Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 22, 1965, p. 13

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in h tftqlon dm u0u comti wre ritod ssturday april 10 t tkir ftnmml bacul wlnnvrt uvltkla captain trl brmn harry hwluni frsd allen john coy noyd kuf jvtk bhntin jack coulur rvd furi lultwf report from q ueens rk pa by qeorge a kerr haiton ml a now count court judge ttw alton tt lr thuruuy apvu sini 1945 swear in judge alan b sprag tie krlkrfkk that if elfkiitu i in tv muh laitud ll dliplli itloil ol costs l ht ik iiimniij and ptopt i us h land 1m establish d planning is a vital iueessit llu ikpirtnicnl h tb hit tun in ye tnng unit pint bthlv a 4 j inuaiv iu im1 p i a n it i n u i i lolal it hs uut flnlendod fur tan ueck in submitting hi i9a esiimal s lui wfvk the minister ol mun iclpi affair the honmirabk wilfred spoon r drrw ihe at tcntlun of the legislature tosidnahk dilliuiltv tome rather significant itatihtks i imtnn ikihiu s it ik particularly fclgniluant be cause of the fact ilia l en mid municipalities in ihr province ad indeed in llalton countv haw wi ihelr mill rale for this year end have indicated in in crease in use mtmiim p nn is ll thec matulk- reveil a imlttplum l v hodu atantlal increase in revrnue pop- ulalion and atwummi revenue larreaeed in i9vj ihc revenue of ihr mun lqfpajitic mruis ontario amount d td u7 million in i9m it wis si74 million an increase u 167 per cent in the same period net provincial revenue roc from vms million in hm i st t hit iiiny rnii ki les s huauls out i inauice principal obaterlci i one ol itu pi itu ip il t h thci aa in out mo 7 niiinuip ihlics w counties v ntuv 8 si na rateel louns iv i nuns 1m tillages township niuuuipil hies jo improvement distruts ii districts 10m school hoards uul thousands of other hoard and lolllllllomlhln wiih llu usull llul fur improve nu nis no innlur how minpli minv bodies hie iu outuarv mrs lydia dredge mis i villa ihvdge of halion villi wih i tin ltd william umlyi duel it lu i hunt in nti sju i tn apr il k iltcr a enllis illfuss mrs dudyi who telihiilid lui lh hnihu iv on uxmui iii had hied in nis s igavse i lot m wais llorn in toronto mr dreilye in i il in 1ainwt it k and millun i tic ii iiili iu r in it rt it lived ul st i ii u n i su sliti iu lore mov my lo hvi vitti iu t son dori ul llaltonvilli kk 2 hockwood lltr hush uul iluil about 1 vetro tyo mis dudyi hull txni active in iluiih unk and i uul emoveil uiiilliiifc slu was deinlved hv tin nils as lulny lov ihu kiml md y iii nus shi is siiivived hv lui ivin ihildiiii kuv ol s kiklulle nu notk mtul mis 1 moiton ol toionto llail mi mikt mitmiul nl millon aus linol muihnyloii 1 llul mis wil li mi joh ol i iliiu riin ttirye kk kkwmkl indkilhhiii mts i tnuiiu ol k k ktv j sthrul officiated at fun i i 1 1 mhius in n is i ist va pus huiiin chuith sundav april ii and inlet nienl u is in the nil lomimj nmclirj sprays uls paid irihutr on friday april oih aun b fipiayiu formerly of belleville who ofitelullv ivvorn in and wel itiiued uw kallonh new county court judue over iso kuui in tludiny diwlrkt judy en law afco- ltutuui memhert county coun clllort ii u 1 1 o n employee irltnds and nwmben of the family el untied the ceremony and u reception which followed hik honor chief judf a r wlllituji presided ovtr the wcr iny in cciemony and judge j c andermin couniy of hawtlnf ludyo beloft wihmii jude 8pru yut had uprw a red iwi many occa sions itdnmiuiercd theoalh sli otlnr tutitikl judyen looked on nun live juror wctlon uearmy their purpu trimmed robet rvv j t ftuliam yave the in voculion uiuj bjhvedklion and slu i ill andrew w trunk usil rd by diputv klurilt mac hpniwt ukheid tlve new judge into llu v ho mix i s and uuted hi in in put i iny on hu tutu judy wjihnut said it was fli liny at ihu llnu to utali llu iha luur and tlu aihu veilienli of llu i itv jiulve georye v i llloit u4io hid oiunud the hetuh in llalton unlil his ihalh u lew inoiiihs ayo he piulted llu lute uilyt s ipiuhlle ol i out aye ionip issiun and lotnpetrrut and itpnssrd smiipathy to his wi dnv judy ainurwmi uid iu wji horvoril to have a man torn his hir ippoinud to this lountv and ullnl judye spiayut a hod uiiiku verv indiiirtout n in in liosi pt ui lie has ya hied a wide rewpeii he will erve this his hull lounlv vvrll waidtn lleih mirry extended the tmlle of liimdship and he hand ol wekoine to judyi spra yue on lishalf of the county lluylus cliaver repreteniing the uiw assoc i itlun as lli senior pi utisiny ininitun paid tribute to ihi i tu judyc i llloit for tlu