Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 1, 1919, p. 3

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georgetown herald wednesday october 1st 1919 vvv j mm something of a cold snap br bfeoitob l rofertrir hmmmm ot know wtitra it m alo- 12 vs tb construction pf she new ookl- morale roota at he yrhlnityn hotel i jiioeiilof coaipietlon and jarpb 5 filckepan the proprietor of ihat ir i tlaltamnw hostelry o wfll knottn 1o gaiveaton residents waa- paying his fx i woueth daily vial t to the acane of frporatloris vsutufled mr hickman ebtvand sir smart the clever engineer whv been aentdowh to atiperlntend mattirs jr the blf eaetern firm wftldh hart the contract in hand came and toiflat the hotel proprietors elbow looks all right i eueaa all tight i why sir hat safes n stroke of genlun though i any it itvii revelation n i jrua run tee theres tiothlne like it in all the htatea noth- lnc 10 hold a tallow dip to it mr sinurts professional pride n- lutired hurt at his clients very inade quate commendation say i didnt mean anything mr illikmnn hastened to explain i liavu no doubt its a fine safe come an have a drink at the har mr smart went through the complete inventory of the peculiar lieuntles nnd distinctive merits of thi cold room look at it he said eothoslastlc- nlly blugest thing of its kind re ever struck thlrteenlnch walla solid concrete patent flooring dampproof rot defying finest arrangement of cool ing pipch ever laid nnd then the diior ah its a good door the owner undented so jrnori that no onell ever have an other like it you bet firm couldnt di another nt the price to tell yon the truth air were doing this a an advertisement sec ah you were lucky to get our firm to handle tills job i can tell you why theres six inches solid oregon pine in that door and the hacking and fnc- ings the best oneanthrpepiarternrh cyiled steel plate we bnuignt that door over in one piece takes four men to lift it yet it hwings on its hinges a easy ns n clock pendulum seen the lock nfi anything special i should say it is thnr locks my own invention and ill bet theres no nun in creation ran pick it if he worka all night nothing short of dynamite enn hurt it automatic selffastening no trouble to turn an strong ns a nljr- gfera love for watermelon that locks a daisy she la mr smart turned east with a four- figured check in his pocket nnd js rob hickman started in to enjoy hix new poaaeaslon and the envy of all other hotel keepers in the neighbor hood he came to love that safe it was the pride and joy of his life also it became the dearest aversion of his friends and acquaintances and of everyone who came within earshot of him no matter where he might be or what the subject of conversation he inevitably managed to steer it around to the safe once when he had talked his com panions almost to the verse of insan ity old teremlnh macluren openly informed him that in his opinion the rnife was a snare of the devil that mr hickmans pride in it was nothing less than sinful and that sooner or later hed be visited by some terrible judgment in consequence but jerry maclaren was a scot and a rival hotelkeeper to boot so it may bare been jealousy nnd not mere piety which instigated his remarks one day when jacob hickman went downstairs to pay one of hi nnnierous dally visits to the safe komothlng luii- pened he unfustened the door stepped lnj deliverer and then promptly fainted ids and feeling a slight drag on the loose alpaca jacket he wna wearing cave a sharp jerk the action if un thinking was a perfectly natural ono three seconds inter there was a smart click swinging around jacob hickman faced the safe door it bad closed be hind him the door opened outwards that slight jerk which had released his jacket caught probably in the door knob had set the heavy door in mo tion upon its wellklled and nicely ad justed hinges and the patent auto matic lock had done the rest hickman was a stent roan it was a very hot day and his forehead was covered with drops of pers iisis a iiiiiiaiiiijiiitiiiii 17 i t thftnthe entereatwe earec his paralysedbrald suddenly awoke and asserted itself and he started to yell like a drunken indian unthinking he yelled and hammered at the door with his bare lists until he was exhausted and ms knockles were bruised and bleeding by and by his breath cane back and be began to think with ataaa meas ure of coherence and to realise the horror of tils position here he was a prisoner without means of escape or hope of release true the key of the door was in hit pocket he hid taken it from the lack when he opened the safe bqt that didnt help him any there was a duplicate itey but that was in a secret drawir of ma bureau and therefore useless indeed if blckiaene presence lathe safe became known ae eae could lad itam ma sifolass vu smviimiij wife did den again the pipes oiled with llenm ummonla kept tht temperature of the safe down to something like five de hives below sero so that even if he re located and a dynamite narge used jo breair down tevdoorlttwnai long odds that- w the time e was taken out be wotild rroaen atlff aa an iceberg he screamed and yelled he kicked and he hamtnereit aft the door be clanhed himself bodily against it he wept