umfhouse ets play bridge by bill coats holiday in europe shower visitors in district news have you eee aees b bride book o a xlif i nfcjiim whet ox pa of tke tndmal w baneful that yoe woadef if baca head beer oecwt walt m bm tea ym taey maly oo happed bo oftea maybe bat ibey obb ooane ims sac ims tumn oconeo die actoe bio ct ht ak im k y h aa tyotf aa d earl leit with klilwil vblaaaame north skq9 hoi0 7 d0 cqi4 east was deales bad penedl my bow yoal aboold tat tbe otriuia lie alavrt hwwaritaa for eaat lo bar ota heart ida lust about everybody opeaa 1j boost band ovate day so kbai ca you do if waal be til beart unrf ittat hope oaas it a all akatt and may vou ace a i aald before u doeuit bappea too ofetfl but toaaetsae uatet book play really do aeon meet art eft om bead at ihey wen tetaaatyi i by mnt a benton mr john glynn is home after a three wk holiday in europe i germany he visited hi tori cap peter glynn his wife and baby daughter and the city of berlin he alto toured belgium holland luxemburg denmark norway and sweden misses beth kam and cloria bourque were hostesses for a bridal shower for mis elnora kam at limehouse memorial hall a week ago est bi07j hk da1s4 ci09 7s east 114 hi6s dktj ca k rj report from ottawa by rut whiting south sa maj9s4 3 di09yi ci rbibuaim kast south wist north tm ha x j- jm iw jh h an fad opealjwi leadace of diebvobda south puafced bit til ike biodlsi bat four beasts u b haecmubw coatfact waal d ace wob the al trick end weal continues wli a rlianvwat east wilts bad lead ike dub una followed by ibe club bm now mfvtend that you in khllh you rult naturally of you are all already how do you twoceedt do you lay to youhelr u a soso chance who hat the heart kiajt do you enter dumnty and flame the heatbt it a a little mow difncuu to bkluie whert you are not at the card table to 111 give you the clues east hu turned up with the diamond kiss and the club ace and kins and most unporunt latl weeka winner at the acton bridie club wen tint ah noma and cam sinclair second trank hahidihue and bui coats thud sue sullivan and lorem morris fourth mid llainpthue and donen jucker no davy national grocers is one of 3s0 firms enrolled in the ontario safety leagues commercial vehicle program listed among their drivers eligible for a safe driver award for being accidentfree in 1968 are douglas crockett elwood crockett george crockett robert crockett ronald crockett davy it seems joesnt drive sxx- last week june 2s to be exact completed my first year as member of pnillament for itallon riding while newspapers and commentators teviewed the first year of the ttudeau government i took a little time out to look back on what the year has meant to me what follows then is of a personal nature and i hope i can be forgiven for devoting this space to these reflections before being elected to parliament i had a lob like everybody the i left for work in the morning came home for dinner and could spend most evenings with my constituency on the legislative family anne and i have two children jamie four and tracy soon to be three now i leave on monday morning catch plane and i am in my office in ottawa usually before noon i get back home on friday night saturday is devoted to meeting with people throughout the riding either individually or in groups usually there is one or more functions to attend on the weekend looking back over the past year 1 ask myself would i do it if i had the chance to make the same decision to run again i would despite the long hours being away from my family the many problems i face in my efforts to help people and the problems a member is faced with concerning legislation and tlie many constituency nutters which come across my desk i would again nuke the tame decision it is a fascinating life to be a member of parliament and can be one of real service as a member i come into contact with many people with a wide variance of interests despite what it said about backbenchers we all cant be chiefs tliere are two sides to the work of a member of parliament there is that which concerns the affairs of his constituents and side i try to spend as much time in tlie house as i can i am also a member of ihree standing committees of the house of commons labour manpower and immigration regional development and the committee on national resources and public works there can be as many as six committee meetings a week in addition to meetings of the liberal caucus on behalf of tlie constituents of hilton there is a comlant flow of correspondence and telephone calls which are always welcome this year we had the passport hassle and of great concern to many of