Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 29, 1965, p. 9

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how to plant trees rely on soil water any mbmbst wal tha qumlion ailad lima and win 0 ly tiximwff i roil iv nh sal uday afternoon at lha horn and conmnll owd by a il mr c vaiujorlio wrnl no lof lata tka family ar moving back lo holland aid rveythog to l 10i1i unfoituiialcly no bh wwa mad on ina home m and m varxiaitw oie taodioo on iimj iwiuiini v linmadtala ront experimenting with chemical to halt dutch elm disease thr aeliw mtrwad of ihe dutch rim tiivaw will he rrvuming in the- wch k ahrael thr dikraif and lurk htx ilr vhkh help to iftrrael it arc inaeiivc during thr winter months hut art rrlcawd inmi lheir dormant utile by the warm spring wealhrr the ttmlrul ttj the rhn diae spread ha hem mainly ihrmiuh the iihitrtj 4 hart hectic imp utation thrv hrclle tan inlet i hcallhv elm when ipum hlmh tnav fctkk to their hodie etn taet tear made hv tlw hoetlck fevltny tui twig in the top of the trrcv one control method u lo j jrlruy rim hruod ttialerial whkh cunviitu ol rvrenllv tul or ilvnii elm the bcclu- lav their cuy between thr haik and wood l i thu maierial i lm in itm on elitun tan be vain lied by bum iny or inwetuklc vjmjvi whuh leave the hark imvuitahle lor beetle deckpnwnt i tiemal kpraymtf ol inweti tide iiwh ii pmuxl luullhy elm tnun adult hexlltt heding in the tree tcpv spraying mutt he iuhu in the fcprirvg hworr llu lav- tine rye when he tempi laitnie u over 40 dey i a miiyle thunumh appli preventing crabgrass easier than curing it craburau hardlv rteedk elcw-nh- ing to the houv bidder whove front lawn or haek garden i hit pride and jov when knot tn the lawn beexune purple instead ol c recti uunctmu about august it ivn i tome dtwaw or mubehav lor ol the uerhin illue jia- crahgraift leave arc shorter and wider than the elcxirahlc lawn raucfc thr broad blade cnd n a kharp point and a mijtrt ed befort imimn an unpleasant purple khade in mldtummer the aleim arc wirv scmiprotnlc and haw the unfortunate habit ol tending down root at the nodes imilai to kirawbcrry runner this i u ul tv eivahlc oik plain to mwi a coiimilcrable area ol lawn in the akirw ol a summer allamata nama the mxxi head are long spikes radiating irum the tip ol the stem the spike extend like i inters hence thr alii male name ol dinger trass as an annual erah- grass must start eah spring as a krcdllng tlowrvertprevinilng need being scattered on the lawn from ripening wed spikes is a prat dial impossihilm the ob- jcittvv must be to prevem crab- grass rum reaching the seedling atagc crahgrass thrives in hot wrath rr and bright sunshine it is not olten a problem in shaded ureas of the lawn neither does it cv tahlkh well in thick vigorous fast growing laywi grass gtktd lawn management then is cvcn ital in keeping tree tit trabgtasn luing shatluw ixkttixl it txihils tixtm light itixjuent watciing loiw n gmss howewt is dixpir rooted and is not niriiciilarl fclimulatixl bs sprinkling wliuh diies ih1 piihliale t least luo uwhes deep moial watci tlioi ihighk but not olten i than tuue or twice a week ad isex the on tario ivnairtmrnt id agncoltuiv suits and citps hraiu h pivicnlhinis bittii than uic i 01 tunateh wsilii pixmiikis iau be apphedlo iik lawn whuh uv liiallv pivwnt the stahlishuiint ialkmi j doi i siniil it iiin4xii 4 nk lliuvl uiui all halk siiiiko of llw luink littiiilus and iwit sx lal tpimis tit mxpuitd oi a nmt hlnvi i iku tll s v 11 ic t pia an iitpuuil in lit il a ihlv l rhn liu hv i lisli nit k piaf iitiiipaitil 1 iu4i j il loll i inisl illllwt i a iuv nn iikmi l my nil l thlt oil hi i sh i inu iii 1 1 l ims in i mm is itu oijix titiimtl ii in miiil into llu sap llou il llu lux ins