Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 23, 1964, p. 1

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st vis nirtmtofh yv no 4 acton ontario thursday jutv 23r 1944 by is pmt utttw d otto tan pagea sevan cant amiim la apsla of hotdus for tlruc- curat alec o b dodd const ruc- me co toronto anticipate the jjt5quarw fool addition al micro plastic plant main si n will b completed by the second veek to august company officials had hoped air an earlier completion nut uw delivery of uteri banished all hope the building it of heel framework with concrete block walla and steel roof deck ce ment flooring wti pouted wed nesday by boehmer ready mia co other strtxon tractors far the job include a brown co toron to mechanical contractor ver itas enterprise steel roofdeck and rdoflne duron co lid floor inbmng harron electric ltd alectik work viking automatic prptklcr ytem and george aamuuen kitchener block handy fill tueeday ehoul sj4 pm a load- is ad gravel truck crusstni the park- tat lot at the station hotel broke through an old cistern and ws caught with il heavy hack wheel ft um hole a bullduarr wan sent tor and hoisted l he truck up ami then the driver dumped his handy load of gravel lo i ill up the hole 1ummw puvtmoumo mooram l the park it balna wall allanoed tnd beginner are takinci t keen inlereit in lessons one of the groups ii shown tbov with ihalr teacher donna itndtborouoh front row lad lo rlejht are collean mcgillowtv suiia casburn and julia towntleyi tacond row left lo rlejht tr theresa mcgllloway mill lindsborouqh nd sally ktmminaa back row left to rlohl are hatthar wilkinson jell towntlay tnd joan ktmmlnat mmmnmim r mi ivurn taste cj cas group foster home unbudgeted purchase irks couniy council county councillor epwied torn concern tuesday at their july meeting in the court house mlton over an unhudted cap- lj expenditure by the children ajd society executive commit lev it prompted council ion to wonder iukt how much control thev could eiercise over the cas and after considerable discussion council decided to call a meeting with the minister of dairy princess chosen janctte finnic of rh i horn by will carry helton countys l al the ontario dairy rrln- reaeltgimpelulons at the canad ut national exhibition in tor- nlo in august the attractive lyerold aacrelary wu named halton countys dairy princess for 144 al the hornby garden tarty in hornby ball park on saturday night a crowd of nearly 4000 saw the competition between miss vlnnle and u vear old linda i swackhamer of t jc i aclon both girls gave short spevches the dairy industry and were saaanaailajsm5aftvija htmmlbath atuw bridge workmen dredging the site lor the new cement bridge on churvh st w are presently mucking wound in mud preparing for abutment kv a large vomp show i kt removing the heavy mud av workmen with shnvck do in itch of ike spade work i interviewed by the judge- conn er hal ton county and ontario dairy twnceu jean rvlerw loot pinned the halton county dairy prince n uh on the vic torious contestant garden party officials report ed that the event wa wry uc- ceful proleaional cnterlaln- en including tv tong and dance tnr joev hollingiworth perform ed before the large audience air conditioner for legion hall dancer will mumi he able to enoy their favorite pavttlme at the legion in cooler temnera- luiw a li i ve loinmeiviil air condi tioner has been installed on the ioof of the building ami work men arc now hmtking up con- trttk tlie new uhit will keep a how ol cool air in the uputtin iiuliimiuiu lur the benefit ol ilaiweis hingo lans and ither organiaiiiinv holding meetings there fr irr i- ii r lw j 1 it i k m j weuarc to find wit where the council itutuu in relation to cas ilnuncew emargamcy nd la lit month the executive com mittee of the cas wa prx-vent- cd with an emergency itualion ivc or six boy ugvd 9 to 12 were being given up iy their luster parent- at tin end the schtnil tenn and theiv was nowlvero lur them to go member or council who attend cas meeting- a the countys delegatus explained the cas executive committee decided to purchase an oakvllle residence as a group luktcr home for tne boy the price was 11800 on which a 500 winter works grant and a 5000 provincial grunt were eli gible acton tleeve h- ii ilinlon suid he felt the children aid was out of order in making a capital expenditure without prior an- fannjtiljsyfci is v pmval iruiu couniy council no other board or cominlatloni were allowed to do it he aid and the cas khould have no authority either warden gordon gallagher ex plained the ca s apparently had the authority the county can refute a children aid grant but cannot top tha manner in which the funds are spent deputy clerk jim andrew pointed out stytekud thtf four couniy rihucuicvwi who ftt on the lmember cas hoard tf ol reel or admitted they did not know how much power or control over cas ihay held reeve llfnton added confuilon constantly a rite over the child ren aid soolety there are atwayi problems from juriidlo lion and reponibility a motion to call a meet hi j with the mlnkter of welfare the diutjiiion ask three fence viewers for advice on park fence a temporary halt hat been cull ed to tree lion of a chain link fence at piopect park follow- ing objection ruiwd by nine homeowner wlw k pntper i y border on the park legal action wa taken by two raupayeis they engaged a tajllcllor who ivquebled fence viewers bv call ed in o give judgment actons feiue viewers jut it ivn nls j red cole and whllain thorn pton luive