tf acon f fwi thursday april 79k 194s spilling five pins at acton bowling lanes ummcmkc i the uwelmsd wllhntuvi mrav jonit uiynn we recret that ur c m walfc- er who owned a summer home crajlsnsen jeff hotter of vic limehouse and silvenvood w 1 on the stxlh line cued last week tortibr and pat helsler sui jointly sponsored a birthday par t j visitors prominent in district by ken hulford i meser 233 and hec daiglc 27 hit won one game and totals fruni llauks making ihejjlg ten this april it the actoi final f the bardaor league prod i week mai i1ui u2ii were dave pink kenny marshall 17516 jerry buchanan 1 11210 gary price 177 ij2 309 ookpiks best spitfires won two won the next two and totals pe- beatles also won both games and totals from lonely ones arthur 201 tripled and singled troin untouchables while finks but needed a complete win ttffor bears bruce ucarthur post finish in a lie fur 4op spot grata ed a 2m single fur panthers robertson ss4 223 rose win- cougars won the first from elta s w 179 and dons angell yers by uipa pln then went in ihetriple and single plateaus for 171 paced the spitlire win to a decline and it was beaters twisters for butters it was lonely ones efforts to finish in lor two and totals bruce krcs bob cathcart 754 lack johnson llr place were headed up bv sler 213 and dons toumley 2j thrills bid chills and nearly yjo f waller lit in the mon- dunne spsekogej 57 21s el suloed lor beaters juannt uusal upset the heavily favored dog ygij go ga wood 4a iu- eanor goy 473 im and lucv 634 and ras tolli 245 tripled and bones took 00 the rollers and synnoll 207 pal dick 201203 synnott 44 170 in the bailie singuil lor cougars with ii being a three fj total i jom knith 243 chns jen- 1 of the belles it was blue belles leatjtii slaoduit lions i j all the way after nosing out bears 108 pantlitrs 116 tuu dumb belles by 10 pins in the gj 03 bcaseis 103 tigers first helen bltlorf 444 233 u 73 1 la atkinson 445 2 and llhell llarrts 431 2131 sparked the acion mixed win dumb belles best was joan a 2 i lukes squashed lltr knhl n 241 and myia john ijks uilli a ilure am win son 427 ite i sophie- oeliliuli 210 nuniipiit llnal league standing i umll ju j n2 and lix eis iii snlllmt i0h ijjiuiv on i f 211 spjisd llu e 101 ookpiks 101 dumb iklks ul a snglillnyju 101 blue belles 100 wv was it all s hesl wll aids ujiitl list uiau viand 01 mfo soiiu tiling aiui won atl gain s apnl 22 with all lour plawtlt limn ikis mailui oi1i111i1s 2t positions assured tht u itfu tan solu was 1 st mil mil tin wlaids uot its siring tor oulnl iihiih a pik tulsis iv and nalk t j it bil of an upset acunest wtien sin 200 suikliil hn llet s law k ihe canadian llir took ilk at sliiss vsihi tin inst tuu i ion billiards lu two and totals lanlaslii vim ihii itu vwn tilt jojilison hiulhets weie op lo made ssllh a tils win in lis llniit loned at camp borden spent a ly for hajton centennial manor few days with the heislers at residents on thursday easter j mrs h norton spent a few tnd lun miss genesleve tomalln of dais in sudbury last week nobleton spent holidays with the teenagers held a very well venous illness we extend syav pathy to his widow and daughter binall to count the rail birds fteauttd dog bosses for a shoo in im the first game rollers cross ed up ihe talent when they grab bed a