Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 5, 1969, p. 5

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present sotcer awards j larry nolan defensive star pxm acton row fullback uity kolph beliel of tieoinlown tlv acton ftao pm wadnaiday novmbf 9 1969 acton row fullback liny nolan has been hamad bail defensive player in tha league in a vota of golden koitaihoa soccar league played nietwaid wai oita of several pfeienleok kalufday night it player and wlvti wound up a vary tuccesvul teium wllh a dinner and dance at tha acton untie centre league preildent john kavanaugd of tieotgetiiwii emcaadtha- awaid presentation teudtrtncludad team ifoblilei id aclon koveii for flniuiing fliil in tha league tlitwllngi and to georgetown royali tha playulf champions koyal team iriehibeit alto teceived individual tiophlaa kalpli lwwtei of tieoigelown iagl wmi ihe league killing champloiithlp and the spoil coiner awaid whlla simon prankiuytei of haglei had the bail goal agslnit avenge kolph beliel of tieoigelown koyali wat volad mvp ty tha leil of the plyeri in tha league mi urn splcar praienled tha lan splcar trophy to rolph altai a dellclout buffet trtaat playau and wlvai danced in tha muiic- of i ha ceiutal sloia 400 club winners lucky winiieit in lail week 410 club diew woe veia uudd jean llullnqgli kit dowding fete llunienluk and slu jollllumi an m i made a ipeeili al a piiuin and ciiiildnl bilnglilinwll to tlall wilh icllow libel all oi my deal fiicndi u he tallied fm im glad youie all hfie the pmpiued cuiling tchadule in ihe naw culling link it follow monday 7 men ml man tuesday 7j mined ml mined wednesday man ml men thursday 7 i women i 1 1 womens 1nday 7- mixed ml miked satuiday open sunday open tha draw committee ha lanlatlvaly drawn up this tchadule from ha faqueiii of tha majority of curler who have indicated tha type of curling and ihe nights lacjuatlad work on the building u profreuuie liplily the tea plant machine wti placed in tail weak and ill tha iiecoiy laying of pipe thould be completed thli weak thli meant we may have ice by ilia and of neat weak approximately november 14 the electrical woik i piogieiilnii but we need volunteer labor to help liulell tha wire and light fixture anyimie who inuld help for a few hnuii ilili week in the evening oi ilili weekend would be moil welcojne dont foigei to mall in application fium or got them to hill tolh a toon a possible ootden horseshoe soccer laaue secretary ro smith bill prawnta tha trophy for finishing flrtl in tha regular tchadule to the key mambart of acton rover i to r kevin lumbar bill p- wfatewr hapfit to iafcy fe or digom and mick davis tha presentation took place at tha laajua dlnnar and dance at tha acton mutlc cantia saturday night staff photo whatever happened to actons project 7 from tha vi man bulletin it wai a long uhool dty tha predinner hour wai a llitle uioitei tha seconds teem to be ticking ever to quickly now the meeting hat coma lo uidei ilt now my chance to really express what on my mind long before i ever heaid of a town called acton ii inhabltinli or in protretilve clubt and organuatlont i used to think mainly of my own needil wai a bit width i tuppose within only a few weeks of taking retidence in acton an opportunity came to climb out of thli nil i wai liked to join teputable club i did it wai thli opportunity that led to ihe next one evening when the han faintly thone if ditinteretled wilh what wai occurring in tmall town i decided to attend ivclaj dinner meeting members from the number of clubt and organizations of acton were to meet together the purpote wti to dltcuu whit their modeit town of tnodetl men could do it project to aid in the development of their fait community while ttepplng from my bonding house i peered tnxlouily into ihe endless tin studded iky teemlngly ueklng aniwers to ouettiont which i couldnt completely develop from being to confuted willi a gentle turn of a key tlow change of i geir ind tlight acceleration i wn off to meellnga significant meeting no we dont need tomethlng like that exclaimed i dinner guett detperitely attempting to have tomeon relinquish any ideit he might hive hid or hive been given i begin to feel that i wouldnt ttind chtnce on the floor age ippirent level of miturlty were liabilltiet my heait began to beat it if pitying for in indian wir dance my body became tente