Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 11, 1967, p. 6

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iv pk- iv v a th acton rr preu wsdrwiiday january 11 w7 cwrtchm meeting the annual meeting of the churchill chttrch uw held on wednesday afternoon january 4 at the holme of mr and ftta d williamson su- vercree with very good at- tendance president mrs w thompson opened the meeting with prayar and then called on mrs alfred winter for the de votion she chose a christmas story tor her topic jl the christmas bible etory the study book was taken by mrs r denny in the ab- sence of the secretary mrs b leltch mrs w swackhamer acted as secretary and read the minutes of the- last meeting mrs denny gave the financ- ltd report of the year which proved very good some business was dealt with the roll call was an swered by ideas for spring projects at the close a love ly lunch was served by the hostess mrs williamson and mrs p thompson and mrs r denny mrs g stephens thank ed mrs williamson for her hospitality and use of her home a sunday sarvtce and sacra ment of the lords supper was observed and well attended at churchill church on sunday january 8 the sympathy of this com munity is extended to mr and 1 mrs george stephens in the death on saturday january 7 of mrs stephens sister mrs vera arnold of newmarket mr and mrs tony damm mo- tored taking mr and mrs stephens and attended the funeral on monday mr and mrs ward hamil ton debbie betty and andy were guests of dr and mrs b j wingrove rr 23uelph mr paul hamilton attended a banquet given toy the agric ultural committee of the wel lington county council on fri day at the parkview motel guelph thls dinner was to ho nor county agriculture award winners mrs harry angus jay and gordleof wyoming mich are spending two weeks visiting with her parents mr and mrs a winter and other relatives mr and mrs fredmacarth- ur visited nn thursday with- their cousins mr and mrs ar thur grjffin of erin s7tk hrmmteaph rockwood everyone in the rockwood area joins to extend congratulations and good wishes to mr and mrs henry cooper who on january 5 celebrated their 57th wedding anniversary the couple were married in orangeville and for the past 12 years have made their home in rockwood many happy ye- turns of the day and continued health and happiness are wish ed by all to the coopers who spent theday quietly at their home install new slate of officers rockwood mrs d d gray was hostess to the january meeting of rockwood presby- terlrin wms and w a recent ly there wore eleven fiiem- hers nnd two vlsl fort present to answer roll calh- bant years president- miss minnie nlckoll opened the meeting with the immortal words of the into king george vi during his wartime new years message to the commonwealth hymn 297- was sung and the scripture lesson road by mrs den hum the glad tidings prnyer was offered by mrs roy young ballinafad review story at first the regular trimonthly eu chre was held in ballinafad hall on tuesday night jan 3 high lady miss krantz second mrs r l davidson low mrs webb nigh gent cam mcen- ery second mr storey low mrs j snow playing as a gent the first wi meeting of centennial year was held at the home of mrs roy swindle- hurst on wednesday jan 3 the president- mrs smith op ened the meeting with the wi ode and mary stewart collect in unison roll call answered by 12 members and two visitors was a childhood memory of a community function which proved very interesting a letter was- read from the girl in korea who is being sponsored by ballinafad wi mrs leo jamleson and mrs ray swlndlchurst are to be leaders of 4h girls for the next club several thahk you cards from sick and shutins were read following the business mrs robert mcenery convener of historical research and mrs ada kirkwood current events convener took over for v the program reports of standing committees were given current events prepared by mrs don brown were read by jessie mcenery the motto the good deeds we do along lifes way lends 1o peace in old age was given by mrs 4mlliam- kirkwood a reading by mrs robert mcenery lost an age ddg visits lions club cites eyebank donations acton lions played host to deputy district governor how ard stewart at their regular dinner meeting monday as well as witnessing- an interest ing demonstration and talk on the laser beam given by bell telephone representative don cook deputy district governor stewart a streetsviue club member congratulated acton lions on their many commun ity achievements over the past year citing the eye bank ap peal conceived and directed oy lion murray harrison in particular other clubs are fol lowing actons example now and the cjnijb bank will pro fit immensely from the move ment initiated in acton said the deputy governor he was introduced by lion hartley coles and thanked by lion vic bristovr mr cooks d of the laser beam illustrations of the practical uses to which the beam has already been put and the many uses envisioned for it enthralled the lions mr cook explained the word laser comes from the formu la light amplification stimu lated emission of radiation the laser could carry 100 mil lion telephone calls and a mil lion tv programs simultane ously on a beam half as thick as a human hair scientists are spending vast amounts of time and money on development and research for various uses of the laser it has already been used in bloodless surgery which is practically painless kidney and gall stones can be reduced to a pulp without an operat ion but much more research is needed chief difficulty in the com munications field so far has been the inability to tap it at intermediate points mr cook rtbt r hamihoi vipnjtimfiiiii 11 kuashalw vww s hllmt saw a solutlqn coming soon to this problem the laser beam is the big gest break in communications since the invention of the tran sistor the speaker said he scoffed at some of the pseudo- scientific uses attributed to the laser beam in