Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 25, 1923, p. 3

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j tjhrl orobobtown qrkaih amu arih b b50 ejs5s3 esis k52 oss sgg tsl ssiz e matthew s drug store the home of the viotrol agent ptvce sbnw high grade ohoooltei baseball and fishing supplies personals a thi litun m ntiw licit rn itumlnll illhin s window w i can- the hcsf 1 kodaks and supplies a good iirtsortintiit of pliototranliu xupplxh iiiih on hand hriug jour films lioie to bo dew loiid i d j matthew hi drdg8 ni1 statronkbt local news items clean up honue cteanink unn gardening is id ordei dug yonr lsh worms jet trout issbmg next tnosda jcbetulbbllmt the- beoa hao lert are com ins up cheer up the first hundred j ears are the hard oat be careful or your boaliraa as the conotry ib very dry now j boney wbh in hamilton yesterday buying more boots if yoii want a good garden this manner get william ward to plough it mr j b mackenzie ih ueilidg out and furnaoe coal in acton at 15 per too two georgetown auto owners were summoned to court last week for a sing 1028 markers chief jack boo has the scraper busy and it is making a decided improve meat on onr streets no wonder the redistribution hill w tfl buried when it was hu tight to send it to the committee in skeleton form interest in the soft ball league m increasing and several tea me have a read j had their players out to practice in the evenings the herald etaff take satu day afternoon each week as a half holidaj the office is alwajs open for business all day thursday if yoo knew how hard up we are yon woldn t hesitate a mom ent to send in that subscription you owe us why delay longer the members of the indoor base ball committee will meet id the council chamber on friday evening when the schedule will be drawn up spring footwear for children tba largest assortment in town at rook bottom prices drop in and took them oxer li j fox geo rgetown mr elmer c thompson ie now looking after the interests of several first- otass insurance com ponies he is located in mr meirs office s there were 84 applicants for the office of clerk and treasurer of the town of oakville the sal ary asked ranged from 1400 to 3400 per annom the officers of orion lodge loop will put on the 2nd and 8rd degree in the town hall next monday night all members are requested to be present a very exciting game of in door ball was played on toesday evening between the girls of the public and high schools wbioh resulted in a victorj for the high school the georgetown branch of the institute will meet at the home of mrs w g mar shall on wednesday may 2nd will the members answer the roll all with a recipe already five teams have en tered tbe soft ball league and it is expected two more teams be entered this week there will be h meeting of tbe executivein he council chamber on fridaj evening when th schedule will be drawn up boots arrive everj week direct from the factor made specially improved by experienced workmen buy the dayfoot boot warranted to give satisfaction also the mac pheraon shoes and tbe pathfinder boys and mens boots made jbpeoi ally tor us by tbe reliance co no wonder our business is grow ing aa we sell only tbe very best boots money can buy cushioned oled mens boots at 5 00 tbat would cost 10 00 in city repair ing mens boots balf soled 1 00 j boney 2tp libit daaertod about 11 lui k on satuidaj i tening an thomas allen was pa itu llu uuthuk losit at the find i il station ho was attracted bj u peculiar noise and on investigation uncovered an inant about ten iajh old ijuik inside he itnmed iaul tiolilicd li lutboulien after winch tlit hi id n takfti lo the home of mi a r wright where mrs wright ave it cver attcn tion and cart in an effort lo save its life until sunday afternoon hen it was reuiovm to the cbil il en s shellcr at milton whore it later died the un for innate moth wlulhiid dfiaejctejllho child was later located and removed to mil st george b day to a most enjoyable time was spent by the