the georgetown herald i iriy mm ii 1au ol luihk a hon gdoretown wednesday evening august 5th 1925 the georgetown herald j m moorl publlahar mud propritor mohr canadian wkly n pir aooutloji c n k tim lloimi r piiwuiyitr mail 1 7 1 ha m 1 1 1 ilni 10 ihnm 11 igriu j lbpm mail c l pusseugor h 25 p m passenger sunday 1 1 u0iho wft illhboutor 7 01 a m mal 10 warn poahujfcoi 1 p m puanfnbor co p m passenger c i m passenger 7 oh ii m mm h v passenger sjjiiilav 10 21 ft m joltjg north mail b 00 a m mail 4 cc ii id joinu houth mail liaaam mail 7 10 p m canadian nauonal electric railways tsronto sabnrbaa rallwa kahtliounl wrsthouvd dail daily train train no 2- 8 04am no 1 7 21 a in 4 10 04 am 8- a 21 a in 01204 im c 1121 am h 2 04 pin 71 21 n ui 10 4 04 p in 9 3 21 p m 12- b04pm 11 521pm 11 b 04 pm la 7 21 i m 10 10 04pin 1g- 9 21 i m 1bi2 01am 1712 10 am train nob 1 run 4 run daily excopt sunday directory bhilton wallbridqe a oale barmtar solicitor to toronto and qoralown oilni kennedy block i roy dale in chart ol ueoro town grnca a o heir bat ruler swliiit of obite mill si hour 9 a i open welnesda r olabence h wiooinh buriiur solicitor notary public onto o neiix block open wednesday and sal rday rv koruan inveatinaatii money to telephowe us dll t h haroellu8 phyiioian and surpeon medical officer or health oidce hours 1 to 4 and ho i p m phena m office lid realdedce main street south oppoalta preabyterlan churob dr c t w ross ihyiician anil surgeon m ii stre i tcorkctown i i 01 c 22 l house surgmjo grace hotpla1 loronlo dr o v wiluahs iliysn 1 1 anil surgeon office and kcadericetj een slrcc south pkou rat office llouray ii uo ly appo ntinenl geo creamery we are now paying 36c for butter fat ice ililuoid loan pint nf iho town it 25c por largo mock cartage c have a tmek full ciituipfil tor callage r and lonj disliint hwilink at most reasonable open monday wednesday and saturday fvtnlngs wc will pay you the highest fitiarket prices for your 5 eggs fowl and wool georgetown creamery co m saxe manager m m forsters cash and carry store a fdll linfc op choice fresh groceries provisions etc rklit in sr son royal clly ice cream and nciisqds chocolalep pro- dflunccd ibe best by all who have tried them swifts cooked flam and cored heals at right prices r john and victoria st- george town h 1 la r r watson d 1 s m d s 09tptow obim hrnni- 9 to cxoept tknraday aftarnoona l- heath lds dob office lo lne block one door nortt at onellla carrtac factory hours i l m i p m chiropractic no haaiolaa sargai osteopath or elaotrlcltjr 8sszrjsere iady attewdamt cully in onia seilsert tho chiropraetor falatar oradaau 3 yrcakaralai office oral to o nell gar wedncdaj5uiiifily2to57lop n olher ilayi and h wn by appointment phone i sow rts dence 24o at hilton i ione 21otueijy ur fnda 2opn used car bargains 1 922 ford touring new top and painted chevrolet touring newly painted dodge roadster studebaker special 1 ouring new top and tainted l remarkable stove for summer or winter cosyhome it heats it cooks it bakea provides hot water burna any fuel moderate in price asss a comb nat on heotrr and range made bh in kizcs luitnblc for any kitchen you can have ll e cody home with or without oven with or without water front or reservoir grates arc udjuitnblc to shallow firebo flwamf for ull fuels for summer use a lurge top f r r tmsicn fuel pocket takes 21 ii u 1 1 e coi hume is n really m iurkble wove come in todoy and let us show you how well it can serve you firtti hnppy thought furnace vc fuel sod r h thompson co georgetown maoe at bbaw1tobdcamadabv happy thought foundry commnv um1tbd rangesfurnaces selffilling fountain pens the two leaders watermans ideal and parker dufold the best on the market from 250 to 750 a good selection tn different colors at a b willsons jeweller next to hold mcoibbon georgetown benj petch for peal aienwllluuna poat omca bales co ducted aatlsractorlly and ao nable ratea order left urotctown herald omca will prompt attention j a tracy clerk towntl p of 1111 clerk 3rd u c3o co 1 t tie load iic lre and l le wakimlm pxisios uanuurawus 1 ckkunsvy ilcton ont youll know that we know how to mill good flour after you order excelsior flour acton flour mills d h lindsay proptietor no 8 q coal best anthracite coal always on hand nut and stove coal small egg coal large sized pea coal delivered to any part of the town also coke phone iso f rogers co georgetown bailey bros garage wo are now looated in larger eromities formerly occupied by the alton oarage on mill st and