Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 6, 1964, p. 2

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fields of gold the good old pays sttfo d sjuee ftae by w ut gunuy kfus of oou are common m t dtitrict hi dayt at wheat npent on the itelks now one thm tha price of yoor paper thu week it equivalent to trie price ol a cop o coffee 10 cantt since 155 youve been atkad to pay only aeven cent for tha newt of town and dittrict but increeung ech at many publiihart have found makei tka tlight incraata necettary throughout tha currant hatory of tha paper h hai baan necetiary to maka many changat to keep abraatt of tha timet and tha town it it our firm mtantlon to conlinua thu policy and wa faal tha vatt maorlry of our reedera would not want to have it any other way thara u no big lecret about tha aconomm of newtpaper publithing it u generally doestt pay wy r advocates of tmrun lottery who tee tuch tcnemet at the nd all to financing hop4tlt and education might read with pram t statement made the other day by th governor of the state of new mamp- ihtre a year or to ago member of the lguture of thit nw england ttate ap proved a bill making tatoprated totter legal the money derived wat to be uted to pay ttate education com the total popu lation of mew hampshire it tubttar1 tally tmaller than that of ontario therefore there known that the price paid for tingle coptet of the newtpaperi meett only a fraction of the cottt incurred m its production without ad vertittng a newspaper coutd not long exitt u teemt however only fair that reader should pay a ra ton able prtc for the local newt paper we feel the price of a cup of coffee it not exhorbitenf when one makes a comparison of the labour involved in tht age of dealing to extensively m pennies since me introduction of the provm ctal tales tx rweny will undoubtedly find it a convenience not to go penny hunting whan they pick up their paper we trutt yoult continue to enjoy the local newt in your local weekly would be fewer children end corresponding ly lower school oottt the governor reveal ed however that the stateoperated sweep would only yteld 15 per pupil after ex- pent had been deducted enrolment in ontario secondary end elementary schools now approximate 1 6 million on the batt of the mew hampshire experience our boys end girls would nor have much in the way of education a i facilities if they were depend ant upon t weep take earnings midland free press herald the thm edge of the wedge in tha changet occurring through our participation in a modarn day world we ax parlance daviationt which do not alwayt plaata ut wa raeogmxa tha raatont for toma of thata chanoai and tha neceanty for tkam however wa do not alwayt appreciate tham thu yaar ma poat office department hat inthtutad powea wharaby tha poat offica and mail tarvica hat baan drathcally reduced during public holiday for at long at wa can ramambar tha firtt clan mail hat baan tortad and tha boa lobby opan for thota who hava boxet to pick up thair mail thit year on tha july ht holiday tha pott offica wat do tad for tha firtt hma wa ac- captad thit bacauta it wat a national holiday and wa appraciata tha idaa that pomal em ploy are entitled to a holiday a wall at tha rati of ut whan tha pott office wa timllarly cloaed for tha civic holiday thit weak it plaatad ut auan lata wa dont particularly faal critical of tha local poat offica ttaff tha tama condition exltted in many communttiet w do object to the pott offto pokcy whareby a pott ofkce and thua ma mall aervlce it sutpended for civic munici pally proclaimed holiday civic holiday it not a nationwide not even a province wida holiday and we can tee no reaton why the pottal tervioe thould ba inlarruptad or interfered with in any way at a reiult of locally proclaimed hottdayt editorial briefs people are like tinned glan wmdowi they glow and tparkle when it t bright and tunny but whan tha tun goat down their true beauty it revealed only if theret a light intlda if tha moon itn made of green cheete how coma thara t tuch a ral race to tee who geh there firtt ord neb quiz tha greater the obttecle the more glory in overcoming it aaoliere rllking death from tha bombt and bul la it of procattro tarrorittt tome 95 per cant of venezuelan votert turned up at the pollt rnking nothing 79 9 per cent of eli gible cenadieni voted latt june branlford expotitor the acton free press ad by the btte matbae t naute co ltd founded la ii7s and puhilihod every thuraday at s wluow st acton ontario member bt the audit bureau cbeuuubtu the cvutjl end the ontarloquebec wyitlon of the cwm advertum retee on requeu subscription payable in advance wo0 in canada 1700 in all countries other than canada tingle copie lac authorised u second clan mall pott office depart ment ottawa the only paper ever puhhahed ht acton g a jmiu edltorochlef david r