Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 17, 1964, p. 1

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ht juiaw mtn ttss ninetwm yaarno 12 acton ontario thubsoav sotemfter 17th 194 fourtaan pagat tan cantt new arena floor first used for fair friday and saturday fin trie in hundreds of class un4hcfcpot induing of fine livestock a midway and many special entertainment features will draw crowd lo ac ion park this weekend social hlghlighl includ the naming ul mu at ion pair and the first appear ance of a to accordion band friday the saturday paratur and full afternoon program ihe old time fiddlers and concluding hmmi jilw for the llrt lime mmt lair vijtor will be seeing the iwu s 10000 cvmcnl arena lour and rental of booths on 1t utlt go toward paying oil llu- balance owing and eve rvone w iw i uv i he flour will be agisting now ii or not with l he lirval stage of ua preparation fir uu1 finr sawdust has been sprinkled on lb flour with a luotold tea ton to absorb dampness and to give the surface a shine i ilr visitor will be uud a human polisher t kuw haifa the fair board active iv back ed he building of the commun lly centre and favored the ftooi which will add lo hull duilihc at air time each ur tboard member have huill a la bv 24 luol plat i or m lor uc i i riclav ultkh will be dismantled i and ihjv ba uwj in the a i vita by other organisations kww acconlfto first pub la appearance will be made friday night bv jlmmv tmbro atton accordion hand a teacher irom the jimmy em bro ttotlio has ivad accordion lesson in the parish hall jure i 1 he past tinve vear and lor about a vear this group ol r out 15 has been practising ai a j band under teacher wallv kat maivk smv ol them entertain ed ihe golden age club jimmy ktnbio studio dlrec tu iiunoyi r and music compos ir wil uad the group a tea clur from the vtudiu will conu too these young people arc ans sou to show uhal ihev tan do mr embiu will also bring hit chordovos an electric inttru nunt whuh combine the accord ton with aspects ol the organ he ut rvgulate slops and bu vol iinii and use an amptlllci hit ipprosimalion ol organ muvic i aiiumy tin ncu gioop vw til he watch cd lor with anticipation friday program tin i d sullivan show jul paai sluw and johnny latum muw now acton air that a partial list ol guest uppearanc e mode bv mar entertainer joey hoibngsworth wltu bciid the khow in tlw arena friday night lie ha toured england lb far 1at near cawt 1rarue aikj germany the cufl uekav itiu u well known in hi hutm diktrkt will alku take part with dott mrdun at the piano and jack wilton 01 tlw drum jimiiiv lmfu accordion band wit plav alter acton cut biu liatul iroin about b to i 30 md llwiv again at intel mlslort alvo on iltc progtam ate kiid spratt and the skvliiut a lam ilv gtihip which ha loured can ada ivnnv niclvul whu dance and die acrrhtlc and hon lconald a magician fiurpirua crowttliuj the vtjtut vclyct tajk glitter ing crown and galaav ol pure are all readv for mk acton fair uhocc name will ik an nouiicrd friday evening duilng llu program in live arena there aic piiin lor alt it coiik lunl and llu it all b in llu saluiday parade tlvete will 1h moie band than ever in lite saluiday ollernoon lun paiatu at one oclock a well a llu acton clticit hand i ik i e w it i ik i he lai m be ol k band and ilw ulster accordion hand 1 1 om toionto with 25 plaer continued on page three tooting trains stray dogs weeds portion of councils headaches oeif dukt weed cuh ei t trees and train whittle occupied a urge portion o council time tuewlav ai they itudied the var led agenda for the lint time in a number of weckb during u commilloe rvport it w warned the dog control of hew wad ticlrtd tn four stray dof in june and five in july ccuiplainu were dicuvud from rcmldent on bnck st at the vile of the new budge coun ell agreed to hae calcium knreod in order to relieve thli hjluaiion i several complaint hum rale- paver were alrd bv ihim tr ior regarding the weed pnblcm tn town and mean ol weed con i trol wa dicucd and ult lor commit lee recommendation a complaint irom a rvident rc garding the grade ol the creek bed from mill st to church e wa heard