Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 17, 1964, p. 10

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our new library our nwlibrvy twftw km pmms tine acton council accept- d a mllitunary iutf9nl1 of- tk tptcul cowwwliwa on a oentontwal p a tk tend ed ullin for approval of centennial protects by 10 provincial government draws neeret we would like to think tkel acton it ajmoat ready o meke application for provincial approval at member of mo spacief committee we an not p happy met acton propom i nor fi completion council km accepted me commilwi iu- 0tion mat me project be e pobi library the committee has bed architect prellminery vket- ch prepared it he received an indication the public achool board it prepared to negotiate e it on the hobert little tchool ooundt facing main vsd willow rh at we ee it the committee ft ii hai to ne gotiate with the school hoard the actual tiia- and it thould report to council a method of fhencing the whole pojact of the need for additional public library facilities mefe can be no doubt the pr4rt itbrery l outgrown and hat been for tome lima thee u e toul ae -ol- ow s00 uuje the rlbrary ii opn for only four and a half hour each week in tpile of the phytic handicap the circulation d ute of the library hat grown an nually but the limit hat been reached the library envisioned by the architect will provide floor tpece of 2800 square feet in cluded will be shelving for over 10000 bookt a childrens section e reference section and reeding facilities of split level design the basement or first floor would provide service and hearing areas as well as room in which to fckpend as growth of the community demands the meihe committee feeu would be ideal ii on the north tide of the school creek facing bivw street between main and willow streets thenetural slope of me terrain in this area makes me split level concept vry attractive wrh the main approach to the library a foot bridge over the creek from a parting area on piver street the natural beauty of the site pro vides an excellent setting for the library an ancillary benefit of the project would be cleaning up and baautification of the school creek which could be landscaped to provide a much more rttractive appearance both lo the school itself and to the whole town we hope the committee can continue and possibly sped up its slow but steady match toward the completion of a significant addition to the cultural assets of the community the big show mecording our history the big show fall fairs thoie annual mixtures of midways and eihtbiis are m full swing acton fir be ginning its s mf century of p sterts with judging this frde ytne annual fair serves to remind ot one again of the vital place rgixulur occupies in our economy agriculture is still live basic iodutlry the growing of food tuffs is of vital importance to each of us at the fair the products of the farm ere on display here one may see something of the machinery used and learn something of the skills end knowledge involved in the various aspects of farming handicraft skills are on display there it always some of that cooking baking and preserving which are a part of farm life at the fair rive town and city resident gels a look at what the rural resident does todays farm is more modern and much more complex than many of us realie fewer farmers are producing more food with mechanization which hat brought relief to what was once a virlual j a very but ihe bac skill it still the same that of utmg tun toil e r and wafer to grow the thmrji which man mutt have to continue to entt again this year a young girt hat been chos en to be miss acton fair the announcement of the verdict of an important panel of udges will b ihe highficiht of tfve fair program while in i contest of this type there can be oy one winner the participation of all the candidalrs hat lwen of lienefit lioth lo ihermelvet and to lite far to ail ihoie girls who took part we want to exprett our appreciation and thanks or their interest and help in this phase of the activities looking to the future of the acton fair we can see e growing interest