will maturing- editor business and t q lt o r 1 ai qj1flc fc honej s3 20 1 0 20 years ago t taken rroo tlw umu ui tbe free rw twuy jusual s 1m4 thi u itiuilhtr ralkoikd koli daty tditumi of your lotal pjfkr tuij punw arc trrwd bv ihc vmalurr edilton thr fmiwkniv touclnv are bt- injjj put on thf rvnuukllmg ut mr g w bnion fctorv ami txvklcfwi th rww pniiih unit ntulcrn vior front quite a oquuiihn to lw mill mi iv l buwiiacwv utlicm tiw brukljr jni imuhiny ok uallt at tjw odtjlteun lt ttu juhiok and kuinuv fuiwral lloiiw tlu iv htiliilav vnxk lr t m ilose tit irvrral j iv maiui iml luring rktiablithinrnl in at ton trvc lolluwing plant un ius4tl thi uvrk mavun kmi tin co lrtv ruttm ptud uttv wtil ciuiilniig corporal kwi ul canada ceinadlan wool company haitrr jbrtralonc ol cum da ami ajux i nylrurr carciukrr arorijir mam hjv contplrled his painting aivd ir finishing ol floors ji1 tlsks in thr cuntmualaon sairi aivil in now gttting llvr igtil imm ol th pub hi vxlioul all iradv r u tutol rcpihilg in sfplcmb r po juimv llufnjiril ua home on itjwr last wnrit mr arul mr g a dills a it tided llu lutuial i i ida v ol ihr latt a w wright cdnoi tl ilu mthini iuil cunltdrraic 50 years ago yakfet rron ih utm 0 tw fre isjri ttwrtmuy aiaa4 t lll pnwatt- pilnit ulh popular on mundan milton bouliii utrc up or a irarulh gaiir on acton grcn on tuefwiav afltrnoon the ac ton plavrc uon bv a leu point obyivi saft tv firvl during our vcatkoii you ii ik mon ttmufotlabu in both budv and mind ii viu do on morulas ol lavt ucvk itu unwrvloik if milton i iww led da building ssjs laid wtih an- pnipnate o rcmonics bv mr o lltivdenam m p al ion tin hi igad uas ui ii npnvtiitid al tlw drtnonktrat ion of ontario voluntrt i i ut hngadrs al salitt on wednch das chi i soll and utriutv o the diuyatis ut nt on mon dav sixteen auvliiiins uho tv win tmploscd in ttu uniwiu ihm irll lasl wr k lot ausliu to t ikt pan in itu uat v nil sti hu arnnld and son rorgrioun t pt omg j hi uiu ti t ilu ir li wolks in aijii in ttu pit intv over calducll s uan- limins mr w g c ktnrus has tu t n bmc from applrl ihr past utt k looking alltr itu pi at ik i ol lt cit dunng hit ahvtikt al scalurlh mrtutmair as a teacher of engilih itui a fornwr weekly ddor i hole- ulth drpondivry that italv dardi in th wccklbei fcrt u ging rather sorrily inc th daw uhen lh wcklie found their finrtl flovering ihc das i of smiley thai i cannibalizing mv favorite ueekly lodv thai wkt you do you dont ttmd it you cumdujliw ll i l into kui item dial v as soil tquaoiy piilpv tsitelts and meaning usi boih as an editor and an eng lish iraxlbtr i luml pixosl u preltv uun llwret be nothing to cling to in thu country but tiumpy male leave and oggy ivvoline fillers flla janvfc name wat limed as uccrssfulv ctimpletmg ht r tat ai ontario colli gc f tduc ation the former acion girt u nou mauicd and inmji in au l ralia well half ihc mi m m r r is gone by and ue re the onls ncuspaper ut know ihit h isn i so far escn mcniioncd the mu topuvi bathing suits today ue xwiich over to the oiher side uilh th iusss thai major nui jn h id a tomcls slsllor io llaltnn milium u inng otu of ihc siuiimaing niu suits she t une irom on ul ilu distritt uui ua ptifttlls uilling to hi no i net that should put at itndanti up at tht must urn the filler at all news pa ver peole kiwiw is on ilew an iking eojii uive line to a paragraph ilu i fill out th payc tlve uhole nag i made up and tlirtr a hole lei i j blank spate you luk a filur in tl ttu- litter it a vital lomponenl of itie newspaper aiul the main uiunr of liberal education rf some rradeik ll wayi tle nal ises of uallin land are immuiwf io lung cancer because llury tinokc uidv potato peelings dried in cow manure or wune thing of i ho tort another one miglit inform tm more briefly that tut hundred and twentyfour un- uid falhers are born every ihud wedrsesdav or tonw- thing ol the ort m quarrel tculav it with the tamp ring that hat taken place uith uhat i consider the gnat tm f ilk r ever uritlen it hap- pimd a fiu scars ago we were nads lu go to prcs we had already uted up all ther uippllrd fillers alwxit baf fin land and uhwed fathers w had throsvit in about eight riho oncuiwr like sup port your itrd crow and a it itch in llnw uves v no room to tpell out the nine but hill ihli alng little slit eyed u like a cobra ttun u cajtw cvniut i wuh 1 toolj claurt it for mv own but une of like bovt lo the hack lhop had the ttah ol inkpirailon it read harold jones hat live ghji five wordt one law perfect tha alatement wat true mr jonei a respected local ciiuen did hav the gout no room fur a libel mill but svhat tajggesi urn and implication and alius itmi and tut pent svrrr m lluive liw umudtl what lumvoil of tpeculallon and ctiinnwnil rrotn tlujjj ulu did not know him wihj 1 ilaiold jorvr i rum llwwr uimi liatl never heard ilu- word whal in tlse