Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 29, 1965, p. 7

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required more room swims plant moving a budding yauritf industry swims lbomorie of cttud untiled wttt b toil id lfc town of actoa tomorrow friday the industry which began here three and half year ago it moving to urger quarter in richmond hill started in the fall of iw1 by three brother mac cyril and roy swim the industry which procecse crude oil to the finiihed product for animal feed ha out- rown ti present accommoda tion in the former wool comb ing buiiding latl october the three coown er pun hated the building form eriy operated at a division of la bait industrie limited in rich mond hih and friday begin mov ing equipment ftd uftke duurr to the new local ion the swi m broi he r wrre no newcomer to the hufcinc m their grandlbiher albert swim first began a similar cnicrpnie in iw6 whkh is mill upeialiiig as tvan a swim limited ai clatls harbor in nova svoita the three grandsons are kharrholder in this business a well in nova scotia not only i crude oil pro- ceised but li is known as one ot the largesi distributing places for fresh nth uanv a ionian have enjoyed fresh tohirr and other delicacies i rum there fc rnrin i t- k- jr from the tune the aclon plant first opened buiineu haa increa- ed nearly 10 time and the build ing is loo small at flrtt a start was made tn ontario with only a handful of customer now cus tomer from all over the world buy oil from swim market are found in europe untied state south amervca and australia raw crude oil is purchased by the tank car and processed into a finished product for animal feed it is used as a source ol vitamin a and d to balance diets of animals they also act as ag enls for varvous animal drug firms must grow allhouyh the thrvc nun atx sorry to kjvr acton the larger accommodation is nnetsarv lor i he growing business in rich mond hill the building is of two lorry brick construction erected on 19 acre of la rut which uruuld allow additional incrrair it alto has a railway killing which is tin la nortanl to receive tank cars i mplosers piwcnllv wurking here will likely continue to work at the nrw plant cnl swim live in acton and hi brother in teoivrtuun thcv will all he ntmlng ncuivr to the new build ing c 0fftamflwm hoshtwl another significant taken place in the development of acton with the removal of the law office of charles f leather land qc from his former loca lion neit to the bus depot to the ironside house formerly own ed bv william an void at 30 main st noith mr ltalherianpurxluvchj the practice of the late harold n farmer in august 1937 and sue cecded mr farmer a tlcrk irva urer ol the town ol ac hw he re sigiwd the position ol treasurer ol the town and was succeeded by jack mcoeachie he resigned as clerk in 14 mr leatherland found it neccssjrv to desute hi full lime to hi legal praeller ami ha leuuirvd tiildlhonil of ike vpuee lor some time which will he avillthlc nt in- ivew iiha lion ml iauiiici ijiui hc ihxii uellw lit ill aith els ol it ijil w4h k miln 19j7 he hit 4ilvi iken the ay lit ti the mlkisl gujidun jik im puhlu tiuslee in the lnunlv ol ilaillin ini at urf1 ll ns lit jhlllltcl oeieeil lcmiiim1 on jdiiiitiry mi i a iimc to v his ii man nn location alhn lutit plan- hi iu olliei i nhiic vui v iii tt apitl sua d sjuee tv lulsmilfy iwspue live changes in uxielv in the past 20 vears swill vast relentless frightening thetc is one soclaj unit that has prosed imnersioui and oblivious o live march ol pnsgrcs white it mas hase ch siitght iihxisuiki car ago its term of reference slightly ohrrwie it ha altered almost not at all since man lir1 crawled out ol the oojc 1 am talking about uvc lamily i became aware oj this duilng a panel dimussion h m high achool tudent the topic wi early man iage you ii be glad to know they ate 100 per cent against them one panelist re it tied io the glossy saccharine phonev ver sion of marriage presented on tv and music screens she said ll gate teenagers a lakc idea of marriage a boy prom fitly snorted nobody s taken