of not only the farm community but of many citiient of acton we look forward lo an increased participation by the townspeople in the fair the efforts this year in the business exhibits and the recreation al committee can be expanded as a result of ih improved community centre and park fac ilities we look ahead in anticipation lo tlie lime when the annual fair hat developed to be come a show place not only of agriculture but of business industry and tlte wltote community life recording our history a call for older citizens to put on record tneir memories of earlier days was recently made by alex carruthers chairrnan of the select committee of the ontaro legislature on aging the chairman appealed ihal racollectiont of he past be recorded now tirtc tuch malarial would give broader understanding id appreoa tion of the provinces heritage we endorse ihe tuggetlion strongly person- el accounts of outstanding reminiscencet of the lives of senior citiens throunh miarvtewi tape rcordings or autobiographical letters could pro vide a wealih of knowledge and help toward the ultimate aullioring of community and pro vincial history undoubtedly liver ar some in this com- muni l y wfvo could begin the protect- i neednt live grandtose in scale but each fragment of information preserved can welt ton tribute to ihe rounding out of history that hours of pains taking research would nmvr reveal peiired clergymen teachers end other might act as interviewers of older olijens urtd the leadership of th local senior g miens group lo put togetltar ttvoie recollections of community life early pioneering and details thai mey have iteen passed by wod of mouth from previous nervraiions as well as those artuahy experienc a canarla nears its centennial such informe- ilon will be more nd more appreciated in ihe case of most communities complete hiitorles are lacking in the case of others they can be amplified in the case of them all additional anecdotes on early are usually only re- memlered anri seldom recorded in writing gathering hinory t really a challenge fvery fragment that s put on paper now can ite preserver f very day sees fur liter loss of the recollections of our older itiiens as they die with memories unrecorded we ivope our sen ior ritiens may set fit to act on that preserva tion im w the jcv4 014 half 20 years ago 50 years ago tfeaae the leak trf the pre aveee yfaaw eli 144 the tegular meciinj of the lakeside chapter iodi urn held on tuesday evening in thr yaijca with ihf tvtteni mu alice uccfcllum providing hon were mad for ihf bazaar which is to he held in november flam wet fcuo made lo hold a soc ial evenlnf later this month a dona t ton of 142 was voted to ru fciven lo the war service league lor oversees christmas boxes fit ueiit 41 h hlnton tren lots cmued on acton frirruk dur ing ihe week rddd force underwent an op re i ion this week at st joph uosue1 toronto fur epnendic ills his friends wilt he lad to ktow that he is making uuufue- tory prog res v and wivh him u speedy recovery mr and mr herbert baker of owrii sound announced the engeccmenl of their younger daughter vuilw dark to mr htoctherson mac svmon mn of mrs symrm and the loir james tymon of acton the marriage to take plaw september 27 at cvbeil sound bom ware in st jcweph hospital on sundav sepiemkcr led 1944 to mr and mrv ham ware a son george albert war newt continues good for the eilied nations germany will aoofi know what its like to stahd elone iaidweek aeems to be thr show ery pert of the week thu wa eou left hope it continue through september takets from the ueue of the pre rvaae thursday ftepl 17 114 mr a j thomni who huv been larming in mrln fur thr pavt year has purchased the g ii a mcdonald farm on ihe fourth line from mr john denny operations have been in pro gress on the tall chimney at the sole leather factory thirty or lurty lett wen- rebuilt some time ago hul ii did not scillc so ii has been removiml a mens saturday fvening club was organied in ihe parish hall with the following olliccrs pres ident john wood secretary h king currinuluv c s mooiv c n cridland ami s c gunlon the truck layers