Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 6, 1911, p. 3

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fr mwmm 1lf joh h6mtld j atonal tnowf v r ilttltommnci ttult id rta e rormt iir jo thbhrioh trus thcjudpfticntof these distinguished statesmcd and vote on september 31st for salter habland smith a tariff on foodstuffs means a tax 011 food reciprocity will be a grand tiling for tile workingman arfu real estate jheney 1 at imwrmut rata at taursst m lata aambmr mf farm r gala abmap daralllag mad mihrfopri la all itahi of tha tawa wa bmv every faultily to trauimetluff or baslaoi is war aaaiputa ballitaellma j m wjllouomby the ge0r6et0wn herald wjsunkrtlay kvko ski 0 1011 condensedjews items school opened yoalordsy georgetown kail fair oct 4- apple picking has commenced got ready for the fall falroct 4s a report of tliu council meeting held lut m o n 1 ay evening will appear next issue an automobile u delayed by ft broken axlu on ilia till line from fiuudey afternoon until tuesday ttm lrlio liat for georgetown pall fair will iwj out ilif beginning ol next week it la blflbr than over iliv wanted good small boy lo learn printing wnfe to alart apply immodiaiuly at hluald qvricu tliu ladle alii ol tits methodlat church will meet at tlis homo of mr jamaa iluck m tueidsy bept 12ui it 3 pm hon mckrnile king will speak it acton in the interfile ol mr waller umlili thuriday evg hapl 7lh alt- oclock drtlnllnp has sold his dental practice to dr molntyreol whsatlsy and his resldiura lo mr guorgn allan milton he form or mr jowtph hllii t doing soma pap er hanging tlicta days ono day lut week ha ptit on 67 rolls and 1 ib yards ol 0 tncli border auctioneer patch will sell the houso hold lurnltiiro of geo dais it glanjeilum hok t friday evening sept 8th at 7 clock ilarvim home services in 8 alluinfl church olonwllllimt on bub- dayrlllanl and 7 p m traubar llv mrqilllonil milton mr joliu wllllim will mil by poblla tuition ida entire household fda at bbi rtalilonce on mill atrmt balurday bmt bapl oth at 7 p to uanj ivtb auctioneer thou who aoen our boy beaut at tbt kxliililtlnn last week uy they wr tbt aeaut and the lieal looking buaeh on iheflronrula ol courw the cotahubil- inf otllcor lu included hecreiary trooy requeeli dial all public school to cher i in esfiumlbgiend la tho niimluir of pupils in alundaaee at tbolr school so that tickets may be pro vided for thorn to attend geargrtowu fall filr nn otljmh mr m merrydsy lias bouftlit tba grooory btihlnvhi ol mr fred oook in qleiiwlllinnib and la now in charge mr uarrydriy will koop an uplo data stock and all can dojumd oo oourteous treat tnent and right prlca juo ncro ortn chanses hand in tn- falflor towmlilp county ol ifaltou mrs murj itolurtion has told bar 200 mru furiu mug lot no id in 111 7tli eoucraalon lo mr j ii can ulan of tor onto townahip halo itu mad by j a wllloiiuhby h h hnllytlio aiinual i tally day in conduction with the uaptut sunday bclionl will lio iibjtt flunday the servlte com mi iicl nil promptly it 10 aui a brlnhtoiid inuireatliib program has been projarm parents and mends are cord lally invited dr it k- a i demon has been laid up ore wuik with scarlet lever and baa been vury iii but happily la getting bolur mm cannot aooouat for ooauacl- ing tliu iuam as be had not been at- teudlniniiy cewmi and in fact titer wew noun 111 ihu neighborhood toaluud a trained nurwt was engaged lut weak tim doctors houao is quarantlaed 1 champion mr smith uftffam thv lluuaiit has hosn uk4l to inaart the following ilhaa bea tpeaiedly atalfld from puukct plalloriw lw tbtf county that mr waller llaiuud hoi lib had tin voiu lu this elftctloa this u uo- iruo mr hinllhm tiaitia apoeam tmropar v in tliu iui0 