Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 29, 1968, p. 1

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ninetythird year no 48 ateau4 m ftmrn uall bu st bu amb vnaaaal ottawa for iteata inm in cuk al artin acton ontario wednesday aaay 29 1968 slmton pgm ttn gsntt opposition kills mill shopping mall but meeting agrees on parking need ttrtij mmm th chamber of- commerces al at commercial expsriineatj a man proposal- o the ground with a gentle thiidjnursdsy pight at a special public meeting in the council chamber but thr chambers second arrow in the bow a rocomnmndatian to iafiaaii for mora offstreet parkibg hit tb hulls eye snd r- oelveoheruu surort of alt overso present f f president of tfaa chanbar paul nielsen chaired- the- two- shdahalfbour long meeting of questions esplnnettoo and oc rasloqal accusa tka plan to close off two mill st blooka for a trial 0 week parlod required the full cooper ation of merchants and since this was obviously not forthcoming tha plan would ha dropped mr nielsen concluded after two haura of mall proa and con offstreet psrkingross aa the main issue of tha meeting a recommendation will go to council front tha chamber which already has a threeman eom- tnlttaa working on tba parking problem ur fcielsen alao revealed tha chamber alraady baa alternate plana for merchant promotion ahould tba mall idea fall through to begin the meeting in tha council chamber paul nlelaen thanked the over30 for coming acton might find iteelf at a crossroad ha said develop- ara are planning 168 houaea and 10 stores on tha seynuckproper- ty and 268 houaea and a urge hopping mall on tha van gilt farm a central buatntaa dlatrlcl la important to the whole town we have to gat out there and acratch for it we ha veto be dynamic he urged the merchants we cant develop or maintain what we have without offstreet parking ita a far mora im portant subject than tha mail people are afraid of the mall because it la a new idea but we live in a changing aoclety and we must absorb new ideas or we will not be in business some body else will be doing our busi ness for us no small factlonwsntstoahove the mall down others throats the mall is not possible without cooperation ur nielsen held up s large chart comparing per capita sales in acton and georgetown over the past so years george town sales were consistently ahead of acton until 1961 after the building of the shopplngplsaa ties per capita in georgetown went lower than actons for the first time in the apparel and accessory business sales per capita in gaorgetown are 147 in acton they are just 11 is it because people in georgetown are so much batter where no t highway would be rerouted both lira glpris browns and bart minion brought up tha poa- wbluty of closing off willow si instead of mill lta a senaltit experiment thai- wouldnt do anyone any harm ur hioron said mrs browne aald new people to town not yet accustomed to shopping bare would come tor a specter promotion with a carn ival air ur haehlln fell putting oo a show would only be successful for a couple of weeks and would not bring outoftown customers on a steady basis the new homes and new pisses would brine hew business for down town too station hotel owner clarence anderson and downtown mer chant ben haehlln both asked to whose advantage the mall would be ur meleen aald it would ben efit the downtown merchants bat a an experiment it woam bea side for caincila detiheratloa a deaalopmeot of tola type he himself would hope to gat nor of he so per cent of busi ness be doesnt gat now ur anderson spoke for him self and art gordon aa saying they would lose business since they wars in the ana to be by passed an offthecuff survey of the so in attendance was take the abeet circulated revealed merchants for the null 3 against 3 others for against 2 the discuesion on the mall waa called constructive and enlightening by meeting chair man nielsen who concluded i think this is as far as we can go he was asked if tha chamber fconllhued on poo j rev michael bennett to be ordained priest dressed ur nlelaen challeng ed no lta because our downtown area la lacking high school teacher paul mart- lndale who had studied urban geography spoke on the theory of malls there are just two valid con siderations transportation and dollars and cents he reviewed the possibility of diverting highway traffic down two streets and parking on dead end streols he concluded those who signed tba petition against the mall felt they would not make money no comparison can be made between acton and any other town or city with a mall he stressed only an experiment would prove the success of the proposal tom watson explained he took around a petition to business owners in the affected blocks signatures we 75 per cent against 25 per cent for he named other businesses outside the immediate two block area who also opposed the plan all favored the offstreet parking if 75 per cent are not willing to gamble the whole thing might a well be forgotten be said he felt he could also get com plete opposition if he took a pet ition to church st residents rev michael j bennett will be ordained into the priesthood at tha cathedral of christ the king hamilton this saturday morning june 1 the young acton man was or dained a deacon a year