Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 17, 1919, p. 2

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n i w h willson undertaker and licensed emblmer main st georgetown auloiiiohilor lloito- drawn llelirsf iliono in or day 54w or slj fir i xi hu llis imariafrt and deaths iuv ilwred lorul tho followir talcs btrllis 25- maniajftfk 50c deaths 50e memor ial curds soe me per hue extra or poems married i lotkins grkiokv on odiustlav september 17 141 at llie iresbweratli uurtiofruive ieortfctovli ly k-vk- i- cioiieitimbmi or vred wefryi cmr uilliiwrui vo mv tltc i1u1iis vl iseorgetowo in meitidriam oiuian- i ivvjitr memory df urir ntollitn lunra itiliihhi wilf a iiliuaii tivorgoliuhl will ilojimtult nil liits sepjmber ijiii- eriioiljfli ht uitirvmleikvileit fvlitlmrarhe ijeat rlo v i ji loving qiojtfer- f r 1 loving v deeply mqtkvimul lullasavncilllnfiks antijovy jovinjf memory m mjiry cifininktmiwi belttvifj wif of janius anttiqiiy gtiorgtiowi wli tlepfcrttii tltiilijtsepieinbtfr ifil 1917 vvt wlio loved you wtdjy miss ytui aw it dawiin another yetrf in tin lonely hourh of tliiikmtf tlionjfhtk ot you are ever dar hlsbant ani dauchtkr kiim in verlovtnjf memory of my on ime percy kinjf who did of wounds on september 18th 1016 hurried in ni- cliervillerh framv our thoughts often wfuuitfr lo your wul hut honored fjrave voiir name h often mentioned in the home you died to have for our thoughts are all united with the name fond love for you and loving thoughts are cherishe d of one so brave and true mofhfk kkntner- in loving memory of my son vic reuben kenlner who died in fram september i 117 days of sadness still come on ur hidden lean oft tiinehdo flow for memory kjepk our dear one near us although he died two yrart ago moth br the geornetown herald wednesday evg seiit 17tli 1019 gkokoetownh ohowth de mands a furtlior wivter supply and our council aro hpriotialy consider ing ways and moans to overcome tihc deficiency kimincor tremble who is at the provincial paper mills at present av memljors of council some valnalile information at a moetint lipid last week the matter of a krouter water supply for our town should not be delayed londer the mail oudek hoiiheh bave again flooded the country with big handsomely gotten up fall catalog- lies qiiotink attractive prices on staple articles and making all sorts of liih uotintlink cliiiuis for the cash of the out of town resident tliey do not offer to exchange their goodn for tlie farmers produce they dont trust a penny h worth but make the purchaser pay cashbofore he gets the goods thoy pay no taxes into this or any other town or township tioahurios by which the schools uro maintained and roads bridges and sidownlks built they do not contribute to the churches charitable insti tutions nor to our poor patron ize the man who pays taxes to sup port the schools that make it pos sible for your children to acquire n flrnt ciqh education township council ksqucsing sept 15 iu1i the council met pursuant li ad- jitimimeut the ileeve in the cluiir ueiuhcrs all prestmit the last meet ing were read and confirmed hampshire mcdowell that lcim be granted to introduce a by low to appoint a pound kemr foj- the village of nonnl iimltlml the suit by law be now rend tho first time carried kllioll thbmpkon that the by- hiu to appoint a pound keeper for tin- vilhigo of norvul be now read tin secdiid and thinl times and pilrfavrl tlinti the blank be tirled yp iwiliitliviwiitleofjipes brcjwnii cufucd- klliotttlloiiipson that eiive bviinted to intiodute ily aipwion th intefcij from the ha4wayhoiiti pitiidanil mitidbyinw le ppurojul th5 j5 tiimoowliflu s tjyioiiinsonr f- khiiottklvvli tjie bn uwoiniiitkti ihcfnlicssc tnlilft- ifatih the jlsujuway- boiiiis jriii l bo np wrctid tlivs jtolj dj and tliird pivshedcaflvplu unifl8lnie- mcdoweh fihat leavu he granted tuiritrodiee n by- lftvy-to- irssess tlie vichoorsootfons oftlie tdwiihtp of jsuejrienujto diiij tlmthnid by-law- b now rend the tirsttime carried tuompson bllibtt that tlicby- law to assess tlid several hciiooi sections of township bo now road tlio second and third timoh and paused carried hampshire mcdowell that iciive be granted to introduce a by law to assess the township for tlio year 1911 and that said by law he now read the first time- carried i thompson elliott that the by law to assess th township for the year 1919 be now read the second and third times and patwod that the blanks bo tilled up an follows kicvpii and six tenth mills for county purposes 24 mills for township purposes 2j mills for general school rate soldiers fund oneaud two tenths mills carried hampshire mcdowell that the bylaw to appoint an attendance ofllcer for the township of esies- ing be now read the second and thinl times and passed and that tho blank bo fillet up with the name of john a trooy and that ho eeohe the sum