the georgetown herald sixty first r alt ok i ultl h ation georeeton wednesday evening july 28th 1926 uu per annum in advanoe 400 to d 8 the georgetown herald j m moore fifcuaker aa fraarlelor maiabar ctuilu weekly yap aaabautlob cnr tlatal uoihu b4bt paanfinger passenger tfaaaenger tiail paaaenqer hm passenger taeaenger sunday going webi mail 10 18 a in 1204 p 848 iiu 6 82 pin 825 pm 7 81 pm passenger mail passenger passenger v passenger sunday 1 qoiho mobth mail mail going booth browns bakery confectionery yob can sllll get the same quality milk maid bread ah our store our ice cream sodas are cool and refreshing any flavor 1 0c saturday cand y treat wpek end chocolates reg 40c 2bo sujur fr ul iropa 25o saturday ice cream treat rreah iv h sundae with wl ippwl crtnin tl ej re dehuoua 25o caudtaa hatltul ekdric lallwvs tmmu lihutai kaltw kabtbquhd wkbtbound daily daily txwln train nov7iuam no 1 7sbaai 957 am 8 u 88 am b llb7aro 6 1185am 8 1 67 p m 7 1 8i p m 10 8 67 pm 9 8 85 p m 18- 5 67 p m 11 5 86 p ai 14 767 pm 18 7 86 p in 16 9 57 pm 16 8 86 p m 1811 68 pm 1718 06 am train nos 1 and 4 ran daily except sunday directory hilton wallm1dqb dal erristsre mmtot w toronto and oaorgetowa obca kannaar hook l roy dal la thug of mora h q mkih barrister solicitor etc olfice mill st georgetown hour 4 am to ip m opa wejnoeday and saturday even glajuuios a wioonii banlir uum- votary paulo offlm ovkili blocs owrflwwd hmn 9 a at to 5 p m open wednesday od saturday evening- djlt mabokixuf moolosj ottoelx offleer el stealth ragr kow phyaiciao and surgeon mut sire- georgetown phone 33 ba howe smveaa grace hospital dk o v william physician and surgeon ork and reetdencavueen sinta south dm mtthbrljjni eye ear kom and throat sptdaust at georgetown each saturday hours7 p m ttu pm or by appoint- home phone 107 r 6 v k watiok d w iv h d ft oua branti w 6 eioapt tlaiaiaj alununi t l heath toa 0 o ft danttet oses la lao btoek on door north c ortfaora carriage lattery boon a aa to f a chiropractic m maalelsw larsssy oetaeyata r ttlsotrtetty attca ctwroptacttcauy to omuio jyreua oses next to o neufa goran wodaasday h sairday iio 57 o 9 p m other day aad hour by appointment pbonaisiw ratideoca 160 at matraphone 3i5tedy and fnday 3 to 9 pai aota f ra ftaamllla ralm stand h anthracite 3 scranton coal 3 in allsfxea antetoat0lly screened and i loaded coaf wood 1 beleoi lamp for domettio adfl hhreahuia pnrpoeea sknltalaa aad cannet coal la fact icarry fltrythtng to be onnd in any np to date ooal aad wood yard john mcdonald phonrh georgetown n h brown phones reitdenae b6j ah talt are jlaeed in a naturally eom- fortablt poatttotl to that yt jtav reiax- anonatyourutf ato mf- titttittf bolt- uprxght at tn th olajatluontd oar tltnaetrmtal xto foff tow bilrw ffooi ufa broiltrord arrolock slatea if either gales rain enow nor froat can budge them and they last for yean tha law price and amatl laytag o oiako than tha moat tcoaomloal roof of aicapttoal valua yoa can lay thtm orat tha old atilatla illlllllllhiiiiiiiiiiiinillhlllui bnuitfbtateoillltfcoxatbttaci brantfbrd ontario stock carriod information fumtahad and sarrica an brantford roofing randarad by gfjorgetown lumber co ltd georgetown homestead canadas first highspeed europeantype light car the distinctive body lines of the new overland whippet msemble the muuteat entomwlt aqtomoblles of america and contlaental europe stand in front of this car and yon can imagine yourself on the boulevards of franca it will travel 66 mflea an hour in perfect comfort plckop in 18- seeonds from 6 to 80 miles an hour go 35 miles on a gallon o gasoline orer 1000 mqes on a gallon of oil measured testa show that the overland whippet whh its awheel brakes will stop ia two car lengths from a speed of 26 nulea aa hour the overland whippet is 5 feet 8 inches hfgh not as tall as the average man yet ft provides more roonr and comfort than you vo eni found in any abtooaohlle of this class before j n oneill son georgetown royal city dairy lee cream full line fresh groceries fruit in season dont forget to try a loal of guelph bakery bread forsters termatdaili georgetown phone 89 ilhbsal rhs2ssk5sks hant forget to call at l e youngs store for yqur tobaccos cigars cigarettes and candles neilsons ice cream see our window lor saturday specials j wetf4saenrlru4mirtitt0liru sil mitf ftrjmirucyicliaslir4ymiy bnnanee and orangei alraya in stook telephoke 161 sell your cream at home mrt tmlcm td htbjtkl grtit n fteteri met wool wanted for cash open every day also wednesday and saturday night georgetown creamery co m saxe manager aatasarmlettecrea p- canadian national exhibition toronto 1926 datmauasi0s4ptil hydro electric system bo watt lamps 4 for 9 1 oo guaranteed lamps 26 watt 10 watt fig 60 watt 87 100 watt tungsten 05 100 watt nitro 65 150 watt nitro 85 200 watt nitro 1 15 irons guaranteed 1 year 475 hydro irons guaranteed 5 years 5 orders taken for range and appliances of all kinds v office town hall l harvest hardwarjej come look at ours harvest time is hereare yon prepared let us nuppb you with your harvest hardware j stock tl p best and mil for less heavj msohine oil 50c per gft binder whips 25c each section files nvets pullejs glovos harse muz rles ek do jou uced noioe new rope canj ropemitslti sizes rope in large sixes should be pure mamlldmon t get foot ed all pure mam 11a rope hat a twlsted paper label down the w itw see our corks with the strap handles si 50 ea or 2 for 2 5 binder twine the crops are heavy you will need som