Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 29, 1965, p. 3

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ituff ptuda kttmis fjjlhnwfffti war guettt at th fira hall saturday don smith back row left to right are ted allen jack dryidale avaning during a reunion tteged by acjon firafightart atiocie bill ouennall bill waterhouve gordon curne doug dawk ins tion sealed front row left to rghl are former membart harbibhi william jack newton bill pa tier van kcrwm aacphdil arui pilch bud mcdonald bdl chitfvolm charha hantan and gor- 1 pet weldie former firefighters join brigade for dinner films fire fighting techniques have ihun a marked improvement throughout the yean since the day of ihc steam pumper but lit tle change can be noted in the tory swapping of former fire fighter saturday evening ex members of the ac tun volunteer fire department had an oppor tunity to exchange stone and heap praise on ihc present ttav firefighters during a npnnton at the fire hall former firelighters utmc serv ing in the das trf the hand hauled steam pumper and others more recently were on hand at the hall with lounship and town repre- tentative in the ac ion fire area lo enjov a turkey dinner prepared by the chefs tj the hose and lad der hngadc verbal bouquets wcrv handed to the present crew tor their out ktanding service beat fire dafwrcmafil reeve mel d a r d e n ol tnn township councillor walter un ham of i squesing tounship and jaek milne ol nassagawesa toun khip heaped piaise on the acton firelighters lor their 10uperation und yooel work during the past leu sears at ton deputy reec rox mod uin chauman ot the lnc aim milttx ol couikll t xplcnscd thanks ctn behall ol his committee lo local litelighters lor a job uell done mas or les dubs also expiessed his appreciation and said acton has the show producer mj year hr tuxes reports to club twmut curling banquet continued from page one dancing filled the rest of the most enoyabte evening mrrt do in a draw followina are aii the winner annual bompw first event 1 v id lay tronhw itavlen jjmijj marg toih fred alton norma marchment 2ndr bnan moore phyllis patrick john buckman isabel mckenzie 3rd john goy esc cooper chas davidson pat jones 3rd a tjulan laura lo- sell l olterbein lie tic con nolly walker trophy second event 1st chester anderson guen ty ler ken marthment ul staple- ton 2nd a beetnoff donna k ranch mac symon tieda buckman 3rd ilrxiion hunter dolores jordan dae dills jes sic coles 3rd claude cook harlot le holmes grant allan phyllis moote i list diau 7 v pin morulas al kirkness ijois mackenle ije dills inda itucktnan vii p in morulas i islcr jr doris gruharn ruth lealheilaiul hat old manes 6 308 p tn tuesday andv nolan iteiu watson glad bradwy john mcllugh john truckman sam holmes 10- p m tuesday gord cooper ctur- h w ron g ala go lorn adams mixed trophy e- ty ler jr duns graham ruth lea therland itarold manes mens trophv alec john mciiugb jim twoguelphcars iwimmeargoy adams fcbeetnoff inghs alec johnson toth mixed trophv bert wood lome doherlhun shirley aim strung marv llmlon the acton fr prest thurtday april awifi 19o5 a debtor isa man who owe money a creditor u one who lmcll norma st iiu hams u pin tirsdas a beet not t j mc lliilh j inylis alec johnson itt pin lticsdis tntid imm i maiy marks tvoree duncan pal luives stsoiul eliave 7 pm moiidas iui wmk1 ljorne doherthicn stucuv armslfong marv ilinlon vii pm mulas loei llonrwtle dolores tlcr charles kirkness maiubn manes 6 304 pm tu csda andy nolan ii olterbein isabel mikeiuie plisllis moore mens 810 pm tuesdas clitt gov nun s trophy u- john mcllugh man sain holmes klcllev trophy len marg loth frrd allon marchmeni wajkrr s trophs chester and risuji dttrn tsler ken marcb- tmnl li staplelon thunder mug led tylei sr j ridley led hi j i john o kuiiiki up c lit r llradles un lotcll vic paliiek john u ull ikxlixi tiophs 1i lulus jlltl immii li aenu i ii st dr is mart loth skip ilea ihthois dot is cnaiiur maiy marks steond imiti i kiihk one man received a whiplash injury and damage totalled 900 when two cars driven by guelph mlwcrr involved in a rearend collision on highway 7 in front of hmkrhr t i4 gov cartage on actons western outskirts monday of this week lduard william cowan 70 cav- siiwi an- guelph uas the injured i driver and his car