Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 24, 1964, p. 2

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ht jvctw jtfttt bttss nine veer no 13 sixteen to yen cant new car dealers unveil models for public showing on weekend nw w dcawr in acton are rollin out the rvd carpet this weekend md the irst of neitl work to uavcil i heir ims toodatu i thu week iuue f i he acton fne pmi include hew car atv nounceancau i rota tu massou motor ltd who will be ditplay in the ims buicfc rwucs at jui md cayic truck the khowruotnk are open lo the pub lic today thursday friday tend saturday ajummtnoewteau also appear fur thump- motor ltd with the kkowing thursday friday and saturday lor fords falcons and ford yruclb tl their jwwrooou little motor annuuflcctvent feature the umbwr tor ims and the public u invited to attend i he kbowtait of new tnodcu mon day fraak toth motors associate dbaier fur mateaj motor sale gooractowrt will feature chry ler plymouth and valiant cart during the public showing frl dav also appearing in thin wtki issu it the andrew murray mo- lor limited aahouruenwnt fur the ims chevrolet chew ii and lurvulr these cat will he w display in the georgetown show rooms this weekend expect f 5329765 project to cost taxpayers 18000 fvuvidlni approval it rvejvd front the oepartmertl uf uunkt pj ajfain acton comutl will call terdrtr- for the widening of oucvrt and young streets in tlu kaowr future during ipvslal meeting al council thursday september 17 eirrkvfcdmlnilrilor jack mccca chle informed numbers the lot al cost of the project would be about f 1137 aclons share uf ihl u ex pec led to run close to tuout other cost are ct pecid to be met bv the depart meist uf highway during the meeting council approved a bylaw to request d mjl permission to prucued with calling lender mr lacgeachle lold council the quen si widening and paving represented a urge por tion of the co and this would be the sole burden uf ihc dflo on completion uf the work council would then assume the aeclloa uf highway under a con- ncctbw jjiak ag reement mr uc cecja also explained the work un the young st job and thai ir ouen st would be two differ ml curt tracts council learned the breakdown of coil of l ik entire project was 172ji7 10 lor the connecting link textuui mill ami young st which the inun share would he id per tinl cost uf storm wwn in the art j would be 12 741 of ukkh tin town share would he so per mil sidewalks would cost 4 4 with the town assum ing the full cost and iht oueen st portion wuuld tw sal 7ws5 uhlch ik paid for entirely bv the duo the clerk also staled tender lor the oueep si lob could be tailed at no cut lo the town member alui learned the engl neer had promised a minimum of detour while wurk wat pro ceeding not known at prevent u what portion the lown of acton will he assessed for widening ihe mill si cnr crossing and re placing the signal system no i uurd hat been received from the i department of transport re garding ihu project original budget allowed for re- eurfoeing of young si only do ii called for the entire pro- i kt to be completed which up- ped the cou to the lown aye in principle open deer season possible at present it believed that both wellington and went worth countie hae rejected the pro- pekkal lo hae an onn semi in 1m bceauvc of h law re ilrurllonv pertaining to ihc dk eharge of firearm in peel cuuntv ii wai thought lhat the counts tn the whole would not be able to have an open seavon although the towmhipi of cal edon and chinuaexhiw had in- die a ted an interest in the pro posed hunt wins trophy mr willi un thompson ae ion wm the aeton free prvs irophv when she eaitk lirvl in ihe am and etl omit at a ion fall tair thiv war ihr name will he ineenhed on the mph along with previous win hal ton county council mav de clare an open deer sea ton in the countv ihu war if went worth welting ion am vxl coum- ilea agree to jointlv hold the op- en leaton navvagawea revve william couller reported to coun ty cuuiwil on tuctdav that the main cuncrni when dectdins on an open season wa lhat a large enough dutrtcl would be avail able lo hunters so that the would not all converge on one area hunter and conwrnalion ol ikuls in ihe eountv har beeti concerned tor several vear uiih the increased deer population in ihe sxhintv and have repeated i askexl lor an tnen vejson in a motion pasved al tuesda meet ing cuuneillors agreed lo an open eleer season being held tn the sxhints providing the vur ririnding exninties institute a sun liar piugram ih hil mils