twine let as ha e your order for branford binder twine flit for niu 50c per bottle crenoid in bulk 8bc gal scrran doors from 2 25 to 4 25 complete screen windows 15c up u 70c black ffftoen wire 4c square ft gsivamted screen wire 5c sq ft whitqbow high test gasoline ifio gal olre it a trial bntiahamwran coal oil 28c gal we deliver coal oil aaj place in town toe it once and joq will alwaje want it again vie issue cash a scount bonds on everything in our store except binder twine v ours to save you money graham clements phone 25 1 went a little house with a tiny 11 ng- iog garden a tiny staling gardun near th calling of tne seij i want a llttfe white hou with ion der vines upon it 1 wsnt a joyous ganjon where my love will walk with i 1 want a little house with a welcoming worn dooraiu i want a little house w th a knocker on the door 1 want the corners of it to tx all alive with laughter i want the sound of dancing to echo from the door v the sunset lffit a wideflung window that meota the break of day i want to stand upon the porch with hands outstretched to greet ofgold and the waves shall reach slim fingti slim wjstful silver lingers and i will toss thorn mignonette to make their dreams come true 1 wsnt a little house with a tiny sing ing garden a little house where peace shall dwell and deep content and mbfh wsnt a little white house with green vines growing on it i want that utile house to be the happiest on earth i r margaret el sangster q jlotes and comments vali nominal man carried rldlm ut election very few men in canada are better known than jack miner the natural 1st author and lecturer he has lee tured in every city in the dominion id in 75 er cent of the towns one autumn he bad been camping uvihe hudson bay district and had reached th railway on sunday on his return journey to his home in kingsviue ontario knowing all the engineers be flagged the express which would take him to toronto the conductor soon recognised his passen ger ss the widely known naturalist and he was ushered to the stateroom in the parlor car as the evening drew near one of the passengers in the car approached mr miner and saying there were only three men on thecar asked him if he would make a fsufth and spend the evening play ing cards jsck miner went back to the men and said to them gentlemen i never play cards and i wouldnt think of playing on sunday the lord a day but as an alternative will you join with me in singing some old gospel hymns so these four men instead of play big cards started singing such songs of the car where the remaining pas sengers about a dosen ladles were seated a voice joined in and it was found to be the voice of a noted con cert singer it was not long before the occupants of theuwhola car were singing there was no card playing aa the song service ended all agreed that they had spent one of the most unusual and pleasurable evenings they had ever experienced during the course of a railway journey the caldwell family held its sec ond annual reunion at tho home of mr and mrs gichard younge lot fl concession 4 adjala township on thursday afternoon and evening july 8 fully one hundred members neighbors and friends of the family were present at the gathering which was of a delightfully happy nature the early part of the afternoon wae ipent in getting acquainted rendu iscenses photo taking and races for the little folk later a short pro gramme was provided under the sit pervuion of rev henry caldwell dr a f reynar palgravc a d mckit- riek orangevflle george patterson reeve of adjala jos simpson tot tenham and others mrs caldwell gave a couple of humorous recitations in delightful manner before the programme all joined heartily in the singing of best be the tie that binds tables had been arranged shady spot on the spac ous lawn and here a sumptuous supper was sorvod under the superv si on of mrs younge assisted by a number of her neigh bora and other ladles the remain der of the evening was then pleasant ly spent in social converse and amuse- hearted hospitality of mr and mrs younge contributed much to the sue cess of the reunion and was warmly appreciated by all following a short bus ness meeting reunion officers were elected saying it ik slang another college professor has just taken a wicked crack at slang dr william allan neoson president of smith college telle tibe world that the use of unauthorised word and jut speech within the limits of johnston ian english as it would be to insist that modem dances conform to the rales of the spanish fandango yet the fandango and the english language were imported here at ap- eroximately the same time usage i stronger than dictionaries and pur ists all the world now goes to the movies there was a word that at itwas adapted that all thefs u to it first classed as slang unless they are mere combinations of greek syllablo such as the chemists coin our slang isnt new it slang that gives a word an additional shade of meaning there is a differ ence between slang and poor eng llsh we should not fall into ignor ant mistakes of the use vt words but slang why prof slang is to the ml lagc shiek what a powder puff is to a flapper exchange a matter of names a toronto paper sugirests that the erovinclal highways of this province s given pleasant sounding indian hames instead of unimaginative num bers many tourists of the province according to the paper are of the opinion that it would intrigue the visiting american and western cans dian tourists to a far greater extent to speed along the