the georgetown herald bfjitv second vkail of publication greorsratown wadnaaday evening december 7tb 18b7 180 per annum in advance 000 to us ihegeorgelown herald jr at moore huuar uj r srteter hamy amltlai fc cmk table loinu bah auaenger pauteetujer 0 tn pewanger ul iimjvpiu haiumtr i moll pteeeriger piliiiiinrnr sunday 4w pm 081 pfh 8s pto 781 pm uoinu wki all tnaeexigar tasunger ttaaseuger iii y pumtuir eaaseuger 74 am 98h vni 10 jh oui slii pm 460 pm u oil pto 708 pw 1wiikbr f paaeenger sunday 10 si m uoinu nobiu igail s0 atu hail i- p- ooimo bootu huil ll m msj 71 pm tf nattmal heebie lattwayi bsfcsufcaia buuwa abtbodhd wos 719 em 4 9js7o- s 6 1187 am v 8 167 pni 10 8j17 pm 5 18- 887 dn7 9 14 7s7pm 16 b87 pm 181188 pm v no 1 awl 2 trnlm will nut run ttiindays westbound daily two no1 78sim 8 9bs ttni 6 1185 am 7 184 pm 9 88b pm ii 888toni 18 7m pm 18 988 pm 17 u08m an miss simplicity electric washer 100 down and 500 permonlp buys i hi waahor and 4 premiums jr coach lines umited w everjrear 940 am 24u pm 940 pm atis-rn- evaahay 988 am m pm x93s pm xrlaturdoya sundays and public holidays ouly toronto terminal 4 wellington stmt watt directory dale 4k ih01ip80e aaergetewa ontario aal jalui a tkeaeaaea qb blag mui st k a a un banuur sollclior etc ohea hill st gaoraelowa hour 9am to s p m opaa waia aad saiura vui x nmhmiaawanm akaweteaa- beuahae- llasaey pallia null i a hours 9 am ttrn e frc vaxtwaaaayaad satardsy kvaolaga balaltratti laedieel oaver of uaaltta la ksquesiag j townanjp oeaae uara 1 to a as4 lulaa blbie oaeeaue preebrtsriaa gkaxea wl 0 v w mom pkyalcuui aad 8urgaoo auusuaxoaorgatowo paoaa 22 bihout inrgawi oracahoapltal tarsa lh bb o v wuxiam8 payaulab an4 bottaoa maalaal omoar of llaalth gaofgatown oabaaad raaldaaaa qoaaa 8c sooth 04v houns10an 18 and 88 pm v alaohyappolnttiabt jf at vomuami vem kir no aad throat spwlalut vat oormtewa wadaaaday saturday t uouraf pm till 8 pm orhy appolat- aaatolmia buppllad 1 0aeaatlliaauattha v llama photu 107 r 8 el wathi bu afd8 f suasaaawm oaalaa mniai ta f l heath i dee bt oataa la taaa blaak aaa aaar aartk al owallra camaaa eai bmn a aa a m a m leabafomru vatarlaary surgaoa an hauacaana in dale it ohntopbaotlo 2 at hailalba anajn oataapatlif 9 a blaatrtaltf llatlserfice j last airsboam ffjaw ta auat coauilh aad upio v aaaa calropractlcally la oalano v ebtteem ta ohlaasaaat v rftt ufaiaa4u 04v aaal to onallla garag a wadaaaaay a saiurdaj lo j7 lo9 pm j otaadaya aad aoura by appololiaaat raaaajjsw roaldaon lau i aaluttaa- pboa jtj tuaaday aaa prlday3toop u i he yw ey exaued ky walker mac itatwl btoamataa aiaaaaafraat8h up tha beat lanaia a lw h willson vauarrtakaur suaul fila pa samlmalbmea- teaaatt oaialaw aaiaunla ar lloraadmaahaa t speight phone 279 georgetown i first mortgage bonds queens pari pk 6 12 per cent maturities from 2 to 1 2 years govtrrtntent municipal and mortgage bonj bought and sbld lattnaace detmrlmeal all tusg al lauiraem wrinea telephone or write for particular r m1mms clarks bakery grocery best quality bread and pastry the choicest groceries you will find out piieea he lowest when you conaider the quality of good we provide or our euatomer tt a bava yaw hext order rtettettf mark clark jha si wards garage georgetown phone 220 u where y gel serviee utl limltu wrk all kind of auto repairing done promptly by firalclaia mechanic we guarantee aatiafaclion to all cuatomera and our price are moderate gas oils etc chas ward hua st ptmile salflenllebeifaal certei8wa a b willson s gift shop thm very latett goods on the market for your xmat giff to be found here look over partial hat below a pleature to ihow our good whether you bay or not hiaafif llafla pearl feats raaey leather lafi walebea cailei chabh caaile mtlai caua kalvu irauuats cherleie femfesht everikarb reaeut call uaki ivwy tc4kl arhdes scarlrlu dorvt forget our xmag greetin cards very choice from 5c up with envelopes small depotit will tecure good for xmat sukuauvehu caaile slleki haaleareseu raulaid itwklmf faaalala peas leather panes a b willson neil la lalel mcuktoa fiearfletawa hydraelcclric system as s orders takenf or ranges and appliances of all kinds office town hall norringtons saturday treat hunla cluu inmturi will iw mr ui ml until atler niut vcurn tiiih hptsiiil iimjh im ililimlm mu iih it iiuh iwmii our t llxbhli himv 1917 ti put till ttpwiul uu fvvry olirlhtluiih it mniiit uf tlcllliii crearac cnnui liph mtuihtuh chimouth u- tlii in u mal xpimiial uuil will bf lrtir than ivir thin ynur hnnui ilauii apujuil 2bi- ir 2 lh for 4fn- saturday treat 25c lb weekend chocolates lui riiin mid 4ft t jnitr riuiiply of tliff iijh ilituulutf it would not in clirihiinux without tlniu tli