Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 1, 1919, p. 4

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matthews drug store vi lire sole looiketown hkciiib for i lie well known nyal family remedies romo favourite spcciultiok now in demand arc cherry cough syrup creophos laxaacold tablets pino expectorant throat pastilles etc a- brugh and stationery personals loeaj news items rpftyfor viefcpry bovdjj brhi fdtik october 89 are yxw vcorfrifi yotnoldoiios yoi 1 fire prevention dayuet6 ber9th council mooling- next monday eveiring areyousiavink victory ijban ik coming georgetown fair today and to- morrow guess youll soon have to put era on attain concert in town linii to morrow night seo fair night concert pro- gramme on page 4 a reduction to hydropower users takes place this month patronize the womens iiwl- utes booth at the pair tomorrow plan for the concert pair night october 2nd at hourigans drug store jno f ford the farmers can didate will hold a meeting in oeorgotown on october 15th new students received at obrampton business institute mon- day october 6th informative folder on request mr lie roy dale has rooeivod his beautiful gold medal for win ning the championship singles in ibowleu at toronto recently standard time will he resum ed in georgetown next monday morning ah clocks should he not jack one hour on sunday night the taxes will be collected saturday and monday october i and 6th thc ollice will be open hoth evcnitikh from 7 to h oclock asligrorp anniversary services will bo held on sunday october 5th at 2h0 and 780 pm ilcv mr brearley of hornby will jprwl have you bought your seats for the concert in the town hall fair night plan at llnurigans drug store dont miss this con cert brill co will have bargains in all departments wednesday night and nil day thursday owing to their being closed next saturday october 4 th row s a deane son of the tat mm john stewart formerly of georgetown passedaway nl his ihome in detroit last week follow- jng aiseriona operation mr j l bnie lot is oth line west chiqguacousy will hold an auation sale of high class cattle milkers and springers on october 22nd particulars later will tho party who borrowed a granite kettle to put water in his car at mr a doubles sale last thursday evening kindly return the same at once to herald ollice 7 a public meeting of george town and olenwilliams goopera tive society will jo held in town on saturday evening october 4th at 8 p m everybody interested is invited wanted sewing mochinoop- orator one with experience prefer red but will teach capable girl or young woman good wages from the start also boy wanted 14 to 10 yrs of age apply c b day- foot co tho goorgotown branch of the owva are desirous of obtaining a caretaker for their rooms any one who wishes to secure this sit uation kindly apply to tho secre tary when you will bo given full information regarding salary etc applied ftr incorporation at a meeting of the council on saturday ft resolution was passed and forwarded totthe ontario rail way board asking for incorpora tion as a town m tn of liberal a meeting of tho liberals of georgetown will bo bold in the council chamber of the town tlaji georgetown at- b- oclock tuesday evening october 7th 1019 mr cleaver the liberal candidate in this county in to coming provin cial elootion willbo in attendance all liberals both men and women aro cordially invited to attend viilted vmatur so year a prosperous looking party of tourists visited georgetown in their motor car on tuesday in 1 conversation with reeve grant the gentleman of the party mr a ramsay said that he had li ved bore 60 years ago and asu lad had jtworkod for the late j b dayfoot and lived with the late joboph bar- her the solo purpose of his visit wav to see tho old town again and he was indoed agreeably surprisod at tho splendid growth and progress georgetown had made- he said it waq the best and prettiest town vtft its alze hndhodtbe pleasure of vlbltlng in wis- extended motor tj6wrwi ft ndv 1ie8wlbbsrnviir 1 yt attptlitinsoltfiori ovbtslaftra j femfttjiurst k ijim3hoiise arrived borne train i looking hale and iorty of tor many varied iexirijnes hi the great war- his iiianjvfrionds ai jeligiiteji yo see liiuiagaiii welcome home jer a attrmotie window as shopting kenson approaches olfr local hportsnieli are preparing for- their fall hunting exiditfons and many have lieen attracted by the uptodate window display at mr w c anthonys