Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 4, 1968, p. 10

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2 tha acton ftm press wednesday december 4 1968 jfrtt tyttx editorial page pierre kick the tiajkih the grey cup game billed as canadas greatest sports spectacle dropped some of its glamor to one of the most improbable sourccsthe prime minister for a few minutes saturday aftemnon pierre elliott trudcau the enigma who ndes- herd over 20 million canucks with something the 1 pundits call chansma stole the opening ceremonies from the other personalities while over 30000 fans in the stands and millions more on tv watched the pm turned the opening kickoff from the usual mundane formality into an entertainment he introduced this new wrinkle by being as completely natural as anyone could with that many people looking on in stead of turning up in top hat and tails with u stuffed shirt to match pierre appeared in u turtleneck and casual matching accessories oozing the gallic charm which turns the ladies into melted eyelashes and streaked mascara while still preserving the respect of the gentlemen he dominated the show despite the hordes of photographers tailing him we can remember when other prime ministers officiated at openings they were accorded the respect due the office with polite applause but none capturiil the mood of a crowd out to enjoy themselves so well us trudeuu the doily prevs ami other communications media let it be known the mr trudcau hud been practicing kicking a lootballfor the two weeks prior to the game sports fans wutchcdto see the result he was an upt pupil icurmhg win re the parliamentary goal sticki jvere ideated but u football is i poke at j different kind of pigskin you could hardly cull pierres kick one ol consummate skill he drove the bull far enough to draw a round of applause but he could huve kicked it two inches ami received the same reaction call it chunsmu cull it color call it plain old fashioned conceit theres no doubt mr trudeuu is well versed in how to please the multitude its nice to have the bleachers pulling for you later fhe behemoths of the gridiron took over the spotlight but the memories of the kickoff will remain with the spectators for some time ottawu won the grey cup proving their yank imports were better than calgarys on this particular day ut least it wus u great show and one no doubt which will be repeated next season e4 mn paaaenyer train a the christian science monitor one of the most influential newspapers in the united states has taken a cut at the u s railways and the washington government for proposed cut off of research subsidies for development of high speed trains the monitor declares that since washington is pouring millions of dollars to develop high speed aircraft it can surely spend a few pennies for more comfortable and faster trains there are millions of people the newspaper declares who would travel by train if they were available roads will continue to become more and more congested and more and more people will be looking for rail accommodation the monitor w ii christmas lights are going up and coming on all over town and district adding a touch of the holiday season which is more delightful each year a good snowfall is all we need to make the picture complete an other wise dull sermon can be brightened sometimes by the sight of a price ticket dangling from a womans hat says subsidizing passenger trains would benefit more people than shots to the moon you can draw a parallel between the monitors statement and what is taking place in canada the c n r is cutting off passenger service in communities where the demand for it is going to grow the c p r is doing likewise some communities are more aware that others of what the future will bring acton is located in an area where well need increased passenger service especially a commuter type rather than the phasing out the railway has been carrying out the town fathers know it but apparently the railway doesnt one of the greatest equalizing factors for novelist political pundit or biographer is a book clearance sale what must a proud author think when he glances into a book store window and sees a work be labored over labelled clearing at 79 cents published at 7 so keep your chin up high and youll walk into a low clothesline jp pkctca jfrem the jpajt tff 1m second world war nd iha victory loans campalflrh pnch acton people continually ovar- autmcribad an awakanad by this plc- hwa acton waa tha only centre in on- ilwwaamaaqultobombarnanmd after it for tha part it played in pro moting tha fourth victory loan the lata g a dills e s force and amos mason accept the award from kenneth a henderson at a dedication ceremony at tha dehavllland plant near toronto the must fau of snow caught this reminder that winter s icy blasts will birch tree with loaves partly shed but follow a few still rustled in iho wind chilly staff photo im xf well never forget mrs iopovich my wife phoned from the bus station the other duv just home from her weekly stint at college bill im in a terrible mess i groaned silently what is it this time j to cut a long story short she had started out with a little act of christian chnnty or plain humanity and wound up with a problem thai would have made the good samaritan take to his heels mrs iopovich lias parkinson s disease she can walk by inches on a good day she might travel 10 feet in 0 minutes possibly foiling flat on her face twice during the procedure my wife helped her onto the bus in the city four days later we practically hurled her onto a bus going back to the city in the intervening time site was a thorn in the spiritual side a scorpion in our minds in short we worried like hell about her she is sweet and she has faith and she has a sense of humor and sites us stubborn as a mule she had come here to visit the shrine with a view to a spot of faith healing the shrine is closed in the