n b those we all come lrom homes wlih married people in them manlagc isn t like thai at all l vers one agreed and how tight thes vseir those cute comfortable and con t rived families we see on the acrcen are about as much like the real thing as a ketchupsplat tered hollywood war is like just that thcv ge i a ht iu i play in itic papers these das lamily life always has been and still s a last mating com bf nation ol lun and liuslia lion comloit and chao this week some cray hairs wo man waded through the guck and hones to live back of the enc look a uiok around went back to the- lue kicked her hap py isxumrtcnt husband and huihled convc on oustei we ic going o clean this place up and the day before yesterday my wife look me by the ha rut led mc down cellar and burhl cei come on buster were go ing to clean this place up the only difference in eg 000 vears uas that the first guy merely had to carrv some bon es and hides emtside i had to make eight trips to the dump and then whitewash the cave thiec ihtmsand scars ago so- vratis told his wile xanthippe thai he was going to a sympov mm you mean yuorc gonna play cards with the leilas down at the legion lull she snarled this was right alter the persian wars mil live veler ans were in pretty high regard the only out til in town that you tium yotiic going tit it stoiles willi all those ictlas m you i imcmimnl club she anuiulttl vt tht giantmai and elidion h ivt mi piinctl hut tiu aiul old soe i i tes got ihc simt lunch wluit we got hoiiu hot tongue and ctld sluhihlt i a pufict stttino io luy mill wr jo n lt i y mi v li iwnt in ihc im 4 love u rite i a iirlihj iooi w lathes lilt 1o f0il rr luii mikci while y ms kit ind eleven loli v mr choo i audilodum hiit ptwa fii in llw htyh ultool mi nilli i y lit lit prifvf f s ihc play wav itoveolrd bdcfaulp4 its not too late yet the fyed old faaifa tajuw trom us laatat of lw iv ka thursday aet h 15 two morv home swere sadden ed during the past week when 5ctyearstgo takw from tha iswh of um ft rtmi thtsrdy aphj 33 115 the- methodist church and sunday school oakvllle will b word was received that gnr improved this summer at a cost franklin uer son of mrs ada near and pie george taylor son of mr james taylor had both paid ttsr supreme sacri lice war s burdens have i alien heavily on mr taylor and fam ily of four von in live service two ivcn previously wounded and une invalided home its nof loo late yef celcbmlion o canada s centennial in 197 lronir a dy in day suhp1 for discussion as ihc various aycikies announce their plans io lf lurthd iy illy m n i sc im j two thousand t n s ij iron in sh hesins i roin int loppletl inlo tntl at lhix a in allci wi mug a hi ill i ml speech lor livtis in ihc stnilc on llw imirittw at ft is i in he- was vaulted into waktiulncss by thew soeituk his tn piit i imii on tlie bucina a wuhorn that voomu like a lady moose his daughter chanting lcse and csevye makes escscc 1 1 and ii makes iv and his wile whul ji cthlidn 1 sleep clacking walntils em the htnl ol t diuk s ir kneeling on ik i suk ol iik ikxi the nrj uppl i app u i i approye try ol i inic1u or ihc year i attivilips is t i hy the- crnlrnniil connniisioi tly tins ixxly s unction to stimulate the various tcilivtties across the oursc one ol the maor undeftali u i ikj is tiff ii kjhty ot i po a ihc world s rhihi t on in montreal which iy lxug organird and sponsored iy the world s fair corporation f m anciikj md sfxmsoririj o this undertaking ate bcinrj unticrwntten by the federal government the province ol quebec and the city of montreal this at it ikim i real war with real bodies real terror blood ial cuutd gel a license oh i know tihtic ate bio- ken homes and teenage dclm quents and all that jau but i dont vuu think there scene ans 1 such in rome 2000 yeats ago mt ui athens 3000 car ago its lum tlic uiiscr night my wile said and where do you think you re going pray iiuti nin tssivs till thive htukxl initi the woikl at ft is h lluvt stmilltls my tl uihlcl piadising on he i i tench horn which sounds like a lie nth lul iihkt m son chanting i at in coning uions md