acton caifi niti tryivanaar n iurroundad by hr attandantt and tait yr t quean altar ih wit crowrvad fndy naht left to riqht r fwt runrvar up jarva boutkill last yaar t qoaan lmda frouion and runnar up janice tojer th nw quaan i a itudant at erin hiqh tchool arena displays night performance highlight actons two day fall fair over 1500 patron j a in inc i the tn live elarinel liudv sprutt and monk were conduclexl bv mivn aeton areni tnda night not the k liners atlraeiivv penny aelun fair on stage with the only for tlw pre mure showing niehols uaihtsr and acrobat queen u re her attendants jan- ot the new jiviii moor but to iimuicinn ron leonard jimmy tee ttoary janice tlthiskllltnay ex w ol the best exvmng per linbus aeton uecordton bandjur duby presidents calvin all ormanees iir piwenieu h tlu tn i aeton citiens band before ken and mr don matthews vice- aelun fair butl aliogettur at the neiformmex aeton high prvsident jaek marshall and climated 6000 pitnns utttiuletl lli club kepi tlu fair eroesd ihe twtxlav fjir xluxmnd uith moeleil aeix- lair isttois we ix ovirseltvlnuvl pi hkn doing aerobitic xiunts h tlu iranslonnaiuui uf ihe umk rthc llndjightfc on thv kufl ones di lb inknor ol itu bin id ing as eonirrtvixial duplies ind ttganiition nmi1is nngexl tlu booths one end of the luiu hh i huge si ige u is ervxlcsl lui pet onur at the oiliu colorful array bright eheerv eol rs earmirk id eoeh divplis plus eojorlul pennants sluing iet s rilin m lek a peile t se ttin t m nilnins as ihes trekktd aeixtss the urn cnt tlotir uiihoil irtniplin through dirt like pt scars in his opening ixmatks nn or les dobs prated the rieix i lin commillev l i lluii uphill ivjiile to nisi ill a pel in men i tor lor ear nuiml u ltil in the j citmmumtv centre tik top jrui show einvced h popular chit uhi win t i il ervmel pk ie r and round o applause echoed thrxuigh to i ik aixni i r lop stai jm ii tl lisngworth ersiiilt siro pet i former al the age ol 6 the pel former thnlktl in iiulielke ot lier m100 at hamilton i fan t a tic rvrformer the spe llhshind in llen hi tla saw ihe oiin peitttiiiu i sing datnt plas lit hon itixnus and pi in i is will is t ike i be part ol i eooiediin al iru eorteliision di k h iiuiiikr lh rafters i mj wiih ippl ms i i the maestiit wimk tiienls hni aire ah hex n av liuni uxlard h eel iullnan ami j iek pan ui t ik has been el issed b in un as a second sainnn djis and cihlwi till the nile perfistk also on ihe fnd i pnvrun uiinn wxn ihe ctilt mekav trui with vnk pianist dem gordewi and drum fi i mer jaejx wtlseui and mr mekav vt us imu lor tlu saturd i show vines mountfoixl ol brampion ii di hlktnd ihe eiirlnn dropper for the eiiing prmeil to he the one i tlu mini highlights ol ihe niihi whin miss aeton lair was i t ttniil hid pleselllexl wtth nuiilelihls pnes saturday program viiurdaw pmgram started j vjm tuo n with the inninl pirnde tneluil- i as a last minute nu isuie ivnul numhers eontaeteet din i1indks who hiotiht pon iidiv w i owl vimioia to the biturilav show inoid e il lie stuip hog kil hilli- exluhils jumping horses iikidsleis ponies tnd iiaii i ehv plas k hid us uuv iltsipp4iinud ul the small slkiveiiig ol miilw i r des but i or nurd ofliet ds t p airtexl the midwav eortiessiitn il jil le i ihe iii dow n and oiils throe h hkls lltwis clowns nd iivx trilevl d ii bugles in ek s ind hu ili 1 1 from o ikilk who pnmdexl mini ejiknie wno pnuuiexi cuelph mouius uulmltons mkx fc h t ii tn twukrs with their high stippint miles pk ised the iiiu i is ttl suppeil on to ii iks in m a tun citiaiis band imik v tts h uul iml a new lonui this v it n trth ireland ai in lion hind from toionlo i t tn 1 in bond pixsttknt cat in aitke n ind i idus presuknt mis don mitthews rode in slate uxeipis ld london lngland iwoturhus also on hind was n oldlime c h ii ib nie sntnmixil h tvkr it insptirt i ul whuh ilso pn- deil inks lor onng md old itu i ilr wa siusess in ik ies of ixmid members in spile tl i ik poor midwae although crown nettie tryssenaar queen as over 1500 patrons applaud over 100 patrons who crowd id inlo tlu arena i rtday night sal tenet lv on ihrlr seats ugti lv awaiting tlu announcement of tlu wlnmr uf the 1964 miss aeton lair contest cheers bruk lie si knee wlun miss nillte tiuuiujr 7murold i lin township lonusijtii was named to wear the etown and tube as leu en soli piano niusll filled itu or i i ae h umltstjnt wis ninud uul puadid to thi fiont 1 llu ludunct to tiki lu i pi let on itu si igt appl ms wis wllhtuld uiilll tlu lasl eontest ml had ikeil inliodneed and tluii