greenock wi hears speaker sees demonstrations at meeting the july meeting of the green ock womens lnslitirle was held al the home ol mrs george wallace rr 4 rot k wood with the president mrs gordon les lie in the chair the meeting opened with the opening ode and mary stewart collet t the scripture was read bv mr charlie binnie followed b the lords praver in unison the minutes of the previous meeting were read and oppro cd and the members otcd a donation to the st john am bulance it was decided to have a fam ily picnic in the rockuood con servation park on the sundav afternoon august 14 with eaih family bringing a pot luck lunch the roll call was answered with what do vou do to ieliee tension which varied from gardening to drivings mrs elliott patterson convert er loi home economics and health gave as the motto too many square meals make loo many round people we are what we eit the medical pio- lession slates as the grim pic ture unfolds following a check on the obcit problem plaguing the population ol the north am encan continent toduv food is essential to life but our bodies require onl the amount neccssarx to repair wh it we burn up each da lor the penalties we pa for ovei weight are quite often heart trouble respirators disorders and foot troubles besides the in convenience eating can be come a habil with caret ul plan ning for good health concluded churchill community picnic to aid cemetery mr and mrs william thomp son accompanied bv mrs thompsons parents mr and mrs anthur grit tin ol erin spent the weekend at their col tjge at braccbndge mr and mrs charles binnie accompanied b mrs c best ol peterborough also mr and jvlrs alex jackson of erin had a ver enjoyable trip motoring in northern ontario last week mrs best left for home on mon day mr and mrs donald ander son and bos are holidaing at the cottage at fenelon falls for a week a happy community picnic gathering was held on sundav afternoon jul m at mi m mrs w j mcdonald s grounds in aid ol the pioneer cemeter on the corner of the filth line and no 7 highvva a collection was taken and plans were made for some needlul repairing to be done shoi 1 l mr and mrs clare mat arthur and mamcr michael bissun ol wetland hav been holidaving with the formers brother vlr and mr rred macai thui obituary mrs r mceachern a well known milton meich ant mrs tjliea mildred vkta chein died on juh 21 at lur bronte st home mi s 1nicui n and he i luis band piun to his death opciat vd tle seiice station at the corner ol main and bronte sis for mam eajs mi mceachern died in december 1 w she received her education in acton and milton schools and in august 1925 ma mod kellv mc eachern ar acton she was the dauyhlet of mr and mrs moi gan crew son and was bom at c ivw son s coi ners neai e ion in 1ws mrs meeacjhcrn had a hobh t keeping i serapbook ot news she teuind interesting in the mil ton luwspapei she was a mem her ol si pin s i nitcd chuish and ol the i nitcd lluiish vo men she u sutvied bv one daugh ter mis ilma tvum a sifter mrs chi is gleisuijci riiiia and a brothel biandon crow son r r t vtilton the luneral sei ice was held on saluulin juh 2 i mm the mcnabb chapel with rev j k l mcgovwi otliciating inter ment was m evergrotn ceme terv pallbearers were ted co gan terrv barker dae wilson darra sleen jim collins and bob dixon whether we lose or keep grow ing lulici is merelv a matter ol mind ovei platter mrs a gates introduced oiu guest speakei mr r s hai t cl the si john ambulance ac ton to speak on tension which is generally understood to be a bv product of other svmptoms often stress due to eertion and the wear and tear ol lile leads to phvsual emo tion disease and othei elicits to overcome and understand the casing ol tension we must irv and balance om work with plav create a hobbv slop wor ring and loaf lor a change ir doing one thing at a time talk with someone tor yooel comei sation is enlightening look for the besi in others no one is laullless visit awnovie oi a bnef ufprnt a respite irom routine also miss bella mae rosell demons uited the ropei melh od ol making a sick room bed with improvisionsand the cor rcct method ol taking a patient s temperature and cate ot the thermometer both guests weic ei much eiijomd and mis e paltcison espivsseel the appreciation of then time and talent mrs a gales displayed a guess the product contest with mrs ma stoiev as winnei the meeting iloseel with the institute giace 1 unch was seiv ed b the hostess mrs a winl ei anil miss l pcaren mis chester allcn was courtcs con vener for the evening greenock greenthurnbs club hold meetings take trip the greenock gran thumbs and their leaders mrs winter and mrs spence visited hamil tons botanical gardens in june when the peonies and irises were in lull bloom the also v