Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 30, 1919, p. 3

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personals matthews drug store spraysidel bordeaux mixture and arsenite of lead a- good general insecticide and fungicide paris green heuibore lji- i zi- -v- vvs drugs and stationery m reports a big in the miltori w lttjlvirf r61ho ijfcrilfott tore tqlnumoioiin only flvp voelfii moiobf lioiji dnye jhct jvrico of voa i liwl to go higher toronto exhibition will be tho llrst a good average prop in being liounud on the farms no reductidn in the cot of living wince last report we repeat it keep in mind the full fair she people are hoping for reasonable tax rate be a big booster and not a lltfclo knocker on jaugust 4tb at norval tho reformer demand for farms district milton presbyterian sunday school hada successful exournion to mabasao park norval always pleasos her visitors come and be convinced on august 4th many donations are being made to the childrens shelter at milton a inn from kitchener iw ue- motiating for tho purchase of ac tons vacant hhopfactory speaking in advance wo sug gest that the sunday schools have a union excursion in 1920 the toronto mail and empire reported a murder at acton last week it occurred at ayton will there be any excitement in town on civic holiday or will it pass the same as in former years there is far more pleasure to be derived from tho pursuit of happiness than there in catching it the council will hold its regular meeting on tuesday even- ingot next week on account of mon day being civio holiday please bo easy on the water owing to the dry weather and lack of other beverages the reservoir is lowor than it hhould be your presence at norval on august 4th will help tfvke the v boys feel that their serves were appreciated our band renderedaibellent music during the drummorabnock it is a credit to georgetown linj oar citizens should appreciate it at millbrook six cords of hard wood eutsin abort lengths sold for 11800 twenty years ago be same quantity would bring about 20 aoton council has donated a burial plot to the gwva or the burial of any of their comrades who may be taken there for that purpose a motor trip from seattle to ontario was a long one but mr and mrs w j mclaughlin made it and are now visiting old friends in naasagaweya water is reported to be soarco at acton at least engineers who are looking for a supply for the town and it bo we hope they may eventually succeed a meeting of the board of trade will be held in the council chamber on friday evening at 8 oclock every membor is urgently requested to be present a dance will be held in camp- tiewi ball norval an monday evening august 4th after the big field day of ward 2 esquesing everybody is cordially invited creditors of the defunot stand ard reliance mortgage corporation are receiving statements of tho companys- affairs it is in bad shape there are a few share- holders in hal ton in order to accommodate the canadian war memorials paintings at the canadian national bxbib- i itionan extension of 1b0 x 80 feet to the fine arts gallery is necess itated some of tbe paintings aro over 20 feet long the hell of death that faced the canadians at the second battle of ypi where they wore sot against the first german gas attack i vividly portrayed in tha war jlemorg t bo jbown iiti ijhe canadian national exhib ition fcnia yea fjsba prpbfroadeisniade us say dlaniatfqvivemviaaiithinffn p anodmiotilvttbt0 te iwhr6 refphpdto thq ife5iif pf f6qries jn puerto w eft opt of trouble we drtljibiiibbwjiv thtmtmjijtkihi v wbmwaspevhnpj tfi hwieat speckfed brook trout five bacght in hajton county f ag taken f rm hhv aihli jpe reekrcoeiitly by robert be8seyjrandpetbrbersey it measured 174nche8 jnlengthapd was indeed a beauty those ivho saw it were so interested tliat several snap shots werotakejo at jt rex theatre wednesday a nine oclock town with charles ray episode 9 of the lure of the circus friday fedora with pauline frederick the british gazette and a larry semon oomsdy saturday shark monroe with w shart bill fatty at coney island with fatty arbuokle watch for the pictures for the holiday a thoughtful act tbe sportsman went out for a days rough shooting not being a particularly good shot the bag was nil and as he did not like to return empty handed he bought a hare in the town on the way home he presented it to his wife who after expressing her thanks thoughtfully remarked it was a good thing you shot that hare when you did john it wouldnt have kept another day gardan party and dane do uot miss the garden party and dance to be given under the auspices of limehouse jr and g wv society in high park on friday evening august 8th an excellent program will be rendered by fred j