aif uumwlul valui uud tlinii hi hani und soft onlrvn with- end chocolau 35c lb lo unl tail to itwilt otr our hubk wt buvw tnau gm ur ttitlch tjmr would malm imudkiuue pnfwnth kiinci imikph of uluwo- lauu kaiutj bokthi of iiimuju iiiih rukih puddiuks shortdiviul u nd iikimv ottwr good thinpt arthur norrlngton maia st phone 89 a mother appeal to her boy 4llllliil li t olaili 1iimnui a motlipr wax liiililing giml liy to hi an it- koo0oeoj5o0ooesoioj college view garage gel your repairs done at a fair coti come lets give you a price on your next job atofwtr tm nil avaka oavr gam otic oraaa eta ataau amd oar battarla raakaraail a brunton cailefcvkw phone 336 ccwgetemi inr lnj wiu kuiitf 4j itavt hir that morn twiim liurd to dnpturt irom tlu oiitm that m loved and tha liumhli cot wlur h won boro id ireaiiurwl tin purtiiitf uilvlnn thut filu itavn willi u lovfl tlmt a iuotlir 0411 fel in vuin h fiideavom hi mars to rohtraiu lit heard ihh fond motlur4 faithful 11ml oiulflhii devouwl and true ilut inuuly iti uorrfiw uud soy in triftln rfnuunbtr tin darkwit ah tluwu vvu4 a motlnvfl apieul to her boj- tiih jiurw ulldnl hi and bn waudnivd ufar of tii n hltu a loun euile liem roam in monwritfl of norrow hln hurt would be olkeerwl wiumi h thought orhjh mothur at uomt hht ulwayrt mud lloy imver ylekl to ilifspair tlmres 110 plpastire without iti alloy thny nevermore mcu hut lie never forgot tint appcalthnt nlie load to lier boy wrk4 adoo at tlin noraiiidtioob on toaaday the coumtil for 192u wouslafltiul by otulamation the iollohng will fill their nhipthitive ponitions in aeton tlie iomhib yean reeve a moo mawm couneillora john nlohol c t thedfonl i k atkiuhon c hansen public utillttm unmionion l kins tlie hiihotil board ban four vanan- fifm to till but only three of theut nonured oandidatea g k ajrnew k befiwick c k browne another nomination will be neoea- sary to complete the board and fill the vacancy mr john kentner of aeton who played hookey with the quebec team in the canadian american league hut year has joined the stratford hockey team and will play the season with them free press we save you money -on- hardware avbka afaaafaaaaaaa da abbaevvebeaajvefeababefaeb solid copper boilers 298 349 floor wax per lb tin 39 dcw paint per quart 85 stove pipes per length 20 stove pipe elbows 35 cold blast lanterns 1 25 lantern globes 3 for 25 barn shovels long handle 60 i ply roofing per square 175 polishing mops each 40 stable brooms best quality 75 flashlight nickle case large size complete 1 00 see our stock of quebec cookstoves heaters and furnacettes bardware rtaatblai electrical wlrtag sheet metal warb r h thompson co gasogetown ontario house for rent hoiw to rent u roonw funuuk oonvuiitenittth 011 main htreet ueorgittown imunmiiutf pitthu talon j j a aberdeen batata bumkar j iihiiimiillltmi mllliaaaoaaaacaaiiaajaataaaaai jtassi tfasajaa a no auoident moatb hia baen very suooaaafrilly oaniad oat daring november on the whole canadian national byttam saparintendant cummicg of tbo c n e line informed tha herald that thia oanpaign in ita effeet on the elaotno linea waa highly raoaeaa fill emplovoeaofths elaotrio llnu ore nnjer a osntinoooi prooeaa of aduoation and inatnution in safety pint and aooldeat prenntion quoting from printed initraetlona whioh aaoh employee having to do with the operation oarriea in hie ponaeaalod at all timaa patrona ol thia railway an entitled to and expect aafe trua- portatian they expect protec tion agaiatt aocldenta by employ- nea carrying olft their datlaa in a prompt and efsclent manner ralea obeyed make travl aafe taking ehanoea breaking rolaa means gambling with death to our paaaengera your fellow em ployee and younelf careful obaetvanoe of the rolee govern ug train movement ia the only aafe prooednre and ia an eaten- tlal feature of your effioianay asked by the herald if tha elao tno line waa following the policy of the c n k syatem to collect for damage done by motoriita at level crossing oooidenta tha reply was absolutely we have ajready made collection is several inetanoes where railway property haa been damaged in electric train operation it is in- variably possible the passengers iu the lint car have a olear viaar of the right4fway with intaraaoting high ways and it is not unusual aow for passsngen to offer their names and addresses to the train orew as they are well able to see the recklessness of home motorists in their lack of caution in approaohing railway crorainga tha aecond uunuul mmting or the georgetown kstiuftalng humane society was held in the council chain bur thursday evening nov 24th 1917 tlu work or the past yuir was reviewed and the meubers feel that considerable progress