Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 14, 1923, p. 4

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r tub qkobqktown hkbald j mh h 14th lui mbkjbkt adsbhtmiifdeo j preacher and farmer 1 the two arc idling closer to- when im vt irutil jout st oottw when iiii vein you will the hot mufflus mid the nu uod bacon fried will ou kmdl put iwim- brtfld j joph 4w wrrc i gcthcr hice more erwingoldhams is cnli first fanner president meat market crumbs o ill the fronl nilow for a little r hap in fe illie who outside j hp h an able bod i ml mc mil blh appetite 1r great but bo never 1pw uiili l hit behind hint he doosn t want a knife and f k lie iloesn t want a plate buvdon t put it where the un tats phd llnd him when the ponds are frown hard and faat and all the streams are a til i when he can t get an drippings from the spout he will hammer at the icicles and almost break bit bill trying might and main to net the winter out lie a an able bodied beggar but bis beak is rather small and be ii thank on verj much if you u provide him with a dish of water twice a week and then yon 11 hear bun call all his friends to come and drink yoor health bestde him he will do bis best to pay you in the dark and freezing morn yon will bear bis lovely carol through the raial he w mi you what o clock ifcie before the light is bom and that eoog of life no mortal oan resist and the ablebodied bprrown all begin to chirp in tame they re the choraa singers keep ing well together till the robin a solo souods so sweet that mid the frost and rime you can go to bleep and dream of summer weather readier have unas much fur ontario agriculture o a 1 at fliklpi hx i united by a lergy nan and r tin mare llrou la paitoral tt vk indeed ro uepartmht of ommiti as it is now oompolaory to place a two cent stamp on all receipts for ten dollars and over basmess men and others are cautioned to cancel the stamps placed on such receipts the issner of a receipt who tails to cancel the btamp is liable for 100 floe in the public ritmun eye nail lbs farmer are mother this 1b do inii t for ii l former is usually lirturtl noil it estimated uo t ms of our professional incl dint clergymen were rale- lanm at it practically all ol hun had lo do the chorea main street oeortfetown phone no usf i isl fmi al ill luu wood here r yoor chance 16 un money on faca jrood adu hardwood raomly beech and tuple cm ia 13 hv lengths s14 00 per fan cord raits mixed bant and soft si par fad coed or 96 par half cor way pay aton n snyder creditors lit lr lime lrttheu of old were parmer tl old testament wprtbles were luru 1 intn u lie soil abraham jacob hoses u id uoxlllwera auth orities in hat dling flocks and waa nut fliaha fain tin for bin record of r ho lug tbi plough with twelve joke of ui ii before him anioa went ii tor i liked far mini herds and f rutin abraham cowley quaint i remarks tliul the drat man waa a kuruttifr and 11 waa obly after tha aecotid wlri or the soli became a murderer tl at he began to bulla cities clcrirruieti hare ituim floca fe ontario agriculture rev john mccaul anarly presl- dtut or tic university of toronto was a area l chumplon of farming and read a paper before the agricul ture and aria association in 1861 on agriculture among the romans itev lgorton ityerson a celebrate methodist leader when superinten dent of education tor the province had several ten books on agriculture prepared for our schools if he were bere to da lo behold the see and do work of our modern junior agri- culturlsfs botb boys and girls he would be verj much astonished and would perhaps recite a nunc da rn i tt la a preacher devised uie plan of the agricultural ijillege rev u i uarke a congrega tional ml duster if not the lather may be termed the sod rather ot the on tario agricultural college in isct he wss appoli led by hon jobn cart ing commissioner of agriculture ut visit the leadihb agricultural colleges or the united stales then- very few and report at to the possibility of such n institution succeeding la ontario hib investigation was cars- full made and the