Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 13, 1927, p. 1

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the georgetown herald bixtywitbt ykah of publication cuorttiowa wsdnaadajr brwnlnar april 18th 1937 140 par annum in advanoe 100 id ur r ihegeorgetowii herali jr at moom has wtmuy tapi- i msabbbcbsb oj lu tku goino mam paaaenger rlbnm brtinkw 018 ara puwwr js kail 1204 jwn fuuiuitv biab hall 81 wn paaeaoger bjuspm paaaeoger sunday 781 ntat ooino wibi 7j0 919vm tvumair 8llipni mail 40phj pateanger ll0sttni hhmku mb 1mb patamgar sunday 1014 etn italic pttetrigtr mall 111 hall oolmomowrh homo soots 800 am 48b ptoi 1118 ui 784 tun tmttlm tjaiimij qtdric krtir tubvboolid wbawotwd dally dally hos 718 am no1 78eain 4 pji7iini 8 ojeaja 8 1167 am 8lt85ain m 8 147pm 7 wibjb 10 8j7pnj 9 885 pm 11- 057 pm h bj8oni 14 7js7 b4t 18 7 8 tun 18 w17 bib 1- 888 tun ib llum 17 1108 atn special hourly tervloe daring the period of tba canadian national e mbiuon automobile insurance reduced rates on all eoret of car of currant yoar 1927 art you insured against automoblu accidents ttltphotm for particular of insurant andratss jfresh groceries bonds directory ail woltlmom toorcmmm ontario laauybale tshm king bidg mill st urriaur benekar etc oefea mill oaev hon 9ea to5phu dfm welnhiy ul saturday evaalag miim aa aaraauatatai mlll ll m nfsw buok jmkmhpb hoara9am taspm owe wramadm ud saturday ivelo f yoo fault funds available for inotmlmmni on april hi to will gladly furnish you wuha list of good sscurltussultabl for rslnosstmmnt of surplus fund h r mm ms phone 114 onslll block guorgttoum ii w ajar uptodeu lint of seasonable groceries peels candles nuts cam tti imujttr r jjrlww uwl tjjb bdwrt urylh forsters v tartatsi cat owrcatowa ptione b0 mimmommhtm otuutttuo dr w barnard opt dro ewjsamt flatftftlaa 8m44j4ah fnliirlffultwillr t llr ytf btmn t way salfwr from eyttiin hmdaonh d ethtt iut do to the ahwmo of proper glum dr oopoluid ht yonr eyw erjunlnsd at wilsons jewelry store main st 0nu1 block gortown bbbt pavi mmlomtei baaltli la ekjoiac towhblp mux on mn pmntl ckamk haf1 pbhleuaaad sanmob muiumteartoa7 ptusaaw kshoma sormoa gnu hoipluu toreatau sk ojt wuuaju rtiyaaaa aad bnrtaon moucal oootr of baallli oaectttoin 08b and batmaoe qoms 8c 8ooli cmbohoor10rfl laad8pm akwhyapf uhuib op-m- fgg ttuvat hffftt db c pbyllclan uiu slrm crrtap3 m o grac mala 8c oraalo db o ywuualttitba leellouto oadltal oum phjriidib and sorgaon atb1 il offiairof haallta owrnjlaaa aad raaldaneaqumn 8u 83 daunt 0a hounslo am 13 and 88 pi alio by appolbtmaat aum mniauuuaiib v vy bar koaa and throat 8pdalut t tuorrttown wadnaaday saturday- r ajourat pm tul 8 p m or by appoint ment glauaa suppllad onv at mlai mattbava main st ho phono 107 r 8 a au wataoa 0w a afda onbaa maani a t bxaapt thaaatay aflaaaaaaa w l hbath to oou ooaa la lame plnih aaa aaar aartk at onalira oarrlaat vaatery tiatotaa dr m ivbabalomth veterinary surgeon uuw haiaacherui ob1bopbaotio at kealelae aucary oeteepatky ea bleetoteuy ladt aiiaadajrr har ibe euwl coaialele and unlo loatce ckiroprecucelly in onuno m ta calaapvaeur if oeadaau u yra praela omce aeil id o nelll a oereaa wedneedey a sejunleylio s 7 lottoy other deye end boure by eppolnlmt ipkone isow reildrnr a hlltea phone 213 tueei trlday hot rm ervtingoldhains meat market ctwlee fresh nd ctnrtd meals fresk asi snekei fish etc all meats kept in electric refrigerator get the best phone no 1 mclaugminbuicic sets o value that always is the standard of mparison mclaughlinbuick welcomes comparisons select any car you wish compare it point by point with mclaughlinbuiclc compare the long standing and stability of its manufacturers the extent of its resources the number of cars produced the number of cars in actual service today the correctness of its engineering principles the number and quality of its mechanical features the provision made for the comfort and convenience of passengers the quality of the craftsmanship and coachwork the reputation and prestige it enjoys the price for which it sells and the value which it represents compare any or all of these things select any