1 the georgetown ififtytwrd year op publication georgetown wednesday evening september 17th 1919 150 per annum or si 25 if paid in advance the georgetown herald rjeny wednesday evening at th tierald p0werprintingoffice goorgetown ont cpnrtbactabvebtt8lf4q hate8 11 tqrnaheoi on application t vlwroepta pee- jlinor llrwripiaeflrilt mna vw pirruiitoreactiaubiie- quenl insertion will be eltaniteu fbf in truifulehlulvuiummehtu twelve linen to uu1nah j auvcrtiatimeut wvtliplh aboulllc 4li kactlopewjllilju liialirtedr until ffiflild fj chained atajerulnafly if jvdviottaeniiihtii wji uu changed oinw i ilu iniiiitu wlttmut otra charge li clujovua tor etlulilipt ailveicueettieiiw- 1 v ltioujllti by monday oveh- li 4ire t v vfctjbbcrhption ratefe vqiio yeiir orulao yjruaulifi i mlvuriccviiu montlju ih cents in al- i vnncer 1- v- j rtienddrtxij label eltwst dale votjr sirhhcrliilloti expires j 11 mookk publisher otrtltab table doing east passenger 74 2 am passenger 1010 iiin mail u85 tun passenger b40 pm mail 028 lun passenger 82g piu passenger sunday 711 pm qoina wert passenger 707 am mai 941 am passenger 201 ptn passenger 450 ym passengor 001 pm moil 757 lm paasonger sunday 047 pm fa ooino north mail 747 am mail 520 pui uo1n0 soutn mail 1128 am mail 750 iiu established 1872 money in live stock caiikfll selection of breed ing iinltioand blioii4lit kmd it tlmviirinialijnuwilf mffy in v posjtitjir trf hirtfto thiilier yioin yooi licid tliobaujioruhiiirltwii is prepared u promote any ugjti r ituato- divqljapljhjntaloht chin lthj 1 bank of hamilton r tlie best boranton coal in all sizes- portland cement floue feed provisions john ballantine georgetown phone so toronto suburban ballwav daily timetahije am pm pm going bust 810 224 040 doing wont 855 810 747 sunuavtimetaulk ooimj east am pm pm pm 1021 1220 am going wont 1040 hirschorns sadies wear and tailo to the ladies of georgetown and vicinity 845 010 pm orti pm u17 pm 085 st- georges church rev win burt l th reotor lduuduy service as follows matina 1 1 a m jsvensong 1 p m riuiiday tiotiool img a in tn base- tneitt holy communion lat and 3rd tfunday of each month at 11 a m legal bhilvon walubridge a dale barristera solioltora eta toronto and georgetown olllco lionnedy ulook lo hoy ual in charge ot qeore- uwn olnoa ukd1cal dr joseph moandrew phyaioian and surgaon medical ullluur ot health ulatrlot suibuoii q t h uulce houra 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p m phone 68 omce and realdenoe main street s south opiioalta hreabyterlan churoli optical l u plant o oph d eya sptoialiat georgetown office noxl to public library sutur- uy eventngw b lo 10 pm mid by nj- ointment if you are ronridprjng buying n suit or coat for the fall sciihoii full ou uh anil nave money we also mnke up suitk anil coats to order we make up your own niiitpiilil if you wish nnd giuii- nntee perfect kiuisfaction we guarantee all our goods if yon are not satisfied with any pur chase in our store return kamoiiml your iiioni will be cheerfully re funded no shovelling required standard anthracite scranton coal r7 aucbmittilithi- scrieieti and tioiided salect titiifti foi domeslic anij ijireijiifnj puippijea 8iiiicliiimand- cftril csojiu in tod i eiirryiyorjtliirtgk 16 foury in arl mylodrrte coaland wcpd yitid j john mcdonald georgetown phone 12 a hirschorn brooke block georgetown dental frank r watson o d 8 m d s pantlat georgetown ont houra a m to6p m except thuraday aftarnoon dentistry in nil ita branchea over ball telephone offloe f l heath l d8 d d 8 dantiat olllce tn lane utock one door north of onelllb carriage factory houra a m to it i ch1b0pkactic no medicine surgery or oateopathy a m neilsen d c urailuute of the 1uuner the ori ginal school ot chiropractic daven port iowa u h a olllco ovor uouflgana drug store conaultutloii and hplnal analyala fvee tueauuyu thuradaya and hutui- daya 2 to and 7 to 8 p m phena 160a auctioneers ben j fetch llccnaod auctioneer for halton and peel alenwllllaina poat olllce bales ooitduoted autiafactorlly and at rca- aonable rates ordera loft at the georgetown lioiald olllce will receive prompt attention fp milton prentiss nninbfrr and maciiinkrv dltokbrb molom electric itepulri koy blcg toronto j a traoy clerti totwnhlp of baquealng ii clerk 3rd division court th leading cire and life friauranoe o raprmonted iaauer of marriage tiloengf oinoas mil streatji