llfel the um md imlbto lecilan end ha will reod bin vote l tralalgar ou baul aiit latest news about roue bll comspontttnfr mrthndul churth smjtw t ii xf imm1ioo pulof ii eirt the awakening of the don- christian world 7 tiinatm wwallkolog la lleevent a njnlui nvllstlon bntb aervlcee u kytende ta alt at tprwu nj ldmoam y t lltobsiualduhud ii a ibi mioti- wraftmnil breeker bowlx ow lil ts wjjniflfopwu piprd anfl elsld forehlproens alea ttijnlog tools aod ptetaree attoronou will ulocsfs1 iftlhe wcfbulwlntv awl ilidof tq ifaewhlrtery bll mr jotlrt ul- iknuwsfhk hlr eeubwtl in mthonac v- j f ssrlmtf tu pokrratitbattdsf ckng ligluh- rtn thiamf itwaesja by depoesflne trjri bis rural tpaji dellnvy b olhtiwa rtw mc dridftaap or towtlltev onmtllnsjlaffiofi hud ttwa u- oores4 trat sots ooei had tmkip u ora tbs btr ttullorla utir be uraiw a aerlotis 6aof atoj tbe guluy fayi if appnibsoilid is liable fa beavy padlib- benl reformer thai harvest ilors and sale of work uttder the aurploes of the ladles guild ouawlllisms wilt be beldoi the uwn of mr ft ilesamoot oa taeaday bept 13th afternoon and aveolrtg aprobs aad other uselal aruelee eaktw eoadles loecwopi ets for sale hah bond and other attractions refreshments free qleri band in atundanoa admlssloa 10 cents datrf ol sdiitaiddtt the aed bewi of the death of mr jfs taavltt at saskatoon bask was received in town on friday morning last mr leavllt was the oldest eon of mr and mrs join leatrtt of georgetown and bad ben in the west for some years where he woe dolus well aroapleol weeks sgo he contracted ever bat was repotted considerably better a eoaple of days prior lo the news of his death the remains arrived in town on tuesday morning and the funeral look plao from his fathers residence to greenwood csmeury in tba afternoon thewrvlae wu conducted by her t a arthurs the pall bearers ware james bollantyne l y held ii a adams john tlsllau tyne f a ijarley telford mckay warrtttocxiort the marriage of mr john m warren and miss jessie c msklnnon took plae at the brides home in ofencoa on wed- nesday lut only lite immediate friends ware in attendance rev george weir 0 a assisted by hev dr mcdonald aud rev dr norton performed lha cere mony tin house was beautifully decor ated with evergreens and roes the bride who was unaccompanied wu given away by her mother and mies melclnnon playedlhe wedding march after dainty luncheon was urved the toast to the hilda was proposed by rev mr weir aud eloquently responded lo by the groom thar wu a choice lot of presents from the brides and grooms wimsroiu friends mr and mrs warren left on the evening train for chicago going ister to winnipeg aud vancouver upon their return their home will bo in toronto barnhills normal peel and hauonfi bargain store mr geo ilodglns visited friends in toronto ovsr sandsy mrs k d smith ol winona a v lilting at mr jack wllloughbya mrs a- 0 illgglnaoa and i lute daugh ter are v biting woodstock frlanda mlssvrowman of haapelar la vlalllag bar friend ulas mary e armstrong miis grace anderson of indiana la vis iting with har slater mrs l k fleck mra john muraock ol flint michigan la vliiilng her brother w c armstrong tho muaaa iheroe left on tnaaday for an attended visit to mlatlve in color ado mrs d jeakius after peadlag two months at bar bonw haw left on tues day for calgary mrs sutton has returned homo after spending u weeks with iter daughter at michaels bay we ore pleased to tea that mr a d thompson is shls to gal up town again van lt bu sill i to use crutches miss j a murray of dunadelo new zealand ii visit log bar coualn mr ward uuaull of his bdoteh dlock mrs l e flack aad children relum ed liooia last weak from their visit to frlanda and relatives a indiana and