Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 1, 1967, p. 14

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m the acton free prow wednesday november 1 1967 wj ii i i m i i i at acton bowling lanes by ken hulford oct s3 hot shots an still ha hot team in the beardmora agee thay to flrs to opars by 13 pins got even when hay von tb second canto by 20 hen powerhoused to a big win jb the third tor two and totals in gerry post 647 al roach sj9 tor triples and charlie hub ble t06 deama bauongh 202 and qatar andrews 203 tor sin gles paved the way for the win phil lesueur 817 306 and dave shannon 212209tripled and sing led for supers finishers could not gain on the hot as but they kept op to tbt pace with a two and totals win from oaks tops in the triple and single depart ments tor oaks were dondock- y harris 689 john churchill 645 lyle cripps 814203 howie jank 211 and rekn fowler 214 for oaks it was fred lockerbie 695 john dennis 276 helen le- sueur 202 john robsonss and ken brooks 228 hippies bowed to the uppers in the first eqnal- iaed in the second then won a close third game by 10 pins but were shy on totals by 24 and had to be content with a 43 split hep with the tricounts and solos for hippies were jake vander- kooy 635 artie white 612 cor vrycntek 206 bid fabian 264 and phyllis angeu 201 making with ok mentionables for uppers ray atkinson 682 ed parent 602 and earl west 221 league stawang hotshots34 finishers 28 uppers 22hippies u swpers 14 oaks 10 bhaa springs nimary oct 24 snap dragons are still hanging onto top spot mak ing with a two and totals win from poison ivys keeps em there verna tattoo 502 224 anne atccabe 488 and may wilds 460 headed up the win best for poison ivyswere sylvia mages 666 254 mary anderson 510 and carolyn williamson 485 water luues kept on the leaders heels with a two and totals win from popples sandl sinclair 561 213 cora walters 542 and buma white 450 sparked water limes win top trio for pop- pies betty bardie 491 agnes mcgunes 488 and roth archi bald 444 219 sweat peas won the first quite handily from ros- es then made it win number two in the second by 7 pins they went for the bundle in die third but roses had other ideas and stole it by eight pins toptrip- lers for sweet peas were edna dabble 475 betty ferguson 469 and join schtpper 468 making the tricounts for roses were adele nolan 535 217 gail fry er 469 and jackie biggins 468 league standing snap drag ons 32 water liules 30 sweet peas 19 roses 19 poppies 15 poison ivys 11 sports corner mixed oct 24 the leagueleading road runners were on the short end of a 52 go when they met up with coasters harry oehlrich 716 jim kelman 715 and jens lauatsen 679 for the triples and unda wood 203 and lucysynnott 214 for singles paced the win dee deforest 777 318 gino dtbartolo 651 and heather ellis 213 frank batholomew 241 tri pled and singled for road run ners cannons bred a two and totals win at hippies and climb ed up for asbareofsecondplace they were trying for the works but hippies snared the middle canto by 19 pins frank mc- kenna 677 and ed wood 213212 along with bill ingles 201 tripled and singled for cannons steve blanchard 630 and john junior dunn 249 tricounted and soloed for hippies lucky seven made with a big win three games from shadows john winston chur- chlu 733 eark mlddleton 680 and karen jenkins 212 were on the triple and single plateaus tor the seven john knights 729 triple was a loner for shadows league standing road run ners 31 hippies 28 cannons 28 coasters 27 lucky seven 18 shadows 15 lndut4tfeu35mmrctal oct 25 masson motors were rolling in high gear and made with a triple win at reliable tails expense wayne mason 775 fred lockerbie 761 and john hoare 711 318 were top trio for the gasolene alley boys ray atkinson 681 larty nolan 609 and jack dunn 605 were tops for reliable misfits came up with a two and totals win from the fiulns who waited until the last chukfcer before re gistering a vln lome norton 736 ron latimer 652 and keith andrews 649 topped the triples for misfits orv chapman 667 and frank kidd 612 had the men- tionable for fiulns ab sup ermarket absorbed a three game defeat at the hands of allans collision with earl west 600 be ing the only aber to hit a tri- connt top tripling trio for the wreckers were frank morton 813 305 jim buuough773and don harris 743 league standing allans coll ision 31 masson motors 29 re liable taxi 18 ab supermarket 13 misfits 12 fiulns 9 acton udiex oct 25 despite being on the short end of a 