Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 31, 1917, p. 2

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w h wlllbonj leading vvxruah ditteot1 okanpkmi1alwkh twr pp eteraliaa aa i op trr mla4 oiomhtoww prt phow 5 1 births inrrlan6oasllaradare ad or eilb fellowine thw birth i uc 4etb me laiao in acton on tneo at ttnl ftrl ober 1917 simml laird la hla btmi year oumiiiu udm kir yvwror onto oo wdtirly october 17ib 1017 wltl urn 11 tsln mb ol th lal bobert grain formative aetmt the jeorieiown herald wktojkapiy gveo ofrr 81 mt boms of tub oonetltrjenele la osned pimm to ba ontuag that lb main thine l b 1 thai pohtlcl alitor now buy well ba laid umi until altr tb war ii may til log worlb abll i to be eoeotopliihaii the ruik and fit toud eaeflfioa la favoor of onion gurar wall a thjr laadara irm all lb crest work ol iii la j net 11 ring u who umu b day joy- ooaly with blf h parpoe lalant upon fashioning thla on brief interval a per- botly a b may iumi aol be troubled thoagh tb day m to bring bin do nerr lb goal ol wisdom or saeeee or 1 ervle upon which b be eat hi iteail ho gift el knowledge or money or km tlou that barney tlv th world can eq ua la inspiration lb aprm ilftof a lt llred hi- big fire at paper mills no 3 burttooffltoljytroyd plr broke out in tboood eiorey ol mo 3 healer raoa ol tb 1rovlaclal lp r ulllaaboal 1 80teday morning ad totally tlttlrnyi that portion of lb lnmui thioogh th heroin woik of tb to ii i dr brlrad end or towo brlg- 4 tit itama war fonftnad to lb on boluing it mu a long hard fight and tb bn ol lth bilged deaerv the great credit r lb taaanar la whlrli ihey aubduad hie fjrna and aeved iii eurrodndlrig boiltllng tb in lo th flitu will be vr hear and will rwwltil tb elating down ma j machine until repairs ar toad knox church anniversary iuv4ta uaurtiotj ej toronto delivered large ooagragatluu a tb an- nlverary aarvlc la eonsectlnn with icoo weh lat tubbaih kv iv roberts ol torooto wad lb preerber loriliadayand hleerort and alaqtuot kntoa wr blgbly hpprmutd by bu wrt at both aarvlea at ut morning arlea altar raw th 6tb ubapwr ol ttomaaa ih tsikar cho a hia laxt part ol lb 8rd ar ol th uad obap ol tb hongi o holoenofl via i j tat down uodr hi ahadnw willi gal dallgli in bli wrmoo ut ttobartiou madafciroagmual tn all lo tonttf bin and audfa ilia abadow ol th crow n jtu cttriac obhat protmu b and brluga comjtrtl by mia aliadow whaa w at lirrd hiy and borrow ktilckau cbiut ijatlll alkv and lit bt id ilia tstn oily ba rajdliad ii w hav batuadarrlllaijiiailow uav vt laid la j a paator ilv ur caaibron aatwafwrttra aarvloa tlwapaeui itiuiln 4alwcbolr wbib wi atauiul by mra ii u walli t- rld ol turonto wa uiuoli flbjoyail uu unnday avtuluif a l wa gtvn in tuabaaviuarikd ilia cuutcli followed by g luwudl i uiagramnia kvuryon pr a til aujoyed lb avanliig wblcb waa a ailing ciluiax lo anolbr yaar ol uucmu lol ehunb work for the ym c a cap tow 0l in siloing addrma ltuatrua caatpalga owing lo ilia diragwahle walliar ilia eilliarlng at lb luwu ball ul iilglit in rarcapi tom ibtt waa unt w latua u ollirwu would liava ilnw mr tlteie wai a gooil attilluiiw and all waia uinta than iwikald ur llialrtmorta by th ktiowledg imiuiilatl lo tbeoi ol war eondlllniia ai lit liiii and tlia work ikalog imilormad by tbu v u j a kail oo ale gapt luisttonk bli aadlanr for a trip la bpltlt to lha ir it una in vraiica and vuudra aud kplalnat ma coudlllou undar which tliu aian livad aud uiiglit aud tbialduadvuugailhay had in rytuutl wllh dtnliitf il a llrbt two yuan of iha war many lanrabua to ilia brav and nob daada our boya bad partarma l god wr atlll twrlonulng at tlia iron war urlad allli rapaaiad applaua ur hliapbeid ott imball ol ilia vm oatwilbatllh- llnaiulngnlllia largtt work bwlng ara uiplubutl at i bo clnta of uupl lufcta addrew on tootuiii ol llaa 04nmrnu aud ollna bmity vena u tlianh usa lemurad him lr a w nikmi m i i ucmpud ttta ebalr duriog hit tvmlnu an i awka bilal ly irgardlng tb work ol ilia vuca and ilia campalhii which will ba launeh d ueni waali lor lunda to carry ou lha