been tcquclcd lo give llulr judgnvent regjfd ing lnslalulkm of the chain link fence as opposed a board ftnce meanwhile work has c tav ed las phvcy do liny park lloaul iiueiing last wevk tvcverul latepuyers at- trutkd lo object to intijlljlton of u chain link fence invasion of privacy apfuaivd to lie llu main ob t ion while oiirt objections weie aiied as well afur it oil nlng lo ralepjveis and diuiuking piobleinv pitlk btijrtl ilecltieil ttt prtmced with inslallalion of the ihaln link lent a at an uppioxkinaie imi ttf ufioo no individual charge would be assessed to the rate payer- affected by the fence in order lo allow more pi i vaty to the mtepawrs park boaid uffiied to upply hooks to support plastic or plywood heel which could be hung on the wire fence this offer wan not aciep- ed on wednesday of latt week tv feet of the old board feme wit lorn down and a snow feme installed to keep park visitors off private property until the chain link fence could be in- sol interview expect immediate action to hire recreation man likely tandldale for actons second recreation director will ftrohably be marry roe a cupluln n the army this is expected to be the recreation committees rvcomtnendalhut lo council tucv day evening wednculuy uftenwhin meiibcii of tlve committee interviewed mr uue underneath the hade ol a stately maple tiw at prospect park while many bather- were enoylng a refreshing dip in fairy lake it is expected live com mil oc will ructmnmend thai mi uoe be hired and ask for council upproval iext tueujav mr uoe wu one oi only two applicant considered for the position mr roe who with his family u just beginning holiday ar rived at the park with his car and trailer ready lo set out on a camping trip with him were his wife and two children if councils approval is given mr rod will replace present rv- jujot tkrctor jim cabum who is leaving acton to take a position in london in army the upplicant 1 n captain in the royal canadian corns of signals at king- ton and having completed his mlti vear in the army is due lo retire during the past year he has workvd in the army as u leader ship trainer in recreation and has just completed his second year of fcirtaaujstijujrv4ij offer halton county partnership study regional development program j 1 5000 per annum and provides r in me form halion county was offered partnerhlp this week a part- one junior partner ncrxhip in u new regional de- 1 of a director to sit on the ttefl- velopmenl prugram that could ions board of director- the re- provide answers for some econ omic municipal recreational ag ricultural and other problems a ii lemasurier chief r d coordinator for the department of economics and development toronto made the offer io hal ton county council a its july meeting he explained 10 econ omical fygrouped regions- arc be ing formed in the provinc and hahons place would be in a reg ion called the niagara region stretching around the southern i and eastern corner lake on tario from niagara tolls through to halton county paya isjm nine other regions are devev- gion would pay hak the expend itures on such programs as in dustrial development research tourism agriculture education financial industrial surveys plan ning and conservation with the rest paid by the province he emphasized there are no strings attached to the provin ces gift except the one member wlvo would sit on the board oi directors the money can be spent on whatever you see fit burtlnftoti la in warden gordon gallagbv ex plained burlington was already a member of the niagara vgfod through its close atsocblioo with nearby hamilton but hcfelt the i whole of halton county could be oped and the niagara section is one small economic unit within the final one mr lcmasurler the region the speaker sugga-l- explained in these regions the cd halton could band together province pays a grant of up to with peel york and ontario iwmtlfw a rt woyoraatenorfi estimated cost 10176 installation of an allpurpose pits will be removed fsx amfs jblalt mala mam mom mars hardly i j tfloor uslrvo ri are wwdaf on steel conilnktlon al thaulrco plastics addition at itw aaaln s n plant followlna matllnodf irw rocky tarrajn and lavolllnti of tha around workmen mewed in end iaaan steel work tha addition it adlolnlna the present plaht and will be used tor a production area itoivv concrete wtor in the commun ity centre moved one step near er realization when the recrea tion commission at their thurs day evening meeting passed t resolution to proceed with the installation a committee was authorized to approach the ad ministration committee of coun cil for presentation to covincll tor filial approval estimated to cost 1017 the floor will be installed by august an tl h u l sufficient time to cure before the annual pall fair and the ice- making season the floor to car ry a load of 300 lbs per square foot will be four inches of rein forced concrete topped with a ground surface of trap rock james dafoe co will make the installation alt refrigeration wire mesh laid then the pipes on cradles then steel ing use y 1st fs a subcommittee meeting with a group from the ymcjl board reported on their discussion it appears an area of cooperation exists in the programmint held and further dlsctdotu ww be held attending front the y board was guy ross who told the board it is a very jnod jjfle and s b ma w w doug paton of the c ity programs branch of the de partment of education a the meeting and outlined important points to be ered iv the program la ah im portant it must