has been inadi in tills very naoeasory work tlie social wuhes to thank those who have sent in complaints also those who have helped in any way whatsoever to furtjier this good cause the report read a follows cases investigated rejrardlng itarvad abused neglected and abandoned animals warnings given number of borsfs that came ander the notice or the uviiot number of cowu number of pigs coses of dogs investigated planed in homes cats humanely destroyed placed in homes total number of animals cared for the oflloers for the emuing year were elected as follows president dr ii u heed vioepreswtt ashenhurst beoytreas mrs g o hrowu inspeetor o o brown executive mrs rev ewan mo- donald l m montgomery mrs 1 l herbert miss l reed mrs leroy dale rev h caldwell mr ed townsond the work of the junior humane society cannot be too highly esti mated for the vary reason that to quote a well worn phrase prevenuon is better than care in most cease it is the lock of knowledge of the proper treatment of animals that causes suffering there are rare eases of vicious cruel ty but they are we are glad to say few and far between miss ryan and the very efficient staff of teach en associated with her need feel justly proud of the uoticable effect this teaching is having on the future men and women of our great country s notes and comments xs 10 22 is 10 ta uu 1 lftb pnvtadal paste la bamaa helton county educational at- sooiation held its annual mwetig at milton last week i prank ford or trafalgar presiding aftet a full discussion on the sub ject of mediaal inspection a resolu tion waa passed asking that a syatam of sobool nursing be made oornpul- sory in all schools emphatio rx pression was given to the view that manual trainiug should be given a place on the school program ollicera were elected as follows han president 1 m ilenyes pki and i prank pord of omagb presi dent e agnew nassagawaya towd- ship this yeara county warden vice- president mrs henry wilson esquesutg township aeoretarytreas urer m a campbell zimmerman now president of the rural section of the oea directors a kirk floorgetown mrs m e nixon mil ton m gibson uakville w bridge man burlington j r lindsay enqueuing township mrs w ii cudmore trafalgar township george gordon nassagawaya township mrs aartley nelson township audi tors messrs meclenahan and hut- ebeaon of milton provincial polioe officer h but ler has been transferred from elk lake away up in new ontario to oakvllle by general victor a 8 williams provincial police commis sioner officer butler arrived in oakvllle last week and being a married man will take up his retidenoe there he will nave charge of halton county in particular with the province aa his said ingeneral there has been no public demand for such on officer in this ooonty oa halton la as lawabiding aa any other portion of ontario the creat ing of a provincial polioe post here ia merely a link that hot been added to the police system in this part of the prorinee mr bnuar ia an active young man a veteran of the late war and haa had oonslderable police experi ence ciiiuhtma8 l rapidly approach iug the holiday little more than threw week ahead in no timi the days will paw the natural pro orssuiiatom will wait until chriir mas kve when uw uudti will 1m id by other procraftuuatiir stocks plckod out clerks weary cus totaerw in u flutter clocki uckmu limes rapid pace ull baoauiu- tin reminden of today lurve been ncu lecled every year more r0nibli persons do their christmas shopping early they reap all the advantage in variety of selection ami leisure ur choice and when chriitmos kvo comes they can proceed about their lastminute holiday tonka orderly while tlie othera fuuin and xputtvr a great manypcoph never ilu today wliatcan im- douo tomorrow the postmaster lion urgetl early pokt ing of chrutmas mail but tho lait dayawill probably be bigger than ever the train leaves ut slli but the cars do uot all until a14 ive get there eveu ir we are a lastmlnilti nation but it in at a tremendous owl of physical energy and mental up sets thechnstraas shopping tea son is merely one phase of a nation al temperament camrag am satiety masaei aw mavaaltar u children committed temporarily i 1 children returned to parents 4 children involved dating the h complaints received s ioveatigationa made 6 mail received so mail sent out iti mileage approximately meetings addmtaed 24o 1 office interviews 7 court attendance ft wards heard from j wards plawd 0 wards returned to the uhelter 1 a n amber of boys in the milton shelter number of girls in tlie nheltor a i w h stewart obituary lea craw at a large and enthuaiastle meet ingot the executive committee of the ontario division of the