Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 23, 1910, p. 2

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y w h vhilson le4dino ruifrak piiiuot ob audkmiuimlk mllmwawlmaf hmituullul u utr md k1m n osowqstoww o0r pmonso on uamninoaaauwakw ttilt iwa j7icmmui7 frctmmifmimnr w mfievi jit hm fimmetofji rttattf wedhwxk bvipb jkt1 si t olnikuy oqflviidarnd rwl naa ea r from lw kiot jt bdril1s wnlf aonalda tan wtta4 xbwuwt oi a1 w a3 pafctanw uiatsdnatoiyoite itoafora of canada riscasd noon n vimold nfs mr bnarua toppor and sir stekoosis bojvoll 01 ptolnlaravom botti lflbg and enjoying good 1mjui at fotitaorauj esquesinfi tp council ctxtetucotur taupboo company to bund thrxrimi piiw fnd w 1010 tim ciutwil hw t i uiut to vljouni lixnt ittti luwvi in lb ihalr limiolier mil rmut t1m minnt- i pcerls mmrtliitf mmil and fotionwl ohhw hfomvcvlii that lh iyumtr tti mowing mm j mimi inn nccoiinuljopiudt uo uloofor rw- llcnl3tliinull4lo kni tuf ml j rtiork lto ot j w day running roi otsino far kotwrt rooln itey jamas jtarfc for rwpsfr njioxjhiii i ntasduji uo norija- tone wljalweweam like t see a progrwlv coaocll for tto year 101 1 the strwat lamp burning on dark ulgliu tit hyae wuolln mjita in operation again metier ulagrapk eeeounnodatlon or down town tillrea a now puhllo library building a new walk on onelph treat from arnold eleelorr 10 ihexnglmjlioron a oenlloneoo uhsfeillty fortped owpewlhrn lor lt ipirivv mwlijwql eforyolu errry atttllkv- ajimm of carunnjib mcurfobll tito uio mrs jams moor who pateed way at bar borne oaf leal 4h war llxdaofhlarsriulau jotra matmoio and waa bora on tlio loab llao balow korral rj6 yoara our lows aa u w to pruanl lb da iry oofgpaalol wbo atlrllot01b m jrildrin of lafyawrarulalpl axowfmbljw oiallrricdoaiina ur-urtytorwaiolr- botban twrt obtfr aod oawbaouwr lao ntoala ijifinixhaii tmk diuti o counl toutol lu rrlootl o tbi idmuu pfmmal thi iw imtiw with rsftei by u0 jngluipililng tvorld lf ww it mmrwhoa tnap ntwi what txnoti llbriy ilia inliablunlj of uamu njoy u dtm urgly to blm tol- ktal wrotaf numsftmu bdolu h objct of whleli hi to briny bappiaamf lo rh op- remd pytltl ih ittul good wofb it mfpvttly mldatn tou happy blmmlf bruvliif m h ditl ajmoat conunty ovr tb rrvgncm of lib fallotvfeoahlryiimii atttyt llrwcsbla from boca ulti lb mporiaoiy nnnotiiuroo bi iuw bivabmawi4wiillysclunitahil by wiralm bfatwraacollatu uvtlf iltvi aoj uo ilajf nov hoiu tlior i vtry rvkouui to uiluva lliiti lliu nhujomiii id earrmt bwui ft i known tlit1 ur cool b l4ii carrying on axparimanu from hi natlvk loimtry for ioma hum paal kit i hu 111 tlu iiimwa hu bmtn altaliwd it will do much lo tvv lu uoalni tntuatuitia ertujwuuwuoa till local option will im khrally alopim uiroubltout ontario within th tukt ibrinf yirt wu llu prmllclltyn madd by vyor oiivmi at ir rtrant bmatltitf of thfl catulu tatnpn lmsu in ilia mitdy hall jitdjlnrf frobi lit ulltjiilaiut at 1 1 is iiitlntf fully 3 0 0 pj pl holii lrwnl nitd from llto inurmt avfixivd in tlia taclng4 lb all ctudliii mr of lb imgai pntuhw to it highly hucrwu ex liayor oliver prmldcd and nv an in lruuf kdilnn in whlob ha kpok of lb prnfrw of tit local option mov tnanl u4 prwtoll nltai p tolilf in tit want lltf ytar mtaulhhair line bitq ihejlowiv lipmmainc ajyl thai tatid wlaw whjflhttif urn- yoavri uxhrtpbl thu bv lav to af iw uwi cblijfuaajoiv ioca tlpbin i4ytn t altmil tlkrlr lino inbr- uu townahlp of eaiujiitf w lww rel um kmoiui and uilnl uiaw and paawxl car rlh whiblaawokliilnvwn tint tit follow ing amount b pai1 f j huffman iot rtt- pairlng hridgw and furnubinjr timlwr on tttlijin alau talvrt uib trtlt lilt ium kdwahfcill tot j load of trravol aoj4ui on tnvlln lrf 5 an1 m lhlitouauouav uayltitf a hlu anii jjaao a