Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 29, 1965, p. 2

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th acton l pnn thursday april j9th iwh visages prdminertl during holiday intended for lati week mr ad mr jbt hamcr were wkntluwr lor th eiiwf mr ted bardm and aa were tmwu oa tatter week end parata a mr aad mw oanv tteu mr beryl wrlcbt ralrlcla jo use bnlielr atrakda and friend peter catnan were in rocheeter ear the holiday mr ana mr w milean fir neat the dueekeod la evirliorio i of mr and mr david mo baaau mr and mrt il wrlhl were ruesm of mr and un j greenlaw al whitby over ih attar weekend mr and mrt j d lowrl c- ukrllii utair 4lh wadding an- alvartary ulatly on tuesday mrt jim klrsy it holideyin ui ottawa at pretaai fucaat vttliort with mr and mrt k wrleht were mr and mrt jack tougher and two aunt af call rodieeler n y the lympathv of the cemmun my it eilended to mr herb gllhertwn in the low t a bro ther jamr allan mrv sarah lovcll ol san i ran dtco led monday by air lor hone alter vultlng hex lather mr harry uclnlooi for ihr pam week mrt slmpion ami family ol niagara fallt are tpanding the eatler holtua mlh mr ami mrt harry munluth re and mrt black ami fam lly of sarnla former minuicrol eden mlllt and ruckunod ptcw bvlerian churchet were in the village monday renewing old riafulthlae ingredients in feed shown 4h calf club the firmt regular meeting of ihe ac i on 411 call club ub held un wedneidas april 21 at the com munll centre president wavnr ail lien open ed ihc meeting b leading rtvc members in ihr recitation ui the 441 pledge aoil then called on s nrtary hill lttbv tu read the mm ute of the oifjinuition meeting and stl the mil which ua on tttnil b a full attrrulantt doug ilatadontu utistant agn cultural r snowed mm cuntiona color him which dealt with i1u dipnllve nwlcm of ruminants such at cattle sheep and goatt it explained the tunc tion of each of hie four vvtomaeru hi braaklnf down fibrous fcvdi and converting them into the nee- ear nutrients to produce milk fifth and hone a discussion w held o help the members better andemtand the tuhett of the tilm mr mcdonell produced 30 glass container each containing u sample or ingredient s used as cattle feed included were rnix turei prepared on the farm from homegrown cereals commercial ta f a cattle eh and various bvpru- ducti from the milling sugar re fining distilling and hrruing in dust i ie hnj mom her ua re quired to identify each tample on a prepared aheet one innuval tioh which completely ttumped the member u a umple of pro- cewd poultry litter uhkh it pre sently finding it uav into beef feeding programt in ontario tim bproduct of the poulm indus tr ii credited uith cimtaining up tu 34 palent dlgemible protein at well i being erv palatable and highly vcunomtlal club leader rutiell murra led the memhen in a qui pertaining lo the popular breeds of beef and dairy cattle in canada their breed character i tkt and country of origin mjmcml bring visitors churchill church sunday ser vice will be withdrawn on sun day may 2 il uiug ttailiaalaj church annivertary mr joe strostfnd mr kov uot- sop of torontb vliiusj latt week at ih oriffln recent vititors at ihe home of mr and mrt gordon rotx and mr and mr tnoraaa rotx were kerry and mr and mya herbert rou of wetton alto un bert bruukft of woodbridge ur and mj arthur griffin mr tivu kenltr uu mr and un howard mcarthur all of lhm mr s e griffin mr and mr harold griffin and smith rjt 2 acton were smt on sun day w the home of mr and mrs w ii tborapcon acton the oc- cation waa mr sinllh r grit fin ajto mrs tvompton sbiri day on tuesday aril 27 mr and un r u david tan called at ihe same home mr and mn rov lambert of drayton tailed on mr and mn w cou and family and later vtaued wilh his mothrr mn j lambert at ton on sunday mr rill landhorough of ac ton vpeni ms easier holidavx with hi aunt and uiuli mr jrui mn ilgruld gntfin mr and mn ron saiimlrn norman and stephen ato mn alfred saunden veiled tn sun dav with mr and mn rov hall of guelph bobby krockrr of st catharin es pent his i ater rwlidaw with hi aunt and uncle mr and mn uslie swatkhamcr who with their daughter debbie accompan led him home on sundjv mr and mn jiahn near glen and harl visited with her mo liver mn matxl halite in shelboume on sunday falls through ice dmer drowns friday jtitfil1yjaiiiorvi ftti pgfrlf odjtf chasing dog u deer raced across