perrin comedian and other noted talent baseball game at li pm admission 2flo sol diers with returned button admit ted free a dance will be held af ter the garden party cronks or- ohestra of guelph will supplythe music gentleman 2fic s sno 9 limebons school raault the fallowing are the pupils who were successful in passing recent examinations names in order of merit entrance exain for admission to high school loyd green arthur lane gertrude henderson jr hi to sriii helen wright hon jessie norton anna mere dith and joe mcdonald equal tom henderson cnmpboll ross riohie benton and llnzel scott equal promotions of othcrclnssns wore made in april tlaa cow are dead during tbe past week two cows belonging to william hart of east zorra died under peculiar circum stances a rumor was spread and caused consternation that the cows were afflicted with black leg and had to be destroyed this however was not true a local veterinary was called in and made an examination of the doatkeowb it was found that the stomachs of the two cows contained pieces of tile which had evidently beeh picked up in the pasture and which had stopped operations of tho stomach and caused death norval civic holiday angnat 4tv a field day and pionic will ba held on tbe public school grounds norval on august 4th by the rate payers of ward 2 esquesing for tho purpose of showing their ap preciation to the returned heroes of thlsdistriot who took part in the great war a program beginning at 2 pm will bo headed by a base ball match limehouse vs norval followed by presentation and ban quet to the returned men with races and games after lunch every one is requested to come prepared to pionic those desirinr not tea or coffee from tbe booth with their lunoh are askecltp bring their own cups the 20th regiment band will be in attendance during the afternoon come and bring your friends and help make august 4th a banner day in the hearts of all re turned heroes who have done their bit special prizes in all events no admission fee jr railway matter at qualpfe at a special mooting of tho guelpb city council last evening the proposed railway deal with the grand river raijway company which is to be submitted to the rate payers was explained under the agreement which is for a term pf 60 years tho company will con trol and manago tho guelph radial company subject to a clause per mitting the latter tp cancel the agreement at any time for non- fulfilment of terms the grand river com puny will repair the linos at its own expanse and will sporid 10qoo at onco tteroaen ol- ing slock is to be sold and replaced with ton now oneman oars aten minute sorvlce 1b to he providod a branch lino tohflapoler is to be bmiltaiidpporated within itwelvo mr howard jenny n f toronto whs in town yesterday mrs win mills of toronto vis ited friends in town last week master victor norrington is vis iting friends in toronto mrs boll of toronto is vimiting friends in town and vicinty mr win skirrow oftodmorden visited in town over tho week end mrs edgar harrison of toronto visited friends in town last week miss edua cook of brampton spent the woek end with friends in yi vmias edna rcanidpx toronto vjilf ed ifjffirwfe jii- tiiwn ovr the wjfekend f 7 y i misaivflil hesev has been lay ing a visit to frjeirdfl in torohto andsekjrli liangnn hi 16- tajrnjodhoine after hpliuning at endiatigvmnskokk imiiitimrs quolpljl aroviitng fiiopds an4vtfililty- idansliie yoaeloh 0 kifenen- erib h6lidayipgmvlvhfrieivdb in townand prenwihinms mrh p moore of the actor free press gavd the herald a pleasant call ladt thurs4ay u mr nu6n cole has uetiirned homo after spending his vacation at cecebe lake muskoka miss marjorie clark of st jos ephs hospital guelph is holiday ing at bor home here mr e sogers formerly of the bank of hamilton staff hero was in town over the weekend mrs robertson miss robertson and miss hazel harrison are holi daying at kings park muskoka mrs j b williams has left for wynona after spending a few days with mrs manahan charles st mrs miller and baby of vancou ver are visiting mrs milkers par ents mr and mrs jas watson miss eleanor watson has re turned borne from vancouver whore sho has been teaching for sometime mr and mrs harold wriggles- worth of toronto spent the week end with mr and mrs geo wrig- glosworlh mib dr heath loft yesterday for niagara falls where she will spend a month with friends and relatives mrs c c roo left yesterday for the west where sho will spend a couple of months at winnipeg and other western points mr and- mrs c doughty and harry frank and charlie were the guests of mr and mrs w g buck over the weekend mr jas a mocluro streetsvillo and miss ij j campbell milton have returned home after visiting friends inorangevillo shelburne