and council agived lo liac the engineer check the 01 igiiul leel and lake the piemnt leel mikc tnvtallalion ot tlu chuixh st biulev lot ctmnpait ou a complaint wa twaid torn a iwicunt regaidtng tic obsltucl ing the view ol motonvtn at the corner til talcin ac and mill st and mill and main ouncit learned the ralcrn mill prob um would he lev tilled nnnuth dlek but wele unamc to dl cetn an live ohstuiclion at llu othei murv lion train whutle withering 101 ilent ua mvc ol tlw mm pi oh um ohilicil lacexl dm ing it meeting a tetter wa lead bv tike iiuih limn a iatepaer who otijecled to train whitling through town it wa vuggctcd bv tlw writer a b law prohibit ing thl n hi hi id be paed lmd ar to the one adopted in the cil of guelph r ttm study councillor eric jvhnon who previously proclaimed htmult an authority on weed having given hu colleague pecific date cer tain weedk were in bloom pin pointed timci ol train ihixmgh out the night and the method dil i e r e n t engineer adopted in vounding horn mr juhnon vaid one engineer name unknown could be des cribed h the method he blew the train horn during the night while a dillnvnt engineer on a latter run mxnied to lean on the horn irum limestone qua me thioughoul town c le rk administrator jack mc gcavhie teld council he had di cussed the train mtuntion with a companx olfklal and had ano wiitteii the cnr lor claufica- tion ol it vtc regarding train bo i ns dining ei i coninuttee re pot t it ww lc anted a report irom llu ontatio water resemrces cuinmismoii said the disposal plant was oct loaded at the time test were made test show rvi due i high a well full lists i xt wevk all pi ie winners at the lair wilt iv publishet in llu i iv lies with inativ pluilo- giaplts aj- ioulica toonto ditc focky wt a popular prton satur day aflfrvoon whan h actad i on of he udo for th mm acton fair conttfit gttin bit autooraph r margaret van ooiln and lmlb tryti air two of th contathnti tv idanlity of mlu acton f ir will ba tvatcf frday vntng wfvan ih will b crowiad at rk arna reveal miss adori fair friday 18 contestants judged saturday mayor le duby repotted on a recent hvdru meeting when oitcen si liyhting had been div cussed and told council mem be r the hdio commission t willing lo lake a second took at one ol councils pioposil for treel lighting in this urea tuura for wiaabif clerk mecicachie told council tender lor ihe young st widen ing would he calletl this week council agreed lo accept the ten dcr ol an bona tide contractor in spite ol ihe department ol highway rating received b them caoidon james wa appointed l ihe recivation commit lev to fill the vacancy caused bv the resign 1 1 ion ol jac k hullough itob drinkwaltei wa appointed to the planning hoatd to comp lete the term ol ken haidman j who resigned 1 give praia lanr dub kecivul a verbal 1 bchieiuet liom chmkii for his recent appointment as a eluc i lor ettirinc the recent ontario municipal asmciat ion- com en i lion in london the mavor is one ol six directors elected assessoi william lrskine also i came in lor praise on com pie hon ul his hrst ear til a three- near assessors course a leltei ol tvcngnihon wilt be sent lumi cthitkll lo him accttunls approved loi piv nunt included i071sx to a i iruw ltd lor soil tests on j young st and 15 721 v to r v i anderson and assekiales as pro- i giess juiviiient loi the tux cul veil suit wo 1bm4 siratiov u diacuawd by- coaches during rwoday sofrball loumament at hi park ifi uki wk star hurtr carl levbourntt coachown aaasatoi loft fielder prid mccrislall and to harry uwortborrplavrxvrejnatrurtwnj in byiracjsnaljtar wffchth finalt vsum pltchwio end mccris talis outstanding holding saved the day for the learn on 2ji v rherty oocmtom over 125 interested fcpec tutor applauded enlhukialurallv rath ol is charming giru who had entered the second mitt acton lair conic in the high uho auditorium saturday afternoon naom of tha wtntt luuftl nvkuly choaaii by tm thre jckda u iba mwt ttoaaly tuartlad aacrvl b actost lalaa acton rlra idttlly wtu ba rvvud 1w tha tint than at tha fruay tvatusbf prgmm bl tha flr tomorrow idht ttat runttruj will ha bar in uadittg in evwua of u ftlr otd