th opponunlly to i ice on fairy cake friday wfcorrv ing crashed through a thin spot and drowned mn climjla tjalvdvakoiolllfll u lake avenue resident was alert ej b her son and waulied tlie deer threshmg m live water above the point at ihe paik lowtuil the old radial bridge area at fmt she hehevrd it was two dogs and one had fallen into tlte water her daughter joanne look a pair of fuld glvies went lo the tivd of tlte park and vavv it wai a uvir v illouing in live wa ler police ucrr notified and afur allempltng lo pnxun vonicoiu with a boat lud given up un aitempl to save live deer as ihe ice was too thick to break a pas sage through b boat and two thin lu walk on safety the lake u still heail krd and ihe deer is still in the water firm ofkn faawvaax aw fawiat rad blue and wet the redi are redder and the blues are bluer than ever on the arena surface this week the cj or are glaxexl with water as the lot melts to end the season tnvttwooo birthday party held at manor silverwood women s institute and limctvuusc institute juintu gave the resident of ihe manor a birthday party for those whose birthdas came in april mrs d lindsas was master of ccrxmon ies lor the occasion mrs roughlo was organist and the chcur comprised of both groups led the singing susan lari gave an enjoyable olo bet tv ann fchd mary lou brown a duct and everyone present join ed in singing old hymns and songs the tabic was beautiful with flowers and those wilh birthdays in april were escorted to seats of honor at ihe head lable each received a gift a nice lunch was served to all who attended mn w r norton and mn f duffieid were conveners fur silverwood cnwiwimilly party mr and mrs fred campbell were hosts to a community par ty to honor their son bill and his wife wilh a card party of seven tab of euchre on tuesday cv- fnlng april til 1 tve couple were presented with a chair and bed spread bv friends and neighbon and a pair of wall plaques from the institute ruk corbel t vlsllcd uith the hendersons while terry corbet visiied with the baxun while staving with their grandmother mrs mind a curbctt during ihe easter holidays mr and un gerald black of ba cit michigan visited his cousin george henderson last week mr jim covne and daughter and son of san francisco visited with his sister mn g hcnder son and hi mother in toronto over ihc easier holidays lawn care now is the lime to clean up live lawn sa honiculturalltt with live ontario department of agri iitiure as soon as ttu ground has dried till so that lluif is mi danger of conuktiin the lawn mav 1st niktd hghllv kakt off tie ad u aves twiys skru and oltu r dobns to jvuul pulling grass plants oul h tht roots use a light spring rake ra iher ivtan a hejvv siitl rake d not rake oul all the dead grass sirur it will soon rol jnil add a little humus lo the soil a light rolling will turn the soil around grass roots whuh havi hnn itftrd hv ilu fnting and thawing j 1 1 iiui l winur rol ling will also lulp tttl ilu uwn and fat 1 1 1 1 a i e mowing care should be laktn that soil con dilions art suitable when lulling if live soil is loo wei com putt ion and loss of porositv will occur and il il is loo dn live purpose of rutting will not tvr accomplish ed one nulling in oarlv spring should be sufficient for ihc vear fertilizer mav also be applied before active growth ixyins to avoid dauge r f burning use special lurf fertilizer and apply at rates recommended bv the imnufaciurcr nol get ravel or ven lure ioo far from their home town and in manv cases never gel i a see ihe ueautt and rnvv laruvus vjuindrs nlctum 4n thl wurld ludav that is on reason why the emus is siuh a tteai when il comes lo town as n of fen to childnii of all ages suine of the manv esola spun dors that are gathered from ih- imir conurv of ihe earth this year for ihe frnt time in cnuus history the gene cody and kipling bros combined circus are making it posslhu for two lucky persons to enjoy one wttks vacation in the beautiful eilv of sarasota flonda known as the circus capital of north america once the ivome of ihe late john ringhng one of the fminden of the famous ringling htue circus sarasota lies on live lulmv shores ol live gulf ol mt ieo hie winning couple will be limn via air canada dc i jn liner to tampa where a car will luke ttum lu the luxurious azuie tides hotel situated on the tom mis i ido reach enjoy breakfast i tul dinner at seven dtlfercnl