or the toron to suburban i lec trie railway have reached the viiiniiy ol guelph the long look cdf or and much- desimj orontohuthillon paved road la now to be on assured fact william nielson ltd ofterihl to supply ihe government with bsjqoo chmobic bars the oiler was acccptid and the chocolate- bars will be shipped lo valcar- icr the boa rd of llduca i ion ap proved ol the prupoal tu bold a field day ul sporls or the pub lic and lliih schools and gave a gram ol 1500 toward the etpens- il the da married kennedvdick ai ashflrove on wednesday septem ber 2nd 1914 by rev j a fer guson george a kennedy of hornby lo bessie may daughter ol richard dick esc gkttlnfj thi uniut is chief tcorekeeper tinney masales who kept excellent records throuqh- out the twoday softball tourney last weekend left to right are announcer bill spielvoqel coach harry lawson mr masales and coach owen masales acton allstars wound up in ihe finals but wre defeated by oshawa in the last qrne diefenbalcer here annual tory picnic sunday halton county tories are ex pecting a record turnout to this years annual picnic at luwville park north burlington sunday afternoon september 20 spec- ulationn have been circulated that triis sundays ckutck calendar t1ii8 book the bible conllnuml rimil it u be wise believe il lo be sale ant prulite il lo he holy 1 1 contain light to direct ou iimri to support vthi untl eomlott lo cheer vou ii i ihe travellers map ihe pilgrims mali the pilots compass ihe soldiers sword and ihe lhristinns chnher continued next week tm cmutch of t auan tmiuhyt tabumsam cent wukw nd bommt itactor th mm d h whl ba ust iis mtray av hmuw bmw suntjay septemer 20 iw trinity xvii 9m ira holy kuchariat 10jo jyi church school 10jo am4rhoral eucharist s ivahtntl artrr tmukcm irsulw aun g silventer bth phone busk sunday serteubea m 1w4 yjjcjl iua the family bible school cuuet for ill aiei haw jn momlnf worship the summer is ended 700 pjm evening service building the house of god wdiwdy september 2j i pm cottage prayer meeting everyone- welcome mntul cmmstun ukmmid cmtmkm acton onurid rev wfebe van oljk phone 5j154s sunday septeflberso kuoo tm- 1 semic i pjnroutch sjp s4 pjn sunday schooh 19a puuytuian chukm w canada knox chtmch acton rev andrew h mckeiule ba bb uinltter mr b a hanun ba organlit and chain matter sunday september m 1m4 945 1045 am church school 10001030 am ministers teen age bible class 1100 am public worvhlp sermon please give me your attentlum ftm pm youth fellowship supper meeting everyone most welcme acton avaptkt cmorch comkswtloa of oatarto 4 qartil pastor rev stanley gammon tea 144 tidey ave ph isj1615 sunday september 20 1964 945 ajn sunday school for all ages scripture press lessons taught 1100 am morning worlp suuject hold fast the word o god 700 pm evening service all welcome mission band and explorers at the evening service wednesday praver meeting at 7 jo chofr praelloe m friday september 1 bhf at 7j0 from a child you hove knowr the holy scripture which are able to make you wile unlo salvation through faith which is in christ jesus 2 timothy 3 is trinity church ttm united church of canada the rev dwliht i engel ba bd organist mr george elliott ma phd sunday september 20 11m the church school 9v am gr 5 and higher 1100 am 4 vean to gr 4 divine services 1 19th anniversary 1844 10 1100 am when ii ihe church 700 pm distinctive living guest preacher the rev jas finlav d d formerly minister lo carleton street united church friends ol trinity are special- ly invited to the 7 pm serv ice and the reception alter acton mbitlcostal yamnacu ba0c u churchill road rev s m thoman pallor tm2715 sunday september lm 1000 amsunday school 1100 am morning worship 700 pm evangelistic service guest speaker at both ser vices rev t a matchett evangelist and radio pastor september 22 25 tuesday thru friday at 8 pm evangelis tic t a machetl speakini at all minting hear his inspiring testimony of deliverance from alcohol hove his life was made new by int power of god tuesday t pan prayer iirvice arid bible study thursday 8 pm ca service friday 7j0 pm crusaders oprxtsilion leader