43 go central cartage hung onto the top spot central cartage won the first the opposing cameos the second and with both teams going au- out in the finale it was cameos grabbing the decision by 14 pins central cartage annexed the sin gleton for totals on the strength of their first game tig win lor- na pargeter 566 201 mary pa- pillon 470 and donna krapek 434 paced the cartage alice hat field 553 kitty allen 502 and bea anderson 437 were tops for cameos alter dropningthe first to nielsens clothing family store found the range and wound up with a two and totals win elsie wittekoek 540 220 anne greenfield 496 and klaryskirrow 470 headed up family stores trundling- best for nielsens sally whlbley 490 206 liu at kinson 456 and ina mellon 445 ledgers lga made with a two and totals win acton jersey dairy winning the middle chuk- ker grace robertson 569 242 shirley rosenbersky 484 muriel mccutcheon 477 and donna manes 472 201 were lgas tag wheels audrey lawrence of the bowling lawrences 503 doreen mclntyre 502 and eleanor goy 454 were the cream for acton jersey dairy i league standing central car tage 25 family store 24 led gers lga 22 cameos 22 niel sens clothing 20 acton jersey dairy 13 old timers oct 26 monkeys with a two and totals win from black cats moved up for a share of the top rung alongside said black cats marion elliott 534 216 helen bittorf 443 and june shaft 335 were monkeys top trio mary daley 476 mamie allen 447 and joyce adams 431 were likewise for black cats gogos won go ing away in the first against the swingers hung oo to win the second by 12 pins then lost out in the third by the same amount singleton for totals went to go- gos tops triplewise for go- gos agnes holmes 383 rose priest 359 and eunice metcau 319 swinging for the swingers verna artxc 680 258 hanna cleland 372 and gwen dawe 329 league standing monkeys 19 black cats 19 swingers 18 go- gos 14 major oct 26 us station hotel in first place result of a three game win from reliable taxi bill williams 794 300 bob ag- new 706 and big al norrie 690 were top tripling trio for the mmm headquarters man mow see owe sa of trees evergreens shrubs cut flowers and potted plants 7 days a wveek au t dark pawn 85329r0 say it with rowers they say it so nicely coroime rower garden shop two kmafs wtst of actqw south sid o mwv m1u street tavamers ray at kinson 674 and larry nolan 631 were the loners tor reliable fcorts corner rote roughshod war dominica hotel and it was a triple win for the sports jeff fryer 814 don ducky harris 753 and phil lasueor 682 war on the triple plateau for sports i comer up there forthewaso- wtcx wallopers ware jim kal- man 631 spike spires 612 and wayne eason 611 the youthful rookies are starting to jill tor skipper blu shannon and norms barber shop humbleafha acton lanes with a two and to tals win blu shannon 770 341 bob turkosz 757 328 and fred lockerbie 72j 302 sparked the clipper win best in the lanes efforts were jim bulhngh 742 had deforest 675 and ken hul ford 632 league standing station hot el 22 sports corner 21 acton lanes 19 dominion hotel 9 norms barber shop 9 reuabka taxi 4 acton fnoncb oct 26 firebirds retained their lead in the league with a two and totals win from cougars who made a bid for the odd tot als point with a bag middle game win but missed it by 21 pins cbarlene andrews 696 keith an drews 621 june hunter 212 and peggy debruyn 212 tripled and singled for firebirds hartley coles 646 reg adams 637 and dave hunter 203 made the men- tionantes for cougars darts made with a 9 pin win from mus tangs in the first won the second handily but lost out in their ef forts for a clean sweep when mustangs grabbed the last chuk fcer by 16 pins bob doyle 226- 221 and pate bowman 827 paced the win with singles barbsmlth 233 and alma schmidt 205 soloed tor mustangs tbrinos won two from mallbus but mallbus made a big win in the middle canto and annexed totals by 21 pins how ie jank 111 glen gow 606 and bart robtrtson 207 tripled and singled tor torinos grant chambers 679 doris townsley 219 and john bearman 213 made the triple and single plateaus for atalibus league stawang firebirds 28 cougars 23 torinos 20 must angs 19 mallbus 18 darts 18 acton mixed oct 87 nukes with a two and totals van from hippies took over top spot ed browne 651 278 blu debbie 582 124 and dan porty 50t beaded up thie win bob browne s88 253 blu coax es 555 35 and mable dtlgfe 410 topped ripples roll au- ouettes were a two and totals wlnnerwban they met up with the tag team verna