winter no priests no services just a big dark cold church we got her settled in a motel room on street level because she can t climb steps arranged for hot food and drinks to be brought to her visited her made her promise lo phone her daughter to come and get her she was adamant saturday somehow she got to the shrmc by cab it takes ten miruies to get her into or out of a car told the cabbie to come back in two hours door of church was locked she sjt tor two hours high on a lull top in a bleak november wind on the steps of the shrine sunday after checking by phone we took her lo the shrine ttwo hours hard labor c hutch like a holy barn she did begin to see that it was all a bit tiuitless and agreed to take a bus back to the city on monday after an hour s struggle wc got her onto the bus which is sugar and spice by bill smiley three minutes from the motel another chap and i carried her aboard cane baggage purse all in place and the bus drivers look said loud and clear how can you be so rotten as to pour your poor old mother onto a bus when she cant even walk what kind of people are you i guess this is because my wife kissed her goodbye and i patted her shoulder and his voice said whos going to help her off the bus and weve been haunted ever since by her dark sad eyes and that sweet smile and that indomitable spirit if 1 dont keep going ill be in a wheelchair for the ret of my life what got both of us was the coldness and the eager curiosity of the onlookers the only person who offered aid the chap who helped me carry her onto the bus was a rough looking character who was obviously a junkie or an alcoholic he said hed look after her what a paradox all those well fed wellclothed well looking people sat there and watched as though it were a horror movie and the only guy in the crowd who looked as though he needed help himself said we have to help one another dont a certain levitc was mugged rolled and left to die two of his own race passed one didnt wanna gel involved the other was late for church and a samaritan an alien heard his groans and said oy boy whats with you you dont look so good and bound his wounds and found him an inn with wall towall and was probably charged for practising without a license 1 often wonder what became of the good samaritan ct cetera c luidren are more susceptible to carbon monoxide poisoning than adults because they breathe deeper and take in the gas more rapidly says the ontario safety league a newspaper artist in british columbia has suggested a new coatofanns for canada it would have the grouse as the national bird because canadians are notorious complamers and the weeping willow as the national tree for the same reason and viehysoisse as the national dish because we are cold half french and hard to stir the acton free press phone 8532010 buitntm and editorial ojtoa fou4j i iw ud tmhufcavj w4mjy 1 w ur ikme 4 aulu oahast 11 aa fil ujhf auj1 btru ul cutuuiua u ottum uj 0ma ajwrliuaj ru a rwi lufcuty- luuta pat i utu hu m cuuam flat i ji tuunitwe lua cm4 llfj tftll uv 4uibunfj lacotw clavu utti orttu tbaiflftunl otlaua autamu u ajohjiij tatl ilk timkttlu i in that tnl tit llprflfljlhlcal liitf lj ffcmtioa ul ik adtafliuaj laiu fuaj fc iw h1hii tlam uaataaa teuh ahmual ajlomaav tw llijnuiirt fem aaal aat kawgvd ft th kaiaatta- 4 uaf fcilmnlmfcaiatl utai w md r al hu if jllflil hu la tw wi of ltrifaamcj mim lawful4 famajj 0 unun al a uraaaj eju aaftab w leu fcul la hotd aahti4i i totoiah ohw u wll and mat ha htthavafem l av um hh frl lia aa1 cv ubl da id tfc hflwclm rnptrtjhi lit jfrre pnsz 20 years ago tiikcn from the luue ol the i rco irots thursday december imlf i rin tqwnthlp elector on monday returned goldwin hurl a reeve for im deputy rocve george clark wua elected by acclamation voted in u deputy reeve for acton ul the election monday wm ted tyler l llolcheu t nicol and w mcuod ure councillor the public utilltle commiuioii will be c luuii i mucarlhur tuid reeve the roil june who wan acclaimed at the nomination meeting s g dennett owner of seolndale i arm and preildont of lleardniore and co won tuny prize ut the livestock tliow im chicago oiitideratlon will have to be given lo iiicreuilng accommodation ut the public tehool in im il wa revealed in u report from the inspector ul a public tehool hoard meeting this week mike ox hud three rlht broken during u hockey game with georgetown acton niaiugeel to trim the gentle kaldert and alio won u decltlon over oakville on thuntduy they are in firtl place 50 years ago taken from the ittue of the i ree frets thursday december 12 lh at a meeting of guelph phyuciunt recently it was decided to increase the fee for a first call from 2 to s2 10 and that for subsequent calls from 1 to si so some of the doctors claimed that they actually lost money on many of their calls into the country and the ratet for country calls were increased coniideruhly the new feet go into effect at once dr irederick d pridham a u s medical student for four years at work on bone diseases hat discovered that double nilro oxide salt applied to sections of the bone causes absorption of diseased marrow and healing of the bone disease from the inside toward the surface results mr john williamson who recently sold his splendid farm lot 25 con 6 nassagaweya two and a half miles west of town to mr charles oldham of ufford muskoka will hold a clearing sale on wednesday 18th intt mr and mrs blow of woodstock are tpending the week at the home of their son mr fred blow church st salt and back issues 75 years ago lukeii iioiii the iuue of ihe free irett thurulay december 7 ih1 winter wa inhered in lutl sunday in real old luthioiied ttyle in the morning churchgoer had to plow their wuy through hunk i the beautiful mow willi the falling mow ihcrc wat u ttrong wind and ul timet u mild lillyjid prevailed towards evening the winds moderated and the temperature fell loru hie wculher ilnee hut been clear and