matthew s drug store puff a fragrant bit of armonds complexion powder on your skin you will feel cool dainty and sur- ftisirifilytef reshed ri rnattjefr hpvy warm trie day k 1 matthew inu on js ailpntky- personals local news items v i0if wore nt- istrpetsvoyestciclfty milidn vpit liaolc to theiitund- lirc time 1ant moinbiy sot aoiii bxliibit rendy for 12 about that re returned soldiers clporgetmv il fair october anain how volition lo om ahijhiovp rural school tnir will lie held nevt thursday september lmlh the diile kstate nt nrnmpton are erecting lliroe now steel ureon- liouxek dont forgot the grand conceit on fairniblit watch for furtlier liarticultik the provincial coatinif mills are building two largo additions to their mills hero a rink of oeoretown bowlers recaptured the smith trophy at kftilton laht week three second hand bicycles for hale cheap frank king alain st itrooke block it the rekiatration board of haltou intend extending the time for appeals particular next ihhiie mr p kersey will hold an auc tion sale of household effects on september tfotlt iartifiilars next week the orangemen of glen- williamh will hold a grand hall in the hall in that village on hallo ween particulars later mr andrew dobbie will hold an auction sale of household furni ture on tliarsday september 2fi see particulars in another column thanks to my many patrons the past week was the beet in the history of our business roney the shoo limn we shall endeavor to give our readers an account of our trip through the rookies and on to the coast iu our next issue mr j it jackson presented the herald this morning with a couple of tomatoes weighing 14 lbs each which lie picked in his garden vordnni robekah lodgo will bold a euchro and dance in the town hall georgetown on friday september 20th tickets 55c in cluding war tax miltbna demonstration in hon or of their returned soldiers last jmoiuuvy its n splendid affair a large number of georgetown citi zens were present ltftv invpeatpr appointed it the jihmtinh ftt the ewocirtiye qf iljeliildn aid siieitjifor tliii cdniitiik of tlaluin apd peel- liefd at miiub just friday ir- v yslewart into principal of acton public and continuation schools vjisaipointed ijiurxmtlor to succeed mr c w norton who jiasso cap ably fill iii leif lite iluties of tlieolnee the piiist ten or twelve years oakviuo fair some show with llfteen hundred dollars ad ded to the prizes for horses alone and many other classes of live stock having received additional boosts this year thcoakville show on the lhlh idtli and 20th of this month will no doubt attract exhibitors from all parts of the united states and canada ac commodation has been provided for more entries in all the live stock and agricultural classes judging commences at 10 oclock on each of i ho three full days show -l- sheriff webster revising offi cer disposed of the appeals against the reforeadu in voters lists at esquesing on friday and george town on saturday oakville high school has dropped their agricultural courso though they not 1200 a year from the education department and g00 from tlio county council for it start now at brampton busi ness institute next enrolment day monday soptombor 28nd school opon to visitors on bramp ton fair day from 12 to 2 and 5 to 7 the united charge- of cholton- bam and mount pleasant in tbo presbytery of orangevillo has ex tended a unanimous call to rev thomas dodds of sonya tbo salary offered is 1660 and a bouse with vacation a social evening will ho held by the monitors of orion lodge no 109 loof on monday ovon- ing next soptombor 22nd every members recfiiestied to bo present and a pleasant evening is assured all who attend bb9i an enjoyable at howe mr john j allen president of tho mens bowling olub and mrs allen prosidont of the ladies bowling club wevo at homo to morabers of both olubb last friday evening to do honor to mr lo roy dale who rocontly won tho domin ion championship thare wero over forty ladies and gontlomen present aftor all had partaken of t most suriinluous dinner presi dent allen and reeve grnnt made short and appropriate add rouses oppgratulating aft dale on his splendid oohiovoment and express- ed appreciation of tho honor ho bad won for georgetown mr dale in turn thankod the spoakors for their kjrjd words and stated that he was pleased to have been j jftple tp win tho oovotod trophy usa s renresenativpof goorgotown