isited hanulon rock garden and then to dundern park for a picnic lunch the third meeting of the gree nock creenthumbs ilub was held june 30 at the horrii ot mar tan baibara gates the meet ing opened with the 411 pledge the roll call the progress ol m gai den was answered b 10 members the minutes of the last meeting were read b laura trvsscnaar a letter re yarding preparations lor the 4 ii membiis trip to muskoka was read b marjone johnsion mis winter showed how to prune tomato plants bv tak ing ihe small suckers olf the main stock also that the mos clteclim wax of killing wectls was hoeing and cultivation mrs winter and mis spenie assisted ov the memheis demon straied how to prepare straw berries lor liieing also blanch ing spinach beloie lieeing atlei a shoil disiussion of i eeing do s and don ts hie meeting closed with o canada lunch was served and a social li ill houi was eiived bv all the fourth meeting of the gremock greenthurnbs was held al the home of mrs winter op- ening with the 4h pledge mar lime johnston askid the roll call an insect in m garden and how lo control it the minutes of the last meet ing were read bv christine hm ren mrs winter demonstiated how to lan tomaloes in tars plans for a demonstration at achievement dav august 27 iere discussed the meeting closed with the queen lunch was seived b ihe hostess slides of holland england highlight at dublin ik meet membeis of dublin womens institute and some husbands journesed to the home ol mi and mrs wilmer watkins near shelburne reeentlv for their juh keep children away from farm machinery last month a fourearold bov was killed when he fell oft a arm tractor being opiralid bv another voung bov whose res ponsibihts was this were sure the parents will never forgive thimsehes tor allowing this to huppc n children love lo nde on tractors and machinerv but don l take chances w nfi our small sons and daughters keep the in al home until this re old enough lo be taught pioperlv fair dates tlu ontuio department of m iciiluic i poiis in its p i in phlel out ii io aiiciiltural i ins ivop that the lollowmg i his i l this aiea will be he lei on tleii noted elates e ton sept 16 17 alii islel sept 12 21 24 bailie sep 2 m oct 1 bolton sept 21 24 b ampton sept h 16 17 caledon sept 9 10 dui h mi sept 22 2 elnnia sept 2 s a s erin od 7 8 10 i ergus sept 16 17 gall sept 8 f 10 gcoii town sept 10 cm 1 ki telle ui scpl 2ooei 1 1 oinlon wist e m tail sept q 1 mil ion sop 2 24 or ingevillc sept 4 o avia w uile i tan oet 2429 pans sep 2 1 s lomrol 1 vll s se t s ii onto ro ll wllltl 1 1 i h nov 11 1 w itl eillwil sep 1 10 kryn mad while you wait hintons 5c1 store meeting mrs walkins was lurnjerlv a member ol the dub lin v 1 a smorgasbord supper uas served with a good chone of all kinds ol looil and enioved bv all presiding at the meeting was the president mrs c brit ton and ihe secrlarv mrs e nor ion lead the roll call li was responded lo bv sav sing plav or pn mrs w britton reported on the successful booth held at the var sale and handed in some moncv foi the treasurer mrs william vlclntvre and mrs c armstrong the program committee looked after the pnigiam a contest was won bv mrs 1 nellis and mrs e nor ton an enjovable feature of the evening was ihe showing ot slides bv mr and mrs melvin mccul lough ot their recent tup with the canadian guernsev breeders association pictures of holland england and guern sev islands were shown and all admired the lolonngs and beau iv ol these countries mis mi laid britton gave a sincere vole ot thanks to mr incl mis mc oil lough for shar ing ilicir tup vmiii ihe members anc some ol hi mm lolk mrs beatrice fletcher i 25 years as secretarytreasurer recalls days of one room schools the acton fret press thursday august 4 1966 third picture appears today in summer safety competition mrs beatrice deli her was the lirst woman to serve on a nussa gavvevi school board and also served lor 2s viars as senctarv tieasuier just reeentlv she ic- tircd and in a letter to the boaid she traied some of the eailv das ol education in the town ship the following is the letter i attended public school in guelph and in mv eai lv dreams m plans were lo heiomc a nurse perhaps it was the nue white caps and aprons that vveie the attraction but for financial reasons i had o lake the two vear commercial course given there at that time i did not have lo till in two vears for on mnv dav 1908 i stared to work for the canadian pacific rail wav that vear the line from guelph to guelph junction was completed in ihe eirlv fall tust as the leaves were turning one evening t came down the new railwav wilh ihe dimtaiics of guelph and the c p r on the back ol the observation car from guelph lo guelph junction through aikell corwhin mollat to the junction nd