lv w h wlllson lkadjno funkral dibeot- ob ani kubalkm flft ml aebeoarowfinr pm6e4 ampmawambmahaaml 0wnhe11lp whwppaj kvkq april ibm church hwb aurrrnv t leaf iknday morning tb blbl clim ogetody oubookofiatjab wbleb i to b- loll of lotos 8mb nrltad to hwe n 0tidlnln cries ataralng tha woman wb p jlfttbew totub jano obituary ma w k hpmklmo v a tadlmmdboncttbdeth free jmenavmt on april lstb attr presbyv lertan hospital to hog chow lianas cblne ol hr robetteoa wife of dr w sdgsr robsrtcoa bob of the late dr d robmiwa milton mn b w th aide daughter of tb let rv nathaniel haallb paator ol st aodraer oburcb nlsjrnaoetbe lake bb ww an mir eburcb worker la bor father eongiwjattoa and after ward in bt andrew lnetttote toronto on her mmilfi tea you b went la china wltb bor basbend when bo eo- tared ibo mlanon sold tber taking berg of tbo prsabyterisn hospital ol hangcbow hr ldt ctfalld barnies died of aoulla cholera four taoatbe ago and ibo u arrived by dr robertson a il fiv year and oo ilrnoath old wt lira robertson i mourned by wide eirolo of friend la canada and china cham pton terra cotta among our kettr visitor werej- pte j uiyom- hamilton r o ulhaoa hamilton ml bams of toronto mr d mcnlr of brampton t wbtr of alton mr il j miloj rtpitklf with bb lnr tpentkealar w wwowiri fiwof school concert lars cathrrtnaj atatoy salaaflm too anaoai entsvtmonsrat given by ibo tpllo of fleotpstown rvblie homoi we jmiewfbrony aad friday avoalgpi and ws a aaoaje eplaaahl ea tb too aoditorlrttpil aatoibodoombfm tugfald r from tbsajit let to these is their iomm tbawo nt oot u vpotlalbaantlfopraanuiti ll look bir indltldahl patrtolaa toaoimf ibafwontd lo oadu trf tbaa of oldor yoam jba febituiiidhik pbiai wrrtaaj blab- toad daaelaa old woa au ad bll pametkr pwoetiad rn kay m jakxaaab traaan uoojo vm pot oatoaaoioallaol takatooaal aotatlajaaiaof b baeoaaf popalar awot of tba raar aad wbobad laokad fomrdla afep iboai who patsoo iraro ontalaly ao4 ibootnftagof tba bailoaal ao- frlday ieio obainaaa l bsvltad pri leapaclar daoroa rb n pia to apy a faw vorda m oa friday aaady glvaa aaaaally oy tba asbonl ra tr aotbloaio aoa par with u in any owo of ukalato ibo provtoiw bb1 ii wm a platv ro to b prajaot oo uu ooranob n tbaaw of tbo oommaalty h do tba tombloa btaff hebool board uwmn a- b oamjb john bulr and- if hani bylaw 411 tor raulaint milh produced for tau offertd for tdu or bold within ifu mtuuftpduiu of jeorfffutw vttmsad inttcoard ano with tit provision oj the ontario of kvonody of toiooto apaol jw uya with ifraadurfle towaacml of oils puoa wmo autiylouao tbat mm j oootur la hi t prvmiit wm bop boos t boar of bar reovry r o aldwu wltb as toeldoal rafmly wlillaboloadlatt w6od at tba if lion brmf worfcj ha ww atraeb oo tba two ltfa a pueo of wood fractarlag a assail bona balllnalad mr jopb abtboay vulad ftl bb aktara wtn kmiiii on sunday tha da llaahd b tutta bai bow atattwi aaia and wa ar glad lo bkt- uu oor fraab tnoal ovary wmmk mr bwbard suortul bad a nomba of vooag paopla la tx wadsasday blabt of bat woab aa1 tbay kprnt aa ooloyabl ulna d and mrd playlna syrop making la ttaarly all otm wlib bow and lb faimat or aattlaa atartad at tbalr taadlaf mr ww kom1 vltlud frlanda at tba cbiaraet oo handay lopiore expert here baalr with intarnkuooal lupouuon ckjlad lo hamllioa f u tfeur of ohleaao ad lbludal- pbia tbabolad troaa pt will bo al s i haaulloa friday and hatarday ooly jlay tb and mb mr haolay nu tba sparbwuo hblald will not ooly valalo any aaaa of roptar ptuety bot eoauacta tba opalnaj in 10 daya on tba avaraaa aaa tbu luatramabt rivd ibo only ward la eoajaml and in bpajo prodao