thought pounded in my brain i hive to get my nerve i hive to get up now nowjjow im up gentlemen thli wit my chince ileadt twlftly turned laige lining eyet peeied in my duection within only a few mlnulet i had quickly rambled uff what i hid ciiefully planned foi to miny hourt beforehand there wit no leal reaction older gentlemen mil tat llillenly in their now uncomfortable chain well anyway i tald whit i intended to uy a weak liter a third oppoitunlty note i wai elected to terve wllh mother club membei on e committee a number of men two fiom each club and organization within the town were to woik cooperatively to look into the poulblllllet of developing a project fiom a hit of prloiillei the lobby llglitt of the committee meeting place engulfed ihe bilghtneu of my en beamt a i tlowly approached hit ilillnen of the night teemed to foietliadow the eventt of the evening ahead four men mood ilka italuet illuminated by encompaiilng ipolllghlt bxcute me ani i al ihe proper building foi ihe coupeiallve meeting of vnioui club members i heiitantly queitloned an aniwer wiint necessity for the tudden appearance of a fellow club membei gave solution and mlghl i add a llitle lelaxatloii after only an houit delay for teaton of locating a key to unlock ihe door of the building lite meeting wai brought to older another hour of deliberation wai tat through before i finally had my fin chance to tpeak i ipoke maybe 111 get anolhei turn when im older at the adjournment men stood ibout cluttering briefly mentioning the leiponiibllillei of tome people in caiefully atceilaining the costs and the feaiiblllly of tuggetled project befoie everyone had dliperted a gentleman called out in an unaeitone the dale ol ihe next meeting and then k cnib man reports 96 blind in county w the hilton county advlioiy li mcklllop of oakvil 3l hockey calendar wedneiday nov s thurtdiy nov 6 friday nov 7 saturday nov 8 sunday nov 9 tuetdiy nov 1 1 tannert vt preiton exhibition peeweetvi slrcetiville juvenile vt slrcetiville tannert at ptetton exhibition novicetvt slrcetiville bantamivi slrcetiville tannert at duiham novicet at preiton pee weet at preiton midget vt georgetown 8 30 700 800 ijo 230 2 00 400 500 800 wmmmmmmmmmms 1 at the legion hall activities at branch 197 by chube thornton i boaid of the camdiin national inttltute for ihe blind held in innual meeting it the caravan reitiuunt in milton tuetday evening and heard fiom the tupervitor of field tervicei for ihe cnib wetley stanley who it blind hlmtelf told membert of ihe board that he hopet to tee advjiory boardt tuch it llaltont amalgamate with other board in the arei once regional fovernment comei into ihe net e thanked the tetvice clubt in the milton area etpeciilly the lioni club for their woik in the cnib canvatiing an mtereitlng report wai tabled at the meeting by w k liwton ditmct held tecielaiy for wentworth hilton and peel countiei he uid there were total of 96 blind people in hilton county and out of thli total 21 were between the age of one to 16 milton llll 12 icgiitered blind people aclon teven burlington 43 georgetown 12 and oakville 22 he went on to uy many ire alto in the low vmon category thete people are not completely blind and yet they have only enough vmon to be able to read or tee with tpeclilly ground lentet there it ipecial clinic for people with low viuon in toionto he uid and he gave teveial examples of how blind people or people with low viuon are able to lead noimal hvet the election ol officer was also held it the meeting and h p of oakville was reinitaled at chilmun of ihe buaid mil a r coulter of rr 3 camphellville wai newly elected firtt vicechairman and reg de cola of milton wai reelected treasurer special pieiti at the meeting included hilton county warden george curile and his wife and lewln sales president of the milton lions club 70 teachers at meetings the month of october saw upwards of 70 teachers gather for three hourt each wednesday evening at the martin stschool in milton to attend a fourseision teiiet of progfims on ihe theme implementing a learningcentred program a three man team consisting of c e watson k k kinzlnger and b griffiths area superintendent inspector of tchoolt and principal respectively in the borough of north york conducted the tenet of program under the sponsorship of the professional development committee of the hilton