wyoming mohawk and mtsslssauga traits into toronto than to drive into it over highways number 7 and 2 as is the case at present the idea might be worth consider ing there is very good reason why certain indian names should be per petuated apart altogether from the increasing of toronto a trade in tour ist supplies and if the highways i indianuted why not go a little farther today the highways are liberally decorated w th such sigm md notifications ss hotdogs camps for tourists gasandoil dangerahead at least that is about what catches the eye of the visiting tourist aa he speeds along and it is about all that a good many do see to indicate the character of the landscape would it not be a good idea to turn these highway orna mentations into indian too dbatiir sold at tuesdays meeting of the coun ty council nui tenders were received fir the 18 00015year five per cent debentures to be issued under by law no g4s for the payment of hafton s shan of the expanse of erecting the oakvioe bridge the tender of messrs sfacnett graham a x toronto 90 s71 was tha ugbaat and aa ac- csatai at the ha i ton conservative convsn n which packed the town hall mil n on friday night dr k k an dert an of milton was unanimously chosen candidate to contest halton county in tho federal election on sept 14 m t smith president of the association was chairman and ad iresses were delivered by george hlllmer mpp ot oskvilledr an derson and g r geary a c of to ronto dr anderson received a t rem en doui ovation lie spoke at length on tho work of the parllsmsnt lust cloa ed and explained the details of the customs scandal he criticised prem ier king for bartering with the pro gressives for support and praised mr stevens for unearthing the custom scandal dr anderson said the pco pie of canada wanted a clean goyom ment and predicted they would get one after sept 14 he believed premier king was in favor of break ins away from the motherland and linking up with the united states g r geary former mp of to ronto followed an 1 like dr ander son spoke at length on the custom scandal he stated that had the cus toms department been managed hon estly it would have had many thous ands of dollars more to its credit than it did now the king government he saldnjiad driven the best of can ada s young men to the united states by its policies which were a detri ment to this country caldwell reunion vr on hundred meoibara of tfw family held happy gatbwrwg adjata on thursday judge elliott chief revising officer for the coming election by virtue of his office as county judge has receiv ed instructions regarding the registra tion of the vote for the next election the most important change in the jguiations is that at the next election the person to be registered need pot appear before the revising officer in person as was required in the last dominion election nd not attend rson making application for the registration need not even be a relative or employer of the person to be registered all that is necessary is that the revising officer be certain that the applicant knows the clrcum stances and that the person to be reg istered is entitled to vote the off eer is instructed that a mere belief is not sufficient a reasonable ex euse showing why the person to be registered does not apply in person should be given the instructions kint out that the revising officers can hten their duties by depending on the agents of the candidates notice required the revising officers are to begin their sitting on tho 21st day before the date of the election thrnoticcr i sse nf or registration are to be given not it tkr t 25tf day before the ii s in new flf electfon ln vhtn a name is to be struck from the list two days notice must be given ana the applicant for striking the name off must produce evidence to show that it should be removed meana new lul judge elliott explained that new voters lists must be prepared and that the lists now used in the last gen era election could not be used he believed that 1926 voters lists would be used as a basis and that all the names appearing in part iii would have to be registered because there is no part 111 printed for the 1s2 list the 1926 list will not be ready until october after the election over boy drowns in hole while bathing in river whilo swimming w th a companion i sixteen mile creek near oaky- george clark aged 7 was dron between four and five o clock friday afternoon the boywss bathing with its companion james gibson in iole north of the c nr tracks near n old deserted mill when he sudden ly disappeared gibson who was un able to swim ran forjiolp but nearly ten m nutea hsd elapsed before gor don walker of the i o f home arriv ed on the scene and dragged the body from the water chief of police kerr and dr g b chiahotm were at once called and applied art f clal resplra tion by means of a pul motor all ef who examined the body stated that an inquect would be unnecessary the boy wa the son of arnold clark of kerr street gnnl h helton rifle on tuesday the county council granted s0o to the helton rifles for 1926 the money- will be at once id over to the o c so that it will available for application on the expense a of the coming camp at long branch tha grant wul be highly tip- pradattjd by ojbcara and men thk meanest thief ia ofun named as he wlo would steal canuy from a baby our idea of tho moat unscrupulous thief u he skunk who will strip a wrockc 1 automobile by the roadside while its owner u n somo hospital or socking al 1 it la almost safe