the people of llalton was the clunge in the legislation on estate tax i was pleased to help many hallon travellers who had emergency problems and needed passports quickly by loining with other members of parliament we were instrumental in having the minister of finance make changes in the estate tax legislation and now no estate of 50000 or less is taxed during my first session in parliament i have spoken in the house of commons on four occasions tlus session of parliament is now coming to an end and another starts in the fall that will be round two the cteiyn ateak cat mkm rev cordon b turner trinity united church theguelph reformatoryrevisited a few weeks ago in the clergy speak out my brother minuter tlie rev stan gammon placed before hit readers an excellent and challenging article on our neighbouring reform institution in guelph he painted dynamically the involvement of the church and her pastors in the life of the reformatory for bringing this to our attention i thank mr gammon too many pass by and havent a clue what goes on there nor carelets about the hue and cry that echoes within the bodies of the men there confined like tlie rev mr gammon i too want to say my piece about guelph something by way of expansion and something by way of criticism of what he has written and i too know something of the life or the reformatory several years ago i served my time as a resident chaplain and psychologist in the juvenile training school lor the province of quebec my apartment was next to the dormitory of the oldest inmates and we became fast friends around the pool table and at cards as until as in the chapel and office often i get nostalgic about those days for they were happy ones for me and every few months my wife and i have visitors from amongst those inmates who are now our friends while i was at the training school in quebec i was totally disheartened by one factor the loud lack of interest and involvement of the church and her pastors in these boys lives i am not much encouraged alto by what i have teen in this vein in ontario since coming here tome even year ago i remember pleading with ministers to befriend a boy when he was released and to often when i asked i should admit it was every time these boys told me the church doesnt give a damn about us they found no place in the lite of their neighbouring churches the pastor were no friends and the people of the church wished they would go elsewhere i so it is so be it not yet my friends these are sons of god as mr gammon well painted out and for them and their welfare we must be concerned or abut up ahop on the church i feel encouraged that pastors do take their time to visit the guelph reformatory i guess it does some good i guess i did some good in my ministry there but i fail to see that the churchs responsibility can end there i fail to see tlut the ministry of the church u exclusively the job of the clergy or necessarily even his i ulso question whether h does much good to pass by and uy j little prayer for them not that prayer is inclfccluil mind you but prjyer without the investment of yourtelf is the emptiest ot all chrisuan expressions let me be specific some of you should be there visiting like mr gammon yes you who arc members and associates of the church of christ you have an extra to give these boys that mr gammon and i jnd other clergy dont have you live in the commonevcrydayworld tlut these boys have to face again in a matter of months and they are afraid to come out because they dont know hou they will be received in tlut world it cut be your godgiven opportunity to visit these boys and assure them that the world outside is not as hostile as they might think that it will give them another dunce that is if you really believe it will and thats another question this suggestion is not as utopian as it may sound some men in my church are already at that task they meet every week without foil with a group of selected inmates to talk about life on the outside their experience seems to indicate that their acceptance and initiative is bearing fruit the boys lookxbrward to these encounters with men of tile church one thing further when you drive by and tee a work detail have you ever thought what it might mean to stop and uy hi and pass the time of day with these bluejeaned lad it would take but a moment of your time but might mean something strange and unique to tome lonely lad i cant uy what the reaction of the administration at guelph might be to your action but rest assured that the guard are not armed at you might assume mr e kam is home after three month in hospital we hope his health may