are prepared to do all kinds ol auto repairing get your cars overhauled and greased for spring we do it with the alemite system batteries charged the best gasoline and oils always on hand baley bros georgetown phone frn aai uestiont can mclaughlinbaick 4wheel brakes be applied while turn ing corners taswer certainly the brake on the outside front wheel is automatically released making steering easy and car control sure only one such device has so far been perfected and mclaughltnbwck has it svking halton garage georgetown ontario the old hvmni km uidms ull i nnitoi want to lake a hand i tdi ink or hiijh knurl iiy on jordan t ntorm hanki i biiuii mill j nut n wmtful ojo tlieroh lols of iiiuhk en nn those dear a el bjinnu of old willi vihiooh bright of inndtt of iihiii find ahmintt utrplta n uultl and i honr cm tinink amginj whom nirmorj drcamuift h lands m drcrnlnnd 1 my mountains to indms coral htnindu tlioj hcem tnoink former o holier when uiej iiiilh of tlio lino ol god lilootntd win to in fill the wajn and i want to beai tlitir muhio from the old timo mcotn till migratory birds convention act to llllj till lit ll katifctl bj the i wo novor ncodud hirihinft booku in tli 0 in old du8 wo knew the woide the tuaoa and ovorj ano the dour old hjinn book through wo didn t have no trumiiliete thpi no oryanb built for show wo only bftnfi lo praise iho lord from whom all meanings flow an ho i love the rood old hjtnni an i when mj time xhall com ikfore the lijht has loft me and uij mntinh liiw are dumb if i can hear em mnr thtm then i 11 pass without a siyh to cunaan h fitir ntid happy land where mj iiosatasioiib lio county council the regular meotidh ot the count j coiititil iibheldat milton 1 tueadnj of laat neck i coin 111 11 mentions were read as iiouh from tlio dcpartmont of highways re county rondd by ihw uth order in council department if agrieulburo re noxious weeds on highnajb the agricultural renre ciontatno re proposed count ox lubit at the canadian national bx hibition tbo canadian national in itituto for the blind re grant the department of education ro pay its for tuition of pupils in hirii school b and collegiate institutes taido their counties and the sec retftry of milton high school riv ing notiu of robignation of geo don ling ns truutoe the matter of putting weather fltnnnidy on the count huildtngs imndowa was left in the hands of the county building commit tec ex wardon j r elliott was ap pointed uigh school trustou for milton to fill tlio unoxpired term of goorgo oowlmr resigned tho report of tbo county 1 load a committee fixing tho rood rate at ills for general maintenance and 1 mill for good roads waa heard lbs recommondation that the council purchase a road roller from nelson township at a cost of 2 700 was adopted a by law fixing the count tax rate at 8 a 6 in i lie was passed a grant of 800 was mode to tho ilalton agriculture sooiot to able it to bold its annual fair and gratitn of jg0 apiece wore made to tho oakville acton georgetown and burlington fairs a grant of 160 00 was made to school faint also 50 00 towardi tboiacon hog fair payable to r it plommg ilalton agriculture representative a resolution of council of a pre vioub mooting wheroby tho troon uror was authinzod to naj the ao count of 8g0 00 for survey work done on the 2nd and 7th lines of trafalgar was rescinded and that iccount be paid out of trafal gain account at present and that a grant for this amount bo m tn trafalgar out of the general counts iiiihi d upon tho treat with the itod state h any iiiiiiiiikh on oliir uiim law ma bo nddrchucd j the comniihsiiooir of i he una dian national pirka department i f the iiltulor ohnun f opln spafaons hoth diuex mdubivo ontnuo oiifktrkpese brant and rails sop tombci 1 to december 1g wilnon j nek stupe bliti k bellied and golden plovers and tho ireatoi and fesbor jollowlcgk beptcmber 1 to december lfi woodcook beptom iter 15 to november so closhd slaons there is a clod wean on through out the jeai in ontario ou hand tailed pigeons cider duck swan curlew willots god wits upland plover hvoccih domtchers knout nystor cat hers phalaropes stilts kiirf hirda turuutopeu nnd all tho shore birds not providtd ith an open bcason in abovo sbc dulo there is a closed reason through out the year on the following non gatno birds auks auk lets bit terns fulmars gannots grobos guillemots gullu boons jaegers loonb inurres petrol 8 pull ins shearwaters and terns and there is a closed season throughout tbo year on tho following msec