tie pm lead they hung joan knight 24s and chns jen sen 206 wsrre up for monsters for beatles it was bill inglis 29 clint taylor 221 smilly pietrangeli 20s and bill vivian 224 the snapper lucky stnke onto a slim 40 pin lead after the 1 c fc tj irundj oond game went 0 jjo boe j m l0 tnd te wtxidwartj 220 and jim kelman by 10 pin with jim bulluugh mj kftclfvtt ihe tm uiih a 12 1 tlv preuure wai all on in the third i game akt rullen were tearchinji l for a bif fimc lu cunuijulbic their lead but fl wit nui forth- ccmntof instead fl im ihe un heralded ben baylui vwlio ivnark ed the dug bone with a 260 et 206 27 gelling uilofc tor luikv irttikmtrulcommcreui april 21 the iwllk- lor irw mirth and lakl vlaulf pl uill ffo nghl tu the uirc wiih one fori to give ihrm ihe game by nijjh to go ridlry cartas blow st pint and loial pintail win by prn and iluimmi motor wall tu m pinal count wi dog bone battling it uui came about thu iv to ilirl glilu twliu lull cxl doun third nil uhen thry ullcd enough to utn the liri tanvr nd tulau uilh 1cdjrrr vi rollen 2499 individually lor dog boo ll ui jim bui lough 729 ben bavlut 67 jake vanderluoy 213 for the rollers it wai al norri 640 john drnnit 2 al daley 215 and dave shan non 225 the other half ol the wml fin al between supers and rites was as tiuw as ihev iximc in ihe first game lealherellcs canie up uiih a 121 pin lead they lost a little uhen supers noised them out in ihe second by sli pins supers made a drier mined bid lo pull ihe series out of the fire in the third and won by 126 pins but iheir chins hit their knees when they urc one point short final pinfall was leatherettes 2920 supers 2919 helen lcsucur 606 rose i uun u inning pjr lor can4idun tile uith djvc the nexl l wodon i v ojs v m5 and nino gitlo j7 tnpled l e lor the i uxtrlcians phil lr- foirst l7l hl11 yu j ps adam s caold slnpe shaiptiud up ifun salstmltruaitinosnlrsih pa oes at dominion hot is 724 and wayne mason 67 along pnsc wllh a two and totals ullh jim bultough s 649 ueie i ga tups masson motors and bow press spin wllh blow press winning tuo games and masson winning one game and totals bv two pins rai molody 611 atui ro- beil ihe bruce 62s headed up win i yei one uf ilk jold snip vis ueit up lor ihls go anil it 1 1 ting tile high vms win ld mt tllloway soft spike spins 7s l 313 and lopping ir ilnubk kimjoiiis was leo mcoillovsal 4is6 ttw wasovsiir wallopeis win blow priss wllh terry masales 677 john hoars 625 lornc nor u ion 624 and ron lailimcr60l ma king the tliplis lor masson rid liv carlage trailing the field but lain 266 helen yaleman 209216 giting ll tin o id college lis drup- and joyce masales 233206 wxic on the triple and single platiaus for leatherettes lor supers howie jank 651 wayne cram 641 bob vlielslra 219 john robson 230 and lyle cripps 224 made ll so comes the finals and it will be leatherettes and dug bones and once again dug bones go lo the post or limit line as lavorltes hut don l sell leatherettes short the gals could beat them ped the hrst lo orfuns by ihiee pins thev lost out on the second bv 25 pins thin rallied to win ihe third but were shs 12 pins lui totals hitting the tncounts lor orluns were jell frver 443 322 bsg denny crooks 740 bob aymw 674 and hank faile canadian tin v 604 making moslest of ttvi most isl lor ridley s wen