work he did und his lourtety to- w iu tlu bar ik wi fair and loutiioiis iu all and wc utx grate lui lot his uppottunliv to herve llu loiinh he uts read tile yi mis ol congratulations to the mvv pidye from halion mp dr mirry h ii lev and ihc hun wil liain llenedli kviu mimsur of miius and tichnu il survive preaenta pena ross rvi k pixsidtnt of the ilalhin luiw asmicialion present td an enynvci disk pen rl lo judy spiuyue assumlny his mat on iht heiuli and family it will not b eay i iior will it he a quick pto4e foi ine lo iii hk mantle uvrr nw shoulder iu takl he alui k i prrwd uppretutiin to thief t greellny and i thank vnti for out pievm1 here tin itiu ccnirt nmiin wrarre w arr galher ed lodav ihw fcptendid modern i iilihtaiiaii lunldiny u cogent rvi judv wlllmol for hl peiwh iltiut of tlu pucr live admlnulra ton tin oopeiation d assis lion of juilu hoidt in your lance in making the move to minds li 1 an milward and vis- hal ion and to the law atcocia ible siyn u vmtvol and u nutnu lion the warden und siutf and mini to ilu invlvtblt thinking jlhem who participated in tlu and tiadiiion of llu duly elected ceremony ipres4niaiit ot yhrjuunt itl mat faiy halion which was imuiyhl uv 27 vcar at live bar iimmjui n yr unisons uridyl murruv and wavne ml lunndl and david ttndule elliott and ex pressed hvmpathv to hit willow uonln l6jonincras ol itw per plan tin he dvi crania paid hv the province to t hm ili municipal tics nvards iruhuhny achool board si and loiiimivsums dunng this period iivrevsed from 1373 million in lt to 141 mil lion in iqm an irunavt of 2ik percent avutaiuc to uxal mun icipalitu will ht lurilur itutc is 16mvil6auilliin to i i ul 100 4 million tin- aentw 47 per eent of the prtmmi s net ordinarv rev emir e ompartsil to w percent in wm statiti alo fthow an increase in the number of municipalities from 9a6 in 101 to 076 at pkmih special emphasi was placed h mr spooner un the nerd loi lo cat count and region l planning during the dthalt on llu csiiniit e municipnlitus jt n ihiu insiilittl tv lou i common d on i in well nil ll is i i ul hair snd wecklircards illness in news we are pleaded that mi in jd johnaon and miss lorrauu piper are both piociinsin l i vrablv at home huknctng open hon in hospital in gcoiciown we regn t that mi gat iu 1 thompson was again taken to hospital by ambulance list wink where he had a loot ampuiaud on monda we hope that hi can make a good iccoveiv mrv hau und htte dvughtci are expected home this week al ler a three week nip b plan lo visit relatives in plvinouih england weadiag saturday congratulations to mi and mr jack pout who ueu mai ried in the chrutian retonn d church george toun on sal urdav the aie making then home in lirochom major and mr robin bourne and family of ottawa kpent las ler vclrh hffc parents hen the russell roki ol toronto visited mrs oshurn and mr har- yey mcdowell and the lawom on sundav euchre winner the limehouse memorial hall board held a euchrv on monday evening last week priies uvre won by mrs e miller and ernest mltletiseooilt-mt-o-mnl- u davldaon in a cut with mrs clare wilton and to ralph tur ner in a cut with harvey mcdow ell travelling prim went to v mrs e millar and mnu a c altertonekht tabjes uvre in lay and lunch wan served after iosejtd ait enjoyable evenlnt even iwiiitv or iwnilv hv m n to iluh ve h ivt willli sstd t yuiwth in lilininisrt iiu i titius bv l hi vinous ik ii luu nls ol oi nuiu nt t nil wiih its own futil u picsi nt itit s iinl with no boundaiv ul ituinshlp xmicttrrrmsihaijn unlnirtcst tic i mai polks h i iouiuv as i unit on ihi othn hand limls mil lorssts has 22 regions bisixl on leoyt iphli it ind phvsicil chiricters tout ism his 2 ind i mint divilopuunt bv ihi lie pirtnii nt of refonn in stitulions involves llu tin istih hshnunt ol distiui iids lo ii pi in llu old counts nl vi now have disttkt iiilii schools uul lonsirv iiion aiithoi ilies whose llllhoilln is 11 il li still ted lo vountv oi mum pil hound u u s lilt oiwthtbik lihh which is in i position uul his tin uithoi hv ill 111 ills l spells lo develop planning on i uionil hisis is the ihultv oiiihii uul in the divs ihe id ll itu jmsciit ioln ol tin llonoiu ihk u ill i il svion er and his dipaitmeiit is follow eel more- and mou renpoiisiht1tt wilt be placed in tin h mils of this kxil ol government sogieen rmua guarantees a beautiful lawn ob your money back i i fomou sooilln 777 hriuu ciu4 ililckbtoutiwmn blm4 fmwulthufifm h ftl u n flua ijnnilill m im lli it i r r w 4 hllhhl ml kfut i fcf ua m mm wnnmff i hi ulicfts lkmtl1h