prayed and cursed alternately and tetf altogether lpluauy be la oav ttye floor gtflta sfni nttery worn ut aad goading like a dpfc csqght in- e- trap his eyes gaged without sense of tight it the joints bf meat bangink ffoin the nicks fixed below the celling something suddenly jolted ws brain a jolfrt of v a which he bad- hoih vaguely starlngr avakened his mind to feeble activity buck to hie memory rarrie the recoj- liitlon that he ibid purchased that lnt t in cwehrntjon of tin- birthday of ws daughter his ikmirhter little tenyenrold mitrjoryl ivhy he would never nee her ngnin i kwnipe wns itiipossible he wns ns iire of death as if he wtrf sitting in lite electric clinlr he wns nctilnlly lylut by inches the tenrs welled up in his eyes and trick led down bis frosscn cheeks xo by lionvcu he would mil die or if he mutt ho would die tlghtlnc fiercely he follcht agillnst the mlinrjry and ntmihnens that wns enveloping him with tin effort he snf up ntld climbed stiffly to bis feet he caught sight of a number of stout oaken hilleta he had brought down the lirevlous day intending to fix up sup ports for another shelf he recollect ed bringing n hntnmer ton ves there it lay in the corner kelzlng the tool be once more bent on the door perlmps homtnine would come down to the snfe and honr the round of his hammering it wns a poor chance but lie wouldnt miss if anyway he would die fighting dentil his vigorous efforts restored life to his body his blows became more violent and presently the hammer hnn- lle snapped short at the head then n furious anger selred him he called down curses on the clever engineer yho had constructed the door and in vented the patent lock on himself and on all creation seising one of the oak billets he neat at the door as if it were mr smarts ingenious head he wan ham mering his arms ached horribly hut htlll he continued presently his fremyfllled eyea oeemed to see a faint crack in the nolld metal in front of him the length of timber apllntered and rtrnlce in hln hands but snatching an other piece he continued hla furious onslaught his straining eyes saw the rollrt metal slab bulging omtwnrdn rod in heaven i it wis true then the ateel had split the crack was be coming wider before his eyes a streak of white showed between the dnrk ragged edges co thought of the smart eastern en gineering firm came into jacob hick mans mind as he pushed his finger into the gap and plucked forth sort rhavlngs cotton waste and refuse wool until his finger nalli scratched on the outside steel covering of the door inserting one end of hla piece of oak into the crack alas for the du plicity of mankind the iron was no thicker than thai of a oooklngpan hickman shoved inward and used it phi lever tugging and straining until trie heet of metal ripped away like a strip of brown paper then nalng his weapon as a rammer he stabbed at the outside steel the sound of a human voice caught his ears what de hells de mattert it said sme one strolling into the base ment had beard the infernal row and come to investigate he screamed hoarse direction and in a few minutes the sharp teeth of a renter bit was cutting into the iron a nmall hole was loon made hick man passed the key through it to hla come and bring your friends to what orm of- rcrafion tap yoalt f aumythm longmtinm r homm what havm you jo entertain your company aoaeut they drop in an you unexpectedly nothing would so- well answer these flues- tlons- as a grafonoja for- there is no other object that provides in such varied form entertainment for every occasion and every taste orafbnolas are the most natural soundreproducing instruments in the world are made in the most pleasing variety of designs and with the great catalogue of columbia records to draw from you have the most famous vocalists instrumentalists bands oroheatras etc at your command always we earry every model of orafonoli in stock and we can make it extremely easy for you to own onecome in and sam this superb model mechanically perfect sturdy eons tract and highest grad finish can be had in cholca of walnut mahogany or fumed oak the beautiful qrafonola illustrated above is a fine exa of the cabinetmakers art being very elaborately hand carved the motor has threespring drive li powerful and noiseless all exposed parts are heavily nickelplated has columbia improved tone arm and reproducer with tone control leaves and urge record cabinet capaolty one hun dred records a magnificent instrument grafonola qq and record cabinet u the handsome grafonola illustrated at the right is an entirely enclosed and cablneud model made of selected oak famed or golden finish the height of instrument with re cord cabinet is ever 40 inches 17 h z 17ft inches at base of qrafonola it has two- spring drive motor slays 8 records with one winding has speed regulator tone control leaves new bayonetjoint tone arm and no columbia reproducer lid is piano hinged cabinet has capacity for about 100 records october records eeldy aim hawaiian ijlahti orchestra ajte ookvlewmwe hurray altte hawaiian bmlua umarlmba or- otatstrm aetlt la florae del destlao overture a 1711 sing me loves lullabr saxophone a17ss take me to thexand of jazt- murray a1708 kaniaa city blues pox trot