many guests who were iu attendance at the tea on saturday afternoon in the public library announced bj the women s auxil tary st george s church the tea room in keeping with the oo caaion was tastefully decorated with british flars and boqueta of red roses and tulips adorned the tables altogether presented a very pleasing and inviting ap pearance the outstanding feat ure of tbe afternoon was the sing ing of miss rub cappa of toron to who in a cbarmiog and graceful manner responded to the repeated encores of n very appreciative aud icnce daring the afternoon miaa capps was presented with a hand nome boqoet of crimson roses tbe presentation being made by little miss kathleen maycb splendid coaoart the concert giveo in the meth odist cburoh last ovening by tbe maple leaf quartette of gait aud the choir was one of the beat ever held in georgetown the quai tette composed of howard hansel wood 1st tenor earl hethering ton 2nd tenor charles mcgregor ban ton e l c fleming basso and t m aves pianist simply delight ed the audience with their excel lent and varied program of chorus es solos and readings thej were repeatedly encored- and cheerfully responded the numbers by the choir under the leadership of mr w b dilly were also well render ed and much appreciated by the targe audience present at the olose of jbe program the quartette and choir were entertained by the methodist ladies to a delicious luncheon nerved in tbe basement of the church utufrur an unusuf took place ac three o clock on sat urday at tbe homo of tbe bndea parents mr and mrs w a frab er 10 montctair ave toronto of misb eleanor fraser to mr frank hamilton little son of the late mr and mrs arthur little of newport monmouthshire eug land the ceremony was conduct ed bj tbe rev canon b roughs 1 1 iq the big living room which was dec orated with palms and rosea tbe a meeting of all liberals ladies and gentlemen will be held to the coonoil chamber georgetown thursday evening april 36 tb for tbe purpose of electing delegate to tbe convention to be held at milton on wedoesdaj mi aim bnku when bis delivery horse ran away last saturday mr j o clark milkmm was thrown from ibe ng ancthad his arm fractured master jim dobbie who was in the rig at tbe time luckily escaped jury there was a large attendance at th moving picture eotertfltthfitpnt at the public school last thura day evening when the new motion picture machine recently purchas ed by the school was given n trv out- it apparently worked quite satisfactorily and everyone present enjoyed the program it will be found very useful in teaching geog raphy history and nature study another entertainment will be giv en in thenear future bride who was given away by ber father looked smart in a gown of white canton crepe with draped skirt held with pearl buckle the long sleeved bodice was draped with maltese lace her tulle veil was caught with orange blossoms she earned a botjuet of ophelia roses and lillies of the valley mn elsie and beatrice fraser sibters of the bride wearing dainty taffeta frocks witb silver bandeau in their hair held tbe white ribbon i mark ing off the aisle for tbe wedding party miss kathleen jermyn played the wedding music and dur ing the signing of tb register mrs w a madden osng all for you tbe bride s table uas done with pink and white sweet peas fravcr wore a becoming gown of gre canton crepe with touches if blue and corsage of roses and lolets the happy couple were tbe recipients ot numerous hearty congratulations and the mauy beautiful presents bespoke the high esteem in which they are held amid showers of confetti mr and mrs little- reft bj motor in the evening for their home in hnmil ton tbe brine travelling in a fawn suit with hat to match and brown fo fui notice all parties pw ng for cemetery work important warning any boy or gjrl under age found driving motor er in the town of geotxetoi llet the pubtimhmj of tin warning will prosecuted ah concerned plrane note john jackson chief of police ml ii jjltlilutt of 1 