autuctric homi built by realtor w j mcleod wei the centre of attraction saturday and sunday at viillom loured the new houte on peel st left to right are h f mitchell area itlet reprewntatlve for ontario hydro commiuloner gordon beany and mr mcleod si they dn cum the veriooi typet of electric heat the new home ha electric heeling throughout and vlaltor had an opoostunlty of learning the principle of ihe tytiem a draw for an electric blanket wn won by mra ruth lallmer of milton cloie to 400 loured the home ei a i i in jf brownie thinking day wi world day of prayer in news j- 1 i b i r tmkmfom illjjbff runmmkcm at bnlmptm hs on saturday tlfc eden mill women h irv dilute held ihelr regular month ly meeting un wednewduv uflcr- iukhi with mr herb gllberthon uh voit wh mr fred cowell pre sided opening wlln u p- ln mltule odi and mary mewuri colkxi minuter urul treasurer report were glvn by mn h gilbert son secretary roll tull was tnwered by numlng u pub- tic official hi wrthplaee und eif flee mn j gllhertson gave her report on ihe district dlnxtop inciting donation wjh made to iht cumxr ioeieiv it wa deeieled to leave the en lerialnment for umor iltiiens to y later date a tipring lea bake nak and white elephant tabic will he huld torly in may lonvmin tea table mn r rov bake tu bit mr j gllberuon whitt tlc- phunl mm r wright we were reminded of the dlulrtcl annual meeting in muy at hareourt ml mortal chureh in guelph sever ul lntuutv urc to be entertain cd bv us in april mn t cowell uavt u papei cltlilnfthip und ldueutlon and a madlng bv mm r wright brought a pteuvant afternoon to a dose mn r rov thanked the hoausw for lur hohpllmllv and a hoeiih half hour followed day of jprayar the world dav of pnyer wa held in lden mills united church with ladies trom both hurvho taking part mn j lowne gave the oddnh others taking part were mn h james mn ii gillverkun mn w gllberlson mm w mclean sr mn r wnaht mn g macdougall mrs i- cowell mrs mabel parkci und pianist mr d blacklock mi and mn william mel can sr entertained the night hawk cluh monday evening with six table of euchn huppv birth tlav was wished one of ihe mem fire prevention budget is 1350 a iw4 hudgct of mw was apprmed b thv ualton count v fire prevention bureau at their february nuxhng in milton the bureau npeiates on a generous grunt hum the h ilton count council and eonthbuliuns trom tile live hie ikpaitmeuts iii the eount the budget includes jl 000 tor the bureau various lux snlet education programs including literutiux dims und eoloretl slides nevpapei unit radio ad vertking und puhuit und tro phies fur the unnuul grude five poster competition in the sehouls another vq0 is earmarked for ihe special christinas fire safet erugrum the spring iteaivup liu and the doortodour mdust rial und commercial inspections during fire prevention vivek in this war the inspection blllx will be conducted in acton and georgetown the remainder of the budget will be used for office supplier und stationery ben mr juek milne it being hu blrlmay priae winners for hvt evening were travelling pny tu mn m milne mr doug ml nubb mn r wright ladles high mn s gllberlson lorn leandfc mr suvan wilson mrs d mcnabb gent mi mux milne mr mino mr d mcnabb lunch followed mr und mr w gllnerlwrn mrs oilbertuwi mi and mrs bob gilhertson and family were in toronto sunday visliing mr and mrs clmer anderstm mr und mrs j cann spvl saiurdav in toronto taking in the nhl hockev game mr and mn sid bains md fumilv miss junkc greenlaw ill or brooklyn hpent sunduv us tlk guests ol mr und mrs w mino ii and s the home and school avsxicia lion held their muni hi v meeting thursday evening ul the ss ii tchoul lnimoso guest speukci wus mn smitbot tlu rctnnud school in goctph who gme un interesting tulk a euchre is planned lor the neur future mr und mrs jack mllnc pent sunda in tonnto coldmi maul bdf a special thinking day meet mg was held bv the first eden mills brownies thiv is the duv u aside for brcwnlc to think of oliver brownies all over tlu world and the pden mills brownies brought tfnir pennies to the meeting followed u color ed vtring and placed tlu in in a wishing well to help those hnw n ies wlwo are not us lortunatc i our y lttch dnjunk spoke a lew words on one of j ol the 0 countries who have brownies all these brownus und ihos crippled blind and with diseases make the umi jiiomise then cacti brownie lit a candle on a cup cake and made u with for a brownie overseas a prayer wus read which was given to us b lord badenpowell to keep the nuitinu intern it tonal the brownies ended ihe met ling by plaving a hilarious game originating in greece brownies pre ten led with their golden hand budges were bn barn mantholl helen wood house und judy bould thirteen secondary choou of peel and holton counties and two quebec high schools st laurent hnd brebeuf high schools sent representative to the first b mod of this area held at brampton high school on saturday february 12 it war a full day of activity for all concerned registration began it 9 im political caucus meet ings us re over at 1030 the house went into session at 10 4 mrs connie armstrong chairman of the bord of edeu a lion brampton read the speech from the throne both in english and in trench atinlstcr speaks at luncheon some 200 people heard wm davis minister of ld ueation address ihe students an the pixihlem iif unemploymtnt he called upm iht youth of to day lo tuke tlu initiative in help- ing ilu less foitunute in underew- vcluped eountiies for he added the peoplt f today know that tttey can hae a better world mr davis welcomed iu queha visitors staling that it was eoirtei tleniul that lluir ints should co incide with ihe