Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 7, 1963, p. 12

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g vulxm ryimfj t th atlorttrtw thurtday novmb4w jlh 963 halton 4h clubs compete in provincial competition bill sinclair burlington and bob peddle milton placed wee onhln the interclub compel hon held at the ontario aarl cultural college the annual intercounty competition in open to teamn of two from 4h clubn in the county competition are held lor each of the 4h club proieclii bill sinclair irul bob peddle were runnerup in the electric club competition the winner or the electric competl lion was from pirlh countv approximately 2v team rrom countiek in ontario took purl lomncllti the murray fall campbellvllu and frank anthony limehoum plac ed forty flrat other team competing from halton included a foretry club team of don fea therm one hurnbv and george hume mil ion who placed ninth out of 12 team competing tin grain club ham ir urvun marshall and murray dawson milton pluml riftixnlh out of twintvocvin elitti compctlnu in ill ol the competition the le mi iudgi and gin misons oil lour liuhsl or lake part in prietleil lesl in addition cueli in the vorlout uiminiiibiw me prime dairy competition was thc larg um member uimeerssl irn em with t7 ieam compelinu questions put lining to farm cut with 17 leum compel ing the eal halton holntun cluh or arthur lawsuit milton and john wilson norval placed twenty fifth the halton jersevguernwv club team or bill alexander norval and jcurey nurse georgetown placed thirtv seventh qui manage mcltt tin prouriun tpunuind bv ihi onlaiiii di pirtmint of agiiiultuic in part ol i in 4h club piogram at the loncliihion ol ihicinli nullum llu contestant wend id a banquet tor the pivsonla lion ol trophic and awards speuker oi llu banquet teas dc the acton 4h club learn of i puiv minister everett m uigg gevyetowtt hosts triclub meet 100 hem acton mitten attend georgetown roturv club la a vtvek puwel hol to the annual trvcleib laello night thai include member ol ihe hular club of acton millon und cosirveiuuii mr rolirs joe cauklii issue a warm inmlitiein h ihe lo in u inmiiinal uotnrs conveiiliuii schetluliil fui tiiionlo a iiowd nl 18 000 is cxpiilcil tu ahoul 100 ntlemlcel llu eeni at i attend ihe intimation il lumen- ihe ruura in nun il and heard lion repu venting so l vm dillii i till eoliilliliv ml cauldei npiut fcilw id ihe eomiiition comniillee id renewal for licence the ontario dcparlmcni of tranetvsrt receniu announceil that il iv changing il dmcr bevner issuing procedure from a manual to a mechanical data proccing svvtrm a significant innovation which will affect all ontario dnvcrs under this nest niethtxl dmers will gel aheir notice for renewal in the mail this will contain un application for a new licence and a relurn emelnrw muling ol these notices will oegm larlv in deccmbei bin it m i like two to two and onohill months to gi t themi all out so don i p inic it vours docs mil atrivi caik in deeimher and ihe lullou ing i vers important be sure the department ol truniport hus vour right acidic s if vou haven i notified the dc nurtment ol an address ch ingt vou won i recctec vour notice lor rincwal and con will h te diriicullv gelling vour 164 licence drivers should advise change ol address within six daw ol the change when vou gel vour notice of renewal lullow these steps care r aulf lltoii hauowiin pnankiters were blamed for fire which completely gelled the former