of 100 to be paid luarterly carried thompson mcdowell that the following accounts be paid george town herald 8092 for printing voters tjista advertising etc i ft edwards for railing lot 15 hth line 05- carried klliott thompson that tlio treasurer pay the following ac counts canada ingot iron co for two culverts 45 j n oneill re- pails to grader 445 carried hampshire mcdowell that the treasurer pay p m fishor 4 for dynamite for blowing out stones on no 10 side rood for oporat ing grader and 2 for repairs to rontl cart broken on road total 9 j a tracy postage etc on voters lists carried hampshire thompson that at tlio next meeting of the conncil a bylaw will be introduced to reg ulate the running at largo of cattle on curtain portions of liighwujb of tho township carried mcdowell thompson that tho council adjourn to meet on oolob- 1 carried presented watches oitiieua offward 3 equoing hofcuratd heroem the picnic concert anil dunce tendered iy the citizens of ward h to their returned soldier boys in the park tin thurstlay inst wu it splendid hcrchs and thoroughly enjojiil by t lie soldiers ittiil their limn fiicndk after tho ball game between the local veteran team and hiine- bouse which resulted in a victory for the fotmer by n htire of 17 the inosculation of upiuliful gold watcbeu suitably engraver and chouses itaoe j man aiiirotiiiitll j intrqtltlctory eriopch jiteiwltich lie alil on caitain oihstlfrk forirut cliaivlui 0f the liy tl nivtaclitafavho riiiulc up- to f county council the county council mot at milton tuesday members all present a communication was read from w i dick county solicitor not ing that hearing of the oakvillo bridge matter by tlio ontario rail way and municipal board had boon postponed until tho kith inst liiout col noble andmessrs msilty hunter and mopherson ad- dressed the colincil asking that the town lino betwoon esnucsing and cliiuguacoimy from lot 6 to 11 bo added to the good roads system mordon blandish that hal- ton coimty council favors the tak ing over of that portion of the town line botweon tho townships of es- queaingand chingiiaoousy be tween tho counties of halton and poel provided that the county of pool agrees to do likowise and that it is approved by tho department of highways and that a committee ponsisting of the chairman of good roads the reeve and deputy- reeve of entjuesing and tho warden wait on the governrrient ro the same together with a committee of peol- carriod crrnnt bridgman thiit tho clerk be instructed to forward to the national patriotic association at ottawa a list of amounts paid nonresident dopondonts by halton county ns a result of brant hos pital boing located in halton to gether with a requestfor repay ment of such amounts and that the warden and roevo cleaver ho a apeolal comniitteo to make nil arrangomonts carried couiicil wont into committee of tho wholo and consitlored the sev- oral reports prooentod which wore aftof wards adoptod by council- irving standishtlmt the rood and bridge oommittue dispose of timber and steel rails an 4 material ueotl in the construction of tans- ley bridge carried i jtendhead irving that tho treasurer bo authorized to transfer from the good roads interest fund to the good roads salary and mis cellaneous account the mini of 1000 carried road bead irving that whore- as under the good roads act there is on deposit in the bank at c rod it of the county a considerable sum of money and whereas tho municipality of the township of nelson lias al ready expended on good roads in excess of the amount allotted for the year 1919 to the said munici pality therefore bo it rosolved that the treasurer be and ho is already in structed to chctjuo out of the said good roads fund the accounts of the said township of nelson order ed to bo paid by the road commis sioner on tho understanding that the representatives of the said municipality of nelson undertake that the said township shall repay to the county tho said accounts so jstia togethbr with interest al the rate of 4 por cent per annum from the dato of said payments and on tho further understanding that the trenmirer shall charge against the said township of nelson on account of uccounts so paid the appor tionment as will be duo to the said township of nelson from tho grant given by tho province of ontario an and when tho said provincial grant is rooeivod by olir troabiiror curried n inspector donyos addressed tho council re amendments to the school act council adjourned to moot at tho call of tlio wardon uie pioiitjhuihon otxvluctiiit uiidlieu- vifestotut tllwtnsrtvtiviufen wiliiuhi modojv1v rajvinwiidcjnild ftaitl mtfdoriard j v- hugligtjthain rohnkuiray ivrjlniiijpwsoi keitiv nixon j- jbhn mood john slropherd henry shepherd thomtut bristow william lawler fied brown joseph hutcliinsnii jesse smith harry maeoury- wtn loidon eaih recipient was loudly