if sfpfplp c v vrb4 ta l every we0tff8ay evening t u herald power minting ottbica oeoroetown out vitvnlskesfi ten cents uwnjfc brit and flreabsvs tor eeejibbe twenttasertioo win be cthrasajor all latelaut tdvartlsainaats twjrt un in an iiwwi v advsrtlsejbtots will be ieeob tnjpntb wlthoat sxtrar vghsusgeefore must to tn ths tibcftiptioh ramf ooeyee site or ws flpsud in 0mcersjibiut4i s eeatsln ad renoe- 1 s the aofesss labai shows ibejdate roar aubearlpuon expires v j jl voorb publisher r i osf o pmmtpger paoseas meat aviliiii pauonger passenger jaxe em 71185 axn sw pjri ff v 8jh1 pjn 711 w baeeengw sunday j x ptw heiitfv ff wapyftfef paeeenger mo pm paaaenger 4a50pro paaaenger- 601 pni m mmiyimm ty epjn passengers 8undw10ie aim eeje r v 800 m 10 pan u8am 800jfll going watt8ltt 810 adhbattiiattabiib doing bmt am mm pan pan prn loatt wabbaw io stri atnjfra pan doing west 810 0w i l f v prunes iv-ibptiaage- viiai tlm prunes per lbs 8b68do arid mpi j v mirjmltle lov v j parestrnwbetyy jam4 it m- pure eaapperry jam iflb tin v w apple and raspberry ittiper lbtlnv mq aeple anaimberytt -90ff- v haspberryjaiia iffot jar rejfioc tor issi ooqung figeper lb viv -i- ooobagwd1lt iiwa vv rlods v ebraat city baking wwserivw 8to beit eemod per ap c bonnie bright ojeanter his magioaimbnia 9g tor 1 sbreaded jrbejkci worth 18c for a v kolloga wax tit corn flakes jlhtr quaker gorti flakeslrdg lfilo or 1 sefc our red clover sweet- closer altike and tinaothyseed alao garden seeds of ah kinds nrrrr phone 76 h ieiyery ik3asmaa 7t lutrfih vipivfflj a weary human heart come opfogmeont with ine away 1 the bijpndieaaforeat where the wind with eflhb lftngb- tr n slows thru the maple treev oaatoff your binrdeajof sortow poret tihkton eyerwerbad- orer ikeiweklebod lbqa gleam the promiaad tomorrow bjo4p wjoioo afiaglm- j q weary bpmairear gamxoot pom ontwith jtoibv well jbave bebind the lure of jhe vimf mr xfaejijobbingapan of bbalned aoais 3uninuv6ownitipte bpeauilem wth frmomsi dear digiiit rv with bonndiati heart and joy new- i i -7- weh clow lho gate on the ijand ofnighh r and hail the springtime morn i q weaiy hdroan heart corner out obnie oat with me uhe road winda low and the toad wind high filmy cloud in a sapphire aky and lifes sweat ecstaoy- snnahine and flowers aronnd ns ooda oodntry wild and rea ijeyeyoarsotrbw and pining and v and greet the spring with me f j bsehughe f we have itik pot upkwlhemlnule atylet in tdidi mni artd- cwlsseda nesboe oinpnl0foru por ljeny ind bojwfirtvlalklvywkbooetorptijalollwtqualhi and prices call and sea our heavy work boou before yeii nudct ybur purclimie 0e- yhrvf y ltalaopay totjfjourrejrwbweind baveh iieiiht ohii ripal hop eqblpoed wluv the moat inhto4daedahlnry enabllowwto dolt rijjtit anl at kwa3b flrinf6ej1r yaibrlaghwglall it bfnavertobutelffrrionir y v i 8jhbt geobobtown and ptofit v wm sviui l th retv dundaarrlm u ftulowai- aundair m a m- tn nnt houfcnmpuinlah lt and rd aundaira at aaeli numtbai u swaa ltiqal ahilton wauubmrob- oaub aarrutara aolloitcji etc toronto and uvitikhuw ii oibo kennedy mluttjt l hoy jjala ip ohaiaul uuorgt own ouloe jhiopiib7ibbirs5sir now i4he ttme to have- yopr t haroes6vevbaiiled be ready for your spring ipirk dont pot oft till to rawrowf what yoosnoia do we also hftwaj largelstippk of the old jii6aionock woa v ttanksandqrips fqrany old w mi wm mmm qeorgeb and inep lallkjinyiteheladies of bf asa vioinity to call 4vy5i av fis sir jpfifiit f use it bsnember how shabby the mear looked yesterday a of yowr nlghor1i newoast uadarafsluk an outcast doat mt that sjuuxy you got a esji of lowrs auto- mobw varnish oelars sad nr miw sbs pstet it todsy ind xbsw colon ami niades ppuln anoxa bpsttoaas vsow en uka iaaadukfecas cxanbb obbm frstjmfrt efflttt v v r r j l j ajgabbbaaaaajasabaafca se w ss w i wtrv hbdical phytlolan and aurgien aladloal oflfoic ol health dllrlcl ursaon q t b oaioa hiiura 3 to 4 andt to i p m lonaji ofllce and raaldataoe main street uth oppoeiu tfjitebtrlan church nfi t w aow eithouiirsunreoa grace hoipltal toronto special attantlop to dlaeiiim of women and chlldranandloiaot deeding bbnxal- rank r wattonr0a pa oentiet gaorsjttown ont hourigl a m to tp m except nuredifif atmroeon i miiufkry in all lie uranobea over bell talanttone pthee f chjiath lo ooa ojntlat jinoe in lena