be a continued on page tliusq counties because they arc cloi and have similar economic stan dards the suggestion is lo be follow ed up later perhaps at n meet ing of halton municipal ami or ganization representatives isatassiaiiiiaaiaawaaaaaaamaaimai a ihuvyear touiw kponuintl bv lw cimiiuinilv cimih lllaitch ir th udvimnient prior to hi initivicw tin ur- pllcunt and jim cushuni madi u grand lour of tlu town in tiuik vcr itireullon lucllllkv mr roe said lie wa very much lin- pivskcd wllh llu town and the rvcruullun pruuram which lui bcon adoplrd pruvidlng ivc i uclcplud lur the position mr roe and hi lumilv arc guile willing lo move i aclon as mion us possible the lamllv toured the town before leaving lo check on ihu homing slltiallon lloaid memtici pivvent for tlve inlcivicw included ihslriuall jtck ittillihiuli john tiov lan liixll r i ojkc louncll rcpercenlallvc- j bert wood and mr cahhurn leather club bag presented to jim casburn by new club the regular evening meeting of the golden age club on tbur- tuv jutv 16 in the y building prevenleil rnanv highllghu to puhiiicv an interesting evening jim cushurn the recreulion director inlrodiitcd duvld puy- ton dutriel reprewnlative or community prognini branch of the department of education who congratulated the group on heir good attendance and on carrying on the meetings during the holiday months he spoke briefly of other senior cltlren group and gave some advice for continuing the endeavor orebaatn flay a charles mason entertainment chairman entertained with hi orchestra consisting of mrs bruuhuw piano jack cooke violin charlie parry and ouirle rocher with guitar bones and mouth organ vic brlstow ac companied by donna landsbor- ough on the piano sang two vongs whispering hope and without a song fred coles and wife were giv en a hearty clap on the eve of their 59ih wedding anniversary gift tor jim jim rumon president spoke of the many kindnesses that have been extended lo the group by the business people of the town and others mr mafton proposed u thank you to acton council for allowing the golden agers to use the town hall piano and for having it moved to the ymca building for their use on behalf of tlu member mr rulvton presented jim casburn with a beautiful grmlrv uathar club bag in appreciation of hi work and help la getting the club started mm george fryer read the accompanying gift card all wish jim lot of luck in hii new position in london he lhanked the group sincerely and said now i have something to carry my hockey and other gear in charles mason showed slides of his garden and many beauty spot further plans were made for u trip to oritlia auguvt 10 tluiisu will be firtaluwjv auhe af ternoon meeting august 6 mean while any member or others wishing lo go contact jim ral- ston at 85s2i5a the birthday cake had been baked and dec wa ted by mr ralston happv birthday was sung for mr mason and mr campbell winn the two mem bers having july birthdays a vole of thanks was moved lo mr mason for his entertain ment by mrs winn more new member have joined bringing the paidup membership to 32 stalled uenwblw work ha been hailed until fence viewer reach a decision it had been the inlenllort of parks hoard mrmbern to do 150 tccl of fencing immediately and complete the balance j jo feel in llu fall in the evtitl fence viewer r- fust- in tule on the issutt it u etiwiuil otuniv judte georgia hlltoll will he called in pittperiy owner whow land borders on i he park include heevt ii ii h in loii mr and mr irrm alien mrs lou uatekniw mr ami mr frank helw juveph filru mi m heinet t mr atiul mis clark armslrong william young ami mr tutd mr harles i andihortmigh during last weeks park hord mtviing all but mr heller and mr hutlod appeared protest tax check bylaw fsqueslng council thia wek receivtvl a prole about uk from if sleinfalt ninh ut4 that led to an investigation of uinl i ic breaking the building bylaw the ratepayer cratttplained hi paid rrnue tai than his neigh bors who have been living in l he basement of their new homa for ihree year councillor ell a holh hfiine received the tairw service there could be no ad- iusiment in tax hut the build ing inspector wa asked to check on the resident of the hallc pleled itome as it sounded ilka a bvlaw contravention council received a copy of a petition that a large group of parent hod tent to luqutting school board protesting thtf transfer of ihelr children from pinegrove school the children living east of tha sixth line and north of five s lie rood im to be bossed ftv mile to aaolhctr school although they liw within walking diitanc or rtnavuw meanwhile rba petition potoud out additions are pbkruwd for glen williams and stewarttown school but no new addition u considered for tha fine view school swim tests on ftdgir the fint lerics of threwek swimming lcun will concluda friday tests will be given to tbe tadpole beginner and advanc ed beginner by insliuctur jin casburn with gfwwl weatlver the young ster have progressed wry well some who were even afraid to gvt their head wet are sitting on the bottom and coming up laughing learning luuling and elementary tmke parent arc delighted with the progreu made in three wvk mst anpepawci during taklonq bible aeulona lobntoreej i ovr 40 latt by evaooel bepiut criordi- wa at rhoboroe of mrs stan f alijemd ery olppi agrwast teacher mlw em bruce of toronto had well tbaine war eight dub each dey ifully by the two young teskhers sebn f t i sriivtr mm sv45s

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