the georgetown herald fifty third year op publication georgetown wednesday evening- august 97th 1919 si 50 per annum or 125 if paid in advance the georgetown herald i pihli every wednesday evening at the herald power printing office georuetqwn ont 7 x cotba3t5apveji8ina ratep tiileit iml line fur fndlnertun alitf llvjtmt r lu fur jscll aubtie- numti jinuftloii win bi iihiugau for all truiistaiu auvijicitiuhtbiitii twolytj lluee rtitnu tuort v adveilltnlent wlitioul jireulhq ill- lj rejaloinawlll ie insertou until tirllt v an4laifj aetierdihgly im mvclsrhiilsvvlhr cjtgngiod oitl-e- i cttliiiiimxji wjhoutsxtraolirv j ebmitn fituiuwil ittutil leln uiulllcm ijymunijay ovurt- i inji j i v subscript lori fit ate8 one yiii jtlsury ilsfi iruold iw b advtip- sirjnonttia 0 usiite lv ad vance- i tlui uiluieiw label mliown the date ou hiilmurfihion pli m moohklpbbllehtr ii ot rtim table tioing kat pasaenyer 712 am passenger 1o10 am mail 11 ho am pussenuer 846 pm mail 028 pm paaitenijor s20 iim passoiiuor sunday 711 iim 001 no wk8t passenger 757 am mail 911 iini pauhuuker 201 p in passenger 460 pan passenger 001 pan mail 767 lm pnssouker hufiduv b17 pm ooinu noltth mail 747 am mail 520 iim uoing 80utu mail 112h am mail i 750 iim olonto suburban rsilwav 1jaily timetamlk ii 111 11111 doing bftat 810 u24 going went 8153 1110 h11nday timiitahlk going kllhl am iim p in pm 1021 wwgleys 1220 u4b 010 p ill 040 747 iim 017 am piu pm ooink wost 1040 01o oao butter paper at the herald st georges church rev wm burt l th reotor sunday euirvlue a follows alalia 11 e m kveusons p m tiuutluy school mt u m in base ment holy commuuluii lat and aril tduiiduve of each monlli at 11 a m legal 8hilton wallbridoe a dale barristers solicitors to toiotttu suii tjourgttuiwf uiutiu keimody lilook lo ltuy uulu in oiiatno of ueorge- uwit ujliu its no pleasure to if it does mod keibj perfect titoie r djuater9 alt tlie latesst anl iest iri watches- clopks jewelery etc at right prices a b willson main street next mcgibbon hotel acton good flour is absolutely necessary to produce the best in bread and pastry the noble brands are the superior brands of today try them robert noble limited norval ontario what cash you need when travelling and rooro particularly when lame sums are required is best carried in the form of a lotter of credit issued by the merchants bank this old established form of international bankings is preferred by many expurlorimil travellers beoaum of ha absolute security letters of credit are cashed only by banks or banking corporations anil after the identity of the holders in established to i he xutlxfuctlon of the bank officials thlu insures surety mid iruards against loss and theft th mcrchants dank head office montreal of ejlrxnarja georgetown branch acto branch x the old mexiodeon tlioy tuund it in the nttic whore duut and coliwelih lay tho littlo old inlpd yvtid iionfili v- j iin to ijqf untotiilid ft gerifrijatlpn- tue yellow ivory kor tlioy bogged gnindinothpr gayly oh do ilfly ohi1i nleiisej oinrnmquiottiiiit tefofc it fljpylcjpvud riotltideiitinl vliyhiiatjbf allher ftpgei- liayesbttjyliliiiai tivtkmnjt itijjvynit imndaaoowi to cali tliooul tuups tpljbhfloeatiu the now turosnohtvll v mary iieo oallin established 1804 h r mimms manager l b shorey manage pm8mvmimmmnm hounds and the quarry sy alex a bmbcob the final phonograph la mliuical or joeph moandrew phyaioian and 8urgion medical olllcer of llealih uistrlai huisoon a t it olllos hours a to 1 and 7 to m p m phone t8 oillce and fusldenos lain streat bomb oiiuoslto prasbyterlanugureh optical u u plant 0 0 oph d eye spaoialist oaorflatown ofheu next lo iubil library sulur- uv icventnife h lo 10 pm und by u- uiiitmuiil dental frank r watson d d8 m d8 oentitt oeorpttown ont uriuiu tf a m tu 6 p m ox cap i jliiiiktluy uftbiiiuon jtnilwtry in ull lu bianulieu ovor ball talaphon office f u heath ld po 8 dentiit ulluu in uiiiti lilook one door nortli r ulstiilm jurriutfe kautory hours li ii iki to o i m chlrolkactic no modlcino burgary or ostaopathy a m neil6en 0 c uruiimitu if iliu pulmer the url- inul bcliou ut oift ouiuulle uuven- iturt inwu u h a ullleu over uiaiiiviinm uru utorq coiieuuulloii