zlxt jvjrtjm sttt ft acton ontario thursday jutv larh 96 second section k stiu smmino when near 60 lodge 30 bend leave i over 7s0 paraded on two andahallmile route alano streets acton park right on time saturday park galea are decorated lined with spectators towns population doubles on saturday as 65 lodges 22 bands in orange walk pictures detail sunny start soggy finish of orange walk in acton last saturday no surrender motto ol oianoe lodgol proves motto ol ddy saturday ai foodhumorod pjrador iloihed back to dark m downpour acton lol 467 wn lioit or diy umotmo jiooimo and wavinci almoit all paraden continued deipite norm oranne walk in in reojlua roy arnoit any weather is tradition many farm and appreciate rain viands at park gates- y mttst muxi or nonlodge band went to acton citiiens band alf perron leads drencwed ladies from arthur smiled in rain cheered at park at winners of prize for best- appuarinq loba staff photos speakers shown first committeeman al groen speaker rt w bro david worden ont grand chaplain rev bra myles estabrook county chaplain end norman fryer memiers of pahliamint mp dr harry harlov and mp p gcoroo korr ni set lor a ride on an anhquo fire enqtne paucncori include pjrado ctittinimii al giucn acton children uv rkmstcluno rt w mrs vera buckland goolph county master earl brown burlington rcauliiir alex kaufman v a si may mtkkbmmtse vetman raradcft c v browne porchaiet orange ribbon ca1edon east a combo kept spirits high durinfl march wms rfes drums lodge drew hundreds to parade before i fust beginning here about 750 marched end acton popule- from carolyn jerome roevs hlnlon mprharley look on afterwards music was highlight of march thunderstorm route was two and a half miles long rain was hon doubled