the georgetown herald fifty second ykau op publication greorgretown wednesday evenings june 4th 1919 150 per annum or 1294 paid in advance the georgetown herald i pmih4 every wednesday evening at tha herald power printing office georgetown ont contract advertising rates jurruhed fin aoplibstion he tmiijiliplit ajtlllmtiiii twelve hues li jut inch aiiyertlhrtiucut wk1jagt pecllo di reckons win bo injjprttd unn forbid canil cirge tfccprdtuglyi jdvettluiiiunwiu be qitthxiil ic wyfttidlllvviytox9a oj fcoiuxt ujvrtloeitli yunpet tn i- soscmtrjbn rraitetk- oifyea3cvt5o ojsliibii paid in advupcs six utulitjui strons aji- aiuje r v 4t address idbfit aliowa date vuriiubsbrlptlpn expire v j moore publisher qtrtimo table oorng eafct mail fj48atii passenger hb1 ain passenger 8j0 pm mail 0hs pin paseienger 0 im passenger sunday 718 iitn goino west mail 757 am mail 100 n passenger 201 run passenger 1 o mail 757 lim going north mail 757 am mail gbo aoino south mail u10 am mail 740 iuu the on evfl lasting fs v sweetmeat t kintheworldlfc rsn ibihiiuihiiiii ui 1 1 1 1 1 h 1 1 1 ail lbamrj spring reduction sale fyjifi iv toronto buburban railwav daily timbtakijk am pm pm ooing bast 810 221 640 going west hg5 810 717 am lolil hunda y timktahw ooing kast pm pm pm 1220 h45 u10 wrigleys the flavour lasts all three kinds sealed in airtight impurity- proof packages be sure to get wrigleys tha way tomafo morjyy is to wvyeii- oiir slipel tf mnapiorigb baifts w ttjo forge no tntiraityy afternoon bb- tng a hair holiday we will hold our bargain day fn fpotwean onjwednehday evgulfir mii4ifeavy boots oo vj390 tor fbv foi 4sq soo lilvoiytllinft icrf eaohnbok until ip itht store- wih j iedoeeabii svesneadayv til-hirthernoiiio- f i i jl jl my oardxn fair i planted some seed in my garden fair and watobed it with eiiheruqhs nor grudged the nieasuie of time and rare bestowed thereon if il did but bear return for my toil and mires and in the soul of u youth was 1 ndrnlmt touching the ter hj vil taloiraovaiioihetroil the shoe ma k the home of better shoes ifflanmnnidbai in cmmnirjdal nrtttttttrrrrnb lai n gfovm l seemed to think of it as njy own till ifminfj it was all coo late shall- plants anitjpirdeiw be inotpa tfd tendered wthciiitint carcl auid h wltlv a- wti w tyoridrnjjls iv vvpjfti i- be left 1k hijjiffelf fhjle ttilpgsy ew-tli- are coundbcytntd coiijipbti psoiil grant riottiinji in- jfwrdeias share be all tjistniy tj0jpfl see v but symbbt rather ot rhaf wferfe 1 fair y tbnt i shod id rertdertlioboxritny care for time and eternity i after euerv meal vvwiglt v juicy fruitjiii chi vmnc cum vimiiiiiii mnoe m canada war bond interest coupons and cheques cashed free the merchants bank will cash all wr loan coupons or interest cheques when duo on presentation without making any chaise whatever for the service if you have not a savings account why not use your interest money to open one with this bank 61 am going wost 1040 pm 610 pm i 17 pm 085 50 counter check books at the herald 8t georges church rov wm burt l trn raotor sunday aervlce u follow alatlna 11 a ni uvenaonff 7 p m suntluy school 04o a m in ba mant holy communlou lat and bundavu of each month at 11 a m legal 8 hilton wallbridge a dale barriaura dolioltora etc toronto and ueorvetown oluue kennedy block l hoy ial in charge of george xwii otttc medical or joseph mcandrew phyaioian and suroaon medical ouloar of health dlatrlct surgbon o t r oulco houra 2 to i and 7 to 8 p m phono 68 office and kaaldenco main street uutli oppoalte preabytarlan churcli optical u l plant d o oph d ya spaoiallat gaorgatown oftlco next to public library satur day- eventngn 8 to 10 pm mid by up- poinlment w dental frank r watson dd8 md8 dantiat qeorgatown ont houra u a m to 5 p m except thuroday aftvritoon dentlutry in ull ha branohea over bali telephone office f l heath l d8 dd8 dentiet oince in lane block one door north of oneills carriage faotory houre u u m to 6 p m chiropractic no madioitie surgery oroataopathy a m neil8en d c graduate of the palmer the orl- tfljal fcjchool of chlropractio daven port iowa u s a ofllce over hourisana drug store coiaultuuoti unci spinal analyult free tuemduya thuradayu and hatur- daya 2 tu c uad 7 to 8 p m phone 160a iw w auctioneers benj petch licensed auctioneer for hattun and peel