all th gwa wlu rida in convartlbka u tha ftu pr- ftda saturday aftarooom in lu rn the pret t v teen agern walked irom their chair in u ring in the centre of the gym to the judges table where thev chatted briefly with hie three in tervlewers judge ai itoluka wai mling when the contest begun with anxious commit lee member looking up the street for his car he camo rushing into tha gvm after tha fourth interview wav ing to the gallery a the aud ience broke- into loud appuuie during hi absence mr llesu- naur ol kitchener mother of tv and radio personality elaine cole look his place a judge third judge with ai holuka and elaine cole was bill shacktclon ol radio station cjoy quclph genial jack holme of the miss acton lair committee wa master of cctvmonic for the two and a half hour program lokes were intcrspered with introduction and comments keeping the program moving at a sprite pace he introduced other commit tee members last ear attracl- ie w inner miss linda ferguson mrs hilt sprusion muc spnnut maia vn hunter bert hint on dave manes and jack marshall the men wore redhanded while me sons advertising tlw air which ihev waved u llvey were intrthluced reeve hinton welcomed the audience jbuat judgaa oilier aclon nersunalllic who were introduced with an apt re- minuk of highlight of their lives cruced the floor to ap- plaue from ihe gallery to meet the judge the we iru luded for- nvcr cilixen of the year mis madeleine gibbon another ot ixen of the year john guy mrs r d uuckner pritklpal ted hansen fair president calvin aftken first vice president of the fair ladle division mrs mel mc cul lough interest ol the spectator was well maintained throughout tlvc program the imartly dressed contest ant like the audience it kit ted to themselves during ihe inter viewt six girl who had registered did not come giving the fair a boost through tlvetr willingness to cooperate and participate were 18 of acton and districts prettiest mary chschow to acton fatrlcla mo kav 1 enqueuing fa ye adams 17 acton kathy pvalt 18 r4av agawea sandra margrave 16 acton patricia ulundell 10 ac ton muriel mccutlheon 17 er in janice tozcr 16 esqucstng lunc 0gorman 16 nasaga- wcva charlenc sheard 15 f quesing janic bouvklll i ft lv queuing thclma phillips 20 ac ion trudy speark 17 erin charlenc gough 15 esqtiestng janice ralston 19 aeton nctlic trysscnaar 17 lnn margaret van ookten 16 erin annette janven 18 acton at luncheon elaine cote and her mother were entertained at the home ol dr and mrs r d duckner after the contest was eluded and ihe marking were secreted owav ihe acton fair committee entertain ed the three judges and a tew guckt at the home ol mr and mrs dave manet industrial land site purchase stalled for complete details the bumpy rood toward icqui utvon of industrial land by town council wa covered with addi taoaal obstacles tuesday night when a bylaw to acquire 75 acre of proposed indulrial land wa turned back pervduig information on devvkhimenl ajul prues reeve ii ii hiuiim and coun- po open saturdays beginning october 3 ptmt uriica trtiw b acta will bva tat krficud cortvmucic btcuiutkg tulortuy oclobn s tha wiekati wltl b o to tha iubuc few tha tumi tiu until 4 jj3l paii4tur cordoai uflcaown told tha frw rv wmumuv tdghl wol had bmi rclvd tuaday fruoi tha pualmaatar cmnl tht aji fctaff pl of- flcaa uctodbig uirga clttaa wooid rvtaimb ofh hajurdaya for thla srvica la crvdjlad for tha chamga and l u aatwetad thai ul ol ofricaa flllrtg u thla categary will aooh ba ofralbtg fiulurdaya mr mcktown ahpacta iha acuut ofrlca will otarmta with m kwulort ktaff during thla tuna and tloaa not vutlcloau a urge ruah on tulurdaya weeds lo waists cillor ray arbk joined feweek in obiecting btrougly to tha by law being propommi befora tha entire council wak made aware ed all facts and figure rv- sent fur the meeting were may or lcs dubv revehinloicourv ullork mn georga fryer ray at bee albert irwin tus eru johnlort abkriil were deputy iccve j bert wood and eouiuil lor alec john woo and hamilton feal the land in que hon it own ed bv anthony huftugvl and located 01 main st n mjuthof the micro hiahic plant courv e it took an caption cut ihe