la raaolia wlibool aoigary lajaouoaa nikal uaaluanta or prawrwptlona mr saalay baa tnipoitant official doeaaaata to inapacllon all fiharlly oumiwuboot ahaiaa or if any latrlt mil ha will b lad lo show mdm wltboal cbarh qt flt bam if dralrad lioalnam luatattflf ptnl hopping al toy otfaw buo lathuaaeufin fa k mauuaal lb ibu nolle baabaad tndd bafoia tbo fadaral and btafa eooru f ii haly ftp fuh tt4ci4 mdrtk tba taoorda of v3 oowi uul italian war aroplad for mtlry a uto canadian kaootd ol madl during tha month ol maiiji hh of utmti ttoarda aeaad so pouuianl initlarln mvaa tuyi kv walkayhitlaulliouiurln tba ntalura elaa wiili uf jia itutii bulur from 6018 pound tullk 1uij- 1aulioa ilnr vald with ui71 poutul bollar frotd 8af8 poondj itillk u wvoni ihlt ulag br aoootl raoul ulur baa so pound halor lttlu uakol oowm third with 11 pouiklii buuar frotd 4bts pottbda tba coaacll o tbo conwraiioa of tba mnalelpallty ol vaorgolown eautet aa couofai 1 mllob oowa most bo bank elaaa aad moat not be aboaad la aay way mo- milk ahajl bo aoat forward o rom aoo that baa any aumaot tbat woold aaook tba quality or wbola aotnc of tbo nallk and any oow aob jact to any ailment bbail bo ramovad and kapt aaparatatroni tba tnllklti bat d only oloan wboloa food ahall ba glvao tha nllbeowa mo afarong navorad food wbleb will aflaet tba odor or taata of tha milk ahall bo fad to uileb oowa at any tuoa yitwwjiifiihiilm nr mlloh cowa for drinking and all watar uaod lu otaanabig utanalla tntiat ba clean paro awl protooted from any dander of polutloo tjmj fitabld in whlob tnitofa oowa aro kif oi lu which tbov ara milked la a aaaltary mttat bo wall ucbtad and vonuutod and no ooaabmolod aa to ba frea from dust it moat be provided with an officiant manaro gutfaf which must bo kept properly fiwrff nlgbt aad uomlni tbo floor tnoet ba tnada tight and ba provided with a proper alopo for drainage 6 no milk ahall be forwarded to rjeortiotown for aalo obtained from any oow within hi week before or within five tuya after ealvlnif uukera tntiat be lb good beaith and moat bo oloanly dreaaad and be personally tloau al tbo uum of tnilklng and at any time while handling the milk aby milker la wlteao family any dl ue oooura must abaaat himself or her- tlf nt onoe from tlia ktable or dairy un til the medical officer of health oertloae tbat it la aafo for him or bar to retara all milk ubuhll mutt be kapttbor- ouohly clean aad the proeeaa of inilklnjf and oi handling tba milk in atable and milk bottae muat be atsch aa to military notes y ta raj lfant ouvar uotbaraal of tba mod bait la now la england aad expeeta to go to fraaoa aooa krboej barber loft on kaagatoa wbaravfaabaa loblad mnad woraoajj t iit aaaoagtboae raporlad weaadad dailng tba pan weak aai pte john o marrar wvert4ow 1 fta will fraoe btawiuitovn i iamx rtm u tfallplaiarluav rtad meanbor pakvllto vhaabear oaailla jatwmu bmaptob uaot1fh awwy pu it wbotalrddrnlpti fta edarkrd seannaa a fnnsrr ow playaa of tba paper nil aad brotha of mr juknlmtn e no enlkaad wllfa iba otb bala ki ra- portad awnadad annahoj in right ana hla alatar a ait i ad aeabut tblaalaet owfooitav uaai menya kesnaoy who ik eerl- ooaly woosoed waaeportad ibbprovtng lnaeablaveoatvadby hi cathay oa eta ardayiaat lwp h flbappard la alowty improv ing la m boepltej ta england the many friend of ray 3 e motb- araall who baa been la franoe for tbo paat yeas with mo 9 ambnlaaoe corp aad wm ofnelauy reported to bare baas gaaaed oa bfavofa mtb la oow doing wail and bopa nooa to loin hi ooapaay again hla slater mr wujoogbby oelved a lotiar fraan him yeetaaday hvmo bbothwu racatrrtow raara h pad