Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 5, 1969, p. 2

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tha acton ft pratt wednesday novambar 5 op aaceatd cleaiaetu raakjtnllon nunmrosis 7jfc itpyy mfr vf by rev s u thomas evangel pentecostal tabernacle trtmt shall we dot text 2 hit 3 9 th lord u not tlaek concerning hli promt of ionu u count ilockiuo bill u bngtuflrrin lo rowan hot viltbig thai any ikouliptrla but thai ill inouucomi lo ittfitrilaricy this subject hit long sine loil til place in the mlnliliy and hat become part of lost gospel for it involves mote than church membership water baptism participating in communion service singing li the choir or holding an office in the church ila importance in the scripture it clearly teen when we consider the fact that it began with the ltd family and rant through to tod including the book of revelation john the baptist begin hli minitlry with thit message which created grest revival out moved the people of jerusalem ill judea tnd til the region round about jordan no nun can preach the truth of repentance ind not ttir the people today because repentance it a command of god act 17 jo it thould be proclaimed from every pulpit when jesus came front the wildemeu teitiplationhe began hit minitlry with nan other message than repent ye for the kingdom of heaven it at hand and in luke 13 repeatedly declared except ye repent ye shall all likewise perith the fortmott thought in peters menage on the day of pentecost wit repentance for when the multitude cried out what ihall we do7peter antwered repent and be bapltied every one of you in the name of jetut chritl for the remission of tint and ye thall receive the gift of the holy ghent and three thouund were twept into the bletting of salvation repentance hat to do with the intellect the tmotioni the will and ditpotition with regard to the intellect jesuiaskeda queitlon but what think ye a certain man had two torn tnd he came to the first and aald son go work today in my vineyard lie answered arid bid 1 will not but afterward repented and went and he came to the second and laid likewise and he aatwered and laid i go tifand went not whether of them twain did the will of hit fathent they lay unto him the flrtt the word repent meant to change one mind thought purpote or view regarding mailer when the prodigal son after having left home came to himself or to hit right mind he uid i know what i will do i will arlie and go homewhereat he had previously uid i will leave home he not only felt tarry but became actlve- and turned home and rather than ungulihlng in despair he wat richly rewarded repentance it a critii with a changed experience in viewout only broken heart for tin but from tin alto we mutt forsake what we would have god remit what thall we do the jewt cried out at peter wat preaching at pentecoit and the aniwer wai repent or change your rmndi or vlewt concerning christ until then they comidered hun bletphemer an impoiter but what they wilneued on that day had proved to them that he waa none other than the righteoui son of god true repentance has an effect upon the emotioni in 2 cor 79 paul tayihlow i rejoicenot that ye were made lorry but that ye sorrowed to repentance for ye were made torry after a godly manner true godly torrow will cause ua to act upon our deciiion to turn from tin unto god and thli voluntary actit rue repentance no sacrifice or religlout cermonlei can lecure it church memberihlp will not produce it but lulah 557 uyi let the wicked foruke hit way and the unrighteoui man hit thought and let him return unto the lord and he will have mercy upon him and to our god for he will abundantly pardonthen he thall become our saviour and not be our judge in that day meeee a v s i w 4 4frcc jjrtss chuttchiu community chukm churchill road north minhter the rev a walter fotbury bx bjo 124 tldey ave phone uhjm church notices tvanoil hntfcostal tolhwacii paoc jj churchill road rev s m thoman paator jm7i5 remembrance sunday november 9th 1969 1100 a-m- worship and church school the lett pott and reveule trumpeter g j duenk we will remetrber them vitltora are welcome at all church gath ering at the church on the hill ittruel chihtun frjmtuub chuich miniater rev p brouwer bx bj acton ontario sunday november 9th 1949 1000 am sunday school 1100 era morning worship 700 pm evangelistic service tuetday s pm prayer service aad bible study thurtdey pm chritt ambassador friday 643 rtm crusader psalm 119 verae 143 great peace have they which love thy law and noth ing thall offend them rflapu av8ui artrst chukm ii maple ave georgetown paator rev robert c sunday november 9th 1949 1000 ajn morning worship sendee nursery and preachool sunday school 1110 sun sunday school 400 pm afternoon worthlp service 7j0 pm teen meet at the church tuetday evening 7j0i0j0 catechism come worthlp and ttudy with ua to be better equipped to aerve god and tttea bea w nlkuytbuan chuich in canada knox chtch acton rev andrew h mcketuie bx bj mlalates- mr b x hansen bx organist and choir maater sunday november 9th 1949 here la our aiaoere invitation to the whole family to attend church as am sunday school all agee 1100 ajb morning service 700 paa hvealng bvasgel geor trt6u3 thichuitchet if auan trw mamifl ancucan corner willow st and st albaae drive rev h j dawson bx bth sunday november 9th 1949 943 aju church school for agee