ollloe hourarweaneiday and sat- ijiytftr9r m just a word to the housewives who are notalready customers livingstones quality bread has stood the test buns at 20c from an entirely new recipe and they are so wholesome also our other lines ol pastry with the highest grade of materials we are giv ing you the finest quality possible qualityour slogan h a livingstone pfeone 55 georgetown w a bailey harness dont rorget to drop in and see our most complete stock of light and heavy harness of all kinds also a good assort ment of wool and fancy dusters for the auto or buggy all kinds of repairs neatly and promptly done w a bailey main street georgetown life insurance protect your wife children yourxelf and your buinehk with a policy in the ureal wst tjife as- hiiranco co the lowottt rates with the best results for particulars boo w w roe esquesing fall fair vvvv t k rt jjre ftp liite i3ark rfftajrsv seotiii tjpkviir s iw 000 u high stopper 15rnflt baitripjriiih glemihlr o 66 ollloe sos rldenoe 05 georgetown phon ont farmers business for the past 64 years this bank has given particular attention to thorbuainesa of farmers we have lelped many over the rough 6 laces and have aided many more to the ighest plane of success we are prepared to extend you every aid within legitimate banking practice xjome in at any time and talk over your affairs with us you are always welcome th mcrchants bank head office montreal of canada eitabllahod 1884 georgetown branch acton branch h r mimms manager l b shorey manager problem solved jcero gas burners ordinary oonl oil foi tiio are oii8l ly inhtallod in miy stovo or pufnnod and will supply all tliovlioat nocohsniy for cooliiiik or lioatinu purpoou writer tor partipulnw tvnd pvinos arid airankp for doinoiihtratioii dipejpar delcought the conplete electric uciit and power plant mnkctr llu fnrm a better and more drnircnbv place to livo and to woru xv t evans oeovoretowu clear1nc auction sale farm stock implements etc the undcrkigned hah rccplvcd inrtruc- tiona from o b 8ayraa lo sell by public unction nt lot 3 ftlh line krin on friday september 19tb 1919 ht 1 oclock flharp ihefollowliifrt iiorskk bay marc 11 yru r p i hay marc is yrh indy clrivnrj bay colt 2 yru bred by llubnon mncktiuy cattlk roan cow 7 yru bred may 24 roan cow yrh bred autf 7 uod row 4 yrw bred jtnip1 konit cow 1 yrd1 bred jnno 13 itnan insifcr 2 yru bred june lsi llirbt roan lioifur 2 yrh bred anjf 8 white holfor i yrt 3 calveai 3 ateoru 1 yr slikkr 3 darkdiced ewna 3 yrh 4 leicester ewew 2 yrh puis- ytrk sow 8 plifr 5 wks lowi 30 plymouth kock iiciihi 2 roor tern a number of sicilian buttercup cbic kcutj bred to lay collie doc rain anl roots seuaons crop of urniut 131ouaof bayt n innntity ol heed oata turuiph inntiftolilii polaloeh hold in round with privuajre to liarvent nt reru lar time llaknltas sel double ita mens set dou ble uneh newt 3 seta hlngle barners i new ro set lmrtttum for third borsei set breecjiinght 2 borne blankets rock woodt 2 rtnblo blaukatk imllltmbnth wftgoll with doilblo box in neat t democrat wnffon 2 top bugg ior i now i sot bobtflolitllai cuttert loilfr slot- frhst deerini binder new ijeerinj mow- ur nowi dettriuir rnkci deerinu hcuniert peter hitmilton cultliinloruollori noxon disc 12 drlllsi ionce ktrolchorst 4reclloii diamoiul barrowhi- floury plows oliver rldiiig- jdow no 26 caijl hook turnip roedety 3norse ovenerii i ulper 2 wlieel- barrowtt i now hay mid tok rark com bined ien rake varimv ol lumber 28 ft onxtoiihion ladder 2 ituulcrh 28 ft and 12 ft punning mill haklruck tvllh bntr bol der gravel bottom sntloe cap 2000 lbs manure bottom grind stone cronm sep arator pick 2 crowbars some curpen- tora tools 4 lorulng chains and a num ber other chains cow chains forks shovollh hoes ropoa pulleys barrolln boxos galvanized iran luiik whllrletreeb neckyokos stoncbont sugar kettles 8 oul can separator oil grain cradle furnitirk daley ohornfl nnd butter bowls tables cupboard bedstead palis cjieal coal oil slovo 3 burners cook sfove wood nearly new parlor utove wiih itot air poslllvetyno resorvo as arm is sqld lii case of rainy wenijior aide will bo con- ducted undercover tkrmij5hay grain fowl hoots nntl sunm of 10 and miller cash oyer llinl rrimint 12 mnnths crudll on tpprovril a o 2 00 2 00 4 00 c 00 2 00 hums wnjon ar dblivot horse oil stove bx j cqn vvaj miltonlndtia8tiby f hustler norvoj