bob mar aclon frtandt tin 794 309 don gum 732 hut apnl 22 lions lonlinik u r milliard 617 and huo martuljup the wins and tud kmils go with hank i aili llunl piny 70s 102 and phil u so in 667 pauls mns w ir madi wllh a lliu gam win iriim soiier i tub whin ken hullortl s in 114 git a load ol that diuyhtir for paul s look un ol sochi dims laiirs nolan 646 final le sgue sianduil xill snip 159 alton bllliuds i3 pauls mens vsac 106 ivunin ion hotel 9 sossn llub ko 441 duuble league slandinl ledger id a 126 orluns 124 gillo llixlru m masson motors u blow puss u ridley cartage is acton lmjiax april 22 acton jersey dairv i unul ll ufiion udltvt april 19 cnckels lost i in lirsl game to munslcrs by 11 pins then picked up steam and wound up with the next two and totals llecn grant 797 2961 helen jocoue 531 2ij and verna mi eachern 46j 167 along with nailed urilil the last game bclore verla simmons 222 single set winning a gsmc but it was a big up the cricket win vema tat ne and trnv took totals frum ton 503 217 margo bollerl 449 cameos marion stores 652 gran hi aod pat camp 417 163 ruheitvin 613 and hilen holmes trundled ihe triples lor muns 2qk niplid and singled lor in icrs beatles wsin the llrst irom dalii c uncos came up wilh rolling stones bs 21 pins the se sintls marni millor 2w and cond by 15 and then missed out i sj hurst 226 tilling em misa on ihe third game by enough to dun had tlu rans and ion totals bs 22 pins betty lo- t1 all sames irons rashlin ckcrbie 541 215 louise tolh juillns vjiumi robinson 727 557 213 and mary elliott 475 na aibi 671 m irnu mints 2041 set up the triples lor bio 2i520s hil ih triplt and single let josic buthanan 641 215 pljieaus lor masalts rathlin and mary cooocv 60s 212 wtrc jevselltrs laild to nath tht topsjpr rolhngstories jnajhtv niuscns clothing won live tlgtrs tails lor a lilplt mil jatklt papillon 262 meis ii u ntss 211225 and ra wsi 21 alons wilh tony dunnis 271 madt wilh thi solos lor llu ll ons dait hunliis 221 singu w is a ion r lur tigtis ikais lost thi lirst lo phiiihis thin itr llouwman 674 marilyn mt lavt duals lis mailiu 234 20k anil ll 1 humpsofl 22v smgl id loi imkies kj i nolle 6a9 111 i nil iiris 2w and mat uiliss i7 liipud and tingled lor llu sinn la ayiu si hiding lualus 114 lanlisli sis n 101 wiraids iip loty slllks 99 lluks 96 litis 94 big four apnl 21 aitos with a lluve tain pint ill ot 2si4 iiunased itutr il nod i ad 7 h opposing tithi t its hung onto stioiu pin mill a puil ill ol 2s6 jake v inili i knot s6s 2s int m ig i iii iii 549 201 mil all lamsill i i 496 17 lialnl up aiyos loll lop i l ino vni hans holslu 468 iks manila oosl itiiid 461 171 ml j tuu htu i kn 410 146 kouyh kldis ml al pinl ill ol ik67 luadil up l i ikt vanllkoos 611 2571 jot llolsiu 47s m7i ul doll v in anntin 446 207 moitd llunl tip lo llunl slol wllefl almltlts isuslnl i 1716 iloi i john oost i h 11 ss imli wilh n 5nat mi us 1 158 and aim kanoniia j77 i4h inn lops lot aimuius ilisoll si iiuhnt 112 1hi1 lot 1 puililll alton nils 90- ttus lals k4i2 hk kilis 7622 al hills 7m1u i tmn n untjor apnl m k hi11 slons u ii 1 up i dihibl mil liom i ils bill fahian 103 202 305 j rod mieathern 174127 301 bob turkosj 11ji51 216 bill n lak 133isi 214 bob andrews isoi3i 211 jackie palmer 1j4- 147 211 laagut standing rolling slon is 14 beatles 