to assert that no car could be left in a ditch anywhere over nig t nguarded without being stripped of everything from its tiros to its tools sometimes everything removable and of any value is taken away by these renegades who instead of protecting oil very unfortunate mar s property literally kick bim when he is down what kind of consciences repose in side thi r th ck skulls it la hard to the community in general is overwhelmed by the fate that over took the war canoe parly on that like on tuesday n ght tht drown ng or ten lads in uu beauty of budd ng manhood and of the heroic exsold ir who was the director or the camp u what was doubtless on or the most joyous outings of the r i veu makes tho most aircctmg lem of news the papers of this city have had to pub lien for some t me it was read witl tears by very many people both old nnd young for it needed no great power of imagination to picture the gnef that ntwa would bring to the victims families the calamity that overtook the youths who assembled on that lake shore to spend a holiday together in a fashion becoming manly young canadians in the bright prom of their lives the hope and pride of their parents appeals to one the strongest bonds of human aym pathy accidents in which larger numbers of matured men have lost their lives do not take such a hold upon the hearts of the people at large unhappily the newspapers abound in reporta of deaths at crossings deaths caused by somebodys recklessness on tho highways these are read about excite a passing feeling of sadness and are speedily forgotten it is as if the capacity to feel for others hsd physical limits and that the frequency of fatal accidents tended to indurate the sensibilities of the kindly hearted but when lovely youth in its hours of happy fellowship is swallowed upas were the holidayers on balsam lake we are all made to feel the sense of tears in mortal things man and others there is a discussion in some of e papers as to the significance of the fact that man is about the only animal that must learn to swim if he is to swim at all practically all other animals even those which have least liking for the water can manage to keep afloat as soon a sthey are able to move around on land moat people know that a kitten will swim for its life even before its eyes have opened upon the world into which ft has one explanation offered is that man was intended to live on land but what about cats and horses and cows and many other animals all of which live oh land but swim naturally when compelled to take to the water an other explanation is that man in his early stages went on all fours and could then swim but that he lost the power of svdmralng without learning when he gave up the habh of using his lianda as feet so to speak and assumed an erect position man likes to think of himself as the pride of creation bnt it- would be interesting to know what some of what are called lower animals think about it or would think if there was time to waste in thinking in somo ways man makes but a sorry com parison with some of his contempor aries there are birds which have surer vision with the unaided eye than a man with a telescope man s hearing seems to be dull compared with that of some of the insects a man wfll get lose even when supplied with a map and a compass where a cat will get back without any help no one can run the other fellows ib as well as his own though he may ntil he is able to do so said rev d ferry after a week aa editor pro tern of the yakima daily republic the presbyterian minister took the position after a series of arguments with the editor c w robertson about the republics editorial policy especially in regard to the prohibition law and its enforcement lots of persons think they could newspapers and write editorials without the least difficulty said mr ferry i wish they could all try it once it would develop a ane spirit of tolerance though after the experi ence they might not survive long enough to exemplify it if i had to retire from the ministry i certainly ferry said that he had learned that ireachfng every sunday is nothing ke the strain of filling editorial col umns day by day the demands or newspaper space and time are so re lea tl ess that i could not stand up un der them long death struck a double blow at a well known hillsburg family when two brothers though widely eeparat ed died within a day of each other samuel huxley aged 70 died at the family homestead at blljsburg thurs day while his brother john huxlej aged 62 had passed away at long branch california the previous day both were born at hillsburg but for twenty years john had farmed near fergus some years ago he left for the west and made his home in riverhurst sask he had been mar ried recently and was vis ting long branch when he d ed besides his widow who was formerly hiss linn of fergus he is survived by three sons and one daughter samuel hux ley had been a resident of hillsburg all his ltfe and for a great number of years was clerk of erin township he s survived by three sons and two daughters h fhwav naesaa inataad nfrtamfi the suggestion has been made that the prosaic number of ontario high ways be changed and that narnestbe substituted indian and historic names are suggested it is claimed that names would make a greater appeal to tourists at well as help to keep familiartht historic events and places in the minds of ontario people and their visitors the name auggested for no 7 highway which paset through georgetown ia the seneca ltmul