paok 2 tbi ocoaonwn bbbald march 16tli 97 bifi msrves i ouj dd6jl iaflrty rwermi rjel vislls crtwl lojflt extra for poetry w i born hhadievai clpboeerl lloepl t y march loth lo mr lp k i ih1 wejnelv iv cordon itoy llle in mr w f bradley aeorel daugl r dm lebl1k march b bla2 year garvin at lwhw on tiey march im uirl k- jy vildw 6l tbe le aiemanr garvlet age- 70 vmrt i- i tbur lay ml 2 pm lo wrt- mood cemetery omksotawtl uartlnln erejetown on wc e- day march llh iw7 mary juno j- wldaw 6f lit le jfumo ill ber71m veer rtlo eahyamem evebg oh friday evening the lltli in it w wro alex affray lu m uc welllngm muaonlc ihircfw ulu liu iimiiul vllt ol iniipeouoli to credit lodge iuoouipuiiumi by v w hro ilukoc ubi uillti district m teutry a large uumberof the beid of tredlt imiith ami vilors from sur rounding lotlgos hud assembled to wolumuo tlicdlatlugubotl guests who wow cordially eloointd by w tiro walter bwon wst of credit ridge ed tie who with hie owmh exerdplied i mai friday be ibe mlam oj p degree totheeutlre satisfaction of the ddoji who oompu euted them highly on their rendition of the work lie abw expressed bit delight add satisfaction with the comfortable and homelike lodge quarters hew her sea mr geo martin johnsr j o clock lo acloo ceaietery in mtmoriam cook in memory f my deer youaef beebend prank hurray cook who died march tfch 1910 tbe alien chorda of memorial harp are eeftly loucbed loday wile attl-vakd- lo levin memory of may aeeleyard who passed away march therea- a beautiful laud on bleb oiodbye family flooiat gkn crtm rcrftom aa- cms wy ctltorg f where we never aball eay jusl a reminder aa mrcb it the hut month of tho heralds financial year we would appreciate a settlement of aeeounu by all who owe u in order that we may meet our own obligations dont wait for a bill for your subscription you can eully tell the amount due by looking at your label we kind ly aak all ooueemed to attend to thli nutter before the end of march thanking yon in anticipation ottely j m moore ftln- ontoary daniel roy leilie after a abort illness irom pneu monia daniel boy leslie youngest eon of mr deorge leslie treasurer of euselng township peaeed away on wednesday morning hut in hla 32nd year deceased was an honorable and industrious young man and was fanning the old homestead when atrlcken ilia early ilemlie is deeply legretteb by the entire community and the sympathy of all is extended to tbe family in their double bereave ment tbe mother of tbe home baring passed away only two weeks previously on feb 21th there was a ty large funeral ou friday after noon when tbe remains were interred in greenwood cemetery georgetown the eervloe being conducted by rev dr diskie or the united church the paubearert were leslie young wulrldualleg while the report of the district secretary also was a sonree orssatis- faction and pleasure because it proved that tho business affairs of the lodge were capably looked after after tbe lodge was olosed tbe brethren enjoyed a delightful ban quet prepared for them under tbe ilirection of bra w t evens jw after which the following toast list was proceeded with under the able direction or v bra walter lawsou the king and the daft god save tbe king community singing grand lodge of canada proposed byr w bro e y barraclough responded to by r w bro alex jeffrey v w bra george ford v w bro baker recitation by bro l t green wood community singing tbe visitors proposed by rev bra k maolean solo by w bra k w cole the following visiters responded w bra gea gelbrelth w it st clair lodge milton w bra leslie pmr of walker lodge on behalf of w bra chat wuton w m of walker lodge bra hampshire alio of walker lodge w bra t a wardley pm of irvine lodge klora bra greenwood gave another recitation in hit usual happy and entertaining way after which w bra l grant proposed the toast to die candidate which was respond- ed to by bra gea a wilson the junior wardens toast brought to a dote one the htpplett and beat attended meetings in the history of credit lodge tlwt lulhl weatluu mid ruin rlm till- ter part of tli wfok i nutud llm on dlt to overflow iu lunlw ami iiikmi tlu lower portlonii of hhiiv ilhinii- fi water utarted to ruiiu mi hiilmilii evening tnu continued