din ing places and visit seven of sar asoia s unique lourtst aiiracl i his masson rc candidateli wrcoa iter bosesvof e 0gs the vcenth meeting ol the stl er belles llomemaking club met at mrt george henderton on saturua morning april 24 uilh nine girls pretent the membert made bhoe packs and covered wooden clothe han- gert their meeting next satur day it the final one of thlt ter- let surprim rnothtr on her day with ont or oim tmkiav moitfeo fnothtrs day cakes sst b order yours today fc hotchen s bakery i vi aaadtat iwluowkt hnmwmsrio no solution yet to hill washout ftl lowing the sudden flood a few weeks ago which washed out most of the louith line hill in suikmtig township enyuvesn iroin ihe dcparlment of ifigti wavs have ixen on ihe scene in ing to find a proper solution for repair ind prevention ol future flooding the winding hill whuh ibuis a stexp hill on one side was wash cd out to a depth ol about six lett and some trees on the m ol the hill toppled meanwhile the road is closed until a suit bh solution is demded township road superintendent bud snow and his crew arc busy repairing other roads wlfecte hilhxli as well as grading ruad uaka beautiful blonde aerialist parforms high over the cen ter ring lo present a breath- tak ng yet graceful ballet in the air another of the many outstanding f est urea with the tfnk cody a kipling bros combined circus iteli for details or tk inv number ol ceoryc town lions club on imw to become eligible lor ihc tec hohduv in flortdi r mem bet ihe e ivc codv ind kipling hnis combined c itttis coming to georgetown will pic- seni two perform inccs one da tnlv in tuesday mas 1 1 111 farmers delayed told we i weather is keeptng spring plowing and serdmt laic distil i larmers s i hs elections stuuvnl council elections uill be cau edward g or irving roofing eavmtroughlng aluminum siding chimniys niw or itmired carpmitry work of all kind phone 8784020 fraa eilimalat all work guaranteed milton ltttrva 8783272 thurs fri sat amu w30 may 1 dear brigitte james stewart fabian cartoon mikjs runny morocan riviera matlnaa tahireuy at 1 p m montubwtd may 3s fanny hill lettitia roman miriam vlopkins sisssssatw matkad and maw thurs wisat may twtjj the longest day ail star cast owing uth oni thaw aath night al p m show times j monday throuoh trhmsoav on tiipllt nadrtii aats avxliiej r pja wdaytedunmlavm7aemltut saturday matinb j rj oakvilles popular mavor allan m ktassou wu clvouu as hat ton new pniptvssht consrna live cundidale when over 400 louiitv euiiwivaiives attended one of live quietesi hal ton itumi iiaiion ii at ling on leeord in mil ion friday in a twowav race againsi nav wgaweya rttve william coulter ilu oakvilk mayor won the vie lory in just one ballot as us cast voles compared to the pc last provincial nomination convention wlien five men vied for tlie seal now lu id hv mpp gvorue a ictir fnda s convenlhui was ei lismelv qua there was no mu sic few sinus and litlle escite- merit and the c on v en i ion lasted less than two liouis ac live worker mi masson spi ni four veun on pakville eounell before ik ing elicied mavor it ss than a year ami a half utfo lit lias spent most ol his lilt wilh live excep tion of a hi mi ptnotl us un r a i pilot dining ilu sectuid world war woiking in finance compan ies uiul in lsa lu i minded in tit t title nt i uvaivee in uakville where lu ie mains as president lo- tl iv mavoi mjssoo has been uc liv in other niiiiiitipal life in t luthng chaitithi if comineicr red crtiss ifmltil appeal si j ihn s unttt 1 cluireh ind stvtral uhling and vimiji eliibs j tit wiikhi s nominali m was nuud h fiittits william hotui 1 in tl hiiiltnyl n mtl rrevt di i a m iiln ol millon rtcvt cotiliti v is iioiiiinalttt hv arthur ilis ui and a kov tiutli r in his shtth lo ilu uniting kte coilllti sill tin puscim 1 ilu i al gove mm nt h ul only passed two pteees ol legislation the new 1 1 ig md i hill to change the nantv ol 1 c a to an canada lie ie u wetl millions growth and sugees led i lshl population of 4hu 000 was not in impossihilil v insurance budget mavor masson lold the meet he called for a walton pariv reorganization noting he was on lv live ship in the convoy carry inp vmir caryo and il would take lu woi it of each and every pc to elect him lo office i certainly cannot do h alone inv strength lies wrih you i ii need your support if you v pccl this seal to be taken back in