mould i il sunday with dr and miss mrtoll m lirit m bun of iconic him nt sniiia mtli iiih inntk in tnn mi mil mis i l 1 luimi koti ttpenl mindm w id fin i 1 ill pan mi an i mix hdward mournim of wluthi miiid in town lining tbe wetl mi and mh w rhirnaul of milton m ent snnda with riionilh in town mi and mih il j ha motored to oshawa on sundav and hmnl the da will fnenilw mr and mrs l f deni w re guesth nl tbe garratt fealtior stonbaukh ueddmi in toron ti un satiu da rs i kinle leturiicd linnie last week after ntendiog the win ui viittrdelroit and ht cntliar men friendi mihh maigaret finlev ictmned home last w i k after a pleasant winter six nt in california and british oluuibiu miss mar tlidiiiphtii of mantf emie has been iihiting hei tiihtei miss i iviut thompson in new york city messrs bamuel and alfred ban a than of newcastle visited at the home of their nephew mr fred bonatban stewarttown last week mrs r f cameron and mrs h l flutt arc attending the prom ial women s minsionary sociclj convention at windsor this week mr charles sutherland of tim ms formerly of georgetown spent a few days id town dui lug the week charlie has done ell in the north country mrs c i beaxley of neville 8 ask formerly miss bella guth rie of georgetown in renewing ber subscription to tbe herald wishes to be remembered to all old friends m georgetown mi 1 11 iff t a 1 him k nt i il i 1 iiatx ii ii un ihi k mi 1 lin m ki i or ii u 1- a mb id t u ui iho ii ik till lialc and i irli i twill itan nik he ix in is hfilb ji ar ii m l hit a d mihh 1 pit tit m uini d hoint fiom u south llthl iu m p ttll ih rnovtr llltkhk m mm hei di i xnn mt 11 1 uaho miss amik hesst mlsn agnes m i end mi s o 1 mck blisses m rgaret i nd mar ion l im misk larb t mm then mis a btnilli mihh dixie mi and m rs p r co ton and mr iad mrs 1 m m aro 1 wedding leiide 1 iho frnse little in to rtmlo on sal irtlitti mi a h dolihie formerh of tbe hhia1 i staff who lias hem ashiklani editor of i he potroli aiim rliht r t ipie for the past two yea is icienth joined the caindian now split a association and w ill roprt sent the abot mpfti at tin coninlioii in halifax m june aiim in an j georgelowi tni nds rfill he pleased lo karn of iiih t ess tliere is a rami r to tin reet llml he will not lx ilnm th fnchh trip church news m irfitn thursda u ptw annual tbunk offorioh scrvicp of mission circle miss wlntelock of john st poll ii mimion will apeak the public are invited snndm s i vices an usual at 11 am and 7 p m b p p mondav at h p in if people took us muh pleas uro making pleasuie as tbei take pleasuie making double evervbodv would be happj a men if jou want both torn fort and wear trv a pair of wil hams work boots this is the third season we have sold them and thej are giviot entire salinfac tion a satisfied customer ih our beat advertisement ii i foi georgetown i day of jllplg barnhills peel and haltons bargain store golden syrup per lb 6 cents barnhills norval rt ch endanger the publu cnlth anj lo the lime omplcled by may next on whicli day me bamiary in spcclnr w ii comnente a general impei mn and further take notice lhat the see on of ihe public health aci prot b l nr the keeping of hojs belwcei ihe 15th of may and ihe islh of november excepl in pens at i csit 70 feel from nny dwell ng hotne and 50 feet fromnti si reel or une wiih floors kept clear from all minding water and regularly ilnntned w ii lie i en fori ed c i zti i me cjnieslly requeued lo keep ihe r premises ioiis di liy leu i and thoroughly d s nfecied i krov dalk mayor of ihe mnnicipal ly of georgetown april 23rd 1923 erwingoluhams meat market main street georgetowm phone no 1 fieah fish at all times watch our windows lor specials on saturday quick delivery guaranteed warning any person trespassing oo lot 16 and 17 enqueuing will beproaeevted j c sods j ml shay final warning dog ofrteri are hereby warned if last i dog rutmhig witboix a taaj tt will be destroved jobo look we offer these well known soap products at prices unheard of before