scheme he re commended wss so comprehensive and practical that it was adopted practically in its entirety and waa the foundation of the excellent cor tege now in operation in ciuelph he edited the canadian farmer for innny years and waa looked upon as almost omniscient in things agri cultural rev dr burnet for over a quar ter of a cenlur a i reabyterlan min ister in hamilton was president of the ontario rruit growers associa tion or ulna ian in succession 1869 1h79 was a specialist la pesr eroffini an 1 1 ad a fcrape nam ed utter him lllctnnun who han been a pnntts bene factor rev dr c j s bethune for years principal of the boys college port hopi riilbcopallan ana for some ljra a professor in the on tario agricultural college has long been regarded as one ot the ending ecoiuimic entomologists of bis tints iluf resuirctes and obsbrvstions of tlw 4 bit sceillst have saved annu all thousondji ol dollara to the fruit and tegetablt troer of the vlnce for many years he secretar or the ontario entomologi cal society mid editor of toe ca dlan entomologist the late rev thomas rjlea ottawa was also a noted entamolosv ist wltb a delightful literary at da rev fc u stevenson of ouelnb a retired methodist minister has long been recaoi ed both in canada and the united stales as a leading aula ority an straabern growing a preacher who managed an kb pcrlniental larin rev newton woohertou formerly principal of woodstock college baptist was for some uuii in charge of the uomlnloii kiperl mental farm at brandon mao father v a burke a foruiir edi tor of the uulhollc itetfatlr nils slao been well known particular when residing in prince tudward isluud as an inslrucilvo speaker at gathtrtns of farm era especially on such topics as fruit and vesetablo gvwini leteo act men h watch our windows lor specials on saturday quick delivery guaranteed choice caricies boxes bulk madges candy shop main street canadian national exhibition miller la said to hare irouohed more purebred live stock to am a erica than any other man he la of the third generation or farmers in canada and has bfpn a member of the exhibit ton association since 1947 and a dlr since 1j13 forsters cash and carry groceiy specials rfi juksms mttswd am- nottce bi hereby riven pursuam to aactloa 56 ot tar trumeca act rjso i9w cbaptri2t that atl creditor or ooaara havteg chums or d aninat ta sta of the ssm witkam wogbl scou who died on or abort the fourteen t day of fenraary ad 1923 at the said cookitik omoi pi inch prei i h celtnor dnt canned pencil lut 8 foi pearlinr 1 foi fih 2 lh ciuttile son i b burn tjaundr uir ii a ih anc lior co 1 1 jht t i g ll 1 mnstni 1 2 jti 2 ikm- i er un fresh eggs wanted phone orders delivered phone 29 corner john and victoria sts before urn twaatyeigath day of march to bcsmi by past prepaid or deliver lo the anew signed aorotor nerem for wdbun john rfcdjag and george hmo the ex acntors of the estate ot tbe said william wright scott retired farmer deceased lamr christian aamea and aamamee ad- d i ama and dss tbe fod particu lars la writing of then- chums a statement of ehsir acconola and fte natwre of th enrite f any bald bf them and take nonce thai after such lax stationed date tbe amid esecutora will proceed to dttsnbute the aeacta of tbe mud leceaedmng lbs paruea endued ilmln havtosr regard only to the claims of which ihey ahall iben bars notice and uuu the said executor will not be hable for tne said assets or any part thereof to u parson or persons of wboae ciuma nobce abau net have been received by laem at tbe time of such dtmrtbution lsrotdsls sntchorforbe said executors dated at georgewram this iwentyewb ih day of february ad 1923 28331 bt 7 to water u owing lo tbe conuonol dry aeaao town watcrsra are request rjf to be carefal as pomible of the sopply and re- frarn from wasting any any person al towing- taj- to or m y way k wntsr win have ibmr kppty shot olt by order of waierwo coram ttee ta not people who have sheeting raft era and good frames fast roids to rot for want of protection with mlvantssd oorrogated abeeta at agnvstr pnoea