aetooa huf maakaraia waaj prood aad natorauy happy alaraaoll of thtatreoaptoa teadroo bb aoaa bargt oeorma and horgt t f hyatt apoo their retara boca from active eervfee at tba front a invalid eof dlar by tba eitlien of aton oo mocr day avaalnaj april loth daring tba peat year tba baere baa loyally laglba ad tba aetna oedlare aa tbay hav froei llos to tlaa rataraed bees iarapaalh lad tbaavanaon maoday avaalag iraa boaavar oaioa ipajmimrb aalba elrbar eunoaa of two aona of a h or mayor retoraing togatbar baartoaj tbe taara ol halt wlu probably be wpreaaotad eletwhar in tba doeolaabb ttm retamad eargaaot mm oaa looking wlaat tip and mtaaela hardaaad jdkm their two yar bndet britleb military tralblag and aarlroam have gives ihaelr of ibelr oldure to rhara troai tbj trenebe gava aa added inuraat to tba raoaptloo aaoorev a sew urcss for itkal thavel comfort uptlm uliuraimd ralrona of tbaoan- kdlan nottltom uallmiy will find raw ad plaaaut in ilia fjouiparimenl ubigiy obaeivatloii ear cm all futranaoottuaaa tal train which bot only allow tba pa- aaaaar to mlu tit full beoejllof tb woo detlul aeatiery along lb roubr but l0 id tab advaiiu ol tha many new ooulori laainrw which bat eiaalad to ttttteh favorable muiiaattt among eroaacoatttiy travallar a a magamilmaud library butaati wbleb eoouln hi tati and uoat popilur ml- aralnr l wiug datk wlib kuraetlm ttatloaaryi a tiavtllar bbap wlib a ttoekolarilllblivllr u llbaly lo lorgat uvvrlook in packing up for th trip aoob u twllar boll on abo uoai aiamrfw idatancm wbikttaaty ta and light ilrhmbi may b obulaad at vary entail ooai suggestion on exzema it will take jual w momaou to atop bwlaaktt a hat our aplnc ha jm lu lb wty of gratohil ntwtomar with tba toothing waab of oil l d d yourmooay baek nnuwibaartboitw tcilvvm yool v llouilgan druggbt muat not bo allowed to aland lo tbo atable but ahall at onoe ba removed to tbo milk boaeo atralned and ooolad imperaturo of fifty degree ho- belt and kept al or below thai tampara lure until ablppod lb can rntwi be eloaad tlgbt n tfca nallk boose baforaba log seal forward to oaorgatitwn from tba milk booaa milk tbat abow alga of nay dirt or impurity most not be received at any dairy uo milk ball be bald or offered tor aalo or sold for human oonenniptloa tb temperature of wbleb 1 above fifty degree fahronbalt or that oootaio baoteyia which in tba opinion of tbo mezbeal officer of health u or may bo lnlurlou to tbo public health and no milk ahall bo reoelved offered for bala or aold wllbld tlui municipality of oeorifctowu for human oonaauptlon which ootiulnn law than it per east of total solid of wbloh su par outl must bo butter fat 11 all peraoni engaged la tba band- ling or dalfvoritiit of milk miul ba clean and froe froui dlaaaae and all vehicle used la tbo delivery of milk must ba oloan uul ipproprttto rig a approved by tbo inuikmitor 19 all milk hold lu tbo municipality of jeoritatowu must bo dallvared in waled csiiu or ubui bolllo tightly stouporul or oilier ivoeptacle approved of by tho uodlcal officer of ifealui but dalruu wblub aoll tullk eroaui and but ter ouly aud uo other commodities may soil looui milk lu tbo dairy only ii mo portuiu shall place any pro- aarvatlou lu milk lulantlod for bumau eouaumptlou or to sell or oher for sale to any vendor of tullk front wbloh any part of tbo butter tat ba bean removed or to which watar has been added or wbloh otherwise baa beau changed froui i he uortual eouilltlanand no vendor of uillb sltall sell or offer for aalo billk not complying with tho standard or from which the butter fat hau beau removed or to which water baa been added or