artxc 646 and pete taylor 216 trtpledandsing- ted tor auooettes hec bugle 604 ray lisotte 825215 andray salts 226 made with the tricounts and solos for the tag team wildcats grabbed some much needed points with a triple win from fantastlcs george fltft- ners 209 single for wildcats was a loner in this go league standing flukes 22 tag team 20 auooettes 19 wildcats 16 ripples 14 fantas tlcs 14 big four x oct 27 emblems pounded home a two and totals win at the fathers expense after losing the first canto by 16 pins the win strikes at youth bowling council bv jackie palmer things were pretty hot this week with ken marshau hitting the big time getting six strikes in a row with a final game of 317 nice bowung ken as most of yon know by now that our bowlers are selling cho colate bars for the purposes as follows 1 to set up a scholarship fund for the winners of the pro vincial ybc championships 2 to help defray the cost of sending the provincial champion- snips to the national champion ship so good tuck fellow bowl ers in the category of salesman ship acton bowung lanes would uke to welcome four new bowl ers in our ybc in the bantam division the brothers cole stev en and vaughn in the junior and senior division rosalind hau and denise drinkwalter good luck and good bowung to youall it seems that again this year we have a few bowlers on the sick list patricia sampson with her smiling personality was mis sed by the unknowns the hip pies of course are soil waiting for george adams to get the cast off that broken ankle and return to the world of bowling in the bantam division the monkeys took two games off the mice the gophers took one game and total pins from the dogs the cats defeated the skunks on one game and took to tals as wett the ten top bowlers were wade knight 125185310 jan et storey 140165 305 wendy lawrence 118133 251 barry payne 101147 248 ronnie turkosx 128120 248 colin price 107136 243 gord mc- connen 14477 221 jac de- wilde 10989 198 jim krapek 11285 197 carol grant 80110 290 the cocacola relnharts seven up pop winners were wendy lawrence faith middle- ton david dunn and jacdewllde in the junior and senior div ision the kooks won two games and totals from the swingers the phycos took two games and total pins from the hippies the unknowns won two games and to tals from the hotstufts the ten top bowlers were gary turkosx 614 239 ken marshau 572 317 kevin perk ins 549 219 gary price 540 245 guy payne 523 197 allan green 512 205 wayne deforest 493 191 gord morris481 183 martin la vole 478 170 larry deforest 476 191 league standings ybc bantams gophers 16 skunks 13 cats 13 monkeys 13 dogs 12 mice 8 ybc juniors 4 seniors un knowns 29 phycos 24 hippies 23 hotstuffs 16 kooks swing ers 4 keeps the emblems comfortably la first place harry easing 848 218 henry kroaa 586 240 henry barters 551 28 and std hofstede 518 205 lead the hit paradt for emblems top trio for the fathers were jake van- derkooy 589 223 ranunle hot- man 553 200 and jules fryters 496 the expos were a two and totals winners but lost the third chukfcer to centennials so failed to gain on the leaders joe hof stede 658 299 rink vuetstra 585 251 and dint bowman 531 212 paced the win heading up the centennials efforts rennee voskamn 540 emmy fryters 523 and ada gils 515 league standing emblems 31 expos 26 fathers 18 centenn ials 9 tfaadpin hilitm we apologise to the acton lad ies league for captioning their bowling efforts under the nom enclature of legion ladleslast week neither audrey lawrence the free press rewrite gal or yours truly were guilty of this helnlous crime seems as if the boys in the composing room had not had their eyeopening coffee and put in the wrong heading to err is human to forgive is- di vine so weu be devlne but so hek me feuows it it happens again well in case youdldnt catch it in any of the metropoli tan dallies here are tin five pin dream teams of bowling as sel ected by the canadian bowling press association mens first team george bexweu kitchen erwaterloo gerry flynn st johns nfld bobgaler burna- by bc fraser hambly w1u- owdale luw mori scarborough second team ron gifford tor onto frank graraouni sudbury wauy souchen ottawa george vobeyda vancouver stan wood ward banff womens first team pat derry janxen n surrey bc doris jou bow- manvlue bev moore prescott ontario edna rimmer hamil ton dylls turner winnipeg second team ruth guzxweu st johns nfld marge held- man kitchenerwaterloo anne hodgunson vancouver dorothy lechks north bay fran rand all sarnls