ilhxhkal is in kill i hi itm it llu tiai k imille i i sons ippl inn lllls ik w iluinual musl tn piop i lm nsid ii is hml ih t iii ttve are living thing and mutt be treated as wmh from the tune you get them from the nur very until thrv ate ftourivblng in our yard it or uuu tuev reiv piunjiil upiiii sil and ualii tor their cmumi i veil though iluu mav be iv uats mi ilia tux at planting hok inotstuw is siml ivajvh iling tiom lis in aiultes and hunk and ntoistuu i imit1 tu kileiuslud llu i ouk ltssihli il llu plant lixps a utl ul mii il haws tin llu ijol as smui ms ihi mmlls ill hll livcm root hairs afc lsl uiut must lu- iiplotixj h ihi ittx whuli b iwu is haling tiuutyh tiotihu as l 1 llu ikihki u iv i ii llu itxtipt ol llu lts mil llu ailiul plant nil i lion is ollin lb most i i tlii 1 1 oih ii a 1 1 tx lu s aimiiitl in llu son vtilti us i mms t ipos it i lot imip i ihiit u ii in mult s oi s4i il stilltis utmost iilvpuialili duilifi i ctiver itiuili m mil i is mmi 1 i ihii i 11 i tiom llu inn s i 1 1 lu i lux i h in a v i vj an i m our n mii n oi pul l in llu sh il nut iovii llu iimiis with inuup llltlll vthl ji n ulv lot pi mint al pi mm inn ili i hoi i i vulii tlim llu tool spivul 1 hill ll should im ik lo 24 in tu s tin p vi ih il i s 1 1 i soil tiuv ih iiknil ik ion itu tm is st pi it mu n ilivixl p tht lop n llu lu s ol oil mi tint suit ui i llu i si on llu olhn mitt ol hll holt so hill thl fl lop s4ll in i ih pi uixl lomiil llu niols jvvluii plmlm li in ii i an as sisi mi in hold tin lm stiaihl m iht hou ovs spn til out llu tools i vi nl m is 1 1 ii sun in ii u lol till iii los l lll otllll ill oil i host lllll hi llmlkill iii tlllllsiil sil llu soil in lutwroi llu tli aelon vimm trttt tbufday aph ti 1949 jga calf gab meets in mhton j 1 l ml nu iiumi puhlk sin vi v in iii ovil ol llu slnimil willi ii iii vv llti tl 111 nlhu in llu piihln of crabgrass this is awomplisli jj ed by killing tlu gtiiiunaliug j ill seedlings it tan onl be siiwcs tl otlivi mill slul ll the applkation is mad he i ore the rabqrass seetl germ in ales this nveans in imtsl tasts hv may i and no lalei than ma is there is no dang r ol being loo eartv with the tuatiivcut in act one product mav he sucicsv fully applied the prwious all however npfiluation ulltr gt r minalion is ixwnplelclv useless m tune limit is most important preventative medieims tor the erahyrasv disease ixime iimli r ihe ehtmieal nanus ol hat thai 7vtron trilluralin itandaiu ami iuiv111 in your ptikn c e ulie lluse malt rials wilt ht mtvtpu i ailing under more glamorous and easur spelled hade ruimt s but look lor the e hem u at namt in smalltr print on itu label some will lxvmc in mixtures with itr liher and this is not a kid uki sirux this is a good time lo put some ex lertihcr on tht lawn ftsl1ow1kiseile the anuhint to use wilt depend tj cxhirse on ihe eombiuatiou with oilier uiaitt lab h mlin ele mi lemel ami ltluav lihcl itir txtums bv wav ol exampk onlv however daethal with no addi lives will nxjuin alxuit s ouiites ur 1 001 square kxl caution yiri mav n itu iuih i exaietlx ihe erahgiass toeitions last war however the lawn mow tr piiiiviilail a tiilarv will havt sealteixxl irahgrass sexxls lu ami widt so it will hkelv ik auvis able lo lixat the mine lawn t hi i ui ill i lm aj 1 1 wtsvll k roots with vour hand tamping should be light in heavier soils i and heavy in sandy toila puddling at puuling pruceed is very good in sandy will but i mil in jvuavv wills heeauvc lamji iing oi heading wtt luavv soil tauses il to ha i dm like eeiiunl i and it mi tamping or heading is doiu live small fools in is inst vonlael with llu soil i ill llu t holt lo within two uvehes ol llu- lopandattti tinning wait i lilu alls uith the yjnlrii host when plantmy