block on door nortl oneill carrlre peotory hour in to p m yhennwnejriiinasatldgaaoexmnitin the merchanta bank it is abiohitely aafe from toss as far as you an concerned all the time it is here it is earnina interest so that the bank actually pays you to let jttake oajr of your money dont carry tnnaadai anms on your person or hide thsiat home protectthem against loss r opining a sayings acconnt hqjfnde istabllshd18e4 georgetown branch hr numbs monager -a- marquis 265 at the el geo highest market price paid for- grain 1 i a e limited norval ontario avkfaaoajti t w yit graduate ofthopalmer 8chool of teirc- pictlrhlropraetic pountata head davenport iowa us a ouloe over hourlsanedriuj store coneultatloit and bplnal analyau rue ofpics houajs tueedayi and satur day 2 to 5 pm and 730to a pm phows o and reildence isow aucnonbebs belnj petch uoaitaad amof forha4ton and eol qlttdwlhiainapoet omp 8alei onduoted aatafactorlly and at raaj rtntable rate ordjr lift at the ble rata ordare lift at jeorsetown herald office will receive rorppt attantlotn qniprtap bmaiiont tpo jttov3bsm it dgfowf repair j mr tw v toronto motffri fov blpo clerk townimp 0iauwlna flier 3rd dlvlelonicsurt i the uadllis ire and ijfinuranoe oa reprehitteo issuer of marrtaa utuutm office hours wdnda and gat dajt- aftooaa ryt railway yyr mmmmm- w ig oaonnttam tr na and iciailrv t itis3 aisssis sb tiijllqti fasojl the best soranton goal in all sisea portland cement fioitb fbb1 provisions john bauabtine georgetown phone 80 fcteiaii insuranoq broker phona 809 rjgetpwn aj -itv- mstrators the undehjgned will reoorfre teuderb rtp wtwelvo ooltwlt noon or jr7eflnoday 80 for the purchase of tho saw mill and plan ingrnilutiborriedpuhythe late henry prjttt ijawson in the uutyoffialtn and oomprigadotthafollowlda mill building fllfthsft pimtalriingfiill mill oquip eraawhrtbtlnbaatl ttdging saws all newrashp o ynajbp together nitli all teisooasavysnjvftihg jiullcy and evai oondiblon 1 ptaolng miurframe metal elnd building nearly novs boftx titrihoftingpivuybfvndvmaobinery including re machjnfti aandpri erqey machine mortiae and bor- atipk rlplsawband sftwbuifoooplnneb etp yjfoobo ifeet irqtar4rniltrddlimnleaapdsired and taruarno aibq 10000 feet of lhoh rnaple iawuapert jiigttaorane uolhdlugbeinfook rwlasahn tw6 4htif ljajtfwniiiecti6niwitbwie above corripriseahputaoioa iqitabie fot mllesrar which is sltiifito a rrao jmldihg 24f txfiort andlbftx98ftfmlkaimiw ufmihft f 7 ltsrfpfq wmf j8qohyoyuvof bsarjo iwotriatjwiplyter ntwaaaac snmleattfl thla la a story out at llfeout of the uifsthat is llreditnatbas its trstmy as wsliaa its rmahlne tbat cdbhsto the happy epdlnatfr to tw s one as the caaer roay be arid not as the barrator wula if tt lot just th kind of etoryypo would wish it to besearcl through ajaosstrlei analyse prnataa inifliettcee arid place the litamewhero it bbiqng blame ine- i luoe phillips wan he daughter of fjer mother tistpt herrootherr and th raothrr iliotherihiausktr of still mother irke mother and down thitilnfe of uiotliethood hud run a stak of llvhtaoioeneaa and no strain of eager wllllngnena easy smiling gay waa juue beau tiful with the beauty of great awjjy eyee dark laahew mid hair with the glint of mellow sunlight in it she was koft and warm and pouting en dowed ut oue with the lavteh lure of womanhood unr with the pink and creamy fiexrinesx of her scant seven- iwn ream alie drove john hallldny half mod john wait twentythree and tulgbt iinve been tan yoarx mbctmhan that by the wiiifil htronic wuyof him in- atead of iihbnl lit- line choen to take- hla education frntii an architect af- ter nlxtern already he was a fln- mihtl drnufclithiunn and on hie way to a place in his nrnroualon under holly lib watchful wniiloyer tn lime fluttering lireuthlewily on the margin f a never imxtlng uulisn- nluhi of groynui ifuod ilme tie sttentloiiti of the reapommbje well- gtoomihl ychiuir architect oqnibltipd the vlrtueh or u cuntlnuai social tri umph with llmlhex niportunlly for lolui delighted tntiikthe girl about a yir nf thin anil ihen liecauke bhn was inaliitent and t lie girl wua the daughter or that piirtlculur race of mother and loawkked kn inwtlucf for the eaay road to easy clrcuin- tdce they were married two years inter john hulllduy knew in the lottery tkm la inuriine what sort