james bond movies and described their true use tie was introduced by lion murray harrison and thanked by lon al lauder lion chief dave hunter pres ided for the meeting which outside of a sing song led by lion ray evelan was devoted to speakers oahrille project the hon judy lamarsh of ficially turned the first sod saturday for oakvilles 1200- 000 centennial civic centre warden bert hinton attended hs last official function as county warden the project includes a library swimming pool auditorium and recrea tion facilities 4aua of confederation of institute brought back memories of old en days mrs richard shortill read a clipping of pupils who attended peacock school who would have been 100 years old now which was very interest ing also a ciipping which had been taken from the milton champion which was printed in 1866 which was quite amus- ingr mrs ada kirkwood read a piece which was written by l -m- mckcchnie 100 years ago hegnve us a nation gift from john a macdonald its the stpry of a lonely man soon to be prime minister enjoying a solitary feast of toast and tea in a hotel bedroom 3200 miles from home and putting the final touohes on the blue print for canadas nationhood it is christmas day 1866 three weeks earlier the m n we now call the fathers of confederation five nova sco- tiansfive from new bruns wick and six from the cana dian provinces ontario and quebec arrived in london to present their plan for a federa tion of all british north am erica to the imperial govern ment they all stayed at the west minster palace hotel at the junction of victoria and tot- hill streets within sight of westminster abbey where a ground floor concert room pro vided their meeting place so on christmas day 1866 john av macdonald wrapped up a present to the- canadian peo ple and gave us a nation of which we should be very proud the wi intend hold ing a euchre and rienriy sale march 17 particulars later mrs william kirkwood who has been a faithful member of r wi has moved to erin and was presented withawl cup and saucer atlhe meeting by the president meeting closed- with the queen and wl grace a so cial time was spent over the tea cups there was a presentation in ballinafad hall on friday night for mr and mrs ron baker nee sharon allan bud snow was chairman and louise snow read an address morgan madill and norman sinclair presented them with a step table and lamp some ashtrays and money they re plied very fittingly lunch was served the even ing was spent dancingto me- dougalls orchestra during the business session miss elva pcaren announced thht iho presbyterian congress would be held at queens uni versity kingston from june 3 to 6 r the womens worjd day of prayer will bo held in rock- wad presbyterian church on february 10 rev sinclair conducted the installation of officers tor the coming year president miss blvu penron first vicepresi dent mrs obuuionham sec ond vicepresident rit m7 milne treasurer mrs d d gray secretary mrs d mc- nabb 4 tidings secretary mrs ljohnston home help ers convenor mrs f kelso- supply secretary mrs g swan- ston welcome and welfare secrotary mri- m milne and mrs j duby pianist mrs j freeman press secretary mrs d monabb during his talk rev sink clair gave timely thoughts to follow during the year ahead he stated it was necessary to make use of our godglvcn tal ents and be willing to work to further hisworti as individ uals or as a group also nee- essary is to develop our gift of leadership and usefulness to others and be rewarded by his blessing we must do whatever we can to bring peace on earth and goodwill and contentment to ourselves and all mankind alias pearen the new- presi dent thanked miss nlckcll for her leadership in the past and expressed the hope to be able to carry on as efficiently in the corhlhgyear miss m nickcll gave the members a most interesting talk on the first part of the new study book a full and in formative history of the refor mation of the church begin ning 483 years ago in germany was presented the speaker told of the life of martin luth er his hardships and his great determination that led to the formation of the protestant church also mentioned was the building of knox theolog ical college for the training of young men for the ministry a hymn and prayer by rev sinclair closed the meeting the president of the wa mrs lloyd johnston conducted their meeting which followed du thesocinl timtv a lr ly lunch was served by the hos- tess- mrs dgray christmas meeting of greenock wl ihedecembcrmeeting of the greenock womens insti tute was held at the home of mrs l tryssenaar suitably decorated for the festive sea son president mrs gordon leslie presided the scripture was given by mrs calvin alt- ken and the lords prayer was repeated in unison the minut es of the previous meeting were read by the secretary mrs j mcculloch also the treasurers report was heard donations were given to- wards the tb christmas seals participation foreseen by auxiliary mtoto fey bmbsr tkfluv jeanini praet and john peter hurst were married in knox presbyterian church friday evening december30 the groom kas ust returned from a years posting in indochlna and is a communicator with the department of external affairs of the dominion government the couple will live in ottawa until the groom is posted fb a new overseas location the groom is- the son of mr and mrs j hunt acton and the bride the daughter of mr and mrs g praet louisiana eden mill wl hobby antique festival easter week centennial plan mr tony gittens of the bar bados visited his friend jim jennings for a few days tmmsml mrs ed jennings spent a few days visiting rela- will take pla euchre and penny sale in the village hall january 21 will be their first venture a liubby and antiqu festival the regular meeting of the acton auxiliary of the north halton associauon for the mentally retarded was held on january 5 at the home of mrs r louttet with 12 members present the meeting was op ened with