tid dundalk mrstbridgman and miss bridg- man of winnipeg who havo been visiting nt mrs harrisons left for home on friday mr l goodenow many years ago a resident here but now of seattle is spending a few weeks with ontario friends tka wrong bnyw two men claiming to be return ed sohlinih hired a horse and rig at newmarket anil drove to port credit where they undertook to sell it they picked on a danger ous buyer no other than constable rutledge who has a livery stable at the port shortly after they found themselves in jail here the two men appeared before judge iiihlin and pleaded guilty they are awaiting senteneebrum- pton banner record trlp made by chevrolet mr ii a fraer formerly of georgetown made a record trip in his chevrolet ear from winnipeg to town in regard to expense ho motored a distance of 1700 miles ton 70 gallona of gasoline aftd 0 quaftaol diil v of a lit- lie over 22i luils fior ghllba it gasoline ttfej party miftedof 4 passengers also 8 heavy grips the only expensg outside of- the gsojinc arid oilueingfor aspedo- metfjr geur of 927sand parting at- j6c it stands o i the- tilittvroret wan easi cti 6w church news baptist dr cline is in guelph again this wek attending the summer school for rural leaders hut will be home for sunday and will preach morn ing and evening tho lords supper will be observed at the close of the morning sermon when new members will be welcomed in to fellowship of the church strangers and visitors always wel come methodist w l davidson ba minister sunday august 8rd d45 am sunday school 11 am sacra mental service 7 pm the trail of faith jparingtbe renlaindeistf august ihjf mot fiodislr fcbiircvl 1 i have union services with tfbo baptist chinch v j epvitrrrnh j thursday holiday bargain day wednesday open from 8 am to io pm the following prices for bargain day- only croceries 220 the- giiftvfblipliwy tffop ilifajjfoorifi v wf 0a pajitl v r tlinohtslnpl aigriirtd garden party whi 0eis hold nt tbe- homo of cheatier eea eherstanoidrumquio jot 6 cdqropjt nfnorlmentpf misrellanaoim trafalgar on august 12th theridjcoat hoolm srsu jliflis j followtnbtdlerit iviy urpvidpa bells bnttsaiid 91ngob exeeltont proijraiijmeincanow hwabersl garaffo stets- an canada k premier- entitamci- t harvey lloyd conjian miss alass bv itsoll marjorie taft child dntertqiner r and scottish dancer arid oakvixln citizens hand with randtnnster blatter late of 4hth highlanders in charge admission 25o and 16c j f ford chairman 072t 100 fine for snooting attraapauer p r greenwood an echo place fruit farmer was fined 100 and costs for rlriug two charges of buck shot at two youths who pioked a few cherries off his treeb lately the bnokshot doing somp damage greenwood said he did not are over theirheads because if he did they would have laughed at him so he fired direct asked by the magi strate if he would have given some cherries to the youths if they had asked in place of helping them selves he emphatically declared that he would not havo given them one the lack of magnanimity was followed by the fine kippered herring finnan haddio whitd beans flihsfor jar rice m i tv v rvvijngiig4r nu corn starjrtlh corn flakes telfers soda bibcuita s granulated bogar pr bag cainpoelis soifp v c v j i 26o m8i 2b- 13d 38d ioso 18o our special black tea clarks soup 2 for krnnobles 2 for jated beans -iiiva- siirnujoijiapy r vw- v- 8o0 a3 we imio- sptciait men lijpoviest harvest boots sff for 820 ladies black oanvathopse bqotfi size 2 an for ft cash p produce loe r- e- very great regret isfelt at the loss from our town of mrs jermyn and family who are about to move to toronto mrs jermyn ib the last of the family residing here of an honored citizen of years ago the late l w goodenow many good wishes will follow this es teemed family to their new home a soldiers welcome celebrat ion will takeplace at orangeville august 4 th dont miss the harden party and dance at limehouse on friday evening august 8th a garden party will be held at the presbyterian manse norval on august 19th keep this ditto open particulars later largest entry in years for guelpn saturday and monday next all the best trotting and running horses are at guelph champion football meets all stars baseball and bands etc thiti promirtbs to attract tremendous crowds to tho welcome home cele bration tho georgetown branch of the womens institute will bold their regular meeting at the homo of mrs frenre on wednesday aunust 6th mrs norman speight will give an address on the war everydody is requested to bring their needle and thimble and liavoa sociable after noon the cheapest place in ontario to buy hoots is georgetown at roneys i can undersell any shoe dealor in the county on any kind of boots if you have boots that hurt your feet