hardware store stuffed pheasants sijuirrels ntc combined with a splendid dis play of highclass guns and ammu nition makes one of tho most at tractive windows wo have seen something- worth seeing if you inisskeeini jprank kings exhibit abrunswick phonographs at georgetown fair tomorrow you will surely regret it the brunswick is the phonograph which is superior to nil others and is attracting attention the world over mr king has placed a great many in homes in georgetown and hiirrounding country and tho de mand for this superior instrument is ever increasing see and hear it at the fair namee jaok for bcnyor the milton reformer of last week says- now that the people of georgetown have decided to make their village a town at the new year the quostion naturally arises in the minds of outsiders who will be the first mayor of paper town if the honor failti to the one that haw done the most in recent years to keep ieoiketown in the lime light as a prosperous place and im portant manufacturing centre it will probably go to j a willough- by known far and wide especially as tho man who is an expert in selling farms enjoyable enohro nnd danoo the euchre and ilanoe held in tho town hall last friday evening under the auspices of verdun re bekah liodge proved a grand suc cess at the conclumon of tlio cikhro the winners were announc ed as follows lady winning most games miss may rows lone hands miss elvu arnold gentleman winning most games mr w w roe jone hands mr reynolds consolation miss it moore mr herbert soott refresh ments were thon served and tho balance of the evening spent in dancing miss harvey of bmmpton presided at piano rev canon walsh dead after a serious illness of twelve months duration rev canon wil liam walsh passed away at the rec tory brampton early sunday morning fpr a period of twenty nine years canon walsh occupied the pulpit at christs church at brampton rosigning his charge in juno last to the present incum bent rev j allen of whitby the rev gentleman was always closely identified with the work of loyal orange association and was for many years chaplain of the chapter of block knights he was very well known throughout the province by reason of the keen interest ho took in lodge work mr and mrs john reid oi gait hont sunday in town inkpector harvey of acton gave us a pleasant call on tuesday mr and mrs harry williams- and family spent sunday at w ii willsons mr c j stimitt of toronto paid georgetown friends a visit hint thursday mins muriel thompson left on tuesday to resume her studies nt toronto university mm james ilhiir returned home last week after undergoing an oper ation at luclph hospital miss el richardhon of beeton has returned home after spending a week with friends in town mj artdvmrs w1h aiisn aiid ely wrox qf bibrild u isftrij hi town lluwifg the jiast week mrsi 0 ci roe has returned home atcr spending two months vinitfngfriehdsin yesteni canada and t4iejs mr and mrs moris snx rctnrn led holme on mandiyyaftev aijeas ateftrlp to new- vru pm obfoev aiiieimcan citiesj mr and mfsj-n- gximdink and ilayighter floidnce 6 tolbafrp wore tte guests of mr and mrs ag qroen over the wonkond misses m niles l befi erea inon itnl kntlicrinc hair were the guests of misses liyla and drfftv armstrong over the week end mrs miller and little daughter have returned to their home in vancouver after spending- two months with her parents mr and mrs jos watson and other friend mr and mrs geo heartwell of grimsby motored to town on sun day and spent the day with friends miss heartwell who has been visi ting friends here retwned home with them mr and mrs andrew dobbie and miss dobbie left for their now home in toronto on monday while we all regret their removal the best wishes of their many friends for health happiness and prosperity in their new home will follow them among those from town who at tended the funeral of the late robert hometh nt preston last friday were lleeve grant e y barraclough joseph reaumopt h corke ed hill h a livingstone joseph gibbons john moqibbon b 1 arnold ltanm jb winiiiiiininll imimiiriiiinill b b a rnhills pkkl and haltons bargain stork special shortening by pail only mammoth houses georgetown m cheese per lb 30e barnhills firm ni jfil fa iniiniiilj bargain daythursday open from 8 sum to 6 pnru the following prices for bargain day only i linht colored prints h0e for 24o dark colored prints itoc for 25o dark colored prinls uflc for 2s3 dark flannelette 