tn or ous birds bobolinks cat birds chickadees cuckoos flickors by catchers grosbeaks humming birds kinglets martins meadow larks dighthawks or bull bats nut batches orioles robins shrikes swallows awifts tanngers titmice thrushes vireos warblers wai wiqgs ivrenb wbippoorwills wood peckers and ull other perching birdb which food entirolj or chiefly on in soots no wrson shall kill bunt cap re injuakakg or molest nngra tory gninobirds during tho closed season bale of these birds is for hidden tbo killing capturing taking ojuring or molesting of migrator nscctlvorous and migrator non game birds is prohibited bug limits ducks 20 but not moro than 200 in a season gee bo 16 brant id rails 25 black bellied and golden plover greater and less or elloviegs ie of all kinds wil son snipe 25 woodcock 10 and appliances the use of automatic autoloading snivel or machine guns iw battery or any gun larger than number 10 gauge is prohibited and tho uso of any aeroplane powerboat sail boat or night light and shooting from any horse drawn or motor hit i0 is forbidden penalty evory person who vio lates any provision of this act or any regulation sliallt for each of fenco bo liable upon summary con vict ion to a fine of not more than tbreo hundred dollars and not loss than ton dollars or to imprison icnt for a term not oxcooding si months or to both fine and lm prisontueat notes and comments imttir scliuols ballinafad hard hit by home bank failure there are many cases of hard ship that have already been cited due to home bank failure hut few more pathetio than that of an aged man from lyndon in a letter to a g browning kcwhois li ing after tho interests of tho home bank depositors in this district he pours out a bad sad story all hisltfes earnings ho said ho pub trustingly into tho homo bank year after jear bo watch ed the httlo bank account rrov and always as ho deposited hip few dollars it was with tho com fortmg thought that in his old age ho would bo able to sit back an rest and earn a respite from a 111 of hvrd toil he had 1102 in tb ik and he looked forward to tli day whon he would need work n speights garage and battery service guelph st on the highway georgetown tlio rov dr bponco of injjc wood who took charge of tho ser e the first three snndnjs during the absenco of rv n waddell has taken a charge in pnlgrave mohars peter and duncan perg jon attended tho funeral of ihr u mrs chas wobsler at george town on thursday last mrs ei barth and son of l williams accompanied b i mother mis steven itosrrl osllinafad pcnt a few da s ii week nilb mr isaac rosrel fl other frundi in intt mis nliiip h nfilisli of toronto is spending her iioikiajs with her aunt mis bert hogen here tlic indies of the women h im ein missionary bocirt litre and the indies nf meh ille punch al elon hel i a joint meetidtr in the i mted churth here inst wcdnes tu afternoon nnri had n oi en jnvnblc time after tho mcelmg iho indii s nf b ilhnafnd sorv c i led mr and mrs h luaid hun- and lumil 41b line calodbn mule n visit inst bunda to mr s r mruuro nnd his sistcre nil line then tho bank failed todaj the old man and his wi o still working nnd ho is carsofago iio worked all wint on tho farm and now that hum has come ho works from o in morning till h at night plow ing haxngand doing the arduous work of a man in hii twenties ho worked sunday and nileven dominion day lie has not been off the farm all summer and for all thib he roir 2e a month in an appeal bo asks that lelief be sent before it is too latt mr browning bis the enfe in hand and it is liltlj tli it iho old man will get lm mono for ho in one of the cases vvhiro it w ii not bo difficult lo prove indigent euiiibtntx es ob graded jirurtsanul in diftit ulty nro printed on separato shoots and tho pupil is told that they show tho paths in a garden unded hj walls uc must find hit way out by the quickest onto tho showing made deiiendu ii tlio pupil s ability bo work under resume and to withstand ditrtict ion b unosscntinls in the mater t b noises in tho room a i imitation tost involves ihtr bingoffoiu numbered cnbeb certain hoijiteuio as indicated by the tenoher the combination of sts being made mure dilhcult test gives a certain score and by combining tbn scores tho ntal ago of the pupil ia armed single tests aro of no value tho tests of london bos and girls betweod the ages or eight and tliir ueo showed somo interesting box differences tho girls excelled in memory teats and tbo boys in reasoning til tfa him profession ap pears to bo