a1h arlellenne french army rand a6115 hungarian fantasy piano percy orolnger etlo he jr knti violin toscha seldel there were wet bandages around hickmans head when he came round a dull ringing tilled his ears his hands were enveloped n wrappings he was in bed and his whole body was so stiff and sore that when he moved he groaned with pain to judge by the lenaatlons in hla foot he had no toei at ill bur the stumps burned and throbbed hor ribly the doctors bearded face was bend ing over him when bs opened his eyes and his little daughter mirjory stood by the bedside holding bit head touch and go said the doctor cheerfully i thought yon over coming to looked like a case for the coroner hi ef this where an it whispered hick man when he bad swallowed the brandy at home tonvi been lying bene like this for three days thought it waa all up dont you remember they foand you in year ice safe almost dead rather think eae ef your toaela gone for good i otherwise youre all right jacob hickman did act go under tbe first thing he did waa to bring gait against the jsaitem engineering nrm who had built his ice safe fer misrepresentation and fatlare to ad here to contract specllleatljdja the shock of his ferrible tbtprlaoo- memt in tbe cold room bad tunwd hla hair quite white hot it left hla mala in flratclase working ordir pi won hla eult and siet flat oaw yvfuw tomorrow here ia a grafonola of un usual merit having all the features of many instru ments two and three times the pricb such as new bayo netjoint tone anii colum bia tone control leaves co lumbia reproducer speed regulator start nnd stop device etc this grafonola has powerful motor plas two records with one wind ing beautiful oak case and record cabinet to match price of outfit tomorrow only 48 we will accept orders to morrow for this outfit ask- ing only 5 down the outfit will be delivered to you at once and you can pav us balance of purchase price in small weekly sums after oome in tomorrow if you want to secure this splen did bargain it ia a one- day offer only l v hourigan georgetown fire prevention day the privy council of canada have appointed thursday the ninth day of october in this preti- opt year asfifepreyentioft bay pid jecpjironl tah laving tiiiii- jisctatbat oh tlifit day 1 ah dwellipjjh anct their -sur- rouniirphs be caref oily inabcptcd by their- occnnnu and all condi tions liknly tocailhcol proniote the rtpreatfbfares nedioved 2 all public biuldtngs sto48 and factorjpe bo jnsjrlected nnd olpaka v 8 fire drills e- jielj for the oliildveri in nil schoqb tibd for pm- ijdyoqs in all 1irlfe etoron and fao- trie 4 spspctiii fnetriijctlofisi on bliei sltbphitot h jives vv the teacher and by lininicipal offlcialh- in the schools and- that- suoh apiropriatelieratiir as jiiay be-nnnde- avqilnblc bp distributed tjthe ptipiln 5 all legislation and lenulatiobb enacted or ihkiifri by dominion liiovincial or municipal authorities dealing with fire prevention be kiven publicity by the municipal oflieials and thai by public meet- iagn or otherwise as niny to them seem most tit they endeavour to impress npon the citizens the na tional importance of hafokimidink life and property from loss of hip a nanchtjr hlautor a- minister prenxihirir in new- york city stated that as every class of employees were talking strike he thought the ministers should get in lino and ask for an eikht-lioui- day and a fifty per cent increase iri salaries and if their i ippiipfil was refused they should ho on strike and let all the people go to hell i the georgetown bcram wednesday bvg oct 1st 1919 oitmctik table ivv- s- i im iat v ftm m pnittfeef passenger mail passenger maik paenkqjv onda- j iqoiowst ihsseiki s 11 85 am 5 pm q28 imn n ei6 pm mair passenljei passenger passenger uait 7 ts7 aim- a6i pm t6q pstj ei p 767 prai 6- ifl am- v passenger suiiditv goino ijokth mali 747 fv mah- io pan going south mail 1128 am mail 750 pm toronto suburban railwar- daily timetable am going east 810 goiuk west 866 sunday timetable going east lim pm pm pm 1220 u45 610 017 pm pm 224 640 810 789 am 1021 am going west 1040 pm pm 01o 08a butter paper at the herald fire ac i do your business with the oldest and best companies in the world some of the companies i represent are fire royal queen guardian caledonian liverpool london globe hartford north british mercantile western globe rutgers hand in hand dominion accident dominion of canada guarantee accident employers liability provident assurance co i am prepared to issue your policy in any company you may select wyjlt qip phonesoffice 206 res 65 w ksjlli georgetown coal problem solved kero gas burners ordinary coal oil for fuel are easily installed in any stovo or furnncc and will supply all the lient necessary for cooltint or heatinii pu rporcs write for particulais and prices nnl nrrankc for demonstration fred d dewar sales agepl for ballon connty milton ont its no pleasure to carry a watch if it does not keep perfect time we are expert watch adjusters and guarantee our work to be satisfactory all the latest and best in watches clocks jewelery etc at light prices a b willson main street next mcgibbon hotel si i viijsijsls iiti

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