all duv km day uml mouda uainuhl b tho lie jamming at keaunmnu nnd tliiltn woollen milltilami thiiaui hmlie eeterduy fifiermuiu uml tlu toailiiitv waa ulenr or wntfi luul muhl al though then ure it uilnilhir or wuih outs which nwd luimeilluii iriiniiun a number of iltar wirf hon imi and tlui olilxenn were generally in convenienced- but ye aro informed no teriout damage wu done ih order to give our render an idea what the glen loolu llkv in flood time we have pulihnlmd a photograph on thin page taken when the water was at iu highest uinehouse mr scrimliiger of guelph apent tbe week end with mr and mrs doughty y mlu wlnnlfred ivcnt of toronto pent the week end with her afater mrs john newton quite a number from the united church were al the glen on friday night putting on their oh lime con cert they report a real enjoyable time melem rev ewslfjatjtea mm while feeling that a flat rate wax more desirable than individual charge for outside srs attention tbe town ship or nelson representatives at tbe last meeting of tbe burlington council stated their willingness to pay the municipality 400 annually for the protection which oould be afforded by the burlington fire brigade the de putation was beaded by reeve h t foster of kelson township vevueeeeejweaaeer uil t cask wttbi otoli one lv i iw applr in i in a sunil iitii o t i iwimi a iiimiimy f 7j oa c j u1 9i fi liw ule pvwin boe oeeqielawii h rimmi1 heie nn mudvb rlreel in iric huhl waler inakle neuly mnm iinmihlliile heioii apnlv in l t arimlll ii a picture of gunuiullanu in flood- tifttu 1 style- quality- rferformanc hnlilir hrel tup imiuiv ukiuj m plle f ml lliwfiomm hey hu i v sal apply loinmij qurll ii- ft i oetej oac 11 five from wend need uu lanaaed bruin and- hrjvy yulderai trer inrullon kuriiiieed lllil w 26 eroe wole 1 uiw aill hjj olllce ireinl pitte bo cleaned o o ji drown plione 81 u a quanllly of gnod i for sale applylolivp no 3 phone cj ee4arla ibm aeed barlei ley lswaon b el m shaelbr bale nev lowbk puces comparable to the costliest cars w iasswto3j erats jsffett uvlttua jjr 7fiiiitii nrziri ccm-u- dealer georgetown a number of pine ireee for sale lau bv lohn ajwelbe at 15000 fl apply ta dr pollen cs tr ee reed orj seed flsnner and slerllng oali and alto a iuinllly el reed mfd eraln aflpl in j c wilioii ibenelll vp wa e4 imniiik alui dunilug mllira c p dralilt eir irempily doae by ed hoy liieenki jin et iolle dir anawerl lo name of spllte iteward for hi reluni lo i e riecli ueorgelown ianiti ii- ia- cook dan cook am jr leslie clayton win bowman gletmrllliams ye old tyme concert under the auipiottof tho glen united church waa well attended the programme supplied by the ladles aid of lime- bouse united church was much appreciated and brought forth response of hearty applause the credit river is onoe again on its annual rampage roads are flooded and many people find it impossible to either get in or ont of their homes miss mabel marchment or toronto visited at her borne here on sunday mr and mrs l ashford spent sunday at tbe borne of mr and mrs l beaumont plenty of ice can be bad now for tbe drawing away work was suspended in the mills here monday owing to the flood we are pleased to see mr mo- klnley who hat been confined to us bed for some time is able to be around again miss kvn winseld of tlie nursing staff o quel ph general hospital is quite seriously ill in the isolation hospital with scarlet fever which was followed by an attack of measles her numerous friends hope for ber speedy recovery weekly halt bohay we the undersigned agree to close our respective places of business on thursday afternoons commencing april 1st to november 1st 1037 erwin ft goldham mckay bros a norrlngton dominion stores ltd le roy dale a m g randy graham hardwire j w kennedy w c bartlett w t evans h g melr e r magloughlin w r watson r h thompson ft co a j blackburn w a bailey t a willson h r mimms v u heath a e wright roney bra- p r watson misses clarrldga kersey ft gibbon a a willson c j back m curktoo t w smith m clark d brill j h jackson w h willson elmer c thompson j p raid j h lillian d marshment n h brown d livingstone a reetlvo l wroggette d miller b j footer g w herringtoo e e young scientifically packed salada