canadian red cross society held in toronto last week reports on the campaign for fundi which has now been in regress tinea june show that over 20000000 haa been raised by aub- aariptlen in the province with soma communities still to be reported the funds raited in thia manner with the addition of nearly 10000000 which will be derived from patients fees etc will bring the total gross receipts up to about 30000000 for the year the expenditures ontario by the red croat thia year will be about the tame as the groat receipts there fore to ooutinue the wonderful work which the red cross is doing cam paigns for lunda must lie held an nually reports of the different depart- menu of tho administrative services show a continuous development and increasing demands for red croat aervloea snob aa junior brancheaand outpost hospital there are now in operation nine teen small red cross hospitals lo eotad at widely separated points in northern ontario two more will be opened before the end of the year and several applications are in for others the red crow must meet the ever growing need for thia service amongst our pioneers and tha public are showing that they are thrilled with the opportunity of rising to their privileges or supporting it bnanolal- a lyaasae mare lliaaleal when the publishers or the family herald and weekly star or montreal two yean ago annouuoed that the owner or the paper wished them to reduce the tubscripliou prioe from two dollars to nne dollar per year they promised that not a tingle leaturo of the paper would be elimi nated but new features would bu added and the paper mode mure valuable than ever it i frankly admitted hy their million readen that their promise has lieen more than fulfilled and today tlie family herald and weekly star at one dol lar a year it the marvel of the news paper world no home in canada would regret thia investment lust think of a great big 73page publica tion at leas than two nenta per week and every page of it alone worth the money no wonder toe family herald and weekly star has over a million readers it deserves tliem all and more i h longstract john henry lnugstreet u well known citizen of kenlls plains dibd at bin home near tlie valley north of abernethry bask he had been ail ing for about a month and was quite ill the last few days he was ss yean of age mr loagstreet was born in ontario was married and moved west in 1809 having farmed there since mrs longxtreet and au adopted child survive him the funeral was held from his home on monday nov 21 interment being mode to kenlls cemetery the pall- bearers were mr i ismond mr w ismoud mr b h garrett mr o bates mr p hume mr andrew penny mr a o brooks and mr dave roxell ail friends and neighbors of the deceased ashgrove the following is the ashgrove school report for november iv class evelyn walsh honors donald mcnahb honors v e r n a barnes honors winrufred wriggles worth margaret hulls 8r iii harvey nurse honors isabel alexander jr iii john mcnabb honors john alexander lilian hulls i mary alexander htmon edith wriggiesworth pr angus mcnabb jr pr freddie richardson wil lie braille john bradley o christian teacher euw r thai john ia a sma1 boy youngettof a- minltters family as a punishment for same misdemeanor at the table it waa decided that he must not eat u itli the family at the next meal so his dinner was placed on a small table at the end of the dining room when all were seated the minister said now john you should ask a bless- lug before you eat this was a new duty for john but he bowed his bead and said reverently our father in heaven thou hast prepared a table for me in the presence of mine anemias amen halteat dealaea bloat oataa physicians of hslton county as sembled for dinner at the milton inn thursday night dec 1st addresses were given by dr t c routlcy of toronto tucreturi of the ontario medical association dr holbrook or hamilton who is the district councilor occupied the chair the following ntheen were eleotod president dr gowland milton vice president dr mnauister george town 8eoretartreasurer dr j l sutherland milton committee dr stead oakvllle and dr peart bur lington tatars at bias aeiaaa park 1ast week thieves broke into the residence of mr and mrs w a murray at blue springs park mr and mrs murray leave tlm residence in loll and reside in acton durtnglhn iull and wintei months the thieves wore apparently able bodiod aa u look was broken aud u window re moved rrora a door in order to secure entrance tlie inside of the house was ransacked throughout and house hold articles of ull description waru pilfered mr and mrs murray arc offering a reward for apprehension of the offenden or for informatiou to oouvlot them