pro perly with hope of developing an industrial area to en lit v in dustrial prukpeclk at n earlier mec i tog c oum 1 1 members learn- el rite jtlire 75 teres would nol ih developed at one lime ihji piecemeal a a few lots are pre pared and cold other would then be developed for e the in dustrial commit lea of council hopes to rxgain cost of tie ve lop ing u each lot in uild and uw- sesrrunt gaineel tuikday evening objeeliem aiixd regarding ihe by law were pinpointed at the lack of informs hon received by members of coun cil nol on the industrial comlt tee the by law wa to mek the permission of the department of municipal officers to ucquhv ihe und if thi wk obtained fu- projet iher prmiiksion would haw to he granted by tha ontario muni cipal board for rinancmg tha reeve hintuti wondrd how many ratepayer ii would rtqulr who oiiect to the borrowing tj nwmuy or the project befor a public tvraring would ba held co4iiuillhr erie john loo wond- i red if a councillor could objact if he wa acting as a ratepayer only it might be hrd to find a resident wlio will object stal ed mr john khan the raeva ra- plted lie ci hi id name several al ready wlw would mr arbic wondered m figuraa wcie available before iha by- laiw qucslieui wm raised was told tlcv were- nol complete mayor uby cadi tlu engineers had claimed liv prujact feisibla- cituneilliir arbie vaid ha wasnt aisking ir committee lo ba spccl lie ihil oniv requekted aotnnalbing lo iunfv our thinking tlve mayor vaid he would ra- qochl ihe eianmillcsf lo hava all figiuc aeaitable for iha rnttra cthiruil mr arbk staled court- eil h td been going on in tha dark and it was lime schrva act were revealed it wa agnvd lo poclpona iha readmg of the bylaw until coun cil had received iwrlinenl facta regarding the proposal parks board members tour rocky weedy glenlea park residents suflenng from hav fevxr in live glenlea aiva wilt soon receive some relief thursday night of last week puiks board members decided to have weed either cut jr plow ed under in the glenlea park area trumping through weeds up to their waist hoard member fchooit their head in disgust at the rapid gnnvth of wed as well as ihe appearance of humlrvd of stones due to erosion or top soil in the cahv spring mem hers agreed to have tlu arva seed j this fait since this decision was made heavy rains washed awav topsoil und uncovered large stones on two occasions these stones were handpiekvd but keep resippcaring con slips mi ja kr cjr- ul t 4 propose school site for new public library acton public school board at their ivgiilii meeting last thurv- dav agred in principle to per mil live location ot tlve new can tennial lrbrarv on the roberl litlle schutti i rounds to be worked eutt in detail l tlve ex act location ol the proposed hl tat on the site approval ol live depattment ol education will be necessarv w l mcneil area school in spector said the granting ol linil appiuva lor grunt purpos es public kchool grants will depend on whether the boards action in disposing of part of ihe proper is justvtied jbtam re quirement appears to he the de partment concern over main taining the overall area of the propet t reserved tor vxhooland plavgrewintl purposes mavor dubv acting us spokes man for the centennial commit tee delegation ol bob drinkwal ter deputvreeve j b wood ro kirkncth mrs win sproston and dave bills outlined the com miltech proposal and reviewed the archilcvts prclimirury draw ings tfic proposed buiklntc is 32 lect quaie and is ctinuted to cost approximately 2 per square foot tlve site requested bv the committee is on the north side of the school creek mid way between main and willow sts the mayor pointed out the site would provide an ideal set ting for the library and could mean be start of a -bcjuiiifica- hori and green bell project along the length or ihe creek he re viewed ihe grants available un der the centennial project grant system un oppoiiunity which mav not occur again inspector w l mcneil out lined ihe procedure necessarv to obtain department approval he said approval must be received before the boartl proceeds trustee rov goodwin was op posed to giving land for the project he said