bow ling olub after a oouplo ol hours v vl isfy m rex theatre wednesday under the top an artcraft picture with fred stone no 10 of the lure of the circus and a mutt and jeff car toon thursday- tho strange wo man with gladys brockwell a canadian scenic a lyons and moran comedy friday dainty marguerite clark in out of the clear sky a big v comedy and the british gazette saturday- special the cavell case with julia arthur ns the red cross nurse the germans shot muis winifred evans will sing remember nurso cavell music by masons orchestra admission iifie and 15c war tax extra anniversary services at ximehoue the anniversary services at limehouse presbyterian church will be held next sntiday septem ber 21st the board of managers have boon successful in securing the services of dr blair fd for tho occasion the services will be hejd at 1 1 and 8 now time knox church choir will have charge of the singing on monday evening an old fashioned ten meeting will be held a splendid programme is being prepared after which re freshments will be served dr blair will givo one of his interest ing lectures the knox choir will supply music during the evening an admission fee of thirtylive cents is asked the proceeds of which vilfgoto tho church funds georgetown fair this groat annual ovont wlijeh is conducted by esijuesiug agri cultural society will be held at georgetown this yoar on wednes day and thursday october 1st and 2nd a splendid feature this year will ho the horse and motor cycle races on tho afternoon of the 2nd day 400 will be offered in purses for these events the usual large list of prizes are offored for live stock farm produco fowl dairy fancy work lino arts etc if you dont want to miss the best be at georgetown fair on october 2nd and wlson you are hero remain for tho grand concert to be given in the town hall in the evening prize lists containing complete in formation and program may bo had by writing the secretary j a tracy georgetown or by calling at tho herald office mrs win barber bus gone on a visit to al laudato mrs claridgf of acton is visit ing ut mrs win anthonys mr jim pedlcy uf toronto ns a visitor in town oyer sunday miss norma millar of hamilton spent sunday nt her home hciv mimi llael mfliililmii has re turned to her school ut blind river mrs wat kins of toronto spent ii few days ill town lust week mr and mrs iliriun cook of buffalo tire i in totiy mrsilhs ohrnoii nbmiifiptijj wvwrfljpfthr tajuiinvi- mw f 2 cook miss clara boskov or toronto visited friends in to duwk the past week mr jlpbclt keai ofiadifmfi wis puenkia couple of -day- ifr town ijstivfei misjtilcjnfitbjj jowlicity pk oivr iliijh scboojstatt iviiiji viitor in tciwn htsweek y- mfsc vin blifber ttiir mrfnild isffs avp jarlcr me liisitpig friendsin syafovtlk mr ancfjilrs f1 rlhboiv sliss rtiuber ont mr loulun bariior speilt a day in twnlaht ycek irs vvro mcciucncy is hpeiiil- ing two weeks with box dniltfhter mrs a d young al urainpton mr unci mrs ii 10 tompkins and children of wei hind spent sunday with the misses tompkins mr and mrs ciiuiiih harbor mid two child rcn spent n fewilays with relatives here during the past week for sale kail mill ililer pli- iil ituaiillty of piir lor iiiuiudialf sali major htiwn sltwjirtuvn l7- bull for sale iuri- hrtil nitiliain isill 12 morn iih iui eligible for rcifiklihiion i ii voting llallinafatl ilioik- morgvlown jrlx 17 p wanted rookkkkikr asp tviist al- 1iv ti ckiiman ltkis ikllrljk io n 1 1-8- 1 1 ring lost on main smet coorgilown on sitlur- dav sftimlr llli gui riili kft with garrls fiiul-i- kintllv loanc hialn offloo lip iiltmdjmtliviiiiiill hiiiurd4ef t6ii- 0lritk nnoi ivw lilnsirew aiftyjnijnii l6 rnlirl o lowiu iiharifiintinv elictrii liglil untj bhlhrthiiti tun spft walorcitirn apply bs im jnld oftuo ctritl appies waicteij nih prcpjiristrtfvijiuv per 00 point furniture for private hale htnihfliold good ii- tliiding ctml aiulwood rangi klcilric rango ilrostwrfl ruk rlfk chaiis on may be ruen at mrs anlliony cohliganm 27hllp if blacksmith shop to rent shop and loots to rotit in liiiwilliuiik oh1 oponitig in larininj tomntuiiily near faclorieh and nloii- ipiarriik apply lo a wlit-rlem- tjleinvilliimik lnl 76lp i co nr all viiuu ol owlwtppvk iuiiiltvhoih4t dajivcw-dat-iurk-clown- oti kttttuvlf onfriilay wtl-n- lfi rvlu her- rilijiwi mammoth house oeorgetotn qcxyd jcrsn nfoaftdrvw dtti dowjior auei tyvmolj