ilratil utr rwtialrldu l macltin iw tarried wriiaru worth com jut uoor a wilfmii oiwradtjtwn huialui it paid for t rinrintf fw 1 x0 u ttotu- h joo itatni l jfl ailvt court of iuvu- ion h u3 coluctor imitiu 37o total 12 m turrtwl campixnl unjcjl tlmt uk tnvanrvtr ixi tntftntcinl to pay lradarifk norton nr tmlllliitf nlliim lotm loui iht 1j 2 v v tiuiiitmoil for 34 twiar l at zl ihi7u0t vui ilujrnrlnoy on lutli liiui ua jt atj tu titryanl ol wj ikxtau talii iwll ul win mtf klluii unuliiitf hllu aiul uravtilllntf ltitfiiaouay payhitf an wjlial muni hani i iticlurv i lay utaau to draw mi 10th hit hridtft htt f fu 7ft iwiiinp on utwii hit lot 31 kuul 3j jilt iuj kttitui linn in orvitfi m day b rulliif gnivl lot m 9 w riioihwortlt cox that council friv th ibiutl uratit of 10 to lit kwiundiur lirrliiiltiinit tunu ty ttumta may fir iletnlnu out dillli on lutli him u 1 iii 50 crrlil tmpmill wrlagu worth that tlui tmaiitim imi hutnuttml to pay a t llrown liimuw ihn for iiuidldiiwip i iu1 tit tltoiii h11 rl j tarrlul wflaihwortlt cokw that tlto tinr wy jantm malmn trvaaurer naaa- tntwtiya tlm follow i n artxmnl auf hi w 0 mont ill i7 34 vpt- llrlltatn uniilititf z ao rll n at klnulr1 im total hjo 74 hw ntllutit ictiullnir j0 paid in blc jj 1iium alor70 total idzso uunrt ilu natniintoypivilm carried catnpltvil cox that when thl ronr cil aoum it ktajul adjourned tillja- twuilmf 1 5 tit ti4il carrlad baluitad uo vou uivh your townf ilav yon any eouwrii fut li futur would you ilk to it krow pkipr and xtnd it trail and itilluautm if you do tlitn uk your ii tbw hwiiiooj lo i holp wipait and loblnuln it initfiullotiit do j snooumi every movtntit lookltib to th upbuilding of tit townf dol pk i good wonl for lit town and the poplftt avitry opitortunliyt do 1 land imuutte to it induitrwit lo i patron it thttif ih i fully utideriland th dutui da vol v i m upon mo oltlran if you cannot answer thaao jjuilon in thu afllrinallv than you ir tlumblliiu blokand adjlrltnciittaunyeohimunlly auuuuimii ooranht tiiiendmcnt to tbs llciio aol all bitroomi km order d tobkptelod on chrbtma day tit amandin uti however tnake uo provulon ii olirutbia uohwrvad ou any day other thin iemur ss thl yar chrlktma will fall ou a btiuday and the holiday will b tftruy obrvd ou haturday dotabrlh or monday iu oeinbar uo in vlw of the fast that hotelkepn eoualdtr that it will beun fair to ihata if tltay ara cotepallad lo clot tlialr bara on that day the uialtar waa brouvht to lit notice of mr kudo uaumurachlaf olutwr of th uoana pailtuant by tha mall and lmplr who talad that ujrould not bo nry for hot i men toclo their bari on that day tha law uyt lie went on lo aay uiat cbrulmwahaji boa holiday but it make tioprovlklou for aiiy otborday than tha utli of deehtbr so thar or aitho holiday thl year will piob ably eatttaa monday lb holalkmpam will b abl to kup open lar builnaaa olikmwluulu a builneanimllngof tha mutual ini iovuaut uoclaty waa luld ou vrlday tvaulbg tba raport ol tha woraury ahowad uieiubirthlp of 16 uavaral aobounla wio taawl and toutlua bul tua irauaaeud tha follow i u pim and uiagahlnaa ara now lu th room mall v emplr qloba naw aaorgotowu huiaui biturday night canadian chuwltuian buy man magiilne utraitd auif uiatiy othuii th aoeuity la ludaulad to mr marryday for a largo number ol tulllore and other ilhuiralod papura tlio wiroiary mr it j uyuiu will b plobftod to hoar from auyouu win will ileum iiidgattliies and pati that have been road it la hoped durluu the wlular to uxhlbu from hutu to lliu eopla of hutodul and liiteroitliuj plo- turon whuh addfme will b ivan on opfuntahia th iiant oin iiltfhi will b on vrliuy the uotli lint when a luueleal program will ba u and a altori ulu on irlniliih imruluuliiiiaii ugravln