bonnie and clyde non its linda dmm and rav saltz at the high schools charleston dance friday where students recreated the mad cap 20s to the tunes of the 60 s turn inside for more pic tures staff photo fate of acton station in air hilton mp rud whiting is still seriously concerned about th proposed closing of the cnr station in acton he has written to david a jones chairman of the railway committee of lh canadian transport commission outlining opposition to the cloture and has received a reply mr whiting wrote that if the application is successful it would virtually leave acton without the benefit of adequate railway service he asked that before a formal hearing is held by the transport committee that the canadian national railway be instructed to review their application in view of the information received by them from the citizens of acton who attended a meeting in acton october 17 citizens upbraided the radway at the meeting for poor service and demanded more not less passenger service the cnr intends tivremove the agentoperator from acton but withdrew a proposal to close the station down mr jones replied to the hilton mp s letter last week he has asked for a full report of the acton meeting from w j rupert who chaired the meeting here before replying more fully to mr whiting s letter mr jones wrote that the nutters raised in the letter and mr whitings speech would be looked into meanwhile the acton station remains open only for agent charlie perry he has no means of transacting business either for freight express telegraph or passengers even the phone has been removed to force potential business to use the guelph master agency phone residents protested the service at the meeting in acton october 17 and high school students trying out the guelph phone service reported it took mote than an hour to get information for a single fare mr whiting in his maiden speech to the house of commons exposed conditions in acton charging the cnr was pursuing a policy of implementing the master agency plan at the expense of the public hthtmos lights reported stolen incidents reported to the police are already taking on a seasonal slant last saturday the theft of christmas tree lights was reported from the home ot harold denny hhzabelh dr ninetyfourth year no 33 ttmt mett acton ontario wednesday december 4 1948 sixteen pages ten cent 63 per cent duby wins acton has grown into a four digit town observed newlyreturned mayor les duby when he anxiously scanned election return uieeu monday night for the first time an acton total topped 1000- the 1018 total for louncil newcomer peter marks and 1 0 1 6 for hydro commissioner wilf mceichcrii a resounding majority poll by poll ushered genial mayor duby right buck into the mayors chair for two more years i former reeve bert hmton suffered his first political defeat when he failed to oust the incumbent mayor councillor bob dnnkwaltcr trailed far behind with dr frank oakes acclaimed as reeve and councillor ted tyler jr as deputy there will just be two councillors back in their old seats come council night in january g w mcicenie and earl masales were returned with whopping majorities councillor bui williams lost out along with public school board chairman cyril bishop mr bishop had abdicated from hit intention of running for the county school board to avoid splitting the vote and stood for council instead jack greer is returning to municipal life on council high school teacher bdl coats is stepping into the field for the first tune orval chapman switches to council from the soondefunct public school bond tour hydro commission old timers are back around the hydro tablechairman ted tyler sr orville brown wilfred mcbachemand a returning member bob macarthur mr macarthur was on the commission here and in little current for some years doug manning and jake vander kooy were the losers in oie hydro race another four digit return was amassed by tom watson who won the school board seat but it was the result of adding the acon and nassagaweya votes tof ether he handily defeated horace biyth and murray smith the large voteover 63 per centand one unusually large poll made results later than usual although last returns werent in till 1 am former clerk jack mcgeaclue says he recalls other elections when the late figure arrived at 3 a m itt probable that ward three voting in st albans parish halls will be split next election this ward had a 65 per cent turnout44s voters out of a possible 680 an interesting sidelightonly watd three voters voted within their own ward everyone else had to cross the boundary into another ward to reach the polling booth at the last election two years ago which was only for council there wat a 32 per cent vote phone calls come every 40 seconds phone calls were answered every 40 seconds monday when the free press election results service was swampedand almost drownedby phone calls a staggenng record of almost 500 calls kept both phone lines ringing constantly from 8 30 p m tdl midnight results from the town office esquesing township hall and nassagaweya township hall were phoned to hellers plant in the ree press building for quick relay the first optimistic request for information come at 8 osjust five minutes after the polls closed one of uie lost callers at 1 2 30 p m said hed been trying the number all night and it was the first time he d been able to get til rough others were phoning staff members at home to see what they could glean quite a tew of the callers only cared whod won the race for mayor their comments ranged from hurrah right through to what a shame with a wide range in the middle final results for council werent in till midnight the last hydro commission results were totalled after lam but shortly before that the c hones at the free press went ack on the hooks to stay and lie staff made a hasty retreat out the door before they could nng again never before in the years of election night service have so many calls been processed middle age has been described as that perplexing time of life when we hear two conflicting voices from within one says why not the other why bother