received 100 morgan 26 james st e- guejph and it received 400 rfammy- to the front end the arddent wax reported at 942 ajn and miltoo or p h cliff brad daiiu- lo the rear end the sec- john buck ond car vtas driven by james s i riduv pauliivr svmon mae 1 i wilds al kukris uarch 16 f i tskr sr pal vtc ulcieon peter sun m- ikatlv march 23 i muntir dolores jordap 1im dilk jcaoe coles april 5 j s k iu v htinltr u oakt shu kai lunu uiihliii tniliv lur ladus al 1 1 if i miii 1 iiii hx i nd draw mali itli i uaihtr gos ior is cuaimt uith sevtral spaics sccoiul mu duiimish kulh ixaltuiland 1tuia uacii dota duiuan mitlson mii nji r awards a mckenie mrs juiie mcllugh mrs ivuis c learner juiin buck man kb 23 1ws margaret tolh cjiuii allan iota duncan helen oltethein march 16 jacki check our handbill for bargains red white free with the purcham of any nw volkswagen a uauh1nkt tcmoix custom car radio valu t85 00 tu ffr oj fr umiimi tiou ul hw at plaza motors ftufea haia i7ssm3 under new ownership former firefighters on hand for the re union included charlie hansen herb ritchie bud mc donald honorary lilc bill chishojm doug honorary life member jack new ton bill oucnncll hamilton peall gotdon curne ivan harris gor don smith bill waterlkhise jack i drvsdalc pat waldie outii ma j vales kcrwm mcphail bill pat lerson bill williams ted allen and don rvder other guests present included mr harden mr lmham mr milne mr goodwin masur duhv councillor albert irwin and kav arbic clerk jack mcgeachie and mr long fire chief mua holmes was chairman for the evening inin- duced guests and former fne- 1 fighlcr and thanked mr long or showing his dims coprimtucc r jack carpenter at tended the regular dinner iihyi ing acton lions clnh mondis nielli to keep the lions lulls in member j formed on the pr ok less ot the dawkins westeiti show pliiincd lor the lirst saturday in june a cast of over 101 will take patt tn the event on a large stag in the ommumts centre mr at pentrr previously showed a mod el 4l ihc stage and backdiop desiiud lo look liki alih trty days at n eaihcr ichears car pin witli iiijiiii- mm islii willvi mii duns aimouihc nunt morula vstning that per stinal iihonic tax will ix cut by 10 per it ni ai ion iwune owners slimild hmiu minn reliel in their li hills in ihc mail this moining i huisdav with iiduituiu in llu mill lau lixis tun will also ik- oil m vfiidmk seems as though this has llx makings ol a ood harvey laverty heating humblno and eavktiouohino sales and service iupif to 11 mk of fumkii cuumi tht itl wk oh and ci ignun uutlltlloni csnvnln lunun main street n s6v934 34 hur srvu cockwooo j a itto man ililijtion inirn inn iim liiiiuii 1 in- kiy local girl playing uhuh aium i urns mxijxil inmi ihim in un- iiiiunu tms n youth orchestra swipmjs contest thuy als same to puhhcie their j2sa plate din in r in guelph tin department ul o mrs atlee bridges wellknown locally the death occured suddenly al vuloria bc on april 7 of mrs altee bridges the former maig arel i men johnslon well known to manv ol thts distnst in hei 79ih ycar she was a daughter of the late roht johnston and his wife mar tlia leslie and was born in i rin township on the second line on ncs the tarm no owned bv a ihph the lions agreid to sponsoi a lloit in the soim nium at st cathannes in may vsilh a theme i mm their western show siveral 1 ions attended the spring rally in milton at which thi candidature ol al la ink r for one ihairman will tn- decided the ltkal club is sponsoring ihcir cindulite lor hiptur ollue loi the hrst time the doiothv ann okourke will ag am ik ptavmg with the gcu iph aeadi my sti ing o i e h e s r a tdtulpli outh oiehesiia al hen uhiu it in wai meimnil hall at satutdav evening mas i 1 ondoe tor mrs jennv r uml will lead llu mup ol 3s violins six violas lllice cillos jnd one bass spar se is a iti inleil inn tine was to liave sun a uilor i ilni ol the gus cup game hut a bieik down in the proiestnr lorved us ivistpoiienu nt ri pi ie ntalive stan lliennel aercvil lo show tht lltni at a later diu altei eonsnlti lion vith lion jim mleniuin who airanged the showing loin tllls i ann writ plis ituxi the olhe pieston and gli uling ixiiolhv i lassie adoi n is in i toin 1 i mwo johnsto and thanked the members lor the she was inamed splendid dinner and hospitjhts former i- ire