plauded as he stepped forward receive hiu present the chairman then called on rev r f cameron who aftor a few appropriate remarks presented a clock to mr and mrs j fj ijcslie in commemoration of their son the lato lieut bdwin leslie who fell in battle after the presentation the re turned men and their friends were entertained to dinner by the ladies in the drill hall in tho evening a grand concert was given in the drill hall the vrogram which was good being supplied by the billy hurst con cert co id is was followed by a dance the music boing supplied by the mason orchestra of acton there was large crowds at both evening entertainments the iniisicof the 20th halt hand during the afternoon was much appreciated golden wedding fifty years ago mr and mrs john hnllantiiic uf cietirgetown were married in khtpiching ami accordingly on friday even ing last the near circle of relatives assem bled to celebrate the toldcn wed ding at siimifragii the summer home of colonel 11ml mih ititlttin- tine the guests from out of town were irs captain rogers of montreal mr and mm v a main of winnipeg mr and mrs burlier of scniorth mrs john kl liott of st marys utxl mrs k tough of owen siiniiil pister of ballinafad mr e ii betts and son jack motored from jridgetown on sun day and were the guests of mr and mrs irarokel mr john davis of krin spent last week with mrs john reid hth line mr and mrs john burn oh of ashgrove were the guests of mr and mrs robert lourie on sun- day mr and mrs win spear of toronto spent the week end with mr and mm farnell and other friondtt wedding bolls soon oft of evergreen tliiil nmiile toliagi erilmirftk witli erinhnjngh of vir ginia- creeper fioldcti- jlidviuid jtultleh xiot 4f liw4iffrltgjiifivaii lumsiui t trfibiiifm iiivli is v cerises of- p1oifwerdivu hrlitiki hio pilvty biokpiijj inidtst a- sliower of qnirtylujiluous tomritirdmrs- hjilhilitiiio in hiiying ifassed their ihstietll mrilestontjiins pcrfect iiprii ami yigburj mr- and mrs jwllrlhlmc- have lived liukscjtiefiihg continuously sine tlieif marriage the last twonty years in jeorettnvn their- filthify seven iir niunlier are res follows mrs lingers of montreal mrs maiu of winnipeg james of hamilton ny mrs irons of winnipeg john tif george town mrs kdniiston of ijiiiimdcn siisk and norninn who died in 10h special ifi put fair dont jxtup to oonclttfllona wbat la tho differonco between rrm edy and core any diseaso wliteh is uflble to recur cannot bo indellnitoly eured you muy dispel tho gonun from the system but that is simply remcd ing it a man buffers for yflflrs with rhea xnatisnt after trying iiumemua rroat xnenth without btttieeas he tnkh tern- pleton kheumntio cnpnules and in fa ctored to perfect health again a year or so later rlieumnlie symp toms appear again what doe he irn- xnctttatefy ooneliulof that it is bis old trouble returned that the modirinehe took had only a tempomry ctft that he will never again ho well thli im pression is the one wo wish to eradi cate because it is entiroty false whenever templetonfi rfninnntic capsules are given a fnlr trinl tboy remedy rbeumntisin scintliii lum- hago nouritis neuralrln s any of their kindred dlseflftos trcs wont make yoit immune from the above disonflon thoy will remedy them and drive them from your system but whenever yon fool an attack coming on start using tro s again ak 7 our pnslh- or write for our new booklet iti lntcrtlnf nnd cohtymi nothing ttcmletou j4j kitik wfht toronto we null tkca anywhere on reediit of 9104 ix j matrrtkw dnignim iiimi stationer sole agent tleorgelown 30s98bcoughs farms for sale georgetown 3 miles 104 acres esqneslng twp limehouse 1 2 mile hu acres workable balance bush and pasture l acres ondard soil clay loam to gravelly loam plenty of water 2 siirings 7 roomed house roughcast and frame bank barn l shaped 4x00 on stone fotindulioii shod 00x21 tietip 2h head of cattle hoihos pig pen driving house water in stables school 1 mile church 1 lot telephone rndinl and grand trunk i mile price 87500 terms arranged 100 acres esqneslng township hornby 1 12 00 acros workable balance hush 2 acres orchard soil clay loam pionty of watur frame house 10 rooms good cellar batik barn 60x30 driving shod loxm hny shod floxdo tioup i0 head of cattle pig pen horse stable oment floor tie tip i horses silo school li miles church mile rural mail and telephone possession arranged price 810500 terms arranged 100 acres nassagaweya twp brookviue 1 12 miles moffat 1 12 miles 7 aerch workable balancepasture acre orchard soil clay loam frame house n rooms water in house bank barn 00x51 tie- tip 25 bond of cattle n liaises sheep pen hen house driving house silo school 1 mile churchch li miles rural niai aud telephone iossohhioii ur ranged price 87500 teretis arranged j 150 acres dont forget wo hao a table fi feet wide and 25 feel long ravor- oil with boots at from 1 to