sixhour wait for final handshakes it was the hardest ijht ive ever had to put up declared les duby with broad ami and tsjh of relief toon after hte reelection as mayor became official uooday night we realty stirred up our people i ttunk it was just the shot in the asm we all needed tab duby held a lead of 94 when the farst results came in at h 40 it was a blow to both bob drinkwalter and bert huston several in use crowd commented that they hadnt expected such a wide spread in the totes mr duby maintained top spot throughout the evening to win the election by 243 majority at 9 jo with results from ward 3 stib to come mr ddtvlrwalter came forward to eonotde congra it era a food battle he said and ha and mr duby exchanged handshakes bert hlnton twirrlr at 94s after result became oirloar lie was obviously dlsappouted but aanaaned a amue and a handshake for hit two opponents it was a total fight if 1 tsadnt wonted o hard id feel worsene mr duby admitted he was auipttsed at lajbld1tlumght it wu going to u tight tat tons and anybody imm ajraajtnj by this time the town office was crowded with candidates and citizens impatiently awaiting the phone calls tom watson paced nervously back and forth with murray smith quietly hung over the front reception desk those who talked mulled over predictions in whispered tone school board results began to trickle in shortly after ten and it was a watson victory from the first poll with results from three out of dve ward in he led by 391 votes however everyone knew results from nassagewaya had to be added to acton for the final decision clerk joe hurst finally got through to nassagewaya heatlqiitrten to and the speculation mr watson had taken the teat with four votes above the so stib sporting his maple leaf tartan cap mr watson broke into a perpetual grin and left for hi victory patty sssaking hands on the way out peter marks younger randidata on hss first try for council proved an upset for the establishment by topping r vote m every ward ita that youth power again shoated someone in the crowd wet look at nae a las duby with three oat of ft pots in it looked uke a sure thing for marks mokaettie masales and coasts with tmiaaai chessman and greer fsghting it out for the ittaatajwmlmmimsins fifth and sixth teats it was a long wait for the oners and candidates eased the tension by working out detailed tabulation sheets with doodling around the edges on the last count it was peter marks out in front with a record 1018 voles followed by pet mckenzie earl masales bill coats jack greer and orval chapman in that order pat m commented later that he felt pleased that two of his former students peter marks and earl masales would be touting him in council incidentally the three of them topped the potts only a handful were fat the town offices whan the final hydro results came in shortly after one the pous were relatively even fas vote distribution to the end result was tt surprise wilf mceachern came fat way ahead with 1016 votes he did not show up at el central and explained afterwards that he was busy running his own telephone ans service at home im hetatd a victory party at les dtsbys climaxed one of actons longest election nstfat statona on hand for the occasion were mr and mrs jack mcceechie and mayor brian bast of mahon sasaajaasamewejeeatsj this year isi8 out of 2389 eligible cait ballots however a surprising number of these ballots were spoiled or unused lspecially for school bojrd there were quite a few unused ballots according to returning officer joe hurst tor school board there were 66 spoiled or unused ballots for mayor just eight for council 30 and for hydro 27 would you look at that lead obvi ously pleased with his reelection as mayor les duby wat caught going over results with newly acclaimed deputy reeve frank oaket staff photo how acton voted total ward ward ward ward ward 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 mayor les duby 830 119 105 146 250 130 bert hlnton 485 124 59 52 139 111 bob drinkwalter 194 29 87 9 54 15 school board acton and nis combined one elected tom watson 1088 21 162 119 299 157 horace biyth 6b9 30 28 26 37 30 murray smith 395 91 55 55 96 57 council slu elected peter marks 1018 215 176 137 318 172 garnet mckenzie 950 204 160 118 306 162 earl masales 929 214 126 127 292 170 bill coats 817 183 162 103 272 131 jack greer 764 220 80 127 208 129 orval chapman 727 152 107 104 239 135 bill williams 674 161 104 93 190 126 cyril bishop 622 119 125 79 206 99 hydro commission feu r elected wilf mceachern 1016 252 137 144 301 172 orville brown 904 229 132 141 246 156 ted tyler sr 821 203 145 110 240 123 bob macarthur 742 191 107 95 206 143 doug manning 607 144 102 70 192 99 jake vanderkooy 568 108 85 76 214 85 youth power struck again for peter marks elected on his first try for council by the record vote of 1018 staff photo under so per cent in bin name council board member below so per cent of erin township voters were at the polls there on monday llccted to council are donald matheson 570 william mclean 441 harold griffin 409 the two who fjiled to win council seats arc r m barden with 1s7 voles and roy herguson with how nassagaweya voted ward ward ward ward ward total t 2 3 4 5 346 bert berry was elected school trustee to represent lnn village and lnn township on the new wellington county school board he polled 499 votes followed by cordon gregson 299 roy wheeler 289 and joe baldwin its reeve w a hoey 78 78 157 108 35 456 gus goutouski 50 90 81 30 21 272 sunday races no 97 132 153 88 26 496 yes 35 34 84 48 28 229 board of education sub acton nassagaweya seat total thomas watson 25 30 32 32 14 133 horace biyth 94 124 187 95 3b 538 murray smith 9 8 15 7 2 41 if artist norman merrin of cobble hill road has drawn a likeness of glenlea park which was presented at the last meeting of the parks and recreation committee by parks chair man brendan aherne a contest to choose a name for the new park will be held in the new year mr aherne has suggested pauline johnson park in honor of the famed can adian indian poetress students of the m z bennett school will plant trees in the spring