110c for 23o light eolqred11annoletlf 0n for ij6vc jliseolbreyiflaniieltt fv -j- tiiieh towetlriif b0fdicx union towel ting 35c for jj8s hemp towelling hoc for scotch lingering h20 per lb for childrens- plaid dresses 2 and 225 ladies pullover sweaters all wool misses pullover sweaters all wool ladjea sweater goats 7 so fitfi 1t iadips ifrey and biyiyn jlsfe liohjqi- 1 ohiidhs price merih heavy- harvest boots 22o 27b 179 425 350 soo 285 gash or produce hajtom county fair at milton on october 7 arid 8 1010 s6o0 inpiirses in prizes for races all prizes for horses have been increased grand specials for cattle and sheep firstclass music will be supplied by hender sons famous juvenile pipe band of london and milton brass band bend to secretary for prize list geo e lasllc president a l macnabb secretary rex theatre wednosday the law of tho north with charles ray the final opisode of tho lure of the circus the first episode of the man of might vitagraph serial starring william duncan thursday paine and fortuno good western with tom mix a canadian industrial and a lyons and mbran comedy friday tho women of im pulse with linacavaliovi a sun shine comedy and the british gaz ette saturday mary pickford in johanna enlists sennett com edy when love is blind yon cant alwaye fool them barnham once said you can fool some of the people some of tho time but not all the people all the time there has been a lot said about a uris calf 0 plow boot of mcphersons the reason otlierdealersdonot well it is because mcpherson does not make one tho boot referred to is made by valentine martin ofwnterloonnd the same boot can be bought in other stores for 450 the w b h boot is mode in kitchener not by w b hamilton pitoronto anyone wishing to make 2500 pan do so by proving what i say is not true you can buy boots from 1 to 6 cheaper at rumfords than in the city of toronto tin m ford the shoe man it hirschorns ladies and tailoring to the ladies of georgetown and vicinityr if you are considering buying a suit or coat for the fall season call on us and save money we also make up suits and coats to order we make up your own material if you wish and guar antee perfect satisfaction we guarantee all our goods if you are not satisfied with any pur chase in our store return same and your money will he cheerfully ro il tided 1 i a hirschrn brooke block georgetown your vote and influence r are respectfully solicited for dr a w nixon the conservative candidate as your representative in the prdvin- pial legislature electionoctober 20th 1919 to the public we j w kennedy and h m kennedy have entered into partnership and will now run our hardware tlnsmithing float ing plumbing and electrical business under the firm nnmeait bolow we are getting in and opening as fast as we can a new stock in all linos and wo shall be glad to welcome you to our now promi ses the building fornnorly ooouplod by the morohiints bank our snlo of goods slightly damaged by the llro is continuing 4 si fu ppwn gibbens cut rate cash and carry grocery davios pure lard in b 6 10 or 201b pails per lb domestic shgrtening in u lb pails kellogs corn flakes 8 packages for shredded wheat grape nhlh or post toasties each best canadian cheese per lb rolled oats 7 lh for argo brand corn starch 2 packages old dutch s tins for liplons black tea reg 70o per pkg for 1 lb pail ay liner pure raspberr jam pure clover honey in 0 lb pail prize molasses large tin 2 for purestrawberry jam 4 lb glass for peanut buttor in bulk per ii magic baking powder 1 lb tin forest city baking powder larro jar fresh dreamery buttor per lb bit oflc ic 1lc 8he 50c 28c 2lc ofio 109 140 2fi 120 2ic 8flc 87c 59c j j gibbens phone iso lane block georgetown i enrolment br amptant 6usiness institute- monday oct 6th 1919 a school of excellence commodious class rooms finest equipment efficiency courses in business stenography typewriting address today for particulars brampton business institute c e b0usfield prill brampton 0nt proclamatiom s fire prevention day october 9th prevent fires in your home by removing nil rubbish and litter have your furnace and stove pipes in proper condition ivripoily installed lightning rods are more than l0eflicicnt in your factory arid shop hy removing oily waslo and other fire menaces prohibit smoking on the premises cleanliness order and forethought are important factors in roflncing fire waste provide better and more systematic inspection and watchman service