fast becoming over crowded when two or three bun dred applicants apply for a vacant position after being advortiaod and the aro still beiog turned out at the normal schools by tho bundredt if not thousands first thing wo know teachers salaries are going to take a drop if the haven t reached that point already some people think it wouldn t be a bad idoa were the normal schools to shut down for a few jears as tljo present supply of teachers is much greater than bho demand and will probably bo that way for several years to corae another suggestion is nnd it sounds reas onable and sensible as well that people quit sending their sona and daubhtcrh tqthflnorinal schoola- to become teachers but that they take up some other profession or occupation whore the leld is not so overcrowded but whore the re ti deration would bejubt as great if not greater however things n any event will ngbb therflbelveb is genorally happens when the sup ply of any article exceeds the de- iand when thab happens tho thing to do nnd is generally done urtail production of that particular article until tho demand equals or exceeds production dlphtharla ia hilton there is ao outbreak of diph theria in hilton necessitating the placarding of n number or bouses tho disease is said to be oi a mild typo how thar do it people wonder how other people get their monoy to buy gasoline and cars well here a a httlo light on the subject from amhorst- burg a man down hero so it says wenb into a store and bought thren dozen ogga and bod them charged ho took bho eggs bo an other storo and sold them for cash with which ho bought gasoline tbero s a financier for you for eat preo press toronto conple iajarod and mrs llitl of toronto woro injured in an automobile ao ident on elba hill moo miles north of orange vi lie on bho prince wales rood on tuesday last mrs hill was driving- and encount ered loose sand and put her toot on the accelerator instead of the brake the car landed on its de and was badly damaged mrs hill received cotoon her knee and mr hill lacerations of the head kaftuodto qttft etldaae the charge against the three took salesmen who have been on gaged for some mofiths in soiling stock in the plamgan smoke con suiner and fuel saver twice ro manded and which the defendants woro required to provide 00000 hail came to an abrupt ending at the court houso at milton whon tho parties who had purchased stock and vbo were responsible charge being laid refused to give evidence against tho men horn the had charged with fraud and asked that the charges be tbdrawn tho crown took the niind that under the t itcumatan s there was no ground upon which tc proceed tho court as sessed the cohih of 9 i co upon the plaintiffs in the case bowling wc give scivice thm satisfies the most exacting motonst why not try us injarad in an to craak on sal until night s ii albert n township lerk ol trafalgar p was in inn car on his wn iiomp dnranl and star scrvltiswlon mclahho repairs a specially ah llt wm rrm dan street wi highwaj a toronto bonnd phon 280 par or night th i of his rib were brokei arthur r speight proprietor car was badly damaged and tho scotch doubks tourna ld u thogreeiii milton on tuesday evening was not in poml ibpr of intnes the sue hoped ft r tho rain in g no doubt keeping n number ol rinks from attending there were ten defaults however fourteen rinks competed for the prmofi including seven local nnk the following were the wmtieis is g iinds and paitncr acton with 1 wins and plus of 22 2nd ii w kenned and joe gibbons georgetown will s wins and i plus of 21 8rd dr lowland am j w blam milton with 3 win and plus ot h trytnjtoget evan t the georgetown herald last wotk sftjs wlle the barn nrd wodneidnj morning last helen tin two oar old daughter of eorsc harper of trafalgar was iltackod by n clucking hen and re leivod painful injuries to her head mil pcs after flying on tho ilnd ibe hen pecked funousl innkirir several cuts on her fore head nnd tore the iksh awnj from her rikht eye the arrnsl nf her mother saved the little girl from more serious injur another rase or tvo like that and the lieople of the north land will have rfcamre hen bunts and godown to the south armed with guns and diolmms and battle ates and ac compnnicd h ogi bird dogs of cours lo exterminate the vicious hens of tho south last 0nr the sou ih organized expeditions to rid the north or tho wild wolves tb north will no don lit ho only too rood to return tho comphnient by hravel facing the voracioos ens of tho south porcunm- ad l