13 hawks 71 lag its 73 links 71 unlouthablct 46 hdpin hilhm willi llu jujki miiiu is 1 1 ijs iumi riiiii stonnif j i4iuhlr lor i in lodus wilh a 797 mule fm llu nulsin clolliint nvlhi jiul 2m mnitu lu pick up llu i ctlyt i i a iih1s lulls don utt-orr- ji4 idsltatl llu jutird attn uilh a baiik li 87j itiplt itmtk tlu nu tsrii s iolhirtg uuv siril antl hi 17 sinjflc pfekctj up llu ah nuu iiiiji kt l vouxlurr sli 204164 cousins the kuvsell ks attrndd djnee in linvthouur misi marie kjrn of london memonjl hall on friday even- spent i few das uith cousins i n luff mrv njtvalon ruddell has bcrn mr david kuofhlr under hispitali4d ia qrurgfhuvn rrc ucnt surgery on llic ntval lrscl wc jtope to sev her well in soulh perl hospital on moi ifjin uion da we hope igdin soon sctr him ataout mis arune whalen nurtiv irainmg and offuer iadt pclcr jchnn of rjjc kingston tpent it ini tu l t r llu ir acr j i to uin tv tujltltd tkvrisiyi if oaj4oij uiitihailv and srv enj i ills- dave pink kenny mar shall jnd lmmjj harriv la i monday 1usdav and vrdiuda au tht canadian i ive pin championships lotuxl al tlur kililwrttr anna amu and llu idsltrn champions uon tlu ladirs sirifk llu- lm1u team mill a ltd ttu men itam cvtnt 1k wtvlrrn iliainpv aoii t lu ll i id train rvnt and uwn miiiju- nut srasimi llu- hamp kmishijrs uill ik- lolud al calyarv aiul tlmm lavtkiimis lot luiiihr rihmijth lo makt llu trip mill sure in joy lhal western itospitalny that winds ll up orut attain my if lend lies u atllrs aililyos pollock and campbll manufacturers of high grade memobials memobia1 engsav1ng 1 wkw si mtrtlr out tuattkm uimm n up wie teen nundtis mad- 1 and youdiuuhl daly city ihl aka d iuw for mhor bawl far ihthli vj mk h a dl i open lh bowling m acton 10 main tr u bowung aumfttt o s p jl lanes usaiiy q0oct grandf rize winners f 2sexj m a 74 affslteui miiia uh v hcvb shi m pcp v i won dav m wio ciij rsv tv onia apt oimls wo ry t ivvrv un ff atle out oisjh olln o- oay 0icr 0q26s iih wsfazy zes i im catm humomth or mllmi swmh ilicinc 1 bummaw lllctac mm ova uuirlui wtchi saow iktctmc macm isc1tc ml0 vwimamms tc pt004 cotwottkmmhb itataaic ykttmim wdezs fiiciuiierustllsmiilim n or niciiuie umiuiie wuiei ui itytl league landing crkkt im bcatle 112 rolling stones 97 muntcr m uiw springs nurwry april 20 uansolds turned in thixc u inning clfurl ayainst llollhotk uith joan knncd 447 im chel phillips 479 212 and marie chapman 470 202 pacing the uin linda gordoir huwid up in lime to trundle a 203 tnjju bll armslruntt m7 92l and jmn emmcrxun iv i4 uctx txm tor holmuuk hlue iklu i any up a tuo and total uin irom daltodiu and ul inovl made it thrxx hul dixpped uuk th middk thukkir b itht p nd lutan dropping tlu middle thukkir to lrdir ig a dodu mtillouj 2t and ina mi lion 2 hid th nklmn sajion xmna lltriintlon 243 u is a loiur lor lcdyir s ujhu st inding atton jvrs dair 1 16 cameos 1 10 masales diir iw ruhhn jcuilkrs 95 uxlitr s 1ga 90 nuimhs clo- thinl 89 thundjy toppert apnl 22 luiiiviurs uith in ill kit ttloii uhuh sjva tht m t ik all kanus iroiii ookpiks hnishcd ch mtpiuns tf tlu ixgular uhc- nni arbu n2l 2j0i ada s7s 272 and mar oak pins iran harding l9 4 ml uiu top trio in rumb- ult hardie 54 267 rhua u jjn hams 528 197 cuoduin 525 19 and pat fin uamu alkn 404 in2 and y menajn 4s3 210 rang irw bill onnc