cold sleighing it good for yearn the limner hie county of llallon huve been ulffering teriout lo through the altjckt ol dogt upon their herdt of uiecp never hat till evil of worlhleu ravenous dogs about the county been more apparent hun thlt year lownthlp council have been obliged to vote amount lo partially recoup farmers for their louet aggregating on teverul oeeatlont considerably over a hundred dollar at a tingle titling something tliould he done about these worthiest curt i he new pott office ul icwtont corner will lake a few eutlomert from koekwood pott office il it expected several of our eiliens are tufferuig from la grippe hev t albert moore of dunnville a former editor of this journal will tpeak at the meeting of the i pworlh league on hit popular theme muting and mutilating the youngtlert are having u jolly lime jumping on hobs now that weighing is here again if accident are to be averted a trifle more care will have lo he taken i or thume an old lady wat found in a lialftlarved condition in an old houm at berlin latt week she it about ho year of age and though having well todo children has to shift for herself 100 years ago a strange metallic substance hat been found in hie township of binbrook county of wentworth it it of a light color much like silver and although long known lo the residents as existing in large quantities has never been submitted to proper testing hamilton times says that during the war of ihi2 it was uted by militiamen for bullets first supposition being the ore was lead it was found however to be considerably harder than that metal insomuch ai tu prove injurious to the musket barrels pepper by hartley colet what was ontario like 75 years ago maybe gramps can tell you some pretty good stories about old upper canada when he was a boy running around barefoot in the puddles on muddy roads but iovells gazeteer of british north american has done the statistical side up brown published in i89s this particular edition was lent me by don hilts of rockwood hes been accumulating historical items almost as fast as the royal ontario museum most of them related to rockwood but others like this book covering a pretty wide territory in this particular hard bound edition there is reliable information concerning the climate sod industries history and statistics of the dominion of canada newfoundland the different provinces and their counties as well as accurate descriptions of over 7s00 cities towns vdlages and settlements and fully 1500 lakes and rivers in british north america quite a mouthful isnt if but the book contains almost all the figures worth noting except for the number of people with ttore teeth it catalogues every hamlet ui british north america where a pioneer set up a tent or brewed a spot of tea its interesting to see the relative sizes of some communities compared to their sue and population today for example leis see what the book says about acton it was acton west in those days acton westan incorporated village in llalton county ontario on a branch of the river credit and on the grand trunk rivers it contains ux churches methodist presbyterian church of england disciples baptist and catholic 28 stores three hotels a grist mdl i taw null two planing mills and a stave and shingle factory two glove factories five tanneries several shops a bank and a printing office issuing a weekly newpaper also a telegraph express and telephone office population 1209 acton has grown a bit since then were crowding 5000 now but we havent got a telegraph and express office yet the old town has changed critics to the contrary take a look now at our nearest neighbors to the west rockwood for fautance rockwood- a nourishing post village in wellington county ont on the river speed and on the grand trunk railway 41 miles west of toronto it has extensive water power and contains four churches one telegraph office one large woollen and one glove factory several stores and hotels and one saw one shingle one oalmeal and two flouring mills gray lime for building purposes is manufactured here population 550 those were the days my friend yet those were the days rockwood was a busy manufacturing centre a small manchester over in eden mdls there wat quite a bit doing too eden millsa post vdlage in wellington county on a branch of the river speed it contains one store a hotel a four mdl and a pump factory population 360 another busy spot wat everton the book says it was a post settlement in wellington county four mdes from rockwood it contains two churches disciple and methodist three stores one hotel one flour and one taw mdl one telegraph one express one telephone office and one washing machine factory population 200 they werent letting any grais grow under their feet in everton then either over in limfchouse the chamber of commerce must have been out for lunch when lovells gazateer representative arrived limehouse was a bustling village then with a population of 700 but all the books gives us location 32 miles from toronto on the g t r speyside had a population of 110 contained one store one tannery and two saw mdls 75 years ago it it located on speyude creek five miles from acton ballinafad had a population of 150 m 1895 a post vdlage in wellington counly six miles from acton and georgetown stations on the g tje and seven miles from erin on the cjpr it contains two churches methodist and presbyterian one store and a hotel mails dady v georgetown an incorporated village with a population of 1 509 was a far cry from the small city it is today on the river credit and on the gtjt 29 mile northwest of toronto it contain sfa churches episcopal catholic presbyterian methodist baptist and congregational one bank agency tea telegraph offices paper rail pttajaf tall wallpaper factory kattjaa factory foundry aa hotels 25 store aa issuing a weekly mwspapar v c and those wm1lm0c4imili

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