grace wolfrarae port arthur that winds it up once again my friendues so ad- ios amigos and goodnight daly city 55th wedding anniversary for mr mrs roy carter let us help you build a complete roof of punned protection safecqaufecoegcnbtal insurance ksgbtwin stfttfrsimmwk nmkmimtknuer trouilaave money toot hoineowimrslcaaditaiml axtras in strata oat pobqr cover a awarytmat no ana- genus gaps at avtrhst you am money toe dor the finest matt caafiata reotttatewmdprottctiaa dennys insurance agency 17 mill si w acton rs341so residences bill 8532645 haloid 8532565 mih 8532243 rev russel pulleys sermon was based on the twelfth chap ter of pauls letter to the rom ans these brand new christ ians needed advice religion is like the two sides of a coin one is beuef the other is behavior too often religion emphasises the negative mark twain said he dldnt worry about the parts of the bible be didnt understand it was the parts which he did understand that gave him the most trouble to dedicate or give ourselves to god unselfishly is a trans forming experience goddoesnot desire a demonstration such as making a human torch of oneself to show ones objection to some thing we should give our bodies as a uvlng sacrifice years ago joseph scriven came out from ireland and work ed as a private tutor to a wealthy family near port hope he saved his money and sent for his bride however the ship on which she was coming went down with au on board in us sorrow and grief joseph scriven wrote a letter to comfort his brides mother in it ha enclosed a simple verse which he had composed over the years this verse has been a favourite of countless people what a friend we have in jesus reugion is front page news to day the first step is unselfish giv ing of oneself second let your mind be renewed do every day the nataraleasythlnglnldndness congratulations to mr and jlra keith anderson on the birth of their daughter cindy on oct 19 also congratulations and best wishes to mr and mrs roy carter arkeu on celebrating their 55th wedding anniversary next sunday afternoon the annual remembrance day serv ice wiu be held at hattonvllle monument at 230 afterwards at 245 a service will be held at nassagaweya presbyterian church with the acton choral- iers in attendance the next communion service and opportunity for anyone desir ous of joining the church wiu be held on december 17 james zehr receives b a at the annual autumn convo cation of the waterloo lutheran university on sunday october jo jamas w zehr received his bachelor of arte dtgret following the ceremontas a reception was held at the borne of mr zehrt slater and brother inlaw mr and mrs donald eltel of kltchtaer guests at the convocation and recaption included friends and relative a from acton guetph woodstock campbeuvule kit chener and dartmouth nova scotia i enjoy dalkiovs f1avwicwsp 1 t i h i enjoy the best in chocolates xauta ecer4 chocolates and candies now available for a special occasion a saturday night treat anytime at all treat her to the best iff xaura ecc4 acton pharmacy i i i jw lllull t tw i t ii i family pak 14 pieces chicken honey jv9 family orders french fries serves t aa about 6 iw cole slaw serves mgi about 6 jvc phone 8531201 and wall have veer open dauy ii am to inji gm friday ana satwrday 11 sum to 12 midnight tfemday 11 sum to laja pm b m hood drivein etfmc ew aetata mvel double your money with canada savings bonds one of the great things about canada is canada sa ings bonds and this cars series is the most exciting yet interest starts at 5j4 a ear the highest starting rate ever on a canada sa ings bond and goes right up to 6 0er the 13 years to maturity the true average annual ield is 548 beat of all canada saings bonds have a wonderful compound jnterest feature which pays you interest on jour interest take full adantage of it and you ill double your money always canada saing- bonds are intant cash they may be cashed at any time for their full face value plus accrued interest they are easy to buy for cash or on instalments they fit all savings budgets from s50 up buy yours today where you work bank or invest nd for the first time ever canadas most popular personal investment may now be bought by businesses churches charities clubs and other organizations another first the limit per holder for this series has been increased to 50000 backed by all the resources of canada canada savings bonds are a great way to save buy vours today and double your money

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