ol utulltil uiiimia j tttut cstoiinhuwltuj his lrlui lug iulhllt to toward lit luurth iho public aro trdully iuvlutl to attaud uoth our kuiulay climtli aio bmy uiuoltilntl for lhiutiua uulurtaluiuaule tit huntley atliiwl il hi lhau mr wna mr mwtajidloysda vmli of th fortaar aunt andvattflfa tail weak- quit a numb of onr local aporte took in tit ii h conrartlu omrvatown and reported a ink tlut th annual ral ii in 0f hunper colaati mb llna jt althotuhth weather wa uiltdr ihrvaunlua lbly- wa held at mr llobert on riiuraday lolli inetant weauiar waa raiiiar iiirvawninifj mtfutf llv iitamber and iul aat down to a moat dallghtful rpaiu tha dining rftab una ptvitlly davbimai with ejwur- tli program oonauled of eptfecb by mr v i near our rat i ring fbhlnl mr v campball mr 0 jf ltuaaell mr ulafiird luanau i inaru manul mnalaand aolobyml hurt and mia hmlih ladle jnittt by th mlt aamaaoudurt and ftniltliof aeion iuel ullnnaby ulaam lunnu th abov numlktrn wi rttdtid lo exoeluitt etyla and welvad hearty abplau mr jam cra our new prldeht occupied ihafhalr th uismbara of uf ulna look thla opportunity of praaatjtltuf mi myron com m thu o i lib and the following addrto i to mr thouipaoh t in addreealng you w that w can church haalwan ro ihlitghtd lunit tn llrwly through th ekbhlmt ol mr vltlii mu itigli hurttlunutd from a uuutliy vull lu ihuitorlhw w atoglad in uwed lo wvleoutu her bank and hup her holiday hat beuu beitvilolal mr 1 itald iontlnit bu4y at hi building operation uitd will wtoti havu uiiw toal new itoua 0 iii if li d mia uhaiiwt who lute puitl ih um mar with tilviul lit th mlrthwoati ha wlaroad to th uwb no uieuiuar oi ueat inn warn mu lortunlty of praaanllug mi uyron nmpaou who ha bn appointed by iimlttea for tha paat lx year to wok i oyeler wllh a baauilful china fruit ln4bma4drcbabt jfea back tmum water 0ma ejt eoto of th lbtjfet tbynw b fo pgjioa trrnfh money ncotcmnificg winter u drawing very near and jaag vnmt 1 making bleaaelf verymocbjm the morning ttartlenlaf th poor dad dl will feel blcdj wtten potting on th nre andgaulngth dw or rallter fml tramped otf tit learn 4tt ioot mlowe thy ltv my elnoer eytnpelhy i ar yod bom of u over her took la tit eon- twri in ueornetown thj otlttr bight and anjoyed it too wa itoileed too bow many boy had their alatar out and how attentive thy war to lham mia mftggj p cook vuled iter ooo- in mia tlert feall over monday uornoa tboraday tha 10th noeov iwr to mr and mr a i ten ifoma 4th lln too hont of n ara atlll daljig up trn nvr her hot think perha j if would b imhur at turning th leave of mula walk and grow elrong walk and ptuid your lung walk and tralghlad yoar ehouldr walk ami braathadcop y when yon hv watp out your mioe tit tlrtitlidif tit aol taatlter ha ooe lnu the fibre of your body bo aay ulph waui kron horn of nor boy ara atlll keeping baleb and r looking well too it apparently agree with litem dont let ttiaflre to low ih next time you tnak peneaka ye i tli home chorwh li email away 1n c but any church looks entailer it i well filled ho think eome of our bovfj down her who have been than recently uie falti ullho ha bean villi ing with her auntie up near london tor the last two wtek ha not rwtumvd yet lit kit unlet be taking aom leaaon oh d higher cultuah mrwuertl uell haebeen vultlngher aunll mre alt rlark near alloa dur ing tha paat week mr and mr hiram graham enter talruhl their friend laet crlday evening mr john mclaren of toronto ie v- lllng herileter mr edwin thoroton ai mrs john moooli alao wa at bar nlo mr john l leall durinaj ha veat they got lb wo soon to dog kept them np ih tree th boy ebot them and daddy held th untern it wa cer tainly exciting for a while okval november and th melancholy day are her tu0 enough th oldeat