Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 6, 1964, p. 1

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mw- ht tfttm jfttt btt ninetieth year- no 6 acton ontafilo twursoay august c4h 1cu eghi pkiten cnti uff ktu swtmmma c1a1sis for tgmni parted qan tueidav for trie wcoofgroup ol youngster under the guidance of ann jofvuon of georgiown mm johnion toov over following the ovparture ol former recreation director jim catburn ptctur- ed above with mm johnicwi are lome mellor and kevin evans at they 0 a few pointer 50 years ago 18 area volunteers first to enlist fight overseas in world war i wlvrn uord wj received in alton 50 year ago tuculay august 4 world war i had been decluied agjirtst germany it took only nine days for is volun teer lo enlist from thit area col alec noliltr commanding officer of live 20th regiment ol hallon received hi order to enhvi nun lor overvear utvuc on august 7 and by he 13th of lit locmllll ib had villi ud fiimi at ton of the origin j i 18 who signed lo go overseas only luu arc 3 till hive and living in luwn wil fred culc and i l wright pnor to enlisting in world war i mr cole had served three and a half vears in soulh alrica at well at three vears in colors mr wright was a member of the mil ilia on august 26 numbers of the 20th hallon regiment received word to leave for vak artier for basic mining while ihcrc the mm joined wilh other volunteers and were divided into battalions and brigade to make up the bare quorum splits vote seeks new application aelon planning uuard baielv doting iuni thursdays meet- had a quorum thursday cwmng i ing secretarv jack mcgeachie ol ijvt ueek and on one occas loui numkis he was of th opt ion ieaihcd a stalemate vtiih a inion the ihunh delegation al solution lo allow the lvange i i he previous meeting had vi n baptist ionpntinion to erexi a eel the hoard with the intenton new chtiieh on huichill road j l ohiaimng a severance for the south on pioperlv owned bv pmpeitv involved chairman a mi i mtcuhough this motion do hi aula and council rvpesen onllng lo the pneeduial hv law as diliatid u in n the loui mentlvets pi vent spin their do ciuon a wxtutd ri solution dialing with i he same subiccl ihii advis ing both applicant for the new church and prone its imiur lo legation kne make upplualion loi land cvci the meeting ante was apptoved ul in thii second site diseusad at a previous meeting ol tin council hoaid ehuieh pastoi alm sibis i johnston talivi if 11 minun were or the txlul the ihmch delegation was munlv inlervsted in the boa ids naetion o the construction ol a ihuieh on chui chill road south mi megcachie claimed the de- heforv eoming to ehuteh was allow- all area as it had hevn in the town office repiesenlative fric fell tlc application u i had asked pei mission to build a diiiivh on ptopeilv nm dinng on at ion timiirvaid uhith is owned bv anltmnv sevmnk this was ittustd on gtounds tht chosen location would hindtt nn lulurt housing subdivision at iinothti mi cling tlu p isloi telurned uith a proposal lo planning botr d mtmbers the build on tlu met ii lit hit h pop- prestni sctviecs ninmng along etl hoard mi mbs i s iuul o ihutehill road south are local iiuuu tlu maki a dm has not pn inainb uith lot xveranee limn tht mttullough proper is this had heen the intention ol picvious applications the mitvlarv also wondered il mw er lateral sen ues might out a prohum il tht chureh building witv allowed he told f the coot and ram weather uill allow the uater at the swim ming beach to settle and clear appuaihht ihki 1 20 lo 2s kvl abw land for there was swimming there al ii pisiui sibisui ilk pnpend ehutth he also most even t in july and the it last thursdav j duiinu d it touikil would be water was becoming murk willing to pa tlu- ejsts lor nv tiallatioii of mwers to lols at this depth reeve hmlon rem in did me m bers that economies uer strict iv eoemtils prohum he wi of ttu opinion ihe application was ulid and should be granled mr braida thmighl toih the appli tarn for the building and the pmperts owner should jointly applv to the hoaid for land sev erance- when the onginil resotutitui to upprow the application fur a church building was defeated with a 2 2 vole