measure by which you can judge a car and then from the facts of the case draw your own conclusions it is upon such comparisons that mclaughlinbuick supremacy has been established s v king georgetown mslaughunbuick tap aeuwohuweuiea wtte suite vmim hone 213 tueej jxto jbie yaw fllinr- from t3 m up- aad framea aupplled j i w a uaaa xdeamsad baa halast i auhoeubuo ohoreedfes paeae alakl or day iwiluoo ahearae for ml a aapevlltb aetata standard anthracite scranton coal in ausiaea aatsmaueally baraaaad ana goal wood balaot lamp far oamaaue ana tbraahlns parnoha haelthi aad rt- ooal jn fast foarry atarytblns to m foand la any nntodato goal aad wood yard john mcdonald ph0mb1s c ctake command of a ommander now 2340 deetaated fallr eoajpaed tax paid la inrlnilaeifiiwiuntlrear laimpiw uolrtalrmdmalaipeva i a est far yammv u w outipetd outclimb and 1 outkw v ctpr ajemus a thonvmd douatt of its price i j sanford stewarttown phwutg11auailhia- ohttrial civm mr ii e a i n i ladies suiimiik maicnins urn craidk nunm urn mam try tu oar pricemlara raanoaable hrillijllulllct fire insurance x v unifh cwgctowa amm u h4m of ttw tuoagwl cot hllw wfwlaf imarltei am you piroteotad thbrb no rtmm on tkii x c toailtlwtl vtw what lb eir dom to yodf ihaltb leapt to toll your tvufwb avbaw it ooraa of aaoetlaatf la thla cttv tuitomomueaawawlnibltca baltahe wanmtkl al vtaaani iw wla pubue aopruli hm evudabaltari tmlvonalb riilihaaatetfatou i m dfmnditailrr baa loaf baaaniabliicf etittavcaabtl btmutf at btrnmbtku va won bfnafal ajaawkoa je how i liittm 1y ri high star throuih trase jam but tbab you kmtw tkim but not this a but tlka public csom not rt raallu how far soul dakar parforaunc ouulttfanctt all witagattkon nour prove it for younelf oa cviuubfjitra proving ground w chaekad tliacoaamafular atabut cotupcflilra rn mlitnl ottraalvm by aabauitlva tt that- it wouu m pood ootcuauj and ouiuv anv otbar car ala or hf4tiaumktumlrian3s30 nowwaln1itou to alt btblnd tha whaal vattraalf and prov tha cowamuular4tupnamact matcb it ajnuam tha alohjisoialjiwal tuthm ahrad tba inttant an opanlnji trnlu par hour in hm ueotuit 70 milt an houreatlly oat on the opan roadual tba thrill of all tha paad you want tba cnanaundrr will do 70 actual amlutan hour with no mnsa of strain on the angina otharean aaay attain ptd comniindrcan analntaln it for day with unautchad woohnaa safety plus naw ttandardi of mianr at any prada rrnilc from cl alutoal hodlai iwunf low to tha road aaa rbl m toutwhacl brakaa and tha finat ttaarlni mtbinlaab vr ovvicrde t and at a onprofit frtcc youi it bl- proct nunufatiure ha mada think of all tha abova advantage whlla rlvlnf tha cntamndtr low nrka which onapix immfjbla and you will rralltw why tha bjn 8la far imvinf tba coakaaanticv than coiuldar lr ary othar car if graaur rated horaapowar ths cemmaniur is waiting for you try it out no obligation jn oneill son d e baker af swentyiic years young jsaaabeabaaeaaeabai fb on coarar eomn acamfau ncws spring fmtfmr when tba nun eeta lei me eey kaoh day la an kaeter day whan tha iatl may at in tar bringlns tota and vletoryi every era an kaater eva when my heart a glorloae gueet muet make ready to receive hwefit and olaanaed and dreaaed on iu altar tbaw ihall lie llllea white of purity roaea whlla and roeat red shall their grateful oolore abed pwion flowerawun eroea on breaat violet purplaaweat ill lay where my lotda dear feet may ru haplyou thu eatlarday no long waiting need we know whlla tha alow month come and go mo aet tnt obaarwi if we malta all time our lent to be mot one feeul brief aild bright bat a year where every mom hauta made readyxsef night wak to find an eeeter dawn so eack night o falutful heah keen thy vigil draw apart dreea thine altar fair and fit bun tha lord will hallow it death in vain forbid him rial sin in vain would tar ilia way and each morrow in tha akiea then ahall dawn an eaater dayl aoau joolidga mlaa ueeai alexander profeealonal 1 1il1 i ou luvn i u ul elsttt eaatar cornea at a glad aaaaon of tba year the feetlv j itaelf la both oommemotativa of the reenrreotlon of jaana chriat and aa a memorial to tha atonement wrought by