finoneea if the townthip explaining expenditurea oto and laid although the equalization hod cost considerable money the town ship luul gained matertplly in the saving to ratepayers deputy reeve gowdy said that the large gathering of rotepayera indica ted that considerable interest wot be ing taken in the affairs of the town ship and it wot right that there should be regarding work at county council it took tome time to get ouiuainted with the butinesa there and it wot necessary to be ever watchful in order that the township should get ita just due he believed eaqueainga representatives had work ed in the beat intercuts of the town thip he had been a member of the county ruildlng committee and dur ing the pott year a new beating sys tem hod been installed in the county buildings and the old stoves discard ed he also spoke regarding hospit al ooeoanu roadt etc townthip affairs were in good ahape aa the fin anoial statement thowed that the council had done wonderfully well and hod a good credit balance if next yean council whoever they may be finish up with at good a statement they will have done wall mr gowdy took oocatlon to commend col deaconuiojrauutyear xor deputy- brown ror his plendld work aa clerk reeve in ibm he had apent much and oaid be wot a matt capable and k on the eoaollxauon which hod valued ornoiol of the townthip to the electors of esquesing 1 a a i as j your vote and influence are respectfully solicited for william gowdy a i j jm il u of limehouse for deputy reeve t f t t 1 1 1 t t i 1 u 1 1 1 1 v 1 1 nun n of the township of esquesing for the year 1928 election monday jan 2nd 9 wp anta otfperoti ileto gear to 3u friends isons oneill block fyjn m l georgetown m erwingoidhams special prices this week only breakfast boooo whole or half side per lb mlo pea meal back bacon in piece per lb wo fraals chopped deuiy free course l in farm mechanics to he held in the town hall acton 1 january 4 1 5 clh forenoon and afternoon sessions 8abjecu taken got enginosprineiplea and opera ting troubles belte pulleys and aoeftinga tools selection and ear of implementt core and repairing of rope tpllcirjg and aoldering farm contrete electricity on the farm paints and painting water topply and eewaae disposal the utter tubjeet will be dealt with wednesday afternoon jan 4lh hy prof rr graham of the kjyilet uepr oac and women ore ataeo- lolly invited to thia meeting no feet no registration juat come for more information write i a andrew aaa agriculture representative milton atl wood xetoo uid hardwood alogle eordffa9rjo a lead reload wood kledllnar quebec haalar ami laraaae chunks ivoo a load mini piled hoo par cord aay leaata marfayt pfcoae 99 r 3 aeorgetewa f if than should be an election he waa in tlie field and solicited the votee of the ratepayers he had doue his heat for the ratepayers in the pott and if letumed ouui continue to do to in tlie future councillor cleave said he hod heard tome criticism regarding coun cil mattert during the year and per haps tome or it wu reasonable some aeotiont hod not received their full chore of roodwork aa yet but all could not be done in one aeaaon the taxes were high and the cause of increase wot partly due to the county and partly due to the town ahlp at more money had been spent than for tome year the hod roods were due to tlie heavy trafilo and tlie maintenance wos greater now than formerly he could ate no relief un lest pernunent roadt were built th demand lor raid grading required conn idem we expenditure of money time on the eqaallution which hod eaved the townthip about 30 per cent on their saseetment it had got a slight raise tola year bat waa atill in good shape taxea are too- high and are getting a burden i have pledged rnyaelfto stand and promiae 11 elect ed and it it at all possible township rates will oome back at i believe we can get along with a aeven mill rata bnt there la not maeb chance of the county rate coming down if elect ed i will fight your bottles to the beat or my ability and it ia for yen to consider who will do your boalneaa lieat in township and county w a wiuon laid aa others had de olined he would not be a candidate thoae now in the field are for deputy reeve- wat gowdy and m j carton for councillors george cleave jas l standish george currie w g appelbe and alex joe election mouday jan 2nd thanks to the electors ol esqneslig lor heel ing me beeve by aeelamalioa lor the i year 1928 t l leslie fc a ass aaaaiaaafc the spirit of the season prompts us again to express the pleasure we derive from our business relations with and we wish for you and yours and 5c rosperous afew you elja ippy y ear d brill co mill main sts nltmmnmmtinmnmnhftnhm georgetown