hick and then tt the wei lington hotel for dmner this i will never loigct i wis 16 1 woiked loi seven vcirs at oltice work in the citv of gitelph in october 191s i niaincd austin rieteher and came to nassagtwcva township to live al thai time it did not mailer ih it all the vvatei had to h carried in and the new coal and wood stove i tneil to keep going was rnostlv out no matter how much i poked at it but when i went oer to s s no 4 nassagaweva and saw wheie mv girls hid to go to chool it took a few davs to get over this the pump was aw iv oil liom the school and the snow was miltini and running into the well at the top theie was a small white enamel cup hung on a wire and when vou washed vour hands vonr iriend would pump loi vou and then vou would shike the water fl as best sou could 01 lotilsc the talon s catalogue was in the loilel a big stove which the teacher and children had to keep going oh ves and the slalcs and pencils lo workxurh not provided bv the school bo ml in l28 at the regular jluninrv meeting it was moved nv hie laic mr john harcourt simpson and seconded bv mr elwoocl wilson that mrs beatrice flet cher be the new trustee on the ss no 4 boa id at that tune i w is the first woman to be on a school board in halton counlv the to 11 her was then paid st00 i vear and paid three times a vear for siv sears i was a trustee a then from 1934 to 1940 i was secretarv tieasunr as well of course it was nisi a debit and ciedit with verv few entries each month in ihe year 1940 ihc islassaga weva tovvnship school rea was lormed in the back room of the old township hall with ihe wind blowing right through it vve managed not too badlv until one verv cold nighl vtr joseph frank sat on the east side ol the table he caught a vers bad cold and was verv ill the next time we went the lue wis not uni on we began to think bv ihe tune we got the lire c it would be bonis bdore vve oulcl ml down and have our mcetinj i said i know whci us waim and that was ihc lime we bejan having the meetings it mv home of ionise il it anv tunc llieie was a piohlcin al mv ol the schools we would nice thie but in the dav light dm ing the twentv vears between 1940 and 1960 the schools vveie hi ought up muic evcnlv one wilh ik other ttye hvdro was put ihtough the township on ihe duelph i m in 1933 34 and ol cniuse as it became available il wis installed n the schools the school bo ud had a real big deal when thev ihe about expo it is expected that 90 pei cent of the construction on the expo site will be completed bvthe end of 1966 foui months belore the gate opens work on habitat 67 and some of the theme pavilions as well as on the pavilions ol some late starting nation il pai licipanls will enter into 1967 howevei all are being phisccl foi comple tion beloie opening ilalc the bulk of ihe woik aflei the luin of the veil will be completing exhibits inside the buildings and putting a lew i in al spimglime tone lies on the landscaping at the moment the- coipoia lion has completed its under ground seiviees sue li as sewers gas and water mams and has blocked out its road ard canil sxstems the concordia budge completed lhee months ahe id of se he dule connect- cite elu havre with he samleiielene all other bridges including the cxleiision ol concoidia bi iclge which will oin lie sarnie hel cne with he noliedmi will be liiiishe- this tail a major poition of the i ail is laid loi the miss tiansit svs tern and testing is to begin late this summer the lonshuetion ol ihe miniiul is well advanced and testing of ibis elevated miniature monorail is also plan ncd foi this suniiiici consli uclion his stalled on all precus eliiccllx euntiollcel bv tht i xpo coipoialion mclud ing nine buildings connected wilh expos llmiie- v1in nd his moi id tiiid to add ihe addition c ainpbellvillc school months weic lost in lontiovctsv etc that vve did not need it etc b sevcial iilipaveis in camp bcjlville onl howevei at last in the end vve did the school area was in force loi 20 vcus hcloic the new brookville school was built in 10 now vve- have the first eight looms lour new tooms ildecl one portable last veir one mme this eat a lull div kindcigailcn in the- auditoiium and also a moi nlim kindeigailen ii the masonic hall al camp bcllville oui hopis aie a rullv cqiiip ped cential school at brook ville beloie 1970 sinle the aiea was foimcd tvo boaid menibcis have gone i mm oiu mielsl the late mi joseph tiank and llle lale ml lmdsav feiguson mv hope is that ihe tale pavcis ol nisiyawva town w ivslnp will assist in cverv wav possible lo help the school boaid incnihc is to have their illeaill come ii uc i thank ion sinceielv heall lee 1 lelehel ihe thud pit ture in a series ol loin ill ihc illllcl the sllelv 1 lephant sunimer safetv con test is published