houaecleaning tune is here so buy your supply now and save money fairy soap regular 10c sale price 4 for 27c is for 98c goldust washing powder regular 10c sale price 4 for 24c 1 e for s3 the every purpose cleanser sunny monday laundry soap uirtipst qunllt whit tftumir ntinp regular 10c sale price 4 for 27c is for 98c a m grandy phone 76 rex theatre friday april mh n i i ii i uini i mi nlh iuid an i lllx hanulx in i ilnitinh aitl appialmi mi uj iikiim proluhd in u aitifli atmihii r um d i hi tat skihi in calm la 8atnrdy april th lmt is an aufi i tlmm stiirtitik 0nn mount lai of reported mishing tiiik is funnitrtl font ii n- iilnilo ilaj fart ody i tun lljd cook iu hi is io fu weekly n ws wadaeadasy hay sml llntdilaud amies aitb i nrxei so alliiritig as m i ajipuilirik dra m n lavihlil prndtkirt coincdy farm pollks 1 pthoi ii vu 1 wilt ootnlna tin oni it or life ihe hint hnkltsh suptr pietuii dixrl t hall oeoroctown ont the public health oltlaobs are runmud to comply with the pnhue healtli aot ol ce hereby given itml nil renidei 1- 1 foribw ih i lthi ellar styej id township ol esquesing sanitary notice notice is hereby given that all res dent of ihe township of ejsques ng are required forthwith io clean their ell dra na yards pig sly es water uonels and other oulbu id tigs and prem ses and re move nil dirt fillh itihtiure or other sub stances wh ch may ltidnnger public health and to have same completed by the islh of may neml on which day ihe san tary ii i res dents are earnestly requested keep iheir premise comlantly licbii h n thoroughly samtar condition note no jig sty is to be creeled wilhin 60 feel nt any dwell ng houie road john i smith san tary inapccli r bnquemg april 23rd 1921 tenders wanted tender will be received up to 8 pin april 0th 1923 by the clerk of the town of tieorgelawu for the milnll ng of a hoi water heal ng svsleni n ihe pump house and off en of ihe new aler works synem no bei g installed m georgetown mans aid spec- tilal 101m can be seen at the office of ch pman at power eng neers toronto or at ihe office of ihe clerk georgetown tbe bargain in guaranteed tires thursday bargain day the following are only a few of the many batgains offer ed on thursday hosiery liaduth silt and wool horn 1 tlfi iridic h itibtx d ash how ii ijadit a phun cash uom a j imdu r heatl oi w u 7j smallwares stnbllrs imgc sic d tor 2 wntuig padb li for 25 examination indn h for i glass tumblors t for z5 coat s spool a fj for 25i polni whiu soup 0 for 25c i lolht s pins 3i do for 10 shetland fiohw jm r skein loi hadu oui- ijhiicssii1im 11 aprons blue drlhhon js 7c foi jaro flannel hi hu while n whitt fh hark fhu umlttte 1 nnelptu hit u lette ill the above prices for cash or prockice mcbean co georgetown rennies grogery grocery specials laslr hour tr 24s kiko malt bops and caps miuic bskidk powder 1 ih lin qrniw ruit 2 foi black tea per lb fancy blue ros rico h ih black pepper pet ih 5 ib paii beehive syrup goldeo wax beans per tin durham mustard t y salt per bag f 3 10c ammonia powder 2 ivor j starch h pearhno h9c 1 do 85c h5c boc 25c 25c lie 20c l 10c 28c 25c 2hc bananas oranges and tomatoes d r rennie home phone 269 phone 151 for quick delivery garden work 1 am now prepared to do all kindn of ghrden ud lawtiwork y dolman p box 127 phone 251 2tp piano bargain i ed upright piano for hale concert ye genuine burs n 1 175 00 termn sis 00 do i anil s 00 monthly nan h speights m n i and eleclnc for bale uare p an i u jood co ei lion i tico oimblc apply at herald office or ph we 297j georgrtown dnrrant and star cars in all models are ihe greatest value m the 1923 automo bile field see them and be convinced t j speight agent georgetown acton and vicinity wbj pay more we ha them at last a prices now is the time to hae jour old tiros looked over f h butterfield vulcanjzfr opp box theatre georgetown take notice people who have shetinr raft era and good frames fantjtqinfl to rot for want of protection with galvanised corrugated nheetavat pre war prices or less