if yon are going to the city eall in and see theso boots and dont buy from tie until you satisfy yourself that wewill save you from 1 to on a pair of boots 1 have lots of ciibtomoib in the city and deal from factory to foot i am mull ing a namo for georgetown in tho boot and shoe business j money the old boot georgetown on the main road leading inlo acton just outside the corporation limits 5 acres workable balanco pasture land 1 aero orchard rich clay loam to sandy loam level plenty of wnter 1 well anil 2 spring oreoks i roomed stone house good cellar bank barn 70bu with lean 10x70 nil on stonn wall stabling for 11 head of cattle and 0 horsos water in horse stable driving shod lion house and pig pen rural mail acton 1 mile crop uooh with farm price of farm including crop illooo terms arranwed 100 acres bin twp aclon 4 12 miles rockwood 3 12 miles 10 acres workablo balanco pasture and bush 1 acre orchard sandy loam soil good water frame house 0 rooms good collar bimlharn 08x60 with lean 58x20 all on stone wall water in shod school i mile rural mall and telephone price 8800 possession arranged willoughby farm agency georgetown ontario m grandy phone quick delivery 75 prompt service miiiiiiii jmjwpiiimnijijjii fair dont miss the great fall at acton on sept 23rd 24th with it real races special attractions and splendid hall exhibit 300 for races 300 and large premiums in every class jrmmdbi ibfiniiinimii borj isiaimrdsl the mens store 1919 summer 1919 i vve cordially invito you to inspee our disjihiy or line suitings overcoating trousering kir for the present sea son youll llnd enough variety of patterns and weaves to give you ample choice set our special in nine aiid hlacl serges hilly guaranteed priqe right sample nyjdv forit ortwn cnstoineos new neckwear new sjiirte gloves and hosiery thnaunui stylijiiin ljuvij iuid-oliijltbiits- xjitpw fguk wtjidisjovriii an wwi-i6jstkk-k- jyouls ntidmens reimlvoiiarclitliiuii avevl ulrfn j peoio4tvnt- tlii line tfjwj jensen- i vninvileidno aiidlahto caftund ivpcet otir htockjind jcnowwlraii is rijjht in btbleiinti palirs kb georgetvn phone 126 ilksijohask taihoring and mknk pcrnisiiinds agents for stockwell hcnderon co dyers and cleaners toronto tnprmifal ifgntitiiiiiiirjll im iiiiimnpydai ibiiiii ibmnm 1 saturday treat this slit unlay wo ollvf you hint old lime fnvoritf- lloniemnde rranul cni lifsli rib of sutli n hixli iiiiilllv a ours kiih in niom stores tor 40- it hi siittiriliiy we ollii you 100 lbs saturday treat price 25c per lb ladies fall and winter coats for those ladies who are con templating the purchase of a new coat we hereby wish to extend a cordial in vitation to inspect our stock we have just received a large shipment or coats in all the newest fabrics and colors the styles are so varied that there are not more than two coats exactly alike and many more come just one of a kind the following will give you a rough idea of what we have to offer but it will pay you to come in and see for yourself in silvertones we have a number of pretty styles in two shades 01 brown burgandy and navy in velours we have brown taupe copen burgundy green black navy these are of best all wool material also other cloths in assorted colors the styles being so varied we can only give a brletgener- al description of them there are flaring backs and belted fronts some have allround belts fastening with buckles and buttons the collars are mostly convertible made of self ma terial plush or fur pockets and cuffs come in many pretty styles prices range from 1250 to 4000 now is the best lime fo maks your choice weekend chocolates 39c with i ik- hi com of ivirylliiiik our wrrkknd choolnlos maud nlone lor value fresh homo mniie chotolalos roffulnr sot- and ooc pr lb 39c weekend special 39c per lb t h moorehead milton brampton georgetown jac big money saving weekend specials fridaysaturday sepl 19th and 20th d just a few of the many good things you can buy for 19 cents brill co phone 167 mill and main sis georgetown ioc kmimol preserving kettles 15c icnnmel dippeik2 for 2fc knuniel deep jelly plates 2flc japanod dust pans ioc largo single aluminum folding cii 25c aluminum dippers 25o aluminum salt and pepper pair iic aluminum cake tinner 25c aluminum toothpick holder anill toothpioksboc 25c stove lirtishoh loo stove polish 2 hoxes- 15c stove nipeenninol 2 for 2fxi furniture polish 2xi silver polish 2uc metnl poksh lie loxtra tjunlitynail hrushes2 for 2r whisks w 19c 19c lc lo 19c 19c 19c pkt lc 19c 19c llc 19c 19c 19e lflc luo n jacksaivs main street georgetown v i- ikl i pi e want criticisms when deserved and would alpo appreciate irv formation oncernins onspicupusly good service a word of cornmendation to the deserving clerk urges him to greater endeavor and create better- seiice to our customers v sp b ircaaa

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