and also mare efficient flreftghtiiul oyiiipmont in your office do not leave lighted cigars or cigarettes whore they may start a lire do not throw a lighted match into tliejwastpaper basket in your school by teaching the children the danger of fire before leaving each night see that there can he no overheated stoves or furnace toaoh the children nol to play with matches irv your church have chimneys properly cleaned out before starting your furnace nover put on an extra flro except when someono is on hand to iittend to it ontario fire prevention league inc affiliated with ontario fire marairara offloo department of attorney- general parliament bulldlmra toronto ckorok v mlwis sectytmms iri compliance with tilt request of tnanu- fncturerh bumuchs men and he public generally within the municipality of tieorgctown i hereby request that all con cerned put back their clocks one hour on sunday night odoborsth when htandartl lime will be regumed in thit municipality cttizeim kindly ovevii themfwlvea accord ingly l crant reeve notice to creditors in the matte of tjie estate of john stokes late off he towvshlp of chinguaeoiuy ixi the county of peel farmer dwceavsed notice in hereby given that hi pursu ance to section 56 of the trustees act r so 1914 chapter 121 that all creditors and others having claimh or demands ag ainst the estate of he tut id john stokes farmer deceased who diet on or about the fifteenth dav of june ad 1919 at the said township of chinjjuacousy are required on or before the eigth day of november 1919 to semd by pot prepaid or deliver to the undersigned soltcitprs for john rut ledge and leroy dale the kxecutors of the lattt will and testament of the said john stoke farmer deceas ed their christian names and surnames addresses and descriptions and- full part iculars in writing of their claims a state ment of their accounts and the nature of the security if any held by them and take notice t tint after such last mentioned dale the srtid executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they khali then have notice and that said executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them at htttme of such distribution slillton wallltriihk dalb solicitors for said kxecutors georgetown ontario dated at georgetown ontario this 30th day of seplember a d 1919 property for sale 10 houses from 850 up to 0000 aiho lots and parcels of land from four to twenty ncres for sale anyono having property for sale writo or phone 17h commission owest in town j h lane real estate agent georgetown the final phonograph the brttnswiok phonograph designers began wlioro other phonograph designers left off it embodies every feature of all other phonographs from tone to beauty and has besides a number of new ideas not to bo found in any other phonograph in faefcat is tho ah-iuciuh- ive musical instrument and murft indeed represent the finished dream of the genius who first invented a talkink sinitink and playing instrument the tjlton is a distinctly new creation at tho turn of the hand you adopt it tb play any record it ie not an at tachment nothing to take off or put on the real diamond for the edison the real sapphire for the brunswick or pathe the steel or fibre for other records always there wo want owners of other phonogrnpb cope in and hoar the brunswick play the records they use and are familiar with we mention no details here von must come and hear it prices from 6800 to 275000 mason risen pianos bell pianos brunswick phonographs singer sevring machines and other lines youcan purchase any of above on small monthly payments frank king next door to livingstones bakoryo dfain street georgetown t the best soranton coal in all sizes portland cement mm floub feed pkovi8i0ns v john ballantine ihon 30 mxilaiys sussfame rwnacc would you experiment with such an important thing as the heating of your home it is a job for experts the co of your home for years depends on it you can call- on us tosell you not merely a furnace but comfort guaranteed mcclarys heating engineers will advise you and plan your heating system without charge is fob sale by j w kennedy db j n oneills bbc garage carriage works two used ford cars in firstclass condition a number of good used buggies and wagons a large stock of cockshutt and fleury plows kitchen cabinets and white sewing machines dodge agent for the well known v 3t it ti a i 3 si m 11 m s llffl

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