glenwllllama poav ollloe salou conducted aatlufactorlly and at rea sonable rates orders left at tlie qeoritetowii herald olllce will receive prompt attention milton prentiss icnoihkurs and motors macjiinfrv rrokrkh kleilrlr repairs toronto ja tracy clerk townsnti of lsaquoalns cerk rd division court ilia leading fire add life iiieuranae o represented issuer of marriage lloenees oincoi mill street wei georcethwn olhoe hours wednesday and set- oay of ternoona iiiil wbt paser butter paper at fc seeds farmers i see us for your wants in corn mangel and turnip seed the following is a list of the different kinds that we have to offer corn giant white ensilage per bus h 00 red cob per bus 00 iolden how per bus tt b0 white cap per bus h bo mangel honnies giant white fcsutfar mangel per lb 90o giant white sugar beet per lb i0e yellow intermediate per lb 90c yollow leviathan ier lb 0t turnip jumbo per lb 1 2fi 1 good luck per lb 1 25 selected purple top por lb 1 25 durham por lb 1 25 derby per lb 1 25 canadian gem ptivlbn 1 85 we will be only too pleased to get any other kind of seed for you that we have not in stock t canada food roard lifeline no 81278 a m grandy phone 7s quick jdelivery prompt service pattersons meat market is where ypu can secure the very choicest of all kinds of fresh and cured meatsfisii etc at the lowest prices u wk jijpfflfflebmt th rcmant5 dank head office montreal of hokohtown branch acton branch canada aubliahed 1864- c w orandy mnjer l b shorby maaaier how can i save- with profit many waseeamers are aikfaig them- selvea this question they do not want to put a quarter in the baulk at a time and before they know it it it gone for triflea in may wss i oki um in june mnjj cast m wmr smvingt stmmpm ran bought whw- ir ihit tlgn it duwlmymj the government ha provided a limple plan to enable you to save that quar ter in audi a way that it will earn you more money twentylive cents buys a thrift stamp sixteen thrift stamps become a war savings stamp for which the govern ment will pay you 500 in 1924 if you lend the government your sav ing in this way you can make your money earn over 4vi compound in- terett au often as you save 400 odd that is more than savins banks pay you this is not only easy and profitable m- veitment but patriotic investment be came the government needs money for the heavy financing of the recon struction period make your saving serve yon aid serve your conntrjr lavett taem bj war savings stamps the canada life assurance co etablished 1847 for rates and particulars see rjhynds phone 203 georgetown let ub do it for you well give your battery such tests and distilled water as it needs to keep it fat good condition no charge for this our prices for repair and recharging will surprise you your next battery should be a prestolite built by the oldest service to automobile owners in america official pritoute service station fred cooks sales room mill street greoroetown peaaaaaataateaa the blood pearl by albert ootltrmotom ovrtlseu the thief must be punished su- xlilno intimated blandly it wea u gem of atrange orient and mllklnesa i am told it had a blood jnlst there nre men here wlio new it the crew of japanese shelters mus tered allently on the oyiteratrewn deck of the three moon the sea wiia uk killl aa a slecpinic child in the fur aouth a few rajied palma tnnrkfd the limit of the vamlerdecken bunk where the cheeping nun birda rlrowxed over the milelong fleet of working luggere safthlno whs captain of the three moodh iind he renented bitterly the frequent tiiefta of ivurt from hia lug- irr the trlcka of the average dia mond thief become ludicrously appar ent when compared with the almoat euperhuman evasions of tlie japanese shell opener captain sasbino had grown subtle with experience but his railing patience gave out before the constant pilfering of almost priceless gems four coolies appeared from the for ward hatch escorting a nslcca japanese diver a stern silence a wilted him for a few momenta he remained sul lenly irresolute cigarette in month his bar toes kicking scraps of opened hell across the deck csptsln ssshlao regarded him con temptuously from his station near tha main hatch ton steal my pearl lnauml the one yon found on the black up bank i am willing to hear you sty what 1 insnml hunched his