star ritl home us 1 aclon thuriday nifjht of last week wiaproperly is owned by a toronto man nearly three yoarj ao ihe barn w burned down no one wa livmq in tile home which had boon abandoned for some years firefighters hooked up the portable pump lo a nearby stream to keep the flamos from sproadmq fortunately the drought hod ended with a heavy rainstorm that night which kept sparks from iqnitinq the tall grass i annual in oakville gord beatty heads county pcs mill ot ill nt at tut wis ti livis in i ik pkhimoii ol i uoml mil lm llu 1 tlmwisli un i u iss mrs mly dhs after n illneu trf litres monthii mrs grrtrudt kelly died at kei itorm 1t john st at km mhcre ulie hit it with lur iliuuli ttr mrs killutiid muilslull uirlv trlduy otlubtr 2 shi was 92 vuirs ol ay i hujuhm iliyh m os win sunn octuhir 2h at st joseph i chinch hv ttiv v j muryan sit yramkons win p tutu irns lio mccrsl ill phil mil rim ill n loretill kim ltd ii mik i ivid mollam mil xnts kitlv liillfniiiil wis in duhlln iiitu it iv miv killv v is ihhii it si m us d my hi k i ul an i hum nul mit k inu hi i httsh nid ma tm ktjlk i ihsti u i i ti im i pit dm imii hit si m ii t us iyo rfu li ul in i it in this dtsti it t lui till pisl ss s 1 1n wilt in n i k il on j mil n uul nkhi itnl llu ii villi laidilinij in nuiis n in i m shi wit i nit mitt i ol llu all ii sunt in mil llu c ilhulii wonuii s i i iloh slu it iv l hi 1 1 sons lie ii i v ul sk stik willi un 1 oiulnii ptltiik ol osh lit i lui i inyh ins mts piinik vutnslill k illuriiu ailop mis jnms llukwtll 1 hilitlh kililuiui mis i luiillu o i i s i t 1 i k nil ul mis j uius ii nulx ik itiut mil mts i iul mull son anne ill ol dm iph and a imithi r hi in v kitiy ginniti cil illinois also sin vi vi nj tit 1 40 ii mdi hililun uul 28 unit 11 mikluliln n i lulls 1 chiik infoimiiion ruinu addnss birth dak and il thm is an 1 1 tin mi ki nutation in imx piovidid oil tit- apphta tion tonn 2 answu itustiiins on the haik ul the appju ition a siyn itu appluaiion in two plan s wikii in ii kid on ttu lixinl 4 mill in tlu ipplu ition with tin in nu niuitu il on llu itxxu o n lui n i nu hix is pun ul il oi bunu it m u miiii club otlui hind h m with llu in uul nil diin s lunui llu i lob will tlun aluliu tlu stub whul ihiimius oiii lm dim i s ikiiki ii on mot in llu apph i ttiimi to llu ivin t nu ni ol li iii spoil mill ki iuuki wiw b nuiikil to wui but mu must ktip oiii lsol ik tin vuii tl otii ik iv oik ill i ills tlu to st iu w nu nl m on i lueo i wiul appiu nl i im idi ti ixad lni 7001 iimiiiis ixsntul lo handle llu ixptitnl miwd ol ikkyitis mil then wivin carnival twlc round tabli discussions that will hi in id duinl tin uiimn lion will hi schidultd lor thi lout sum ik rn d voik k1114 ldwai1 uul okuk cmtii thi in liinni il that is planmd m m ipli ltd cinkns will ix si in id twin to permit ill to sti it thx uiikmi nplninp ol tin xon intion will ix in m ipli 1 1 if cl ii ill lis mr cuiildu 1 rnl 11 im miiu wi7 mil disiiut goiiinot in w2i 1x1 dkd v iihn nininlions t toronto ind l ik work ol ro- tar inninil ihe woild ik point id out rut ir s powih noiinil ihi win id lo miluik ms 000 nun hid rxtn uhiiiid without a pud organize 1 tik spi ikir w is intiihliiicil b disltut 7lw s oisinit govutioi monitiki mikv lidwith milton ind thankid bv alton pusukni ron lewis rrrldenl welcome gtotgilown piisidint john wold wilimiiud llu hm 1 ulus ind rntarians promt ind milton pixsuknt ciimi rolxrts txpusstd ok thinks tit alton ind