ui kitujs iuj 71 ot k aiiihptmmn 1 ikalilmulil iiwm imj htl4tt lmuisiu fsr ifttw cmuiii u 33kd lmwk cwlmi wfitolw cub mmstlulooiimamiiiaacittinaftkiiia kuuh wiimt n u un wmi mi rwi u m m ut 131th ui 114s whiti tluht iu 10 ema rn wmui atmllll gordon hardware limited 33 mill st e ts33736 remind ine that this pivscuily pkaant prevailing uir of imam mltv is nm likely lo extend lu- j ycauj ihe ckwing of tlunr emirw- nles lull those experienced in llu- 1 low will know thai prufeskiouul eontriukiu dinpule ddlereiue of oplnkui and 4 lie lilting and tlu jousting of he trial aiv of tlu very inew of our legal process und i know il it not ulwav ejv to he academic and nirutly pro ftftkieuuil ami otiintlvr in ihc luai of bottle i inceielv hou we slvull together maintain und libiigtlun i fie high trudiiion ol our court lor pioleioiuil ium tvuti and couriev miis an atv seine uf ju rsonal aniuiosliu lu urgld i hall endeavour to perform mv duth ua a jiulge in everv le pee i according hi m hlylul tradition und deiliuods j tltul high ofllee ami i un sou wiih llu ciwtpeiation and usutaiui nl tin kamed cininwl and mun iters of i he ii ir of ihu imintv i shall lu alloidcd the sauu orl ul null ivmii mm mv ho wiih iniegrttv enmph u honest uu ubseilee of evasion eejuivoe iluui aivd personal anlnioettn s i shall endeavour within the confines of my mental and phv skat capacillet to keep itu wheels of juillce grinding out not otilv vvell beit a quickly is pos hible tivcauu i believe that justici oruiyrd is jnsr icr orniro splendid building to the warden of mv m w coun iv and ull municipal npn eenla lives luti i t etc nd mv oonttet like llalton llusiings and pitme rdwaid hv uu n v ho know mw rrul true mranlny uui value of winds tub ah mwilv lulue und ikmueru i v i wmild like lo tlov tlitsr re niatks with a passage whlih huo cesa4 u le uhcylnu i according av a asnv ontario dv purlnwnl o itlsshwayi ims cm- tnuk me as j tva readinf the u aj rfc ouslhbutlon diarv of ilu lite dag hammers t ike mar wpti recently kjold taw lime secreiaiy oner iwl xiustlal coior watouius of her united nutlnns wwc1 j inlroduced for each euuntv or diurui llalton u c4- oied pink the llalton sertlurl nt lite map outline the tlve towns phis dft milu camphellvllle hornby terra cotta morvul palermo anil btmyftw milton lleiahtk u noi hown im ihr map tne new map l frw at any ol the dho o lue or ihr parlianvent buikllngs lotihihi he saw oniy nr orhrrvth kiwi k who fvfry day jiitififj it following llu ieiimon the sarah mai 1111 suuj john milton t tuple rs id llu 1011 xriaid r fn shmrnts in ihr tatneria of huilding a tut ihr judge ami ris f imitv mingttd wiih ihr guest lo exehunge greetings hu moilur wile sons jim und llwatel daughter jenny brothel fird m spi tgue und mrt hnrk yur fmm be lie ilk and father inlaw joe lake mm mis lake a 11 ended bwiaoaly affiled tirvi actor cant gel mv slim on second ditio what feet welh d ino h s holden optomitiist m cork bl eul gliblhi hum ta j7im halton country club open for membership golf tennis steam baths olympic sizf swimming loot club house miviukks family pun membership 185 pay as you play plan golf tennis weekdays except sat s sun youse invited to drive out and see us owned and opebatfo by tollt ttl anotf twvnl nww wa sms4 4 mujf nottm of miiton 1iduoad s cmpbumiu wht of hwv is to tw thiio clottaoao thbm moith to tm cum think of all the small economy cars that will cut your motoring costs now consider this doesnt it make sense to choose the one with looks youll be proud of thats the 1965 vauxhall viva by general motors gold medal winner tt the 1964 ijmmlqn motorskow iti one thini to be proud ofthe low price economy so if you want until low price economy car handling and readability you enjoy in an economy iih looki you can be proud of go tee the man car iti another thing when youre forever who wu viva ok apolomnfforiliilyline but when you buy a viva w w el wft of if vauxhau c 770 lore vhtve you y a f synchronized 4ipeed l u m m yjaw h y m t xm acton you can be proud of iuiooics and coouder bow much mora wwi jlvei you like a so hp eniwe fully sy tnntmtuion rollconttol tuspeniion up to s mpg economy maglermirror finuh ia76 cu it of trunk p and more 4 auuaae uateae vniiia sec ym weal tarajitaatlne sealir sarkaf bat sekttaa oar salt celtatatiek ffl ju aura to watch f lcoriaidtria rouanowahowlng witatorialc chekloe ibfflnoaiwtlm and ehannalv authorized vauxhau pont i ac dealer in acton rare aaassom motors umited an ounm tti lajt- acton ont

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