ago in the same cathedral saturdays ceremonies will culminate years of study at st pelera seminary londoo the new priest will celebrate his first mass at hi a home par ish atst josephschurchacton this sunday at 12 noon a re ception and dinner are being held afterwards in guelpn sunday evening parishioners at st josephs are holding a reception for father bennett in the church hall both tha ordination ceremonies snd tint mass of the new priest will be attended by many friends relatives and parishioners from st josephs he is the first priest to come from the acton parish in many years father v j morgan invited all parishioners of st josephs to attend the ordination ceremon ies and the new priests first mass and reception in tba evening father morgan took a special interest in michaels vo cation rev michael bennett is tha eon of mrs kay bennett and the late michael bennett pop lar ave set new water rates for rural residents using acton water ratea for township residents using water from the acton sys tem will be double the combined sewer and water rales paid by wihho maurgts etrca 1900 at tha carol wharton dene radial in tha high school audi torium friday wars joy aautsella robin fvlar- ahall and lyruvs macneuohton in a catchy turn of tha century numbar flytha saa tom to second front for mora pictures and story staff photo residents of town council de cided tuesday night tha recommendation from no 2 committee accompanied a re vised system of ratea for water and sewer installation in tow and township which also was approved mayor duby and councillor measles opposed township resi dents paying double tba acton aewsr and water ratea while reeve hlnton opposed the new installation charges township residents are only paying 10 centa more for water than ratepayers in some cases deputyreeve cakes charged were in the business erf sell ing water mayor duby staled and lta simply getting more business when we supply water to people who live along the water line both the reeve and councillor tyler challenged the mayors statement no we are not in business they slated and they maintained rural residents were receiving water cheaper than milton geta it ita so times cheaper than drilling at their own borne maintained the deputyreave but were not only asking them to pay double water rates bat double sewage raieaasweu answered the mayor uoat coun cillors agreed but thought this was the only way to tax rural residents far the privilege of sing the system which acton ratepayers financed new charges are aa follows with the previous figure la brackets uintnum water installation 125 cms sewer only installation 140 wsj combined installation slto mm oat of town inm ui be tha actual coat with a ndal- smh of siso sttssbmbt bimonthly town raise will be on 1000 gahoas minimum biotonthly ont-of- tows rates witt bs 10 tt4i chamtun oc commmtci hss decided not to oo ahead with a mall in mill st from john to main following tome opposition to tha proposal from merchant involved steff photo charge of arson in speyside fire susan heard huron county home economist susan heard daughter of ur and mrs charles hesrd church st graduated in home economies from uacdonald institute guelph on friday may 24 she majored in home management she received the degree of ahsc at convocation at war memorial hall present were her parents sister eleanor who is a student at the university of toronto and her grandmother ura r v rlcketts of guelph oo june 3 she begins working for the ontario department of agriculture in the home economics branch she will be home economist for huron county with the head offlco at clinton susan is a graduate of acton high school a brampton couple former residents of milton and speyside areas have been jointly charged with araon following a fire that gutted a speyside home they were renting on march 5 ulllon opp laid the charges this week the couple appeared in court for a pre i ml nary hearing and the case waa adjourned until late in june police suspected a tire at tha glenapey farms home owned by- bruce frame might have been deliberately set it wss gutted and many possessions including a est owned by the tenants were lost in the usrch fire the ontario plre marshals office and milton fire chief a e clement have been advised of the charges milton and acton tire departments both answered the alarm const joseph feld- camp is handling the investiga tion for milton opp charged are hon wilson 2s and his wife 28 of si mae- uurchy ave brampton town turned on to lighted signs donna pendleton receives ba at u of toronto on thursday donna pendleton will receive the degree of bachelor of arts at convocation at the university of toronto her parents ur snd mrs w pendleton will be attending the ceremony donna an acton high school graduate attended victoria col lege st the u of t she majored in psychology she is working st the ckeefe centre for the summer and expects to study guidance sad testing at the ontario college of education in the fall aesthetic illuminated street signs ilka the one donated by ted tyler sr at the corner of tyler avenue and elmore drive may someday be erected all over town the issue was discussed at the regular meeting of actons hydro commission last thurs day night it waa agreed that in the light of new