michigan scotch block it wjll soon hftlm to eoramen aj house pleanlngf and ronwlllnmhmibtadly require t v i mhmmoth house qhjoilgoedtowsr iminolkumc a j mii pit p 45 jpii mkmilf haiti ii k jw d grlnbsgbete and aara toaswy- w j bhngbtonr sapply prvvtoas to ifae advspfe toassqweatly aivr evshled loobeyolxoo4vslvatt battefihan set year xv gfasfapr v bos oil vanced get our prices before- inlying and ptoat by it jt ur vaorttooot nfmnalki iilui beehwd atoniiw wacalf wn wl bwpwswl to see yo yht yoo boy or not baxuffsxavavs r norvilx get your butter paper printedat the herald livery and real estate scotts meat market j- h keal estate and money to loan phone 18 james woods mauler 8 acres in the township of chiwguacousy 3300 being partof lot no 11 on the 6lh con of the township of ohlnguaodbsy county of peel 3 miles from ktfrvsl live miles from urampton monty town ave miles from tltorga lown solid brick house asveu rooms bank barn sflxm with good atahllug undirneath all cement floor for 5 horse and o cows pig pen l2xu ben houm uslfl driving bouse 1310 boll la in an a1 condition well adapted for gardening toeaeaalon arranged to suit purehaaef dont mis the place if you want a bargain suitable lor a man retiring off bis farm aud still wants a little land for garden purposes 80 aorflfl in t of esquofling 0800 lteiugast pert of tot 57 on the 10th conccsalon of ksqueslng township being 7a urea of land under cultlvai ion balance j acre of btub and paetnra land the buildings conaut of a good atone house of 0 rooms and wood lied splendid cellar darn la solid stone fi0s3d cow atabla wasa boraa stable luxuo fences are good nsver ailing creek water piped n boos aud barn school mile post omoa 1 ml less georgetown 8 miles a small payment down balance on 1st mortgage at 5 st this farm should suit soma one starting farming and wa can arrange the terms to suit almost anyone with small amount of cash sloclfarni of 800 acres in esquosing township farm no 1 sbick farm oiaoo acres lor ule in fsniimlng township county of helton tilths wonderful scotch ulock battlement 3 miles from tba corner f tho farm lo georgetown being w lot no ifi about us acres ou tha arm alt workable land and in the pink ol condition for grain oratoek ralalnm plenty of water spring and wall frame house and three barns soxaal newly shingled boxm boiss with basement 3 small orchards splendid well aud small running stream tbera is not a wuta foot of laud on ibis arm price w600 balance on 1st mortgage ai farm no 3 mo acres the abola ol lot 17 110 acrvs under cultivation balance bush about 76 acrel of maple beach in fact almost bush enough u pay for farm the soil on both fsrmscannot be beat and la an a1 frame bona 13 rooms good cellar water lu house barn 30x00 with basement driving almd and pig pen good orchard of 3 acres j ue are paid on the arm for all time 10 come price 10000 i cub balance 4 ou 1st mortgage farms will ba sold together or separately poeseealou right tway to plow and possession of farm oct 1st 1011 100 acre farm in township of er coun of wellington wiics wooofwrigwutt lotfl loui con 00 attti ol workahla land hahuim paatnra and huali the buildings consist of big solid brick house of h rooms and wood shed splendid cellar and furnace stone barn 40x00 with stabling under part of building lor rattle bursa stable 30x41 good wall also spring creek the farm is level soil clay loom school house on th farm krlu village ft miles ualliuafad 3 mluv umrgown 0 miles price aflooo 2000 down lulanoo on 1st uiurigago at ft per cent poatatalon lo fall plough and pofauttlnn of farm on march 1st 1013 this la a splendid farm and dont miss it ii you are looking for a monoy makur big crop this year aoo acre farm in township of