tea am free from dust as tea can be mihoa por eyes that seek good looks and feet that crave concwt invkttu shoes best 0mo saw dvk- w c brlttett georgetomni ani brampton terra cofla mr george coulter of toronto spent tbe week end with his parents hire mrs e simpkint has gone to gnelnh hoapital for treatment her friends wish her a speedy reatorstion to health mr and mrs j cook have moved to mr rogers quarry on the 6th line and will take charge of the boarding boose there prior to their removal a surprise party was held at their home and an enjoyable evening spent in music and dancing all join in wishing mr and mrs cook and family healti and prosperity in their new home rev mr wadell preached an excellent sermon in the united church hen on sunday evening service at usual next sunday even ing- 7 p m mr ed townaend waa in toronto on saturday mr j l cralne went to flint mich this week to attend tbe funer al or hla mother who had been 111 for scats time the family have the sympathy of many rrienda in their sad bereavement tbe ladles social hour wot held at the home of mr and mrs a burgess on tuesday afternoon the above was received too late for last iiaur the milk produce of the milton district have brganlatd with the fol lowing ofboenk president jaa jarvla trafalgar sec treat w a mar tha esqueting the annual competition in oratory and elocution was held at the high school last friday ovenlng there waa a large attendance fear bays competed for tbe gold redal for oratory donated by john m mac kenzie tbe winner was kenneth dick who spoke on sir john a maodonald there were nine girl competitors for tbe gold medal for elocution given by dr h a mocoll it was won by laurens galbraith whose selection was the cattle thief there was a good ranjieal programme charm dwells in the home where paint and varnish serve plaoe your order now for tho beautiful hunworthy stauntons semltrimmeil wall papers ploghue 30 minnie quick drying enamel alabaitine and muresca our brightennp department challenges the world we stock nearly every highgrade varnish made make your home a better place to live in when y buymartin senour 100 percent pure paint right in your own town we serve the best and sell for less broadcasting from gurrys jjtires for less compare these prices and then use your own judgement w handier all makes of urea phone or mall your order and we will cocpreaa the urea to you the same day these fires all bear liie manulaclurers warrenlry specials ivv kale hi room frame bouie balf rre of kround adiolnlnir tho golf llnka waler in luuiet aleclrl ileht furnace sod lerma arranged ieeaemloa uay iu c holland parol acloo u fa bala yotine broote turkey gobbler c u uswlck it k no j acloo pborie 117 r qeo j fe lau ttroodtow wllb liner of 8 else also fluaiber of young plea 2 moalbs- eld wllllawa lol 3 plnil has er j ee4 mvley a quanlllv of choice o a c no 8 seed barley for de p 91 jip vekeat 6 roomed houie llgbt waler hath xood garden fruit sod lares rsrae pplv lo a r speight jobo si age tip cuslom haldung la ua balch your tar you lbl mimw in our mammoth eltctrie lncuha tot if lu rgg eu want baicbad th tjtiar way wv will h fttd lo do it lluu uav tar you we hv thm uptlaacm and lh0 rqulpmanl coti of kalclilae ac p- em fiacll prtna m laty l4a rook your order for apac now ami koul hainff dlaapftolnlad britanalt poullry fra j sandutky ft boo rr a braaib lon oai km 1414 abona cookwlu 4btl ft notice our aim la that all rural mall boxes through out canada be placed on the right side ol the roadway in order to pre vent further accidents and loes of life among rural mail carriers is request made to use dominion gov ernment by the rural mail carriers a members point out that many serious accidents have happen ed in recent years since the multi plicity or motor cars requiring monuia or hospital treatment and entailing considerable expense and loss or time through the practice in some dialrieta or bleating rural mall boxes on the left aide of the road service and low graham clements phone sb atfceye natiliri aa ccmms mh- imttaaa- lrllreiacull tires 30 x 3 12 oord s 80x3i2oeraije cord 645 30 x 3 12 heavy o venire cord 798 20x440 tires 775 look these over tires tx 4 127 32 x 4 ia40 1410 33 x 4 34 