reefscarred shoulders cast furtive sidelong glances at the crew and wss silent what made you steel saahlao re peated the german buyers or your sweetheart in the town sty quick insuml frowned i work hard captain flashlno for amalfpay only once or twice hare i taken a little pearl my sweetheart does not ssk me to steal he turned again to the crew as though expecting a friendly demon stration en his behtlf there was none a windlasshand wearing a coolie loincloth was holding s baltsd tins over the pott bow incldenttlly a pair of tiger sharks drifted from the shadow of the loggers keel sod re mained motionless within a few yards of the bait the pearl thief folded hits anna sub missively as one expecting punish ment swift and unannounced the si lent wrath that moves jipemeae le gions to impossible assaults flowed from the captains gestures he turned to a diver at bis elbow and whispered the crew catching his satanlng be came suddenly alert a volcanic rage swept over them ottha of strange origin and dialects filled the sir cap tain ssshlao nodded twice and called to the wlndlssshapd wltn the bslted line three men caught insroml by tl shoulders and fastened the line about his waist snd hips leaving his arms free overt shouted the captain let him keep his knife insnml wss dangling over the bows us breast and feet nearly touching the water the tropic sun pierced almost to the sandy floor of tha straits a tiger shark does not always swoop to the object in sight but will eoraetlraes inspect it for a short period then van ish far a brief space snd return with the speed of a hawk the thief lay suspended within an inch of the water his knees slightly updrawn the knife in his right hand wss held point out from his fuce above bun lesnt the crew of the lug ger telling him in fluent jnpanehe that thieves and shsrka were the spawn of devil men an inquisitive sriout appeared under the luggers bow a pnlr of swinish eyes began to regard the suspended insuml with psllent interest then moving slowly in a straight line flashed suddenly under his cheat in surers back arched at the gray belly swept beneath a quick emoting stab followed and the water srrew crimson for several yards hs breathed hoarse ly and wagged bis bullet held root i sneered the captain the scent will bring others ad they wui hustle him to deatb ilka americans i a load thrashing wis heard near the hanm tbs strong tide swept the red stains clear of the inner for a period that sealed ilka eternity the suspend ed man looked eagerly- o to the water as though listening- than with a and- den frantic movement be tried to turn toward toroedollke window that rushed from tne hhelter ut the lug gers stern a gash wide us h huirt- eut appeared on his naked hip m nostroke i chuckled the cap tain the old shark has got hi in now it will be a slow tight my children a hot stillness bung about the straits the jap lay motionless eye big ash is playing with him smiled tht captain do not make too much n9lsejpychldren then an unexpected commotion hap- lh the waterj aschoiil of small aharks betrmtoaiwrtfabouttke ihiejf rankle with jynnllngv6temenf of- liywv slashed into hw hgjil indbit dpjiersiny immqkw a tdiuaij of mullet one wavbooutcil lvadef jnjjre qurfhdiif the tbe vest tore at his ribs as n escaped utuhr the itt gersjstetn j svlthlo jlftj seconds the school re- turned jnitbebght began again the wtchlng pearlers screamed excitedly- over the luggers rail while the baby mhurks gr rlever and harassed in- tinil on the off side- they citing nice leeclies elutlluc lilfi knife thrusts re- treatlng and ultacking with the speed of torpedoeh breultilug ktertorously be held up nu aitpetillns bandonce twice a cold unrehponstve alienee followed while the captulu lit u cigarette then us if by a signal rem the outer deeps the swarm of sbarklets drew off some one pointed to the trowelbtmperi nn moving once mere to ipi quarry many of the pearlers knew if for one of the oldest monsters that inhttltlteil i lie great reefpassage dot- ens of tnpimic fishers had attempted itk ctipture without success but the iiumiiii butt now offered was more than it could resist there wan no deviation from the line of attack it flashed atralght un der the jups ribs with the strength and fortitude of his kind the suspend ed man thrust his