wbloh otborwlae ban bean hanged from it normal ooudliloti no person ahall sail milk in tbo palily of georgetown attar the bylaw without having ral obtained a ydceuso and paying a moeusa too of 1100 is that dr it ii nlakell ulull be tullk luhiwclor for the mualeli aeargetowu to oufovoo tho the milk act chapter kll u have returned boss wltb bnoorabi record for bravery and barouoi to thlr credit tba v on mad a private and both of them by persuiant affort and good eoodaet wah tba prneso tied that aouur gaaarsllv covet la tb betil of bomm by shrapnel ebeu afiar maay mootb la- tba tranehaa a frlgbuel gasb bahlnd bb right r kapt elm in th boapltal for mootb and resulted in tb lea of bear ing la that aat robert s an intrepid atrvtsber beartr and a rat- aid office rsa- dared valllaat aarvle la tb isaea of wounded men iron lb tssld under fir flaally wblla balptag a fatally woondad eeldtor from tb naid amid tnahr of ballet md ah rs post b wa obllgad to uka refaaw la a watarfllled treaefaj wber b and big wounded comrade laid for boor bulll darkens weald enable lhnt to gat back to t be bee boaplul la tba nmantlma iba woondad aaaa died c0teaw jkb soar weav gflbd tamt ott wgtt- gad ipqrr wtd htstfivw a watfalrmrptswgl gfjqt wajtlhhmfl ban passbtnl tattajt wdrninejrtmm set rtta tj botim manl flri ad twiajhiv aerie ad npaw tbaarekraj v spic and span finishes tot eveiy auiliw fw ererythin yoa want ta do nrni nxutonea wasvma acabafy aob too will riiiiili in tilmlii lluu wood4lac- 8afa maka weh wood look uiw expeasvo m wahnt ateu mukkleitb floor varefahtor hardwood jfoofv nrofi t ttavr of tarn wllaw tiowdwajtferaoora eaaorppuidrua bard flhlnea aaaliy 3uouk3 no fam w oclot fog omi boot ibm wcavsarntf 1ftatibod wgosta tfnolbuu brlalttaoa n aad prataet ob qothaodmnolaimi tfcwkwwbwww ww wi mmww h wi rtim wtmhiiyaiiitwi w kennedy a a recoil of tb oapoaare benrt hynd pent moath inboeplub wltbrbanma- tie favar to tba eradli of tba boy it mast boaald tbat lu tbalr latareatlaa rw baaraalaf war espsrtonoej no r era no h tnada to any personal valor tb fact of tbalr nnealneb rffort on bebeji of otltar bav aoma to light from other scares tb rweaptloai at tb ball wa preceded by a parade of tba roy heout boat band wltb a pbiooa of boy oeooi a a guard of boonr to tb rstaraed heroes wbo wltb tbelr father and oneirmaa uvul oorapled motor raf at ua town ball tbay war glvan an ovation by tba oltlsaa who erotrded tba ball while tba matbodlet baaday bebool greeted tb with a lively patriotic nam bar mr oeo havtll cbslrotsa la a beattpeecb woleotned lb berolo auaato of tba avanlag and eoupllmsotad reeve ityad upon tb aj ralurn of tb son for who aafety eo many anllou mootb had baea epewt by himself and mr hyua bar 11 w avkwu m a b u then bang a popular bomber in wbleb rvtorvao to tb usv and hi ecldlar bona wa elevsf ly luproviead tb retained oldlr war tbaa called and rev- j o wueoa ba and h p moor j p war rvqoaaled to adjrsaa tbau oordlal wod of spring announcement nl prlo 04o4t6nx stoek ol flnuiam oramoatlnga troumtinaa ewj jqat anim fafbpriafc aoftiprijijog all of lat- owtylndeotar 7tp rilioutwthaa a blulrimfen trf aearaaaoi tlm bl jaom aad- will be akttto prleim f puee tot ordw at ooae dont welt ndiy oatftoirt mens furniahings jattmrrirei naekwear ntw shirt collar ootaa houary file tba lataat ama id hatacam of eutba laaaibf tuakm- wa show- o feejmrb abak at avaryuiuig a man wara yoa oannot nod mything to qua it in aaj otbar to lo town and- vvry lew elty atone eorpaa tl a flu sauetlop ol uana end tooth readytowear asita ovanioata odd pent oreraue etc ahraya oa band we invite yoa to eell end inipeet