orlesa ooostderinft tb itoprow th line vasmj all 3 buy the octotfeluit wotwk take stock bets wk nlh gilbert sin l lotrs ilivno 1 george town steel ttowa fum gsrsge alt kind galvanaaed taoks bgbt- ening prertm- bcott of perth has been president ol tuo horticultural society ilnd nas kiven uian helpful addreasea on garuenlue both tunas and landscape hev james anthony has made a reputation in rural leadership sad is a well known writer aud speaker an agronomics kev w h mckaj while pastor in weston made the record ol hav bag procured more members for his local horticultural society pro rata of population than any other man in the province tbe hew agriculture and tbe rural agriculture today has a new out look and it cannot abord to neglect the rural clergyman and most assur edly the minister who has a country congregation or eren a suburban nne cannot afford to neglect the new agriculture lest the very ground yearn ne for frultfulneea and beauty should cry out t protest against hint a later article will show what tbe ontario department nf agriculture is do ins to assist rural pastors in tbe solving of some of the problems of country life now confronting them thoa ucolllieuddy statistics aad publication branch toronto we have them s lei r list cutters open and with ton raymond beater anl whit scw init machines i horse n ian kets sweat pan n whips brushes combs halters wild oil separators and bentty bros litter earners s b groat office phone ssbvr residence georgetown headquarters for waterman ideal pens and ink eversharp lead pencils la cm silver u4 silver fum also leads lo lit same raymond and singer sewhuj machine needles and oil a b willson auction sale fmral farm stock lakels the undersigned lins reeeived structtonb from a liddell to sell b public auction hi lot 7 fcdin towobhti on monday maurch 19th 133 at 1 o clock bharp the following horses grey pe re heron horso rising 4 rs- gro rftercheron marc rising fi j rs heavy bai horse rts ins 0 ra cnttll holstem cow 7 yrs due march 2 durham cow 6 rs ma 15th durham heifer 8 jr fienh jersey con 7 jrs freah jerney heifer 8 ra bred llp iith milk well 8 black elerefotd heifers supuosed to bo cttlf dnrbatn heifer bred feb 2tltli yearling jersej heifer year ug dtirlmm steer half jcsrlihg durham heifer pigs d fowl sov duo april 80 2 brood sons u pigti 7 weeks old 8 pigs 9 weks old 0 pigs mouths old number of ihorotighbred white leghorns and plj mouth bocks white leu born roottern ana 2 ply mo nth rock roosters implements massey harns ik hole beed drill maseej harris hinder 7 ft cut used 8 seasons frost wood spring tooth cnlti vntor deertng mower brantford raowtr s plows set harrows hay rake 2 team wagons single horse wagoo h democrats set of hob sleighs bugg cutter wagoo box bay tack viking eeparator mel lette separator stand root pulper cross cut saw hoes forks rakes other articles too numerous to mention harness bet of team harness 8 horse collars haj grain seeds a quantity of hay 20 bus pens 100 bus seed barley o a c 75 bus oats no 72 furniture 5 piece mahogany parlor suite dresser 2 bedsteads springs nd mattress kitchen chairs arm chair set of dishes 01 pieces hall rack washing macb ine eoal oil utove 2 burners cook stove wood n quantity of good hardwood limb wood also at the same time and place the farm of 150 acres will bo offer for sale subject to a reserve bid ifrjot sold will be rented terms foal gram hay seeds and all sums of 26 and under cash over that amount 7 months creditoil approved joint notes 6 per cwnt off for cash terms on farm can be arranged ben petch auctioneer wall papers wall papers watlt paper bnrlnpb varnished tile for jafrnttaxoomn room mouldings etc ourn23 pattirns itf upxut date hi eer way oct jour tnhrs ii nd o tr kniniliini from n iractcn1 ulan now ih the lni nl ttm in dccntite ns price are lower now than will be possible i itei on ihtinintea given on pa pel ink 1 minting irn nnm cl pliom histi f bkii thai honk e bludd w w roe insurance broker insurance in all branches phone 65 ieoboetown browns oarage used cars for 5ak service ihone 200 day