wh krtn tfnt fltfess sheridan colleae is open acton ontario wednesday december 6 lv67 second section j p jj w nnrw aw to serve halton peel area te oowhas ford of acton a business and commerce student at sheridan community col lege in brampton is one of over 30 north halton students enrolled in the college of ap plied arts and technology at thursdays of ficial opening an open house was held and he is seen showing his parents mr and mrs art ford how to operate an ibm key punch machine staff photo sheridan college one of 19 new community colleges of applied arts and technology had an offic ial opening and installation of its first president in brampton thursday evening but the quarters are only tem porary the ontario government has transformed the former brampton high school into a community collage to sane the needs of halt on and peel counties until a new one can be built at a chosen site on the trafalgar road in oakvlue several education officials from halton county were among the invited guests as minister of education wlluam g davis off icially declaredthe building open visitors included representa tives of school board inspectors and councillors from around north halton and halton east and west atpps jim snow and george kerr three from this county have played prominent parts in the establishment and development of the college that first opened its doors to students last fall john w ostler president of canadian ueter company in 1111- ton is vicechairman of the board of governors reeves hh hin- ton of acton and herbert c merry of oakvlue are county council appointees to the board the three men joined 20 other blue and grayrobed guests on the platform for thursdays opening to date over 30 students from the north halton area have enrol led for one of 17 courses ottered in sheridans four main branches technology business and com merce applied arts and the crafts school of design officials expect many more will want to cut repair costs motorola has taken the tubes out of television allnew now transistorized think about it of service a television set with only 1 small tube no heat damage new concept in tv reliability now solid state all transistor tv is the latest product to go transistorized proven reliability in the past outlasts tubes by far see them now at ryders tv service 4 young st georgetown phone 8779796 enroll when the new college site in oakvlue is occupied another highlight of the cere mony eras the installation of the college president john m porter mr porter introduced by mr ostler was capped and gowned in the formal ceremony he indicated his love the the col lege when he described its en vironment of newness without tradlrion of this wilt come just good plain learning it is a bubbling exciting environment and there is an excitement in the school because the students are doing something they really like he reviewed the problems la organizing the college the early tears about empty seats the re cruitment of staff and the dally ideas for changes development and correlation of the courses offered our challenge has been frightening but our opportunity is glorious be concluded guest sneaker wlluam g davis paid tribute to halton countys two ilpps george kerr and jim snow for their in terest in the development of sheridan in a little over a year and a half 19 new community colleges have been established and the 13000 total enrolment has exceeded the departments expectations there is noques- uon in our minds that colleges of applied arts and technology have created an important niche in the educational development of ontario he suggested these colleges are not sec ond grade universities these institutions will allow young people of our province an educa tional experience that was never before possible insisted the minister but while the pomp and pag- entry of the official opening cere- mrmv created an impressive sight a minor bahlnomhescenaa battle was raging over the new oakvlue site land costs have soared it is reported and the 10oacre site on trafalgar road the college is seeking may not be available at the offered price a new site further north in oakvlue may yet be chosen some officials feel the land originally selected is on the west side of the road fac ing oakvllles new administration building and police headquarters and looking out over tftvoueen elisabeth way among the official guests witnessing the opening of the new sheridan college of ap plied arts and- technology on thursday were these four from left are milton district high school board chairman reford w gardhouse reeve herbert c merry of oakville halton west aa p p george a kerr and reeve h h hinton of acton reeves merry and hinton are county council representatives on the col leges board the college will serve halton and peel counties and the temporary bramp ton accommodation will end when the new college campus is built in oakville staff photo childrens aid societies cooperate five babies head newly adapted babies wlu be adding a new excitement to the homes of five halton couples some time this month a merry christmas present arranged through a cooperative under standing between halton child rens aid society and the c as groups in many larger centres in ontario on thursday five babies rang ing from newborns about 10 days old to one four months of age arrived en masse in the halton ca headquarters on hugh st in milton it was in the words of one staffer organized bedlam for a couple of hours but the staff weathered the storm quite well a few even offered to bake home one or two of the cute wee infants operation adoption began in london that morning and reached its climax about noon when the five homeless waifs and three london caji caseworkers ar rived in milton in a large rented chauffeurdriven limousine lat er that day they left for foster parents homes around the county where after a short stay for adoptive homes they will probably be placed in adoptive homes in time for christmas the mass transfer from lon don to milton was an emercency situation but halton caa offic ials felt the project warranted some publicity as it exemplified the spirit of cooperation that exists between cas agencies around the province london cajs was desperate we got a call for assistance a week ago explained dr gordon k askwith halton cas dir ector unmarried mothers he pointed out flocked to the larger centres when their babies are due and the city childrens aid societies have a problem in com- pletlng adoptions for such a large influx of newborns in such cases the city agencies put out a distress signal to area counties where the birth rates are lower but adoptive parents have to stay on a waiting list this has all been a bit of a panic but london was a little desperate dr askwith explain ed so we said send them down here we can place them adoptive parents like to obtain their adopted children as soon as possible after birth so the five who arrived from london thurs day shouldnt have any trouble finding good homes with loving parents most prefer to adopt a child at three to six weeks of age right now the halton society has 35 foster parents homes available to take in children for short periods of time until the right adoptive parents can be found cas workers help se lect the right child for the right home last year halton childrens aid completed 74 adoptions and 59 per cent of all the children classed as in care of the ca s in halton were adopted and uving in adoptive homes we have a good interagency system the director said halton often helps larger urban centres with adoptions because of the countys high density of middle- class homes with young couples who for personal or health rea sons wish to adopt a child thursdays project just had to be a big success according to chauffeur george lahlve of lon don who drove the big ninepass enger umousine to milton there wasnt a squawk out of them all the way down london cas staffer mrs ar- lene nobbs who with mrs pam mingo and mrs doreen peters accompanied the infants on the trip reported just one casualty a dirty diaper that had to be changed en route mhton 7s3272 shew times sun thfuthurs pun m a sat theatre tj oxu ithurshtlsat dec hotel color recommended as adult entertainment rod taylor catherine spaak soud tin coyote cartoon 7t9 2 pm matinee sat the command color guy madison dec 9 sunmontueswied dec 101112u the quiller memorandum color recommended as adult entertainment george segal alec guiness mcbormg symphony cartoon after business hours phone 8773623 uke a doting father helton c as director dr gordon k askwith hugs a tiny tot for whom the local childrens aid is helping to find adoptive parents the halton society as sisted the london cas when london issued a desperate call for foster homes and adoptive parents we dont have any trouble finding good homes for them dr askwith assured everyone staff photo