left hand into tbs open jaws a second later his kalfe nrtn was slashing at the upturned throat for t moment it aeenied as though the rope would break under the strain with lunatic strength he appeared te be holding the ahurk at arms length beneath the water then with u cry he stabbed downward again and again until bis head dropped forward heave up shouted the cuptaln slowly they hauled hlni over the rail and they aaw that 1u left arm was torn and shredded where it had entered the gaping mouth the captain surveyed the hurt man calmly there was uo trace of emo tion in his voice us he addressed the assembled crew fear will not make him apeak the pearl is somewhere and we may yet and it take him below and see that his hurts are attended to there la an english doctor in the town late la the afternoon when the suns rtys lay in streaks of fierce red across the straits of torres a dead tiger shark drifted under the luggers stern past the bobbing bends of the naked divers around it swarmed a rnvenona shoal of black bream and yellowtails guzzling flaahlng their sil ver brakes near the wide gash under tlie upturned throat incidentally a dory pnshed off from a tiny pier at the inlets mouth and rowed slowly in the wake of the dead monster a malay diver and a japa nese coolie nt at the ears the dead shark drifted beyond the great oyster bank where the long sea grass swayed and rippled in tne out- going tide leaning from the dory the malay thrust a boathook under the sharks dorsal fin and drew it with much labor under the lee of a palm- sheltered promontory 8ashlnos glasses csnnot follow us now he panted theee will be no need to hurry with our work the shark was beached and after a careful survey of the surrounding scrub the malay drew a long sheath knife and passed his thumb gently over the point then with a dozen deft strokes be laid bare the huge gul let while the jap coolie plunged bis fists inside tbe two men grunted on their knees beside the dead shark searching and probing with the craft of deep sea fish ermen the surf rippled and screamed ever the low sand dunes us the tide re ceded beyond the mangrove belt the malays bead came up with a sudden jerk drawing bis hand from tbe btred throat of tbe monster he held it aloft exultantly a petrl of peculiar luster and orient gleamed between hla finger and thumb the tun rtys seemed to illumine it with supernatural radiance as he held it up for the japs inspection if t thief cares not where be puts his arm comrade there are always good hidingplaces for a ten thousand- dollar pearl i a cnncldlng sound escaped the jsp aa he leant forward to inspect the pearl which the desperate insuml had thrust into the monsters throat insuml was born with s crease in bis palm i saw sashlno look into but hand before they swung him to tbe shark 1 could not hide a bead in mlnel a few days later insuml his left arm swathed in bandages met bis two confreres at the house of s chinese pearl buyer near deliverance inlet aft- ter much haggling and delay insumfrs- celved iso for his share in the deal the most beautiful queen queen helena of italy who played such t big part in tbeentertalnment or president and mrs wilson on tbelr visit to borne- has been celled tbe most beautiful queen in the world and the roost cultured nntl gracious ss well she speaks french gorman icngllth and spanish fluently in ad dition to italian and latin she knows greek as well nnd la familiar with the literature of all ages she is s great lover of flowers fine eld inoe and rare jewell in rome she takes interest in the social ufa of tbe court in her country home at mdnsa she is a coun try woman in the alps she is as hardy s climber as the tyrolese going over glaciers along narrow paths or to tle edge of a precipice with charm ing indifference now is the time o wage war on flies cf itiiiu mitliqiitch ni predict- ititt ttkiii- limn usual trouble with mies liirinu tlit coiiiiiii kiitnmer owinit luwlj to the coiiimrative- ly inilil winter whether or not the theory is toncct no chanceh hlimilil be takefv j t1m onnnbri hbiwcilcijojkof iiylvrrs bnlerj and ttiberculowft iho uy pliiis il minister rolc ability imltwodufeitealtis aniostinif tutr cjcbcendajitsof n sibgleiiftir rlutli titin hili0is jti season lwtpf tljtfrtiwy jijivbfjrble cbtkh- kirun