Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 22, 1969, p. 11

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g 4tree fjrees editorial page jeatttal flptthtterhf the future of the north halton music festival hangs in the balance following the annual meeting in acton almost everyone at the meeting seemed to feel that the ides of a festival was no longer feasible under the new countywide board of education but there is much interest in filling the vacuum with something just as meaningful there fs gome dragging of- feet from those who consider the idea of music and festivals as old fashioned or out of place in the jet age but they seemed to be in the minority there is also some opposition from some of the educational figures who believe competition in any form is harmful to children the day when each school in the county had its own music teacher has passed apparently in place of the itinerant teacher there are five music consultants to look after an average of 17 schools each in some schools music is taught by classroom teachers with advice from the consultants this and a shortage of auditoriums relegates music and singing to a less important place in the curriculum we can agree that the music festival probably does need some streamlining but it does seem too bad there is an apparent lack of interest from the new county board of education in keeping the festival functioning music has always been an important part of the curriculum in north halton schools and in a day when much of the music is horribly similar it would seem there should be more rather than less emphasis on it we dont like to inject a sour note in the discussion but it is the children who benefit from musical training not those who teach it or those who administer the schools the festival helps to foster the idea of perfection as well as leading to a better appreciation of singers and singing there has been some suggestion that the festival could carry on without a system of marking so there are no disappointed losers but this again is a needless genuflection in the direction of those who cannot stomach the thought of competition without the competition there would be no interest whatsoever in a day set aside for hearing repetitious singing it is the competition between schools and singers which gives the festival its flavor and fun are you in favor of retaining the north halton music festival or do you have some suggestions for keeping the annual competition going secretary glenda benton would be delighted to hear from you incidentally the festival has received excellent support from the womens institutes over the past few years and their donations have kept going up some members of the executive of the music festival feel there is still a very strong desire from the public to keep the annual festival going and they point to the excellent financial statement as evidence of public support we might add that it is still a delight to attend one of the festival sessions and listen to the students sing the large attendance at the evening sessions indicates this feeling is general so ijeatj etf fronckim amidst universal acclaim and predictions of a better world for all the women of canada recieved the franchise to vote in the countrys elections so years ago acton women nobly sustained their reputation in their first trip to the polls by helping to retain prohibition in the province of ontario the free press of that day exultantly proclaimed that the noble women of the town polled their first votes for home and childrens sake as canvassers and scrutineers the women worked with enthusiastic energy and concentration that was an inspiration to all who are desirous of advancing the welfare of ontario by retaining its prohibitory law the free press said never again will any reasonable man presume to say that women arc less capable or less observant in these matters than the men it is generally recognized that a new power for good has come into public affairs and it has come to remain permanently this newspaper pontificated well so years of water lias gone over the dam since the women of canadu got the franchise perhaps snow fell on tuesday night but several meals still exhibit tome colorful tall follaoe from till maolet which beautify the town before lha dull gray of november rldas in on a cold oateislaff photo this would be a good time to review the matter and decide whether this battered old piece of global real estate is any better off or whether the males were foolish to allow women to have the vote it is generally recognized that women are more peaceloving than men but since they received the franchise weve had a real dilly of a world war and at least four or five major skirmishes which indicates the ballot does not control the warlike tendencies of the male of the species whether the people of canada are more civilized than they ever were is a matter of opinion but looking at it from a strictly male angle it would be hard to dismiss the efforts of women to clean up some of the male messes as futile we think the old world is a better place to live in now and certainly much of the credit must go to the female influence therefore we would conclude that the men of the country knew what they were doing when they gave the vote to women half u century ago but we still cant help wondering whether all the good things wouldnt have come anyway with strictly male voters antique tfw the abluent one of the more harmless but certainly amusing fads which has emerged in this age of affluence is the widespread urge to collect antiques and that word has undergone u complete metamorphosis since free and easy money has become a part of our way of life there was a time when an antique was some item of furniture or perhaps pottery which had survived two or three centuries in relatively good condition perhaps it was an original chippendale chair the product of a master craftsman or an authentic strudivarius violin or a ming dynasty vase we know a fellow who has his house jammed to the eaves with odds arid bits from the older homes in the district and he expects to reap a tidy profit on every one of them high on the list of desirables are the oldfashioned commode sets pottery basin water pitcher toothbrush mug and the youknowwhat apparently these sets fetch a handsome price as high as a hundred dollars if they are complete all they do for us personally is bring back memories of a more uncomfortable way of life before we enjoyed the blessings of warm bathrooms and running water most folks paid a great deal more than a hundred bucks to