in alternative motion ag rxv ing with the appli cation in principle but asking applicant and proper owner to apply foi land separation was appioved ll was ito agiecil to discuss mur installations al that tune planning boiut members pre sent lor the briel nuvting were chairman aldo itiaitta wes mas- ales rece if hinton and coun cillur v johnsttn plrtt canadian divuton in rptenmrr 1914 i he toldters rwurded thin al quebec and tail ed acrutt the atlantic ocat and arrived at plymouth cngland for additional training at ilwbciry plaint barlv in tlu following year tlu toldicr were at llu front of live fighting today mr wright tilt u ac tive a an insurance broker and mr cole who it retired hveu with hit wife and daughter according lo an earttet- uu of live acton free prett hw fol- lowing men formed lite urlglnaj 18 volunteert color sergeant i i harry harwood sgi wilfred cowt cpl gut large sgl wil ham lev who wat killed in ae tton pie janvet gibb pie david dutiglat pie a algeo pie a wtnirrburn killed in action pie jlmrnie robert von pte george green pie rd wrighl pit- john rlellv pte i remit pte j sahli pie r single ton and pie w ii ward il wauit long after live enlitt me hi of the orltlnal 18 tlut oilier vokinloer tigiwd lor overseas avervictf and acton boasted of a good turnout of nun lo fight foi the country col g brown injured in mount albert crash level ground replace pipes for new cement floor at arena piping toi u tilk lal a i vni has l n n hi live dill dooi and i hellil lv plkv d kli ptuiitd loi tlu ikv iuhh c nun u im iti tli daloe mtlallunu i pm i nnitid htl w it ih uil horn li aditilu ilk lit in l smk lite job luld uh imhk l mikuv is 1hii liltil tll ilu dut ii giooiid is kkiv kuka s loeis u v king luj lindvl t thiul pipe as i temperature cess of ihe eemenl the brine gauge and pipes are yh ing rcplac- w ill he shut oil and temenl al id on lop ol nuial biaees on i lowed lo haixkn ihonuighlv top ol this htaw leinloixiny as soon as ihe eemenl is ha vtvtl nu h will he- plated before deived a itap tttek surlace will voiuixk is pound be applied in order lu complete kiktal sup nnuiuhnt lot the the fob ol installing a lour aivd iiipinv ohs tt an told tin a hall ineh cement iuhi i iv pivss tuesdav the brine il is ex pee led ihe lit w hoor pipmg whilt will k- luimtl on thiough the j will be tvadv in the earl fall pijks whik itiiknt is being pour- the daloc compin is pir nl ihtt vaih puv will he art senllv installing a similn ip- nlutilv sti ughi al a spevihed himtr in an aiena in hulish co- iiuu tluiing the haidemng pro- lumhia on thursday july m about 9 10 a m a chrysler imperial dan driven by mr hjuu shjuv ram of scarborough rammed the driver tide of a 1962 lumbjer driven bv lieut col gordon llmwn r r 2 georgetown who was on hit way to go uhlnj with calvin ballry in llaliburtatt mrv shannon who had her two tmall sons with her escaped with lac- ei at ions and tlvey were not de ulncd at lite hospital but col brown wat thrown acrati the front seat and through the patr- eengcr door finally landing in the ditch with the car he was taken lo york county hospital newmarket where hia injuries were found lo be a crack ed pelvis an injury lo the back of his head a crushed chest with several broken ribt at well as serious internal injuries how- ever since an extensive operation saturdav morning hit condition hat improved considerably while the doctor expect him to be on ihe critical list for about three weeks his chances for a complete recovery provided no complica tions develop arc good the accident happened at mount afbert catt of htim-iirl- cl on a dangerous blind comer wive re a house with ireej in front of it completely obscurer ihe view lnm hit approach un til one it almost half way across the highway at well as making it almost impossible for mrv shan non lo we him in lime at the came down ihe high wax accord ing to ihe constable who inves tigated there were no aid marks on saturday when insurance i investigators went to see the seven apply for township job seven applications for the pos ition of township clcrkiraaturer were reviewed bv members ol the nassagawcva towmhip cotm- eit tuesetav evening in commit tee of the xv hole interview s w