ami hplnul analysis lieu 4utm4luym tbuuduyh uiul rinlur diits j 1 and 7 tu 8 in phons 160a w auctioneehs denj fetch imuunhml auolluitmi fur liulloii uiul th jldllwllliuiuh lilt ojiuo gultjtf uoiiil muted mutimfmiiorhy und at ra niiitultlu rutuh urdorh loft ut the otturifutnurii ilonltl ollltsy wtlt ruuulvf iroiimt utuntlon milton prentiss mnlnkkhs ani mnliira ppv uuoo maciiiniikv hiiokkkk hluctii- kepnlrt torontu j a tracy flleik township ofkaueln shr jllark r4 division court pjv pire nd ufa i nm rdrasentm irtsuranoe issuer of marriage tloenses oihoeimiri btre wt v v oeorgolofni tjaonlm ipuprwidniay anallat bfsiifi i oi fmihis2w- fire ac i do your business with the oldest and best companies in the world some of the companies i represent are fire royal queen guardian caledonian liverpool london globe hartford north british mercantile western globe rutgers hand in hand dominion accident dominion of canada guarantee accident employers liability provident assurance co i am prepared to issue your policy in any company you may select wmr di7 phouesolllcc 206 res 65 vwd georgetown the signing of peace hnh insnllfil in mi iimiiicilinlr return nf bui uiim nclivien imil ronxftfiiimitly ih innliinu n lniui diiiiiiml for nil linik ol hard ware bniulinu kiipill and iooih mnnufiiptiiiois hnvn alrnudy icilucml thilr pilcos wlior- oviilhc ctiht ol lulior 1 1 1 1 1 1 iiiiiliiiiil wimlil km mil kh uiul tlu lilvhlilt ihkiih limy lie viiliil in xlum illln in iiiuhi nf iimhp illlirt for hoiik i i inc tlir itmiiii of locks knobs door sets etc carilml inbtoelt liy iih rniikiu of llio iiikki liipl uiiiiriih if till llllllillk lllllllllflklllllih w auo linvn nil iittrnclivo iihwirtinnnt of iii1hoiiuiuoiih liaiilwaio hiuli hh hut and oont lookh sash lit t pnsb plates door bella butts and hineoa and sliding door hanger garage seta paroid ready roofing linnons iiyitwll wc anthony georgetown the brunswick phonograph doino boknn wlipin othor iihonogiiili doaigunrh left off 1 1 embodies ovcry font lire of nil other phpaogrnpha from tone to bounty and lia hesiden a nnniboi- uf now ideas not to he found in any other plionoyrnpli in tact it is tho aii-inoliih- ivo musical lnstniniont and must indeod roprenent tho finished lioain of the gonitis who first invontod u talking singing and playintl iiihtiumont tho ultona is n distinctly now creation at tho turn of hip hnml you adopt it to play any reaord it is not an lit- tiichnienl nothing to take off or put on tlio real diamond for the kdison tho real aapph ire for tho brunswick or pathctlie htocl or llhio for oilier records nlwayn thoia v want owners of other rhonogrnphs to oomo in and hoar tlio nrunswioli play tho records tlioy use and aro familiar with we mention no details here you must come and hoar it prices from 6200 to 927booo mason risch pianos bell pianos brunswick phonographs singer sewing machines and other lines you can purchase any of above on small monthly payments frank king next door to livinkstonon bojiery main street geprgretown kentner tost carpenters builders phone 211 geo estimates gladly furnished on application butter paper at herald mmmatmmmmwmtammw copyrkbt from thr bend of ilia creek came the bay of a honml a lens deep note tbot held a certain quality of menace of lust for the kill it rolled back from the bluff beynml where the slinc- lluli wakenda wrltlieil ncrnsa the tim bered bottom 8pad flhrvey hltuiderliitf alnu the winding shore of the i renin paused and listened aealn came the mellow voice nf ihe biinc and it was wlneil by the quick er keener yapping of anoiher doir a shrill yell of encouragement was heard in the edan nf the wood and gnrvey stlffeneu now he unilertiiol they were sfter him with blmxlhouiirls he crashed thruimb the iinderhruuh fulling over lugs uud bunglnu into tree ss he fled lie knew nothing of the whkis lthr by day or night and i enticed he must follow the creek or luxe hi way oarvey had been given the title of the spade burglar by shea chief of the bertlllorj department ut at ioula bcfhuae of hla use of that article in vitriolic burglarien charted to him la that city the thin edge can be puahed under wlndowaan and the leverage provid ed by the long handle moke