esquesinp county of h niton doing lot 2i in the 10th con 100 aire of land under cultivation b0 ace of hartlwootl and beach bush fto acre of putura land and partly covered by eedar and hemlock slona house of 13 rooms in good condition bam 40 x 70 tttabheeemeiit and goodaubllng alio driving house 30x60 on stout wall gooiphotf pen fenof- mostly cadar plenty of good water well at barn and tivr falling atreiun there is enough umber on tha ami to pay or it good farmfor stik uul fall wheel puicu taoo going to b sold and dont you wat until you lose it ico acre farm in townshi p of erin county of wellington new goods new goods s i jnt to hsuid4 large wprttnentj fjuii waisj 1 8itk and utaaifi8l6xtm pt indian hd ladicvwuslfcemelwjiv d aiidiyjbien uiu il iiw mdl drt in i whllf fin1 unihlklr 1 lba tjkh olieli pypl w dik it iiitt- 10c relftci hoitr ukbtttkikti rqrl sw cohcf oowr kriixti wa lulclniskifie j 1224 v 1 ia i mebean60 geofgetowp pbodtrob tatottet crawford peaches the yellow free stone bartlet pears the finest sweet grapes early moore green gages plums fine choice tomatoes smoked hams half or whole 16c per pound pickled rolls half or whole 14c per pound pea meal baclrorsidebaconthe fin est the world produces wm scott butcher phone i oeoroetown lewismy valet georgetowns only practical cleaner and presser we need no reccomiuendingas our work speaks for itself ladies aud gents clothing look equal to new when cleaned by lewis my valet back of public school our only address carpets cleaned by our dry cleaning process a specialty 19aa wll bay gnd blacksmith lew fetoiul in llntehoaav consist lug ol 4iwr blacksmith shop rst- denco and stabbi au good raft a good buslniie good reason r selling evai down will buy a good six douu moinoil frame itonee on iciltg st tho italancd remains on a mortgage umhhouhi lltopkittv will be sold on easy tntu if taker at once 1rira right constats of a dwelling house and btoro coiubliuhl gooil location w acre farm lot 37 con 6 townsltlp of ksqiulng conifottahle brick cottage aiwlnkbarn ajaomttita tlmlter i taken atonm will lie aoul cheap twogoiml hiillding lots oil albrt fct will bu wid cbeajf college view lots for salo th r oo lou in donirablu location frico right j h lane gfonabrbwn phono 130 rlng3 store to rent grewr hrtkt 0eulaytf mlu edith lyons of union vullad at mr geo leslies recently mie may walloti and mular go walton of hi rat ford who were visiting with thalr aunt mr gllllea hava return ad home mlu margaret itlack who wu v tailing at mr and mil uioreya of trafalgar is home again miss ulsdye huhman wu visiting bar friend mul alice williamson and uwk in the picnic there wu nnite a eucceuful plcno bald on mr mcdonalds place oo the 4th una on saturday ucth aug over two hundred being present a couple of baaa ball malrtisa ware the attractions of ilia day ves the big nlnera of lima- hnuu allowwl our boys lo come in ascoud but but nover mind practise makes perfect our boys did aoms good playing mr hugh thompson and family have bean visiting at mr jacob llalneru during the test weak what about the auto that had to its hauled hotna by a pair of just horses tba other night scotts emulsion i b tajuaa by pcvjttb in tropin lead eounbrlcei mil th yejftt iroowl itfthhwatobirutl luwfsi up umj tltwaiittls stud iviuw la lududsr m wll isuiwinur alxbaumattyi using aasi lulf of lot 6 10th tinwj ocrca of snrkable lanil and arm la lava balance pasture ami bush the building consist of big solid brick house ol b roottu and wood shad with good cellar ami furnace atone bam 40x60 with stabling undaruaath one end tor cattle horse table 80x10 good well also spring creek land level anil clay loom school house on comer of tha farm krln village live miles uajllnaud 