we will exchange with you and allow you a fair price for heni repairing womens half soles put on s0o j roncy home of mophorson registered shoes sign gold boot georgetown reid doneldum the home of mr and mrs jos eph donaldson 08 west main st south gait was on saturday june 28th the scene of a very pretty wodding when at 8 oclock their only daughter qiive willard was united in tbe holy bonds of matrimony with mr john p reid of toronto son of the late mr and mrs d reid of georgetown rev dr j k fraser performed tho ceremony in the presence or about fifty guests the bridal party standing beneath a large white bell before- a bank of evergreens and palms dotted with marguer ites tbe bride who was given away by her father entered the room to the strains of lohengrins bridal march which was effective ly rendered by mrs herbert wil lard cousin of the brido the bride looked charming in a gown of white satin and georgette crepe with pearl trimmings and veil of embroidered net with wreath of orange blossoms and carried a shower bouquetof pphelia and sweotlionrt roses she wore a nooklacc set with pearls the gift of the groom the bridesmaid miss kathleen brown looked pret tyjn a dress of maize colored satin and georgotto with bead trimmings and carried a beautiful bouquet while mr- laird y reid of george town brother of tho groom ably performed tbe duties of bebt man the grooms gifth to tho pianist and bridesmaid wore gold brooches with pearls and to life best man a silver handled walking cane after partaking of n dainty wed ding luncheon for which williams of hiplph catered the happy oouplo lot ontlio 045 cpr train amid sliowors of confetti and good wishes on a vftsilding jujur through the thousand ishfuidsfiind on their return will reside in toronto ampnii tlitf guests frunoiit of the city wore mr and mrs diok mrs major wood mr mcgregor and mub belenpmogrogdr tprdntb mr wid mrs cklokoh bahtford mr and ww jjg culliuiore bm- joe mranflmri ai brean- st qeom0i mr- wa3 mcfiij vbrlh- notice to creditors im tbi matter of ou eetate of jaae owen late of fce villa of georgetown la tk oonaty of helton retired timer deoeaaed not1ck in hereby given dial in pur suance to section 56 of the rimtetih act k0 chap 121 that all creditors and ottfers havinu claims or demands against the estate of the said james owens re tired firmer deceased who died on or about the twentysevciilh day of june 1919 at the aaid villatre of georgetown are required on or hefore the necond day of september 1919 to send by pom pre paid or deliver to the undersigned solici tors for james a owena the executor ol the last will and tetitarient of the said de ceased their christian names and sur names addresses nnd descriptions the full particulars in writing of iheir claims a statement of their nccountn and the nature of the security if any hold by them and take notice thst after such last mentioned dale the said executor will pro ceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the parties entitled thereto having- regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice and thnt the said executor will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by him at the time of such distribution sliilton vvaluwirkik et da1h solicitors for jamea oweni the ex ecutor of the said decentteil notice to creditors in the matter of tlu estt of nil hunter ltmte of uu vlus of georgetown in tbe county of hel ton blaokamlth deceased notice in hereby given that in pursu ance to section 56 of the trithteeit act rso chap 121 thai all creditor nnd pllwn having ilaiinn or demands againtit the estate of the haid neil hunter black smith deceased who died on or about the twentyfifth day of may ad 1919 at the said village of goorgretown are re quired on or before the second day of september 1919 to send by pout prepaid or deliver to the undersigned solicitor for james a owens and wilfred l hun ter the executors of the last will and testament of the said deceased their christian names and surnames addresses and descriptions the full particulars in writing of their claims statement of their accounts aittpthe nature of the se curity if any held by them and lake notice that after such last mentioned ilate tho paid executors will proceed to distribute- the asset h of the said estate among the parties entitled theretd having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice and l hat the said executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of mfhose claim no tice shall not have been received by them at the timer of such distribution sliilton walibriih1k dale solicitors for james a owens and wil fred l hunter the said executors of the said deceased i- fbl m uluilutiiid g 1 1 ii 1 1 m i il bittj0ffltrttj0ob b b a r n h i l l peel