it eusy to break a windowcatch beside one usually can be found about the atable or yard of a residence end this makes it unnecessary to car ry a jimmy an article which i hard to axplaln wben found in one pnaies- ton in a trig city oarvey wus at home and could hide himself with ease when hunted but in the country he wa out of his element unusual activity on the part of the police and a shortage of funds had driven him to seek new fields of en deavor a few days before and a coun try post office had provided en oppor tunity for the exercise nf hi talents but he had been unturtunate the safe bad been opened with the facility with which the tup is stripped from a tin of sardines anil the proceeds had been gratlfylngly in rue it was the town marshal who had caused the trou ble this official now lay with a bullet in his shoulder and inrrey was trying to make his way on foot to safety for two hours be had stumbled along following the sinuous course of wnlcenda creek then had come the baying of dogs of bloodhounds he knew nothing except that they tracked men the distant shout had confirmed bis fears they were on his trail somewhere he had heard that walk log in water threw hnnnds off the track he stepped into the icy creek cursing the fact he could not swim finally he could stand the chilling water no longer and be staggered up the slippery bank he did not notice the creek wa curving and be virtually wa running in a circle approaching ever closer to where three men waited straining their ear to catch each note of the doga kt the rail feoc where the corn- fuhl met the hesvy timber little kel aoe wriggled impnllontly as the hounds worked tbetr way sjowly along the edge of the creek burkett one of his coiiipiinlops a tall rawboned man la overalls and jumper of a farmer leaned motionless tglnt the fence the third member of tbe party an uuderslzod negro youth with long und extremely powerful urine rolled hi yes toward burkett und ventured an opinion flood track he said old bull tslks long thatawsy when- it smell strong kelson said nothing ille ignorance of the ways of dogs checked his city readiness to talk as spade oarvoy struggled through the woods he caught the flicker nf icel- soes lantern between the trees he paused abruptly he was truppcil mid bis eyes roved shout wildly seeking a chance t escape the moon peeped moment through a rift in tbe clouds revealing a dark mass of timber jstnned la tbe creek channel grvy beard a crackling of dried leave tbe bound now close behind bin circled about for the trail bealnfost fell down tbe steep bank and wa halfway scross the- creek wben from the df of rli water cam deoptoned bay oarvey heard the muffling of the dog and a rustling of itares end dry irsiw tbe moon bddlapparad and osr ray strove to pletf ilia dark with hl y i iw potter 0 tin ipgs and an it flillsltlve nose muffed tthln heel hi band fiiimbea for til platol und b kicked out wildly tlie pitiful yelp of a hound thm imil been hurt arose and little lcllu urn running mate of old holly hnink whimpering away from tbe num the oeck hair of the old righting bound on the shore bruiled uud be bounded out on tbe jam osrvej had picked ni a oipli and wwung- hliropeir ihedbg jiriirutjtjwtirilj oini old hn was rurlesl-littsr- tlie water and oarvijy scratnitled w the bank op the opposite side at the strata the complaining veic of blfnhsd reached tte etirs 4t the three heelqi thefeaoe j umbers y showed nunusus j ntmiittof whttehyliejbinterji gilv 4 if -eihsike- i soteoacii hurt th dbg livwiu biirettneltwlnt9 te fhiidow of the irees kersop innrvetd at the ttpeed and silence ofth big snvmovelhent a heraced after mm carrying he lan tern i vi i ells vrs yhlinpevlng on boaluire beside liil bull who was hhavlngllw water froni hi back when hunkell rearlieh the jpot blood drlpjieu f rptt tlie elder hounds nose and the mans quiet eyes flamed there are pemonp whose dog it is not nafe to kick nrntind let ro boy 1 he commanded go lifter him the hound snnrled a rumbling miiiiimi of anger that came from deep within hla hmiul chest quickly he an u med hla wuy across the logjamb and bounded to the top of the bank then lie gave tongue it was tbe fierce joyous bay