ajply lmcfclovl ii lr tl- mrs r i creehnan who under went an operation nt giiclph hos pital last week is progressing favorably mr and mrs 1 a mccluro and mr harold mccluro of slroethville visited friends in town anil vioinly last week mr t ii thompson or hniley- bury bus been spending the past throe weeks with friend in town and vicinity rev mid mrs moniunara and children and miss m campbell of toronto motored to town on mon day and spent tho day wilb friends dr and mrs bowheer of stclair mich unci dr j h kennedy of detroit were guests at- the home of dr mcandrew during tnc past week mrs charles b hodgson will re ceive with her mother mrs wotherald on friday afternoon septemher 10th from four oclock until six mr w n mckay of simcoe formerly of georgetown has been appointed manager of tho new branch of the bank of hamilton at goderich mr and mrst s ii mcgibbonb little daughter jean was operated on for appendicitis at cluolpli hos pital on ktonday she is progress ing favorably mr and mrs g c mackay are leaving tomorrow on a trip to albany ny mr g r- smith from tho head office will relieve mr mackay in tho rank of hamil ton horeduring his absence mr and mrs f c simkins and family have left town this week on a visit to friends and relatives in england mr simkins who hns been for nine years past with the prudential insurance co lias been granted leave until his return next spring akuu pig tsciw lved c wksh frov pmiiiborol umtotmigiull lirt thith fnry morning any person knowitig- lurc abbul oj sliinu uiiirllj- cvnniiiuiiililt willi fv iidon unwillians ili auction sale household furniture tin uiulorttignetl lins roooivott inslim lions from andrew dobbie 10 mll by publii- niulion al his rcsidoiuf virw litiir-k-r- farms wanted fifty to one hundred atres within four ntiloh of town with husb and oreuk pre- ltrrcl titve lull pnrliiularn of building soil prioe and term no agents applv lo box 1 11 llerahl oftkv 17llp rabbits for sale ivigbt rabbllk for puile frotn hmotitiih u aply 10 arthur tyiidjkll petirfi tojmn ar ccihid purpose hyrs 6 yni inceli good driver i latjf haywnrt trrrii ana jf rxh0se rojh sate jtftk iviise 7 rooropjnodenj l-6n-vni- eilivh tin jiul 8i lcsffjioii urrniifitd apply lrtilie jqieeii hviv- tisurjfoiowii y j08r bargain day thursday open from 8 cum to 6 pan the following prices for bargain day only ijitfht colored prinu h0c fo- wrx itoiia st colli low thursday september stflth l 7 pm slmrp thf folliwiiif dining extension tahle soliil oiik side bonrtl dining iluirs 4 roruiiiff iliair rocking chair uphokteiftl in leatlier 2 rotulu oominioii orin t oruu- in jfothl toiitltlkn jtfhciui- ami stunil iron betlpriiis anil maitrcis 2 wotultii wtdk fiprins ami inaltresihtkolttfiliiuniil rope bttl klttlwn tulile ii fliairs and rikltoi happy thoujjiit raniji oiul as now squatv box fhiuti washing- marlitiu and wriiiifrr wash tub kinder sowing macliiiti rloitt itumlir yard of arpl xtnd oik loth window shadt tptstniity ot fruit jars but ler print htitlalo robrj scrfmn door suar uriili hem h vim and olber arliihs loo iiiinuiihih to infill ion milaujjblin motor ar 4 rylindtr in jfiiul toiulitiou terms caah ben fetch anotioner tlooclfifylvcr wshifiidf aviirh to e liliidvl umivwlihim i vs v v ov 100q42n sweet milk r wttinted remember you are- ffnining three point by selliiigyoiruult tome first you sive linu eeond yoilgrl lionest rnilk weifehll thirv you don i have- to risk lo get yenir milk lo the station to ruteli the train come and fte iik itbonl your milk james lonoo terra colin cheese co ivrra collt otil 109lf house for sale in glettwililains u roomtsl frame house newly hided pump at kildienuoonii few apple trees and some eiirntnl bushes ben house priie 900 apply 1 j- a vvilloughhy ieorgetown fall and winter millinery latest designs now on display at misses claridge parlors op stairs over herald parti eolored prints sqerii ljarl lllulneetjqcif6i ijighteoloiecl flftnnelette sqe for l light colored flannelette ask for iiinen ibevelint 30- or v pnioutowahig pcf6i t 24c sjsfp 93a c- iiemu towellink hoc for 22o mirisespnllofer yeaters aft wotol tiadibs blveiiter coiits 70 for ijocfies grey rwid hiwvn lisle house t ohildtibns jfiiiajylia at iialt irice i mcrts fjeavy jitmvext bcjotg 350 500 vl mvnfl st 5s l jioha church imcws st oeorgeh and st aiiians the harvest thanksgiving ser vice will be held on sunday sep tember 28 in st