teachers executive no pat answers to new ideas on teaching methods were forthcoming but teacher weie encouraged lo be forever evaluating programs methods and equipment and to develop rationale for change where change is needed norm cunningham scared 63 to wiii a hukty ai tint prue at fii4ay night nan euchre hector ltottmtt 55 won him a tuikey tor tacond prise thlrj place and duck want to harry moon with a 53 allan hall won a cornlth hen rot fourth place with a 38 present luivltaji in the legioa qibbaae luaue as are follows laaioii c 2 firemen 24 legion 33 legion a 21 keuabfa taxi 21 tumble suck bar 21 tianen 30 230 club 19 station hotel uiweiiuibershop 17 garnet scheduled for his thundajt h vs legion b legion c vs nauablesasck bar station hotel v firemen reliable taxi v tele barber shop 330 club result of last tuetday alghti games in the legion daitleague are as follow con men 10 gopher 3 hotaputa 13 hotihots 1 reject 7 dub 7 leftover 7 fryer 4 m at saturday nights mixed euchre rat boyd tcoied 67 to win tint place and the ueak in tha women division eileen wcdgat8 took the second place iteaks ilkmen wore and the bscon was won by kay james wllh a 41 in ihe mens divtoon john llujgmi won ihe lint plsce tleaki with a 67 frank wtntis won tha tecond place iteakt with a 60 hidden icon and the bacon tent to abna schmijt wilh a 41 tickets for this sundays remembiance day dinner to honor first woiu war veterans will be avajlebld al the legion up until wednesday november s tickets are tl any membert who hiw joiiwj uw legion within tha put yau iw mqueildti to hand in al thai bar tha naitui ami ims of their chiuwn ap to ami luukiilinjj aw niiw thli ii in unuarwtion for the cttrlitntas imty any old uembeii who hav had an irtcrrj in their family diuint the pail year are aho iwuetej to hand id their child name theia names must be turned fat by novembar 8a rvppy bay u saturday november 8 dont fonet to buy a poppy tha poppy fund duplny u auln in tha window of acton home furajuhmu i i discount shoe store 28 main st n georgetown jacksons bargain centre put your feet a i ease with our shoes j all at bargain prices dramatic savings on the 70 line of natural gas appliances from moffat tmftthufl stvuo tahdaho iui iii pnlwkutinutmi4iuiith4 automate tiotkmth miauli blijif caftfc 4u4 uu clmk cetl tutu vmw iwmfs uh s1jmw i wv cltik mvium ctutrot tktmihiiiiiwwu4mai4i twin ims m hmu liirithu imkt cuuii wum aiuique cpw tutfts 10- uui 1pmtikth0ith uim h tthuitutsctfu34lv just twf uaithc 0 tututim d4iui uttiitj wmgjii ull cttlrftt cuml iftlgu cukifigl uttiu w mi uuuitl ilwu bhlliu tummmac f ttub um mta btjifwt fciaii mm4 ua wii cuk aetaiim amiti tutwfultc ema tmlam ltklt4tl fttnm itjm wtk ul m mm tut 4 wintttw utiat w fcjtvaw 4mtw cm iiiw4ui itavsw wmlttahl bium ctltttf wke artudt kmuuxtau watulghflm sutihutimi 044 fckt uu m44k vt 4m hr4kmut66itaewti- from hardwicfc woouumi wteul tih m4 tat4 ttlois baukattav watt lwmtm tkjjm kmmff uhuiti- ww tmetetw ttl is wfmf lauifcimt caauii n tvfcw m wpi suetmi afae itahaw m uabh ttt tttmtt fw uf dufcfc atahsftkibu uajtnisi im i utr k w aw jufjgjaijja4 l tol i ifjaaa bfl kjvaakaa riwnnminat from ingtis wvtcjia 1 ruluimi tiuvy duly dj idaul tm m mumt aims urhtlutucily leu ft nlnidfatiu dotv omuil litis urgi lim ftrui st eaai h4t huvy duly v h p maltv vucsuin kuml hiilk limd cycus te ruuuf and psimiaaat aiul i diyi cycu caleuil wtiimmly utilfockmlloh ssaaltatmfll ovwid ktht 4 h 2f td 31 thc uuhator rutuni htmvma situ eve twaftk ivhs cflatioj funbu imti dya 1 umtitui stoetwi istl auitit dryuu tytum uo t ut um bulmultc div ulmv ulul tit ptvcsum mavhsj 140 c wlummly ulfkowoo sakliatams 0v4llkrd4hvii t mm awlianubu nmmiti m avatajns j k tisj tma mot from maytag i htka bigi tiaftfcffcfcm mah ul cm aa if waat rth meillxw just thi cuifom raatvhi uttu aiaaal ata tlfsjjir uu mt tiwti inhl hlmksihaht mslftilsj iatlkfffatmfm ocq70 look for tht new look 70 valuai when you shop ypdale your kltdun tnd bundryioom while you uve on sale now through novetbbarjsth all ipputftctj gga ipproved awallatu innsi yut mag ausajlaiitm all til r ablest ttwv tw united gas nooi tisyassu to faysaam ear yoav oatuy tubas aqents for united gas hintons 5 to 1 store voun dealer for oas atsruaneu t 1 hanks heating air conditioning your lennox dealer liwy 25 south 4ctom tswwm

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