milton clubs to gioryctown tor their null in urttaniinu llu nt hni onl 111 polluf i s iul loin woi k iii thi ill it mill old ik ill ot alton w is l lui ni tl tot his mi und in m js 1 u lu pusmknt oi t 2 whin halton j nun i pitiiissie const rativi ssoeialion iu ul us innu il thn nu uul tl uui il tlu puu room ot ik ilk an u 1 i our 200 iituidett to onii ito i he leetlltkikeltd m p p iiore kiir eliil 1 si ite ol ulju ol liens ind heir uiust spe iker gioijii m cilliinlurl assistant pine id miniyn of ihi onl inn willi risouiees com mission spe ik on w iln pollution new officer aiuh 1 1 inu ot burlington w is n tniid oilier pc president john ix pi w ol o ik ilk isstn 1 iiion iii pit suknl mts bi 1 cluk ot giol i town i id lie pie si dmi a j bud nu hols ol milton minim uul willi un ilouril111 ol burlmjjton trx isur ir and 1 lot s in m 11 spiowl ai tun mil rubei t hitchcock oikilk i p 1st plisuknt lis cluk eon dueled the ekition i tin in the ehnini geortiltwn pi s m ide 1 piisthjt ilion to mr cluk who titirnl his iu ildr 14 i us is pre suk nt ol the george low n j isstkiilion uul two i us is eountx president doitii latmur pti si ntid a clekk ind piaised his work m pp kerr livc a hitet hut will ripiirt un im work dur ik pioiisiou til 1 good siipph toi tlu eitims ol 1 uul ihe climin ition ot m ik iiu thi l ilownstie un 1 j 1 ol i ip w 1i1 1 will 1 veil lo un oilier cautci llu piovuui s lloui it ik ii isuiietl to itld witiiwis we build j20 million b iekuislu s i 1 urn hlli ition win 1i1 ol pioicis c it h i u he i pi mts 11 11 11 1 in r 1 1 lulihirs pl lining llu wotk ol llu 1 uul s hiu uidiistius hi biyyn nun illusions ot owrc iuisisul 1 iki ilin j tlu tntiliiil tttimpilil o iliuse two dikiles to the loiill lonunt mini il provincial meet uil hut wlun hli11 nornm itlims weie leeilleil i hi ixuulivi tkclil mis gn d iwkms uul m s jim lultcr both of at ion wl 11 table ittilrxs diuint tlu 1 mum ixiucinl cuneluekd ihe pi t ci iiu spi ik 1 tlwi li m unl tip iki onl 1110 dg il ptohkm w is ol mliicsi to o ik mil butlmuton tisicknts in it ti ml me nut pr usui ihe eo ipi t 1i1011 ot llu cilus sirvim- slull uul b u inu iks in then lihl ij mist polluled wilns aoswiim 1 ipiisiion ttom the iiulu tin lu mill don t n iu s 1 ill uui iu it ihont determents 1 uisittc y 11 tht iktiil1111 pio bk m his bun on r tmpb isjcd ik ukli il the commission uul ik u 1 la nl in inul 11 luri rs ire win king lo tind 1 solution lo the loiminp piobkm ihit deieieiits c ilise it sew iye lie it mint plants in iiinimi he ixplumd mim towns tiki wittr ttom uul dis ih ule w iste mtu the s ime nur id lo n urn liif tli ul ites i iiei 1 etitie mutiny dinting uul 1 mhi il lu lollowcd ll pollock and campboll miinufaeturcrs of high grade memoriajs memorial engraving 62 war si nohh qalt telephone 2i 75m wagi powi r wink llu un ni wnkh w ijtt in c in id 1 m inul n tin my h is nu re isid stun im b kk pi 1 unl bin nisi ol uilliimin tht in lit im iii li lilts ol puiilllsiltli puteit his luiu onh 42 pemnl treat piles the mecca way tlmvt alt piln with tmutptk mcc4 ma ttanudy ms i willi rnrdinli cohuihiii htibl tor shfinkinf n4 luilinf iwelul ptlit sold it iii ditiulitt micea nu iuumi nt i lor intirnkl 1ili no 3 lor ixtiknil pit hlassagaweya club holds october meet rile nucsagoweva ol klrln held tlicir fourth meeting un muntlav octolicr 1 tlu- ineelinu opetini hv icntutliig tlie 4 ii pledge this ieis fiillovceil hv the rull cull eeliieh utic oicl cliuriiclertslit of 1 uihki luilrtmiin