world u ihe gouti i rum lluse who had lujfd it i m not vurprised fiom ihoiar uho didn i knou uhat it was bul uouldii i ad mi l will your tan keep you warm next winter tans unfortunately fade the tun lose ifi warmth and triattr inevitably arrive with all ita heating problem so dont bt caught with your damper down think cool f or a moment and make the awtteh to natural gaa home heating why tatf well to begin with modern automatic gu heating equipment is low in cost you can rent a gas conversion burner lor only 295 a month installed into your present furnace and payable on your regular gat bill or you can buy a new gaa detigned furnace for as little as 380 a month and you can take up to 5 year to pay if you wish natural gas is also low in fuel costs whether your home has normal or extrathick inaulahois youll find that gas fuel costs are consistently lower than liquid fuel or socalled flameless heating do it right now v it makes good sense to switch while the nun shine and wmto your heating contractor is readily available move up to modern gas heating now you wottlkw to pay a etuul nut odehtt eve if septembers full of frosty fridays call your heating contractor department store or gas company aoon then relax and enjoy your summer tan vjnited gas limited i utmuwr if ik- taking anv thing lor il tliu uji all very urll i con lulctrd ii my high numl bv a ucllv tjilur it ui a khurt vlorv out llrmingujl would tuvr anpuudril tlir i ngikh uj linruitaliu vlilpfwd in itu twmu u4 jllvc and utut dt i read in the urn urrkk five rar lalrr ttu muiv luvhv plvon uoidv vrntlinciilal filwr ur llarcld sklnnv junr u kill in nig liuin ikr guul again kim ihat dlgullng ii i mw ur junrt mr riow ad drrvwd in ihr lalvr inlimav i a nuknamr tlr mi limgrr ha tlu glhlt m vullnv ihxh ll a ludnhil hoikiuvrd ptirav and llw wind again ha atunjl at nuwti impail a iv tlalrfnrnl itiat aiiada again w nl nwnr on iiijiwii than iiitim i itunk ii limr i liwk tn olhrr uhlll ul wxkly rdiling ll mil in pirvrnl ik h lus uliii i k mi ik u ik cl aj professional directory and travellers guide medical d d a garrett on vacation aug 1st to an vt it phone jwomi or lall 8s3 i9w orrouetmirw ds robfrt 0 buckner ptiytlclan and surseoo 11 no aniwer phune waterloo on vacation fiom aug 13 in 24 7424xa7 i i buchner o 0 ofilomelriil john st s actoa in acton wtdntidtya oay j 00 pm tuo pm for appointment phone hv1041 do t t moore dfi c hutchison phyviiiani and surneon main slreea north comer main and mill street acton ontario phone hjj1s0 by appointment dental dfl h leib dental surgeon office comer mill and frederick street office lloura by appointment tauehone isw410 dc a j buchanan dental surseoa omlee m duirdi sl k office lloura a m to e p m cloiad wedneulay ailaraoon telepbooe uji7s0 dr ceoric dey denial surseon suite no illnton bldg 17a mill st b acton ont for appolntmenta telephone s5ji300 lhcal 1 i c f kathfftlano q c barrliter and solicitor notary public offica llourt 10 am 13 pm lpm- 5 pm taturdayt by appointment only fbona offloe tsjimo ret i5j1745 acton arthur a johnson 14 main st milton pfwme tr sw7j rei tr s947i tueulay afiernoona thurtday bvenlngi friday moralnja apnuuino and irfsukancb at f i wright 30 wilbur st actoa ontario phone u0720 appraiter and imuranee tver jo veara in acta denney charies repreiemlng 1 coopcrators insurance association sponsored by federation of agriculture aulo fire tamily and farm llabilll accident i skkneti phone tr 7j0m georgetown ahciiltect donald e skinner harch mraic i7a mill street suite 2 acton telephone us3740 office lloura by appointment or 30 slavebank rd port credit 374j4ji ttavtttmi qutai gray coach lines a bsaida ba baxrittar solicitor notary public office hours in acton uoaday friday evenlnte i pjta p m saturday i nj 5 pm it paliley st guelph ontario pbone ta 42343 office hour la guelph saturday aid u am bally t am s bja kahan c0 a and sulldlora sidney kapba sad john dor4 oc ik uamkmhnim road s carrvtal bullnhnat geonelovni vntiut runkxal daauxtost phone tsmssb snaw or ay bruce b shoemaker aigr coaches leave acvon da light saving time abibound ii im dallv eicepl sun and hoi i m a m dahy ei ceett sun and llol expreoi iuam ii 11 am im pm 104 pm frl sat sun and llol ricept ajg 1 and sept 6 01 pm 62j p m i jj p m 1001 pm sun and hot wettbound 7 37 am dally encept set sun and llol 1037 am 1217 p m 357 p m 537 pm 7 37 pm 912 pm iij2 pan 102 am sat only canadian national railways daylleht savin time eatlbound 6j2 am to toronto daily ex cept sat and sun 7ji am to toronto dally except sun ihe 952 am train it now cancel led dally except sat and sun 740 pm sat only 745 pm sun only 720 pm weatbound 7jj am to stratford dally ex cept sun- 6j pm io stratford dairy eicept sat and sub 7011 pm dairy except sun 1249 am 10 slratroid dajly except sat

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