graal work town council a bparlal tuaallng of ckiiirll waa bald eu id outlay avarlug willi llauva hctt wall in lha cbilr and all th btauibmia pint tb tatlng waa eallad lor ilia ural gad wooiid rtfadiug ol a bylaw lor hip rurudia ol attahibblnif a liodla factory lha vltlag of lunrgtilowii uovfril by karouy wcumdad by cook that by law no prml hk f r ublug lb votaa ol lie alarm i ou u prokai by law tnlllltd a bylaw to buuioiibb hit- oorporalliu of lb vlllaia of fjaorgttflwn to gnataiiu tlia dahertltiimof haao ta wart nd ion oonb lo lha itfrgli prlncll amounl of tan thouaanduollah and inuraat ibaiaon at bin par caul iwr annum ba now iad a tlifctiluia twtiwd od utollou ol lliub and rvlght ilia by law wm ivad ilia aaooud aud tblid llmm aud anally uad uov4hi by himikii sfotidl by itai ely that uiu iuv ba apfilntail bi al taml at tha town ball on iba ijhi day 1 1 mow aibtr tl 8 oclock lu lliw alurtuxtu lor tha au pointing ol in wilting two paraou to aliaad at lha doal uwuilug up of lb votaa by tlia dark and una paibon lo attend ht laid will tig plaoa oa twliall of pooa imarvaiad iu proumilug tbv ptopowd by law and on tou on l- half of pafuita liitil lu oppualtig ut imapoaad by law canud t hovtd by tlook mmxouiwi by limb that bylaw no to guaiuniaa bond ol iam ntawari aud laon ocok lolbaax- laat ol ta tbouaand dollaia to aulii ibatr u aaaura a aullabl uotury aqulp aud carry ui bualuami o tuiuufaetur log latch tiaadlaa m now rail a tlnl gad aaaoud uuw- uarrbhl tb uy taw wi taad tha ural and w- bylaw no a ufimw to jumtwataa ua coapcvac tkjti oi liwi vuugw of 2aorsown- lo lainaua tb ofebaalnaa 4 ahpwart ums ijoob oooac to- tim aato tmtncipal a v4 ut ihowaad tlotlara attd inicnal ftabmn at au per wherwa tb aald uuju buwart arid ijmn cook liavo ntrd inl an uaroront with th corporation tha vlllco ot tiaorsatvwu duid tit 3tb day at clbw xu jilt aub jurt to th npprovnl of tha qitaltrud roiopoyem of tha bald villa a of lnonolow a lop whrof la forth irt til achodtiltt harvuntd nxd and uarkod a and wharao it i axpadlaui to paaa tb la uyiaw and aubmll tb mine to tb alaetor of tho aald tn unlet pall ty to uuutorisa tha antd municipal cor jtoratlon to auaranta tha dabnturai of tit amid laaua mtawart and lon cook lo tho ucbtu principal biitount of tmti tltouaond hollar and inlaraat thron at th rat of abf par con i pr knnuiii for th ptii aidlna lh bald xaaoo bowort and lon cook in takluhlna factory and manufacturing bulna in th aald villa- of uorwto furtb iii th mild uaraamant barolnb- foro rafarrad to and wharao liter u no induatry of tha tanw or almllar kind aatabluh d in th bald municipality and wiareo lbs total amount of tha dabt or naoantant which thli jiylaw la intandod to cttnu or uuth- orlxa la tha amount of th nuaranl by the auld municipal forporollon of tlia villa of ueorctown of tha pay- mant by lb aald lanao muwart and ijjoo fook of tit bald dabntura to tha uaaral principal amount of tan ihouatind dollar and lntarat th on at tha rata of bix par ctnl pr an- hum payabts aa harelnattr aat out- and wharoaa tb amount of tha whol nitaabla pro party of tha aald municipality according lo th laat re vlaad aaaaaaniaat auounta to lll 04 t 4 and wbaraa th aalatlng dbntur dabt of tha aald municipality i 4t sbt 63 no part of th principal or intaraat of wtdoh bj in arrar now thorofora tb municipal coun cil of tha villaaa of oaorgatown p- aota aa follow i 1 that tho nab aaraatiiant harala annaxad and inarkod a la haraby afflrmad 3 that lha debanluru of lb aald laaac htawah and ijtan cook to tha amount of tan tbouaaiid dollar and bilaraitt thoraon at tho rata of bl par cent par ubnum twyabl in th man ner and at tlii time k u at out in tha bttroamcnt harounto annaxad and marked a bo and tha aarua or haraby guuranload by tlia aald cor poration of tha village of ooorga- town i that tha aald debenture or othar almllar boourlty abnll all ttaar theaame data and altall ita iwuad wllbln otia yaar front tho data on which htla kly- taw la pabmd and may bear any dat within aald year and ahull bd in buma not la than on hundrad dollar oaeh