of irl lie had drawi whatleptli of dtnrmy ijtulence lild beneath the winxmiie pouting ho ooold liave tolil lim did not what greed for admiration what impish thlimt to dnlihlh iti the nhul- lows alouk tlie ahorex of the xiia of passion what eternal rehtuiixnem and hunger for eicltiiuunt lay ixjliluti the tawny eyes bad been nweiilod to him in long months of dlkltlualomieiit but bs wss strong mid an patient us he wa atrong and he bore with many things then coming home after a two weeks business trip he found her gone she had left the maid said the- day after hl departure only in structing the girl ts remain and keep the houaep going till mr hollldsys return tohn maintained the home until his lease expired then old tho effects to jt new tenant and weut to live at a hotel there were an bnades god i thank you nki john for that when john halllday wss thirty three his professional opportunity came it took hlratffa great city and to a ptentuble purtuershlp still young enjoying reputation and es tabllshad position mn earnings well la sxecu of his needsv life held much of promise for him then it waa that walking home for exercise through a sparkling avenue in the orange minalilna of a late oc tober afternoon he met her squarely face to face a single glance wss sufficient to verify tlie conclusion john halllday long sgo had arrived at concerning his jvlfe everything sbout her in the character of her clothes iq tlie manner of bar cohjuret ra the degree in wbtob she bed insulted with pig- meat the oodjrlveu splendor of her and- f kin in her carriage in uie way she held her tftad was tbemnrk of thewtmah whoha tradefthersnif forabetking shecallsvlue and who uaatlsfied with tbf trsassctlnii had hai no regrsts y she wss quite- unabsshedr btello johnabe remarked easily and with her strrady smile hajs you cote jllfeenougb to vlithsdtyt youre looking so prosperouii so if i may sayso replied john are youf ohr rm haylnr a serf ectly lovely time thefas no place hke tlie big tows you know youll like it if you evslfrcome here to live ti iks- here now really i weil you might enme and see me some tlni ifyonl tele- sbene ahead the unnie la spehcei hiss spencer j selkirk aparrtnikiils tyflrstirebtnw i mjist run slonr059tbyr with that she wss gone apd john halllday unshaken juaater of nls own narvs proceeded on his way- -du- contlnolngt luorobnble i think so myself butrennsmber i told you this was s story t ronr real life ws a full week nfter this that john wss walking huniehtsalnijilid almost rescbed jla pvvp jttreet when tjiere waa a conunotlpn of are appars las and a- crowd running toward vhere thswheie frontifef arspnrt- ment house en the croas street wss telchlw stroke sndcqrl 6ns black- red pankftv vkkx r john fotfa4iecrowd rirl at veiwei from thevnwnnrnceand- john saw tus ra4mglwrr gauisjfliiitg uind unrftfollltbroat then ut a dojijjrr few fjodra up aoltn cfulht atitoipe of n ffle of the girl years ago he had blvun all fjtojestrnde liiah can give the v hu jibsn iithwa wsrajadders of jovimmt rfljaypf tbetn ibnt tberst were nnjy jniamjiylnilowsifhie nfeinioii worejl int vie jwifj mtjbb t aiiawltfim to save htut eiiiilu ihv luinil- uy a iiatjuiliit dre- uiuu iust dm ulf iiuitiisie ele- vutoim uiriiiigli hi kllihlliig atlfllng llavk niuoke to uit hllppery atoue siulra u sail up and ui- nud up aunpiiig teartug tiart lutulc of air tut ut the aulld nuuke with whistling luugii guesatug wltji all- architects hhrewd uueeut the rfghl door fud hurilnit ugulntr it muiii it rtlieilrruiu th liuiiesv jijliu btslll- jjuy iribmel crjw bv ruoul ii vvhere aflliit aifieluttdayllgjirvhlh lug wuoly through ithy unudge ahowed ui window to she wax thefav cbeldngl gasping uier tawny eyee olleil with aucli hor- ric usronjir theeyva if suleba4jbe cau u6wtheugjiifintajiaa5jug ghaat- jy caricature o lier white face- it vti a bad tuudjng hullt vi the bail diox of jerry ouatrtiitlilov its vuuuteovnretrciuliqg a grlby joke lt gtug uiiev tnvuv 3be dour of this ivourwaa bihutuj 1licuitk in is matter of eeiouili the ud wouhf v oonie ijujiel luiie dorj- it 11 john i havfe coiae to ba wltii you julie at the eud you wont have to fame it ijlrl alone t apd as he took her in his arms there was a great awful rending sound cloudu of burning brands rushed roaring out of the white holes where the windows