tha death of the maatar upon tha oroat it la ballad with great aoolaim in all tba chrlatlan ohnwhee of tba world in greek and latin and in tba language derived front tbam eaatar waa known aa padoha paaohr paequa paisua paqoea etc from tba chaldee word paaeha tba mnivaleat of the hebrew peeteh tie jdeetroyltig angala aat la noalhd by the but nana in peering over the bouhoida of tba hebrewe when ha aaata tha egypt lana udlaoloeed in the twelfth chapter of exodna thla year eaater will fall on april 17 the way bywhlah eaatar ia de termined la that of tbeflrat banday after tba paaehal fall moon tba fonrtaentb day of tba calendar moon or tba fall moon which happen upon or next after march 91 and it tba t all moan happen on a sunday then eaatar day la tb brat banday follow ing aa tunal georgetown ehonbea will obeerre eaater with elaborate programa i la an event that tba children and tba grownupe ban learned to look forward to with ranch pleaanrable ontlalpaiioni it la an event all abonld remember with aoma baantifal thoagbt for the day mcram aahool name for milton oakvllle and trafalgar baa tendered her reeig nation aa each did it reonlre a hoyal oommlaaiou totlieoovertbatatrong beer wo be ing delivered and aold in ontario dur ing tba paat two yeate aetou womene inatitute la put ting on a dental day in acton eohool teeth of all publla acbool children will be examined free by the local dentbu a coldwater man recently loat a valuable boree in a peeollar manner the animal waa looae and atuck lie bead out of the ataule door which blew ehut on it and choked the hone to death the wbereabouta of pred taylor ot toronto who eecaped from the hal- ton county jail on wedneeday march leth while waiting to be tranaferred to portamootb peni tentiary at kingaton to eerve so montha for burglary la baffling ibe pohoe aa tha eecaped convict la etlu at bug he ia believed to be in toronto where hie parenta realde while pavlng a vlall to duncan uoleotr a neighbor george david a caladon farmer anddenly tllp- ped to tba floor from a chair on which be wat rittlbg beelde the bra end expired immediately many trape are being aet at favorite grotinde for mnakrala along tba anoree of rirere and creeka that abound in halton county- oboloa rat akini are worth from 8zjs0 to 8300 a pleoe yeara ago they could be bought at 28a to soo each a man in japan baa written to ottawa aaking that aoma bullfrogt be bent him theae frog are becoming famoue if tba world ia ao anxloua to do tbam honor why doe not tome enterpriaing itatlon broadcaat tba aong of tba frog tba halton county womene inats tote held tba diatrlot annual meeting in milton but friday aftemoou when mpreeenutlvea from local branobaa warn preaent tha annual oonvea uon plana were made the data to be juna 9 and tba place of meeting at palermo upon invitation of the palermo branch ed morlarty of gnelpb had two bottle on tba up ou a recent sat urday night one dropped out of hie pocket on the aldewtit in front of sergeant phu hanok and another ofneer tha bottle didnt break ed paid a fine of 1100 and eoeta in police court foe having liquor in an illegal place tbla tilde of ytui to aeek tho wood mid rivur btcnumi aprlng time ifl here did yqu ever liave tlutt fralliik in quit your job and run to enjoy the aootblng ra of tlu ulon oue orb tho bun did you ever havo that fwlinit ol nt leee dlacoutuiit wbeu the robin and the bluo bml perch upon your funoo did you ever have that fitclingwlh n aprlng tlmo cotnou arounil that you uere onoo a boy agiiln nlowlng th4 fallowed ground donrit nuike otir blood run fnu r t bear the roblua roti to aee the pink white bloaunmi tint fruit tree now aprlug coat dont it mnkfl you forget the trouble i ou tbought inu rould iuvr pull through when nature ttoemetl dead around you mirdoulouay ntartn lifti anew dont you want to luawi the ntj wlthlta amoky tllrfy atreotu to ramble through the countn where the bean of mutnre bonis dont you long for your vacation tu take a little real and forget the caree of buhineui nnu heavy on your breaat g comellua barker aat clalufl tbiaia tba time whan tba bead of many a bouaeholdwill exelalmiqb