rhclii4iti6neu3wbiere kubbjij hth arid mrinnrenrerefj irnttrtitjlpted btithat flies majvldy their therein consejuetiu till flvst tirinpiitldi in exteimrnatf- i hs jl ft peht in rt gift jtheim hriess nnlj tjirfubr -cteaipjnebr- tbd fly avoids cleanlj conditions as mon avoid the lague dirt arid diordor are- its natural habitat it iw wf prime iinpbrtrinre tftat evory individual and every com munity should see that the win- leis accumulation of dirt and rub- binh should be carefully colleoted and destroyed manure should be so handled either in flyproof pits or bins with maggot traps as to prevent i ion breeding it is im portant also that gatbane be care ful gathered and disposed of for it too provides sanctuary for flies in addition to combatting them in their breeding placeb flies should lie killed by any nnd every moans available especially early in the benson further it is essentia that food products be kept properly screened from rliih civic authortios should insist on shopkeepers up proteot- inn their wares and endeavour by every possible means to have hotiselioldoth take like precautions tito time to begin is now pnr more clin bo accomplished in tho srintiktime with loss expenditure ofoffort than any other season of the year- a i in conservation good roads n a high school pupil tho road of life we all must tra vel jh hiiftlriently hard without limine the ordinary ontario clay ones which wo must use almost daily in the condition in which they nmy usually bo found good roads is the popular cry the only dissenting voice being that of tho farmer who inakos largo and un- tnxed sunday profit by hauling ciiih from the miry depths of tho pmtietilnrlv hod spot of the road in front of his gate but like every other good cause it imikl wait till the machinery of slate has turned out numerous other hills and referondttms and in tho meantime tho people must not allow the legislature to forget good roads and tho glorious future of our province load roods would be an econo mic advantage to tho province they would savo time for the pro ducer who brings his goods to tho market and lower theprice for the consumer besides they would make life easier for people who must iiho the road mohold tho jadod appearance of the averago stood on the seventh line and hearken to the horn of tho stall ed car the kood roads which have been constructod prove satisfactory in overy way as nn example take the torontohamilton highway even though it is somewhat nar row it is a pleasure to tho driver of both touring car and btickboard a joy to the speedor and n source of tevnutto to tho government which collects tho linos what would best raise the value of land what would unito the city nnd the country what would make the season of travel ling longer what would please motorist and pedestrian alike the answer to all those questions and lniiny more is good highways when the main street of george town isnt last pavod wo shall have ns much pride as acton or bramp ton and shall perhaps bn inspired with ns high ambition as toronto itself for good roads lend to many things libt us get busy and the time will come when we shall no longer look enviously at tnrvia road ndvertismonts but shall ride in our own car along the now georgetowntoronto highway dont play truant an ool has been passed in tho logislaiiure dealing with school attendance the olllcor who looks after child ion to compel them to attend school until they are 14 yours of ngo is no longer to bo dilbbeil by the harsh term of tril lin t ofllcor but n school attend ance olllcor n nil every municipal ity shall appoint such nn officer nmy ho a woinnn whoso duty it shall he to see that the law in re gard to school tit tendance is ob served nnd the parents or guard- inns of any child between the ages of eight and fourteen who nogloot to send their children to school ale liable to a lino of 5 to 20 the toucher roportb tho non at tendance of boys and girls of school age to tho school attend ance olllcor insteifd of the school ti listens as formerly ra oelephono lias been install ed on tho pulpit of kincardine motlipiliel church mrs jos mo- kooon sunday had the raro plea sure of listening to both noivlcee wliile lying at homo with a broken log says tho kincardine iloporter v is v v v- j e t v1f viv t v-v-v- al tvxll i 4 vvjm