oar etoek m millar co vvwsr rin hkucukmm tailonmo uu mtrm runiawaoa lemm lor haikwtll nn liwi a ot djtm md ntawaw viv eompllacantary kwuraao to tbefraervlow a soldier of tba king wt made and al tha eoudoeloa rev mr- wllean prseaot- ad ugt robert and mr moor lo ugt uaorga gold watcba propsrly laaoribed on lb brbalf of all tba tntliaoa of acton lu splendid apeacbw tba told lemeaeb ava a rhsfal of tbelr uparlencmla lb war wltb luddenl of interact and wlib sufficient witty rjeraee lo show utat a aoldlar 111 u not a gloomy one and tbat though lbr war trying time and experience and bmioing torrow tor kllen comrade good buwor waa a way ready to babble up their mori war exceedingly well lold and war llaunad ift wltb eoaai la tarsal by tba uraa aud it oaa tba mprseslont of thaakfal- neea at jabulag bom agslu and their ap preeutiott of tba eordl1 welcome aud valuad bwuentoi prmalad war also bmrilelt awl tltaaly rseva mynda lu itf leallng wordat utauked tb ritlsen for lb eofdlal wl- oocm amtauded to bl boy oa tbelr re i two row tb war allboagb baand mr hyuda bad spent uauy auklou mouth tbay bad uevsr for a woman ra- gretud lb boyi had aalbtod war proud that tbay had aoowvovad to do their bit and very thank id 10 bav premise of every veudcr licensed to sell milk within tha muulolpallty of a w jllafll conpaot lpailly of itowu to ouforoo tho ptovulou of ilk act chapter 811 passed under tha revised biatulo of ontario 1014 and also uuder uil iiylaw and bo may prohibit tbe aalo wlthlo th municipa lity of qoorgelowu of milk for human oonsuuipllou which lu hla judgement produced or handled ooutrary to tbo provision of tbo milk act or ibu ly tbo inapcotor buy towu to aea that tba provision ottue milk act and tbl bylaw are fully ooui plied wltb and may take aampu of milk for bauemlnelion and ttlttg 1t tha inspector may a premise wherever located of any par- sou producing milk for aalo or eon auidptlon within tbo muulolpallty fully laepeel tbo katae and take for examln uou and testiug aampu of milk pro dnoed ibervlu aud of tba water supplied j wa or usot ih tho inspector may tuapoel and lake sample of uillk for sal or tor out- aumptlou within ibo biuuloluellly whlla lu ttauitlt audtuay volar any premise lu order to proouro sample of sucb milk 10 the rusull of all kucb tea abau bo opou to publlo luapocuou and way iwi puuubad by tba uodlcal omoarof ileal ui vhl all milk- dealer ualug ikkau miiat use tlteiu lu kjuoei form and taoal itol usu suy ticket utoro than onoo ui allwrwmhooutrvonnhiiiany of the pro v kinds of tha milk act otthl uylaw iwhsoii hcrutkler ahall incur a mually uf nut loss than on dollar nor loot tlan piny uoluua raoovarabl uudsr tho outailu ant fsssotl this inth day ol aurll 1011 h hka11i ii 11 hbaiaweclla vamnattkr juev i idmlnwlatai o huumutry oottvlouon tham hoa agslu lib family would never forgst th weleotw and tbo kind word tpoasn ou thla oeesaloit tb masting dieted wltb ebaer for tba bwoes for tba king and for our atueric mtt allkss- bargwmto llyeda tbougb botaa oil abort idilougb bav botb bean uasumd by tba mvdiosi board luoaneoueled tor further aarvle in tba iteacbe tbay will return to keg land ta perioral ouu oactsiary work bablnd tb line ori hllltary neadtjbartam fno praaa saturday treat her 1 a candy tbat both young and old apjoyeo ba liberal tbig baibrv day and lake- a pound or two boa- wtlb yea 75lh of hocnamada rleanolltscawase it u a vanllu blrtw berry and obooolat oream eoabtned thb u a very allcua haaat oa tb dtopuy in oar window fletarday tnornlug rtular ku lb sfttttraaf tract prioo let ibe week end chocolates her ta an opporinauy la bay pound