wretcbed man that i am 1 othera will quota for aolaoa the line the melancholy daya have come tba aaddett of tba year pamllle will bavetoaattbeir meal off tba edge of the kitchen cupboard and at time tba menu will oooalatof ttale blatmlta broken pieoee of bread bath tba remnant of all tha preaerve jara and leftover of every deeeriptlon tba hot one ban 1 with u they will nnrlerttand what priaonera again the origin of thla quaint rjd laldlly and aoldiara hardtack mean ouitora goee back to prehlatorlo dayaltbe woman ia tho honae will be in of ancient egyptwhence it wifoll eommand and man will work thank god evorj mormns thnt you have aomflthlng to do that da whleli must be done whether you hits it or not heine forcod to work and do your belt will brood in you it hundred vlrtneo which tho idle novnr knew charlea kingilej ttotes and conunenfs the new provincial law reouiring light ou all vehicle after duk i not to become operative until octo ber let next the tame applies to the propoted ttxtute calling forspei lal aign on the back of cars wth foarwheel brake as a general role tho mofbnat i blamed whan a pedettrion i htru k by a ear tba report of toronto chief conttahle for 1030 aliowa that of eoiea which came to tho attention of tba polioe the motorist wo ap parently at fault in 203 and tho pul eetrian in 698 matanoea tliere were 120 caaea wham rosponaibility could not be determined obviontly the noooaaity ia for the exerciao of great er care all around paaaed down to tba greek tba offering which the people naad to preaent to tba god were gen arally pomhaead at tba entrance to temple epeoijly different had of cooaecrated bread one of which wi called by the greek a boon tab boon la alao daasribada a kind of oakewitharepreeeotailoouponltof two home the greek changed tba bom to a croat a onatom which atlll perritt it would beinterettiog if wa could compare one of thoee ancient bun with the dalloloua productof the pre aent day bakera aklll tba ancient buna wan hard and indlgeetlble though evidently oontidered dallcloo at that tuna but tba buna we have onjoyed and are going to enjoy again during tba coming lenten and batter aeaiona an apioed and ufared hlled with plump ralalni and juicy onrrantai marked with a augarfroated ct nouriablng and eaiily digeated obhoiry mm swindlabnrat la tba death of matilda havana relict of the lata abram swlndlehnrat at her lata realdanoe mar 98tb one or erina oldeateitiaani paaaed to bar eternal reat in bar 8mb year fol lowing an illnaaa of a weak from pneumonia deeeawdwaia daugh ter of the lata mr and mr john haven and waa born at balllnafad where aba married and lived until twentythree yean ago whan tba moved to erin during the pat number of yean her daughter elda adjnlnlatered to her need giving every ore and comfort that loving bandtoonld give to bar mother in ufeaaunaet her huaband pre- deoeaaed hardeeembar 34th mil she leavea to mourn bat loat tix on george of llakaardi wflilawj jamea joaepb alfred and ephriam of balllnafadi and three daughteru mr archie molean and hit don- can sinclair balllnatadi mba elda at bomai alto four gnat grand ohlldran tba funeral whlah waa private took plaee from bar late real oenoe on monday htrch 28th at 230 p ra when bev k b hallb a aaalttad by hav n waddell b d baulnafad eoodaoted the eervioe at the home and grave tu inter ment being mada at wmfii eeme- teryi the pallbearera wen her bve tool and oninuw relativee from a diatanoa aibo attandad the funeral went mr and mr fred blnolair mm william cole and min alice bwindlehuret of oaotgttown furtive look aa though they had been guilty of atealing curtain muat oome down from the wisdowa ear- peu from the boon and then it a general ramaaaklng of the eloaeta weve brougbt our fithlng tackle down to tha ofbee that wa will know when it ia and have hid our old overahoee we oant tell when pallowoitlmn we appeal ta you to be wary thla it the time of year when women an no reapeotora of paraooa if you be a has that will aervejou well for another nunmer hide it baton your wife or daughter invite a hobo in to try it on for oodneaa take dont leave any mon ey in your old elotbat