improve mr and mr william brighant mis heather brigham and mis bonnie noyer of santiago california have been visiting hi sister mr j roughley and mr roughley mr and mrs fred brook visited at hit brothers homeat hastings last week t mis dale hayes of ottawa and mr and mis derek haye and children of llehburfon were with their parenli mr andemr diaries hayes recently mr and mrs x c patterson visited mr and mr bill henry at midland a week ago to totfvmie meeting of the local congregation of jehovahs witnesses ate cancelled from july 6 through july 13 heading a delegation from this area to tlie buffalo seuions of the woildwide peace conference in buffalo is hemy loewen of acton the aclon free press wednesday july 2 1969 b3 acton electric company tcsidehltial industrial commercial free estimates no job too big ob too smau mum isjotm ts maiei u m acton swing is ah aflkwakwatfltam aw 1 ml amfcjbajvltflklba dottflr inan oror at canadas first bank beardmore vice president frank rocoy of montreal presented a gilt to emplovee fred kentncr who retired last week alter 40 yoart service stall photo fred kentner feted after 40 years service effective june 1st you owe it to yourself to save your truo snvlnrja earn g per annum wilh intorett paid toml annunlly bnsod on your minimum monthly balance po choqunblo having up to 37j saw several retired employees uf beardmore and co joined foremen and staff members last thursday afternoon at a parly to honor fred kentncr who retires after 40 years service the picturesque grounds at the entiance to the companys offices recently enhanced by the addition of a fountain a waterfall and a lovely rotk garden provided an excellent setting for the occasion company president norman braida welcomed the men and then introduced vicepresident frank racey of montreal who presented mr kentner with a gift in recognition of his 40 yean service this is a very special occasion for you and we wish you the best of luck in your retirement mr racey commented in a lighter vein he added that he hadnt yet been able to wear out all the soles that fred had sorted over the years in reply mr kentner slated that he hadnt thought he would be the only person retiring on that particular day he thanked mr braida and mr racey for their kind words and all the men for attending following the presentation parkview caterers of guelph served the men a delicious buffet meal mr kentner slatted with the company april i 1920 and for the last 1 8 years has worked as a sorter in the cutsole department however during his 40 years he has worked in several departments in the plant in fact he commented on thursday that he believes he has worked for almost all the foremen who were present and that he considers them all excellent men to work for in his retirement he expects to keep busy looking after over 200 show birds he owns ik- plans to enter some of his poultry in shows in ottauj london syracuse n y york pa and the canadian national exhibition in toronto his buds have won prues on many occasions in the past special guests included two obituary mrs c mcea bom it fnafaita after an illness of two and a half years kate v bassett mccrea 26 scene st acton passed away in guelph general hospital on june ii rev v j morgan conducted the requiem mass at st josephs church on june 21 interment was in fairview cemetery pallbearers were henry mctrash henry geberhen iho mario ezio mario john tyers and edward mcguioway mrs mccrae was born in birmingham england in 1910 and came to canada in 1921 she had lived the last 29 years in aclon she is survived by her husband charles daughter joan mctrash r r 4 acton jean geberlein 30 scene st rita mccrea scarborough and jane mccrea at home former prcn dents til hie re titcd employee i4iitei jihi willum c llrute tonipjny s ci lie nnc it and w iiliolm j licatty jnd the two otdtm both kt yejild bank of montreal cnnodao first bank edward pratt manager tt ab supermarket 9 mill st acton grade a fresh chickens 3 lbs and up 8530075 39 lb chicken inabasket 43 triangle 1 lb pkg frozen all beef steakettes 59 lb good morning breakfast sausage 55 heinz 15 ox bottle ketchup 2 59 save 15c fresh produce daily no 1 produce of usa 10 lb bao nbpntjtnr aw potatoes 69 jceofusa cantaloups 4 1 california valencia size 113 oranges 59 ivires fffwtive july 2345 delmonte 10 ox tins save 30c peas carrots 7 tns si avlmer 48oi tins save 34c tomato luice 3 89 heinz 4v4 01 pkg 2 pack container save 4se soup mix 5 1 chicken noodle heinz ib ot jars save 17el sweet mixed or sweet wafer pickles 31 pilusburv asstd save 41e ocean king 7v ox tins fancv red sockeye salmon cake mixes 3 1 49 save 20c