it wouldnt be serving the greatest nerevntage of the rale pa vers to give the land as u board it is our res ponsibility to satisfy the largest mujorit wc the school board wtll take full blame or the lib rary being on school property trustee u bonnettc while not opposing the project expressed hi concern over the traffic problem and tlve safety lac i or for the children he was also concerned about the future re quirements of the board for land in the principals reports at tendance at the m z bennett school was recorded at 423 and at the robert- little school 520 grass cutting at the schoolv for tluv under an agreement with the town has cost 513 trustee vic bristow as the boards representative reported on the meeting of the coordin ating committee and indicated his intention or visiting wood stock to review the program in effect there all members of the board were present it i hoped cutting the weed or having the land plowed will not only rid the arxa t weed but aflow a good base for seed ing grass no w i booth after leaving the park arva and silting in the town office for live main portion of the meet ing member learned the aclon womens institute would not be operating the booth at ihe park during the fall fair the old wooden booth whicli was replac ed with the present concrete com bination washrooms and booth wa owned by the w i when the old building was moved to it present location across the racetrack the w i were promts ed use ol live new booth every ear for live fair members decided to offer the use ol the building lo present concessionaire jack hatch secretary j t hurst informed live board tlve agreement regard ing lloodlighl at ihe park had twit been iccctvcd from the ac lon softball assoc union and it wu ugrxsvd lo have iha praaldi nt of tike asmjciallofi a j unsd tha nest meeting no word has been rrcrtved re garding ihe discussion over trv siullation of a jvcw fence at tha nark the fence viewers arc wait ing word from i wo lake ave resident miheilor meanwhile the board was shocked lo learn 50 feet of tha chain link fence had been stolen from ihe park our taxes support conservation booth to show where money goes tlve credit valley conservation aulhoi itv sttc lehing f nun port credit on lake ontario to orange ville on the north and aeton on the west will show its protect at the acton fair this weekend a carousel ol 15 m m slides aken by members and stafl and submitted hv peison interested in conservation generally will he part ol live exhibit in the auth oitiv ivmth at llie lair several ol the slides were entiles in the annual photographic contest sponsored bv tlu- tvsa maps showing tlu pmposcel million dollar flood control pio- gram will also he on displav llu protest slill awaits the ap proval ol ihe fetleral govern ment before construction may begin during the past vear ihe cvca has planted more than mo 000 trees on public and private lands in the watershed cleared tlve stump from tuirv lake at ac lon c spa ruled camping facilities anil conducted a campers shel ter at ihe terra cotta ccwicrrva- lion area built a new string bridge to replace live historic old one at tlu beltountain con srrvalioti area i wiped ihe town ol port credit ripi ap ihe should ers ot tlu- river lu pi event eroa ion and ul the request of bramp ton surveyed i etchers creak these arc onlv a few of tha many project of the credit val ley conservation authority that along with brochures and souven irs will he oi display these projects should be of interest to everyone who wishes to uartt about conservalum and where tha 90 cents per vear added lo his lace is sprul all thla may ba seen september 18 and i at the acton fair haiton home konomist mr k coitorrt conductaxl a 444 -mkn-untoqxho6lil- belhel united church drurrvquln on tuesday and wednesday ol this week took for this session was me cereal shelf and she explained me value of a vvrkorne breakfast me loaders present shown displaying teenage drer5chve chart are jean btttoet of act mrs norman douglas of acton mrs cotiom mrs m moffat of nassagaweya and smta oxab man of nassagawdye wg wr jiiiifaifcerj sayv4iva4jf

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