wills blood neded blood u urgully udd and tharv u allll llnu to donal toidghl thutmiay the clinic at lit legtoit audi tort um optsa again al t pad and run through to a pj the blood you give may lav a life boiiwday ii may b4 your own ks cheer i and applause broke loose beardmon uiui co official u r par ker pie s ntid cae h girl with a gift ah she reoehed the platform allayunu atenouacad i irst runmi up and gueen s atliiidalll jjnu bousklll ia- iar old i sejui sing c on le slant himighl a tuiirut ol applause a ou was pkltnl uiul ihe applause continued for ihr entiiul mmui up and allindanl jjnu tot r also a vcaix old and horn i v quesing both ylils iteiued a platjiu ifom tali ikejtd prisiiknt t al vin allktn as will us a doeit pair of hoekrv fiom ldgits i a tinge ru khii u sy 1 1 in too v41 vleuej jealt tvuig iihiiiis bimltvimi ikiulv va ion h md inaik kathi r i luu h pois looiitsv aelun cieaimrv ind j ii mae tuile jhd son md halt sit ling emu les v i ikin s ik uilv sdon ouaau crowoad allaellr i inda leigustin las mats miss ac ion lair lulhlkd her final duly fviday evwolng wlun slie erownad ihe new queen aitoehed the sash of offlu and wrapped lr in the fatnilla se a i k i rohe prrstcknt cahin ait ken pre- i ntid tlu new queen with lha masaks dairy trophy and hli sister tueard ucrvlarv un c w swackhamrr handed her a houqm t of beautiful red rout tlu iuwiv trownad queen ii tlu daughter of mr and mrs laiinns trvswnaar sharing in niitu s rstiiiiiuni were slslert flu i j luiu 10 and joy 9 at will us hiuitur waller is tlu happ i aniilv e lowded ar uund tlu- stage after official c- ii m in s wiu vir and watch ul with mil rest as nettie wai llu lojltle ul atlrae4iou a pic ton wiie lakin uy imaa among tlu many prize pret- t u tl i u iuw mies ae ton i ul well a pall of hush rjp- pus louitisv of satn ptaia simii st ok longilaing tero neoid manning ketrk wool contmihxl on page three ymca program in air as committee undecided in t whik eiimuible mavoi les luh stiiud equil glorv as in sit hih in the kuk ot i nn miiibk wmnj iu ihe eiowd will 11 iiikii ihe stjms miss k ton i m mm ik r al ii tui it is h ij t ip hilling riding 111 i pe 11 e ii s is we ii is ills ntiinrkis i ilti i in aeton and dsiiul iuu link the nuite in tn okliinie cluu ih uw ind floats sp ns tid b 1kii orv mu itiihis ioundtil tnit the parade with de cor ilexl biles anel hugvrs mt pii id is tompku with ul i ik iisii d ihiwns and the three ikpelld thles bill tttvlor ikth ithititl and jack fsnk were i h uul to pie ise the eixtwd i tile piruk and at the hie not been etniiplet l tallied seeixlii l irene sw ukhamei believes in fair has been as miexxsslul as other vears t hixixatuiii commiltet members i polled bv chairman john coy al a meeting tuesday fell tlu re was little they could do lo help the ymca program at tlu present time negotiations h ii tuxn going on hetwecn tlu commit ice and ihe ymca lukiid lit in eflott to cihordinile iluir uiivitus so llu re wmild lu no duplication in piogramming commiitee member hugh pat lersun reported on the prclimln aiv meeting belwexn ihc two bodie s n layed a rcque s t 1 mm the y board thai lluv would like the recreation director lo direct a program in llu y for children under 14 two nights a week lwu can 1 answer until uc know wh it kind of help wc ve got said cum mil lex member dr i oakes we re on llu spot right now own problama drse ussiun of the re c leal ion dirvmors possible iijc in a y m ca program prompted various members i comment on their own lack ul i prorum ul ihe present time lack of an ice mak ei ind i httsv schedule in front ol new rcc re it ion director ii irris roe left hi lie lime for in ar ranemenl with the y board khp ualaon mr paiierson asked members to keep thi liaison open between the two btejixls by trading mem be is i i ix real ion committee member sitting on the y board ind vtec versa keep the than nels open he urged ihe hcurd does not etpexl the recreation dlieeloi lo participate in ihe y prog rim but onlv to inili ite sone tspe ol i program lor two mghis in the week intcrmadlau raquest i d loot it i representing the mieruudiilt hue kev club appear id 1x1 uc the commit lee askini tot fhe same arrangement a last year for woaa hockey game in the cxwnnuinlly centre the re was a 6040 spill on llu gate lust season with tlu cost of re i cress coining off tlu lop lri da night was le served lor wo a a gunus chairman john coy issuud mi loohlt tlu inleinudiati club would ixxcuc every conslde i allon of their usquesi lit anticipated no dl utilities in lee lime