reajdent ha itvr remember a november with eo fw sunny days tltay have certalnlv bean few and far between th tint aeeldanl on tha elevated road luppened laettaeiday wltau hr alt mouughlln light wagon upei throw lug he and mn mlaughllti and hill girl out tli child collar bon wa brokau in two place it a tin pleea ol road all ihaaaitva for wltan you m top you have a mluhty swell vlw really thsra should b subway at croiwlug ye mr oommleaiotiar either level cfosalng viaduct or subway thar hev been thra burial her lately two being old resident who were born on the loth lino near nurval mr david 1111 of toronto uurof mr h j up li win qkftlakt- 6 year ago daaead wa oa family of fa girt aod boy only hofnremalo bh ftaa marrtad mr moora0ttu17tbofft4 i7b afd ibey porehaeed tba preaxwh boom in taorgtown whf afa raajdt4 prull br dealfa t liad t m agflarrr wlwc mr jx hcmlljaa ba bw lau for fowdanfrovtbaaoaataof bar tnoni raw in bio band born on vowsbar isib lo mr and mrail wyau an mlabaa mdki k mat flandav wllb mr and mra bm ootla e and vlolm parr apant wllb uf and hra ban parr tarmcotla wo am a- to aao hra miook baall lo oarlmaatm again ollaa zmi pawlo baa baao apaodlnc n aw day wllh mu edllb omldaoo l jlirr lhatr allana laa auction sale or furniture etc ieeameeuheiieuntettettwe e satur nov 26th nd wttllam vwlciamp4es11l bqnwr uid m lea maggl jfffi uem nweiuvni mw vonwwe mxm won mr joseph ifindley oswtaew j u joeeph wmfon aioord i jifaatd mi amoa harloak mr a j bell m yletebavtoronto mra oaooa uaifook berlin mr jaton toefoar fmrttjrwl mr and mr v a karly mra jum ewly mr aodmr jobnucjlop-brmmp- tooj mr and mra john moter enuaom mr john webb vau millet dr aotf mr whtr mr bleak aod mr hi uollop morralt mra tovall osprlaf ijaxtar mr btaodub ooelpb mr weuaaai bonwr and mkaj maggi knuoa mr aod mra john meluctlrtgjgi mi and mr oaory lore vtartoeii mr daeld bobertaoo mr piaajsll rotfl mr mr mtaa without soma parson pulling forth energy to make this gathering uceee a il t rmognuedao not only by members hui olhfr a well rha lllug lis been fnreed toacknow ledge tint you have been deprlvod of th enjoyment of the evening not only this year bui annually to afford good things lor other thl show you era anything hut wilhiti and w would show tha ml flali motive if we did uol roguu this opun hoarttdlt eprntyou wllh thl fruit dish not or lt value but to show the esteem in which yon are held by those wlih whom you have cooperated lu the society thl luality of readlnw to all and help in all our euiernrlios might wall b imitated by otlier without loea indeed lu raoalllug tha old adag to hav thi happlnaw we wiut try to maku othar happy thla quality idsmllle hull in your pleasant countenance it is wall lor people to take their tart and do som good work lor th advancement of some food raue so when wa hav taid rom utlve life aom person may say h waa bittfltd by ouraxaupl ttjgned on behall of ftftelety alter thanking mr col and family tor their vary kind huepliallly and in i tig lod save the king all depailed la their respectlv home horn of our young peoute took lu mel vlll etinlvsrwry ou uuuday evening and viijnved an axellnt wruiou given by pastor llav mr turtle ab llnv mr aviion of tralalgsr hud p srg ol tha lervlee hum lut hu inlay llisuarnval dlacoune was much eujoyttd hy all th aahunhuisl fainlly havemirym iiaihy in tlilrhuur ol sorrow isuuiu in he ileal li ol thulr sgd lather allhouuli il waa uol iiiii xihlud i buy itui t hup but foal the u wrjllau mis llowmui omhamll is vlellliii her titter mr h k uuildll according to repols the young psopl irom her whoallended th niru imr al mr mlllsui thompeons lul wrl- day viol nit bad a delightful time lit drake s slater from duudalk 1 vlallliig hsr iitvoatjoe in a box