of a dog running with tbe scent hot in hll nostrils burkett followed him with tbe negro at his heels tliey were out of sight when kelso tolled across the creek with the lan tern for a quarter of a mile the chase led through the timber the hound oc casionally giving tongue the animal was but short dlatance behind oar vey but with the wisdom of an old hound he was keeping out of reach of tho ninn who had struck him it wku in a bend of the creek thst oarvey wee cornered orouchlng be hind s tree revolver held ready he awaited the coming of ids pursuers old bull scented the man and stopped throwing up his heed he gsve the tree hsrktbe whort choppy notes that tell the hunter the quarry has been treed or run to earth infuriated oarvey threw up the pis tol and tired there wss s series of sharp yelps as old bull a shoulder seared by n bill let scurried hack towurd burkett and unilinr the gentle blla paltered out of the darkness end whined in sympa thy ss the old doit licked the wound oarvey board tbe rustle of leetvee w two figures dodging forward be tween the trees one now was only s few yurda away a tail man hurled himself forward ns fire spurted from the weapon end gnrvey jumped sslde to avoid the rush again pulling the trigger of the revolver tea psres nwny the negro whirled up the light ax and threw tbe head struck oarvey in tbe neck end he went down hslf across the still form of burkett kelsoe reached the scene as the ne gro recovered the ax and swung it above tlie unconscious burglar dont i he called limber hesitated tbe weapon still poised rut hes done killed msssa bur kett he argued dont i commanded kelso grasp ing the handle for s moment they stood tense then the teller of the two figures on th ground stlrreesnil groaned the negro let go of th az and dropped to his knees there were joy and relief and mssy other things in bis cry as be lifted burkotts heed limber started a are while kelsoe with the ax and pistol stood ever qsr- vey burkett who had recovered quickly the bullet merely having cressojr his skill leaned back against a tree and knotted s handkerchief about his head kelsoe took cnraiimnd that fellow hd a good reason to dodge folk or be wouldnt hive used that gun he reasoned a he fastened hit belt shout oarveys arms after aaj examination hid convinced him tlie1 man wus only stunned while buckling tbe belt he noted s heavy packet in the mans breast pocket uiul drew it out there were severn i sheets of stamps unit s bundle nf registered letters further investigation brought to light a handful nr silver coins and pen- nlsa and a thick roll of bills it then required no great powers of reasoning to ettlmste correctly tbe status of the prisoner hulf an hour later a silent proees- fjonjetjhy bu hi head bandageil led out into e road that led to town uehlnil bursett came onrvey bound and sullen with kelsoe ut his heels id the rear walked limber tin ag held by the middle of the handle swlngjng at his side old hull and klla ignorant of th ignlllcnnce of event in th woods trotted in front there came to their notes in odor they recognised and they gave tongue hid bull leaped the fence and th younger hound squeezed through a hundred yurds away the hound stop ped heimiub n small tree barking id b frenzy umbers racial instincts srr8 ihiinsulveesnd he scrambled ovtrthe bnrrler tun minutes later be returned car rylng a uruature that drew back it up lu a nianyfootlieil grin a it ftrov to feign deuth a possum in dtrveye thick skull a thought stirred lo life for the flrat urn 1do hla niplure he spoke will those bloodhounds chase tkeka tiling loo he asked kay oim aint blodbonao the negros unswer held scorn of took igllnrnnie when coon dops then jrdu wasnt after nr aaj 0rvv ills voice wo niiskft miirae not vv eoohhnnlng jirtfii illhe- began spade our of ut vrnil iht right here lli uh lantfuug mi uowv misk fjuclla noustoad of dray ton knout the weekend with miss bertie smith mrs alex rnmsliaw and miss jessie of toronto visited arton friends over sunday mr ronald mcdoirnli r tlie sfbtoh block jsviai tyuetji i vaf h ani lioiotlilp week was ajacsftiet ohrvfnihs -1ro- citmed f iqircn vprj- pleasant holi diij visjt with fiioodn ajb hanover hnd