subdivisions the signs would be sn asset ulllon has the luumlnsted signs on most streets mayor duby said ha would suggest the signs st council although he doubted if acton can afford such a luxury for soma time hydro superintendent doug mason has been instructedtofind out the enact cost of installation in terms of labour and cost per foot n survey favors it was decided not to contrib ute to the salvation army drive as it is against company policy to donate to any organisation however members agreed that it is a very worthy cause and would donate on the personal level the cost of renting the ditch witch for private work hss not been arrived at there have been no requests for the mach ine as yet the commission is attempting to arrive at a price thai will be within the mesne of the average eltlsen and atlll cov er tha costs of labour and over head a resolution wss passed stal ing that any commissioner able to attend the aueu summer conference to be held in niagara falls june s 6 7 be authorised to do so expenses paid and the post office did manage to pay its hydro bill on time this month mall detention day thissmky decoration day designed to honor the dead of the worldwars by placing wreaths and bowers at the cemeteries is being held this sunday afternoon cldsens an invited to participate la tba ceremony and at the same ubw decorate the graves of their owa loved ones coast speaker at the service at falrview cemetery will be tha rev gordon turner tba parade begins si lis nn with the service at s bm according to an opinion survey conducted in the acton high school on wednesday the major ity of young people are in favor of the recently rejected proposal of a mall in the downtown bu sine sa area the results were as follows q 1 are you in favor of an experimental mall down town be tween john and main results of the s7s who ans wered the ojuestion s40 s07 per cent said ves ss ss psr cent said no q 2 how long do yea think it miouldbt resells of the jm who ana- wared yea to no 1 sj par cent said two days 4lj par cast amid one week ss psr cent said two seeks a s what la your parents opinion basalts of the 4 who ans wered sajt per cast said yes 1203 per cent aald ho wtoper east said they dsewi ban tus indicates thai ts per east of tba parents whose opisfoaa ware aaowa were la favor of the merieeabsaa w vlietstra gts dgr winnie vuetstra 20 gradu ated from csjria college grand rapids luefclgan with bar bachelors degree in education on saturday hay 25 ska is the daughter of ur and ura 8 vuetstra of 210cbarcaitl road the family baa bead la aetna since they aatlgraied troat mot land 13 years ago wlncee grad uated boss robert uttfe pabue school bad f n stall lid bar grade 12 at is years eld la tha aetna tugb school la ism tus tall she wilt b teaching la timothy chriauaa school toronto sat ivuhiiby aeenat rassra to baa rfatsaratty of mkea- lgaa for bar ujl aitaantag bar graduation wa bar aaraeia bar stsesr fnaaaa bar brother ajhert asd aa aaat asd aaest air bad ura ttfaar twocar accident tuesday an accident isle tuesday af ternoon la rochwood injured mjee donne masborouati tuy bert utile school teacher sod mrs may kuwtoa of rjt 4 the two car fnhlelon oc curred on wet highway both cars were considerably damag ed mies hlseborough alone la her car suffered a cut faca lav jured nose and bruises she is a tullenl in guelph general hospital in the other car war mrs syd newton b r 4 visitors chief master sgi and mrs kenneth bnuuril illinois and mrs may newton rjt 4 all four were tsken to hoepllaf but only mrs newton av a broken ankle was kept then last night council rescinds motions on mall acton council last night tues day rescinded two motions pass ed al the last meeting favoring a mall on uiu st another resokitloa asked tba clerk to assist the chamber of commerce to find mora off- street parking was left intact however complaints from businessmen thai acton lacks sufficient offatreetparklngwera vigorously denied by councillors in a long discussion turning down the proposed mall reeve bert hlnton aald coun cil should look askance at any further petition presented to them and let the lessons of tba past two weeks bs a guide in tha future a recirculated petition bad shown only eight merchant a were in favor and 20 opposed to mall la tha business section councillor ted tyler mala- talnec however that the petition included names of people who merely worked in tha business establishments and did not re flect owners opinion the mayor defended tha cham ber of commerce wbo presented tka mall petition and aald they arrived al their decision by call lag a meeting and bsslngadeeis- ion on tha coacksioaa reached that bight councillor drlnkwsiter aald be bad just one comment to make it la wjfortasala that tka bsal- ness people of acton are so re- betaai to mass aay business changea h they wont ac cept change watl be forced la allow people to come la with the reaegas defeasing ha si as swats a reeve uatoa said they eoau sot accapt tka prop bead change we cant aaggaat to tka baaussa people what they wast they saws eanaab capiat laeaatsaaat to ha laser- caaadlka- driakwsjaar how ever tab tt waa tkw titajajiii terat of afli aver the town of 400 or jm taartl deal with ttfry to are

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