ucctsnorv f rlc miillil iiul the minute nl the i tch trite ling i cult miclcmn ictcel tis pusldcnl in the ahcciuc f beltv alllxin if wan pleaidng to have mri coccom rhe home iciinomui ul the meeting stellj orwirinun gave an oral quiz mr mofhil shocvecl huw lo make lorded hlu piping mr cocim illciisscl the recofd books and enlevement dav lunch wai tar ved 10 conclude ihe meeting on ins lirsl vov ige of ells eiivue chrislonller oltimhil wis ticlotnnjikied hv 120 men in ihfcc slnrm jack ridley cartage umhad comchiti tlockj concritl mick cindh kiocks clav mick tanb jtoni iivktock and cmtiliili m tma tikvict and awhim dump trucks for hire fullv inturae cv clan mic wi 11 1 inippv on reiiuinliriiki tin acton rhni is34i730 fall special selfstoring aluminum rio 43 50 installed doltyourself doors 3150 2800 aluminum selfstoring windows mo 19 95 installed 1750 doltyourself 1415 z z awwjosontutluu z 1 pittsburgh plate glass mirrors all s ni to 20 o oft catalogue pr tt glenlea smoke shop acton plaza outoltown call hn col urn 1510540 opan dally lam to 10 p m sunday intlodwj woflr a poppy ronftibrflnce dy inc tlu lleetiiiu i impugn uul intliielllciil llu ciu nt spciker two hhjccllvo llu ow r c e is en luel ill list uicl u tveo 111 lltl ithlee you can relax when youre covered by saiico llllcn ii mi inikai insukanci pouciib proclamation remembrance day in lo pli ititl with tl e c itom ih for many ycdfi it hij ptlvj ii 1 sunday november 101963 obscrv rl 1 t by prcx i atro i i i 1 i re til r it i l t rtt day spt tt i j v r ot sl vl t lb diy r ivftl s p i t nbr i tr fit ttidt i our jcll l a duby mayor remembrance day order of service sunday november 10th 1030 formation of parade for legion and all other organization acton legion auditorium 1045 am service at cenotaph a 1115 am church service trinity united church a haltonvtlle service nov 10345 pm at cenotaph a rockwobd service nov 1011 am at cenotaph a 1115 am st johns anglican church remember to wear a poppy on poppy day friday and saturday november 8 and 9 nobody mtuee claims fester end more fairly safecogeneral milera it tiey for igtnts like us to jfivc ou the finest cosetpe possible tor e ample here is one ol the spec i lie ilentiles sal tco ctnlral offers oci safbcogbnefcal hen hliwwt mjv ikt ptsiktw ni w4mcu 4jmm ym aucki cmm s ffco general off en rruny mort time jivmj n money uvn benefit it oultl he our pleuurt to tlijuii i hem ith you dennys insurance agency dili dnei habcxd 39 track si acton onl wonl sssoim vvlak a ioipy on remfcmlwanct day not i c e to my former patients to windup my business affairs- in 1963 i request all outstanding accounts to be paid by decem ber 1st 1963 after that date same will be placed for collec tion w g c kenney mb a jmjlv s 5 a 8 big days november 8th to 16th 8 big days buy now i save now i aojusjaui mttal ironing board 595 pad and cover set 97c corn broom 97c tabu and 4 cmants bridge set 175 p au hkwc percolator 1395 big value duotherm furniture model space heater gas now riouiai simm only q0fprksyr save on christmas lights outdoor sets 15 lights 595 colored flood lights rtf atcls tmb sadim tact c ftw 495 f wh1 tutpt budget saving bargains i usso uwtmo machini singer 395 wlsttnohouu t 40 100 light bulbs w no 14 galv pails 89c siany a i comcvtion 5ft step udder 395 special savings in toyland dept ibno plat 33 hkw noiuty 99 for this sale only save iu0 plwchasf root hardware rockwood ont

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