rv 00 lady drivir by jos ftoauniont olonymliains 8 00 colt 1019 from gatosido favorite nijxnii- on ot service for 1920 0 00 6 00 sinkle road horse silver cup by h b youell bank of toronto milton 7 gentlemans turnout single j l standish reeve 8 farmers turnout llobt noblo ltd 8 00 cattle a judging competition under the supervision of the district representative will take place dairy cattle com petitors to be 21 years of iue and under si ivor cup to be won two years ih atiocession 1 rest 1 yr old dciiornod steer of any breed ex hibited by nn owner who has not won an raton prize nt any fair since 1910 the oho- ice of the follow itm by t eaton co a scales oalalokuo no 18972 value 11 75 b forge catalogue no 71152 value 12 76 c tea set not catalogued value 12 50 2 herd of dairy onttlo 1 bull 1 cow 1 heifer 1 heifer calf by the bank of hamilton 5 00 8 00 2 00 pure bred shorthorns 1 bull 1 cow 1 heifer 1 heifer calf by the merchants bank of canada geometown 500 8 00 2 00 sheep 1 best pen llnevooled sheep 1 male and 2 fe males by jon bonumont olonwilliaiim 8 00 2 00 2 leicester sheep 1 malo and 2 females by r y bitrraclntibli 8 00 2 00 dairy 1 x best 8 lbs butter in lb prints quality and neatness by r d warren to bo deliv- at 21 dalton rond toronto 4 00 2 x best 10 lbs butler in 1 lb prints e ii barnhill norval h 00 best 20 lhn butter in 1 lb prints w j patterson 15 00 4 best 5 lbs butter made by dolaval users w j alexander 0o0 miscellaneous 1 x best 2 loaves of bread and 2 do buns 1st 98 lbs kings choice flour 2nd 4h lbs na tional flour i id 24 lbs national flour by w j campbell ltd norval 2 x best dressod eliiclten by t e hewson 8 00 8 x best pair dressed chickens john smith milton 5 00 4 x best pair dtossed ducks by jas hewson milton 4 00 5 x best pair of dressed chickens mason risch ouolph 6 00 g x best 10 lbs honey by john ii mckonzie milton 5 00 7 biggest load brought to fair in one automo bile auto pump by the guclph tiro salos and vulcanizing co 8 50 8 best pair diossed ducks bv a norrinjlton 5 oo 9 x best dressed gooso by j a willoughby 5 00 10 x best pumpkin bv w j alexander 1 00 11 by j m mooro best half dozen buns herald 1 year 1 25 m largest half dozen fresh hen eggs 1 25 x best and neatest 1 ih butter 1 25 x largest half dozen onions 1 25 x largest pumpkin 1 25 x 2 co x x articiek to be delivered to donor poultry donated by the goorgetown poult rv association 8 00 1 best collection brahmns 1 00 2 rooksrbarrod 1 00 8 rooks aov 1 00 4 wyandottes white 1 00 0 wyandottes aov 1 00 u roils ri 1 00 7 louhorns white 1 00 h lotdtorns ao 1 00 0 anconas 1 00 10 minorcns 1 00 11 otitingtons bull btiltoiii male by c k ilorrington 10 00 12 urpingtons aov 1 00 ib houdans 1 00 14 hants 1 00 ir pen asiatic 1 00 10 american 1 00 17 english 1 00 1h mcditcrian 1 00 10 aov 1 00 20 bost turkoy male aov no 21 fomalo aov 50 22 lltntloi7ov 60 28 clooso aov 60 21 drake aov 60 25 duckaov 50 21 collection guinea fowl no 27 rabbits 50 28 pigeons 60 t free for all 210 glass motor cycle race 200 00 175 00 25 00 actum buozes we have heard all the flutes of hpring tho flutes of summer loud or low and now for our hale heartening he utiglesofthe autumn blow ftoincest toerinoh brest- toes v v across the golden hxtrivalei though daj decline and twilight ifaiu tieiy ringing 8miuonedoes npt v thelriusie of a myrindfilu by tbein ttnvfridi bl6yntv bjevyfoes 6t o thpustvud hjua isjrrthe triumph pth6ir one conjo forth tlrid tiiten io their mnirtlj their eesticy jrjoyerflow if is the ripened joy of eaith tlie bogles of be autuinn blow see email bills t in the town hall on he eveninjg of the second rjay oct ztoct the pace of tlt vmnvlon nut rtitfi whom be dunced with at tin- bnel walkil wltb nnd swaui with n the bacb and in the surf loltereil wltb on the ihiunlwnlk and flirted with in tlia taoonllisbt had nhnwii lrjl r i he so much more eiiiriuiviy tiovllel wltb tbls worlils wenltli tlinu he that though lie felt hint she returned in a measure bis jevoiloji the timiuiht mil bapreteridl to be so when sbeleft mm alvln mm to understand that she wlblibd rotri him and nientlon tat that stie lived not far from bur- tiowinaihaulil fejt convinced tliat 1hn wtuufeayof their roroavibe fieu- did nur evsj wratft wr bpt r- f ltterjie riyvnt to btytdnvv xovti jb vorkhevwns fllleil one- ow nient vllhti feor that llti tnlgliv see hb- i ii- ii 4 jlricii copyruiht