john dutcn- haker may allend already conlirmed as guest speaker in former agriculture minister alvin llamltlon often described as the former prime ministers lirst lieutenant may circulate while tory olliciils have been advisetl thai mr dielenhaker will not olliciallv participate in pol itical meetings held on sunday they feel he will lake advantage ol the opportunity lo circulate amongst ihe voters picnic otlicials stale thai this years picnic will be the besl ev er highlighted bv a chicken bar- vequc dinner prizes clown band games and entertainment tick ets are available from local con servatives advice advice is like snow the softer il falls ihe longer ii dwells upon ami the deeper it sinks into the mind suvi omd sfutc this column will he made up or lly inonl part ttt ecerpl ftoin iciieis liom my n the uts one wjs oiitul in tlie bread bix one niorninu a couple ol id vil up unhl iniunlht uiih lluyh nmiiuinti him lhat for linancial and xihilui rea mhin his ambition lo spend a couple of weeks in oubec on his own was looltsh the idler read dear family this is not a suicide nole by the lime you read ihu i will be sail ing ulonu the highway towards ihe midnight m r noftnday nnwin im oil lo where the grass yrowi yreener lill dont think that ive run imiv ftorn home im a iii tic loo old for that and anyway the ideas revolting i may ve liilhuionetl and be hack on my doorstep by dinner hour but if everything b a i plan i will sprnd the next two weeks in quebec learning the acton free press riinti4mt iti urn nrl ptlhilihd rvry tiur4iy l i willow m arum nlrti mrmlmr iff aurtil llnr- u ol clrvuli thr c w n a antt o w n a attvrttltlrig falra on to i airo m r tnittl nutm r uilittni pvrta in lw dtnr mm lr cntvl 1 m in alt fcaswy raunlrt nlhn ihati can ai1 a miulr h rmo ltv a thttiitnl mriihiil w ciim mll poal offrr fiilmriu oltauli advti uln la orriin1 on rftfxtiuon hat in th v nikotfraphiral rr rti ulal rlion if ii mc iirrkiiilnl liy intfrltirf wiiih irantn il allnwani for klgnattur will im- chargrri tnr ml ihr tmlamr i hi a1vrllrmnl will ha paid lor ul i pttlktmltt rnlr ll ium fvrnl op a ivmraphual firor alvrlulng tfili t iw will aitvrtlia 1 1 mrrrly un m iltdrn a v tirif rbiiaktj t la nilu prlaluf rliliu t hi a a a oitia rtiiort ifhlrf 41 ditil it dill manai m rtllhr v f copytli fit 164 business and editorial office phone 8532010 prenrh and discussing truciil topic wlih lierv li etu h tnli cau i know vmi ihink im i mmanliclst and will probahlv wintl up in jail or hospital hul believe il ot not im quite capavtc of handling tin self way liom home now dont dare send the mounlies alter inc ill ik- so em j hitrisscd id inn awa iroin home lot yood fusids i hiw nn supply ol heioin with me have vouiselves a sumeiimt al ihe lomenlion there was more lo the idler hul thai was the gist ol il you can imagine the ensuing sum- mis father was ready to horse whip him or call in the police and ihaige him with something orolher is mother was ready to have a good ctv cut him olf without a cent or run down ihe highway in her bate i eel tailing alter him ills kid sister was in lerrsied hul not impressed her comment was what a dope then inclety intruded as al- 1 wavv what will the neighbors think if he comes home in a rmlke car what will the neigh bor think and ask he i doetnt come home ai all why did he do hu lo uv i he no gratitude for all weve dune lor him and so on kim mere- 1 lv repeated what a dope people are lough we cooled oil we realized there wasnt a sens role thing we could do about il and we went lo ihe conven tion hut not belore wed done some checking anil loitnd hed cleaned otit his hank accounl taken his guiiar and lo his mo thers extreme morllllcullon ab- sconded with only i wo clean i shirts wuh and milk shake i instated piving ol course but they i lold me ust lo ilo tie tame j lor somebody else some time 1 f etpi i am folntf to nand meie quelvc lu spend a i ouple ot week with a french fainilv i met the boy at the na tion in ollawa he l 19 hu i name is millie and hes going to i o montreal in ihe all receipt t am staving with ihe kkihiv he is a painter in houses