3 mlloa georgetown 10 mllea poaaeaalou to fall plough nooaaasloii of farm march 1st 1di2 puiok adiwo cash payment ottiwuo balance run on lat mortgage at ft per cant oljenwiiiliams propeutv a beautiful turtiiuo homo with lovo- ly grounds and fiuo ulirubory houao has bath aud hot wato hoatingt a homo that any iwrson would ho proud of going to ho sold and now is your tiuio to got buby avoaa will buy oacmaof land in oororauon all foncod also frame hnuu of ouu aroomaand kitdioii somo fruit small alable for 3 cows evlhaa willbuy itaautlfulllttlohuinoonqumiist frame house ol uven rooms lahiu kitchen water in houso and clottrio light dont hilas uila property will buy small frame houso near public school of ova rooms and la going to be sold s300 cash balanco armdgitd to null uia purchaser for a quick sale will buy double houso on gnelpli street alwaya rented boautlfully situated paying 10 per cent on investment uargalu cash will buy double houso clotitto main street alwaya ranted good healthy spot also good garden and com ortablo stable will buy lovely solid brkk lutujo of soveii rooms on main street with furnace ebctrio light linn ittablo and two lota dont miss uila bargain owner going to aoir doesnt want lo mut quantity of fruit traea and good garden this uuvr good for 10 days only will buy beautiful irauio houao on quoun st nicely situated seven rooms plenty of land good stable nice lawn get busy or you will mis this will buy framo houso doso to ilia grocn house property in good ahem with furnace also flvo mn of land ptuuty ol all kluda of fruit alsokood stable uotit inlau uiis hargaiu will buy brick dwelling on comer of guetnh and main street buatl up hi uireailwellingii also ouo uxm of laud 1000 cash balance 1st mort gage at 6 per ount rent money vou novor boo again tho bantu monoy paid on oasy inula men is on a homo of your own i in roality put hack in your own pockot glknwiixiamh iliopkutvcomlortablo rauui bouae ft roouia r village lots very good utahlu u iiimi houso going to be sold at once will buy double houw rlouo lo main ht alwaya rented and high location good hoalihy sitot good uardun will buy on main strcut 3 ilwolllng also small stable will wnl or 1 1ft 00 per molt ui or 13 per rent on tliu liiveatiuunt this is a gooil bargoltf for someone il ukan immodlabdy poa 1800 3500 3500 1000 2100 1800 850 j a willoughby georgetown iluya atnal bouse f moms and ft arns ol bind also small atahla aeoalon april 1st a baryuin foroomeluhly owner going to tha city jacksons tmm m urn empr6ss shoos if you want a fitylish uhoo of good woar- ing quality at a modorato prioo try a pair of euphe8b shoes for worn on ifyouhavont givon much thought to jouv uhoo nootu for warm woathur youd the name ettpreav hands higkeat bottor comu tltc bf ii tha rcaaon w uy buy aa rcpreseabng the hut touch of diilincltf huru und aoo epsa sboea for women notatba in canadian akoes for women note tha tho good tiling ejdttuw abort vamp aw gaetal style ihohvamp- wu aru show- ws atseas el5aw aseau wkotauths f if mi wwftt4 5ooaauwwaiutuemjw i mcphersof shoes many people ex press surprise and satisfaction at the way tliey fit theyre as com fortable as the old ones is a common expression liere theyre as good as they fit they re made to wear not just to sellnnd they wear so well that one pair sells another tbd kulutida to feiva oui eiutoumrt i it jackson georgetown clenwlluams mr l march tnent of dondae li apeod log a few days in town mr and mrs ilulclieonof piirt hope are spending a few dsys with mr archie cooper mr and mr joseph marehmsnt are spending a few days in toronto mr raymond orsha in and btewart bristow are spending the holidays in to ronto mia kale tbontpeon is ipending a ek with frieoda in