j to is years 945 am ministers church member ihlp clas for teenagera 1135 am approx remembrance service following acton cenotaph tervke at 11 ajn everyone moet welcome acton tapittt chukch pounded 1841 sunday november 9th 1949 trinity xxiii 900 am holy buchartat 10j0 a jw church school and nureery i0j0 ajn mattlns wedneaday november 11 10 mm holy communion aaid in church followed by coffee hour in pariah halt ttlnriy unitts chutch miniater the rev gordon b turner bx bjd director of murie dr george elliott mx phd wedneaday 8 pjn prayer and bible study at home of mr and mr h page 4th line s friday 7 ujn bhf at the church sunday november 9th 1949 945 ajuvsundey school and bwe claaa 11 do am moming worship rev h haut kitchener ont am wilonaai remembrance sunday november 9th 1969 1000 ajn nuraery sunday school to grade 4 1 100 msunday school grade 54 usx aum remembrance service 700-pm- hi c and hi vtt youth groupa for teena alte sunday eveohtga we welcome you and your family to take part in the life and wvretip oftruuty i deprive children if festival ends esquetina race track noml ontario october 31 1969 dear sir competitive muiic fettivals yes yes yes no drain on public education fundi thla feiiiva ll tpomored by many bttereiled groupa and individuafi and with the trcaiuieri report thowing a balance of 12125 ii in no danger of financial coliapie what then is happening thla it not a compuliory ichool event no tchool that doea not want to enter li forced to do to why then thould they or whatever power l thli be muilc conaultanti coordinator admlnlitralori be allowed tor deprive the thoutandi of children in thit county of an event which they look forward ip with pleauue and anticipation every yeul repetition it not education peihapt not but i muit admit i have derived much more pleature on hearing my children practice and participate in leilival work than on hearing them repeat and repeat and repeal columbui ulled the ocean blue etc etc one tuggettion to replace the feiuval wat 300 voice choir a wonderful idea and i would love to hear it but last year 7800 children actually participated in the festival editorial from acton milton and georgetown paperi bear out the fact that my opinion it not juit a voice in the wuderneu let fetiivali continue we hill hold to the need for tome competition by children became the world they mature into will miround them with it are we the people forever doomed to he ignored ae they forever going to expect help cooperation and taxes from ui for other projecti whatever they may be while intliting that we keep our thought and opinioni to ourielvei ii ii limply not pouible for me to do to any longer there are my children they are depriving and 1 am campaigning for a competitive muiic feitival t your truly mn r b froit rr 4 georgetown our readers write protest riel on stamp 92 main st acton ont nov 4 to the editor free preu what poueuei the people in our government to even think about a itamp with honor to louia riel thit renegade wu hung for murder in about 1887 before judge rkhtrdion the crown attorney were b d oiler and chriitopher roblnion the couniel for riel were f x lamleux and jamei n guntheldi of montreal he told them at hii trial he wu the mettuh tent to uve hit discovers fatter frmi kaffcey mm dear sir imagine my turprite today when reading through my acton free preu t find a letter from my bother phil whom 1 havent aeen for teventeen yeara and with whom i havent correiponded for tome ten yeara needleu to uy i dropped him a line at once you dont happen to have my titter jotiei addreu in africa do you william a johnton rr 2 rockwood editor note are you llitening jotie ttw bible today jmmba people he murdered women and children one little baby in the indian reierve wu packed in a box with hi tkull cruihed in and a bloody axe betide the box theie thing are factt why not have a itamp for steven truitcott i am ture if they want to find former pertorulltiei to bring out a itamp in honor of there are loti to choote from why not edith cavell the heroic nurte who gave her life in world war one why not sir liaac brock who died at queemton heighti or general wolfe who died on the plaint of abraham or montcalm who died defending canada for the french there wu adim dulac with 17 frenchmen four algonquin and one huron who fought 700 iroquoit back for french canada ii thit a plot to tlap the detcendanti in the face of the brave men who froze their facet crouing the ice on lake superior thote that died to bring this renegade to justice and uve the helpless women and children in western canada from massacre canadian citizen of british descent wake up or you may find the picture of charlei de gaulle upon the ttampi of canadian mail while pierre elliott trudeau travelled over canada before the lut dominion election and many a maiden got a loving kit on her cheek dont forget judas idised chriit before he sold him out for a handful of silver percy woods by the canadian bible society a bible society colporteur in france received a letter from a prisoner who wrote that while reading a text from the book of ezekiel for i have no pleasure in the death of anyone uya the lord god so tum and live 1 8 v32 he did in fact tum from hit ain to god and wai converted now i turn to you he wrote to help me to get off on the right foot in the chriitian faith i because i shant get any good advice about