and tha aatd dbnturaa or oth ar almllar aaciirlly ahall b payable yaarly in tbft rnannar following that u to aayi lrihllpal inlart total lat year 9nd year ird yaar 4th yor tth yaar eth yaar ktb year lib y4i tth year lotlyaar till 11 fffos 00 o ob 00 so 171 iis ii 1444 44 41 tl 1m7 71 400 00 hit 1 111 ii 1444 44 31 ii 1177 71 300 00 1111 11 111 ii 1144 44 41 f 1177 71 11 tl till 11 1111 tt lltl ii 1111 11 1111 11 1111 11 1111 ii if tha the guaranlea aforaaold to baalvan and haraby authoriaad lo be gtvoii by the aald corporation ahall ba aiidoraad on eacb of tha aald daben ttiroa or othar aliulbtr aacurity and ahall bo in tho worda following or to ilka effect tho corporation of the village of ucorbclown in the county of llalton imruhy unconditionally guarentae the l uyntcnt of tho within debenture with iniurtiit uiotooit according lo ita tenor tlil uunranteo la alvoit in pursuance r hylaw no or the village of loortrolown heave of village of aeornetown baal 6 tho ttoeve or the aald village of cleorrctown la hereby autborlaed and ompoworcd to klgn the aald guarantee no mudrnl on behalf of the aald municipal corporation and the curu of the aald municipal corporation hi hereby aiiihorixad and inatruetod to attach tho hoa of the aald corpora- ion uieralo whbii llio aald manufge- uriru ahull huvo tnudc ovociiiod and ilfvllvoroj to llio aolil onioratlon u flrwl morluatio upon the lunda build- inim machinery and plant of the aald manufacturers a aei out in the auld agree in out i in cane or the failure of the aald man ii far tu rem to pay the euld deben ture aa thoy reapee lively beeome due and puyablo and in case the corpora tion of tha village of cleorgelown la called upon to pay the aame then and in every audi toao there ahall be vela- od and invleil in each year by a upeelol rnto aufflclant thererer on all the rateable properly in th aald munici pality a aum aufdoletlt to meat tho payment uiada by tho mid corpora tion lu caoh audi aar under ii guar antee rinully paouad by an affirmative i voto of th too quarter of all the mow here or the council llda day of ah 1117 uciiumu a uiuonniuu ov auiikimhnt inuilo tblu twonlytilnth day of oe tulir a li 1017 hktwulni ihaac htbwaht and i130n coon both or the town of 1aru in county or llrant tlomloiiion here- luaftcr called tho manufacturer of tho vi rut part and 11113 cohlohatkln ov till viiijkiu ov nitmtiirrown hate luafter called tbo corporation of tho med ond 1urt wliereaa tho aald manufacturer imvo jcclilucl and ruaohed to locato a hitch noudlo factory in the aald vii luaft of floorgolowu pruvldad the aald corporation guurunteo th tiihunturtu lo be leeuod by tho aald manufuoturere to tha aagregale principal umount of ten thouaaiid dullura wllh iniareet thereon at alx per cunt per annum and wharua llio aatd corporation hub agrood to mibnilt fur tho approval or til qualified elector or th aald village of qtuirgutown and to finally poee if approved by tho voto of the aald elector a ilylaw in authorlea the aald corpora ii irn tu guarantee th aald debenture lo tbo auld umount nov tliereforo tide indunturo wit- neaaeth that in consideration of i ho proiuleue und the tortna agreemenu oondltlonu and all p illation hereinaf ter oontulned the auld nurtloa berele do hereby mutually covenant and ugree to and villi ach other u iowa that u lo ay tho bald maiiufucturer agree irtrauy i that a toon a poaalbla after tliln armant t axaculed ttf tlia aald corporation to purchu a aultabl factory rdt la tha bald villa o oaometown and proceed wiili 11 pro per dllernca to erect or alter taint- on all nacbaaary butldlnaa for a utt- abt tmctary tat th tnanufaetura latch hoadleaat a coat of approxlmaf ly fir tbouaand dollar and co b ijuiu of brick cement of atonaand nlao to pat and plac in aald taetory all nbevaaary plaot maxbtnary and h6lttit aauama for tb carryloe on if thn m11 bualaaaal at a coat of up- proslniotaly five thouaand dollar and of aueti a cbarootar and capacity lbat to earry on lb aaid bustnaa will ral qulr tb amploymant of at laaat thir ty peradna on arf a vara for aaeh