connidennr the improvemeot or sundries for this line no ua to sell and buy th othor place ih worse take m toe it and kwva a alk with gilbert sin olair losrh rrno 1 george town ste truss barns garages all kirt galvanized tanks light ening protection wall papers wall papers w11 paper burlaps varnished tiles for if atlirooma boom moulding eto ara up to date in ever wa let jour imnerrndottr decorating from a practical man now ib the logical time to decorate an prices are lower now than n will be possible later on knti mates gnnn on iaeiini pairitinj graining otc phone 6 rino r rfli tfi fi honk e bludd u the game of lite the first english superpicture sasbsuslaoa prodaotien concerning the greatest picture ever made thp game of life took fco jears to pnxlttce involviin an expenditure of two llun dreu thousand pounds anl a rast of 1000 people including 000 or his majcsl s light al varjmen who assiatexl in th staging of thp hare ot the light brigade three months ago the game of life was released records in london liverpool manchester qlnagow and bdinburg and eclipse 1 the peiforrnance hearts of the world and everj hi 8 amancvn picturt birth of a natioti bn bland whatlored all attendance he peiforrbance eer produced rex theatre georgetown j asscy ban nlprtecess twsftavs l wemesiay aflumy hat a ii popular prices dont miss this new advertisements house to reht i ird ir k house lo rei i apply ii m c i cirtetow it lost n april uih hetvaen tlmw llmms aid or m all her a 1 d gold brooch laluctl s a kecpiutke rinder please i rave at hcrtldofh i and rete ve reward vegetables for sale for sale of ml cominernal and d ps c i if strawberry plants di t d bunch ed at s6m per 1000 i ui bcrt raspberries at s7 50 per 1000 colt b hi p rple at 300 per 100 k ii f tcr norval 244t for sale une hone wagon one horse sic gh lso baby carriage 3 burner oal oil irgain m freeman v 40 georgetown pios for sale e bred yorkshire sow willi five pigs seed potatoes uuxitity of irish cobblers from 1922 mi merit tested seed 7 per bag also senator dui lop itrawberry plants f h fend it norval pi one 101 21 geortelon i found spare i re and r m in 1 1 ghl and laense ber belwren georgetown and silver creek o er ca has same by paying pei wb ply rcrl 111 l lluinis 25 43 boarders t anted t hii ciom nodatc i numher f board th apply lo mil i oner johi street eorg 3lp seed fqr sale a uuantily or sweet clover seed 3 75 per bushel apply d j sifcuir lot 2 lib lino fnrf t hone 4 r 12 eorgetown ip for saxe a quanl ly of ch e timolhv sed almi ed i lover davdll mi dure tlenviu lam rr n 1 2tp oar for bale atouatkua s goodtich cord lires three spares en mine and bod in good nndilion i w njlk good equipmci t v barja n dr f r uatson georgetown tf duck eggs any auantity of urge duck egk for citing guaranteed apply chap lin john st georgetown 3t homt from the canadian fcgg lay nj co ilisi at ottawa i en peilion 1 00 per 11 notice any person- w sh in crlh r nllm durposen cat obtain a ne al cai i r from h h lleartuell tf notice garden ploi h ng haul i ashen or rubbish proiup l aiie dl v m kernel georgeloi 2t car for sale ovfrlrfw4 nupe wre wheels w 11 be sold heap wm kosiel george i w 2t ratchtjfo eoos for saxe rhode island reds while andotles nod sl anconas from heavy laying oiralns al 1 00 per h or 7 00 per 100 for sale i ure bredtbarred 1 lymouth rock 1 alch r eggs oac bred to uy st n pri e si 00 per selling o l3eggoi 100 egg for 7 00 l watso maple a deorgetonn i hone 20 tf hatchufq eoos orvc bfeliola barred roiks bc v hue i eghoms rc h ie wyandolles 1 00 per 13 al fmin selciled high pro- du ng pens joh farmer glen road 1 4 stp wood for sale allkudi ol wood hih hard and soft ilo k dl of wol nil k reasonable pn e if your ai i nj hrewod nmfttp the noeu k ph w nj 2 4 brand ford tt ood s ards llen road jl 4lp horses for sale apply to p hurst 7th line georg rr 1 browns garage 1 used cars fop sate sericc phons800 dayor nvht free air browns garage hsub st hertk

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