i parents i ana h meal maat u at any otter mrcnf foraptatlad youna- n m kara there an a few dlf- that to the camp dlr- aad ancftmimiasile young arv vitally important for the camp this year is study of tbe national puet w ike ukraine tarae socvenko a it i the 130th anniversary a at birth history of the native lead u stvkuad and everyone talk la ukrainian eacepl when they foravl most of the caajp- n atill hear ukrainian in tltvlr atoawa out u the year go by there will he feu fluency among aha children in the native lanf stags then sobs of the instruc tor may have to ue eilsh stml tie with the homeland are forged anew each mimnter wheel children meet kl the camp and aach year it is opened lor anecial eveolt when families of 300 attending summer camp ukrainian deecanl picnic toaelh- ar and recall the bast at at caaap al the lint threeweek camp running tine saturday are 124 girl and ix bovs irom all over the province but mainly from toronto they start al seven ar of age there a stall ol u the kit shun has a atatf of seven mother ly women with a cook there are 14 counsellor lor the glrli and ii for the boy all senior high school and unlvenllv in dent with ukranlan background 0 of these george shymku the education director has lust compleled third year in histuiv at the university of toronto u married with a small daughter and passed up better paving sum mer job to do the type oluork be feel 1 to important tanth bsdutag the sound of hammer rings over the pleasant rolling laim alt ai the tenth building l be ing completed there a roomy dining hall with a piano where programs art- held on rainy day at one end are three portraits one ol the national poet and two ol recent ukrainian heroes tha boy ami girls campsite have airy cabin with separate cemeni block wash houvo two flag fly al the camp the ukrainian green and gold i tag and the red ensign ol canada yrakatiiaira after thl camp ends in an other two and a half weeks a second batch ol mb move in then the last two weeks of august are exclusively for leader ship training this kind of course has been held here since 1951 there will be a large gathering there on labor oav weekend with parading sports and danc ing in gay native costume tlsr gravandgrecn uniforms ol the ukrainian youth association are often seen in town during the summer thev come in lor essentials such as hair cuts and sunburn lotlonl mot pioc- erles come irom toronto ukrain ian suppliers but milk is del ivered by masalet dairs acton cleaners are patronised too to keep the uniforms trim they hike throughout the dis trict and have gone as lar as ewttiaitv albert van gils skilled builder builder cartvenkt and cabinet maker albert an gils pawn way in st jaarphn hovpiul guelph on wedncxdav julv 1 lie had wen in iiuivaninls pour hsmlt h for tlu pat i lour ear wltlttown for hi uhhtv a builder mr an giu uu form erly aivivocuicd with jane ami vn ciir the firm whkh huitl the sewer plant renovated and constructed nunv home and bulldingi they alo contracted far the construction of hndes and culvert on highway 25 he- fov it wb paved and boilt mime of the homes in the lcuhnrun aurvey one of hi loit nixlecl ua the block of more und apait- menu at the corner ol mill and elfin st lie was 5 year of ape he u survived bv hi wife the former hyllu wvnen at their farm home 242 main st n and by two tans grant van gih and gordon van gils at home hn then maurice at the fan and jan cornelius antoon antwerp belgium and a imcr wilhclmlnc boueart antwerp he was horn in holland and was married in belgium in 1932 he came to acton from guelph 18 years fio rev v j morgan officiated irheoiwtmaktmfriday nttot chiircii interment w in dublin eemetery pallbearers were friends gaston verfouluc hamil- ton frank de molder guelph peter turkoax sam tennant louubonnette and leo synnott acton kindly and helpful mr von gus will be wd4y tmked ukrainian kokalt r uuqhl durng uudy priod at tha ukrainian youth atiociatton camp on tha fourth line ett of acion but mot of th day tha camp a like any other with crafti