mis rlcard l 40 and t ii her preltv a bit taller tlmii her husband and doesnt speak a word of fngllth they are all extremely irirndly and hospitable at lint 1 could not understand a ihing they have an accent which pro nounces mere mire and saeur site mm is rnoee and tol loocc page 4 and s tit thu letter are missing page ft begin v just like vmi mom which is driving rnv wile cray theres a lot of other luff then last night michel and i doublelaled with one ul hi girl riends and her sivler ihev are both really cuir w went to shawinlgan for a bartd concert there were about ihree limes as many boy a girls and they all stood bumper to bumper on each side of th path while the couple walktfd rwiween ihem stujn it started pouring so we went to a dince ptefeaafokal fcitectwij travellers guide msbical dr d a garrett physician and surueon corner ol willow and river sk entrance river si aclon ont phone 5mmi by appointment dental lbgal or robert d buckner physician and surgeon 39 wellinjlon st aclon ont phone 85ji40 dr t b moore dr c hutchison physicians and surgeons 2 main slret north corner main and mil street acton ontario phone 8512180 by appointment akchitkcr donald e skinner bareh mraic i7a mill street suite 2 acton telephone 8332740 office hour by appointment or 20 stavebank rd port credit 2743428 dr h leib dental surgeon office comer mill and frederick streets office hours by appointment telephone 8530610 dr a j buchanan denial surgeon office 90 church si b office hours 9 am to 6 pm closed wednesday afternoon telephone 85317s0 dr cedric dey dental surgeon suite no 3 ilinlon blilj 17 a mill st e acton ont for appointments telephone 8531300 c f ieatherland qc barrister and solicitor notary public office hours 10 am 12 pm 1 pm s pm saturdays by appointment on phone office 8s3i3u res 1531745 acton back from ihe convention received two letter excerpt two really tricmllv ladies drove me irom kingston lo ollawa and houhl nu- a sand- ohometttmts e i iuchner od optoraelritt john st 8 acton in acton wednaadays only 200 p m 00 p ra for appointment phone 8531041 lfno answer phone waterloo 7428ia7 funeral directom phone asmjso night or day bruce e shoemaker mgr y a b8ai0a ba barrister solicitor notary public office hour in acton monday friday evenings 6 pm 9 pm saturday 1 pm s pm 28 paisley st guelph ontario phone ta 42242 office hours la guelph saturday 9 am 12 am dally 9 ajtl fl pan arthur a johnson 184 main st mlllan phone tr 89972 rea ta 89671 tuesday afternoons thursday bvealisga friday mornings appauttinc and insurancl well ihe kids yelling some sense he knows enouyh to get in out ol ihe rain there was a lillle message on tlie thilside of ihe last letter it was ihe least literary thing hed written it said please send 10 whrn the whole thing start ed i was ready loscnd him lo jail for 20 years instead 1 sent him the 10 dollars ttavtuw eumi gray coach lines coaches leavs acton daylight savfnsj tkne eautsound 633 am dairy except sum and hoi 854 am dally tsfr cetkt sun and hoi exsreaa 858 am 1113am 2oi pm 504 pm fri sat sun anj hul except aug 2 ahd saps- 6 5m pan 623 pm 1 33 pjtu 1008 pm sun and hot westbound 7j7 am daily aacackt 8a4 sun and ho i0j7 tin i2jt pm 257 pm jj7 pjw 731 pm 412 pm 11j2 pa lia am sat only f i wright 20 wilbur st aclon ontario phone 81341720 appraiser and insurant cver so ysxtn in ato kaplan t oho 1 barristers and solicitor sidney kaplan and johh dord qc ik mountalnvlew road s carretal building georgetown 87769s denney charles representing cooperators insurance association sponsored by federation of agriculture auto fire family and farm liability accident a sickness phone tr 7004 georgetown canadian national railways daylight saving time eastbound 52 am to toronto dally w cept sat and sun 7ji sua to toronto daily except sun thai 952 am train la now led dally except sat and sua 740 pan sat only 745 pass sun only 720 pan i westbound i 738 am to stratford dally esv cept sun 6j3 pm la stratforsi dally except sat and susvj tm pm dally except sun 24 am tp stralfoid dally excqgtr sit j vt

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