x 4 1480 1835 the perfect husband is the one who knows how to spologue grace fully when his wife la really at fault dogs in brampton must be tagged or the death penalty will be imposed owners have until the end of this month to ssoure the necessary tag in alliston the council ia charg ing a substantial license fee for gaso line pumps located en the street first pump m00 second glftoo and ib for a twin pump the fee la 2800 notice i have bought back my shoe business and am going to slaughter prices on everything in the place mens rubber boots alas 8 ta00- leather lanes aprs for 28s insoles 60 a pr polishes 8c splen did assortment of mans fine and working boots from 02jw to t4w pure neatfoot oil for sale allan roney will ssw all rips free of charge on boots sold from this store and yoo will always find hla on the job and get aatlifsohnn at lowleat living prions yoo can come with every con fidanoeto as j rooeyi i have seen a lot of comers and goafs in the boot business lip yj beautify the home hhjh 71 li beautiful artistic wallpaper suitable for every room at prices that are very much below what the quality calls for draperies a large showing of choice draperies rugs new congoleum rug patterns new low prices in linoleum congoleum jfj and oilcloth- l jacksons georgetown a- j i 82 x 4 12 s3 x 4 12 1900 34 4 12 106s sb x 4 12 2100 33 1 8 34 x 8 2488 2888 tubes 310 260 280 270 300 298 300 400 480 486 38 x 8 2870 tubes 80 x s 12 gl 10 30 x 3 12 over- 148 30 x 8 12 extra heavy red oversiie 108 20 x 440 tubon 145 balloon tires tubes 260 200 300 318 320 330 346 4 40 ila bus and truck type tireh 30 x s 3166 32x6 8318 tubes 420 27 x 440 1048 20x440 1116 9 x 476 141s 10 x 478 1630 20 x 408 1661 30 x 406 1705 31 x406 irks 30x8 28 1910 31 x 626 1970 30x877 2248 32 x 877 2486 33 x 600 23 8- extra hei 311x677 fjuho 32 x 6 77 28 71 32x600 21 76 isxullo 27lll 32 x 620 30 mi 4j0 111 iio x 6 6840 34x7 78 38 h00 865 1110 13 x 6 78 1128 special hiiev tube 29 i 411 iio i i ah tires guaranteed a j gurry oakville tires foruss phone 21 5 radios a radio supplies eiwki treuh aiwdahm under lie provi on of ike oel ne- companles act eiuaiie tkrealiliis aa anclalloa hereby slve peellc notice last ll will sftsr the nubcattca hereof euke apfluallonlo his honour ibeusuteaanl- vernor of ontario for leave to aurrea- der its caanr en and frma a dale to be died by hiihoneortbel4ealeaaal-gover- nor i puftmhi oalarlo ihi hlbdayof march i9j7 r troja aaueuuea ly ia1e tttwifhm fioorgalowo oatsno lis solicitor clearing auction sale op fn stock fmta be the uadsreaad ka beee lastructed by fruit ttoaym 10 mil by public auction at lot 1 7lb mforbc lobdt mmrtih ssth at i ocuiu the folleamifi- lloraisarsy team oeldittes tfloo zcowhotstsi ttu ml tm holiteln cow fraah hoi stela ecwdo time of sale holstei et usi iiu bred holateln row aillldw sms brtndle w doe utfhbsri cow doe time of sale rl cowtds urasof sale red cowfrsili brlaeec mlklna well brad red mvtru 5 well end nan cow freak veajrkl7 2yearlln stsere vesrllas helfert irk mvr brs3 about 4u ptyroauth reek hsst implmenta- bain wson and box am prints 10 and s0ekiowt wson biael wheels top bumy eo r eat slufha deerinv bhatzyttidttk ln mower u ft deerlr diss al 11 disci sst harrawai dlscrlitiui- tlotcr is toothi 17 toilll 1 iffissr oesrln- horse rake id fi bay testr hhsnu plousb no hi ytatjs fj iraw scales uoooibe newi stcoe beat wheelbanow sleel rar mte newer c ippsristrind stone 4 unjof dworj clod crurlinr qusntltv of itmmi 40 gl sueleli dsu nvnw sa rpsrator pjwerpumpsdlsfc bjaek- anltha iron vice abcu t mtl oflta cs yanu hi pipe extents iladsr rn oslls and tralnsr train bus jorks shovels chslns sad otlwrirelsi numerous to mention nese llsmess- set of eroteh bresehlne har- oralaabout4bus alfalfa saadi o sboutbob bus js8 housshold srtldes crown utrroa 000k stove wood new psrfscuen a i oil stove and oven s burasrsi 8 kisen cepboerdj hsll rack i0x lensui wood v rrnuilte vcryudiic must be sold without re serve ss tfsrra has bsss nf js d uurns of iff and under cash over tkat smotint 10 net itha nltiwwt ior ssol w a wilson clerk iponards hall rack tapeetrv rui ood ovoi ssr jr kjlkf benpktcii auctioneer fire insurance x mr umhui cmrgetowa erxr art you protected