m wtle who cemldn t sleep chtw i lllg isut avuvkuil i lilvtacvj 1 about thiec indies liom ni lei i ear i replied with in going to some dig i syinpo ivtn i isk i the lilisnis thom walnuts she h c fn tc i mat s witt- got at that hout this sundays church calendar so many ask why this emery is he aid etcrvssheic as in the ton thlmii o ihc woiltl live many who gti hungry ihc tlistegaid ot sundax we hear mi many si wh dttesni k do vomething hi has i siti has usl ivimndctl us ol that i lv his tloiit mastn live lault lies with sou md iik 1 has inuk us stcwaids ol his titation hit wt ihsii lttthlul his stop hlammi mhi toi oui laihiu vc mas llicn insuu oui tiwn ciiesu the scope and vastness of the undertaking only amplified by ihc plans announced on the n me man and his world everything from a iodrm iioijsukj love lopnicnt through rt ntiys i mfot o cultural extravaganzas to rt rtinusc pionl an i it koido i included in the program t fan on a man n tde island complex in ihc i tcidle of the si i ia rrncr river will host on c j mlioni m the first official first category vorkl i tdiibitiun hold in the western hrnns pheie worlds i urs presently and previously f eld in the united btales were not approved by tlw toler otittwrti purrrru of fcxhttoittom of which if6 united sttite i not a member tlic it 1 firl category eshibition was in brussels wontre d second largest french speaking city m the world is putting on i new ace io greel the world wide guesls new bridges super high wayt hotcl and rapid transit syitcnis arc being huilt at ottawa a m immotb redevelopniont pro iiiin is underway and it is indicated ttwvo will le numerous attractions t im re ontario has n 1 r ouiii r d its museum o ocicncc and industry lounto its lawrence market artd cultural centre and ac ion lis centennial library however there can only lc a true centennial j clchration if every cilen eels involved and endertakes a pari in llw festivities goverrtmenls i lay spend the millions hundreds of millions 1 dollars but d the avi rage citizens cioevn i take on active part the money will ijc wasted and tlte celebration a dud it is our opinion that ihis mass participation ii usl tc organized and undertaken now it will i i loo late in 1967 we think the centennial v ommittee in acton should attempt to coordinate rt i the activities of the year and encourage the participation by tttc various org am rations we ihrrik the members of these organizations sltould tiiscu immediately suggestions for activities cnj then the centennial committee shoud call i general meeting where these suggestions can t r discussed enlarged apportioned and assist nte itrmged we can institute a norwich plan i the business district write a history put on i page wit wcsternic the fair or set up a tiddly nk championship cut if we don 1 tale some action now tfc centennial tram will have whistled through acton lpo 67 will have folded its tents the tourists will have come and gone the history will have li en written and the cultural kick will only be a hangover ijcfore we m acton have decided huw wc will remember 100 years of confedera t on the allied advance in german hr night the food news iu mrs angus mcdonald and family that pi norman mt donald a prisoner of war is now oflic tally lepuried salt in allud h i rids he has hce n overseas uilh llu canadians oi wome e ii s an cdlhusiastic iiittling d ah mil 400 was iveld in lite lown halt millon on april 20 to in tin malt a candidate lt lonttsi llu iminly tif hal ton in i tie piovin clal ilec lion stank v hall was ilk unanimous t imhi t he vt rv atdy httllrveel i he woi k ol the ditw govrrmnenl and llu worth while leg is la hon llu v havt pui in loiet mr a s nklwtlwm lie ltdiial candidate spoke d llu pit dgt hag llitals in liont i ilu xst ollut lor ihc i ighlh vision ijuiii and the ttiermom it i is starting io sltow vnrru ml ii llu mrry tmltoni snow slot m stluiday hi i apnl snows vmn met i away pit lb itu rt prit e wlu was vcimmldtd is mw much helln mis 1 j aldwell mrs t ag ii miss pcnl smith miss m j ik tint it and miss i hawthoiiu allended ihe anrunl preshytenal