of davu munthul kaw and be prepared lor uloar mm ralgla uld soro ul why do so many farmer read the weekly hutiy iteeaue it persli advooairu thslr ituu it fallhfiilly sup u the ruulkal farmer wllh valuable inforihsth ii ou all aurloitltuial tnplm mid u tint most tallatil tiaroimler ol market k ihiuuii h in ih idiii d in uenads hit liulu llit kbirutur kun in your lead lug iiwsl jimr david uii ol toronto auuror ura h j lyons mr john lliitfinan daughter of mr ueorx iuiuiiioh and tha other mr jam kloor ol tleorgelown who was formerly mis mcintosh the remains of the 1st mr aslianhuret ol ashgrove wore lulenod hareou vrlday lul the aervieo was conducted by ueve kentiell and noxnn mr and m1m harding ol umehotisa pent hunilsy at mr t lteweon mih htulth ha returned home after i pending a weak in toronto mraaoblnaoii mrs v hunter mlase hmellla ttad methetaon attaudad uie conventlou of tha wouiana luetliute toroulo last week the mill i running night aud day at preaent nerval uranch womans inetllute will meet at the man nerval o dae 1st mn coo umeliouae is axpeot ed to address tha meeting current wattle taken by mr u j lyons ught rlrhineuu served voeal and instru mental muale alao r tide ted etot wi vjttty willi a method ul iiilulater wrihw ih tor mi to new of feoent daut ai folktwe your paper along wltli other ha given a uoml ihl of attention to the high noetol living ml mmiti ui join in the gneral wall of thu great rot of living omoparvd with thu put i am oltlte opinion it 1 all wrong no one top to aak i it tally h i ht hev it 1 not eo 1- itg aw dean r than unual meat i a little dearer hut how many thing are iitmh hiuwr many tar ago we itought huy at lt u t n ihu ar i lutught it at 17 i ruuituilur thui wluat wu jm wur bimhul and hour tu ttnllng ij high now it uyl suivhe alu ut ik ante uutkut thuphihwotetethhig i wild yier ugi litlmi fo atv iroo sow i am mirt i colli i ut a good ft r hfi thai half that tu uawaalla uvuud now about ft and uo unit now it la i think li than half yeai ago we uetul in our hoiii totabkufor whhh wutakll imrhuehvl laet year from 40 rltt down to 10 rtml now with all tlieee fttrt itelttro u 1 it wu tiigo ou with thl try glxmt the gwal it of llv ingy 1 think it i mt jmk at the nrloi tu thu fetor both hirip aiul unall 1 tli lux you almulil ilther gho thusule ol the iiueetliui a thatme to ajieak coum yon not give u an wlluutal mi thlsy ii v mtltl ai pear fair to havo this uld veutl utttl a little when imwh hai apehhl mi tbuutlier scotts emulsion is a wonderful foodmedi cine for all ages of man kind it will make the delicatcsickly baby strong and well wih give the pale anemic girl rosy cheeks and rich red blood it will put flesh on the bones of the tired over worked thin man and wilt keep the aged nftn or woman in conditidirto resist colds or pneumonia in the winter r j n ai ml nj iw mt pw a fc w iim imim nan 4 oaim o a fu knwkimimbimmimhiiha announcement from the mens store new fall suitings our purnifliing department l a awagj i v fuhttll amd company finn mglnlm tallorln nnd wa t ivfaiit street qeorititfw phone 126 icottoj mowmg iteeei aatd it eeaa co at scrauton and leigh valley sundard anthnnlla vrlalloi wa luv handlad for ymm 61aa crwaikl lunvd ind pnrnam tbhablnfand aulthlntf eonl alwtya on band w earry only ilia baal iualy and ft lowaal llvlittf rlo8 goal bin oppoalla norva siauon ihonkfoy j watkln- nerval astrono progressive institution capable of x extendiag every accomtdation to its cus tomers transacts a general banking busi ness exchanges bought and sold letters of credit issued on foreign countries inter est allowedon deposits offijx and upwards compounded twice a year it should be the aim bfcvery person to have savings account joint accounts openedt and