e rv i o be a r ranged for sex- era of live applicants preaeat cletk treasurer don h mcmillan submitted his resignation lat month 1 1 was also reported during the meeting the ontano munic ipal hoard had acknowledged the township request for a public heating on ihe proposals fur township offices no date how- ex e r ha s been set in nt wer lo other queries il was pointed hit winter woiks benefits could be applied to the project both from the municipal loan fund the centennial grant and funds vxrtld not be applied to the same protect and no subsidy is available for placing ike rood superintendent office in a new municipal building council renewed the gravel pit hfkm a not her similar accident kd juvi happened and special or informed ihem il wat itu third in three days and that two weekt ago another car had land ed in live tame spot on lit roof yet here are no lighlx at live aimer except for some at a double ruil crossing nearby which only flash if a train it coming the rambler wat completely wrecked while the chrysler ap peared to have suffered only min or damage acrott ihe front col brown is a member i the court of revision and of the ls queting township planning boird for cart he wat vecrrtarylrxas uncr of the north hallon high school district board within ihe but two month lie has re turned from a 29000 mile trip lo india and back without accident oto lajslomaftk om qoeen st it ut ditedpairmr a umi bin property whtch i telpved lo in a icxi i first tteel bam ami jm v it inq demoltlkhj ih barn wav ojnally totlt by mi kiikh who wat then riretidcol of the grand trunk rfllay slii hla ih foqrm brada j ovn toj yeirt old or 1 f dorirtlcf 7- old steel barn believed first in disappears district iilllll tjwnc were 10 700 uarlh of building permits iiuervi na adwrya in juk including one residence at 1000 a gjrago and a residential addition on il in irk 1 hkidit old is ik i ihiiv iu on luttn iht tlnn iii suulli h 111 i iii ills ll sn hiii minn tw linl 1 1 link ills lull i until m cftoiic iiiniu i umiilihlni 111 hu list ih iumiih i hi ui ills nun iitih a inn s 11 st i s mi ii i ill u si i ti it ii i in h ii ills iihit is 11 i illiit 1 nil iii pn nt i lis i 111111 ill aula si i ms i mil in mlll is iui l pisilnl iii it nit t loi i ospiiiij is mm nl ml bull i lum as i ii s i mils nl i n lillll i ii1h 1 1 mi i iln ill i lilt ixlin il t is sill tli il nil iiiki sulvlivisin is ollltllllik tlttll ll tit jos l iis nil ihv mi collins t is i piolllln lit sins p tut 1 i iiil i 11 ins 1 ill tlu i nl s lii lit ll ill s slis sinitli lollottin mi smut ottn i i iii ptotitt ihiim donild t111 hi p tit aax p i it si t c mi mi lsil i i an 1 in o tlsiltd i sn i ii mil lath ll so doi s put 1 trip to homeland diary tells hot weather doesnt wpm to bother bricklayers workinfl on the row hioh ichool addition work is continuinq at a rapid pace in order to have al least four rooms ready for occupancy by sepremberr to dale workmen have had few hold ups and constructioncjfflclaiibre hopeful of meeting tho fall deadline in l he duen years since mrs john van der brink has been in holland there have becn man changes she is just hack fnm five and a half urvks visiting re taiivcs and travelling bv various modes of transportation all mu the counlrx it s her lust tup back the van per brinks eli hvi on main st n have a large garden and daughter jakoba lrxk cd afler preserving the igctables while she was avvav thev hive ihrec children and now i he 1 1 hope is that all van go hack lot visit before long she kepi an xlensivx ibarv ami brought many suuvenus and pie lures condlllona better living eonditions she thinks have improved so lo 7 kr eeni suiee she lived iheiv now the peftpfe can affortl to irivel bui ihls is aitanged in tt unusual wax as a rule a week s pxv looks after expvnses and iheixs si mom enough left lo bank tieh vvoik er tvecives a loupon weeklv hough whivh he eashvs in laui for holidav pav 1 wages paid in glide r w hie h arc 100 to a dollar arv higher than here but prices aie mil ol proportion higher siill quote cctata an average working man wiuild receive about 100 gilders oi ilol- lars a wxek bui here are a few prices bottle milk si 67 pound of holland prices many