the auxiliary prayer and the president then wel comed three new member anaongtnany itemsof busi ness a membership drive was discussed and it was decided that in addition to personal ef forts- by present members ah ad wouldbe placed in the free press prior to the next meet- ihg members are endeavouring to dispell the idea that the aux iliary is only for those who have retarded children inthelr own family- in fact member ship is open lb all those inter ested in the welfare of this seg ment of our community it was also decided to place ads both now and at a later date for the forthcoming rummage sale the president reported jhat they have delivered a jicw snow shovel to the hope workshop and that actonites had sent 50 chairs last year to be repaired the workshop is now seeking jobxcmtraias ao keep trainees employed until the chair repair season rolls around again two students will shortly be graduating from the sun shine school 16 hope bring ing the number of trainees to 10 several members volun teered to spend an occasional half day at hope if required to assist the staff members were grateful to learn that the collection from the legion ladies banquet had been donated to the auxil iary and that the women of the christian reformed church will donate the proceeds from a february bake sale the new taxation laws will requirca different type of re ceipt to the public and itvas decidedthat this and the heed for registration would be dis cussed at the next meeting of the association to determine what action if any is required on the part of the local auxil iary after a lengthy discussion it was decided thai the auxiliary has been confiningitscif too narrowly to moneyraising pro- iects and thii ihy mml personal contact between the members of the auxiliary and the local children and youth these children with their more limited personal resourc es are perhaps in greater need of recreational help than oth ers so opportunities in this area will be investigated per haps a weekly bowling or skat ing session could be sponsored for those in the town who come under their responsibil ity it isjiopea that such a project can be underway be fore the next meeting as always the lunch after the business meeting was a time for a lively social get to gether as those present got a closer glimpse of themselves and their community put donations behind bars a smallish accumulation of good used clothing is being as sembled by the community welfare services committee the items arc being housed in the unused upstair auditorium of the town hall more shelves will be built by the men from the golden age club any donations may be left in the town hall in front of the cells yes thats right the door to the upstairs is locked tives in port perry bowman- ville and castletonv mr and mrs harvey link are enjoying some holidays in california the centennial committees- of edencrestandleden mills institutes mef wednesday af ternoon at the homec of mrs r wright to further plans for their 1967 years activities a lerweck mr and mrs shippcrbottom of hamilton visited with mr and imrs ed woodhouse re cently mr and mrstedjbarden- andfamllywere guests of mr and mrs gemmell dundas luring the holidays into the area of more active participation in the local scene it was pointed out that both the sunshine school and hope now only require main tenance and expansion funds from the group it is felt that there is a need in this community for a more r l operetta staged in february the name is the same but the cast will be different when the robert little public school pupils present their operetta 1hms pinafore a repeat performance of- february 1718 1959 the operetta this year will be presented in the school audi torium on february 2223 with music supervisor glenn banks in charge assisted by the mem bers of the staff back in 1959 when the same operetta was presented mr banks and assistant principal doug copeland were in charge both arc still here to make cer tain the play is a success in charge of costumes along with other mothers are mrs jim gibson mrs harry law- son and mrs john bousfield eupilkfromallg w be taking part in the operetta practices are well under way now r the smithsonian institute in- washington houses the largest blue diamond in the world the hope e pearen entertained the members with many slides tak en on a summer trip to brit ain by the mcculloch family and some slides of local inter est christmas carols were sung before the christmas ex change of gifts a delicious lunch was served by the hostess mrs w john- a share for sponsoring a refu- ston and mrs c allan consist- gee child in korea and plants i of a salad plate rolls arranged tobe sent to shut- utth almond ifing and christ- ins mas tarts brought as part of mrs j mcculloch and miss the roll call with recipes i 774971 no toll chmge mothers its contest time at milton department store on january 21st a draw ticket i ww be pulled from the box and the winner will receive the amount of her baby bonus in cash just pay for any purchase saall or large with your baby bonus at milton department store fill in a draw ticket with your name v address and amount of cheque and drop it in the lucky draw container in our store i i milton tikt advantage of our january sab sava ano also tiava ffca aaatunlty to win bade baby bonus monoy in ffum lta iniiinitt store the safe clean way to have all the hot water you want when you want it the new twoelement electric water heater even heavyuser families can be sure of all the hot water they ll ever need with this new fastrecovery elec tric water heater twothermostaticauycntxohedelemehteal radically to provide maximum service at minimum cost there is a size and capacity to suit your household needs why not enjoy this lowcost corivetrbmca cji us and get the facta for moral information call acton hydro electric r 3 row st n commission acton otnv bss4410 startup v

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