working day of aach year of tha aald term warrtaly the aald maptifacturer ahall eract and complat aald buudlnca or pur- ebo aald building and alta and ahall plac tha aald machinery and plant therein und bar lha nmi operation a a bolaa coaoero on the flrat day of juna au ltll or with in aimb unto aa may b allowed by th bald corporation thirdly i that tby will carry on tb buai na of latch naadla manufaoturar th aald villas of ooratown b their amid factory or other aulul building for a parted of led yaara from tb fir day of j una adi0h unla in eaa of fir accident t machinery atrlkaa or for any othar cauaa auch a ahall render aa intel ruptlon unavoldabl and in any auiib caa oparntlon ahall ha raaumed a aoon a poaalbl tbaraaftar not caedlng twelve month in eaaa of to la lo by fir and lo eaa of any i n larrup lion by total lo by fire aa aforaaald ahall ba for a lonarer period than three month in any year the aald manufacturer buaine ahall b continued and carried on after the aald term for a period 4ual u the time of the aald interruption over aud above the aald three month and in any auch intemlptidna from any caua aa aforaaaid olhv than from total lo by fire ahall b for a longer period than two month in any year th aald manufacturer bualneae ahall be continued and carried on after tb aald term for a period equal to th tltuo of interruption over and abovtl the aald two month th aald manu furiiirer to have the riaht lo abut down the aald factory during two week tn eacb year during th aald period of ten year for the purpoee of taking block or making repair which aald two weak neverthlea eount a pert of th aald ten year and lha bualnea ahall ba deemed to be in op oration for the purpoaa of ealeuuthig tha aald period fourthly that they ahall during the aald per iod or ten year encept tho flrat year of ihe aald term employ in the aald factory and bualneae in the aald vil lage of ueorgalown not lea than thlr- ly employee dally on an aver for each working day of each year of the auld tarni and ahall pay in wage auin averaging not lea than three hundred dollar per week unlea pre- vented by fire etrike or other un avoidable cauee and the calculation an to the uumber of employee em ployed and the amount of wage paid to be mado aa br hereinafter provided all th aald employee are to b real- dent of the aald villa of oeore- town and the aald manufacturer ur not to count in the aald computation no peraon lo ba employed who la not a liritlah ot american eubjeet rati smlk hlgr flawing uudilue good oondlt ion pailor rooking tlova ktlchau etov apply lo b- uelhall j mrmblx ro smuc hlahle lit r ol plut wjwtt- iihtw feat khid lliiibei will b wild h5 alpl7 lo ut v v walaoa olo i rtfthly that they ahall annually during the bald term or ton var if required to do aa aubmll t tho tuld corporation a atatamenl ua lo wage paid and per aoii employed by the aald manufac turer aueh btatement to ba prepared and algned by a regular chart rad ac countant bitlifnrlor to tb aald cor poration and if rlijulrod alao verified by atatulory declaration to be made by th aatd mauufaeturer and if it ahall appear at any time that the averaa number of employee of the aald manufacturer boa been lee than thirty on an avraie for aach working day during any yr of the aald term then the aald corporation ahall be en titled to reallae from th aald manu facturer a uauldald damage for auoh default at the rat or ten dol lar par annum for each employee abort of the average number of thirty to be eo employed aa hereby reoulr oiij and further if it ahall appear that ihe average weekly amount paid for wagea during th year by tha aald alanufalurra hag ben 1m than three hundred dollar then th aald corporation ahall be entitled to reel- la from the aald manufacturer ua liquidated damage for auoh default at tha rata of tan dollar for each twontyflv dollar abort of the aald veekly average or three hundred dol lar any and ull dlapute arlelng un der thin vlauee ahall be bellied by a hoard of three arbitrator on of whom ahall be aejeeted by the aald corporation another by