in this weeks issue ol the acton trie piess i lementarv school pupils ihioughoul the area served bv this newspaper are urged to try loi one of thx manv prizes iliit ne olfeied each week dining each of the following two weeks anolhei pillule will appeal the contest is conducted in i in inteicst of hm i lie silelv bv the acton tree piess in coopei a l ion with the ontario safetv league manv othei newspap- iis are pal tinpating as weli the enlrv that is named the best each week bv the panel of lodges will be a wanted a fullv- e cupped com imperial 700 bi- evelc theic is one for a bov and one loi a girl in addition tlieie aie 25 olhci pues ivsird eel weeklv llle eonlesl is biseel on t lie silelv idles tllil aie svanbohed in i hue i ihcsaletv blcpliml in the education piogirfn eon elm led in the public schools in this disliict the artist in diauine tin pic hue made seven delihciale ei itis which arc found eisilv when the enois aie ftiiind the v should be noted on a se pat ale sheet of paper and ihcni ihe pie tun is to be colored ihe en tries in contest two should be madeti to the ontauo safetv league 208 king st w toion to and must be poslmiiked be foie august 3 triple celebration at a a meeting a tuple butlitlav celebiation highlighted the legular meeting ol acton alcoholics anonvmous al llle seoul hill on saturdiv julv 21 visitois liom guelph long bianeh milton geoigetown ioionlo mil collingwood swell eel ihe attendance to over 50 aa membeis collingwood aa gioup conducted ihe inciting and pio vlclccf ihe guest speakel the buthdav lnleilude coin plelc with c ike and congiatula lions was ui honoi ol lorn with seven vcus of colli inuoiis so biielv mnv mx vcus hid seot lv loin vc its the host gioup seived a spec iil bnlhcliv lunch ol liomeiniele meal pics salads and annivcr s ii v cake pollock and campbell manufacturers of high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 water st north gait telephone 6217380 heating modern plumbing phone 8569501 warm air and hot water pumps and water systems rockwood frank carney and sons lio visilois to rockaoocl con seivalion aiea aie still kecpinu then eves peeled loi the subtil ranean monstei icpoi ted seen a timeoi two anew sandv beach theic llus vcn has been veiv popular fred a hoffman oplometi ist s8 si gem ge s sq guelph ont telephone 8242071 in memoriam cards in reply to many requests the canadian cancer society has made available in memoriam cards which may be used at the time of a bereavement available at rumleyshoemalcer funeral home or phone 8530150 harold denny 1966 fords fairlanes falcons seliut sfttt several models i for fast delivery see us for best deal save dollars now thompson motors acton ltd phone 8532370 notice a public survey will be conducted in acton during the week of august 1st on the subject of religion in the public schools sponsored by the canadian bahai community member of the canadiaotirterfawiri gonferencel youcpnwlmaffceebike- lots ot ether dandy prizes tool enter elmers summer safety contest thii contest is based on elnwr rtiu vkn ihtrw ar no side walks walk on th left adna traffic find tnt tmvn rrors in the picture then color it and mo to address below 1 every week elmer is giving away caroline flower garden shop complete une of nursery stock 4 gardening needs sprays insecticides fertilizers fresh cut flowers always available flowers wired anywhere phone 853 2980 anytime open 7 days a week 8 00 a in til dark visit us today i 7 miles west of acton south side of highway milton uuim 8783272 thursfri sat aug 4so our man flint in color jwils i obi r i ll j cobb cartoon cat above mouse below adult entertainment matinee sat at 1 p m showing dog of flanders in color mon tues wed battle of villa fiorita aug 8910 in color mm kl en o mara rosswo brx77i cartoon panchos hideaway thurs fri sat aug 111213 mara of the wilderness in color vdam btma rst blue man of morocco in color walt disnev production show times monday through thursday 8 pal friday and saturday at 7 and 9 mw 25 imperial 700 bikes one boys one girls tlyte accessory kits each kit contains bicycle lock handle grips bell mud lap and streamers how to enter 1 cut this tonhnt out of pop long dotted unm and color tsa picturt or drew a p ctura that look lik ir end color b 2 ut n mperate of popr in tavin rhtofj wronff in th plttur 3 mail conmtl mnd kti to ad- drta on entry form don t for qt to fill itl your itom nd ddrvsc 4 all oatrloa iim om ojro- pttf of elmr fft sofoty uo- pont and cannot tmvrnld 5 clumron of owp ikls nwpopr th ontari sofoty lou and ccm mmy not rttor 7 h4am will w traffk sofoty mfhsorlnoi judoom ovtihn it oi fill in ond mail before august io to i elmer co ontario safety league 208 king street west toronto 1 ontario contest no 3 nam address a0 telethons ck