he hid oigotllo sonu k v wouk j ml ihe laugheil it iik houses leamlng hoiiskeipimg is 1 ilnlv lllllil with dukh wivis whuh mt n ix i bunk now with i hi nbnl itliltitk ulmits h thinks in a waste ol lime iikn ihh tlusi ml wivh wiiulovn ilmiint i elis nviik d oi txil si i i in- it iht i k k ot i iwn a t u i ih housi tlu sunt i ik sukwilk hi lionl souk ihing im i ilu htn lilvssvl llvis sivi u hll vtmikks lu his vllsliiiihis it no exlia ehilk ntl so im1 ill the diinkut ill llnllukl now ilivs lltl is sold bv dooi todoni siknu n iioiil with hi xl nul hsh hill ix u in huv ll tluv tlo nut think it too a loi til litiia is vonsunud as ull m though i ik cankhan wmn is wuklv en i lieled mis n iv i hi ink i- it is it illv ixlm to h oi hit shov sin journey changes sh liniiijlit a tttiin ttooli tluti ik lonil lo a t lain has a lotlt hiiul in ul tub pn i ol 111 mu i tit n iht nsliiin s ttlnll sh s itt ttotn it a in ilk i sh points oul il is an xpn sit piosiliin to ttiit ih na lit thtss as lis all tlihotallt hanlttoikil sh lhulll lo s ih i mm i loun ih s il ih li top ins on il in i ih i it inipiut nit nl in ih fi11 ol t 1th m 111 p ll 1 p i llll i till c i ill 1 111 pill- i in llnry ih n h inyd i i 1 c oou r i all i mr pi s nt own- tniml the ii lr a liw nit h uc ill i i in i toi in i ii ii n re- is ol ilu otn ikis 1h- i iiik i and lot housllld ih n usiu plat lor tia sikmi vvii i i omhn liillo mipio salir or i lilldrvn to us pu- i in i sm 1ks lite i 11111 0 hat ih 01 an asv s illt lor p i son ll s lor hunting pnhsi l m i s n k s in i i pnv i14s hi ih it ill ill poor isikvlrlani lltl ih ii 11 i l h i sh shkl as loni as i 11 lo i a loss tli i at h i luense ol klaus erter and p- hif s0 ptnind hainhurtj i2s0 proved nament of road accounts totallinc vw98 ix slices ol ham m cents pounds sugar is 21 pound but icr t20 chcsleiiteld ami two chatrx not as much upholstered as our iijoo cofree tahle w tlu hospllahtv was marvel tckis she stressed everx uherv she was graeioush wcleonicil police reinforcement a were cat- she made her headauaiters uith led 10 truro mil urn thursday ol i an aunt mrs vn der brink in drinking party raoed thursday last wvtl tu conduct a raid at a mill street west home fojlowuis complaints ol u teenage dtimklns pirt charged with ttupplyintj uquor to minon lb a itvyvairtoid army nun home on furlough aa charccd vkith coniuimins whke minor arc four local girls and two local vouthh constable bruce mcarunaruno received a phone call tcavnunj the party obtained search war rant and called in upr irorn mlllon assktlnr in the raid were corporal parkinson and con stables tom dube and j hodson t1i exptetfisuusjesviiul be heard in milton court august 12 nvkerk tisiied other plates inl uvnt oil bv hcrwlf ori buses and trains motor bike tour a 22xarold nephett on holi- dty offered lo lake her places on his motor bike i ttas suared seirri she recalled but she climbed on back and soon thoroutthlv enjoved seeani tlr countryside that kav she cniot- ed u tteddms and reception and a pleasure cruise throufih amster dam canals she had trouble though and it turned oul to be with her na- llvetonnie dutch the van der brinks epaak english at home and when she got lo holland h ol al hill nil 11 1 solltllll lon siltt sv tins sun ii i ol iholi ixtiiat llalllt limit ll ttlll ht mil onl loi h i is al i ih i wtlh ttit ioiiihi ih ttiakim- 11k i ai nieniss hi sliolhiv 1 olllllll litis ai hl ih upl oil iii i i slo 11 lo 11 ii ltt hiihts sll is s i litis llllt 11 m ttnh linn- lit lnli ins i ills i iinin ol tul in i mil i in ii 11 mil ii iii s no decisions tlierc wcie no rcmrliihle mcclingft ihu v it it utl planning imui il u ihtirmtlav sfwapjiurulw ll wa a wwk o iu tlftutooi tiutc uere kiiii quite a feu thing going on parllt uhiilv lo ilu fit hi ol tomftlnit lion itul holulav have lop priori iv mutt htls no bomb shjeltri just cribbinti for the cerrton bndqe on churcb strtol w aftur romov- intj the old woodon bridae workmen had to injtall pumpt to lioop water diuorlod in ordor lo install the crrbbmq nent hep will be to pour the cement another new bridge will be con structed on brock street when this one is completed s s

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