ol ihc liiiltd chinch at i leel i ton ol floooo or jis000 mr isaav bennett of frin haa sold his farm to mr john boyd ol hornby rry a i ltd smith mjk won ilu in si pnc in the ora- lorual ccuitrsl at victoria uni versity toronto last week ret j ralston llrown ha e ill lu oitlairud at ihe coming session ol the alberta confer ence id udl leave lur flic west imrnethati iy utv aihihdd ml ur do who lor luinlighl years has been live mm h lovt d mmlsler i tijfl pit slry it nan churches of nas- mgavetsa his n uitd rev j c wilson pn it m d at sodom thtiith mil unptullvill thurch on suiuli md ditliiid llu pul pit s t ml ilk kt lion tit ii t for the hiwt howhny it tuns uul llase- t 11 uds w s 1 id ihis week pusitkiits fliiittl wtit at ion liwn lhvtlis jwhii olt s tennis i i vkfuiit his t ill john i uki si all ai looking t-i- wanl to hi i o iy opt ni ng of live mason and llu in jiiininu ol play iii i tu se popular smr is a pioposal wis prtsentcd to ilu miik il lioin llu 1 ihtary lloaid doiit sceining a artve- yi i iht o ll w ts ihoiimighly ilimutxil it thiitiil hireling and it iingt mt uls wi ir in tde io as- 1 1 1 1 i n tht rn l tt i ins ot agrre- iiuni iimpurtd with he carnegie 1 otllld llmhi iitl mt i vcn in n issiga- u i on moul i april i l hnild mi i w n in his 71st dud at llu hoitu ol lur son rudolph maty spielvogtl in ht i i ft 1st year al llu show je mule r jont s in song ol licitiadttu vt ion ie i lake in unrig on ihe llu jit is and rosalind russell and jack lai soil in roughly speaking dud kim ion al 1 nrvirw pi it ii t m ntt ol mi c s sm lllltl th m a si ton sll 1 miss margaret ol th laic rev d ii it i ill in hi jtnh veir will tl its u- ii nut- ol the snow n 1 ii f louset leaning i the ol k t ll day children t skt 1 ik t njoy llu ill inging of iht st iso 1 s ih t once again tn- on ol ltd hi pu i suits tiil otiiijl fuy motorists ihc oulai io salt is lc ague asks mi to it uu mhe r that oiu ol llu hig elangt is ol luavy ram or hying slush ts thai tl tuts down ihe vision ot othet tlitttis i veil il ihi have yooel windshield wipers and washt is to give you good sisibility re itiemher that ihe man in the nctl lane mav be driving half hhnd put on otn headlights and use txlia can when visibility gties down square dancing ends saturday v s sm is tm sp ire il inte ry 1 1 dt s mid is iiii tng and re rt iii n lliiih r h inis rw is p 1 with 1 u luiiiimi i lor tha iso i mth ugh s aturdav i i t ivc 1 vs is st ii i i tan usual in u tt s h s ihwi ket i toi the trial m ssl lis 111 it hi s vt tie 1 id 111 th h jhett 1 hlk sell nil the acton free press r mitfrl in 1i1s i1 rthls1 rrrt i icui si a i 80iah ladn mnlm lr auhit mm flvsaa svctfflhb tu w a r a own a mh rr fc okjhh da w o t r3r t ia man rni niri npmi t aa liliwil uul llval ihu ll hr 1 1 or w lit ll1 urn lv- hrrra t lul lh lulm r rf 1 r u r u 1 mil r 1 l tr tlit jilr ulr ii ihr ur 1 t 1 1 itiit m ulir tinnl imhii n h n pi ht nl r 1 a 1f lu nf u liltly in nllri in hit rt 1 h itt rtt 1 i 1 1 tt r rasllotaa s th dliu prtslt aa rbllthtf t ltd j3j k a mis lato jtj uhl r oiu mi f 1 1a t igul r mwii busintss and tditorlal offlct phont 8ij 2010 prcjfejjjeha hirectctij and travellers guide mi mi m missvthtlan chuich in canada knox cllimch acton rc andrru 11 xckcnxlc ba b d minister mi i a hnvon b a uigahist aiul okiii miur slniian may iiid 1m 91 aj thuivli scikhi lor all iia0 m diln wirship sermon thkiik pitmincr of ouimics kw pin chukh svikki sutl mcctinc sundj xti 9 thntun i imth acton hnttcostal talttnacu taol u thuihill rul rr s m ttiuman pastor h5l7is slmy may inj 1s uhti d in sundjt shuul lur all agv 1 1 ho am mumins worship 7 011 pm ccnirn lxangvlislk scr ivt tucmuii p m pracr swrrmce and bible stud acton 1aptist church lniiikl 184 pacini ri minli iaiiiiiion i ris l4 iide an pli 81v15 i sundi cutiio nd mholan i thurda 1 p in ol church school uill or- uiip loacihrr at 11 a m civrjonc moi wckomc mahi avienui tapyuy church formerly evangel baptist church sunday may 2nd 115 bus leavn ymca at is am collins at umehouse 9m am for information call acton 1m1956 ceorcetown 77aj5 bassadork 1 1 ida 