hamilton j9i 172 uia lor blut b4ik top 1 no lur dat let us help you build a complete roof of planned prot u jus with paekace moncnom ssjixtcslliojiyoiji safeco lifecogeneral insurance t ua sartcoaunt you ii uvt money too let sjecoput alyour in lurjnce wdr onepiolrc live j oof home juto i fc bus nsevethri its tojethfrtoilopdnefous jps sjve money too for the moit complfte root ot planned protection at thi lowest pomoli cost call us todjjr dennys insurance agency 34 mill st i atlon ont phoni 15301 so residences hill i331ms llanui ismsks whurt all your msuranc fits togtlhtr m iorbrotdtrcovmtagm mt lowtrcottl lodlls vine shirley thomson 476 177 jill munn 44 ci9 and sslua masts 44 i id laoyut standing llliii lit lis 121 mancolus 109 dillodils 10c llollshotks 11 micro ptatfic april 20 in ihe insl lliree canies ol ihe six a rullofl total pins to count tvttslers uith a first roll ot 1218 sunt imo top spot and held n uiih rolls ol m and 914 or a total ol j0m buiitrs vsith a pintail of m27 aire in second place lol- lovvcd by monsters 2731b beatles 2724 ustky strikes 2t4t and snappers jw in the twister- buxicr do nino gitto 62 bill knijht 2m ruby lausten 11730 lltjilvcr ellis hi john busch robt r hamilton optometrist 8773971 ltlmlrlsraeton monday anchwan and evettlnj tnmltus closed sunday beginning sunday may 2 bill toth sheu service station will remain closed allday sunday for the summer months to all oufr patrons w apologize for any inconvenience we are happy lo service or gas up vehicles during the week the new hours are adopted to enable our stat-t- a day off thank you billtothr propr ovin f11isii whjtr or cracked wheat until pt cuilumcr iga bread ro al ioiu hrst c iga butter difp ntttiri o libbys corn 24ot leaves 3 s 59c i lb prim 55e 14ai ting im tomato soup or4mmtud white sugar 4 vakii tiis big g cereal 18or tins 4545c 1mb rat 85c 3 s 89c fresh pork loin sale loin roast rlh 3a trndarioln m f 0 pork 3ib jt 4v lb centre tut lentil lb roast or chops 69c bunt shamrock slkrd i ih side bacon 69c turn i pure pork small llk sausages 49c lb born s i lb vac pack wieners 49c a hearty energy food can ha i oratj lmb la pel potatoes 69 product of uaa an crisp celery produce r usa can cauliflower nursling wllh juice florida oranges o i cradc jumbo site 34a 2 for 39c u i crude sijowy while 39c slit j2 2 doz 79c 20t 1 lit 4 for chtucc llttlvc cudney peaches hereford corned beef 12oz tin 49c lsapuralcd tall tins carnation milk 3 for 49c peanut butter club house 16oz jar 39c iga tea bags orango pekoe pkg of 60 59c walkers saltines vrud caniullan cheese slices llospllallly strawberry rhubarb pie mb pkg 29c ihi pkc 57c each 59c save the extra tapes for free gifts or eaton merchandise certificates rrcclvc an lilra ii m bonus tap wllh mir uouid dltitolnt 3 24at um receive an fslra sim bonus tap wllh e d smith ketchup 15ei itutl monarch hour 7lb tag surf 0cteroent wjc h deal giant receive an bslrm jam bonus tap wllh om soulh rnrn oraitna juic 13i lbs tablarlf sltuel cooked ham4v pt spinach fma crliai i0i quality skim milk prices lfiecllvc april mm w and may isl we remerst ihe rifhl lo llmll quantities banaaannnkfiaaaisabnnnnavbaaaaibaahnnnnnnbaaabbsaahabaassabsaambbabmbhnaaabbbaiabbbbaaabbmsbaa extra specials 79c powder 3lb plastic bag franley farm grade a iiarge eggs 269 t jjr-