to be tent to ibantymen who an making man money than yon side with your wife in whatever aba ray some time later yon may have opioiona to exprea but not now it it a time when women oant be parleyed with she will not be amendable to naton for a few daya let ut be patient that an but fight afoistiona and they will not but much longer dont for get that job had boll and hid them f or quite a epell too and hie wife waant very nice to him in hit trouble it might be woraa bona cleaning wlu toon be over cajm am following ia the report for march application for children 3 children mada wardt of toelety 3 complaint received 8 inveatigauona made 6 mail received 83 mall tent out 07 oboe interview 6 milage wpproxlmatoly 338 court atteniuioc 3 foater hatne heard from s wardt placed 3 wardt vltlted 1 warnlnge tdven 2 wardtmarrlad 1 ward releated 1 ward legally adopted 1 we have tome very bright and good- looking bora in the hilton shelter for placement weak hat ta stay at but week matting of the ooun ty council tba aiandjng committee oa railway legularioo and agriculture reoonimended in it report that the minuter of agriculture be aaktd to let r b flaming remain in halton aa agricultural repreeentttive in- ttekd of moving him to wetland at propoted aa attrangar cannot be ex pected to give the county aa efficient eervioe aabe give the nport waa adopted it i ligniboant than thnchiof fuu- tival day of mankind call for an atti tude of both joy and reverend espe cially 1 thla true of euter so it i the accepted date for the appear anoe of new aprlng hat and other finery for egg race and oil raanm r of rejoicing and that ia hut in hoop ing with the example not by nntqro herself for aha too at thm eoason diiplay her moat opulent ckaruu but eatter hat another and deeper ligninoance it ia inseparably link ed with tho reanrreotion of him who came to teach and to demonstrate that life could be victorious oier death it commemorates the most hopefilled event known to man and the very atmosphere of tht action is remindful of this meaning life is reviving itulf the earth re newing lte frultfutness the deathlike inertia of winter disappearing it 1 thi aspect of eaater that those who live in the country far batter than they who dwell in the city uru able to aee and understand the have all about thom symbols such oh die grain of wheat bursting into now life by which jeiua at told in john ill 34 luuttratsd the very fact of thu reanrreotion for he too lived in tba country who said i am the nanmotlon and the life lis that he- uevethin me though he etv dend yet ahall be live poets and phuouphoni tell or the s obtained from uul tlvatlon of flower and vegetablo gar- dent bnt the praotioe is not as gen end aa could be wished iu niuuj plane there it much leas gardening than than wa aome years ago people have too many thingu thej want to do with their spare time in many town however the garden movement hat been pushed a a com- unity proposition people have homi urged in a systomatio way to decor ate their grounds with handsome abrubbery and flowers and some or ite oomrounitios have tleielnpud an amaxlng amount of this bcauti flaation suon towns become nouij and evory minute of tlmo put in on thoee sowar bed i no doubt paid for in the higher value of reat estuto that in established in such a town home pride is the motive that can beetbe relied upon to promote tlte gardening movemeut people will usually do what choir nciglibom ln if you persuade one or two influent lal families on u ntreot to spend u little not time and money heauti fying their plane thu action tho majority of their neighbors would within a year or two rail into line and do the tame thing as respects vegeta the advantage of the back yard garden ought to be obvious in those time or high pricea the ohlldmn of the modem community do not have enough share in the home talk and it would do them good to have some regular labors in u garden and the could well do n good deal of iu work ilut the old folk oannot expect them thu u labor unlet they alio ore willing to do aome stunts with the spade ami

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