tbo aald man- uructurera and the third to be cboeen by the other two hi i bly i that they will expend approximate ly the turn of flvo tbouaand dollar or their own money in addition to the amount reallkad from tha aale of th aald debenture guaranteed by the aald corporation to purohoae th ma chinery and plant and equipment no- reaaary to properly operate th aald bualneae in aald factory th aald machinery plant and equipment to be purchased or made und ready for in stalling in tho aald factory before tin monle reallead from tha aale of the aald debenture guaranteed by the aald corporation or any portion thereof ore paid over to he aald manufactur er by tbo aald corporation eleventhly i that they ahall entente and deliver lo the aald corporation a flrat tnort gag for th eum of ten tbouaand 110000 00 dollar upon tb aald laud building and premlaee plant und machinery and on all other fix- turee plant and machinery to be aub- rcquenlly placed upon the aald land and premuea in connection with the aald bualnea which aald plant ma chinery end flit urea ahall for the purpoaa of lha aald security be ro- gerded aa part or th freehold free from all dower liana charge end encumbrance of every nature or kind and tho aame to he of a tola value of lluvon thouaaiid rlvo hundred dol lar til too 60 a a guarantee of hood faith and for tha faithful per formance of all th eovenanu wtn dltlona and agreement binding on the aald manufeolurar under thbt agree ment until th dueharg of the aald mortgage aa hereinafter provided and o eeoure th aald corporation agalnat any poealble loea whatever on aeoount of the aald corporation undertaking to guarantee tha aald debenture of tho aald manufacturer to the aggre gate principal amount of ten thouaand dollar and inter t thereon at alx per conl per annum aa la hereinafter provided in thla agreement and to aeoure th aald corporation agalhbt the payment of th aald boud the aald mortgage ahall ba prepared and md it pursuance of the short vorm of mortgage act and ahall contain th usual alatutory covenant contained in aueh mortgage and auch othar ua the corporation ahall deem udvltiable for tbo aeourlty there by intended right to convey uulot poaloit on defuull freedom from vnciiuibraiioa further uwiurauoe that mi art hua beau dune lu ouculnhar the add liiiiilu tumirame tu tho uktoiit of ihilr full i it u ruble valtm in dollar mirn in y ur tb lawful mnuoy uf can ada on iha building plapt aud utei eblaery 6o u4 wbrtaltd pruv and vt all time inaura n lo tb al lent t tb bond from tinea to time unpaid a rlaa from all elalata mb- jtct lo provtao for rapayrnant a pu- r of aale on default for oc naonlfa on on mo nth a notioa and vstj 4ev fuult tb morteraaror lo hav quia po aoaalon tb ald maesa aball po- vlda that all tb term condition and prwlaoe of lbu aarra an ahall o far a lha hum may be appucaw fb both parti barato b included in and form part of the aald- morfgat batll tha am be dlcbaj4 a baratnaffar provided if at any una rjud by tha aald corporation the aaid meau fhcturvr altall aaaouta and deliver to tha aald corporation a reeurirmatory liiortgaga of tha aaid land and pram- maoblnary ad plaal aa aftdluon- al yecuruy to tbf aaid tn- eiahthly i that tbey will aaatgn tranafer and deliver over unto tb aaid corporation tho policy or pellet i th aald bulldlac plant and ma chinery to b bald by ot aam cr- poratlon a long aa any portleat ot tb money aeeurod by th aaid mortga- ahall remain unpaid and a ley a th liability of th aaid cfporat toat i a ajuanntor f tb aaid debaalwree of tha aald manufaettitwew afaatl emtail and tiaul th aaid debantar bll b fully paid and aatlafled by tb ejaiet manufaaturara n lb vnt of dam- a by fir tb manaya pdyabl and aald policy or pollde ahall b aayebial to lha municipality and ehallbt bald corporation b apptsad wtim ing the villdlng or bulldlnc plant or maehlnary ma damaged or tel bf lb aaid corporation l pay tb an- paid or unmaturwd dabanluraa gaar- untead by the aaid corporation a i aforaaaid if th aaid corporation ball pay any premium or mm of money for iniunwca