uls by the mcclure news paper syndicate 1 there are advantages in having but one pair of shoes for when you go to have them mended you can xwlnj nlonu to the cobbler shop with the tlelmnnlr ir of one unburdened by the bttmho containing the other pair if you bud one for it is only when yen tire rtjnwn to one pair that you will wettr the worn pulr to the ahop and sit there in the old rocker in front of the cobblers herch rending a much begrimed copy of the snturdtiy evening- post for some time in july 1015 nnd wearing that if the rather dreadful part of it the carpet slippers provided for auch aa you so nathaniel in hla wellbruahed though somewhat shiny serfe suit his carefully tied thftugh mayhap threud- imre cravat and last years hat well posed on irreproachably arranged lock stepped rather jauntily into the cobblers ahop bent on concealing from the world any resentment that he en tertained toward fortune for not having made him a millionaire or toward his superiors at che plant for not huvlng increased his salary more rapidly for nathaniel had a mother and some sisters down state somewhere who had to be prevlrion for anil living waa very high in uttrtontown where hla plant was located ton surely never would have guessed had you seen hlro that he was a man with one pair of shoes a man crossed in love and fully determined since the one girl in the world could never he his thnt bo would remain a hnrhelnr for life when nathaniel put on those old slippers he tnrned the rocking chair so that those who passed the cobbler shop mlebt not see his face nnd recog nize him not thnt it mattered much hut he would rather not have had hla shsortntes at the plant know this de tail of his poverty and then did not she the incomparable she live in a country place not far distant from burtontnwu and might she not pass in her limousine nnd see him setting there be was just pondering the artleas- nesa of a highly colored lithograph calendar an advertisement for shoe polish that graced the cobblers wall when he heard a footstep on the cob- mert floor that somehow thrilled him the door closed behind someone and then i want to get some some shoe strings please it was the incompar able voice it must be ruth blithers nathaniel seized the outofdate week ly und began reading an advertisement for the 1010 model of a wellknown sutotnpbtle as if it ware of absorbing interest he felt that she was look ing toward him he could see the cobbler get the strings it would be a short transaction hs thought and she wonld sftpn be ont could anything he worse than to have ruth blithers see him sitting there wits his toes thrust in the worn ear- pet slippers waiting for bis one pair of aboest somehow he felt over whelmingly ashamed of those bare stocking feet of his yet there was nowhere to tuck them it was an agonizing moment but it would soon bo over and ehen coma to think of it said ruth ill hive my shoes repaired can i sit here its so convenient having them done while yon wait somewhat surprised the cobbler polsted to a pair of carpet slippers that lay on the floor and to a little bench and then cast dark glances from his italian eyes at nathaniel for not proffering hla more comfortable rocltlng chair to so charming a lady but nathaniel appeared to be deep in perusal of the inaguztne he also appeared to bt nearslglited for he held it remarkably close to his face thanks to the industry of that same cobbler he repsjri were completed ou nathaniels stfoea in 15 minutes hut it was the longest most agonizing ib minutes that nathaniel had ever bpent meantime the cobblers assistant took the heels from ruths shoes and re placed thm wltb some made of rub- bar of course nathaniel realized thai he would have terspeakto her so he looked up but by that time tttllli was deep lit the perusal of a sheet that had fallen from the 101b period ical then occurred to- nathaniel the reassuring thought when fie had met ruth the summer before when on one extravagant two weska vacation at a fashionable water ing place before he had oyer gone to burtontown be had not told her he by tlinnce pnit then with regret hat he lll nm but tt4iii ve her see htnt sdung- ihere in hi oimilerfrvari pet slippers wiih ugonlzlpg- thin caroetjiibtlibt she too hail ershoes repaired wjillekbe waiter then abe was bluffing loot fn doubt- she too had lieen spending her eitrsvaganttwd weekjf vacation