for praclkes but fell some changes miv he mude in sunday progium ming the curling club has ask ed tor ice lime for bon spiels on two suntlas and tins might eiit inlo pi act lee lime lor the htxkev ctub the chairman also requested mr root it i urge the iniermcd tale huckcv club participate irl a fund raising program to wipe out ilu tkbt on lu ntw floor sexrelatv joe hursts compre hensive report on llu liekei sale bv itu commiitee during full f dr week txseakd a profit of jxr7 54 this uas further increas ec by 12 wlun prise money for a plavground leaders float in the fair parade was donated to the committee for tlu new floor four application opauad four applications weiv opened lor the position of ice maker al the community centre the com millet decided lo interview the applicants sctrxtcd hclore com ing lo am dexision rental of the arena booth was kit in the hinds of ihe adminis tration committee to be dealt with the same night as ice maker applications conaldar rvojacta a long discussion on money making pmiecls lor ihe new floor hixhight forth several suggestion including an oiler from the ys men s club to share receipt with the committee on a special evening ihev would hold the ys men will be not 11 led when the community centre is avail able tlu committee will inves ligutc the possibility of having tolkr skating in ihe arena dur ing ilu month of october a an additional fund raising effort tlu committee also ixxukd by motion lo relnv hm vi jim ralston 125 for hit woik on llu ice plant during in stallation of lite new hour m dlseussexl itu- possibility of drawing up a contract with lha cutting club received a letter from coun ell endorsing their choice of gord james as a member of lha recre ation committee directed llu program conv milte to meet with recreation d i rex tor hums rue to sal up a program authorized tlw secrwlary to pay accounts umituiitlng to 1475- m drudcxl lo gel an etlimata from j ii lock co to put the ice making mac hi nary in con dition and to ptoeexd ii i he coat is reasonable chairman john coy presided al the meeting whkh wai alto uttended by i lovell un h oltcrbeln ii patterson g jatttei i c oikes beri wood c cook a irwin recreational director h rowe and secretary j hunt f s j ej i k m wi displays mis john van der brink won first pne lor lur holland dia pla in ilu iuw competition at itu lair lur kiew canadians sec- itiul pne went lo mm wluuun kiuk whose display depicted finland first pile fur women in stitute display ihis year want it lime lu his with greenock mc- md other displays were entered by lltoka alton fvumln hal hit if ad biimoekburn and acloti junior wl v ilu 1 11 st lime in the m it aelun faii opciwng cxre- i extensive program planned by acton fire department saitrr award domtad by the aclon lion ctub wudrt- tentad to lh m 2 bnnh public kihool mondty by ton- itabla ron rupert ol the acfon smy council receiving the awetd u ilx yeer old monk schmidt as principal elmer smith wetchn proudly th khool had en eccldent- ifee record uat veer a new elmer the elephant safety hag wu uo holtted on me llagpole ex pupils watched fire lighting is an iwited chore or actons volunteer fire department but actun fire- nhten keep lhtr hniscn iruv- ul ira prlxxntiun urn becutiu a dailv chore lor cvtrvont 1 october 411 ts fire prevention weel and acton firefighters are slasine a week loni pmejam to mark the ociamon from sundav october 4 to sunday october 1 1 on monday october 4 a door to door canvass will be made at uhlch time literature on fire pre vention will be distributed wed neday of the same week school impocilon and drill will take pljc in alton a well a tmpec lion of commercial and indulrl al business pucdvith flrefifiht crs anj insurance affento fvidav rural school will be inspected and drills conducted ind saturdav c l uivlled lo mend open house t the lux h ill visitors will nee equip ment demonstrations films slid duplies the week long program will wind up sunday with a church parade to trlnitv united church with representatives of helton county flrethlers inarching to tunes by acton ciuxeas band acton fau fatt was officially opened saturday by mlu acton few nettie tryttenaar while attendants and officials lined the platform left to rloht are matter of ceremonies vlnce mount- ford brampton runnerup in contest janice tozer mlu acton fair mayor let duby jane bousuii runnerup in contest mrs don matthews ladies president vtoapresldent jack mar shall and fair board president calvin altken

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