on the aaid prt- ml plant or machinery or any part thereof the amount of kueb pay- mania with intaraat thaewen at th rata of alx per cant per annum from ihe tim of aueh peymanta ahall b rapayabt to tham fortbeftlb and ahall be recoverable under tha mori- vaaw- ninthly l that in th eent of dafanh being i mada during th ourranay f th aald tnortbe in any of th eondltlon tarma oovenanta and agreement t out to- b ohea and perforraad by tn aald ma trad thif aareamant than in aueh caa taj aald recover aa liquidated oevaral eum at in thla aarwaateat in refrnc to auch default and for auch purpoaa may exercia all their riaht and remedl a mortaaa under the aald morisaa until th diae of the aald morta in aa full and am ple a manner to raoaver tba aun m if dafault had bn mod in th pay ment of tba aunt aaeured by th aaid uiortaage and thu elaua why be pleaded a an eeteppol to any da fauce preventing tha aald corporation from proceeding to raalla th aald huiuh under lha aald marts aueh tint if at any tim tb aald cor poration ahall b called upon to pay uny of tha aald debenture of th aaid manufacturer and tn every euafa eaaa in which default ehall ba mod by tb aaid uanufaoturara th aald cor poration ahall hav tho riht to re cover a liquidated curnase oeh eum or eum with interest at th rat of alx per cent per annum from th dat of th payment o paid by tham i and for aueh purpoaa may agerela all their rtejhu and r ad lea aeljaorbm- gee under tb aald mortaaovwatll tb dlachars tharaof in aa ulivut4 ample ft manner to reovy tb ladi eum or eum with inureat ag afore aald a if default had bn hatha pay men of the monle aa am tiiorlgose and thla ataxia eay b pleadad aa an eatoppalttn any 0afene preventing th aaid corporatloti from proaeading lo reaju ueb earn or bum under aald morigase durtngr eoah time tenthlyt- that they will eoneanlrala all thejr manufaeturinet tnterta identified with thl loan in tb aald villa of oorgetown and aball not remove from the aald villas of fleer town without th eonaant of th iej cor poration eleventhly i that any joint atoek company avhleh may bo incorporated and whlem may tak over aald wanufaaturer bual- neeand factory and any firm or pr- eoiut aueceedlng the aald uanuractur- era in aald buatneee ahall b entitled to the aamo privils 4 condition aa tho aald manufacture are entitled to under thl agreement and ahall en quire th aama aubject lo tha aame term and condition aa nla thl agreament contained but ah aald manufacturer and that tbeyhlui hot ojulim ull or tranafer their aald bualnea to any company firm or per- 1 eona during th aald term of ton year without obtaining for ih aald cor poratlon the covenant of aueh new company firm or paraoa for tb 4u carrying out of thbt atreemant la ad dition to th continuing liability of th aald manufacture thmaalvea twelfthly i that if they th aald manufactur er while thl agreement la tn tore accept any inducement to eeaag car rying on bualnea in their factory tn th aald villa or oaorgatown or through any eaue whataver lhayl ebould eaaa carrying on aat4 ruat- nee durina th ourrency ejltbul agroement thy will pay to tfedkaid corporation th um of two thousand dollarw by way of oompaavtloi io the aald corporation for to ooatggnd damage oecaatoned tbarabys andth aaid um of two tbouaand dollar ahall bo recoverable by th aaid corpora tion from th bald mjanufacturari mi liquidated damage and not a a pen alty and thl ehall b in additltf to and irrespective of any othay lbt liability or remedy which th aid corporation may hav agmlnat th aald manufacturer for lha breach of any of tha uiidh oovenanta and tevn mentg contained la tb asreament thu hah coltlouation aoimith wreuyi to bubutlt a uylaw to tb ratuay era anulled to vol on uylawa for granting aid by way of bonus to man ufacturing industrie for th purpou of obtaining their eotiaent to the uald uy- law to author th guarantee by th told village of georgetown of th debenture of th aald manufacturer lo be laeued for th aggregate prin cipal amount of ten thousand dol lar and interest thereon al alx par cent per