that here in prison when you are a thief and christ invites you to follow him you need someone to guide you the prisoner is now taking a bible correspondence course in a strongly communiit area two other colporteura came acroti a young man of about 24 painting his house he did not receive them kindly what me the gospel dont make me laugh do i look mug enough to be christian hearing a friend call him john they replied jokingly but you have a very christian name john waa a disciple whom jesus loved very much thla teemed to leave him cold a year later the colporteurs taw the young man agkinitill painting lils house he teemed to have a crate for it they bade him good morning hey he talfcdvltave you ttill got that book oirohn you told me about hut tinur yea but it i a gospel that doesnl matter id like one did you hake tracks the station no answers for delegation ask help from province ratepayers who gathered to protest about a proposed race track in etqueiing township between the third and fourth lines south of five sideroad left the townihlp council with no more antwers to their queitiom monday night reeve george currie told the delegation he didnt know any more than they did about the 230 acres of land just north of highway 401 which tumors uy wifi be turned into a car racing track can you tell this council what we are going to have there the reeve asked the delegation i met with jim snow and the promoleri and they didnt know mr currie admitted however thit the buyers of the land are supposed to bring plant and specification for the mystery project lo the next council meeting on november 10 jim snow uid they would be here thli evening william j patteraon delegation spokesman told council this brought the delegation out to the council meeting mr patterson lilted the objections residents have lo any race track in the area citing devaluation of reiidenliil and surrounding propertiet plant for many new homei in the area the comiderable noise general nuisance and nolty people a track would attract overcrowding of existing roadi especially highway 25 and five sideroad piling more work on already overworked police pollution caused by the accumulation of motorcycles and cars we cant do anything until we know what they are going lo do the reeve told the delegation ratepayer waited around in the hope hut maybe the promoter of the rumored project would appear at the meeting but left when it wu apparent no one else wu going lo show up ratepayers presented a petition with 43 names attached at the last meeting of council which expressed opposition to location of any type of car racing track in the area bordered on the east by the fourth line on the wen by the third line welcome service if you are new in town or know someone who is phone 85341805 jrpxy 873273 showtiufg sun thrutttutt p- ra re a sat rasom m m at 3pn irluhflusat nov 64 the trouble with girls color avis presiey boating woody the freeloader cartoon jun4nonvub candy color all star cast cartoon nov ml unci ton wvateeoraag vvmthurcsritlsat 4 days the maltese brppy color rowan and martin nov 1315 extraordinary seaman color faye dunaway david niven and on the north by five slderoaj petitioners thought the promoters were the tame group who wanted a drag strip on the gardiner fxpresway at one time and alto tried unsuccessfully to locste in chlnguacouty township two years ago later in the meeting clerk del french uid mm jim snow had been in touch with him regarding any proposed track the hilton east mpp uid he wu neither pro- nor con on the subject until he knew all the detail but the provincial pluming board told him courimt could pau a bylaw loavrrflbll eitabllslimenl or a track in the township and they would be willfng to aisiit tsquealng id drafting a bylaw council decided to ask the provincial planning board to tend a representative to talk to the clerk on the urging of deputy reeve tom hill our flnt obligation is to the ratepayer of the township tald the depuiyreeve the reeve insisted again he waa not aware of what type of project promoleri had for the area despite hit meeting with the group tuetday i dont like the aniweri i got he confeocd i d6nt know you know ken i dont know either aniweted councillor marshall whose farm ii one of the three named lis belonging to the land assembly deal wetkend speciau wool clearance baby wool 29 69 kjimhg woftsted 08c mohair un ite 50 and many other terrific bargains acton fabric centre the hal ton county beard of education ad hoc commiffee on religious mutation invites interested parties to submit briefs and to appear before the committee in support of same all such briefs must deal directly with the muckay report and its major recommendations as these are seen to apply to hallon county briefs will be reviewed up to and including january 3 1 1970 those who intend to submit briefs should write for further information to the secretary ad hoccommittee on religious education co the halton county board of education 1 66 south service road east oakville ontario mom loveli bros meat market maple leaf sliced 1 lb pro side bacon 85 fresh small link sausage m mtm brand mb choice boneless prime rib roast 99 choice sirloin tip roast 110 lean shoulder roast 75 s choice rump roast 991 lean ground chuck 75 lovell bros modern meat market n mill e attaei mm u3h40 daiiv dtltvhv i

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