and haltons gargain soref gem jars we liave a largo and well assorted stock of imperial and wino moanurypiiita quarts and half gayonaat clone prions groceries 94 lbs redpaths granulated sugar for 5 lbs rangoon rico lor extracts any flavor per bottle 4 pkgs corn starch or 4 lb loose laundry starch for 16 ox pkjf seeded raisins for campbell s soup per tn clarks soup 2 tin tor cora flakes per pltgr tomatoes por tin targe size christies sodas pasteboard box comfort gold sunlight ug naphtha or taylor sbomx soap per bar i ha 100 42c 08c 39c 34c 12c ijc 19c lie 17c 29c 3 pkgs handy ammonia for you can get supreme value evfery time order from bamhflls 08c 20c you barnhills norval mrrrrrrmal biiiiii ibiuiinillllim jbal the signing of peace has resulted in an immediate return of building activies and consequently is making a large demand for all lines of hard ware building supplies and tools manufacturers have already reduced their prices wher ever the cost of labor and material would permit so that tbe present prices may he expected to stand firm in most of these lines for sojue time tbe rare of locks knobs door sets etc carried in 8took by us oonsists of tho most stnpln patterns of the leading manufacturers we also havo an attractive assortment of luiscollancous hardware suoh as hat and ooat hooka sash lifts push plates door belli v butts and hinges and sliding door hangeri oarage sets paroid ready rooting is in a class by itself wc anthony phone 46 georgetown coal the seat soranton coal in all sices portland cement flour feed provisions john ballantine georgetown phone 30 midsummer specials in ladies wear 19 1 men wanted in western harvest fields immediate employment available 1200 to winnipeg slus halt- a mat per atlle bmrond a ceat p satrrurwlnnlp plus llil tj wiafomblsttwiwlfrouihsire vx awninodonor woinan canadian national raiiuaij here are a few specials which we have reduced for quick clearance while they last in order to make room for our new lines v come early and get f irst choice if you wish to take ad vantage of any of the f ollowing ladies taffeta silk skirts in novelty plaid and fancy stripe designs aii pretty stales no two alilco romilarly iicd at 12fi0 ami 700 for 795 and 1550 what looks more hinart and dressy in the summer time than n suit of silk taffeta it is just mint something you havo wanted though perhaps- unoqjr- soiously to oompleto your summer wardrobe we havo just a tow of these suits loft in pretty stylos of line quality taffeta lined with heavy silk vrckuihi s2hn0for girls white lliddies collars culls hells and poc kets of whiob are trimmed with hi lie pink or canary hcdticod for tpiiolf clearance to the low figure of we have still a small juantity of iiii iiavo reduced tho silk waists which wo iiavo reduced those aro of geoitfotto creii and crepe de ohine fancy embroidery designs waists nro in colors maize blue apricot shell pitfli peach wliito and blititk roguuu 605 for 825 69o 875 i phionk 167 miu and main sis georgetown liiftsaismsis adverlisenienis tor saxe irocertl stolk and mailroulc loj stewarttqwn soitp pasture to rekt kine pasturcvland to rent aiken kunii farm georgetown 3s apply to r n s072tp 2t mowey wanted 4500 wanted at 6 per cent apply to j ii lane real entail agent george town 1 1 stenographer wahtbo experienced stenographer wanted ap plication mtating experience and salary to he addrohhcd to box 1104 georgetown 3071 f wanted in toronto cook general for family of three must be competanl to take full charge of houaej wages to begin 3500 per month ad dress mrs macklnnon 60 warren road toronto 3072t houxdsrh and men to learn moulding wanted at once light steudy employment pleasant shop condition highest wages white saw ing machine co ltd guelph ont 3073 notice to water users notice if hereby given that after thurs day july 31st 1919 until further notice no water in to be used from the coi pora- liou water system to water the utrettn lawns and gardens by any person in the municipality by order of the council wm a mcmillan chairman of waterworks com boots from factory to feet the cheapest place in on tario to buy boots is george town at roneys i can under sell any shoe dealer in the county on any kind of boots if you have boots that hurt your feet we will exchange with you and allow you a air price or them repaiting- womeni half soles put on 50c home of moopherson registered shoos sign of the gold boot main st georgetown tetotohtofcto b re a d a word jol the wives is sufficient after a trial our brown bread will be your bread fresh now and tuesday thursday and saturday morn ings phone aoa gibbens next door to radial station b v gibbers m hi vvril t f vy i- ft n r m mm v vvslvi

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