wfilkmtoth hiskos jpan wilson mar- ioirle slewartlinve boii iiashed i heir examinations pn ibft sjietufl pfourso oh 5 corpnjirt- y v is- rrne6tweptqf ioehartirmdt hbi ben loilevinmr r itt mcdonald 0wtombpfheei wild lns ueen visitinr fiioudh in detvoft diiririg tllo woolt 81- years it lias been the eustqjni of the chrisrio and henadrson famillch to hold ao ivrthual picnic about tintvest time at the old christie homestead kt kolao lout odoe8day was the day set for this enjoyable family funotion for this year the following members of the two families motored to kelso that day hon d hondereon and cnpt t d henderson mr and mrs c c henderson and children of acton mr and mir d d christie and mr and mm v p gamble and children of ouelpl miss korr and her mother mrs jnrvia acton free press c j milton eenry sherman has purchased tlie art gallery building from mis ruddy mr and mrs walter wheeler of niagara falls nv are spend ing thoir vacation in milton and vicinity mru hanlev lias sold her cement dwelling on jamea atroet to mrs lome of georgetown mrs b white haa returned home after spending two weeks at toronto visitintf relatives next wednosday 27th inst will ho the last of the hnlfliolidayu for the year some of the business moil want tliom continuod through- out the year pto freil wheeler ot home to milton on tuesday night by mo tor from toronto he went over seas with tbe lfllth battalion was transferred to the camc on no- count of an accident to one of his feet and bis services were in hos pitals in england pte percy fioeiimn also got home lie went overseas last year and was in eng land to tbe end champion thk indications are that day light saving will again be in effect in the united states next year if so what will bo tbe condition of affairs in canada will it bo a go- asyouplease as has been tlie case this summer or will the dominion government adopt the measure for tbe entire country pennsylvania coal miners an nounce that they want a sixhour day next year as they believe they can produce as much in six hours as in the present eight bnt-ex- parience in shortening hours below the regular standard lias recently proved that output falls almost in exact proportion the theory of sustained output with very short hours does not work out in montueal dining 1018 over 400000 pounds of foodstuffs found their way to the incinorator hav ing been held so long as to be un fit for human consumption tho montreal- star speculates as to bow much of this wanton waste was due to profiteers storing food for higher prices that tbe sei litres of foods should actually have been twice as large as in 1017 and this in face of ever- increasing costs makes tbe situation all the more intolerable some of the high- grade foods that were seized and destroyed last year because they lnul been held bo long as to be un lit for human consumption were johoo pounds of beef 24115 pounds of veal 4108 pounds of mutton 10840 pounds t pork looo poundb of poultry 118047 pounds of fish 1887 pounds of doer meat etc this list is con tinued until the total destruction tips the scales at over four hundred thottbntdpouiiua- are the days of miracles over atdfbbslitiok amd vjomb tibf to overshadow faoto any lonobb7 y when a woman who ha been slek for year haeoinou well after taking certain eciontlflii jirei deny that the ruined jfoad these attracts tekon f rom letter written lo us by certain scientific preparation can you ly ds of d02 king htroot west must be good taken from a mrs d cross t torontet i buffered for soverat years with inflammatory rlieiimatum and could hardly got up or down atalra my huslmnd bought mo a box of tempi- tons rheumatic- capaulos and almost immediately i felt nllof tbe asall- ingt started to go down and tbe stut- ness loft my knoos i might tfcat previously to using tbos i kail tried almost o verything undor the sub without success i oiu a happier aad wiser woinun now ami i cannot thank you enough fer the aid tbo bav given me tlto tbs same story from bundrsdg of other bhuumaila iiffereri tr tried tb0s and xb0 fixed tua tan if you suffer try them j mittiibtv dimkk and butlpnon solo agint coorgetown is a rjf i ssflvt k 7v i mm y y vm m x z i 3 1 4 3 m 1 wiis