get rid of those old things an antique no longer need be beautiful nor even particularly old pieces of harness a chunk off a plough a homely old kitchen range a wash boardall have achieved a new status in this age of sophistication and brother if you happen to have a 20yearold car stashed away in your barn hang onto it for dear life its probably worth a thousand dollars right now and its climbing at about an extra hundred every six months wingham advancetimes sugar and spice b y tm i i ly thu 11 the time of year when the hunting stories are flying around each time they are retold they become a bigger he or a little funnier i dont mind the itonei when theyre funny or big fat lies but theres nothing more boring than lulenlng to a hunter telling you in deadly earnetl the entire itory of how he would have got his bag of ducks or bagged his deer if the fates and the weather and anything else he can think of had not conspired against him its as dull as listening to someone relate what happened on every hole of his golf game or every hand of bridge he would have shot par or made his grand slam if if if getting back to hunters youll never hear that earnest serious teller of tales admitting that he couldnt hit the side of a barn with a handful of beans from three feet or that hes as quiet in the bush as a tank on a hot tin roof no theres nothing wrong with him its the gods or his gun jammed or sheer bad luck quite a few of the chaps on our staff who are keen hunters urge me to join them this means standing around in a swamp and chesthigh boots after walking an hour to get there gazing sullenly for hours at a sullen sky filled with blackbirds and swallows and nonexistent ducks ive been able lo fight off the temptation for several years now i used o be a fair shot theres many a tree fencepost and tin can in the country that can testify to that and i used to enjoy hunting it really was pleasant to get away from the old battleaxe for a few hours on a lovely autumn day but ive never been a fanatic any tendency i had toward becoming one was cured forever last time i went deer hunting i got lost twice was almost shot once he hit the hound instead of me and was dern nearly drowned on the way home from a remote island in a blizzard a high wind and a leaky boat hunting is for the birds literally in proportion to numbers there are mote hunters killed wounded or disabled for life from heart attacks and arthritis than buds another thing that puts me off is the type of people who hunt there is a large percentage of highgrade morons among them ive just read in ihe wiarton echo a story about two hunters who shot and killed two wild white swans that had made their home near a beach resort and were a delight to cottagers what is there lo uy about hunters who shoot swans a couple of years ago two chaps i know went out to the local golf course and shot every black squirrel in sight this takes a lot of nerve stamina and bushlore walking around a golf course slaughtering halftame squirrels with three ounces of meat each on them then there arc the hunters who go off for a good drunk in the bush it gives them a chance to play poker grow a beard curse belch and do all sorts of manly things like that they could do the same thing by checking into a motel room for a week but they enjoy wearing big boots and rough clothes and making rude noises then they come home and let their wives push them around like puppets for the other fiftyone weeks the finest hunters arc those who love nature they respect and admire and are curious about their prey they shoot only when they know what theyre shooting at try to kill cleanly and follow the wounded deer or retrieve the wounded bird at any cost ive no quarrel with them bui i think most of them would be just as happy with an unloaded gun or a camera theres no real appeal in hunting for me any more though i love to get out in the bush preferably alone but if they ever declare an open season on school administrators ill be right back there gun on shoulder keen of eye and hard of jaw tireless in the chase and relentless in the kill i wouldnt even mind taking part in wiping out the entire species though im against this surt of thing normally ct cetera selfsympathy is the super highway that leads to misery a man hopes his lean years are behind him a woman that her s are ahead i egotist one who thinks if he hadnt been bom the world would wonder why the acton free press v phone 8532010 bunnell and editorial offm found ut 1bh publitrud ovary wlafcajiv u willow si acton otio umbv o lha audit burwu of ctfcuulstvt lha cvuna put owna attwtrttuai mm on imuui subejcf tpiian pjvw in kbenat 1am in cmu so 00 in u eounlr mh thm canada uniucobi 16msonjell ututfmton numbtr 061 aamtttuftg cocud on lha condition ihil in tht vm ol ivpoirvhiul wnt thai otviton o lha adwwtutag tote oe by th twrantoui iisw toomhar with hdumtbw iitftu for uautum will not b chvatd tw bul th huvvet ol tha arjtwliswwftt will b bmd lor tha aoabubiti raw i lha at of tvpthvaoklui tvrtv asfctthuina good or uruicm u tronf orioa fgtvwte or wnjtow may not b uu adtkinj u mtwv 4wi ottw to rtl tarj dv b vmthdtwn u v diuld 1- dllla rublltw tferilav cou don vdf kilter arjv juunaotv oattyrlfvl ibm sail and pepper i ve always harbored s secret admiration for the salenun who had the temerity to tell his products on a dayut and dayout bails with no lack of enthusiasm and brave face brimful of confidence for grumpy buyers that is until utf week when i ran into three sales enthusiasts who almoit turned roe inside out and still wound up with no tale sign in my eys maybe you ran into them or mot likely oiey ran infoyoo all females reasonably attractive with high pressure line that would charm a chick out of an easter egg you guessed it they were telling magazines but youd never have known it from ihe way they laid the groundwork for the trip i said ihe girl who buttoned onto me just as i was leaving foi lunch one day last week am working my way acrou canada on a bonus system she grabbed my hind and pumped vigoroudy making me think she could be an old friend or a long lost relative i hadnt laid eyes on for years i grabbed ihe storm windows which hung loosely out of a pocket adjusted them on the end of my note and peered well site sure didnt look like anyone i knew but i wasnt taking any chances howdeedoo i purred linking her hand like id known her way back when how are you7 she atked sweetly turning on the charm like i turn on the radio fine fine i answered still smiling and trying to place her among my numerous connections by relation site fished