had heeu and out in the street the heartsick multitude aoblied in the presence of s holocaust how could any one know whst un pulse took john halllday to his wifes aide there la the valley of the sbsdowt again must answer this is a story of life and i knew tbeoian clipped locks called for present day imphatlsslly nr tims for anything approsenlng sf- fsoilnaney in the male a british brigadier generaland for mer etonian was recently iuvited te vlhit his aid jschool sod inspect the olrlders training camp that lnstlrotlsei luelutslna tbs oldcsr was dellgbtsd with the bearing or the 000 and jpere young officers of the future and praised them till their necks grew pink with minpressed pride butin concluding ms reinarka the general spoiled it all by hie direst of- criticisms thstr bait was too long it waawrobk bs ssld for sr britoa to allow bis hair to grow so long that he could not see to fight general corkero that was bla nemo tasa went into detah and said- he had seen anumher of the college borers tn set- toh the provlosia evening and many of litem appeared in the ring with long luck jicatly plastered hack from noble brnwa after the first round however the hpectacle wss different slues the linye looked ont as well as pnaslbla tbruugh a smoke barrsgeof uank htrlngy locks that cut off their own view but did not in the feast hinder the enemys attack cut era aliort boya i waa bis injunction itogardless of pence assurances from the league of nations britain is der termlned not to sink back lnn military iinprtpareilnean and if the generals cililclum lany be taken lu a wider xenae the entire island must keep its locks close trimmed and not again bs blinded by vanity and self-satlsfactldn- to wlat is going on in neighboring countries lung hair may hestlietlc apd may prove- attractive to- the opposite sex through contrast since the ladles tlkminaelves are going in foe- short hair nud helneterraloatlon but the time for luitdry and long lusle locks has not yet come evenjf there hasbeen ji miuuenlary letdowu of maacullne innrule following the cesastton of s timl hnatllltlea we have aeen as yet no symptoms of longlialreduess among our owa aiiirrlcun youth snd trust we may not do ao especially since all hough it is definitely over over there it ik by no means done on this side of the atlantic the readjustment unless all klguh fall la going to require quite ss clear and closecroppeil polls as did tin conquest of the hun on the other hand it iiujrrbe rs- niembered that innghalreilneas is em- blomuttd of anarchy anil bblshevism aud of those visions rlea whoout of their fringed locks see society as v through a glass darkly therefore tt is doubly necessaiy for our young manhood lo give its eyesight free play safe upon the one sldatrmu the aleak tresses of- tbe effete ami upon the other from tbe malted inane ofthe murder lovers new orleans tlmss- picayas v t ja vm jtjsi ssss ouriiioiu canadian imports trom the united kingdom in jannary were s- record totalled 16414 bos with 9882084 in d nd s 708200 in januar as com december they pared laal and s 708200 in january 1918 in january our exports to the british isles were 3 8288049 imports from the united slates in january however deaplle the unfavorable exchange rate showed no decline the toal value of im ports was 74t3942g as against 710fl9609- in december and 169 s7b 127 in january ibid our ex ports lo the united slates la january were 143677594 as compared with 41227889 in tho corraapondlhg month of 1619 for the ten months of the present flsoalyoar canadas trade wltaqrsat brltftln allows a fsvorable balance of 1357500000 an unfavorable balance jit 23000000 with the united states and with nil countries a favor able balance amounting to ixfffr 800000 t cnlitlous a traveling otitertaliier bobbled of the poubsbslon bf a genuine stradi yarlus violin of whloli ho wnsvsry pround and so informed the edltbr of the local jfaparitlw owtfiii which he slvye onlf dthlaiconqefgi v in ioporllna the conooiit iho news- pnpoi raudo no mention of hie striidl- i watius yiplln honijiuo haate to make known to tioedtoihis i ulsappplnt mont atwa wlnie lovuiention the inauumeiiti tlie reply was if old stliullvarlu oxpecia any advertising in tho coltimna otjjilp papof lie will prtyten tieitatlni for it y li c iir r t- v iw iz s hast