goorges af 1 1 am and 7 pm and in st albans at 8 p m in addition a thanksgiving service will bo held in qlenwilliams on the thursday evening previous soptombor 26 8 m holy communion will ho cele brated in st qeoikofl on sunday next nt 11 am baptist the oponing sobial of bypu hold last monday evening was attondod by about thirty young people anil was 1 jjreat siicoos i ndinations poirtf to a splendid ser ies of meetings for tho ensuing yoar the llrsti regular meeting will be hold next monday evoning wlion the piohident will sponk on tho harmonious lifo s onsunday the pastor will uppak in the morning on tho postivo charaotor of religion and in the evening on some eloiiionts in the oharaetor of johiib mj3th0iht services sunday soptombor 21 morning worsuin 11am evoning soivloo 7 pn the sunday school will bo held next sunday at 8l pni in prep aration of tbo r church and sunday hohaol jsally at 11 amii oda sunday suptonibor 28 splendid interest iiiik bron muni- fosted in the work tliin season bo out next monday and onjoy the meetinc in charge of the citizen ship committee the annual anniversary services will he hold on sunday october iu rev o w barkor will piench castor i a for infants and children in use for over 30 years always bean the signature of thomas a edisons new diamond amberola the master product of a master mind will play just whichever kind of music you prefer thfre a cniln of imo uptodate ficltviioip inglul- inp grmid ojv i iiiriiriin u till cinecrt sacred baiicls iiul oiciuiias tho luteal dunce music full of pep and roorthe ih-cani- icntof ivnlwcs nonuiuer wiiit mood youre in tlierifs nn apiberola kccorj to suit it come in tcymorrojvand licar edisons marvellous invention ismiimiiiirjml ibiiniiiiiiiirjh iffliiiiiniiimial n h i l ls and iiaiyrons bargain stork bar a prkl special this week good year tires plain 33 3 in 1 490 these tires are not seconds barnhills nmrjqbi itrmrrrriibi larintiitmmffli laiiniiiiiiimb norval is gibbens cut rale cash and carry grocery kolloggs eoin flakes this wcok only per pkg walter linkers breakfast cocoa por lb lip tons toa rog 70e per lb pkg saluda ten rog 70c per lb iikg gongs soups all kinds 1 pkgn dominion vegotnble soup large tin 8 for porost city baking powder per jar eddys golden tip matobes per pkg electric soap 8 biub for i gal fruit jars 2 for peanut butter per lb mcdonalds tobacco 8 plugs for pastry flour in 24 lb bu oncli 10c h9e cbc 07c 25c 27c 89c 89o 25c 25c 29o 7c 110 j j gribbens phone 160 lane block georgetown highest market price for all kinds of grain delivered at our elevators at georgetown and aoton we have choice timothy seed at close prices we are making apple barrels at norval as usual robert noble limited next enrolment day brampton business institute monday sept 22nd 1919 a school of excellence commodious class rooms finest equipment efficiency courses in business stenography typewriting address tojny for particulars brampton business institute c e bousfield prln brampton ont fire -f- fire great bargains all in slightly damaged hardware etc must be cleared in the next ten days to make room for new stock come and get your share of the bargains while they last j w kennedy main st georgetown butter paper at the hejrald gibbens bread with butter gibbens bread with jam gibbens bread with milk gibbens bread by itself or with anything at all its just delicious try a loaf today its a pure food pro duct that just natur ally makes an appeal to the appetite phone 202 gi next door to radial station b v gibbens mxiaiys sunshine a furnace easy to manage a furnace that is economical of fuel a furnace that will heat your home comfortably this is the proposition vie offer in the sunshine mcclarya heating experts will plan a heating sys tem for you without charge a heating system that they guarantee will heat your home comfortably if you want to be sure of comfort if you want a durable honestly built furnace well installed put the problem up to us 9 ask about the little draft- man that turns on the drafts and regulates them automatically for sale by j w kennedy j n oneills ids bui garage carriage works two used ford cars in firstclass condition a number of good used buggies and wagons a large stock of cockshutt and fleury plows kitchen cabinets and white sewing machines agent for the well known a si 1 1 m q it 11 i ml 4 31 61 m dodge bros motor cars j n oneill 1 l m ym lv vrasot