7 pan crumdcn r i cor 15 m bui now i lhnt rtvn troin the dead and bocumc the lint trull ol them ihal slept busday my iiiil 1lps 1 1 ill i in mtunm wntiip pean mill ki litlluimt b the ltiiiiiiiiiiuun s ii lev 7lx p m i hump siiue to mvnm shall v t tiiemlas mlmimin uilli ih i li ni cllluih 2 m p in wcvtliisdal piaiei and hib i sludi 7v chrut i am lhurda ts ehoir pruiue at 8 llljai is bill ul 7 lxploitts dr d a oarriit iliv su i in itit sllln ltniki i will hi ami rim sis 1 nn in i rnii m ii 11 pliini swh4l hi pilllllk ill dr robert d bucknlr phisiiin nut siueiun w ilhm st itnii tin atuinkns h ipptnntinent llosid nil a sh emllllls jlioni ssii40 wmctt chmsiian mwtmid church acton ontario rev wlebe van dijk phone s5jiss5 sunday may 2nd ims 10j aju enuiuh service u0 pan dutch service mil pan- sunday school the church of st auan tw martyr angucan corner wilkm and st alban drive rev richard mcmurray ma stb sunday may 2nd 195 s00 am holy commu 10j0 dju choral communion at 7j0 jcsns said tawc heed ou hear and hoiv sou hea ului i trinity church the vrdtnl church f canada ihc rei dutght i uificl ba eu organisi mr torjt elliott mjt phi sunday may 2nd 19oi divine services 9j0 and 11 am the church school fljo am grade 5 and hither 1 1 00 am 1 years to grade 4 41x10 pm young people and younb adults joint unectintf sis s on stutryms pr i b mocrl dr c hu1lh1son pin m i ins ami sin ci oils 2 main mieu in ui lunkl main t mill slrect ti ton onlatiu- phone hsiinr jj appiiiiiunenl architect donald e skinner btrch mraic 17 a mill street suite 2 acton telephone 855274 ollite llouii bv appointment or 20 stavebank rd port credit 2743428 alttioni i r iwntai alfred r bpence tils lllthl i ln williams a compli li si hue lelephine liniloiin l77 iwa dr a j buchanan ivnlil suieaiil it lur 911 i lun ih st i mux houis 9 a in io h p tlosul iiiihsli allemoor lli phone 8sm7vi appraising and inslravci travulers ouide 1 hcal c f leatherland q c banislir and solicitor solars puhlu tlllin lliuin 10 a in l pm i pin s p m sitiiiiliss bs tppoinlmrnt tnls phone olliie smi his 5i7 aston cedric dey lllal sllliori minion uki dr iv snte s 17 mill st i alton out oi appointments ptione flslivin a braida ba bainster solicitor notais public lit ise lloius in alton monilis 1 mlai cienino p m 9 p in saliiulas j p m s p m jh panlis st irph onuno phone ta 4 242 oltiie lloiirt th guelph saturdas 1 a m 12 am dai 9 a m 5 pan kaplan ord batnstcrs and solicuqrs sidney kaplan and john d out oc 116 mountamview road s carretal buildins georgetown optouetkists i l buchner od optometiisl f john si s a lin in siton wednrsriass onl tvip m mio p m i oi appointment phone bsvi04i it no ansslci phone waterloo 42r8j7 arthur a johnson im mam si milton phone tr 8 9972 res tr 89e78 tuesdas afternoons thursday esenincv fnda mornmgi robert r hamilton optometrist office hours bv appointment phone georgetown 8773971 116 mountains lew rd s acton office 109 mill st e open monday afternoons and evenings alter 4 pan f i wright 2l anlhui si aiion ontatio phone su720 appiaisir ami insniaikc din sll sins in alton denney charles representing cooplrtors 1nslrancl assoc ia1 ion sponsored bv lidrration ot afirisultutc auto i lie 1 anutv and i arm liability liildent c sickness riiune ir 7 20u taeorgeioun chiropractic o w corbett dc doctor of chiroproetic ua mam st n georgetown phone 8t746ji by appointment fvnekal dtrectoh phone 1534150 night or day brucub shoemaker mff gray coach lines ulscllls livi acton liihtlii sniv lum- f iul f 11 aril idnlv rlitpl sun ant ii 1 1 km in 1 llailv c iept sun and llol 1 spicss a iii ii i am 2 08 pm mvi in sal ami so i s pm 2 p m 8u p in 10 08 im sun and llul westbound 7 17 a m 1 dalls r sun und hnl 1 10 27 iept sal am 12jj pm 2 s7 p m s27 p m 727 pm 9 12 pm 11 j2 pm iso am sat onts 1 i canadian national railways disherit sanrij time eatbound v a m to toronto dally mon to fn 7j1 pjn to toronto sun day only westbound 12 15 am io stratford daily except sunday 631 pan to straf ford daily morr to frl chanjr at guelph for london elc

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