ol 0noblatg at a vary lew brio wjbiaraofva4aafalpaaofbgn clas oboaolataa hard and aolt are you happy if mot m r aboard tba wrong 0r tell cook about 111 b will chance your ear av yoa time tamper and toll and lncraaa year toving i wafteri cooks o4ha0e for keivlw and eqalpntaaij usv tire and aoossaoik touring wltb winter up- baby grand looting boyal mall roadster bub00 w ik 7uft 00 1170 00 117000 lroadsivr t mam v 9h apaclal roadeur gm4 rpedal tearing 047 seven rastanga v ibaotham at usikj ljjo00 llioft 1ud00o 14u0u1 iwwjoo 3p000 ttted cooks garage mill st georrctowo oabtre about lovarietiss weak kad bgitlal worth 40 and oo par lb milk ir xx 3l4ccifiroaoagavd phone 89 wm jrtar tatojieirrdayj limxwlvlmlvkim auotton hotutcliold good pvoporty of tba lata jku1ma k vamalattatr tb undaualgnad ass hon to ball by auoucw oaloa4ytbllaaba saturday my 5th 1917 at i oclock sharp tba following good oow fresh 11 org mo 1 euitari bujpur kotueai axaj itdeurvi boei kitchen stove aluosl new old stove kotueai jlpj gardeu rakai boei stove aluosl new old stove largo one leupboardel block 0 gal oil oaa kitobarj uablnat jfoodl oraanl 14 wooden nhalraj loonge voeklag nbalrai 0 nana bottom ohalrsi i tablasi l small parior toblaal 1 tubal lawn mowort bar tal parlor auito lao ourtalnaand window anad parlor oaruai atalv pa bedroom rjarpei twlbar lick mail raw iri1i tulrhnin sulta goodl tjullta pillow sbaat wool ian baanhala ialrior lamp jardulan ploturea booaa tabl olouv napkin i empty aoalara glaa dlabaa sp knlvaa pall dish jaira froll ate i aavarai bag pautoe and bttnhmona otbar article tbrmoloanll i ttkw w uvth i lauatot- lrie wrnt -at- georgetown creamery opea evenings until 10 pm to receive cream daring seeding time we pay tbe hlgheat price for yur- cream and give you the caah at tune dell vefy pandaa oa treatment are ln- iium na wiiy cfjuliunera butae want more we want your trade and we will guarantee to pav you more here or your cream than you will get by ahjpplng it away i eggs wanted we will pay vou tba hlgheat market price ior preah bgga in any quantity hihmt0m sat i bjvtwylm419 11 at georgetown creamery co mechanics wanted two latbabanda and young usu wanted at one apply orsalmali hie mfgr of knltung macblna cjeorgslowii oat i special a we have decided to go out of the wall paper bualnea we are offering our entire stock at coat there are aome choice llnea and it will pay you to call early i amgrandy the pure food store to ioc ncii eci advertise in the herald a a a a a hdh7vts st co svavvaaaaya vtttttvvvvtt specials this week i a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a t mhlinery bepartment we have added to our large dltplay a number ol new liuti every oue aep- arate aud dlatlnct hi deslgu style and trlmminga we have a very complete bowing of styllili goods uud will be glad to have you call ladies suits skirts coats and blouses we have a very nice uliowlug in ladiea sulta aeparate sklrta spring coata fancy ttripe and plain blouneu these lluu are new and atyllah aud of exception al quality and vulue a vlait to thla department will be a benefit to you now greater production we are trying to uniit you with your garden by providing the bet seeds at loweat price we offer now to attaint in tbe work problem a lull case of mens aud boys overall amocks and shirts at prices less than manufacturers cost at this time grocery department au our lines are new uud presh and the beat value the market will afford came to us aud get the most possible for your money a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a js- a a a a a a a adaas 3t coy 1 georgetown malna mil 5trest