iwimminq big maal and llowihip above attractive cjirlr laadert ttart their lummer tan at th edge ol the cement- bottomad pool below left milk delivered daily from acton maket a refraining and nourishing drink for two uniformed camperi bohdah prut toronto a fourth year camper and oleh kupraty toronto a second year camper serving the boy i are mrs chornola mrs puthnyk end mr kuurythyn of the kitchen ttaff all from toronto below tlght camp director teddy wolothyn lecond irom left talks over plan for ihe day with ha tecond incommand steve lobuk education dir ector and university student oeorqo shymko and camp lecretary pretty blond oh ronvanervchuk toronto high tchool ttudent greenock wi hears history the greenock women iiutl tute met at the home of ur chu binnl for their la i meet ing tcident mr l tryitvrrt- aar opened the meeting by read ing verme in palestine follow ed by the opening ode and mary stewart collect mr g whace red the beatitude and the lord- waver wan repeated there wat a good attendance of nuntbert and iwu vuitor kach an we red the roll call uilh a pergonal remetribrance of hortve and buutv dav mrs q leslie gaw a report of the centre wellnuton diktrici annual nwetlng which waa held in kervua she told of the inter- cvlltm mil call of old and new tovk aiul of the hcaullful dolu displayed irvcluding one that u 121 cun old tlve annual hwel htgi voted in make a petition to the oniario govefnhwnl to htve alc tui temoved on uuip und utaip piihlirl mr leslie wat upjuiknled loiiveiuir lr iedera- hon irf agikulluie fur greenock braruh iiverwmk will apply to tin ia tenklun board for o short course on creative cooking thlt year two topii front the c ac bulletin were reviewed bv mi itiijc willatt- theve were tct und piic toiiipailumik uil facial ikbui uiwl kleam i rout coputar ity of bltum ltun lut nun liom 2t of ull irunt uld in 192 to sh it- j in type bilntf pur iltaud in qe2 a punk for imlhulr nuniluii hutund and laimllc will tu- luld in ntlil julv ut kihkuiwhl cunwivatton piiik mi klpi mikotun nl rlii williim hi invited ivritrnk rmmiht lu rnrel ul lui home lor the auinivt nucllny mi cluier allan tnd mi a full tnnveiiei lot liklnrk il i ii- at h pieentid uu ink f inllnil pmiyisiin luu iiilkle on metinoitllr linillie in ontario uiiv itiut svfial old liiiw ung vavic ultit a itiiil ku latin hlsioiv of the luni home ol chcur allan tid line hi in township uit 7 ui usui thi will be placed in iwcidsmuir iknjk oilier mem- the acton fra praia thursday july lh ltm bent are aaked to complete farm butorteta ao that they may be re- carded the tweedamuir book was on display the meeting clotcd by kinging the hymn of all nations and the inaltute grace the hofttctt astuted by mrs k bcherrkh and mis e rvarin served refreshments end a social half hour was enjoyed by all mrs e patterson graciously thanked the ho terns and conven ers for the entertaining evening carolines flower garden shop commit un of mutsttv stock cahmnlmo hmd ircayf imticnciok rwmuza htesh cut riqweks always avaiiasu kovvcbs wibio anvwhtm phone 8s33s80 akwtlaat opn 7 dsyt wk b 00 a m til dik vint ui todayl 3 mllaa vjvw af attart imih wj rlishway no guess work herei general refaihs to all makes of cars pauls sunoco service ounn it i acton isiirio con you afford not to have your party cottons dry cleaned it cottt loo much lo wash a nice cotton deu and have it look drab end lifelet when our evcluuve cleeninrj and pre u ing will keep it new looking for month custom cleaners ism dy iwvk laeel laerdey in by 19 um- out by i m- cam 1 1 and cakttv main ff u phowi ishtso rikkwikkl where thev injo the park cr much association history the ukrainian youth aoisi lion ha just a shoil hiior thatv fcvn md nll in tin- mindk ol the parent ol ome ol thew vounu camper alu r world var ii manv ukiakn ian uere in d p cump in ger- manv there were nninv chikl ren wuh no paient urtviiigi the awociation ua tirst tunned there in munich in 146 to keep thce whiny people ol ihe amc ethnic utitfin totfether actualk thi si a iviil ol the yrvmp