trie same way that he had that was only n possibility still it gave nntlinnur courage and he peered out of the hide of his mag azine but ruth though she peered over at him when he wuh not looking re fused to permit her eyes to meet his thin nathaniel felt nure was because she had felt offended because he nev er had written tn her well that was but nnturnl enpeclully if she bad real ly en red for htm so when hla shoes were repaired lie put them on and left the shop and ruth determined to write to her that very evening ask ing permission to come at once to see her it might be even thnt she worked as n stenographer or something in his plant perhaps she was dally under the same roof for there were thou sands of employees there whom he did not know he walked utong convincing himself that this wns true until after walking toward his lodging house for two or three blocks he felt distinctly con scious that someone was following a few paces behind him he glnnced over his shoulder saw it wns ruth nnd then turned abruptly about and faced her hello ruth tie said and ruth though somewhat surprised said hello nnhnnlel just ns they had greeted each other on the beach during those wonderful two weeks of vaca tion i followed you said ruth be cause i realized that you must live in burtontown now and i at least wanted to know where i did not think you wcnld turn and catch me now you know said nnthnnlel eager first of all to explain himself you know why i didnt write to you i thought you had nil sorts of money you know and well i had put up a bluff there at the shore and i knew a poor fellow like me couldnt marry you because you see i thought you lind all sorts of money marry you echned ruth with a funny little grimace so you wanted to marry me wantedto argued nathaniel you know i did only nf course when i was thinking ynu had nil sorts of mon ey i couldnt think of it renlly it never occurred to tne till i saw you there getting your shoes heeled that ynu could possibly be anything hut nwfully rich pretty gooil joke all around eh i suppose you took me for a young bondholder too would it make so much difference faltered ruth as they walked on through the main street of burtontown ton see well father owns the ma jority stock of the plant nnd well rin his only daughter hut he tins told me i could marry just whoever i pleased so long as i loved htm he married forlove nnd he wants me to too and truly i love you nat dear when i saw you this morning i just left the car and told the chauffeur to go back home and i trailed yon to the shoe shop and got the strings just to be sure it was you and i was afraid youd feel silly snd selfcon scious sitting there in the old slippers so i msde an excuse to sit there too in the other slippers sn you wouldnt mind and it was so funny i just wanted to lasgh out loud and you wouldnt speak to tne so then i got n little peeved at first and then i thought maybe it wns because yon were so fussed so i decided i wouldnt speak to you either so as to spare ynur embarrassment rut i followed ynu as soon as i could get my shoe on and it waa remurkable how readily after that nathaniels rare ability was discovered at the plant his salary took a sudden leap upward and moth er nnd the girls down state never guessed that roth had anything to do with it clock that is never wrong in the observatory of the nichols academy at dudley mass is the most wonderful clock in the entire united states and probably in the world it is the kind nf a clock thnt tells time three ways and its nlwnys right if the sun should be one sec ond slow in rising the clock would register a black mark against the orb nf day and would tick its peculiar record in spite of the sun it is call ed a right aarenalnn clock and cost niarly 30000 the designer und maker was a widely known genius and the sidereal clock was the master piece of his life this clock was a gift from hess- klbh onnant s native son of dudley who mniln a fortune manufacturing thread he had three things to his credit thnt are mentioned these days the first dally paper ever printed in worcester the most wonderful clock in the world end the first pud- ley man tn mnke 1000000 add boebs the fellow who explains to you on ii rnlny day that its good weather for thicks anyway yon wnnt to push bin out in the wet wldo world arid fee that lie gets a few it mm a vfjsil si 3l j m 1 exceptional woman