the nest e lee i mm loal ky mt hal tons federal seal wat con sen alive for sewral vean and was wimi bv liberal dr harry hat ley in 196 from former mp sandy best lalrr bill coulter pledged his support for the candidate and j eked that the vole be declared unanimous for mr masson curtt speaker friday wat new brunswick mp gordon fair weatlver who revkwed hie scan dais of live pearson government und called pranon 60 days of declsmn something tluit turned into two yean ct indiscretion flays gntrvnuoaai he rrferted lo hal banks lu cien rivard ills budget fiaseo ilu- ptusmmi souabhu live fuint tun ami race tuck ilea is and at custd ihr minister n justiee of lack of eompctence aiuf gnss in ipliluite rtu laberuls he ivolitt wen liaving a ij vegas night in oakvilli on the saiiu evening and the gambling motif is fan iv evident in some tf the legislation i ilrl ttwn lie atlded the 1 ih- rtals nughl hive a birthday eakt il lluir iwirvtjr hitthdiv parts lllit tvtniiig ihii oik of the eun ttles his fizzled ihii und iht otht r is sniilit ring 1 lililn i lolllt to e vnu allv eal i login ilu lailuie ol live govern tikiil lit viid ihe conserva live pails has tlont moth for can ula we look forw ml to a firalet lomortovs and it s not what we an againsi but what vv ut tor ih it ctminls lit w is introtliketl b george kerr ind thinkid in hallon pc presidtnl john depew who eon mcif the star week on article on a contest kmmajea to ciuvonf a typical housewife the choure of live pid kwas a former acton resilient i rlene i isher daughter of mrs fenn and tlie late i vu tor dim ttte awatd w is made tn ll liasis of poise imisoiialitv aiul i imailumtuking talent and lu 1 i ti was a trip lor two to llorida mrs tislur works in toronto and lur husband al malton she lias two ehildrtn i irukas and jennifer a full page colored pit lure of mrs fislur donning a plumed headdress and wearing lur sash ludv ilramalea pvis aenanif- anus ilu sttrv h s holden ortomttrht u cork 81 eaat oufxtm hum ta vllvf geobgetown park tuesday may 11 auspces iions club trig h illon needs moir positive dueled the meeting doug lili leprx m ntalion than it his hid in j mer of george town was re i inning j ilu past ivso it nns in oil iwa oil u r for ihe vole und his assis i i is pudiekil ihe litutals wtmiitl t nil s wrrr terrs bnrus w i present an election insiuance sh irpe dive trvompson anil lolkel tins veexk bv giving tn uhiis kt mi oils to tiimiir iheir relurn to of lite ami w untd ll was he her to i i ice ttu home beating contin pav vtuir hills and live within ius lo gain in poptilants at the vihii iiietunt lis nol gtmui lo beginning ol mts vomt mftao pis mil inoi ih in vou have nnd 1 evidential installations had been l some erne else look after il liumpleled fortilize your liwn now i iaroe sllection of everoretns shrurs and trees fruit trees fruit rikhmready for ftantino reoonias oladiou fresh cut fiowers and potted fiants rtiiizersseeds 1 garden tools etc remember mother with flowers mother day is sunday may rth caroline 5 flower garden shop west or atton on highway 7 south side nr viri i 1 owtrs anywiilhi open 7 dayt a week um 111 dark hume ushm schnumr smoked c0hage rolls lean shoulder roast of beef 53 ttndlrrumf roast of tfjf 79 stock your freezer now i sides hinds fronts cut and wrapptd at no extra otarga lovell bros modern meat market trmiu r dahv uuvtlry atmh check our handbill for bargains red white wbddi110 o invitations 0 announcimtnts 9 accfssoiies come in and ask tor your free ipioal gift regishr dills stationery m mill si ujhm 3 o aa m s at t cirfus ue ike vain or shim a ttv o tlr o wammi iwwilm- ttmaaa t4v hiv vwvmr thtlli rtuaur a kmr vm n- attwe y ui ie f vm wasw 1uki dam n mipm dm i s xn i htxir i ai in r watchstlltltailar far 1st frsl urn kt caudita farhkf history 8n allpur premium grease specially formulated for all lubricating obs imperials new blue ess0 unit0l a lor both cluuit ind bwrinp a easy application at low temperatures a ally oae ildt required you can t un the wran rum a tlmplihatf ikmlje with only one reite a prevtnh tust even dunni lay up penodi srfcul btttodoctoryoffhr save 500 buy one ctrion of 30 u nihil nrne drlndjet tad m us nttolmjtk rtit un ranhr s1m now only- 1490 ttfil more for w you do lcssoj ca your eso agent john weldon laaum asur rfcwasaat r flt awasur ir hone ass-rsto- actoniontario

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