vshnh in the lvhik in ihe llkiaine had invn an unjii lliiuind political niornutit whuh was iiquulaled b the coitinutn the men and women of this postwar yrxntp who cm mi a ted lo can a ili uh their childivn lo keep ukrainian ideal iiilture and language the bt ami pirl meet seekl ilunn the 4hihtl xar obtainmu pecihc bailt- o the pryies some yixmp now hold moi ol tlu mtvtiins in fntjlih lor the ideal are pti- mar the tninyteri o cotu e all peak lnjhh at school centennial exchange tticre aic ntanv ukrainian youth asihiation tamp in the state and a mufisrne i pub- hhod there there are camp in canada at sudhurv montreal ld- monlon vancouver winnipeg and caluarv the yrxuip hope to mark canadas cintennial u uh an exchange aniunj membei the ukiauuan camp neat pal crmo uhich ha been cunuhred pioomniunil iv complcicls sep arate from thi one these ukrainian of the ukialn lan youth association ate slrony l anliconinninisl and their 1 hope is a sowrciyn stale foi the ukiaine the ate icatin sol itt supptirl lur 1 ihvs u- nunc i l fu re milsute ol the iton cuilain siah as etisul m america ih lote israel wa ctealeil tik- history o the past and the thought ot ihe future are isciinus one lor tlve wevt lued yirk and stuuk bos al camp weselka their htihhltnp uihhi spint jnli easil lion these thing to the lun ol ihe regular ampiug piopiaui vvhuh in mam win 1 is miiiilit to guides and scouts morse tn llkralnlan i one ol the leadei ha pie- 1 pared a manual un hiking anil camping in ukiunian ii in t elude mure cmle dilteivnt heie and theie in the ukiaunan 1 alphabet signalling veiling up camp outdtmir ctkiking map lead- i ing alet etc 1 there tie ivgutat sessions in ihe uliunl nltoinel jxki on ihe builds stcm with consliiit supersision meal u e heuh the l uome in one silling aiul llu gill in anolhei i camp ditvsloi is a lull tunc i association eniploee tetuk wol t til toronto who incident- all ha pisi completed hi ma i at the uniseru ol montreal i the iv i a dominion committee iwhuh organue the camp most ol ihe tamper aie wo man calholus hut teligion u nti taught theix a visiting priest viid mass ouldooi on sunda a the lampvi sat antut in a i ring all trim in their uniform within a lew minutes allei ma lluv were bac k in shuil rxady lor sundav dinner i thi i ihe iftih ear foi the ukrainian youlh association in canada the camp began in ls5i vvilh jusi one latin house now llu te a l v at 1 1 at live ttoi in a tot ie sivcral other huililing and a tug plamng i tc let which is taking viais lo lew i pcilcttly lor pai ade and game for lease bp service station snack bar and living quarters 341 oukn st acton a available july 15th 1964 a thr year laata al reasonable rental a financial assistance a training program a management counselling call or write r collingbourne 21 stirling avi s kitchener ont aft it 7427sm or phone toronto 3623761 bp canada ltd will your tan keep you warm next winter tn wfortunatfly fade the nm lone its warmth and winter inevitably arrive with all its bcatins problcrna so dont ct caught with your damper down think cool or a moment and make the switch to natural eas home bcatins m why twsf well to besin with modem automatic eas beating equipment is low in cost you can rent a gas conversion burner for only 295 a month installed into your present furnace and payable on your regular eas bill or you ean buy a new gas designed furnace for as little as 380 a month and you can take up to 6 years to pay if you wuh natural gas is also low in fuel coats whether your home has normal or extrathick insulation youll find that gas fuel coats are consistently lowerthab liquid fuel or socalled flameless heating do it right now i it makes good sense to switch while the win shines and white your beating contractor is readily available move up to modern gas heating now you uont haw la pay a ant until next otubtf even if septembers full of frosty fridays callyourheating contractor denartmen nr gasconipajy soon then relax and enjoy youjlsummer tan united gas limited tkt fritndly fad thai utter jails