annum payable within ua year from ih del that th umi ar leaued tb aaid principal tha aald debenture to b payable 1a bin equal kuooaaalv annual instalment of llltllt ueb wllh intereat at th ralo of alx par cent per anuum upon tho balanee remaining from urn to urn th first luatalment of princi pal to beeom du and be paid two year from th dat of th ueue of th aaid dabenture and tb yewaln- lug inataluiant of principal cr be paid yearly thereafter until th aald deben- lureazhre fully paid and aatlafled th tiret instalment of iniareet on tb bald debeniures lo beeom du and be paid ono year from th date that th aaid debentures ar ueusd and upon th necessary assent of tha rata pay re of the aald corporation tu couformlty with th provisions of th municipal act in respeet to uybtwa for a rant ing uoituee to manufacturing indus trie having been obtained to th paaalug of th aaid uylaw and apon the execution and delivery to th aald corporation of a mortgag of 110000 to ba made by th aaid manufactur er as ut hereinbefore provided will uuaraitte tha debenture of the aaid manufacturer for th aunt of ten thousand hollar aforaaaid rfeooeidly thai uc uu giufu tk aald dabantaia of th aaid manufoctarar t th agsragat principal amount of vat thooaand pouara with b theraoo ai th rat of ats par cant per r tuft lb proceed of which da- baatair upon beta old by tb said maaufaclurar ahall b dapoattad co tha credit of th ald corporation tn th marenenla hank of c oaorgcoeypv ontario and tb aald rporatoa anejl advas to tb aaid manvfaafbrar tb um of fiv own sand dollars pon th poraba or araotion try lb amid manufacturer of tha aaid faclory bnildbaca and upon tb aald maaufacturar xpndln flv ihonaand dollar of thatr money ba additloei to th amoont reattaad from tb aal of tb aaid dal banturea to purebaaa makaaad equip maablnary for thatr aatd castory that betna no iiaa nhaigo or bran agairtt tb aaid lande build ings mahlnry and piant and ehaa adrane th re ta fhr thoiaaand dollar whan th aaid achlnry and plant ar inatauad la t m factory and th qald fectery a in oprafioo aj a otaat etoetii thara being no liana choreas or sunamwmnmm win um aid lands truudlng plant and euaatoay y ewajtelttnrnl benldituaaae hlnry and plaot baring ren flnatl prodnoed try tha aald mantrfartnrayg tr raquirad by tb eaid cerpeastlon tb aaid flv tbouaa dollars last tleoel niaaadnary to m ad in i 1m buaaavtn aaid fnotory and 1 workbag oapttai to b ud tn i further understood and asraed by and btwn tha parti harwto that if th corporation ebould bubmlt auch dyuw and if aueh dy- lw ahould not raealva a vote ufft- etant to carry a bonus byis provided by th provtaton ot th municipal act than thu atment aball b null and void and of no of fset and tha parties hereto aball b relaasaovfrctm all liability or oblbxav tlao ihejmmiiler and life further tmdarstood and adraed by and baaweaai th parti hareto that wherever ettbar of tb parties harato ar rf errd to eoah r- frno aball when tb eontast o at- towab deemed to includ and xtnd to and o otndlns on tb hair acao- utora admlnbhratora aveoeaaor an aaabina of aaeh of tha aald parti im witness whereof th par- tla harato of th first part hav hers- 1 unto eat their hands and aeals tha day and year first afaov written and th aald corporation ha hereunto af fixed tt corporate f4l and th hands of th nv and clerk of th aald municipality inanad bealed and jjalivered by laaaa stewart and laon cook in th pre ana of tx itot dale isaac stewart ldcom a coofcc sealed dlirred and counterisn d by u m lleartwail iueve and s u haath clerk tn tb prasenoi ud nor baud h h iiwahtwicul ileev r u hsuth 8xal take mot10e that the foroin 1 true copy of a prop wart bylaw of tb corpcuoeic4thavlha4oaaoraaown to b anbmluad to th vote of tb aleo tot on tb tdtta day of hot a-p- 1917 be hour of nine oclock in tb or noon and av ooloek la tb ajtarsoon at lb town bail la um aaid vlllag of georgetown and that th 10th day of mov lt 1017 at flv oclock in tb afteroooo ai lb town ball in lb municipality baa been sssd for reappointment or per son to attstad a th aaid