visit of premier lesagc ol quebec in ihe course of his address mr djk reminded the young pailla imnlanans that any policies adopted should te liable young people aceepi change easily he suid md change for tlu sake ol change sluhild he based on a sound poliev oic fdrl fajuctlan tlu iiltmon sessuwi saw live lei icsdlulions presentcel by tin p it in in power ihe dominion patln pusstd their chief pnpo- j ecus th it a tederal ministry ol luluealion lu set up to have national lurisdiriion in education a furilur pnirrisil was to estab lish it nti missions in communlu eountiies und to muinl lin ihe pilsiiti iiinll stiuetuix wilh llw unikd si itis cjctiigciown high schikil won erin ospringe church dinner on 1 riday evening the hoard o man igeis u burns church inn put on a lovely dinner to which ihe ospringe congregation wire invited this proved to be in evening or congregational t how ship long to be lxmcmber i 1 the pmgram was jjivtn by the oung peoples stkici and was thomucjiln enjoyed alt hope it ma be a herutil ol u bnghlcr day of cooneratlun i loc the r in the communities the trophy for bet performance both in the conducting of their election campaign and tn the presenting of their party policies during the session representative from acton high school were tom mckeown uader of the dominion party for the local group and the other dominion members caror st fack homer gay white margie mac kenzie and axel niesczeri don long whip of the opposl hon and david udkea wen dele gates for the nationalist party th acton f pnoss thorsjay february 27th l9cu no council rnnvn this dlkw an uuodbc committee meettnss on da mw o boov wimsdrmw at the y ladies auxiliary euchre and draw at the yjyixa the electric tea kellle draw was uonby mrst price 1 bower aw acton advertisement lluc you etmsidered what elothes you might lake m the event a free trip to nussuu comes vour way in the led gcr s 1 g a contest store owner dave manes this week adiscs all eonlestunts regard ing suitable clothing which might lw packed and rums luggage weight restrictions tin airline belore vou huurd the pi me luggage must be weighed anil the limit per person allowunec is 0 pounds in addition pa sengers mav eurrv with them cxtn luggage mich us u cumeiu or large woman s purse what to wear wc inng ipparcl when u arrise at nassau is anotlui question lui guls shorts and si icks uix worn uniuiul tlu hotel dm mg the d dn ssej nnl in tlu evenings bathing suits en route to the pool or ik tie h only and not i n the lobh oi shops sweaters skirls und summei blouses can be included us part ot lucg igc hut don l forget tn puck an evening drevs lor furmal weai i or the men shorts and light clothing u the main sug gcntion but don t forget lots qt socks extra shoes two bathing trunks cxtru hand kerchiefs and un other small articles nucussarv such us un dereluthes beach rubes or even a tie the draw will be made april 4 und the winner must lake the trip or forfeit the prbe b o w l 1 i la heaaw r mjuottt a sattmoav nmmt act- b0wung lmes sh your car dealer then talk to the bank of montreal thrrr arc barriim to he had ust now in new and used cars h your luart is set on a newer model this spring see your jvountr tar dealer he can probably otter you a deal that right for you and when yog ve found your bargain be sure to talk to th rank ol montreal the b ot m family finance plan oilers you a low cost lite insured method ol financing thjluill make your bargain doubly attractive if bank amenmmm liu ov monnteax hang on to your hats girls miis sale only happens once every four years leap year trarky cnam slk 10 tin tumn uml nulnlluus stokely corn 2 29c oxo cubes orumwkk oil u trf u millionir sardines 3 29c sardines i so bllh austiah in scvdu ss 29c raisins gleiiwtmhl 4o imii1i i eonuinv sii pkg ol u 29c 29e ls- pkg 29c black pepper 29c kleenex 29c price tffecilve h it it l h- we rrve lli rlgln m until quanllllm i i smllb catsup 10lb bjg nw bruntwlck can nei oradf velveeta cheese 1 1ii1ulil v pumpkin pie i ii pku 55c ea 45c tahlljtlti caiuda ftnal ouallly red or hlu bruul bwc standing prime rib shout cirr roast 65 c lb vj no 1 grade tender rren heads new cabbage 2 for 29c da no i crvule uug tminch fresh broccoli 29c bc extra taney delicious apples 5 for 29c vs no i grade emperor or rebur california grapes 2 lbs 39c ontario noi grade cooking onions 5 lbs 25c 2ft llap yiar spil1al offfr savi he i lf pkg tablerite wieners 29c wilh the purckue of mb pkf at royal guet ioa uickd sim bacon ttlndlee at tahlrrite lloi pkg sliced bologna 29c i conomlcal and nutritious lb sliced pork liver 29c extra 38 im bomus tpks rmrelve an txlra siofm bonu tape with neuafe lnitnl cekee isc off 6ei tiie receive an i lira tem bonu tape with blue cheer determent- 15c off ginl tlte mickin okal antiseptic 7ex site receive an lutra 14m bonu tape with javex bleach 7c oh 64ei slie putex tissue while or colored 3c off twin pik receive an litre sum bonu tape with boyal gold egosmed er urgetloi fveien oreen team blrdieye iooi pkfj vhnncli piirt pork country style sausage ijb pka ceuo sflnach us no 1 orede i0i hi aylnur fancy 2ox tin tomato juice 2 for iga lua tin apple sauce 2 for iga itaz jar peanut butter for llax crape nut flake loi sugar criip pkg post cereals for booth i mien tu pkf codfish stix for m sweet pickled fl aw conage rollaq extra special rtlj lb only 6 weeks to go yes only 6 weeks to go and you may be the lucky winner of our free trip for two to nassau deposit your contest entry forms with us now the more forms you have deposited the greater your chances of winning c a free trip for two to ana 3 entry bjlank available in the store for ledgers iga customers only v a4 t 1 i v