in her purse then the pulled an official looking document uut of her purse asking me in ihe some motion if i was married my nod drew the comment you hardly look old enough got any childien two i said proudly itui smiling sweelly just toddlers i bet site purred both in high school i answered youre kidding she said youre not old enough oh oh i reasoned theres something fishy here only last week the better half laughed raucously when some nephews atked her if i was her daddy the document identified the glil as part of in scroucanada four flrunced by selling magazine subscriptions so many points tor each ule ill put you down for toronto life the uld sweetly i get more points for if isvtil a minute i demurred at her two companions brushed by in pursuit of further prey you arent telling ma any magazines win i kind of a line are you trying to give me you mean you wont help ma on my trip the pouled nope i uld and you and your companions can peddle your papers somewhere else t ushered all three out of the door with ugh of relief never thought any more about it that afternoon i heard a commotion downstairs the same three dolls were being pursued by the boss who was ending a conversation with and dont bother coming back they had returned about half hour before and started touring the plant minus a guide they were unceremoniously given the boot a few minutes later they reentered by another door with the mistaken impression the bou was down another flight of stairs surprise surprise he arrived at the top of the stairs as the longhaired darkeyed brunette was accosting ihe office rninsger their exist on this occasion was mora hurried so as i tald earlier my entente of the magazine tales force has slipped a notch in j u will be a while before i trust young ladies travelling in threes back issues iegjfiwimjwai 20 years ago taken from the issue of the free press thursday october 20 1949 the athletes who won the greatest number of points for their schools at the north halton athletic meet in acton were bob sales of milton jean debeauheu of georgetown don anderson of acton dorothy williams of georgetown jean palmer of acton and ruth brazier of milton at the request of tome of ihe farmers of the district a committee of officers of acton baptist church recently decided to repair the only church shed left standing in the town for the convenience of all farmers who make acton their business centre and have occasion to come to town by horsedrawn vehicle a new steel roof was put on the thed at a bee last saturday it is hoped and requested that cart and trucks not use this shed but that it be left only for the convenience of horse owners of the district the soldiers war memorial committee is glad to inform the public that work on the monument is progressing nicely the new wing columns will be ready for unveiling on remembrance day there it still need of financial support mr w claylon is treasurer citizens filled the council chamber and hallway when over 40 appeals were heard against the new county assessment the old bridge over the creek on main st is being demolished and a new one built as part of the program of improvement of no 25 highway theold bridge was built in the summer of 1906 50 years ago taken from the istue of the free prett thursday october 23 1919 ontario citizens emphatically outlaw the liquor traffic praise god from whom all blessings flow every polling elace in the county gave a large majority of loes acton nobly sustained her reputation for standing up for the best things for the home the family and the community to the women of the community a great share of ihe credit for the prohibition victory is due never again will any reasonable man presume to uy that the women are leu capable or leu observant in these matters than men it is generally recognized trutt anew power for good has come into public affairs and it his come to remain permanently as canvassers and scrutineers the women worked with enthusiastic energy and concentration that was an inspiration men who have had long experience in political campaigns were impressed by the i appearance and mental activity of ihe women wotkert to the following members of the committee great credit is due for th magnificent results chiirman rev j c wilton vicechairmen mri george llivlll and a t brown secretary w h stewart asst tec r ii wantbrough treasurer miu minnie z bennett captains rev i m moyer mrs annie somerville frank kennedy miss elizabeth graham general organizer c c henderson mrs jane diamond who lives with councillor and mri bell on church st polled her first vote in her 97th year and it was a good straight vole for prohibition the local liberty league had a scrutineer in only one polling booth however the campaign was conducted without acrimonious attacks even during the excitement of election day good old acton your hearts all right 75 years ago taken from the iuue of the free press october 25 1894 we have been informed of the serious nature of rev g b cooks illrveu at chicago it was thought that his ailment was catarrh of the stomach but now his medical attendants are of the opinion that a teed of tome tmall fruit had lodged in his stomach and taken growth carbolic acid i being administered for the purpose if possible of killing the germ the public here are anxious to learn of his speedy recovery the school board acted wisely in directing that all children affected with chicken pox should be prevented from attending school until such time as they are free from the disease the brick work wit commenced on th new presbyterian church the country is being scoured for a brutal fiend who outraged and murdered a 14yearold littowel girl when discovered her body was dovered with moss ana rotted wood the girls rerniuu war buried on sunday but previous to this dr watson performed an operation that may aid in finding the identity of the murderer the eyes it is believed tometlfflei bear after death the impression made upon th retina by the list object seen in life the eyes of the deid girl will be photogniphaw in the hope that something may tat discovered from the enlargement of th photo it is believed that the girl opened tier eyes hut when the nun bent over her la the woods in the ae of cutting her throat last sunday was lively at the railroad 1b rockwood as the iron bridge underwent repairs about 50 men were engaged in thu work the remaining half of the new limbers will be put under the bridge next sunday messrs w h storey and son ate erecting a new beam house in connection with their tannery

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