is inilslud mil a giuid stout slake htvidi the ilnx tlvt eanvas oi sunltai mat inal lot tvmg tallur than rope jiwiiu oi win whuti mtyhl ginlk i llu in llu stake slukiltl ih ill hi 1 1 in on llu wliuluuid suit ol ih 1 1 tx i oni in tl n 1 an islimaliil oiu ol ii iv id i iu w spai i paifi s a i o n u tl tin vvoi hi is lu vv spi ml in il 111 on 1 latlo piu i mills hum llnliiln m ion sis ytntsbfzvt f any wy yod ithennest jo acton is welcome 5 wagon i a wot inftm ur koi1i mill mk hu t kamt ih h i- lt t iltl sua irnwti la qutvlmni tbett ik itf iii iiokii tit ttolilml juvl tail s thv second mtuithlv imiilng nlsihe llalton 4 jersey ciuern sev avrshlrr culf club wm held on april 20 t the ugrieulluial of ike millon wild 22 uwmhcii present a dlspldv eomilillltt vvas ttto st ll lo iitxl a display lot tin t luh al millon i an m mht i s i hose ii loi llu ttlspl iv n till al x nidi i jtll nmst nmiv it alv ami uuigle kiny llu i lull pit siik iii i nun ilia tinned i7ie tiicclljlff over io llrtt r stanlcv wlui expliilned how tnnnihlv rr purls werr to he imidt oiii and when lo tc sent to him i faadlnf ijuaoct i in uumluts weir divided ill to two gioups lu jumuis weic y iw il i shoil it ssoil oil hltxtls ol tattle and itttling hv t luh ii idi i s iiust alexatuk r and vj mi in id alv ihe senloi llu m his vein insliiuttd on how to mil out their work hf henry stanley tlw two feroupa wra bouahf together rvd viewod a film fitt ed the kumcn story wtildb explained the difeillait frjraum uf cowi mr sunwy gv mam bert talk on faedi aid ahowvd umne taiapuft of diffaraat kinda of feed wjsk tavlkkj confutluv sjyn lit who taki i ehame and get it regrets chec our handbill for bargains red white vljfoil tonic time does your car have any of these ailments gas consumption too great lagging just a little hard to start its got sprlngfever drive in now for a complete tuneup grants motors your local ranault daaur 253 ouoen st e acton 53 2930 welcome el v hn i33m45 0 ml ii oh kiwi ouiih im- ii tit ul al1ira i i i i i i ull ih- i i i 11 r ailun 1 i lr1 i mtar u tl r all ri- tr on your savings naillulr dwil diiy tiiiw no civik iliiinji on maonnio iiuiiiimm o fllfcui slflft your ikouiil lodiy op iivuo 100 hidoy til 6 30 halton peel trust savings company a 1 i ix itlj it i aakkjii 252 main slraal milton tr 82834 ih isrpi n a i irjlfil rijf 1 mvir ajrjrjf cooking can be fun when you get the features you want you get highest tradein values on your old stove you get low prices and easy terms why else would you move up to a new gas range before june 12th ctubgkass halton country club open for membership golf tennis steam baths olympic size swimming pool club house privileges family plan membership 185 youre invited to drive out and see us pay as you play plan golf tennis weekdays except say i sun owned and operated by boms ttlfanoff terente phens wa 58054 4 mius nortll of miiion sidtroad s camjjbtllvilla west of hwy 35 to the third crossroad thin northto the clur 1 automatic dud conli oiled ovens 2 vaiijblc broil control 3 tappan fizrlc n simmer burners nu poil tu ciu uiy lo uuuv 4 sinfaijr cmtof the way doom lllluid of old fashioned olddown lypc s dac oi biod ui upper oven c kcmovablc oven linen ilh i uur ciioicc of chrome cuspoiblc aluminum or edeuood blue porcelain rnamrl 7 rtra low temperature control in ivh mem lo keep food at icrvins tuuixjaluie surface and nijnt lighl 0 removable diromc drip pans 10 t n pttjet oulomalic burner 11 rocsseric in lower oven tappin trtmfiint model no hwcrs132j because you get this free dupont teflon heavy duty lo skillet i see your gas appliance dealer department store or united gas limited before june 12th see how gas makes the big difference

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