polilng pi and at th rasal enmmlns up of tba vote by lb objrk and thai uthaant ol tba alaetor la obtained to th aaid proposed by law tt will bs taken into oooeidareilon by tha mmdripel oottneil of tb aaid corp oration at tb tntlnat thorsof to be held en tb 17th day olbm ad 1017 tb aral pabueatlon of this notloa wag mado os th thirty flrat day of oct ad 17 v ti heath clark tak notloa forth thai a tenant who desire to vol upon aald proposed by law taual deliver to tha clerk not latar than tb tenth day bafor th day ap petabad for taking tha vote a dae under tha canada uvtdono aat that bo u a tenant wboaa lease extasde for tha time lor which tba debt or liability u to be eraalad or in which tba money i to b raleod by tha proposed bytaw la payable or for at least twaotyonal yaarg and that ha has by tha laaaaeov- ruanted to pay ail municipal taxes la reepset of tha proparty of which be la tenant othar than local improvement the mens store fall announcement k fall goods our lok ti sultlnm ofmata twihtuia ku last smrsd far fall oompruoc sit ttw u- st la miyu sod colouring special wo ban s ivn itock ot gnsmiimd olas sni idlsok serges very sesroe goods nsving pnrebsssd uism long t the uc sdrsnos snd wui c slils to sell tbun si praetieslly uw old prisss pise toot order st one dont wslli b noar nsdy for oathiitoird eustomers f mens furnishings dstsnired new neeleer new shirts couszs gotss bosbrr els tbs islsst strls id usts cms ol sll tbs usdinf rsskss ws show s superb atoek of sssrjuiuig s msa wssrs too asnnot ftud snttbiog to equsl it in snj olbsr store in town sad vsrj csw sity stores sorpsss it a vine selection of mens snd youths resdjrtowess suits ovsrsosts oddpstlls overalls te elvsys on hsnd ws invits you to esl snd inspsst our sioek millar 8l co aeorarrown phone io fins hiomclabb tailoring sno msns furnishinos e staekell if mwuaoa a co dreiv end ct ei tenmlo bethells lunch parlor special notice having purchased a very fine selection of suitable pres ents for overseas we are able to offer at reasonable prices cigars cigarettes tobaooos gum chocolates etc done up in neat packages also balk candles put into suit able boxes tin bones for packing supplied free of charge osstcrs alumya in stock bethells phone 161 georobtown 44 saturday treat maapolltoa vudite lu uiroo flavor uirawborry obooolata and vanilla slegnlav 94a per lb stiturtuy trout price 19a ik weekend chocolates is loss si you eeu buy uooil cliooaleto t tlii iirloe vou khould keep s feupely oa bend elweye uiked cliaoouum rou ioo lb wedl bed spetuj jtserb mum mur v h moobehiuw a norrinqton phone eg oiomactomn l kdhms st co e saaaa e e e 0 a a specials for this week see our new shipment ot millineky ladies and misses coats ladies and misses bbesse s mens overcoats and suits a a a a a a a a a butcher the cjioicest patter lard yaal eat lank fa ceeka4 ih a saomfa sviftstnoted premium hams snd bacon deliveries daily to any part of town clifford linham pboxie 196 r c nixon aboaobtowm st sukhantially made babub88 bbojna pnevmatw glganklti for bmlal ai i jaltarptr say a good amtorbluml al trunks and valium aamlfar pug wrt asm rbpaikiso promptly dwu ndions harness and repair shop sorantont com in all bizes wanavata atoek a ian arnooat ol fuabe in totumool leriath aoluhu for varamaf tnal portland cement u r d eed rwruem john ballantine ukoboktown rbeeeso ont the only short cut jo succesa is by the business college route you will find glrctextslx businesscolbe ouktlli ont to be a school where a blgb standard of thoroughness is always maintained students may enter at any time individual instruction our goods are stylibh aud of tho bust materials and workmanship the prices of this shipment cannot be repeated buy from this choice adams a coy ptwoe 43 georgetown nni mrt the dx 4 wuu 00 b scraoton coal the standard anuuaelu tbs dl d w bcraaton in all ilea is the only hsrd soal ws tarry alaiffssloskuowonhsnd also tlueshuui aud emlllilng oosl goal bins eyposlu nortsl stailaa phone 6arai ball line j wilalns ntml

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