chiel jae k new ion hinimlf a sparkplug tosvard iiuidern itiv lighting methods when he resigned as chief pud tribute lo the pioneers ot ae ion s l bngaete and saiel uhliv s nr- tighteis have learned consider able mm thcsc men improved hall moiv winds ol eommentlit ion yvxix fhapetl on tho liivtighltts toi woik in ixnovatiug the tire haji nuvt nig nxmi w hie h has list been respanelled antt paint cdl as well as their ability tu prepare a first class meal a former hie shiel and well kthiwn suppotlei ot hovkes j m hud ms donald yeas ksvn to laud the iiehghteis aiul said the results rf so operation d o vx n through the eaiv ol bolh mun- 1 leipa hues within ihe hie uca and firelighters was quits notice able and uigvsj everyone to keep this up alt long pohilar big game luinui showed tilms ol his re- ix- nt salan to alrka and gave an tllustralsxl as count ol the tnp imm ugmmng to end much to the cnjoxmeni ol his audience ate hand at tee bridges cranhrook bc in 1910 thev lived in cran hixsok tor many years till thev re tired to victoria 21 vcars ago she leaves her h us hand at tumu thiev daughters mis m f mphersou of abbot slord bc mrs john lovvrv and mrs hugh oates of singapore malaysia a sisiei mrs ida near ol toronto and two grandchildren she was pi cites eased bs live hixithers ri eharvt charles uohcri i icderiek anil basil and tour sisters miss melissa johnson mrs j 11 reed lvduo mrs w gamble marvt and mrs l nellis juha the lunetal sersiee was held on fuday april f ititeinicnt vas in roa oak ounal talk vk tenia crinhrkv mima rre permits i i ire chul misk holiius repoit d this vsesk spiral loeal and rural homeowners hail obtained hurnmg permits lor bonfires tol lowing his appeal last week it is expected sex etit mote will be issued in the neai lutuu 1 xeisone is n iniiwud a peiimt is a iiesissii ikioiv lighting a tne penult s u e 1 1 cc and e an is- ohlainsd hum ths shut moved shortill -sheetmeial- flumbing and heating have moved from 59 willow st n to 56 mill st e next to dills stationery may we remind you that it ft lima to let us clean and ston thosa valuable winter garments for tha summer months call us for safe insured low cost storage service custom cleaners same day service eacapf saturday in by 19 a m out by s pm cash and carry main st n phone 531 hm mothers day may 9 to show har how spatial sh it i hit am a hw smciais wt tmouoht would m amniomiati km motmb on htt dayi isrw ftt n light plxturk iu yo utt in showroom 1 r rd ftt on light fixtures idyoutt in stockroom special clearance of table lamps at low low priced a l riemer equipment company euctrical plumbing hiatino conttactot 17 mill si w acton out ssomivomi deer casualty a ear dnxen by miss 1 soiit maiks lis mill st acton reieiv ed j50 damage thursilav evening ol lasi wevk alter soltuhng with a dixi on highway 7 milton op p report the jexidcot hapixned a halt mile east of the third line the jofmb ucvr was willed in stantly dont forget mothers day sunday may 9 fishermen trout season opens saturday be a sport stay within your quota when fishing near rockwood drop in for a coffee meadows cities service reckwood 8569584 cities service hintons your headquarters for mothers day gifts potted plants rose bushes boxed sv chocolates f cups and saucers hintons 5c to 100 store have you got ainuteracr the well dressed man is a womans itostjmpotfflnt-atcessory- drop by and soo our wonderful collection of gifts we have everything she wants for mothers day theres the most beautiful lingerie the cutest robes the mobt wondebiul sweaters the cieverest separates the smartest dresses the sheerest hosiery the yiry latest gloves or easy shopping gift certificates free gift wrapping this is your chance to acquire your summer slacks at special low prices i dress pants tetoron and aerslh wash wear reg 1298 tervune uml mohnlr reg 1698 tvrslrnc ami wool reg 1998 kav on and fco reg 1098 im lumtml itillim latest colors reg 598 all atove mentioned f ants all in the latest trim neat styles 798 1048 1498 798 398 so take advantage of this 10 day sale gel your summer slacks now t because she likes klito things shell like her mothers day gifts from paul y nielsens clothing extra bargain bonus sweaters 298 fashion centre of acton 37- 39 mill st 8532280 xfrv w

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