goelpb mr amuraon and two daughter of hamilton spent saturday with mr dr ttefwijilracaiulidate bepbero llissijfi iss llxst mlebu epeot a lew days la torosrtolaet wee tow that we have a lacroem team and abaeaball team what about our kngluh lads and thalr foot ballt mr tho fentooand mi wllllsm fibuid are spending wwk with friends in toronto an immense crowd turned out la tha meeting in tbetowh ball hers in the in ureetol mr v ifeuderaon the conserv ative candidal in the county ol mellon in the enmlng election the glen bend rendered some an patriotic music mr bobert logan occupied lbs chair altar a brief addraa mr logan called on mr v hebdareonlhe war bors of hi con servative pert la maltou itulng from blaehelr mr henderson received a great reception after which he spoke for an hour and a half on the great question uaclpreeuy at tba concluelon of his address ba thanked tba electors of glen- willlama or tha support tliey bad given blm in the past and also for their support tba 31st dr kixon mpp fpokensxt ills addreaa wsa ettjtyed by all mihii- lag ended with cheer for tha king mr ueudenon 0c xlxon aud the chair- mr marland draham of hamilton and ulss birdie crumb of dunnvllle were in lowuea toeedey mr w ii mullen spent tba holiday wllhffleodsih orangsvllle mr qrajw and mr t dunn ol kl rat- ford vuited mr v peneon on monday mr w m mullen arrived home from the wast on monday mr mullen will ba bare or soma lime before returning mr john hid of ouslpli wu home for tba holiday mtai taylor of aeton la vlmlng her friend mis viclsl warren among those who attended the exhib ition from bar o monday were mr snd mr joseph beaumont tj hill win and m lleaumout mr w kcott and daughter myrtle m1m g ilowitt uuaaliewmskfunon mlw m harne ula wlnuifrsd notion and mlae kilaw penaou tchhacotta mr aud mr kdward twnund and mr it u kennedy toronto vlullcd frlanda iter over sunday hornon frldsy aug sold tho wife of a h btrlngar ol a sou iteclproelly or no reciprocity is now the general toplo ol the tiny in our ham- 1st born on tueisy the 16th inat tho wire ol j sanderson of a daughter mr and mrs- lutph and family hava moved to the helton ilrlck work jr v cola and mr ii motaggart want lo manitoba last wee k mr joalab towumhlfhla ttireahcd hts alilke elover and reports a good lurn out maaira bmllh and ityan of toronto wsra in town last week in the interest ol their new quarry they report having struck ft valuable vein ol biiildlnu stone aad propose erecting soma now liotine bare shortly new advertisements for sale g ipi heifer strayed if yearltagluluroaor aliul ausuil rf- utuuiy fiwuuiuut w uutii korvat iff iim hall to rent rood houmlarnl tor ally tivlitsutrlfl u i wnrb in untry jbllklh uuauuuut ilnmlllun orl found ww lost o tlttve vltur il notify uil jaui4 clkavk tuif farm for sale or rent d a1u1h ii i i hi on tln town loo rtrrwlll umnir iill i nil muhhon 1 uiul i iiitl fioui rmw kls sflu5io j lliii imtolbii liulbb vtlui l wll trril iil in ymul can- lllonwllh two mia o uuuilliii tl wu1i jiuf iuii4iii ituum ilatffiy jim lijtuse itwttajslsrlsa irsnia twuae h kkw drive imia ij if- wnr uilr all ilmlnes for ufk suit uit wicr m uu iuu lu smj- vt woulj itimllsre itiptue mt77lt viwhattku lullau1 tn scranlon coal vultori lii tnniiito biil iilliii ixlil- liuknii n iiiviuj 1 t ullluluw oml llnntr mlnlliu i mil niil lwllk iliiiwliiu 1m v v bcnuitoll cull i irmlnl iinl w inr ulilwmant at 1 iwiihkui ill 111 1nnvwi hiillllnu unl 11 uiiulou in muililiirry hull the u i a w wimiilm cml iii 111 llm u llm ilifl iiil -y- urge bu im mi liiiul litlirililiiu ml uullllllik iial tnll hill iiliikulul niiirval uuiiiui plione 6ar34 hell line j watkins norval 1 h

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