of night pre air browns garage mala st airtja jmbvick butohkb svlwmya emsi a ckteloo stook t bt prwmnau in trxjafe blt meat wkuk ha u ft the lowest possible prices cnd food board urti- no 9 il get ii best advertise in the herald farm machinery auction sale farm stock j ii ntirop ved inmrthllons james flddler k i 1 hoi ih of norvnl on friday march jta i k lr i i v k u ih hluh ntircji ra baj in h iih nu 0 ih h gnclnl idli rsi lart wood workot m lliu llnlkld 0 rs r nt f i rttf hoihioiu i j ears i m i actli r it uolhteiim gow 7 jears i il foe l io i jrs calf at foul lit i ft j jik i lf at foot tune of sale dttr hm i h ifoi inn time of sale hoi htiih vrrj yth ilue march 21st llolslem iwwskjis due march 80 h yrs due april 18 h jrs due in may i yrn due june 4th h rs due aug 20th 4 jra due oct 9th tuilbmi uiey con 4 yis due oct 10th milking holbtem cow 6 yra due no ttli milking c jearlmg mnlhtein heiferu ayrehire heifer yemling jot so j heifer h hotstein be if ore 11 tnonths anyone uishing to secure good dim cows ihoiifd attend this sale lhe uhole will be sold without re ti rc u 100 aprea have been- sold 1 ii use of stormy yeatber the salo ii he held under covr terms- tal calves and all nin of 20 and under citub oer unit nmotiot 7 months credit on approved joint notes fiper cent per annum off for caih wilson ben petoh leik aaotiorieer llolstlin durlmni r unltaem oas8 sine 1527 case tractors now is the time to imrahsse yom traators farm tnaohidery fleory chants wilkinson plows baggies etoee pedlar steel loofing lightning rods hire fencing circular sawa cookwbatt farm machinery seeondbmnd broadcast seeder internatfoual hear new fertiuer drill international i 2i h p empire gas engine near new 2 1 2 b p fairbanks engine good repair prim rose oream separator 10 good horses drivers and workers t e hewson phone 101r33 norval coal amu wood on hand all the time best scrantom coax cement on stand john ballaritine oeoboetowh resolution for 1923 wo know its hard to pay tbe oasb but credit makes ua sore some people do insist upon and even ask for more my shop is plastered with cash signs which you ran plainly tee and when you ask for o red it its nlways up to me when i refuse itsure does hart i dn not think its olever but as for 0bedit in my shop those days are gone tarevor skatoa sharpened oil fin i abed lfi crowned 26c hollow ground me serened on 26c riveted 1 so complete set 2 00 ja ballantirke hours 8acn to 60 dally 130 pni saturday auction sale of a fans stack ui lapleaats the undersigned has received in st ructions from kmn haautos aa4 du to sell bj public auction at lot 12 con 10 haquesing at atop 60 on radial near norval on tussdat harch sotb 1m3 al 1 o clock tbe following horses pair mares g p 10 an 1 i jrs gupd workers drtmng maiv 0 yrs in foal aged team good workers cattle 10 re bred jeraeja rosebud or liilgelj fresh hptfer noral butter nrl due april 1st grade jertiejt co inlf al foot 4 heifers in calf jersej calf tt months other tirades cow calf at foot 4 cows in cnlf 7 boifos in calf 2 qolbtein lieifern f a cow all above to c ihe ii man h nni a nl put mr it enl cnuoa 1 iti oikthi mu tit c march 29ui m fst pikk fowl 16 pure bred rhode island i toil k ti nro bred a neon as 28pull jtnileneius deenng inn dor 7 ft out riont a wood mower 6 ft cut ieeiiti ii mi rnk 10 tu chatham fanning mill lockshutt gang plow i hornet k horse disc cutter peiren riding plow walk mg plow fluerj 21 schauta plow 21 8 piece land roller heaty bar rows derring harrows 4sectiond lirbt harrows 4 sections massey harris disc seeder lumber wagon good box truck wagnn metal wheels lumber wagon market wagon set bob sleighs set heavy harness bet heavy harnesses horse collars set heavy harness web traces set market wagon harness grain bags quantity hay rool parrot potatoes etc terms val calves ha root potatoes fat pigs and all soma of 20 and urfder oasb over that amount f months credit on ap proved joint notes 5 per cent per annum off for cash ben petch auctioneer lowe brothers paints svatnishes m

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