no trouble in with drawing your savings account solicited b m dennis manager norval branch rvwvvvvvwvwwmwmwwvwmwvvwvvwvwvwmm s- use venango special the double distilled ameri can lamp oil no odor clear chimney large white flame clean wick no explosive gases sold under a positive guar antee the big white light a genuine arti cle prica 25c per gal jwkenneav hardware etc phone 26 georgetown v carpentere tools winter term opens jan 3 attxiorr loxoirto oat loaayair lua aalauna fhere is u grcut variety of carpenters tool on the market but there is only ouo complete brand made for quality that j tha reason we neu tho fatunum mhkufttr brand tim ktth kvttt trado murk or the worda kuh kvtim ou any tool are nn ubolute gunrnnue uuy a tool under thla brand and you will itnov you are getting tbii buat w 0 anthony georgetown alter live age ul 60 people had that iheir strength i ua whui it ul in be ami otey lreumutly aukr liom tuddeu fkthuullim ud wuhk heart itcilou to ull eiiuli ww honuiiiiftid i be iiivlgurallux l ulu wirt vim rniituumm ol deeh lml t itruitt ol lion mii i put old hmiuh khvtry viu notmtig niuld b mot betivlklal lasuclicaee uwaboui pisure it out in dol id r and cent if you can njska five tona of coal luat m long six tons ond with coal tt 96 00 a ton dont you mavta 96 00 clour now the cut iron ramie illustrated will uva 20 oi your fuel when lurd coal la burtuul it lu fitlod with that bnutut of modern stove improvement tho gurney0x0w economizer it u a iuvics tlut 11 put on gunuyonfort stovna alooa ami in tiuttlaii tlura out imr youi liupwtloa wn fnsl justly proud of tha choice wo fcav nutda in anlactlimf this has of ullatactiofl lvln ttovsi look lham ovtr on our floors itself w c anthony hardware plumbing and heating tts meat market choice tenderloins and spare bibs this week wm scott butcher phone 1 oborobtown the bargain house of halton adalsco georgetown phone 48 attractive clothing for men and boys at moderate prices prepare now for the months to come jhw auofvlml iwin t lj iiuallty of inifort twwkw worjwl dnuh timodi euj ill nil thu mm itnuarna ihii un uui utot klliu and uouhln uimulad iuiw myuw wall wt ml tallowl h sltlnif j li 4 1 very hwm 11 st 310 at jts 0 i jtoyt jvio pio sulltvv liav iiiuudl i laiw in itom mulbl uuub from blw illojuly txmlmtliltwfrlltliinultuiii and dalu rxvlohnaw sll till ktmtaf nl fclu aiijiiifioiij l ee bout 3 pitt suitlcui paxil tlvw from soo1 liullly honutlo d mfweattaf trltimiail iwrfht luting klww 8s tmi bavktrs averts valtw at 9io a sis so mmt sullshsito liom im tuw ciiulilyntlmwirul vaiuy uul tlaln wiimtxllllll hill till auawlira tlawiwt ouliirtiitfs rut itu th lauwt mow york iiiihiuu ilnnui timintl llnod villi utlitm twill will mohair tlnlusw hatulwitnrly utlawl iwriovt lltlliiiri alaim ss to 41 elm tul st eu a ib ju ovtrfianityhx of the imtuif iiuiiiiim in mm climtrium unl uillwo uut klylm wlui iiuallly u inwuu uiiwrb lallurhitf suit careful niiut chalarbirliliis vry rant aiao ha to 4f rnuslllg iii irlml froul tnaioto moo trimslyuuiiinjijh iniuttw from rijlfsolo yalltlu suui jlsihl from mb lino qualiy nnrll twela siul wor- thw cnslasm lvwclii lililn wl fmy hi sll thu yl im ir lutliti ami mitut vail and ifimfar mi jfriosrl for quick sllli i im liuul from ipumi ijiwllt y n awl umy ul si mi oiirtwi tuwil and una lllaik iuon nswjwjwloriiun mul tlilli llnvni vlcnilu uotlin hi in tlimi rjiillr sud linucui hwi4l with niurtor am lull imiitli inuon uw ul ilvllfwlth ion usv uiityviih- d in york uiodll sn1 huuoinay tl kt nsth p ilnwl 1 l nd rliiuhwl ilirtnujiu stl liuii lyw liiaiallully ulloiwl mid um miujiniiliihilwvroiiittwtoi produce taken in exchange tor goods rdrms coy main street georgeldwn

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